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No Double Entendre Please, We’re Republicans!

Shorter America’s Worst Self-Employed Lawyer™,; Obama Campaign to Girls: Have Sex with Vote for O Letting women talk about sex = misogyny. Outlawing abortion = true feminism. Amidst the wingnut fauxtrage over Lena Dunham’s Obama ad (“OMFG, it has a double entendre comparing voting to sex. And, worse, double entendre is French!! And gay!!!”), […]


They Can’t All Be the Unfinished Symphony

And in breaking news, Andrew Breitbart is still dead. America’s Worst Unemployed Lawyer, the Supposed Non-Virgin Ben Shapiro, Big Everything: The Vetting: Obama Embraces Racialist* Prof Some people on their deathbed leave works of enigmatic quality and stunning revelation that make us ache to know what could have been if they hadn’t been struck dead […]


America’s Worst Bear Cub™

ABOVE: Thomas Gainsborough, The Blue Ben (oil on canvas, cir. 1770) Can there possibly be anything more rife with comic possibility than a Big Hollywood post by America’s Worst Unemployed Lawyer and Film Critic™ Ben Shapiro in which Ben, of all people, laments the disappearance of the manly men’s man from American culture. It’s rather […]


I Got Nothin’ . . .

. . . for you but this quote from Steve Chowder at Breitblart’s Little Peckerwoods: Also, if it came down to Dennis Prager and Sean Penn in a fist fight, I’d bet the house on Prager. And Ben Shapiro would so whip Brad Pitt’s butt.


America’s Worst Law Student™, Class of 2010*

ABOVE: Facebook shot of Anthony Dick (left); Screengrab of Tab Hunter from Damn Yankees (1958)(right). Shorter Anthony “What a” Dick, America’s Shittiest Website™ Re: Litmus Test for Enlistment What the Army needs is more white supremacists and fewer Negroes. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all […]


No Thanks For The Mammaries

Thomas Gainsborough, Blue Ben (c. 1770) (oil on canvas) Shorter Ben Shapiro, J.D., Esquire, The Patriot Post Meghan McCain’s Big Bust Tits. Eeeeeeeeew. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Mike Barone, He Has A Way, With B-O-L-O-G-N-A

Michael Barone, syndicated column1: Strangers to Dissent, Liberals Try to Stifle It Since nobody ever disagrees with them, liberals try to stifle dissent by refusing to pipe down and do what we say — defying, for instance, a clear demand that all media assist in exposing a dissident with communist and 9/11-truther sympathies. ‘Shorter’ concept […]


Two-Minute Townhall

Shorter Michelle Malkin: Government-backed union thugs with their tactically violent hate criming respond only to a show of force. Shorter Tony Blankley: I have begun to grow, urp, concerned about the president’s exit plan from Afghanistan, or his, oof, lack thereof. Shorter Austin Bay: Surfing the Internet is like riding the wave of the future! […]


Destiny Is A Fickle Bitch

ABOVE: Vincent This has not been a good Sunday so far. While looking for fodder to entertain you SadlyNauts I made a shocking — no, abominably horrifying — discovery. Only now, after several shots of scotch, am I sufficiently composed to reveal that soul-shattering discovery. I agree with Ben Shapiro. And with the Jonah the […]



Things aren’t going so well for America’s Worst Lawyer who is on a downward spiral that led from Harvard Law School to about 8.2 seconds as an associate at a large L.A. law firm to solo practice as Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting with no clients and no website. That perhaps explains why Ben is trying […]