A +12 Cloak Of Doy

It’s been three days since the Evans/Monckton post brought humiliation raining down on their heads like a Fortean shower of garden rakes, and apparently, Ace of Spades HQ has fallen for another anti-global-warming op-ed in the Murdoch-owned paper, The Australian:

AGW treacherously hides evidence of itself
—Purple Avenger

Its a devious and cunning wizard donning what appears to be a +9 cloak of invisibility to work its satanically inspired world destroying magic.

…1. The greenhouse signature is missing. We have been looking and measuring for years, and cannot find it…

…2. There is no evidence to support the idea that carbon emissions cause significant global warming. None…

…3. The satellites that measure the world’s temperature all say that the […]

Oh no wait, holy God, they’ve just fallen for the same David Evans op-ed again.

Um, this is understandable, since the page at The Australian‘s website currently has the date, ‘July 18’ — and how should they be expected to know that all the sciencey-looking stuff is actually, like, the same sciencey-looking stuff as before?

This is becoming like one of those rumored Native American festivals in the Pacific Northwest where everybody got together and burned all their stuff in a huge bonfire.

Update: Back to Christopher Monckton briefly, here’s the press release from the Science and Public Policy Institute (Chief Policy Advisor, Christopher Monckton) that made all those false claims that were so disastrously picked up by Matt Drudge, DailyTech, and the entire right-blogosphere.

Here, posted yesterday, is their republishing of the David Evans ‘report.’

There ought to be a timeline of this fascinating and quickly-unfolding affair. Let’s see what we can do over the next couple of days.


Comments: 47


Well at least they’re consistent.


Did anyone see that column in The Australian? It proves there is no anthropogenic global warming!!!!!11!!!


Okay, allow me to drag up into this thread a message I left on the old thread below:

See, all of this “research” and “citing credible sources” and “fact-checking” and “having some clue as to what you’re talking about” and all — it’s hard work. It’s like what some people — what are they called? Oh yes, actual professional reporters and journalists — do for a living. Nah, I don’t wanna hear none o’ that “blar blar journalists suck! they’re all STUUPIT and lazy whores!” Yes yes many are. Many (Seymour Hersh) are not. This is what happens when any ol’ narcissistic pinheaded bully with a keyboard (AoS) decides he’s suddenly an “alternative journalist” or what the fuck ever and that the gift of his superior wit and intellect is so great he needn’t bother with such trivialities as actual journalistic routines and standards. Useless jackbag.

Blogosphere/alternative journalism is what Gavin does, Mr. Bacon-Playdough Man. You’re so talentless and intellectually lazy you can scarcely be bothered to create the mud pies you throw around with such carelessness. S,No-sians perform valuable public service by deflecting and/or performing precision clean-up in the wake of your bullshit-mongering. Thank heavens someone’s willing to do it.


I hadn’t heard about that, but I hear there was a column in the Australian that proves there’s no anthropogenic global warming!


Oh no wait, holy God, they’ve just fallen for the same Evans op-ed again.

Where there is a Ming vase, it must be smashed.


Hopefully they will have this figured out six weeks from now when it appears in Mallard Fillmore.

Mallard Fillmore is like a trip down Memory Lane for conservatives.

“Remember THAT talking point? I get nostalgic for the days when we thought Rev. Wright would have traction.”


The fact is, a column in the Australian today proves there is no global warming. So suck on that, libs.


Rupert Murdoch has done far more than most to make the world a worse place.


Rupert Murdoch employs Bill O’Reilly AND Sean Hannity.

Enough said.


If global warming is so true, how come when they sent a bunch of balloons up to measure it, some guy who wrote the computer program for the actual scientists says it ain’t?


If global warming is so true, how come when they sent a bunch of balloons up to measure it, some guy who wrote the computer program for the actual scientists says it ain’t?

That’s the best anti-global warming argument I’ve heard for awhile.



It was chilly here this morning – and this is high summer! – thus putting the lie to the “global warming” myth.

There, I’ve run rings round you logically.


O.K. maybe THAT column in The Australian was false, but THIS column in The Australian exposes the Goracle’s wickedness once and for all! Suck. On. This.


Well of course there’s no global warming in Austrailia. It’s winter there right now.


If global warming from human activity were really true, it would have been found & proven by truly scientific sources whom are respected by right wingers around the world, and not by Al Gore, who is fat.


Wow, this weekend’s wingnut material is even more doytastic than the stuff from this past week. I can’t even keep up. No idea how you fellas do it.

Five of Diamonds

Climate change deniers should be forced to trade all their property for waterfront real estate in Florida.


Climate change deniers should be forced to trade all their property for waterfront real estate in Florida.

Hehindeed. I’m curious to see if Kennebunkport ends up submerged.


If “Global Warming” is such a myth why are they sweating so much?


The fact is, there is no global warming. You liberals and leftist one-worlders want there to be, but there isn’t. You have no facts, or logic, only bias and anti-USA-ism. We, who deal in realities, have the proof we need and do not believe your unscientific lies.


If global warming from human activity were really true, it would have been found & proven by truly scientific sources whom are respected by right wingers around the world, and not by Al Gore, who is fat.
Wrong wingers hate and deny all science. (bad) Science fiction, however….. (Now where is that sammich?)

Have to agree with DN Nation about the prime quality wingnuttia on display lately.

Our Dead Selves

Here’s what I can’t wrap my mind around: The “argument” against global warming is based on the assumption that our actions have no consequences, which to me seems pretty retarded.

Why don’t the fucktards just say that the “free market”* will solve this problem? Or that the “free market”* is more important than the environment?

*You know, the one that we bail out when the rich people get scared.

Typical Republican

You’re missing the point.

We may be causing global warming and ruining the Earth, but this is God’s plan. He left us just enough resources to last until the End Times.

If you try to interfere with my beliefs by trying to cut down on emissions to save the Earth, then you are insulting my religion by acting like anything else is true, and you are being intolerant and you are persecuting me exactly the way the Japanese persecuted the Jews.

Typical fascist liberals.

Liberals. Hmf.


Our Dead Selves said,

July 20, 2008 at 20:29

Here’s what I can’t wrap my mind around: The “argument” against global warming is based on the assumption that our actions have no consequences, which to me seems pretty retarded.

Why don’t the fucktards just say that the “free market”* will solve this problem? Or that the “free market”* is more important than the environment?

*You know, the one that we bail out when the rich people get scared.

Given that there is no more cheap oil, “free market” forces should make renewable energy more attractive as being cost effective. But of course, now they’re going to argue for the need of government intervention to save the poor helpless oil companies.

Our Dead Selves

That’s my point! You put it much better than I ever could, Buddha.


Like the proverbial cartoon character that gets shot in the head, leaps repeatedly off cliffs, slams into walls and shatters into a million pieces, Ace never STFU for long. His stupidity cannot be stopped.


This is becoming like one of those rumored Native American festivals in the Pacific Northwest where everybody got together and burned all their stuff in a huge bonfire.

And Sadly, No! is the Franz Boas of wingnut ethnography.


Purple Avenger

Helpful guidelines for naming things:
1. Avoid Word Play Dangers: Taking the word play strategy will add to the difficulty in having people remember and find you. Being cute can backfire!
2. Check Availability: When you have developed a great name, spend the time to determine if someone else isn’t using it. You can use a similar name for your business if another company uses it in an unrelated market or industry. Once you have your name, protect it by registering the business name with your county or State office!
3. Ask Others to Spell it: When I started one of my companies and named it Insightica, it was unique enough but it drove me crazy the number of times I was asked to spell it. The word could be spelled with site or sight. Put your name through the spelling test and ask others to spell it.
4. Oh, and don’t pick a name that instantly forces your audience to visualize a giant dickhead every time they read it.


Has our old pal Dogstar weighed in on this one?


brought humiliation raining down on their heads like a Fortean shower of garden rakes

It’s not fair to just win the thread before it even starts.


That’s a fucking magical item. Wow, +9…


Yay! J- made a Franz Boas joke! J- is my new hero(ine)!


5. Don’t take naming advice from a person who wants to name his/her own company ‘Insightica’. Ugh.


‘Insightica’. Ugh.

6. Don’t use a name that promotes something you lack.


I’m gonna name my new company WikiInsightaGoogle…


Smiling Mortician

those rumored Native American festivals in the Pacific Northwest where everybody got together and burned all their stuff

Hey, I live in the PNW and although I’m not Native American except for a tiny little bit from my paternal grandmother, I burn a bunch of my stuff on a fairly regular basis in a kind of festival-like manner, so . . . wait, I’m sure I had a point.


On the train to portland, er, sorry, PDX, I noticed that lots of peeps in Oregon have backyard burn barrels. I remember these from my youth, but this is not something you’re allowed to do in California for a really long time.

Dude. You can’t just put a flammable liquid on your shit and light it on fire.

It’s wrong on many levels….


Doctor Missus Marita

Oh Mikey, my parents don’t even contain their stuff in a barrel. They have a burn pile.

And other people come put stuff on it too.

Not that my folks are rural, or anything.


‘Insightica’. Ugh.

They’re stretching that trend pretty thin – about five years ago I had a McJob at a data entry joint where they filed workers’ comp claims. There were about a hojillion little companies that handled stuff like that and sent their forms to us, and a ton of them had names like “Advanta” and “Integra” and “Concentra”. Not sure why, but I assume it had something to do with Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land, in which Jubal Harshaw claims that names ending with “-a” suggest a C-cup figure.


fardels bear: Anthro geeks of the Sadly, No! commentariat, unite!


Don’t take naming advice from a person who wants to name his/her own company ‘Insightica’.

Jeez, in my stampede to the punchline I missed that. It’s like something Mike Judge would make up.

Spokane Moderate

Like the proverbial cartoon character that gets shot in the head, leaps repeatedly off cliffs, slams into walls and shatters into a million pieces, Ace never STFU for long. His stupidity cannot be stopped.

Acme of Spades?


Five Of Diamonds: “Climate change deniers should be forced to trade all their property for waterfront real estate in Florida.”

I move to amend that location – to coastal Bangladesh.


Acme of Spades?

Invizble Anvil

The Dark Avenger

Oh, and don’t pick a name that instantly forces your audience to visualize a giant dickhead every time they read it.

That’s why my first name is Dark, Dad didn’t want me to turn out like my cousin Purple who is really a dickhead, along with his brother Red………………..


Five Of Diamonds: “Climate change deniers should be forced to trade all their property for waterfront real estate in Florida.”

I move to amend that location – to coastal Bangladesh.

Or Micronesia.


Am currently in Berlin, and the weather here is shite. Meanwhile the art galleries are full of paintings of girls with no clothes on. Evidently the climate has deteriorated in the centuries since they were painted.


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