Stumbling into old friends

So I after finishing general maintenance due diligence related, program activities* I start the rest of my morning routine involving coffee and catching up on my reading, the scope of which has narrowed to a focus on the Libertine Avatar of American Exceptionalism™,our new President.

At this point the author, who has never really embraced the concept or AE™, would suggest that the result of the current selection proves that America was never exceptional, that any greatness was stole, accidental, or unwarranted in the first place. So after a cup of joe was made, it was time to catch up on the backlog and front-log of reading; of the what did I miss, and what terrors are awaiting their turn through the pipeline that will require immediate preparation for and attention to.

So I am catching up on some reading here and there and I come across a link to a piece at Bill Moyers dot com which catches my attention and my interest and after finishing it I figure that I might be of interest to some of the gang here, and given that the material is kind of in my wheelhouse, it might be worth a riff. But after finishing the bit I figure that the comments might be worth a glance. And as I am reading along, I recognize one of our own in the comments who has a perfectly relevant and understandable query?

We have all experienced this particular head-spinning WTF?-ROFL_Copter, many times, and it appears to always elicit this response in me, I may have taken to referring to it as a logic bomb, but that only gets at the edges of the thing I am afraid…But on to our friend…And my reply…

K • 3 hours ago
“Why is it that every conservative I meet thinks they personally invented the concept of work? You would think nobody ever put in a day’s work before they came along.”
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K • 8 minutes ago
hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Moyers & Company.(of course it is…)

“Indeed, sir, I don’t think I have ever seen a liberal working, in the wild, that is. It occurs to me that one way to render this problem obsolete, would be to tag them, or make them wear shirts, or some other signifying token, so that those of us Hard working Americans, might catch a glimpse of them in the wild, but I fear, that the conservatives, hard working salt of the earth they be, may be right. Because in the absence of evidence all that remains is what feels…Right.

I’ll catch up with you back at the barn, and thanks for the inspiration.
Good to see you!”

More to follow, after second breakfast…

In general there might be a few of these distraction related, more to be followed activities, forgot what I was gonna get on about when the opportunity presents, and given the almost minutely additions of fuel to the conflagration, Holy Mother of Christ this is distracting, but as they say, If you have an abundance of time, make Haterade™.

So now on to discussing the wheels falling off of the ship of state in the next post, after reading Cerberus’ latest.


Daddy Drank: Tax + Mexico = Donald

White House Press Secretary and Roger Goodell’s evil twin, Sean Spicer, unleashed the crazy today:

President Donald Trump has decided he will seek to pay for the wall on the US’s southern border by imposing a 20% tax on imports from Mexico … the White House said Thursday.

Because taxing imports from Mexico clearly means Mexico is paying for it. Certainly not the companies doing the importing (like, say, Vandelay Industries):

“It clearly provides the funding and does so in a way that the American taxpayer is wholly respected,” Spicer said Thursday.

We’re not prone to quoting the Heritage Foundation quoting the Wall Street Journal on this blog, but what the hell:

“This is a China tire, it costs me $69 today,” says the owner of Cybert Tire & Car Care in New York City. “Before it cost $39.” A big part of that increase: The fat tariff the U.S. has placed on Chinese tires. “It all gets passed to the customer.”

The entire premise of the import tax/tariffs is so asinine, the only way to defend it is to run away:

Spicer dodged reporters’ questions about the impact of the border tax on American consumers, instead stressing the tax’s benefits for American workers.

I don’t know who will end up paying for “The Wall” but I know who is going to pay for the presidency of Youppi’s estranged uncle: everybody.

* Inspired by this.


Blue is the New Black

Is it me, or was that Kellyanne Conway looking unhappy standing in the background during Trump’s ABC interview? And was she wearing Melania’s inauguration day dress with shortened sleeves?


Who’s Pissing Me off too!!!

Provider is a bit chuffed now…One could say that he has been dealing remarkably well with recovery from death zone exploration related program activities and has been busting his ass in the hope of hitting the spring time in fit and trim. Now of course, dealing with That….then recovery….getting through the party in the hope of returning to a semblance of normal, being the goal etc.,ad infinitum … Things moving in positive direction health-wise, and the giving up smoking and drinking gets a big old fat finger, but well, I am dealing and can live with that in the rear view for the time being, however today, I retrieved my most important possession from storage,my bicycle,and near as I can tell the only thing it needs is air in the tires. Otherwise everything seems fit and trim, just like I remember it: I was after all a professional mechanic.

I was also once a successful bicycle racer, Winning a state championship, competing at nationals and being invited to try out for the National team. In fact I have never had a drivers license having never owned a car, but having always at least one properly fit bicycle running. It could easily be argued that if I not been so enamored of bicycles and used them so thoroughly for my adult transportation needs that I may not be around to pen this lament….Fuck. Did I mention that the old sled (a white mid 80’s Holdsworth Professional British Road bike; Reynolds 531 butted tubing, and fitted with a variety of high end kit, and hand-built wheels (yours truly).

Basically a fucking Rocket-sled that fits. If I were to design and build a custom frame for myself It would not vary in any particular detail from this particular frame, so I was very happy to dig it out of storage. Now of course there must be a shoe about to drop, because why the fuck not…

So I inform my sister of my happiness only to be told that because I am on blood thinners (of course) that riding will not be an option…because, you know, I might wreck. Yes, this is a possibility, but something that I rarely did when I was riding 1200 plus miles a month when I was racing, and something occurring with much less frequently when I was no longer racing. Anyway, this will have to be sorted out…

apologies for the lamentation, but after a rest, well get back to getting under a thin skinned, cheap suited monster’s skin, or add to the din…


Who’s pissing me off now?

According to RedState’s streiff, it’s former President Obama (because of course):

On Friday Morning, Obama Gave The Nation His Final ***** You

Presumably, it used to read “Fuck You” although there are five stars above so maybe it read “Thank You.” I certainly have little interest in finding out. But I’m still leaning towards Fuck [hehe] given the footnote to the post:

Editor’s Note: I changed the original title of this post due to language. Thank you. – Caleb

In any case — what seems to be the problem?

Officials say the Obama administration in its waning hours defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority that GOP members of Congress had been blocking. [Emphasis added]

As the AP story makes clear, the funding was approved by Congress in 2015 and 2016, but “at least” 2 GOP lawmakers:

had placed holds on it over moves the Palestinian Authority had taken to seek membership in international organizations. Congressional holds are generally respected by the executive branch but are not legally binding after funds have been allocated.

So the “Fuck You” to the nation was spending money authorized by Congress but blocked by 2 or more unhappy lawmakers. That’s because clearly nothing says “Thank You” to the nation more than lawmakers using “norms” to block funding they don’t like after it’s been approved by Congress. If only Obama had shown more bipartisanship by never doing anything opposed by Republicans, we wouldn’t be in this fucking mess!


Civil War: how does it work, or why does it continue to?

Good Morning friends, Romans, and Countrymen. It is the third morning on which I awake to discover that a prepubescent handed, Vulgarian Lout, has been micturating about the peoples house. Or be-scenting, if you prefer, in order to claim the place as his own. You know that the penis (tiny as it *must* be) has been exposed to the rarefied oval office air and once tumescent in its resplendence, (or is that resplendent in its tumescence) has been rubbed upon the things that others will touch, so that he will have them, be able to claim ownership in the only way a tremendously insecure billionaire who got pants-ed by a woman in a presidential election can. And I realize that I am not quite ready to….carry the Kubler Ross, ….embrace acceptance and I’m thinking that my berth on that boat might be taken.

And it is extraordinarily difficult to watch more than a minute or two of the news on the TV which seems to be working overtime to normalize this petty sham. Such that I had, as is my wont, started thinking about the history of my relatively short lifetime with regard to Presidents.

I just managed to miss Kennedy, the cellular interaction that would form the ovum that would become me was a few months away, so I was born during the Johnson Administration, who was followed by Nixon, Ford*, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, BushII* affectionately known as Dubya, Obama, and now, *RYFKM,* aka Trump, aka “areyoufuckingkiddingme?”.

So forgive me if I momentarily find it difficult to take pride in my american citizenship right now, Also forgive my leaving out a gag, that I might have for us when I find out about ‘gimp’ on chromebooks or on osX, or might flesh out for another piece, if I find enough material.

So during my life we have had Southern Democrat, California Republican, Northern Republican*(impeachment related legacy-hire)Southern Democrat, California Republican, Texas Republican, Southern Democrat, Legacy hire Texas Republican, Illinois Democrat, and now a polity unto itself GlobalCompuHyperMegaBux™(maybe) wrapped in Republican clothing. Now if you follow my somewhat biased “math” which involves the understanding that a southern Democrat is a Democrat in name only because Lincoln was a Republican, and therefore through properties of civil war related destruction of wealth and person related freedom acquisitive realities. Which means in short, that for more generations than should be necessary the South had to be Democratic because Lincoln was a Republican and took away some of their property, and the sons, daughters, Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren and on and on, have never really gotten over that Loss, and that we in the north, particularly persons of African descent have been paying dearly for that.

Shorter Gasbag: We have had Conservative governance, for my entire life. Now it could be argued that Obama represents a break from that tradition, and that is one I’d be willing to discuss, but one thing occurred to me that cringed me up right quick. Lincoln was also from Illinois…




Donald Trump is the new Bill Brasky (Alternative Facts Edition)

The weekend isn’t over and I’m thinking 2 things. First, it’s not gonna be enough that I returned to blogging as a hobby — I’m gonna need to quit my fucking day job. Second, holy crap, alternative facts? [Where are you, Interrobang?] All that’s missing at this point is a Bill Brasky-type skit where Trump fans staffers can recite their very own set of alternative facts about The Donald.


Last Man Standing

Reading about Piers Morgan’s latest tweet reminded me of an old classic: The 2003 essay “The Pussification Of The Western Male” by Kim du Toit (such memories!):

I want our literature to become more male, less female. Men shouldn’t buy “self-help” books unless the subject matter is car maintenance, golf swing improvement or how to disassemble a f***ing Browning BAR. We don’t improve ourselves, we improve our stuff.

Of course, that in turn reminded me of another “classic” — The Dickification of the Western Female:

I want our literature to become more female, less male. Women shouldn’t buy “self-help” books unless the subject matter is baking, sexual techniques that give men pleasure, or how to remove a jammed toast in a fcuking Black & Decker toaster.

Good times.


Quote of the Day

I couldn’t ignore this gem, from a CNN article written by Carol Swain and titled “How Donald Trump can be America’s change agent”:

There is a pressing need to recognize and acknowledge the rights of white people.

I did not see that coming. But then again, Carol’s grasp on reality is pretty weak:

Mr. Trump has already begun to made great strides with African-Americans. He is a truth speaker. Anyone who has watched him speak in town hall meetings and inner-city black churches (as I have) can see that he connects with people in those communities. He has empathy for the mothers who lose their children to crime and drugs and understands the need for better jobs and opportunities.

Apparently it’s a one-way connection.

According to this poll, Trump’s approval rating (somewhat/strongly) was 9% last week among Blacks — we’re still some distance from “great strides.”

Carol knows you save the punchline for the end:

Finally, President Trump needs the support of all Americans. We need to give him a fair opportunity to succeed or fail, like we gave Barack Obama. [Emphasis added]



Our Indulgence of Propriety Is Over (InaugurationDayEndTimesEdition!)

This morning, I awoke, several time actually, in a cold sweat happy to realize that whatever had been mare-ing my night, was gone for now and that it might take a bit of time to slip back into sleep, until a couple of hours ago, I just gave up on the process entirely and thought I’d book some thoughts while President Obama was still at the helm. This guy right here…

It took me awhile to find this one, because I wanted something real, capturing the dude in a natural smile, the kind you are happy to see when you make eye contact with a cherished friend.

The reason it took so long was because there were an abundance of images from which to choose, and I wanted a good one that was not going to require any manipulation.

This next image took a considerable amount of time to acquire for an entirely different reason, which was originally the reason for this post: It occurred to me that I could not remember the Donald having been caught off guard actually, genuinely smiling. Like a warm happy smile, not the sneering contempt associated with the “I got to give the people something now-it’s good for business” smile, or the one often accompanied by a glint in the eye suggestive of one who just dropped one of his children’s puppy’s down the garbage chute, or having one of his handlers hand a homeless person a wad of monopoly money, but a for real, live, happy to be in this particular here, at this particular time, with this particular company, smile. A laughing with someone, rather than at someone, or something, genuine, heartfelt smile. And this one was the closest that I could find, and is not bad, pretty much hits all the criteria, but the time it took to find was alarming…Now the ambiguously targeted search phrase “Smiling Donald Trump” may have been the wrong tree up which to bark, I am happy with what I did find.

Now this one caught my eye, because it is always something when you catch a real man/patriot-
American in the wild. And displaying such taste, er, style. Not to mention a message, one of serious import, which you can presume has wide appeal and be certain is not given nearly enough coverage in the Liberal Media™.

The man has point. Sort of, a point, if “Honky” can actually be considered a Racial Slur, or “Whitey”
Or Clownface Von Fuckstick™ can be so deemed, so grasping at comparative straws and finding them lacking the requisite buoyancy we catch a glimpse of this guy, whom it would appear supports a polity long since perished from the earth, or maybe proudly displays the symbols of that long lost place in the hope of running into some fellow travelers in the hope of striking up a new flame and re-assembling the old band for one last show. 
nazi much?
I’m guessing this guy thinks white people have been getting the shaft for too long, eh, bub?  Well it would appear that your time is near, and thank god, not a moment too soon. Also this right here is not only some nice work, if you are into the tattoo thing, but resolute in his desire to make a point; proudly, leaving no ambiguity with respect to his views on race relations, or whether or not there is a hierarchy regarding  them. Bottom line, this guy did not get to keep niggers as property or take a ‘bed-warmer’ whenever he pleased, or get up into a good old pogrom. There is no doubt in my mind that this guy masturbates* angrily to kitten-porn!  
*I’m wondering if “Rage-baiting” might be a thing in the DSM-5  sexual disorders column “furious masterbation with the blood of your victim as lube” 

Happy Fucking Inauguration Day America…