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The Beast is Red, Chapter 1: An American God

Houston’s airport – Bush International. I’m flying out of Bush and into Reagan, moving eastward in space and backwards in time: soon I will face the Beast, but before I do, I’m killing time and brain cells in an airport named after his father, after which I will fly into one named after the Patron […]


Best Vacation Ever

Or, My Life in the Ghosts of Bush: a (tentative) schedule of my activities for next week’s big Wingnut Jamberoo: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th 11:30 AM: Book signing — Whitewash: What the Media Won’t Tell You About Hillary Clinton But Conservatives Will by Walter Peck impersonator Brent Bozell 12:00 PM: Book signing — Caucus of Corruption: […]


This is where I should written a title for this post

Ben Shapiro has figured out what Mittens Romney needs to do in order to win the Republican nomination: He needs to muss his hair, don a flannel shirt and a pair of jeans, grab a photographer and go dig a hole somewhere. We suggest digging a hole to the 21st century. Ben graduated from UCLA […]


An Unnecessary Steyn On Silence And Nothingness

You know, we’re all having such a good time making fun of Jonah Goldberg’s last-minute term paper that it’s easy to forget that the greater world of right-wing inanity keeps on turning. For example, even as we all sit here chatting so amiably about Il Pantloadini’s belief that a desire to include something in one’s […]


A Real Creep of a Creeping Man

[Bwahaha! Yes, it’s another Sadly, Sports! post. Today the Mitchell Report was released; I’m reading it right now.] Sherlock Holmes vs. Barry Bonds: Well, thanks to you, Mr. Holmes, it is very clear that we have traced the evil to its source.” “The real source,” said Holmes, “lies, of course, in that [petulant, megalomaniacal desire […]


CPAC Of Lies

I promised you people a big announcement on Monday. Now, of course, it’s not Monday anymore, and this isn’t so much a big announcement as a begging letter disguised as a big announcement, but are we ones to split hairs? I think not. I think very much not. Now, I wish to tread carefully here, […]


Two-Minute Townhall

Shorter Mary Katharine Ham: It was nice to see someone ask Hillary Clinton some tough questions regarding her Presidential records. Shorter Amanda Carpenter: Americans dread another eight years of Hillary Clinton as president. Shorter Michael Medved: Principles and democratic ideals have no place in politics, where winning is everything. Shorter Allison Kasic: Lady science professors??? […]



Above: Ben Shapiro ‘LOLcons’ concept created by Jon Swift and named by Marita. (Online LOLcat builder here.)


A Very Special Pantload

This week on What’s Your Problem?, a.k.a. ‘The Boringest 10 Minutes On Teh Intertubes’, we learn once again that watching the video file download is infinitely more entertaining then witnessing the Jonah and Peter Show itself. In Thursday’s episode, Doughbob and the Gap-Toothed One hold forth on the state of political comedy, which is sort […]


Two-Minute Townhall

And in the 70s there were Osmonds, lots of little Osmonds. Lots and lots of Osmonds everywhere. Shorter Michelle Malkin: Colleges should teach students to defend their beliefs. As in, physically. Shorter Ben Shapiro: The fact that Jackie Robinson suffered institutional racism in silence while the Rutgers women’s basketball team seemed to revel in the […]