Bereisen Sie Deutschland und bleiben Sie hier

The wankers have been out in force (yes, we’re looking at you, Chuckles!), so we figure there’s no better time to see what the person who broke the story in the first place, and has the added advantage of living in Berlin, has to say:

“What Obama does not seem to understand is that the Brandenburg Gate is something you earn,” writes Krauthammer. Wrong. […] Krauthammer is just making this shit up. There are no rules like this in Berlin. He’s just inventing stuff to correspond with two big presidential speeches in Berlin that he and his readers remember with some measure of awe. But Bill Clinton spoke in front of the Brandenburg Gate in 1994 without any of these supposed qualifications. No one remembers that speech. So why isn’t it possible that Obama just wants to be a new Clinton (not such a vaulting ambition)? Krauthammer doesn’t bring this up because it does him no good rhetorically.

Bring out the whip:

Just to be clear about the Victory Column: It is not a Nazi monument. Obama has not flunked history — or offended Germans — by choosing to speak there. The original source of this story is, again, my own employer, so I know when bloggers inflate the details out of all proportion. Some minor German politicians have grumbled about the Siegessäule’s history, for political reasons, but their comments aren’t very important.

There’s plenty more of the good stuff over at Radio Free Mike, and you are strongly encouraged to read the thing in its entirety.


Comments: 190


I am a donut!


Have we heard anything from McCain himself about Obama’s trip to Prussia?


East or West Prussia?

McCain is on the record for wanting to court Silesia out of the Teutonic Alliance.


The Prussian military machine must be stopped before it crushes all we hold dear.


And just to put things in perspective:

JFK, “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech: 425,000 wild, cheering people in the audience.
RWR “Tear down this wall” speech: 20,000 hand-picked Reagan supporters in the audienc.

So, Chuckraut, who didn’t “earn” the Brandenburg Gate.

Oh, and JFK did not claim to be a jelly donut, that is a complete myth.


Time for the Wingnut chorus:

When Obama says, “We ist der master race”
We HEIL! HEIL! Right in Obama’s face
Not to love Obama is a great disgrace
So we HEIL! HEIL! Right in Obama’s face


Oh, and JFK did not claim to be a jelly donut, that is a complete myth.



If you look at Chuckles’ original column on, you will notice the e-mail address at the end. It’s “letters@”
Anyone else noticed anything fishy about that address? I’ll bet he doesn’t get many “letters” When people try to send mail to an address with a space in it.


Holy crap, a link to SC&A of “middle schoolers giving, and getting, blowjobs” fame. I had totally forgotten about it.


No part of Berlin is not contaminated by the Nazi past.

Fuckin’ duh. This is exactly what I thought when I first heard about this nonsense.

I suppose Obama could’ve chosen Dresden or Hamburg for his speech, but then the mouth-breathers would simply complain that he’s blaming America or something.


I like that Radio Free Mike.

I would like him more if he didn’t put all of his stuff up in ALLCAPS.


Rather than comment on Sen. Obama’s trip to Prussia, I suspect Sen. McCain will register his displeasure by sending a letter to the Prussian consulate in Siam. Hopefully he isn’t too late for the 4:30 autogyro.


Dragon-King Wangchuck

If you aren’t going to read the whole thing, at the very least read this FOURTH. Love Parade Raver!!11ein!!


Ich bin ein Pekinger!


I did a Google earlier today with my emailing machine and learned that Hitler had something or other to do with Germany. This proves that Obama loves HItler.


Brandenburg Gate is something you earn

It’s kind of like when Jim Craig’s father died, and the mountain men wouldn’t let him live in the Snowy River country anymore. He had to go down to the lowlands and earn his right to live up there, like his father before him!!! *sniff*

Grand Moff Texan

Wow, it’s a hole layer of stupid I didn’t know was there.


Icn bin ein LuftWaffle.


Man from Snowy River references? That’s the third time this month I’ve noticed an American mention that film. What gives?


The irony of such bullshit being spewed by someone named KRAUThammer is pretty tasty – but not quite as tasty as it being reinforced by the same GOP who merrily played footsy with the fervently pro-Nazi White Russians in the World Anti-Communist League (a group whose cheerleading for the 3rd Reich was no secret) to help put Reagan in the White House … & remained strangely silent when Ronnie was heartily eulogizing dead Waffen-SS at the Bitburg cemetary, & expressing sincere shock that anyone took offense.

If I was them, I’d just stay the hell away from the whole Nazi topic … a lot of us now have access to REAL historical archives, & the story they tell is ugly indeed – the Republican’s actions as regards the Axis prior to & early on in WW2 weren’t exactly a glowing moment in their party’s history, either.

IMHO the biggest public-speaking gaffe Obama has made yet is his praise for a disgusting pro-death-squad extremist like Reagan, as late as 2007-8.

Some bloggers flunk history on purpose when that history isn’t to their liking.


My friends, I am currently trying to contact the current Ambassador to the Sudetenland, to inquire as to their opinion on this choice of venue.
Curiously, I am unable to reach him via Marconi waves, and am dispatching a boy on a pony to inquire.


My friends, I am unable to find a boy on a pony.
I fear they have been laid low by trench foot.


Perhaps because it is the GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME and in these troubled times we Americans need to cling to things of Greatness, such as a burly Tom Burlinson, in order to get through the day.

Just a thought.


The man from Snowy River is a household word today.


Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu, Cardinal-Duc de Richelieu will soon to all this put an infinite variation . This variation which will forsooth bring earthly treasure to the wise and far seeing Richelieu . His masters here on Earth and in Heaven betray no surprise at the crafty Cardinals machinations .
Only one vow of poverty per milionaire
Greedy vowsters
Surprised customers to the left please
Bored customers to the Right
Pay no attention to confusions from the surprise


My friends, I bring sad tidings.
Word has reached me that the ambassador to Sudetenland has died, and that that fine and verdant land is no more. Clearly this is the result of my opponent’s actions, which have given succor and encouragement to the doughty Kaiser.

We must put this unfortunate news behind us, however. While my crystal set appears to be non-functional, my aide-de-camp Milton informs me that he has received much news on his “Hewlett Packard” – it appears to be a personal telegram service, and very useful too. If elected, I will insure that one is installed in every town in each of our 46 states!

Five of Diamonds

Everyone knows the Brandenburg Gate is the entryway to Narnia.


Not just one Kirk Douglas, but two! Two Kirk Douglases do the Antipodes! And dude rides straight down a cliff! Straight down! He’s not a lad, he’s man!

And my sister thought he was totally hot, watched the movie a bunch of times, knew all the lines, had a big Man from Snowy River poster in her room. Next to her Kenny Rogers, The Gambler poster.


This thread is a sham because nobody has yet given Rufus props for invoking Der Fuehrer’s Face.


O/T per usual:

Bono said that the pedestrian, who was crossing the street on a “Walk” signal and was in the crosswalk, rolled off the windshield and that Novak then made a right into the service lane of K Street. “This car is speeding away. What’s going through my mind is, you just can’t hit a pedestrian and drive away,” Bono said.

He said he chased Novak half a block down K Street, finally caught up with him and then put his bike in front of the car to block it and called 911. Traffic immediately backed up, horns blaring, until commuters behind Novak backed up so he could pull over.

Bono said that throughout, Novak “keeps trying to get away. He keeps trying to go.” He said he vaguely recognized the longtime political reporter and columnist as a news personality but could not precisely place him.


regarding Obama and Germany, going back to the Best Bitch Slap EVAR and the Kerners Are Go! that would not die at Riehl World View Obama’s uncle has now surfaced and explained all. I can’t seem to raise a response from the Kerners.


Novak wouldn’t have had to hit that peasant if the peasant had stayed where he belonged.


My friends, America will always stand with our friends, the German people. The stability of Western Europe is built on our longstanding friendship. We support the right of Germany to exist, with an undivided Berlin as its capitol.

Wait, did I say German people? I meant Israeli people, my bad.


Bono rocks!


No doubt that pedestrian was only there because of his wife’s connections. I think we can safely disregard any “injuries” he received as partisan mudslinging.


Jrod — pure genius.

Apparently Novak always wanted to be a racecar driver. Vroom! Vroom!

I wish he had been able to fulfill his dreams. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with his “journalism.”

Helmet Salesman, Helmet Sales Inc.

With people this stupid roaming the country sales are through the roof!!!


Novak claims he didn’t know he hit anybody.

And by the overwhelming evidence of the expansivity of his cluellessness, I don’t see any reason to doubt him.


I love that Novak drives a Corvette. No compensating going on there, I’m sure.


This thread is a sham because nobody has yet given Rufus props for invoking Der Fuehrer’s Face.

I am also reminded of this classic Fuhreresque ditty:

Whistle while you work
Hitler is a jerk
Einer Beiner bit my wiener
Now it will not squirt.

Our Dead Selves

And we all know he’s going to get a little slap on the wrist and that’s it.

I hope that pedestrian sues the hell out of Novack.


I heard it as:

Whistle while you work
Hitler loves to jerk
Mussolini broke his wienie
Now it doesn’t work


I love the “I didn’t see the guy!” excuse, when according to Bono, the pedestrian was “splayed all over the windshield” after being hit by Novack.


But Novak, Standing Athwart History, was looking in his rear view mirror.


I’ll bet Novak’s other car is a Hummer.


What Obama does not seem to understand is that the Brandenburg Gate is something you earn.

Whereas pontificating in the WaPo apparently is open to any jerkoff.

Rugged in Montana

Hear in The Heartland, we no that Derrick Osama is at war with the USA of America and will be defeated by President-For-Life George Willard Bush, the jet-pilot hero of the Battle of Iraq. You communist LIE-bruls should stop whining about your precious constitution rights and recognize that Mr. President is taking away our freedoms to keep us safe (as Osama hates us for our freedoms and if we don’t have any, no hate, duh!). How you could think of voting for a non-white, non-Christian black man whose a Muslin terrorist is beyond me. Now you no why I carry a fully erect M1A1 Battle Rifle at all times as you hippies threaten the way of life we live in The Heartland. Oh, and you think we’re all racists and such but Wyoming was the first state to outlaw illegal slavery in 1929 (although legal slavery continued for some time after that). Oh, and WordPress can go suck on a prune!


…according to Bono, the pedestrian was “splayed all over the windshield” after being hit by Novack.

I’d be curious to see if there’s a massive dent in the car’s hood. That and a blood splatter would be pretty solid evidence that something happened. Or can he “I have no idea how that got there” his way out of that, too?


I like that the bike rider held him there so he couldn’t get away. There are still people with class in this world.

And John McCain straw-commenter is killing me. That’s some funny stuff.


Is anyone is in need of a twisted screen name? Because “Novak McCain” would would work.


Robert was a racecar driver
Drove so goddamn fast
Never did win any checkered flags,
but never let ped-xers pass.


Why didn’t Bono just throw a Joshua Tree in front of the ‘vette?



I am unable to find a boy on a pony.
Also, the boy needs to be equipped with a forked stick for varrying messages.

Helmet Salesman, Helmet Sales Inc.

Robert was a racecar driver
He’d say “Plame, you’re CIA!”
With a G Dubya sticker on his Z06
He’ll run ’em down if they’re in the way.


Or for roasting multiple marshmallows…



Have I mentioned lately that I’m in Berlin at the moment? The travel agent did not even bother to check whether I had earned the Brandenburg Gate when she sold me the ticket.

“varrying” = “carrying”.



Jeez L’goddamn Ouise, I thought it referred to U2’s Bono. “Wot a story!” thinks I. Bono nabbed Novak!

Close enough.


The locals refuse to confirm or deny whether the U2 underground line is named after Bono and co.
Doktorling Sonja wants someone to take her to the Tiergarten for Obama’s speech, but I’m not sure if I can be arsed.



Novak, 77, has earned a reputation around the capital as an aggressive driver, easily identified in his convertible sports car.

In 2001, he cursed at a pedestrian on the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 13th streets Northwest for allegedly jaywalking.

“’Learn to read the signs, [bodily orifice]!’ Novak snapped before speeding away,” according to an item in The Washington Post’s Reliable Source column.

(At least he didn’t say “morans.” Also, one of the reporters of this story is named Adrienne Smutko. I can’t take this. The world is nuts.)


Novak couldn’t help it, he was headbanging to the following tune on his iPod:

No wonder he was distracted. If nothing else, he knows his chicken-based music like no other political whore/journalist.


Interesting possible symbolic references, giving a speech in front of a monument that Hitler removed from the site of the Reichstag (post-conflagration, one assumes). Rule of Law and all that. Obama and his staff seem to have a fairly good grasp of history (the real stuff, not the made-up to suit them Republican kind). I’m keen to see what, if anything, he does with that.


Seriously, Bono was the cyclist who stopped Novakula?


Jerry was a race car driver, older than any man
One too many camparis one night and wrapped himself around a pedestrian, GO!


Erm, pro Jerry lege Robert, natch


Many goats have thier goatsicles
ornamenting the hoods of Vettes
My friends who are fleeing
Hit and run to flee another day


Doktorling Sonja wants someone to take her to the Tiergarten for Obama’s speech, but I’m not sure if I can be arsed.

Just tell her to follow the sea of torches. Where they go, liberal fascism goes.


I can’t believe the news today
I can’t close my eyes and make it go away
How many, how many has Novak mowed down?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Here he comes, here comes Novakula
He’s a demon on wheels
He’s a demon and he’s gonna be outing all our agents
If you’re walking across the street, you better move your feet
He’s busy revving up the powerful smear machine
And when the odds are against him and there’s deplorable work to do
You bet your life Novakula’s gonna see it through

Go Novakula
Go Novakula
Go Novakula go (and please don’t come back)


Nothing says “chick magnet” like an old d00d in a black corvette.
Wearing a three piece suit.


Lol, Wangchuck.

I remember Speed Racer…and wondering “Did someone make a bet about who could use the fewest drawings ever in an ‘animated’ cartoon?”

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Turn, turn, turn.

If you think that was bad, they’ve apparently made a revamp called “Speed Racer: the Next Generation.”

My favorite summary of an episode?

“Speed is attacked by falling acorns.”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Animation was hella expensive back then. Even Wikipedia says so.


“Did someone make a bet about who could use the fewest drawings ever in an ‘animated’ cartoon?”

LOLz! Speed racer could well have won, but it took Masters of the Universe to shatter the theoretical lower limit.


Which is worse: That Novakula is lying when he says he didn’t see the guy bouncing off his windshield, or that he actually didn’t see the guy bouncing off his windshield?

Sounds like some old fartbag should have his license revoked. And then he should be taken out back and shot.


Nothing like watching Spritle Racer’s and Chim Chim’s mouths go up and down for like, five hours.


MzNIcky said,

July 24, 2008 at 1:33

Which is worse: That Novakula is lying when he says he didn’t see the guy bouncing off his windshield, or that he actually didn’t see the guy bouncing off his windshield?

Sounds like some old fartbag should have his license revoked. And then he should be taken out back and shot.

The worst thing is that no blood was found on the car, because Novakula lapped it all up.


What is Mr Bono’s first name? Pro?


What is Mr Bono’s first name? Pro?

No, it was his brother Cui.


You guys leave my family out of this. Haven’t I suffered enough?


Novak’s driving is so terrible, there were bodies strewn across a dead-end street.

(too soon?)


Hm, another good place for a speech would be Nuremberg (or as the Germans are fond of mispronouncing it, “Nürnberg”).


Hm, another good place for a speech would be Nuremberg (or as the Germans are fond of mispronouncing it, “Nürnberg”).

Yeah, since the Bushites are so fond of World War II parallels, why not make the sequel? Nürnberg II: Now Who’s Laughing?


Poor McSame. Even Mother Nature has a liberal bias.

Hurricane Dolly cancelled his oil rig stunt (McCain to Hurricane Dolly: You Cunt!), but there’s hope, my friends:

Not one Berlin, not two, but three Berlins!


I’m sorry, you’re misinformed.

Obama is in the CITY in Germany…


Not one Berlin, not two, but three Berlins!

That’s pathetic. I almost feel embarrassed for him. Almost.


OT but when did “jump the shark” jump the shark? And why is Business Week using the phrase to describe McCain’s campaign? Is it just so the old fellow won’t understand their argot?


Have you all seen the McCain campaign’s poster contest? I like #2. She looks like she’s off to safari; he looks likes he’s off to the yacht club. I’m not sure why a big, transparent John McCain head is looking over them like some benevolent ghost, but no matter. The fireworks are awesome. Just in time for the 4th of July.


Of the posters, I vote for #8 Let’s Raise McCain — presumably from the dead, judging by the looks of him.


Good points J–, but number 8 has that Reverend Henry Kane vibe to it.


Of the posters, I vote for #8 Let’s Raise McCain — presumably from the dead, judging by the looks of him.

While Obama dawdles in foreign lands, McCain is well on his way to securing the all-important brain-eating zombie vote.


While Obama dawdles in foreign lands, McCain is well on his way to securing the all-important brain-eating zombie vote.

He’s got to lock up the Republican base, Snorghagen.


Obama speaking at the Brandenburg Gate is the Nuremburg Rally of Liberal Fascism!


…number 8 has that Reverend Henry Kane vibe to it.

This can only mean that McCain is going after the deranged satanic specter vote as well.


tensor said,

Obama speaking at the Brandenburg Gate is the Nuremburg Rally of Liberal Fascism!

LOL. nice one

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I like #7 Love of Country. Because McCain remembers when real music was being made and before these cowboys with ther Western music started horning in on the action.

Seriously, that one makes him look old. They all do, but #7 especially. Eben #4 dark shadow McCain with his forehead chopped off.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Whoah. tpynign skjlls s;oppnig.


Dragon-King Wangchuck said,

July 24, 2008 at 1:08

Here he comes, here comes Novakula
He’s a demon on wheels
He’s a demon and he’s gonna be outing all our agents
If you’re walking across the street, you better move your feet
He’s busy revving up the powerful smear machine
And when the odds are against him and there’s deplorable work to do
You bet your life Novakula’s gonna see it through

Go Novakula
Go Novakula
Go Novakula go (and please don’t come back)

I like the original Japanese version.


LOLz! Speed racer could well have won, but it took Masters of the Universe to shatter the theoretical lower limit.

What about that one where they didn’t even draw the mouths move, they used filmed lips… Clutch Cargo? So very bad.


Clutch Cargo? So very bad.

Clutch Cargo was in a class by itself, for sure. Did you see the send-up Pixar did of it on the Incredibles DVD?


Will this become known as Brandenburg Gategate?


In the latest effort to counter-program Obama’s tour of Europe and the Middle East, the Republican National Committee will air radio ads promoting John McCain’s candidacy in three different Berlins: Berlin, New Hampshire; Berlin, Pennsylvania; and Berlin, Wisconsin.

Glad to see they’re sticking to the old “do whatever Obama does, but smaller and shittier, so your candidate looks like a pathetic afterthought” strategy. I was afraid they’d drop that after the green screen debacle.

dim-witted badger fucking pelicans™³²®© said,

Obama at the Brandenberg Gate sounds like some sort of rave or something. Obama’s Brandenberg Concertos- now that’s elitist street cred.

Who saw the McCainblogette vid on FDL over the weekend? That’s some Weimar weenie street cred!


Did you see the send-up Pixar did of it on the Incredibles DVD?

No! I’ll have to rent that for sure.


Poster #9 looks like the paperback edition of a book I wouldn’t read.


Glad to see they’re sticking to the old “do whatever Obama does, but smaller and shittier, so your candidate looks like a pathetic afterthought”…

It’s an especially pathetic variation on the “say whatever the fuck you have to to win, and then bone everybody” strategy, isn’t it? Seriously, if you’re going to tell a bunch of whoppers, why not tell good lies?


Another musical tribute to Bob Novak:

I read the news today oh, boy
About a prick who tried to flee the scene
And though the news was rather sad
Well, I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
He hit a ped with his Corvette
He didn’t notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They’d seen his face before
Nobody was really sure if he’d appeared on Meet the Press


Wow, this thread has brain-eating zombies *and* Bob Novak (but I repeat myself).


Here he comes, here comes Novakula
He’s a demon on wheels
He’s a demon and he’s gonna be outing all our agents
If you’re walking across the street, you better move your feet
He’s busy revving up the powerful smear machine
And when the odds are against him and there’s deplorable work to do
You bet your life Novakula’s gonna see it through

Go Novakula
Go Novakula
Go Novakula go (and please don’t come back)

Not having grown up with Speed Racer, and influenced by the earlier contributions in this thread, I read the first few lines to a somewhat different tune.


If McCain wants posters, he should go with people who really know posters. I’d recommend doing a knock-off of this classic. Added bonus: those penis-like shapes hovering in the sky would emphasis his potent manliness.

Other excellent choices would be to to transpose McCain’s face onto this or this. Not only would those be eye-grabbing images, they’d also show that McCain is totally hip to today’s groovy now scene.


Oops. Make that ’emphasize’. Me no spel gud.


Good ole’ Snorghagen. My original thesis defense poster was a knockoff of an Art Nouveau-esque Fillmore poster (can’t find it, sorry); my advisor rejected the hand-lettering so I wound up using a Soviet factory/power plant poster. (I guess the style is now associated solely with Soviet Communism but it was pretty popular in graphic design in the thirties. In any case, this was totally USSR stuff).


My original thesis defense poster was a knockoff of an Art Nouveau-esque Fillmore poster (can’t find it, sorry); my advisor rejected the hand-lettering so I wound up using a Soviet factory/power plant poster.

I love psychedelphia and communist propaganda. As far as the latter is concerned, this one drives my creep-out meter off the scale.

If he has the audacity, McCain can make poster history by merging the two styles.

Charles Krauthammer Dick

What Obama does not seem to understand is that the Tannhauser Gate is something you earn. You earn the right to speak there by leaving attack ships afire off the shoulder of Orion. You visit to see C-beams glitter in the dark.

Does Obama not see the incongruity? It’s as if a Roy Batty asked Leon Kowalski about his mother – it’s either arrogant or stupid.


In the latest effort to counter-program Obama’s tour of Europe and the Middle East, the Republican National Committee will air radio ads promoting John McCain’s candidacy in three different Berlins: Berlin, New Hampshire; Berlin, Pennsylvania; and Berlin, Wisconsin.

Wow, does that campaign have its shit together!

I don’t know about the other two, but Berlin, New Hampshire (pronounced ‘BURR-lin) is the asshole of the world.

It used to be the hemorrhoid on the asshole of the world, until they shut down the stinky papermill that sat right in the very center of downtown.

Of course, when that happened, most folks lost their jobs.

But, good news! New jobs will be available at the federal prison now being built in the town.



I’ll tell you about my mother.
blam blam blam



We have a prison right here in Lancaster, Calif., and it’s improved the availability of meth a hundredfold.

And we only one derelict get shot in the chest with an arrow this year!


I know that we’ve just been looking at this but it’s pretty much trippy Communist stuff, da?


Gary, are you up on this?

Help spread the word about John McCain on news and blog sites. Your efforts to help get the message out about John McCain’s policies and plan for the future is one of the most valuable things you can do for this campaign. You know why John McCain should be the next President of the United States and we need you to tell others why.

Select from the numerous web, blog and news sites listed here, go there, and make your opinions supporting John McCain known. Once you’ve commented on a post, video or news story, report the details of your comment by clicking the button below. After your comments are verified, you will be awarded points through the McCain Online Action Center.

Currenty, the listing of “Suggested Blogs–Liberal” includes ColoradoPols, Crooks and Liars, Daily Kos, My DD, and Think Progress. If you are in on this already, Gary, any way you could put in a good word for this site? We want more proper gander pushers!


(Kinda reminds me of the way the conservatives are giving Bush so much credit for only one massive terrorist attack during his presidency. Remember the Clinton presidency? When they were knocking down national landmarks every six months or so? Aren’t you glad we don’t have THAT any more?


A popular bumpersticker in Berlin, New Hampshire in the 1980s said:

“Kiss me where it stinks, I’m from Berlin, NH !!!”

Total pitsville carcass patrol shitpile.


After your comments are verified, you will be awarded points through the McCain Online Action Center.

Points? What exactly do you get with these ‘points’? A free weekend in Berlin, New Hampshire? A date with Pam Oshry? An hour of Greco-Roman wrestling with Phil Gramm, no holds barred?


Novak “keeps trying to get away. He keeps trying to go.”

It was only one life. What is one life in the affairs of state?


Gary, are you up on this?

He’s way ahead of you, J_. He’s already racked uo enough points for the coffee mug, the sports bag and all eight posters.

BTW, ‘Integrity you can trust’ is my personal fave.


‘uo’ the new ‘up’.


Glad to see they’re sticking to the old “do whatever Obama does, but smaller and shittier, so your candidate looks like a pathetic afterthought” strategy. I was afraid they’d drop that after the green screen debacle.

The next time Obama is shown playing hoops McCain is going to slip on some cross trainers and go for a vigorous mall walk.


There once was a driver named Novack,
Who deftly avoided the blowback,

From his driving, most reckless,
One might even say, feckless,

Caused by loss of that which doesn’t grow back.


“Many goats have thier goatsicles
ornamenting the hoods of Vettes”

Now cut that out!


It’s got to be killing them to let that sweet 3-pointer stand unchallenged.

malfunctioning K-Lo bot

This story about Novak hitting a pedestrian just doesn’t seem right to me somehow. Robert “The Dark Lord” Novak passed up a free meal? He must not have been feeling well.


Now cut that out!

Poor choice of words there GoatBoy.

And WordPress is a LIE-brul fascist.


The fact is, John McCain has a comprehensive economic plan that will create millions of good American jobs, ensure our nation’s energy security, get the government’s budget and spending practices in order, and bring relief to American consumers. The McCain Economic Plan will help bring reform, prosperity and peace to America.


“Robert “The Dark Lord” Novak passed up a free meal? He must not have been feeling well.”

Reportedly, the fellow he hit was wearing a garlic necklace.


I think McCain should base his poster on this one:

Or if he wants to emphasize his war record:

But if things get really bad:


This ones again proves my theory: Germans love Barack Obama


More fodder for Bush’s legacy library. Fewer women in the labour force.
From the NYTimes

Women Are Now Equal as Victims of Poor Economy

Across the country, women in their prime earning years, struggling with an unfriendly economy, are retreating from the work force, either permanently or for long stretches. They had piled into jobs in growing numbers since the 1960s. But that stopped happening this decade, and as the nearly seven-year-old recovery gives way to hard times, the retreat is likely to accelerate. Indeed, for the first time since the women’s movement came to life, an economic recovery has come and gone, and the percentage of women at work has fallen, not risen, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports. Each of the seven previous recoveries since 1960 ended with a greater percentage of women at work than when it began. When economists first started noticing this trend two or three years ago, many suggested that the pullback from paid employment was a matter of the women themselves deciding to stay home — to raise children or because their husbands were doing well or because, more than men, they felt committed to running their households. But now, a different explanation is turning up in government data, in the research of a few economists and in a Congressional study, to be released Tuesday, that follows the women’s story through the end of 2007. After moving into virtually every occupation, women are being afflicted on a large scale by the same troubles as men: downturns, layoffs, outsourcing, stagnant wages or the discouraging prospect of an outright pay cut. And they are responding as men have, by dropping out or disappearing for a while.

…The biggest retreat has been in manufacturing, where more than one million women have disappeared from payrolls since 2001. Like men, many have not returned to jobs in other sectors. Wage stagnation often discourages them from pursuing new jobs, says Lawrence Katz, a labor economist at Harvard. “While pay was rising solidly in the 1990s, you had women continuing to move into the work force,” Mr. Katz said. Pay is no longer rising smartly for women in the key 25-to-54 age group. Just the opposite, the median pay — the point where half make more and half less — has fallen in recent years, to $14.84 an hour in 2007 from $15.04 in 2004, adjusted for inflation, according to the Economic Policy Institute. (The similar wage for men today is two dollars more.)

Rugged in Montana

The Heartland. Pelicans. Willard. Jet-pilot hero. Bodily fluids. Islamosexuals.

Sorry, I’m in a hurry.


How many issues of Grit does Obama have to sell to earn the Brandenburg Gate, again?


In EU Germany, the black american is obviously the white jew of liberal fascism.


The Hammer of the Krauts ist nicht so gut hier. Or anywhere. I did actually read his praise of GHW Bush didn’t I, not just my sleep-deprived brain imagining that one? GHWB was humble enough not to visit yet “presided over” the fall of the Eastern Blok? My heavens. Nutsy nutsy nutsy.

Really, how dare a person running for the highest office in this country actually visit other countries to strengthen his foreign policy ideas? Makes no sense at all. He should be vacationing on a ranch on our dime.


If it had been U2’s Bono that squared off against Novak, that would have been bloody brilliant…but truthfully, I think I like it even better that it was just a responsible citizen on his way to work — a Real American, if you will — that took it upon himself to chase down the old douchebag. David Bono, cheers to you.

Infuriatingly though, Novak runs a guy down in a crosswalk and drives off, then claimes that he didn’t know he hit the guy (after the poor bastard apparently bounced off of his windshield), and is only cited for failing to yield the right of way.

‘Round my neck of the woods, that would referred to as ‘hit-and-run’, Novakula would be facing serious fines and potential jail time, and would most likely lose his license.

Hemlock for Gadflies

I see that Krautenstein titled his piece, “The Audacity of Vanity.”

It seems to me that would be an apt title for a Charles Krauthammer biography.


I see where Barry X met with Angela Merkel and didn’t even give her a backrub. This is central to all points, i.e., clearly he’s Muslim and hates America.


So wait, is it acceptable now for right wingers to compare Obama to Hitler? I thought comparing Bush to Hitler for example was “unhinged and beyond the pale” and proof of your “unseriousness” and “derangement”. Didn’t Krauthammer even invent “BDS” because of that?

But now, its no great shakes to say Obama is like Hitler?


Just to make sure, these are the two big arguments floating around these days:

From us: McCain is averaging about a major brain screw-up every 12 hours.
From them: Um, Obama’s staff had an ad printed in German for a speech in Germany. Um diddily um, oozing sense of entitlement or, heh indoodily, something.

Right. Got it.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Well, here we are, about a dozen dozen comments from the first post – with OTs that go from Novak to Speed Racer to Lenin. Damn it, I guess I’m gonna have to read the Krauthammer piece (TLDR? Shorter at end):

Who is Obama representing? And what exactly has he done in his lifetime to merit appropriating the Brandenburg Gate as a campaign prop? What was his role in the fight against communism, the liberation of Eastern Europe, the creation of what George Bush the elder — who presided over the fall of the Berlin Wall but modestly declined to go there for a victory lap — called “a Europe whole and free”?

Well aside from the nonsense that RadioFreeMike debunks quite handily, how about the fact that the Germans seem to like him. You know what’s presumptuous? Telling a sovereign nation what their standards for who’s allowed to speak at various monuments should be. There’s some audacity of vanity for you.

Americans are beginning to notice Obama’s elevated opinion of himself. There’s nothing new about narcissism in politics. Every senator looks in the mirror and sees a president. Nonetheless, has there ever been a presidential nominee with a wider gap between his estimation of himself and the sum total of his lifetime achievements?

Kinda like someone with a questionable military history zipping up a flight suit and making a speech from an aircraft carrier? I think I see what Chuckles is trying to get at though. Other than being enormously popular over there, and raising the profile of America abroad, what has Obama done for Germany? Still if that’s the standard, I wonder what Krauthammer thinks of this Special Comment?

This is then followed by the “no experience” argument. Again, I wonder where this argument was when a certain someone with zero international experience and even less interest in foreign policy wanted to invade Iraq? Oh but that’s different. The prequisites for staring a war are much much lower than getting a prime location to deliver a speech.

Well, I knew I should have avoided this piece. But, now that I’ve read it,,,™

Shorter Krauthammer: I’m not actually using the word uppity, but that negro boy’s getting too big for his britches.


Nonetheless, has there ever been a presidential nominee with a wider gap between his estimation of himself and the sum total of his lifetime achievements?

George W. Bush, who Chuckles wholeheartedly endorsed. Remember: It’s hard work! It’s hard work! It’s hard work! I’m the decider guy! And so on.



Swiped from two threads down

Falco Staircase

The City Remembrance Society hereby dedicates this staircase to Falco, the most recognized Austrian composer of the twentieth century.

Officially the saddest plaque ever.


pedestrian–sheesh…I’ll say…

Zombie Arnold Schoenberg



Krauthammer: “What did you do to earn that Brandenburg Gate?”

JFK: “I took the world to the brink of nuclear war and scared the crap out of everybody and started the build-up of troops in Vietnam.

Reagan: “I spent billions and billions on weapons and laughed at people who wanted to invest in alternative energy sources. Oh, and I took credit for the fall of the Soviet Union, even though Afghanistan probably deserved it.”

Obama: “I bring hope to millions that we can avoid the catastrophes threatening the world that were either ignored or exacerbated by George W. Bush.”

Krauthammer: –slap– “The Brandenburg Gate. It’s so special, people might think that you think YOU’RE special.”


Die Siegessäule. Don’t tell the wingnuts.


Novak McCain, you’ve got one twisted screen name.


Of course Novak totally knew that he hit that dude but he assumed it was off the record.

Oh shit, that’s Russert, isn’t it? Fuck em both.


Oh shit, I just remembered that Russert is dead. Now I sort of feel bad.



In 2001, [Novak] cursed at a pedestrian on the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 13th streets Northwest for allegedly jaywalking.

“’Learn to read the signs, [bodily orifice]!’ Novak snapped before speeding away,” according to an item in The Washington Post’s Reliable Source column.

Novak explained to the paper: “He was crossing on the red light. I really hate jaywalkers. I despise them. Since I don’t run the country, all I can do is yell at ’em. The other option is to run ’em over, but as a compassionate conservative, I would never do that.”


Learn to read the signs … Nostril?
Learn to read the signs … Earhole?

Whatever do they mean?


Jim said,

July 24, 2008 at 18:34

Learn to read the signs … Nostril?
Learn to read the signs … Earhole?

Whatever do they mean?

Nasal sex?
Aural sex?


new thread! new thread! my kingdom for a new thread!


Do you remember this Bush/Cheney ad from 2004? It looks like McCain won’t be able to toot the same horn this year.


Americans are beginning to notice Obama’s elevated opinion of himself. There’s nothing new about narcissism in politics. Every senator looks in the mirror and sees a president. Nonetheless, has there ever been a presidential nominee with a wider gap between his estimation of himself and the sum total of his lifetime achievements?

Yes, Obama’s view of himself is so inflated compared to those humble Republican candidates Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuilani. How dare the man run for president without deliberating trying to make himself look like a Loser!


Richard III said,

July 24, 2008 at 19:06

new thread! new thread! my kingdom for a new thread!

You’ll stay in this thread, and you’ll learn to like it.


…Obama’s view of himself is so inflated compared to those humble Republican candidates Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuilani.

Oh, but Giuliani was humble! He never missed an opportunity to let us know that 9/11 did the real work.

Seriously, I’m glad that guy’s out of the race and hope nothing happens to put him within any easy distance of the Presidency.


I would bet one of my testicles that Novak was drunk.


OK, I guess they’re going to take this one all the way. McCain’s people are apparently really confident that this “smaller and shittier” strategy is a WINNAR!!


McCain campaign: We challenge Obama to go overseas!

McCain campaign: Waahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Obama went overseas!

Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC: Why is Obama overseas when people at home are suffering? (She didn’t add: suffering from rethuglican tyranny….or why was McCain in Columbia in early July.)


Who thinks Obama will say something in Berlin that will cause a storm of wingjob poutrage over here? Show of hands?


From tb’s link:

Farah Hice, a hostess at Schmidt’s Restaurant and Sausage Haus in Columbus, just confirmed to me by phone that McCain just walked into the restaurant and is staying for lunch.

If he stays into the evening, he could dance to the tunes of Schnickelfritz or Squeeezin’ N’ Wheezin and really show Obama who can shake it!


Andrea Mitchell Mrs. Alan Greenspan on MSNBC: Why is Obama overseas when people at home are suffering?



Just read Obama’s speech, then read K-Lo’s live blogging of it.



I love psychedelphia and communist propaganda. As far as the latter is concerned, this one drives my creep-out meter off the scale.

So that’s where Thomas kinkade got his start.


Oops, missed a capitalization. How lame of me. Now “psychedelphia”, that’s a QUALITY typo! Well done.


Fuck, where is that? Link, man!


Can I borrow a stapler?



Actually, if there is a Psychedelphia, these guys are the city council.


er…these guys, that is.

Better get back to work.


But then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn’t bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it’s not okay because if they take my stapler then I’ll, I’ll, I’ll set the building on fire…


Oh shit, I just remembered that Russert is dead. Now I sort of feel bad.

Don’t bother. Russert’s family isn’t reading this, and the rest of us hate that smarmy tool.


Why does Andrea Greenspan think that people here are suffering? Just last week George Bush said that we’re doing great.

greatYet despite the challenges we face, our economy has demonstrated remarkable resilience. While the unemployment rate has risen, it remains at 5.5 percent, which is still low by historical standards. And the economy continued to grow in the first quarter of this year. The growth is slower than we would have liked, but it was growth nonetheless.

And we can certainly fend for ourselves for a few days.

The American people are plenty capable and plenty smart people and they’ll make adjustments to their own pocketbooks. That’s why I was so much in favor of letting them keep more of their own money. It’s a philosophical difference: Should the government spend their money, or should they spend their own money? And I’ve got faith in the American people.


I want K Lo’s liveblogging of the Obama speech! Anyone know where that is? DN?


Blue Buddha said,

July 24, 2008 at 18:48

Nasal sex?
Aural sex?

Which is precisely the sort of thing we need to know. Do people want cock that can be fitted nasally?


Oh hell, sorry.


But now, its no great shakes to say Obama is like Hitler?



Doktorling Sonja found someone to take her to the rally speech but refuses to provide any details except that her feet hurt. I could have gone along and live-blogged the whole works, but I went to the art-gallery instead.


New jobs will be available at the federal prison now being built in the town.

A prison that will presumably hold a large number of black inmates (love the War on Some Drugs) set to be located outside of a run-down town of 10,000 with 18 black inhabitants? Say it ain’t so!

LA Confidential Pantload

I find it very troubling that Sen. Obama would choose to give a speech to the Bilderberg Group.


I could have gone along and live-blogged the whole works, but I went to the art-gallery instead.

Jeezus, what do you call it when you’re too elitist to support that elitist Obama?



what do you call it when you’re too elitist to support that elitist Obama?



CNN International yesterday and today has been running the same clip of McCain speaking in front of the Fudge Haus (!).


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