Civility Claims Another Victim

Shorter Selwyn Duke:

Judgmentally Impaired Should Get Off Michael Savage’s Back

  • Liberals have criticized conservative radio host Michael Savage for saying that childhood autism is “[a] fraud and a racket,” and telling autistic children, “Don’t act like a moron. You’ll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz. Straighten up. Act like a man. Don’t sit there crying and screaming, idiot.” However, it is clear that Savage was merely expressing his deep compassion for the mentally ill.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 78


Didn’t Savage once claim that he invented the term “compassionate conservatism”? Oopsie.


THe biggest concern troll of them all.

His site is full of Terri Schiavo book ads – tells you all you need to know.

The involuntary movements of a brain-dead vegetable – “look, she’s trying to speak!” vs. Autistic children – “little malingerers!”


You know, in reading that article, it strikes me as absurd that they still believe in free market fundamentalism as an end-all-be-all solution to everything, yet rail against the greediness of the doctors who are over-diagnosing patients. I mean, are they being blatant in their hypocrisy? Or is there just a fundamental disconnect where they can’t see that this is the end result of their own policies?


Oh, and he manages to get the old “women who cry rape are just jilted women” myth in there too.


Wow, he’s really going back to the basic building blocks of batshit conservative talking points here. Thank goodness for the “Shorter:” format, as it would be very hard to parody this in a lengthly sentence for sentence breakdown/mocking.


My autistic eyeholes have just been raped, but I’m learning to lie back and enjoy it.


Call any vegetable, and the chances are good

that the vegetable will respond to you.


Does Savage believe that the autism-misdiagnosis rate is actually 99 percent? I don’t know — maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. If he does, maybe he’s right, maybe he isn’t. If literalism matters to you, I suggest you ask him.

So holding a person accountable for his own words is “literalism”? Savage Wiener’s stock in trade are his word – should we not take them at face value? Do you think for a moment that the bulk of his audience interprets his hateful rants are nuanced hyperbola, or whatever Duke claims it to be?

I can’t say that I have listened to Savage Wiener very often. The first time I did was once when I was on a road trip and radio channel surfing through unfamiliar stations. I came across a station with some jackass ranting about how offended he was to have to walk by mentally ill homeless people and referred to them as “human garbage”. This is a guy with “a respect for human life that doesn’t end where mental impairment begins”?

Forgive me if I can’t take this with good humor but I have an autistic son we have been dealing with assholes like Savage for a long time.


I listen to Rush. Listen to Hannity. Listen to Boortz and Herman Cain here in Atlanta. I do it for fun, mostly, but it’s also nice to see what the wingnuts will be whipping out in the coming weeks. So it’s useful too.

I feel no amusement or enlightenment whenever I’ve tried to listen to Savage. I try to laugh at his hate-fueled and…medicated? alcoholic? ramblings, but I can’t. I end up feeling dirty and change the station.

He’s a moral coward and an icky, icky person. Something happened to the man early in life- I’d hate to think what it was- but it’s made him into something that’s really worth locking up and treating for a while.

Rugged in Montana

Artistic children are fakers, nothing more. I suggest that they all be put on the night shift, operating a 50-ton metal press, sort of a “sink or swim” situation. I’ll bet you’d see them straighten up and fly right in no time. We hear in The Heartland luv our children enough to hurt them, if there’s a chance that it will help them. Those that choose not to succeed should acknowledge that its G*d’s plan if they should fall into a dangerous machine and be liquified in an unintended industrial process. After all, this Great Nation of the USA of America is not made up of whiners, so if you’re one of the ones complaining about all of this, maybe you should move back to communist Russia and just shut up!


I would bet five dollars that (a) Selwyn Duke’s “women who cry rape are just jilted women” comment is related to a personal experience and (b) that it’s a self-serving take on it.

But really, “it would seem that taking offense is the recreation of choice”? Doesn’t Savage Wiener himself admit that his whole schtick is basically being an offensive douche?


I, for one, think Savage didn’t go far enough – clearly what the little autistic slacker bastards need is a whuppin’, preferably to within an inch of their cushy, coddled, entitled, little lives.

That’ll teach ’em to not be able to relate to other people normally.


Is the only purpose of renew america to make the other right wing sites look sane by comparison, sort of like what savage does for the right wing radio blowhards?


Selwyn’s problem shows up in the DSM-4 as “Assholophilia”: the desire to return to the womb through the assholes of authoritarian males….

John Rosemond’s common sense child-raising accommodates both physical and mental child abuse.

Spasticus Autisticus

It’s the nimrods, dweebs, spazzes, gimps and ‘tards who are faking.


O/T as usual, bu tI just heard a new acronym not relevant since JFK.

PIB – President I’d Bang

PIB is the new MILF.


Savage is the human garbage here. I bet most any of those autistic fakers or homeless guys would make a better pundit than him.

Oh, and “Selwyn Duke” is the second best Rightwing dumbfuck name ever. “Flagg Youngblood” still wins though.


If the little fuckers would just go count cards in Vegas they could pay for their OWN damn Qantas tickets.


“Selwyn Duke” is actually pronounced “punch my cock”. Look it up.


I refuse to look that up, Tom. I am not a slave to literalism like you.


And FLILF is the new palindrome.


“Does Savage believe that the autism-misdiagnosis rate is actually 99 percent? I don’t know — maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. If he does, maybe he’s right, maybe he isn’t. If literalism matters to you, I suggest you ask him.”

So holding a person accountable for his own words is “literalism”? Savage Wiener’s stock in trade are his word – should we not take them at face value? Do you think for a moment that the bulk of his audience interprets his hateful rants are nuanced hyperbola, or whatever Duke claims it to be?

They’re just acknowledging the obvious – these fucktards don’t really believe a word of what they say; it’s all just for shock value and getting the great unwashed masses all riled up at their phony bullshit issue-of-the-day. They lie, they know they lie, and it dosn’t matter to them, because they suck as human beings, and they don’t care, as long as their ratings are high and their book sales are good enough to get the next contract signed.


Selwyn Duke = Yes, lewd unk – which seems to be a statement of consent to sexual advances made by an uncle. Remember, nephews that cry rape are just jilted.


Why do you have to bring mAnn Coulter into this?


Oh, and “Selwyn Duke” is the second best Rightwing dumbfuck name ever. “Flagg Youngblood” still wins though.

Hard to beat “Purple Avenger” for the made-up ones, though.


Dear Gob in Cleven, what is wrong with his brain?

Actually, I’m afraid to know, because I fear that knowing how exactly his brain got scrambled will irreparably bork my own.


So holding a person accountable for his own words is “literalism”? Savage Wiener’s stock in trade are his word – should we not take them at face value?

Well, isn’t the wingnut’s favorite defense when caught out saying something fucking horrible “Hey, it’s just a joke, folks”. Clearly, this doofus is telling us that all the rest of the doofi shouldn’t be taken seriously…if they offend you, that is.

And FLILF is the new palindrome.

Boy, I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Its a completely self-authentication argument. He support Savage’s statements by saying he is allowed because Savage’s brother had some other kind of mental illness. And even if Savage was wrong, how do we know he’s wrong unless he is allowed to say it in the first place. Part of Duke credentials are that he has appeared on Savage’s show. And for good measure he gets the hot button issues to use an analogy. The white male readership doesn’t care about the plight of millions of autistic children or the millions of rape victims living in thier own communities, but the scourge of false rape accusations that have plagued the Duke lacrosse players is the real outrage here, people. Another analogy as false logic completes the argument that because ADHD is over diagnosed, something else may be over diagnosed. And he gores on, just because Savage said 99% which is effectively every case, what if some cases are misdiagnosed, that would support Savage’s comments, wouldn’t it? Oh and some anecdotal eveidence of someone thwo felt that as a child their diagnosis of a learning disability was wrong. Well, you can’t lump enough disimilar arguments together and not come up with a wingnut argument, can you? This is old school wingnuttia. The arguments about the false issues that worked long before that felt the scrutiny of real issues and ever had to provide real world results. It shoudl serve well in the coming years. The best part is where Duke quotes himself from another article where he admittedly paraphrases a psychiatrist:

“All children ‘have ADD’ up till age two, but if they’re socialized properly, it’s bred out of them.”

just for the excuse to put quote marks on it. Now, I don’t know what kind of breeding they’re doing with the two year olds in that guy’s practice, but I’m think that the ADD is going to be the least of their mental problems.


Hard to beat “Purple Avenger” for the made-up ones, though

One word: Cigarskunk.

Now pardon me while I go bleach out my brain.


Lucky duckies!


He support Savage’s statements by saying he is allowed because Savage’s brother had some other kind of mental illness.

Actually, Savage supported his statements this way… from the Boston Herald: Savage said his severely disabled brother suffered and died in a New York “snake pit” of a “mental hospital” and he knows “first-hand what true disability is.”

I guess Pop Savage never told Mike’s brother not to “act like a moron. You’ll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz. Straighten up. Act like a man. Don’t sit there crying and screaming, idiot.” Nor Mike, apparently.


Imagine . . . “a regular guest on the award-winning Michael Savage Show” defends Michael Savage. When you’re a D-list commentator, you need shows like Savage’s.


but it’s made him into something that’s really worth locking up and treating for a while.

One ticket to Gitmo for Mr. Savage, please. And a reservation for the “treatment” room.


One word: Cigarskunk.

Yeah, that’s a win. Ahh, the memories.

Bitter Scribe, whose work has been published widely online and in print,

I’m not saying that Renew America columnists who are not total fucking assholes don’t exist. I’m just saying the condition has been over-diagnosed.


It’s no different when those who are merely ill-behaved are misdiagnosed as mentally impaired. By labeling these less serious or even non-existent problems as mental conditions, it causes society to take authentic ones less seriously.

By “society”, of course, he means “assholes like Michael Savage”.


PIB – President I’d Bang

That’s a good one. Cuz I would.

Grand Moff Texan


And Selwyn Duke doesn’t actually enjoy having sex with children, it’s just that their tiny bodies make his dick look so much bigger!

It’s all a matter of perspective.

Grand Moff Texan

By labeling these less serious or even non-existent problems as mental conditions, it causes society to take authentic ones less seriously.

DSM-7/pa: all diagnoses to be confirmed by public acclamation, like medieval popes.


I kid you not – the home page of Renew America has a banner that reads “click to hear Terri laughing.” What the hell?


Selwyn Duke

Dave’s son?

Percy ‘Mad Dog’ Plumflute

I fervently hope that my back is never so up-against-the-wall in a debate that I find myself forced to whip out the phrase ambiguous sexual encounters.

I guess it’s official: all wingnuts have sexual deviancy on the brain.


One would think he’s afraid of being “misdiagnosed” as a rapist.


Fuck Michael Savage. He can suck the shit out of a dead goat’s ass.


I had forgotten Cigarskunk.

Thanks a LOT, gregory.


click to hear Terri laughing.

She’s laughing at Dr. Frist…



She had a blog, if I remember correctly.


I can’t help but wonder if Savage doesn’t have a big ole case of Asbergers.


It takes a wingnut to hear this:

“Now, the illness du jour is autism. You know what autism is? I’ll tell you what autism is. In 99 percent of the cases, it’s a brat who hasn’t been told to cut the act out. That’s what autism is.

What do you mean they scream and they’re silent? They don’t have a father around to tell them, “Don’t act like a moron. You’ll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz. Straighten up. Act like a man. Don’t sit there crying and screaming, idiot.”

and write this:

“Thus, Mr. Schwartzman, if your son is legitimately autistic, Savage isn’t talking about you. He is not diminishing your son’s travails but railing against those who are.”

Yes. The other 99% percent of autism cases are asshole kids who can’t get their shit together. Your case is special and treasured in the eyes of Weiner Savage. Why don’t you understand that? You must really be autistic.


Yes. The other 99% percent of autism cases are asshole kids who can’t get their shit together. Your case is special and treasured in the eyes of Weiner Savage. Why don’t you understand that? You must really be autistic.

As I said elsewhere about this, I want Mr. Weiner to say that on a house call to the family I know whose son has been diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome. He is on two different delivery forms of Adderall and at least one other drug in coordination with therapy to enable him to focus long enough to do his homework and have something resembling a social life with his peers. The reason I want it to be a house call on his part is one of their roommates maintains a very beloved and well-maintained knife collection and knows how to use them as both a chef and a combatant. The popcorn concession would pay for the child’s stepmother’s treatments for another “fake” disease that has her housebound. She is obviously faking that one, too, as nobody could possibly be allergic to more than one or two things at a time!


I mean, are they being blatant in their hypocrisy? Or is there just a fundamental disconnect where they can’t see that this is the end result of their own policies?

Yes. And, yes.


PIB – President I’d Bang

Say what? You mean there are others besides JFK and Teh Clenis®?


Wow – I can only imagine how upsetting that must have been to so many parents of desperately autistic children.


Now, the illness du jour is narcissistic personality disorder. You know what narcissistic personality disorder is? I’ll tell you what narcissistic personality disorder is. In 99 percent of the cases, it’s an asshole with a radio show who hasn’t been told to cut the act out. That’s what narcissistic personality disorder is.

What do you mean they scream and they’re never silent? They don’t have a producer around to tell them, “Don’t act like a moron. You’ll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz. Straighten up. Act like a man. Don’t sit there crying and screaming into a microphone, idiot.”


I’ve never liked Savage. He thinks gay men are sausages and that’s weird:


Oh yeah, that Selwyn Duke picture totally looks like some undergrad’s weekly column in the school paper. Needs a thought bubble with Michael Savage in it, or maybe something else, I dunno.


Wiener Calls Gays “Sausages”
Above: Wearing his trademark scarf and sunglasses, Michael “Savage” Wiener stands in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.


I’m going to invite Herr Weiner to come and visit my Yia Yia who was FINALLY diagnosed as autistic (Asperger’s Syndrome) at the age of 81. For her taking her doctor literally, as Aspies almost always do, has proven to be the cure for two forms of Lymphoma, pneumonia, MRSA and gangrene. “If you take your medicine you’ll get well”. All it took. If Weiner-Savage can actually get through to her then I’ll buy that autism is a “fraud”, but only then.

Oh, and where the fuck do you guys find these winger writers? “Selwyn Duke”? Is naming your kid that cause for diagnosis of something? How about the far-right racket? What, that’s not money driven? Look into that one Mr. Duke.


PIB – President I’d Bang

I think McCain’s a little bit too old for that sort of thing.



Actually this is a really good thing what Savage Weiner has done the more I think about it. He’s going to have an army of Aspies out there who all have brains like hamsters on a wheel and who stay on one track to prove themselves and make their cases. No one I know with Asperger’s is going to take this lightly and they all remember every aspect of their diagnosis and the Syndrome. On the other end of “the spectrum”, not so sure. On the Aspie side? They’ll attack relentlessly and Temple Grandin will unleash hordes of her cow friends on him.

Savage Weiner is going for the old theory, “the refrigerator mom” cold uncaring parent crap and refurbishing it. I guess he doesn’t know much about modern brain scanning technology (Weiner or Duke), which can even show easily ADD/ADHD differences even on PET scans in the frontal lobe and forms of autism as well.

Damn I know a lot of Aspies…..they don’t like it when “the humans” mess with them, either….


When you’re a D-list commentator

Extravagant praise.


Selwyn Duke – truly a name made for gay porn.

Yep, I’d say Herr Weinerschnitzel has opened himself up a jumbo can of Industrial Strength Fugly on this topic. Aspies are not generally famous for their gentle treatment of those who yank their chain, they’re rather clever, & they’ve often got VERY good memories when it comes to said people.

Memo To Savage: if you don’t already have one, Get A Dog. Bigger the better. Oh, & you might just want to check your brake-lines out before you drive to or from work … or anywhere else … for the rest of your idiotic life.


Given Mr. Duke’s level of wingnuttery, I’m thinking an “ambiguous sexual encounter” means those carpal-tunnel pleadings from his wrists, because his usual sexual activity just doesn’t offer them enough in return.


Never piss off an Aspie with OCD. Trust me on this.


I guess the Right simply discovered that there was a part of reality about wich they weren’t in denial yet, and a group of people with pretty serious problems on whom they weren’t spitting yet, so they had to do something about it.

Meanwhile, other conservatives are complaining that society is going to the dogs because people don’t respect normal standards of civilised behaviour anymore.


Jim, I think that Savage has a dog- a small one- and that there was a story about someone watching him treat his dog the way he treats people in a restaurant once.


Michael Savage has a brother Selwyn Duke describes as “retarded” – there’s some sensitivity *ahem* – and yet manages to confuse autism with spoiledbratism.

Talk about your retard.


It seems as if ol’ Weenie was speaking more about ADHD than autism, but can’t tell the diff. We can certainly question the dosing of American yout’ w/ Ritalin™, & ADHD diagnosis of any child w/ spirit.

But you gotta love the patriarchal move. I guess “Mom” can’t tell children to “straighten up” (in every sense of the phrase) it takes a father/real man to do that. Autism: Caused by broken families & knocked-up teen-age girls.

Also, has any one heard the rumours about Mr. Weenie wanting to be Allen Ginsberg’s boyfriend? Can’t remember where I heard it, but it was recent. Someone (else) do some research.


The fun really begins in freeperland threads when it’s the Wienerbots vs. the Dittoheads.


Yeah, someone should have slapped some sense into those loner punks like newton and tesla.


Michael Savage and his family are behind Rockstar.
Don’t buy or drink it.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I originally read Selwyn’s post title as “Judgment Impaired…” but it’s actually “Judgmentally Impaired…”. You gotta concede that Renew! is pretty L33t at being judgmental.


OCD is part of the bundle of Asperger’s (or Ass Burgers as we call it in my Aspie-ridden family) Syndrome. They’ll all be on his case. I don’t think there is a case where that is separate other than Borderline Aspergers but even then that’s mainly the bundle of other disorders such as ADD, OCD, social anxiety, etc. And if you ask an Aspie what the Syndrome is they’ll tell you everything back to Dr. Asperger himself.

Mr. Savage Weiner does have a dog, his poodle “Teddy” who sits in the studio with him. We take bets that he’ll mention in tangent “my dog Teddy” and/or a bad restaurant experience within the 1st segment and he has every time I’ve listened. Challenge a friend on this one and bet well, I’ve certainly never lost.

I did capture him in the car one day talking about what he’d do if he were President and he actually said he’d blow Ahmadinejad’s plane out of the sky (it was when he was on his way to speak at the UN in NYC). Someone here asked me to post it so I did. Shit, I took that literally. I’m a bit too much like my autistic Grandma for comfort sometimes…LOL…..actually, this was part of a video diary for an Aspie friend who won’t leave his town in Europe to show what American suburbs are like….ROFL


If you deny these conditions exist, you don’t have to provide any care for them. That’s the conservative part of compassionate conservatism — conserving the resources for yourself by denying them to others. This applies to all conservative positions on social issues — welfare, Social Security, the environment. Really, their positions are intuitively obvious when you apply a few simple rules.


I don’t drink Rockstar because it tastes like store-brand Mountain Dew with a handful of baby aspirins ground up in it. But also because of that, yeah, I guess.

slippy hussein toad

I know at least two people with Asperger’s for sure, and probably half a dozen more who are borderline. The IT field is rife with that lot, because it seriously predisposes towards tasks requiring long periods of concentration, obsessive behavior, memorization, and does not select for the social skills.

The two Aspies I know are both armed and humorless folks. Above comments regarding Savage as perhaps pissing off more than he can chew are korrect. He’s one stupid fokker.


This is one of the things that makes America not just great but truly great: free speech. If our government didn’t let us say things like what Savage said on a nationally-broadcast (I assume) show of some sort, we’d never get the chance to know what a cunt-assed, bleach-snorting scumfuck taint-eel he is. Ergo, we’d never be able to assume (correctly, in all likelihood) that his parents were a jizz-gobbling, rope-smoking, maggot-laden fish-rapist with a prehensile tail and a drug-addled pederast whose body weight was 63% tapeworm.
Also, I hate his beard.


Vic–that’s a very Lovecraftian image there. Heil Dagon!


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