TH3Y R trieiNg 2 MakE US TocK ForriN J1BBeR jaBBer
Posted on July 25th, 2008 by D. Aristophanes
K-LO and PaTrick RUFFin1 has hAv h4d it eZackly right. BaRr4k HoozEin OBAMA aRe trieying to Make us TOCK FORR1N J1BBER J4BB3R! Andd IT iS wUrs th4n U thank!
YeS FOKES, aRE MUNNY Hasv foRin Jiber j4BBuR on It’s to:
EnD th4t iS noTtt All:
wHen 0 wen 0 WHEN w1ll teh LI3BRuLs STOP at NExt in thay’re QWIx0$Tic QWuesT 2 MAke US aLL SLAYVES 2 tEh JibbER JAvvBER e3ELete?
I $aY: END/ t3h MADDNEs! I WaNt& 2 GeT Off!!1
I was afraid this would happen.
All these years of reading rightie blogs and now DA’s done gone fluent in winger.
Quick, apply some Chomsky! Stat!
¡Basta! Merde!
Is McSame visiting a Frogge Shoppe in Froggy Village today?
Oh noes, Obama wants to make our children learn a skill that can increase their earning potential!!!
Look, I thought learning a foreign language was already mandatory if you wanted to get out of high school.
Man, I knew they would tie granny knots in their pants about stupid shit and but the stupidity of the shit and the size of the knots never ceases to amaze.
And thus a new theoretical math was born: The Study and Quantification of Infinite Stupid
As has been noted, it appears to have detrimental effects on the casual observer too. Thankfully DA’s post is not nearly incoherent enough to prove unrecoverability. All that’s needed is a couple weeks rest and something to raise the IQ back up. Watching the Wiggles or Dora the Explorer (MULTI-LINGUIST!!!!) should do it.
I propose all children’s books except M. Mayer’s a boy, a dog, and a frog series be banned from American soil. No words, no chance foreign words can slip in. Our children deserve it; our nation needs it.
Deep Thoughts….by Katherine Lopez
The fact is, McCain puts COUNTRY FIRST. Obama does not, he is half foreigner and is campaigning in other countries. This is stupid of him: they do not get to vote for him, and the Heartland will resent this, and they should. It’s disgraceful. Its as bad as taking foreign money in campaigns, and insulting to the heartlanders who now have even more reasons to know what a phoney he is. McCain has my vote and I hope he picks Cheney as his VP.
I have a kid about to enter high school in a couple weeks. If he wants into college,even a crappy little no name place,he needs at least a couple of credits in a foreign language of some kind. He also has to have at least one credit to graduate.
And we live in GA,which consistantly ranks in the mid-high 40’s in rating the 50 states’ school systems. I had to have two years of a language to graduate 30 yrs ago. This isn’t freaking new and they fucking know it.
This is the same fucking shit they’re trying to pull by making civic participation look fascist. It’s somehow unAmerican to vote,be active in your community,volunteer to help others,etc,etc.
I really hate these assholes.
I have asked you people again and again not to use so many words. It is un-American.
Hey, hey, hey.. I saw that documentary National Treasure 2. That dude who built the statue of Liberty wanted to help Queen Victoria defeat the Union by guiding John Wilkes Booth to an Olmec city of gold buried under Mount Rushmore. So nice try DA…
When K-Lo learns to speak (or at least write) English, then I will take her comments on learning a second language seriously.
You mean the same John McCain that spent the fourth of July in Cartagena, Colombia?
The fact is, I hope McCain picks Cheney as his VP.
Quick, apply some Chomsky!
Are we talking early transformational generative Chomsky, or government and binding? Or – shudder – are you suggesting breaking out some minimalism on him?
Kinda OT.
Not just wingers. Consider Michael Scherer. Washington correspondant for TIME is still pushing the liberal media bias story – as in biased against JiSM3. This Michael Scherer.
His claims:
1. Coverage – Obama gets more than McCain. Nevermind that the McCain campaign has basically been on vacation since early spring. Nevermind that on the day after Obama spoke before two hundred thousand people, we know what McCain had for lunch. His stat is for “since June”. WHat has Johnny boy done since June, other than whine and complain? Yes Michael, McCain’s “Biography Tour” is not as big a story as Obama in Iraq.
2. The race is close!!! If only we could hook up a generator to Michael Scherer, his spin could generate power enough for millions of homes. How close is the race? McCain hasn’t been tied with Obama in a major poll for over two months. But despite this lead, despite the fact that most forecasters are just arguing about how big a blow-out it’s going to be, here’s what you say about it:
Well, sure. Thanks to all you JiSM3 addicts with your scary black elitist islamoatheist terrorist sympathizer nonsense. But by that standard (i.e. understating support for a candidate by at least 6%) McCain’s clearly been rejected by America.
Which goes back to the whole coverage thing – something Scherer’s commenters nailed right away. Hey Scherer, why don’t you do the same media time coverage analysis for the week the Rev. Wright video came out? The sum total of attacks directed at McCain for things other than his or his campaigns own mistakes is “Johnny is old”. Well, Johnny is old, but Barack is not muslim, nor a Hamas supporter, nor a Weatherman, nor a Black Panther. I’m stopping there, because if I have to dig up BS about how “Obama is elitist but Sindey the third isn’t” again, my head’s gonna explode.
In the same fucking week that CBS doctored a video to cover for McCain’s ignorance about the surge.
Look, I thought learning a foreign language was already mandatory if you wanted to get out of high school.
Most schools expect you to learn how to count to ten and pick a new name for yourself in either Spanish or French. Too much more than that is looked upon with suspicion. Even the teachers are generally not fluent in a second language.
Cosmopolitanism is cowardice. Strength through jingoism. Country first.
The media want a horserace. They want it to be close. It’s more exciting that way. They’ll start chopping down Obama any day now if he seems to be leaving McCain in a cloud of dust.
Scherer is clearly auditioning for Supreme High Fluffer in the McCain admin. His posts are routinely awful, biased and insulting. He makes Nedra Pickler look subtle.
Gary Ruppert said,
The fact is, I hope McCain picks Cheney as his VP.
FINALLY! Something we can all agree with you on, Gare-bear!!!
More OT
Special plans for the next two posts?
Country first.
I’m a-pickin’!
Penny wise, pound foolish. You may think reveling in your own ignorance is totes awesome; it’s certainly made you and Jonah a mint. But your vapid anti-intellectual-anything makes your soul hollow and your mind rot. The wingnut welfare will keep coming in, sure, but is that what you want to be remembered for after departing this mortal coil?
Your choice.
Most schools expect you to learn how to count to ten and pick a new name for yourself in either Spanish or French.
Uno dos tres quattro! Hattie told Matty …
Ah, that’s all I got.
I’m a-pickin’!
An’ I’m a-grinnin’!
In the same fucking week that CBS doctored a video to cover for McCain’s ignorance about the surge.
Why? Why would they do that?
In my upper East Tennessee public school system we took French, mandatory, every year, from SECOND GRADE through junior high (what you youngsters now know as “middle school”). In high school you could take French, Spanish, or German, but again at least one year was required. My BA at the state university required two years foreign language. Now the language requirement has been dropped altogether for undergrad majors in Liberal Arts (excuse me: “Arts and Sciences”). Dumber and Dumberest R Us.
Maintenant: Vous partisans de stupidité américaine ! Obtenez outre de ma pelouse!
Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims
Yeah, the foreign language requirements at my highschool were pretty sorry… but all the same, those of us who were big enough geeks to WANT to learn spanish or german got a pretty good start on it. (there was also french, but the french teacher was just an embarassment, a walking argument for why it should be much much easier to fire teachers.) I still have painful memories of some redneck raising his hand in the back of the class and saying in the most labored way with a thick drawl: “Yo… quiaro… ear… owl… bayno”
The fact is, America has to be “sold” on Obama, snake oil. They already know and trust McCain, an American Hero. Those who are suckered in by Obama are weak, stupid or perfidious traiters.
You mean the same John McCain that spent the fourth of July in Cartagena, Colombia leading a elite squad of deadly commandos through the jungle in a high stakes bid to secure the release of Russell Crowe and other hostages taken by Fidel and Che?
I’m sure that’s Charlie Black’s answer
Obama are weak, stupid or perfidious traiters
Or? Pikers.
weak, stupid or perfidious
traiters‘taters.Perfidious ‘taters.
Done fixed that there for ya’ Gar.
“Yo… quiaro… ear… owl… bayno”
Somewhat OT:
Obama was supposed to visit some wounded troops in Germany today. The Pentagon said that this would be considered as “electioneering” or trying to pick up votes. Obama’s campaign said, “Okay, we agree. We’ll cancel the visit.” McCain has already criticized this decision.
Commence rightwing screed that “Obama not visiting those wounded troops means he hates them” in 3, 2, 1…
wHen 0 wen 0 WHEN w1ll teh LI3BRuLs STOP at NExt in thay’re QWIx0$Tic QWuesT 2 MAke US aLL SLAYVES 2 tEh JibbER JAvvBER e3ELete?
We’ve gone from “liberal elites” to “liberal 1337s”, I see.
About goddam time!
I was kayaking with a friend a few weeks ago when we encountered a large multigenerational El Salvadorian family stranded in a raft, everyone screaming and paddling in a different direction.
Both of us speak broken Spanish, he from high school, I from gay bars in Colombia and Mexico. As we pulled up beside them he started shouting and waving with enthusiasm. I’m sure that he meant to say venga (come on) one of HIS fifty-odd words, but instead he said “Verga! Verga” one of MY fifty-odd words which means – well, I guess the important thing is that nobody drowned.
I think a few of those Salvadorians were already thinking “a la verga” before you got there.
And one of them said, under her breath, “Tan grande no es, mi amor. Préstame el remo.”
I think every time someone mentions the press’s “Obama bias,” they should be forced to watch that McCain BBQ video ten times in a row.
It was at my high school (back in the pleistocene era) and it is at my daughter’s middle school (in fact, she took two years of French and is taking Spanish next year), but then we live in the evil lie-brul Bay Area.
I love the McCain campaign’s “Country first” banner. They can’t say “America first” because that would evoke directly the America First Committee, and they can’t say “Homeland first” because that would convey too obviously the message. So instead they have to go with the watered-down, uninspired, and vague term of country.
Poor K-Lo
The ONLY man who’d ever love her piggy snout died 2000 or so year ago…
“Country First”?
Christ, even his taste in music sux.
A disquisition on the many uses of “verga” in Maracaibo.
Try as I might, I can’t see the malfunction in the debbie schluessel robot.
When I heard McCain visited The Sausage Haus yesterday, I was surprised, b/c I really thought he didn’t like gay men. Color me flummoxed.
Well, that straw man sure has gotten the stuffing beat out of him. I read through these comments to see if anything the least bit funny or interesting was posted- sadly,no!
Obama’s call for Americans to accept unbridled Latino immigration and just learn Spanish already wasn’t lost on the vast majority of the population. You liberals keep picking on this because you know it’s a weakness for you.
The one bright spot for me is seeing just how much your echo chamber is reinforcing your opinion of the world, and how much greater your shock will be when Obama is defeated. If only we could get Michelle Obama to speak up some more… sigh….
The fact is, the diamond that was stolen held the code that melted water into letters spelling where it had been taken to. In fact, I had a vision of the numbers corresponding with the letters T-H-E-D-I-A-M-O-N-D. They’re suspended like a prism splitting floodlight to poles of primary colours clawing the veil of the vacuum. There’s a picture of this given to authorities, the sentence,”I’m an architect and here’s my prison” written on it. With schematics so meticulous the measurements of superimpositions of a room within the window make a dream that ends up being such an entity in your reflection, you are the dream to it, you are the prism. The mirrors in the corner throwing images against the other mirrors made counting corners impossible the breaking news had counted one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven corners of the mirrored corners. Why have you done what you have done something is so sinister when staring at the diamond something you have done sinister why have you done this am I in the mirror am I what you have been staring at am I a diamond? Just like a reflection of a friend of mine, I am a reflection of an enemy, am I a reflection of an enemy, just like a reflection of a friend of mine?
Obama’s call for Americans to accept unbridled Latino immigration and just learn Spanish already wasn’t lost on the vast majority of the population.
Cite, please.
Yay! Da Troof!
Cite something. You know, something beyond your wack-a-doodle interpretation.
How dare he encourage us to acquire a useful skill.
You’re still gonna be here election night, right?
Dude, still with this? Biggest. Campaign. Non-starter. EVAR
OneMadClown- Heh.
Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama See, someone’s talking about Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama See, someone’s talking about Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama See, someone’s talking about Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama See, someone’s talking about Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama See, someone’s talking about Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama See, someone’s talking about Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama See, someone’s talking about Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama See, someone’s talking about Michelle Obama!Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama See, someone’s talking about Michelle Obama!
D.N. – I learned it by watching you.
Penny wise, pound foolish.
More like 350 pounds foolish.
None of this would even be a problem if we had gone with Esperanto, as originally proposed.
Oh sure, Clown, let’s pretend you don’t know.
Here it is again, liberals:
Instead of worrying about whether immigrants can learn English, you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish
He hedges in the next sentence, acting like it’s about being able to speak French in France, but the context is clear. He sets up his talk by saying, don’t worry about immigrants learning English, they will, but you and your children should learn Spanish.
Gee, inspector, what do you think he is referring to? The tens of millions of Spanish-speaking illegals in this country? No, bleat liberals, he means you should be able to speak Norwegian when you visit Oslo.
This is what is meant when people say liberals are pathetic and that they have no intellectual integrity or courage.
Go ahead and keep spinning this, liberals, every post shows how worried you are about it. And you should be!
Buskertype: Hayell, boy, you should have seen the Franche teachers I had in elementary school! They were all at least six feet tall, about 300 pounds and had moustaches! And they warn’t no men teachers back in them days neither! (har har)
Plus they all wore support hose and big thick oxfords and carried electric paddles! Well, that’s how I remember it anyway.
every post shows how worried you are about it
What, me worry?
Exactly what I said before. Again. Repeated. ‘K?
What part of “I agree immigrants should learn English” don’t you understand, you idiot man child?
Bald statement.
Bald statement.
Other opinion.
Same opinion, different misspelled words.
Bald statement.
Bald statement.
Bald statement.
Any questions?
Why are Republicans so wacky with the brown-people hate? Do they really think that’s a winning issue?
I keep hearing Repubs howling about how I should hate all Hispanics. They never really explain why I should hate my neighbors…
“This is what is meant when people say liberals are pathetic and that they have no intellectual integrity or courage.”
Wrong. What is meant is “wail! they keep using big words I don’t understand and know what logic _really_ is and are elitist because they actually value quaint things like talent, ability, and intelligence. Make them stop!”
What is truly pathetic is that someone like you has access to a complex piece of technology like a computer.
“They never really explain why I should hate my neighbors…”
Well … _because_ they are brown. Isn’t it obvious?
My favorite use of the term country has to be when Carla Thomas says, “Otis, you’re country.” Somehow, I don’t think that’s what the McCain marketing team has in mind.
Instead of worrying about whether immigrants can learn English, you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish
Personal responsibility? OH HEAVENS!!!
Republican Kennedy:
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what other people should be doing for your country!”
He’s certainly got us there. If you listen carefully, you can hear the Obamacultist in the background sinisterly chanting La Raza! La Raza! La Raza!
Either that or they’re just laughing at The Truth and his stained underpants.
I read through these comments to see if anything the least bit funny or interesting was posted- sadly,no!
Truly, turning S,N!’s name against it by saying something like “Is this site funny? Sadly, no!” is the most brilliantly witty, savagely cutting, hilariously astute, never-been-done-before, Oscar Wilde-esque put-down in the history of put-downs EVAR. Kudos to you!
“The Truth? More like The Liar!”
HAHAHAHAHA! I am a satirical genius too.
I got six Cadillacs, five Lincolns, four Fords, six Mercuries, three T-Birds, Mustang, ooooooohhh…I’m a lover!
Um, doesn’t Dubya speak Spanish? Didn’t he make some parts of his stump speeches in Spanish? Wasn’t that considered a ‘plus’ by his supporters during his first campaign?
Excuse me, maybe if I bash my forehead with a ball peen hammer a few times this will make more sense…
Why are Republicans so wacky with the brown-people hate? Do they really think that’s a winning issue?
And until the last decade or so, they were right – it’s just that the bright light of day has made the racist horseshit that once dominated local politics, especially in the South, wither and die. (That and the evangelicals inadvertently poisoned the well by distancing themselves from conventional racist right-wing politics – they were Republicans and the racists were Democrats, and now things have changed – sort of.)
I keep hearing Repubs howling about how I should hate all Hispanics. They never really explain why I should hate my neighbors…
Jesus? What a jewy homo. Now Friedrich Nietzsche, there’s a Republican savior; if only we could all be like him there’d be none of this whining about big corporations stealing your children’s school money and we’d all be able to accept it like men, shrieking about our self-evident superhumanity while sliding into an abyss of syphilitic insanity.
The tens of millions of Spanish-speaking illegals in this country?
Remember, kids: being Mexican is against the law!!!!1
I read through these comments to see if anything the least bit funny or interesting was posted- sadly,no!
Truly, turning S,N!’s name against it by saying something like “Is this site funny? Sadly, no!” is the most brilliantly witty, savagely cutting, hilariously astute, never-been-done-before, Oscar Wilde-esque put-down in the history of put-downs EVAR. Kudos to you!
Maybe you could get him to help me find a witty way to insult Lowtax. I’ve been wracking my brain for years!
Joe Max,
Truthy’s point isn’t that speaking La Raza is bad, he’s saying that Obama is the Reconquista candidate (and a secret Muslim) who will force everyone to learn Spanish so that we can acoja con satisfacción a nuestros Latino sobre señores.
If you listen carefully, you can hear the Obamacultist in the background sinisterly chanting La Raza! La Raza! La Raza!
Did you know that “La Raza” is Spanish for “The Race”? That’s proof, PROOF! dammit, that Hispanics are the REAL racists, trying to replace all of our rich racial diversity with their own strange mix of skin tones! Most of them aren’t even black or white, they are some weird in-between tone, as though Europeans and Africans and Americans had intermarried for centuries, creating a broad spectrum of features. How are white people supposed to defend themselves against racism if there are so many different kinds of non-white people?
“Truly, turning S,N!’s name against it by saying something like “Is this site funny? Sadly, no!” is the most brilliantly witty, savagely cutting, hilariously astute, never-been-done-before, Oscar Wilde-esque put-down in the history of put-downs EVAR. Kudos to you!”
I concur. With awesome power like this on their side, we truly are finished. Might as well just give up now.
And his statement about how we’re all going to feel when Obama is defeated is … well, brrrrrrr. I’m throwing in the towel now. I mean, I haven’t quaked like that since Karl Rove said he’d seen the numbers before the 2006 election and … oh, wait.
Um, doesn’t Dubya speak Spanish? Didn’t he make some parts of his stump speeches in Spanish?
No. Jeb speaks Spanish. When George attempts Spanish it’s… well, it’s about the same as when he speaks English.
No. Jeb speaks Spanish. When George attempts Spanish it’s… well, it’s about the same as when he speaks English.
Can you elaborate? I don’t speak enough Spanish to find a bathroom, so I wouldn’t know.
The Truth: Future pelican cumdumpster, God willing.
OK, these malfunctioning robot things are about as funny as cancer or a Jeff Goldstein post. As Les has helpfully pointed out, the malfunctioning robot basically acts exactly like the perfectly functioning real wingnut, so where’s the goddam joke? Maybe it’s just somebody “exploring the space” and not meant to be funny or make sense, but fuck, man, consider these depths fully plumbed. Move on to the post-humorous possibilities of the blink tag or something.
Ah, English – the drunken slut of languages. Even advocating “English Only” is a meta-joke by now, it’s got so many damn loan-words from other tongues. Unless you just want to use Anglo-Saxon, in which case noone will understand a thing you say: it’s even deader than Latin, other than the obvious ones, like good old “FUCK” … IMHO, it’s not that there isn’t enough porno, it’s that it’s poorly distributed – if we can just get more of it into the sweaty hands of these yabbos, they’ll be too busy enjoying their own company (since damn few of the REST of us do) to have the time, energy or inclination to yank everyone else’s chains.
Speaking of which –
Like the absence of courage necessary to be too much of a xenphobic gleet-stain to acknowledge that Spanish is actually one of America’s two official languages? Or intellectually dishonest like the mental midgetry of trying to spin a positive (becoming multilingual) into a negative? Or pathetic like trying to quote-mine a candidate’s wife – & failing like a motherfucker – because everyone already knows you’ve got sweet fuck-all to smear her husband with – & deep down in your heart of hearts you know that next to his opponent, your guy is a total zero, yet another silver-spoon incompetent like the last one – a craven power-whore who never met a scruple he couldn’t toss aside for cheap brownie-points, despised even by some of those who “support” him?
Yes, McTruth, you are most definitely invited to come back here on election night – & I for one want to see you say “Yum yum, this plate of crow pie tastes Obamalicious!”
Christ on a bike The Truth is an asshole, ain’t it? Hey Teh Truthiness, why don’t you go sell the ‘logic’ of your message to Jan Jansen from Wisconsin or to Lucas Lodz in Greenpoint, NYC? The Truth is the American people are tired of your hateful, racist crap. They order Edameme in Enid, Panang in Peoria and Salsa Verde in Sausalito. Preach it loud, Truthiness…”THE GOP HATES YOU, immigrants and children of immigrants! Come here fully fluent or GET THE FUCK OUT! NO ONE LEARNS NUTHIN’ BUT ENGLISH!!!one!eleven!!”. It’s such a large constituency, the Nativist, the Racist and the Ignorant. Go for it.
It’s such a large constituency, the Nativist, the Racist and the Ignorant. Go for it.
Yeah, and never forget to remind them that decent food is reserved for their betters, that the tax breaks that now make them face a Depression-sized economic crisis without any hope of government redress were ultimately for their own good, and their children don’t deserve to go to a good school if they’re not a fully paid-up member of the local RNC head’s church.
I can just hear the McCain inaugural address now. I think he’s going to open by calling John Q. Public’s mother a whore.
Too funny – you liberals sure get touchy when I call you on your bullshit. You have only yourselves to blame for your embarrassment at hammering on this strawman – DA is presumably too ashamed to comment at this point.
So having been corrected on one strawman, you liberals predictably turn on another, that somehow the conservative opposition to illegal immigration has to do with race rather than the fact that it is, you know, illegal. The internal contradiction within that, as pointed out by Joe Max’s observation that Bush made stump speeches in Spanish, somehow led Joe Max to consider that a problem in the conservative argument. At this point I have to feel sorry for you liberals – you just aren’t that bright, are you?
Upthread, Gary Ruppert’s dog said that liberals value talent, intelligencem and ability. I’d love to segue into a Michelle Obama comment from that but it would be too far off topic. When one of you dares to write about her I’ll revisit the subject. I find it absolutely delightful – I love that woman!
OK, one off topic comment: you liberals have got to stop linking to these ridiculous fake websites. I mean, they are jokes, right? How many neck bearded thirty year olds with extensive comic book collections can there be?
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What fucking strawman?
Additionally you’re all a bunch of big fat dumb poopy butt stupid face cootie grody sillybuns. Heh, liberals.
you liberals sure get touchy when I call you on your bullshit.
well, maybe, if you ever succeeded in doing so. But it hasn’t happened yet, Troofy One.
…somehow the conservative opposition to illegal immigration has to do with race rather than the fact that it is, you know, illegal.
Ahh yes, the rule of law. I remember when conservatives used to pretend to care about that, back when they were pimping their blowjob investigation.
After seven years of sucking Dick Cheney’s cock, you’re not going to get any traction with that one. Sucker.
Well at least he thinks we’re funny again! Truth might have a point, pointing out how wrong he is seems too much like trying to explain why fluoridation isn’t sapping our essences.
For 12 years the GOP controlled the House and Senate. For 8 of those they also held the Presidency. They could’ve passed extremely harsh fines and jail time laws for businesses that hired illegals. They did not. They never do. I wonder why? Same reason they never do anything real about abortion. When people get wise to your divisiveness, they vote Democratic. NONE of the numbers are in your favor for the future. Suck. On. That. Truthy.
The Truth is that the Big Business GOP has to be in a coalition with the Nativist and the Racist. You have to get the votes of those ignorati because there aren’t enough Globalist millionaires to ensure continued GOP Power. Which are you, Truthy? Your GOP pals in DC actually want illegals here to keep wages down, profits up, and citizens fearful, with nary a complaint from you. Your racist pals in the Heartland want someone to blame for their failure to compete. A match made in heaven.
We’ll talk about Michelle when you criticize Cindy for her Theft. Perjury. Drug use. College Racism. Elitism (“you jest cain’t get ’round ‘zona ‘cept in a Private Plane…”). Etc. All you have is spin about Michelle. Head to head with the Cheerleader who popped out of her momma into a 12 story pile of cash, yeah, The Heartland really identifies with her over Michelle. Please keep pushing that, Truthy. Push Rev Wright, too. When did anyone last hear about him and care?
“The fact is, I hope McCain picks Cheney as his VP.”
That’d be awesome!
Maybe Cheney will pick Cheney as VP.
The malfunctioning twooth bot is missing “Where’s teh funny?” and “You liberals (TM).”
I sure wish Michelle Obama would talk more. Because then you libs will lose.
Yupper. That Michelle HUSSEIN Obama is a radical America-hatin’ terrorist. Yup. Hatin’ on her will have legs just like that Rev. Wright thing and that bit about saying Americans should be forced to learn a foreign language.
Oh! And Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a secret Muslim/radical Christian separatist/East Coast latte-licking limousine-liberal elitist/radical America hater who wants to force Americans to learn Spanish.
And he’s just like Hitler!
Now I’m not saying he’s just like Hitler.
I love seeing all you youngsters flailing about as you struggle to cope with the awesome power of my superior rhetoric!
Now get offa my lawn.
I miss Bruce.
I love Bigby.
Im in ur languige killing ur woordz
I love Bigby too. I was going to throw Troof’s “not racist” remark back at him (with a side order of Lou Dobbs) but Bigby did it first and better. Thanx, Big!
So having been corrected on one strawman, you liberals predictably turn on another, that somehow the conservative opposition to illegal immigration has to do with race rather than the fact that it is, you know, illegal.
The next time you say this – especially when you stammer out that ’40 million’ statistic – you might want to make at least a casual effort to distinguish legal immigration from illegal immigration. 40 million is the legal figure – nativists like to conflate it with the figure for illegal immigration.
Or, I don’t know, maybe next time you could save us the effort and just refute your own arguments directly.
You titanic fuckwit.
So it is now nativist to oppose illegal immigration?
I love this thread.
S,N!: Ha, wingnuts oppose learning new languages, as Master Obama wisely suggested. Cacaphony of liberals piling on.
Me: No, Obama was referring to learning Spanish, as a response to massive unchecked Latino immigration.
S,N!: No way! That’s wrong! Show me a cite.
Me: OK, here. You can see Obama’s speech directly.
S,N!: Dropping the argument that Obama meant learning Norwegian to visit Oslo Wah! This proves conservatives are racist!
Me: How is it racist to oppose illegal immigration?
S,N!: Various contradictory postsNativist! Obama meant you should learn French before visiting Paris! McCain doesn’t take a stand against illegal immigration either! Wah wah wah!
Me: Boy, it sure is fun and easy to call you liberals out.
“massive unchecked latino immigration”
Here’s the problem. you act as if that is a bad thing. I’m pro-immigrant and I vote. fuck off.
Immigrants are the eternal scape-goat of fascists all over the world. luckily here in the USA we are proud of our immigrant background, and we have never let the screeching right wing bully us into rounding up the huddled masses and treat them like criminals. (with notable exceptions)
We liberals intend to keep it that way.
Poor Buskertype. Do you really think you can pretend we are talking about legal immigration here? I am starting to feel sorry for you liberals. I demolished the whole argument behind this thread – its time to give up and move on to something else, but if you want to keep embarrassing yourselves, go right ahead.
“I am starting to feel sorry for you liberals.”
You should. We are obliged by law to share space with sh*t like you.
I pretend no such thing. It is evil to pretend that poor working people are this country’s problem regardless of what their immigration/citizenship status is.
Bow down before the awesome power I claim for my rhetoric!
I really miss Bruce.