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Puerile Pseudo-Pundit Pisses, Poops Pants

ABOVE: Ben Shapiro models activewear America’s Worst Former Law Firm Associate™, formerly known as America’s Worst Law Student™ and otherwise known as Ben Shapiro, has lots of time on his hands now, so he has very graciously taken the time to give us the word on why Barack Obama was elected: The Great Election of […]


Two-Minute Townhall

Shorter Ben Shapiro: MTV manufactures its own market of porn-loving sluts. Shorter Cal Thomas: Of course bipartisanship is date rape, so instead of us ‘reaching across the aisle’ to them, I think they owe us a reach-around. Shorter Austin Bay: Turns out it’s actually better that we didn’t kill or capture Osama bin Laden. Shorter […]


Oh, The Things You Learn On I-5!

ABOVE: Cheap piece of shit (right) and Ben’s car (left) Have you been wondering where Ben Shapiro has been? In a traffic jam on I-5, that’s where. And being the industrious wingnut that he is (and perhaps because he now has lots of time on his hands*), Ben isn’t going to let the opportunity of […]


So Funny I Forgot To Laugh!

Say, gang! Know what would really tickle folks’ funnybones? If we took that hoity-toity Barack Hussein Obama fella’s political slogans and mixed ’em up a bit so’s they don’t make him look so high-and-mighty! Why, that’d be a downright firecracker of a … what’s that? You say that young cut-up Ben Shapiro’s already beat us […]


Entartete “Kunst”

Theees eeesn’t Gainsborough’sBlue Boy, ees Preeence Beeno,Ruler of Goodwin and Proctor! I have been remiss. Three days have gone by without my commenting on a Ben Shapiro column titled “No Bodily Fluids in the Public Square,” which reveals, of course, the great liberal conspiracy to take God out of the public square and put bodily […]


Nina May: “I Won The Sandbox”

In regard to the win-a-date-with-Ben-Shapiro contest (below)…well, it appears there are multiple winners, but there’s definitely enough Ben Shapiro to go around! Above: Spent a lot of time at the gym whilst at Harvard Law Redlegphi is one of several who identified the award won by Nina May’s ‘award-winning’ film, Black People Will Believe Anything: […]


Two-Minute Townhall

I’m scared to go out at night, it’s not safe on the streets. And it’s hard to disagree in today’s society, you can’t trust anyone you meet. Shorter Thomas Sowell: Whither Obama: Too black? Too strong? Or is he, as some critics have persuasively argued, neither? Shorter Dick Morris and Eileen McGann: Obama should tell […]


Baking Carrot Biscuits*

Y’all know that I don’t often use the Sadly wire for personal stuff (barring the annual Christmas in the City charity post), but I’m looking for some work doing Photoshop and/or writing and editing, either in the Boston area or via Teh Internet, full- or part-time. Long story short, I’m getting married in June, and […]


The Beast is Red, Chapter 7 (Interlude): Holding A Shard of Mirror Up To Nature’s Throat

Above: No whey! I have learned so much at CPAC already, I feel as if I am a new person. Like my namesake in Full Metal Jacket, I am born again hard. I know now that there is no excuse, ever, for not cutting taxes. I know that the easiest way to depress a Republican […]


The Beast is Red, Chapter 6: She Don’t Like, She Don’t Like, She Don’t Like… McCain

The John McCain speech viewed from a TV monitor near Blogger’s Row. I fought like hell to get in here: no soldier in a war ever suffered more to gain less. (Hey, if conservatives can compare no-smoking laws to the Holocaust, then I own this.) His introduction (by an Oklahoma congressman whose name I didn’t […]