Into The Escher Spiral

Shorter Newsbusters:

While Hyping Obama’s Trip, CBS Notes ‘Blistering Critiques’ of ‘Liberal Media’ from ‘Conservative Blogosphere’

  • Stop hitting yourself! [heh heh] Stop hitting yourself! [heh heh] Stop hitting yourself! [heh heh]

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 31



I just wanted to be the first one to ever make that comment on
a blog. Lets make it an internet tradition. Whadya say, who’s with me on this?

Tim (The Other One)

I’m pleasantly stunned.

I just left two comments at the bottom of the thread you did on Mom. Ella was her favorite singer. Everyone else was a not so close second.

Thanks very much to everyone who posted. Now back to your usual program.



Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center

So, that means he has access to the Cheetos Vault, but not the keys to the liquor cabinet, right?


Brent Baker, as Keymaster, ought not to be introduced to the Gatekeeper.

That much at least should be clear.


Brent Baker, as Keymaster

D00d looks funny.

Baker lived in Massachusetts through high school, whereupon he fled the liberal commonwealth for George Washington University in DC and, since graduation, a life in Northern Virginia.


ohioans everywhere

This is completely off topic, but World Net Daily is running an ad that asks: “Plagued by man boobs and excess belly fat?”


ec1009, we can make Frist a new internet tradition, if we can also add “teh” and “LOL” to the list too.



in addition to being reduntantly reptitive too as well.


The fact is, Obama decides he’s gonna’ score some p.r., photo, kudo, electioneering, a$$-kissing points with the American people shaking hands with the guys and gals in uniform he’s been stabbing in the back and putting in harms way, all the while giving aid and comfort to the enemy, along with the rest of the far-leftist moonbats in Congress, after he’s been trying as hard as he can these several years, to lose this war.

Oh, and the New Yorker cover? Thanks for handing us the election, you’ve out smarty pantsed yourselves/ All you have done is reinforced the truth and our message.


Atrios is that you?


How could you NOT put up a picture of the author of that fine Newsbusters article, “Brent Baker”.

You wouldn’t even have to photoshop it. He’s that dopey-looking.


The fact is, Brent Baker is a genius, and you liberals are real dopes compared.


Via the GOS:

Iraqi PM backs Obama troop exit plan: report

REUTERS | Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:38am EDT

BERLIN (Reuters) – Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki told a German magazine he supported prospective U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s proposal that U.S. troops should leave Iraq within 16 months.

In an interview with Der Spiegel released on Saturday, Maliki said he wanted U.S. troops to withdraw from Iraq as soon as possible.

“U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama talks about 16 months. That, we think, would be the right timeframe for a withdrawal, with the possibility of slight changes.”

It is the first time he has backed the withdrawal timetable put forward by Obama, who is visiting Afghanistan and us set to go to Iraq as part of a tour of Europe and the Middle East.

Obama has called for a shift away from a “single-minded” focus on Iraq and wants to pull out troops within 16 months, instead adding U.S. soldiers to Afghanistan.

Asked if he supported Obama’s ideas more than those of John McCain, Republican presidential hopeful, Maliki said he did not want to recommend who people should vote for.

“Whoever is thinking about the shorter term is closer to reality. Artificially extending the stay of U.S. troops would cause problems.”



El Cid, how about this:

Testing theory from Escahton comments:

tercio7 wrote:
Wash Post is a member of the 90% Democrat Media and accepts the Democrat lie that a person with no relevant experience, Obama, is qualified to be President of ANYTHING.
7/19/2008 8:08:48
tercio7, maybe you hadn’t noticed, with all your hyperventilating, but both Bush and Maliki have adopted Obama’s plan of getting out of Iraq.

Making Obama the first president to end a war, even BEFORE he’s elected.

Stick that one in your pipe, and smoke it.


But Barack Obama still has not entirely moved us off a petrochemical economy, and he has been campaigning for over a year now. Failure. Complete failure.


Don’t even get me started about cold fusion.


The fact is, Brent Baker is a genius, and you liberals are real dopes compared.

Gary, the fact is, you need to come upstairs now and take your medication. I know you can hear me calling you!

Don’t forget to do your laundry today. The fact is, I just don’t know how you go through so many socks when you never leave the house.


And why, I ask, hasn’t Obama ended poverty and raised Teh Children’s reading rates in school? Why?

So much for “hope”


“Interfur” sounds like some sort of Furry, uh, activity.


The MSM is clearly in love with Obama. I mean, come on, they’ve never once given him the kind of hard-hitting donuts they give McCain.


See, the terrorists want to work with Obama, to destroy America, which is why they love him. If we do not stay the course and win, we will be deteated by terror, which is what liberals want.


So what is “with” all those “quotes” around the “headline” to that “article”? The “last time” I saw that “many quotes” is in a “postmodernist essay”.


Brent Baker, as Keymaster, ought not to be introduced to the Gatekeeper.

…and he should steer well clear of any bowling ball-sized meteorites he happens across.


[Adding a pic as we speak]


Gavin M. said,

July 19, 2008 at 18:32

[Adding a pic as we speak]

Hank you!

/evil looksists, everywhere!


Gah. Don Surber’s love child.


COURIC: Of course, he does, as you mention, have to walk some tightropes. What do you think is the biggest potential landmine for him?

*cues up circus music*

Shucksoroony, Katester! I was, all, like, thinking & stuff – I’m guessing an actual fracking landmine itself would suck some eggs! Like, Major Brainwave, girl! Could you consider interviewing a few of the local kiddies who’ve been, like y’know, touched by The Surge & stuff, so now they’re all like, limb-challenged now & stuff – rather than the usual cast of not-so-useful idiots & stuff? That’d be way nifters!

JOHN MCCAIN: He opposed the surge, he said the surge wouldn’t work, and fails to acknowledge that it’s working today.

I “fail” it too, as I – or anyone actually paying intention rather than junket about with hubby inhaling canapes & pills damn well knows – know it isn’t. It’s shitkicking both US Forces’ morale & their viable supplies: a large modern army’s two most potent advantages. It’s also thus far butchered or maimed yet more of their bravest troops. The Sadr Army’s truce IS working splendidly, in terms of exponentially reducing violence in a profoundly apeshit situation, however, & it’s been slaughtering the US politically with Iraqis, & more so with the millions who are now refugees from their country & trying to survive … negating a huge “Hearts & Minds” aid & rebuilding drive … with nary a major attack risked.

Well, that, & maybe also the big honkin’ Festung NeoAmerika plopped down in the guts of downtown Baghdad. Some folks just get a little testy with that kind of thing in their city – go figure!
Perhaps the proposed Disneyland-style mega-plex down the street from it will make everything shiny & jolly for them – or not.

tercio7, maybe you hadn’t noticed, with all your hyperventilating, but both Bush and Maliki have adopted Obama’s plan of getting out of Iraq.

Making Obama the first president to end a war, even BEFORE he’s elected.

Stick that one in your pipe, and smoke it.

Frickin’ BOOOYAH.

Your comment needs to be cloned, & then fed mucho skookum dosages of growth hormones – it’s not even slightly historically controversial, either … the same way Obama has quickly swiped vital issues from the GOP (*cough*ahem ahem*faith-based initiatives*cough*), conservadroids have been nonchalantly boosting (& reselling) liberal-oriented poicies to pass themselves of as giving a shit about others since before even McCain III was in diapers – especially at their political PMS’ing stage – when they’re both fleeing their own latest smeg-ups & chronically hard-up to snitch another term in power.

Their entire frame of reference has culturally decayed into psychopathology. Can we start just calling them conservopaths? I’d venture to say they’ve more than earned it by now.

Our planet’s national political parties may now be the sluttiest memetic artifacts ever imagined, in OR out of sci-fi.


If we do not stay the course and win, we will be deteated by terror, which is what liberals want.

Yes, terror will violently remove all of our teats, including the man boobs.


The fact is, Brent Baker is a genius

Wowee! What a silly, silly thing to say. But this is Gary, who also thinks the New Yorker cover handed McCain the election.

Stupid doesn’t come in a purer form than that.


“The Surge is Working”.

What an odd, abstract notion. What is “Working”? Working how? Working for whom? To make this statement without some kind of definition is not different than saying “The Surge is Blue”.

All that has happened is violence is reduced. Ethnic cleansing completed, Sunni insurgents drawing paychecks to not kill us (yeah, THAT’S a sustainable solution) and al Sadr’s forces ordered to stand down. Did anyone notice that the entire nation is in disarray, politically unviable, economically a basket case and socially utterly destroyed, with millions of refugees and NO solutions.

Pssshhh. Working my ass.

Oh, and every time fucking McCain says “The Surge is Working” somebody needs to ask him why we need more troops over there when it’s “working” than we did when it wasn’t. When you win, don’t you get to go home? (Hint: Yes you do – if that was really your goal.)…



This guy is way way dorkier-looking than Rick Moranis, who is in fact rather adorable and who is totally the Keymaster. I believe we’ve had this discussion before.


I’ll take a paycheck to not kill anybody.

Heck, I’ll take two, and not kill anybody, twice!


(comments are closed)