Fixing The Internet




Cf. ‘Teabonics’ may be among the finest low-key post titles ever deployed. Another contender, ‘Friedman’s Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose,’ is waiting downstairs for the next time Thomas Friedman publishes something appropriately foolish.


Comments: 151


Self-awareness is the hallmark of sentience. You connect the dots.


Um, spelling aside, if folks don’t understand English, how does Mayor Stranczek expect them to read the sign?

Wyatt Watts III

The missing “P” in “exceptions” was later found under the fingernail of a dead girl wrapped in plastic.


As anyone who ever watched Channel J knows, the missing P is for missing pee.


Chester was that arrogant, and that stupid. He’s since passed down the mayorality to his son, Robert. The lastest problem there is a drinking water supply loaded with enough toxins to keep every chemistry class in Illinois busy for years.


Teabonics 101:

Teabonics: Obama is ramming healthcare reform down our throats!

Translation: I am angry that a black man is president, but at the same time I cannot excise from my fantasies images of his throbbing black genitals. I take out my frustration over my repressed homosexuality on the poor, minorities, and non-repressed homosexuals. At the same time I fantasize about fucking all of the above groups.

See, teabonics is actually an extremely efficient, information-rich language. You can say a lot with very few words!


Vice in the defense of extremism is entirely a liberty.


Press One for Illiterate.


RE: Friedman: you won’t have to wait long. Doesn’t his column run every week?


Stephen– Bingo!

monkey knife fight

Friedman’s Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose

Effing brilliant!

El Cid nails a wrister from the point with this one as well:
Vice in the defense of extremism is entirely a liberty.


“The lastest problem there is a drinking water supply loaded with enough toxins to keep every chemistry class in Illinois busy for years.”

It’s a huge scandal out here. The mayor and village cronies used a well they knew was poisoned for years, while claiming it wasn’t being used at all.

Illiterate, racist attacks against the Other while literally poisoning the well and killing their own constituents: is there a better analogy for the entire right-wing philosophy of the last 60 years? Got healthcare, Crestwood?


Um, spelling aside, if folks don’t understand English, how does Mayor Stranczek expect them to read the sign?

Well, JEEZ LOUISE, everyone understands English!

God wrote the Bible in it, after all!


RE: Friedman: you won’t have to wait long. Doesn’t his column run every week?

Twice per week, to squeeze every last drop of pundity goodness from his skull.


Spelling is theft.


Twice per week, to squeeze every last drop of pundity goodness from his skull.

We’re doomed, aren’t we.


We’re doomed, aren’t we.

It depends how hard we squeeze.


McMegan writes every day, so I guess they crushed the pundity goodness from her skull until it caved in. Seems a reasonable explanation.


McMegan writes every day

[GWB] Punditing’s hard work. [/GWB]


Hmmmm, I wonder if Mayor Stranczek’s ancestors came to this country speaking English? Or were they on the Mayflower?

Release the Kraken!

When the Kraken shows up at the post office with a box of wedding invitations, she always gets the appropriate postage applied, with a smile and a courteous how do you dude.


Der SEK geht mit die AlteFrau uber Muphry’s Law. Grammar, pfffft!


Ich nicht versteh


Damn, I’ve only read half of the Ann Althouse post Tom M just linked, and I already 1) feel dirty and 2) am laughing my ass off.




Christ Based Web Hosting!

It’s my new way to say “wow!”


Christians are against porn?



Anyway, to my commenters: Please understand that there are Mobys here. There are commenters who pretend to mean what they are saying, when what they are trying to do is to make us look bad somehow. Take that into account when you interact with people here.
Posted by Ann Althouse at 2:28 PM

Shorter: Deer Althouse Lovers, please try to hide your racist, hating hearts. A little.


Spelling is theft.

Uncanny Valley here we come!



re SEK, I fucked up the link to Lawyers, Guns and Money but a) y’all knew that; and b) y’all already read that. and that which started the mess.
Very funny, impressive commentary (impressive in the sense that doctors use when they’re, say, telling you how big the tumor is.)


Please understand that there are Mobys here.

I’m particularly slow this morning: what’s the connection between Althouse and (1) a white whale and/or (2) pretentious techno-pop?


What, ANOTHER wingnut-driven little Internet drama?

Cripes. And here I thought they had no free time, what with Galting and teabagging and free enterprising and wetsuit-dildonics and all that.


Orthography is teh Zyklon-BPENIS of liberal facism!

Deer Althouse Lovers, please try to hide your racist, hating hearts. A little.

Ah, neurotica!

The love that dares not burn its name onto your lawn.


I’m particularly slow this morning: what’s the connection between Althouse and (1) a white whale and/or (2) pretentious techno-pop?

Yes, what is this “Moby” she speaks of?


Teabonics is a dialect spoken primarily by members of the Tealiban, who are engaged in a Teahad.



Okay, that trumps my “Pigmanoids” for sheer excellence.

Well played, well played.


what is this “Moby” she speaks of?

It could mean anything.



Friedman isn’t free?


It could mean anything.

I know less, having read that, than I did before.


Those who ask for Friedman and security deserve neither, and will soon lose both?



I am so stealing that.


This article is crap. You can help by completely re-writing it

So many applications, so little time.

polyorchnid octopunch

Wait, wait… oh, I get it… that word’s missing an r.

What, they don’t have sewage systems in that town?


What, they don’t have sewage systems in that town?

Yes, but only for Engrish-speaking residents.


Crestwood — isn’t that where they make the electrolytes for Brawndo?


I have to admit I stole “Tealiban” and “Teahad” from somebody over at Balloon Juice, so feel free to borrow


Teabonics Dictionary

(Actual words taken from Teabonics signs)

Alliens – during a game of Kick the Can, when all the players rush the can at the same time
Amensty – broken blood vessel in the eye caused by a revival meeting
Amnety – a crazy, but very friendly neighbor
Baught – nausea caused by too much draught beer
Boarder – Mexican tenant
Borror – When Joe Bob needs another donut, he asks to “borror” a dollar
Clunkker – a pickup truck plastered with Confederate flag stickers
Competnce – when incompetnce just won’t do
Constution – characterizes a criminal who hardly ever gets sick
Currancy – a dessert made with Jell-O, Cool-Whip and currants
Daugter – a female child born in August
Descent – lowering one’s reason for dissent
Dependance – An aging Tom Cruise reprising his role from “Risky Business”, this time dancing around the living room in his Depends™.
Deviding – combination of “devoid” and “divide” – seceding for no reason
Enoungh – a large-bellied Dr. Seuss character
Excetions – exceptional secretions
Extremey – characterizing Tea Partiers’ point of view
Facism – something easily mistook for actual totalitarianism
Feedom – Dick Armey’s war chest
Gemany – fictitious country located between Hobbiton and Gondor; denizens known as “Gemans”
Hugh – large, adult duck
Impeah – common condition resulting from severe dehydration and lack of portable lavatories in Nevada
Lanaguage – anti-aging cream made from lanolin and guano
Lier – a Tea party activist in ambush mode
Lobbyest – when, during a tennis match, your opponent scores most of his points with lobs
Mavrick – an unconventional Rick roll
Mortage – deed held by a now defunct bank
Offical – flip-flopping politician
Plummer – fruit picker with severely baggy pants
Polititions – a petition to oust an “official”
Rascist – a rascally bigot
Rediculous – when an interior designer suggests painting your bedroom brick red
Redistribtion – painting only the molding red
Repeel – what Mom does to the potatoes after Dad
Sactity – being fired from your job for having small breasts
Scholiast – a philosopher with socialist tendencies
Socilism – closing one’s eyes to the truth
Stimulas – an abundance of stimulating information; see also: pornography
Theif – subject of a logical premise: theif, thenwhat?
Waisting – When your George Washington costume doesn’t fit
Wroking – if the trailer’s doing this, don’t come knocking


Now that, I’m definitely stealing.


Here’s a Whole set (67 images) of Teabonics signs on Flickr.



They’re not “Teabaggers!” They’re “Tea Bag Capable.”


That teabonics lexicon needs to include “oligarhy”. I’m not sure what that definition would be – only Glenn Beck knows for sure.


Here’s a Whole set (67 images) of Teabonics signs on Flickr.

So many photoshopped signs! And yet, so few photographs of the same signs in their original correctly-spelled glory, before the libellous liberals defaced them, to prove the intelligence of the sign-wavers!
It is a mystery.

Release the Kraken!

The Tealiban will REFUDIATE all eleiteist spellings of obviously heartfelt heartland pronunciations. You have ten days before I come back here to you know what to you know who.


Even without the signs’ misspellings, grammatical errors and crude lettering, even without the ridiculous get-ups worn by those waving them, the messages would still betray the abject idiocy of the messengers. Try viewing these signs as if they were professionally (or at least carefully) produced, correctly spelled and waved by people who don’t look like extras from Deliverance. It wouldn’t matter; they would still come off as ignorant boobs. Case in point: Westborough Baptist “Church”. Their signs are quite well designed, legible and eye-catching, and the protesters who carry them are generally well-dressed and even well behaved. Anyone want to hazard a guess how many converts they attract?


Disappointed Digby’s giving “they were Photoshopped!@” accusation any attention at all.

Every teabagger rally has featured misspelled signs.


Yup, one thing to Photoshop a church sign w/ standard, consistent lettering, another entirely to reproduce the sad hand-scrawlings of the functionally illiterate.


At Thunder32’s link: I am filled w/ compassion for that poor little rich girl, but surgery has given her two rather un-matched breasts.

Spengler Dampniche


Sorry, I’m practicing. I got the Rosetta Stone “Heartland” dialect pack. And my word, I’ve learned so amny thnigs it would make even the cleverest amongst you like like MORANS!

Spengler Dampniche

Oh gosh that brangle between Outhouse and Lawyers, Guns, and Big Tits is sure fun. Althouse trying to get all headscratchy and befmurdled over the interweavexatious compleximication of the whole “who done posted that there on mah blarg” issue, when in fact it’s just good old “a-doy now 101 fuckwit LULS!” IP address lookup that’s at issue. Meanwhile her correspondents are champing at the bytes, saying such dreadful things, they must be librials in disquise.

That said, here’s something in a different vein. Don’t click. The mangoes are not savory.


Where can I get a copy of the Encyclopedia Teabonica?

I imagine anything not in there tain’t worth knowing.


Loretta, I love you.


Dampniche, I hate you. Put that picture of Mom back where you found it, right now!


It was supposed to say “excretions”, am I right?


Wun uv teh mohse ahsumist thresd EVAR!

Teabonics, tealiban, teahad and teh leximuhcon are brilliant.

I think teahad is going to get the most play from me.


In the original Flickr thread there are a couple of people crying “Photoshop!” on several images. On one somebody posts a video of the sign, clearly just as in the Flickr photo, and the “Photoshop!” guy has to eat his words. Interestingly enough, I haven’t seen anyone offer links to “original” photos for anything they claim to be ‘shopped.


justme, I saw Al Teada someplace, which I thought was pretty great.

chimpevil late as fucking usual

Christ Based Web Hosting!

Jesus Built My Website


The fact is, laugh it up while you can, liberals. The Next American Revolution is coming from the Heartland, which you eleitists will never understand. We Are Taking Our Country Back from people who think they are smart just because they are the right race or left wing biased, well Here In The Heartland we will restore the Consitution and The Bible as the Law of OUR LAND


Oh shit, it doesn’t matter what happens, some lamebrain reichtie drunk like Althouse or Not Very Breit Bart will deconstruct it with crapulous glee.

There’s a word for that. What was it? Psychotic? Close. Numnuts? Closer still. Douchebaggist? No, that’s the movement, not the tactic. Hmm.

Oh, yes, I remember now: solipsist.

If you understand the rules of logic, and are contrarian enough, ANYthing can be deconstructed. As in: I don’t actually believe that Michelle Malkin exists.

She is actually an evil muppet, manipulated on film in front of green screen in a secret hangar in Arizona. You know, the one that they faked the moon landing in. And I’m offering a 10K reward to anyone who can PROVE to me that she actually exists and that I’m not right about her non-existence.



Well, JEEZ LOUISE, everyone understands English!

You laugh, but I once had a conversation with a conservative activist who honestly believed that everyone speaks English in their head, but other cultures are too lazy to speak and write it properly, .Therefore the PC police decided we all had to accommodate them, because they are racist against white people.


The fact is, the founders spoke English, and Jesus and God did. The documents prove it. Good enough for America, good enough for me.


On one somebody posts a video of the sign, clearly just as in the Flickr photo, and the “Photoshop!” guy has to eat his words.

Obviously then, the holder of the sign was a liberal infiltrator trying to discredit the movement. Root them out!
A spellchecked society is a polite society.


Good enough for America, good enough for me.

Shoulda said “Amrecia.” Still pretty good, though.


I do not believe that Photoshop exists. I am offering a 10K reward to anyone who can prove to me that it exists. Otherwise, clearly every sign on the flickr page is 1000% genuine.

I am offering a 10K reward to anybody who can prove to me that the photos were faked.

And can prove to me that there is such a thing as Photoshop.

That would be 20K. Altogether.

But you can’t do it.

Spengler Dampniche

Teabagger playlist:

•Tea for Two (the Doris Day version, natch)
•Tea for the Tillerman (Cat Stevens before he became a despised Musselman)
•Have a Cuppa Tea (Kinks)
•Pennyroyal Tea (Nirvana, but as performed by the Art Whiteperson Barbershop Quartet)
•Any album by Cocoa Tea, although he is a Negro
•The entire album “White Tea Ford Sings The Blues” by Everlast

And these other favorites:

• Oolong Has This Been Going On (Gershwin)
• Sunday, Brunchy Sunday (U2; key lyric is “Oolong must we sing this song”)
• Formosa My Life (Bee Gees)
• Ceylon (Lionel Richie)
• Duke of Earl Grey (Gene Chandler)
• Oh! Darjeeling (Beatles)
• Assam-ore (Dean Martin)

There are many more songs of this nature, but I have a novel to write and this post cost me about three pages.


but I once had a conversation with a conservative activist who honestly believed that everyone speaks English in their head, but other cultures are too lazy to speak and write it properly

I wonder how he would respond to people in other countries who thought the same about their language… “ICH HABE GESACHT, WIEVIEL UHR IST ES? IDIOT!” Nah, not even Bavarians believe that.


I wonder how he would respond to people in other countries who thought the same about their language…

Mostly they say “I am a jelly doughnut.”


Oh Gary Ruppert, you make me laugh.


THAT IS TEH FACKE GARY! rael garry wouldn,t knoa that joak about the bibel “if God wanted us to speke languiges other than english, how come he wroat the bibel in english?”


If God’s language were English, wouldn’t Americans speaking in tongues sound the same as they always do?

Spengler Dampniche

I know some of you bastards are out there brewing up tea puns involving song names.


The Ontealogical argument: It is possible to conceive of a teabagger so wingnutty that no greater wingnut teabagger can be conceived of. If you assume a priori that this wingnut is necessary, rather than contingent, then it must exist.

The Tealeological argument: Tea Party signs exhibit hilarious errors in spelling, grammar, and thought. These features are too hilarious to be the product of random or accidental processes, and thus must be the product of a, well, let’s call it a mind, why not? And a mind that produces signs like “OBAMA = SOCIALEST MUSLIN” is the definition of a teabagger, therefore, teabaggers exist.


I am offering a 10K reward to anyone who can prove to me that Ontealogical arguments exist.


I have a novel to write and this post cost me about three pages.

Literature is theft.

Spengler Dampniche

The Tealeological argument

That entire post was for the sake of this word.


Fox “News” is the only channel on the Tealevision in Teabagistan. (Capitol: Teabaghdad, natch)


I thought that the Tealeological argument was cogito ergo scum.

Zombie Rene Descarte

Non cogito, ergo —


Definitely scum, nonetheless.


cogito ergo scrotum

Teabagged that for ya.


I am offering a 10K reward to anyone who can prove to me that teabaggers have scrotums.

On second thought, belay that thought. Urgh.

Spengler Dampniche

You owe me ten grand. That’s Breitbart on the upper right.


I’m reminded of how much I miss George W. Bush. Our childrens learn!


No, I owe you 10K:



What does “No excretions Learn it” mean?


So — This whole thread was won by Doctorb on April 4, 2010 at 2:20. Steerpike is a close runner up with the capitol Teabaghdad though.

Consider my cap doffed!

Monkey Child of the Dragon King

What, you missed loretta’s Teabonics Dictionary at April 4 20:41?

Monkey Child of the Dragon King

sigh. wrong day. April 3. I’ll scamper off now.


I can’t help but wonder: If any of these fucksticks manages to get elected as a third party candidate, instead of having a “(D)” or an “( R)” after their name, will they have a “(TP)” instead? I have to admit I kind of look forward to that.


Friedman is just another word for teabags left too loose! Dammit


Friedman is just another word for teabags left too loose! Dammit

That’s because there’s nothing in the sac.

Spengler Dampniche

The riddle of Charles Foster Kane’s dying word is revealed! “Rosebud” was a kind of tea; it was also the name he gave his beloved teabaggon sled!


Did he only use his teabaggon on steep hills?



The shockwaves are still ringing around the world from Monday’s stunning revelation .


I am offering a 10K reward to anyone who can prove to me that Ontealogical arguments exist.

In this thread, Ontealology recapitulates Philology.

And I’m drunk and heading to bed.


I don’t understand why anyone would want to study Phil. He’s overweight and he smells.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Maybe every single teabagger is really a liberal plant/provocateur… wheels within wheels!


Heh. Gawker got a hold of this too, and has a dictionary of their own. I kind of like,

Politicians: Are tools of the Government, ACORN and the Mainstream Media. Many of them are in on the conspiracy to take over America, and subjugate the Real America. Some Mavericks like Eric Cantor, Jim DeMint and John Boehner are fighting this conspiracy with the raw power of idiocy.

Also, do Mormon ‘baggers worship at the Teabernacle?




More Communist anti-free marketeering in the New York Times:

Our position was simple: products having no economic purpose except to achieve questionable accounting, tax or regulatory goals; or that raise serious concerns that customers will use them to issue materially misleading financial statements; or that meet any of the other bullet points in the 2006 statement’s list, should, at a minimum, be labeled presumptively prohibited

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Whoa, El Cid, sounds more like The Workers’ Vanguard.


Excrement in defence of Liberty with peas and rice.


written at 11:23 at night from an I-80 rest stop in Iowa — was:

‘written’ at 11.23 from a rest stop…. come on….is this code for something else?


The rest-stop pigeons fly at night. Pumpkin, pumpkin.

Spengler Dampniche

Sometimes when we touch, the honest tea’s too much…


written at 11:23 at night from an I-80 rest stop in Iowa — was:

Larrry Craig, is that you?


Extearemesm in defense of vice grants no libertea.


cogitea ergo scrotum



The tea of libertea must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of pateaots and tearants. It is it’s natearal manure.


Happy Teaster, hope your holiday travel isn’t oolong and the Sun pekoes from behind the clouds!


Some Mavericks like Eric Cantor, Jim DeMint and John Boehner are fighting this conspiracy with the raw power of idiocy.





Larrry Craig, is that you?

back from the tearoom!


Does this make Sarah Palin a T-girl?


Does this make Sarah Palin a T-girl?

I think she’s just their Tea and Aye for the bus trip.


Lyta has a happy easter bunny post up over at our joint. It’s all about the wabbits.


That’s a very fine Althouse post that Tom M linked to above. Using Teabonics, apparently, affects your brain as much as, oh, boxes of red wine and bipartisanship.


No excretions? No expectations? No expiations?




The Obama administration has filed a brief with the fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Fisher v. University of Texas, a case involving the use of racial preferences in the admission of undergraduate students at UT Austin. The brief was filed in opposition to plaintiffs in the case, two white students who claim that they were denied admission to the university on the basis of “holistic” evaluation that included a weighing of racial factors. The university, for its part, does not deny that race is employed as a factor in admission: It has publicly embraced a policy whereby one-fourth of each entering class is admitted on the basis of factors that include racial background.

Regardless of the appeals court ruling, it seems all but certain that this case will be appealed to the Supreme Court. It will be up to the Court whether it wishes to revisit its 2003 ruling for Grutter v. Bollinger, in which it ruled 5-4 that race could be utilized as a factor in admission of students to the University of Michigan law school. In that case, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who was viewed as casting the deciding vote, noted that a “tailored use” of racial criteria did not violate the equal protection clause if that use served a “compelling interest.” As Justice O’Connor admitted at the time, racial preferences may have to remain in place for the next 25 years before American society achieves the degree of racial equality that this “compelling interest” demands.

A “compelling interest” can, of course, be whatever a particular court or administration believes it to be. What is involved in the Fisher case, therefore, is nothing less than the most crucial question of individual rights as guaranteed by the Constitution. On one side are those who believe, as the Fourteenth Amendment makes abundantly clear, that all citizens are entitled to “equal protection of the laws” without regard to race, gender, religion, or national origin. On the other side are those who believe that those very factors are of such overriding importance that efforts to shape equality of outcome must transcend the equal protection clause itself.

What is involved, in other words, is an issue that the Founders of this country and subsequent generations of Americans had very much in mind as they composed the Constitution and its 27 amendments. The Founders in particular were thinking of something very similar to what Edmund Burke referred to as “the real rights of men” as opposed to the “false claims of right” advanced by the social revolutionaries in France. Those real rights centered on the “advantages” of civil society, including the prosecution of justice without regard for race, religion, or national origin. Opposed to real rights is what Burke called the fraudulent right to pursue personal justice or equality by any means necessary. Burke was thinking specifically of the effort underway in France to oblige class equality by means of force and violence, but he was farsighted enough, as were our Founders, to understand that there would arise challenges to real rights based upon other claims.

In our time, the preeminent example of false rights is the assertion of the equality of outcomes. In the absence of race-based admissions, 3% of students entering the University of Texas at Austin were African-Americans. While no specific linkage to individual acts of discrimination was asserted, university officials apparently decided that this outcome was unacceptable. Thus, following the decision in Grutter v. Bollinger, race was once again considered as a factor in admissions, and the number of African-American students admitted to the university doubled. In similar fashion, the number of Hispanic students increased by 65%. The effect of race-based admissions on white students, however, was to deny them admission in favor of students who were less prepared academically.

Diversity programs like those at the University of Texas, it should be stressed, are not an attempt to address specific cases of discrimination. The so-called benefits of diversity on campus are not linked to specific acts of discrimination against the students whom they benefit. They are attempts to legislate equality of outcomes. Proponents maintain that racial diversity in and of itself is an essential part of higher education, perhaps more important than scholarship, character formation, or general social development. Yet it is not just racial diversity in general that is viewed as necessary. Increased contact with Asian-Americans, Jewish Americans, or European Americans of differing backgrounds is not enough. What is meant by an “essential element” in higher education is greater contact with black and Hispanic Americans.

One of the most troubling implications of racial preference programs is the suggestion that blacks and Hispanics are incapable of competing with whites on a level playing field. Most rational persons know this to be absurd, but this is what is suggested by the liberal rationale for racial preference. It would seem that liberals have little faith in the intellectual abilities of the racial minorities whom they pretend to advance. Certainly the brief filed jointly by the administration’s Justice and Education Departments suggests this racially charged view with its statement that “an individual’s membership in any group may provide deeper understanding of the person’s record and experiences.” The individual, in other words, is to be “understood” as part of a racial group, not as someone who can transcend the influence of race.

This view of human beings seems to be the very opposite of that hopeful vision of a “post-racial” presidency upon which Obama campaigned. We have not heard much from the president about the post-racial presidency of late, perhaps because he is too busy filing briefs in favor of racial preferences in education and inserting language into the health care bill that provides preferential contracting to entities “with a record of training individuals from minority communities.” By all appearances, it seems that Obama wishes to institutionalize racial preference as a permanent feature of American life.

Regardless of which way the appeals court votes, it will probably be up to the Supreme Court to decide the merits of Fisher v. University of Texas. Since Sandra Day O’Connor has been replaced by conservative Justice Samuel Alito, one can speculate that the court, if it decides to take up the case, might reach a different opinion of the role of race in college admissions. Justice O’Connor, after all, seemed rather cavalier in the manner in which she condemned the next generation of white and Asian Americans to second-class citizenship. One can only hope that Fisher v. University of Texas will reach the court before too many months have passed, and that the court will take this opportunity to reassert the constitutional rights of all Americans.



But I’m left with the haunting fear that somewhere, someone who is not 100% white might be getting special advantages that have never in the history of this country been extended to 100% white people.


Note that this script hides comments that are too long; click on them if you want to read them. Set the length yourself if you can read the code.


That said, here’s something in a different vein. Don’t click. The mangoes are not savory.

Not cool. Not even a little.

…got anymore links?


Liberty in extreme vice is no defence!


Liberty in extreme vice is no defence!

Maybe not, but it does pass the time on a lonely Sunday evening…


Liberty in extreme vice is no defence!

Unless you build defence high enough so deneighbors can’t peek in, in which case you can be extremely libertine in your vice.


The Obama administration has filed a brief with the fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Fisher v. University of Texas, a case involving the use of racial preferences in the admission of undergraduate students at UT Austin.

See, Troofie? Even the White House changes their underwear! Now be a good little boy and go put on the Thursday pair that for some reason never came out of the packaging.

Aaron Sorkin puts it characteristically well;

[T]he idea of American exceptionalism doesn’t extend to Americans being exceptional. If you excelled academically and are able to casually use 690 SAT words then you might as well have the press shoot video of you giving the finger to the Statue of Liberty while the Dixie Chicks sing the University of the Taliban fight song. The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it.


Ah, I knew it. Obama IS the Antichrist.

Before, I had doubted it, but that incredibly long-winded and stultifying info-dump has convinced me of the error of my ways.

Soon I not speaking the Englitch so good, because factses confuze me. I not am sure even words which order sentence am being sense making to.

Now I must toddle to my tea potty.


Those real rights centered on the “advantages” of civil society, including the prosecution of justice without regard for race, religion, or national origin.

Troofie obviously missed that, in the course of his bedwetting rant, this passage negates his entire conclusion.


[T]he idea of American exceptionalism doesn’t extend to Americans being exceptional.

As an exceptional American, I take exception to the American exceptionalism as espoused by the unaccepting exceptionalists.

Isn’t it sad that a nation founded on the precept that “All men are created equal” would develop a national sense of pride that is grounded largely in its superiority?


Isn’t it sad that a nation founded on the precept that “All men are created equal” would develop a national sense of pride that is grounded largely in its superiority?

Which is why our Creator endowed all men, but, while some are very well endowed, others are not quite so well-endowed.

Endowed like a hamster, that is.

Just sayin’


Which is why our Creator endowed all men, but, while some are very well endowed, others are not quite so well-endowed.

I praise God nightly. So does she.


Isn’t it sad that a nation founded on the precept that “All men are created equal” would develop a national sense of pride that is grounded largely in its superiority?

Ironically, I’d argue it makes it less American.

The whole point of American exceptionalism is that it’s our values that set us apart from the rest of the world. The fact is, though, most of these people aren’t proud of America for any other reason than because they were born there, however much they might pretend otherwise – which makes them pretty much exactly like your average nationalist in Russia, China, Venezuela or wherever.


[T]he idea of American exceptionalism doesn’t extend to Americans being exceptional. If you excelled academically and are able to casually use 690 SAT words then you might as well have the press shoot video of you giving the finger to the Statue of Liberty while the Dixie Chicks sing the University of the Taliban fight song. The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it.

I have never heard a better analysis of teahadi doctrine than this.


Mayor Stranczek might want to look into fixing his goddam Polack name while he’s at it. No real American can pronounce or spell that shit.


The whole point of American exceptionalism is that it’s our values that set us apart from the rest of the world. The fact is, though, most of these people aren’t proud of America for any other reason than because they were born there, however much they might pretend otherwise – which makes them pretty much exactly like your average nationalist in Russia, China, Venezuela or wherever.

have you forgotin that they flied plaens into are bildings?


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