A Good Day For Fishing
Ah yes, remember a little while ago when that Michael Asher anti-global-warming piece exploded so mortifyingly for Jonah, and I mentioned that we were waiting for the next sucker to step up and be fooled?
Here’s a list from Memeorandum:
Michael Asher / DailyTech:
Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate— “Considerable presence” of skeptics — The American Physical Society, an organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists, has reversed its stance on climate change and is now proclaiming that many of its members disbelieve in human-induced global warming.Discussion: Power Line, Hot Air, The Sundries Shack, Climate Progress, Pirate’s Cove, Patterico’s Pontifications, Sister Toldjah, The Strata-Sphere, Wake up America, Althouse, The News Buckit, JustOneMinute, www.redstate.com, Right Wing News, San Francisco Chronicle, Don Surber, NewsBusters.org and Dot Earth
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air: Consensus collapses: APS re-opens debate on global warming …
Jimmie / The Sundries Shack: Physicists Open Climate Change Debate. Will Al Gore Denounce them as “Deniers”?
Joe / Climate Progress: American Physical Society forced to reaffirm human-caused global …
William Teach / Pirate’s Cove: SM Friday: Goracle – Hey, I’m Still Relevant Here! Hello?
Patterico’s Pontifications: Global Warming/Terrorism: A Real Problem/A Manufactured Issue
Sister Toldjah: American Physical Society debates IPCC conclusion on global warming
AJStrata / The Strata-Sphere: Group Representing 50,000 Scientists Says “Hold On” On Global Warming
Susan Duclos / Wake up America: American Physical Society Sponsors Debate On Validity Of Global Warming Science
Ann Althouse / Althouse: About that anthropogenic global warming consensus.
S. Lee Whitesell II / The News Buckit: Solemn Mirth: The Triumph of Science
Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute: How Green Was My Scientific Consensus?
Kbday / www.redstate.com: Breaking news: sunlight shines on global warming (aka climate change) skeptics
Right Wing News: AGW “Consensus” Challenged by Scientists
Zachary Coile / San Francisco Chronicle: Al Gore lays down green challenge to America
Don Surber: Global warming gored
Noel Sheppard / NewsBusters.org: American Physical Society Opens Debate on Global Warming
Andrew C. Revkin / Dot Earth: The (Annotated) Gore Energy Speech
We’re hereby on notice for corrections. Who will duly correct the bizarre and factually wrong assertions that they parroted from Asher, evidently without doing a scratch of research, clicking a single link, or having any clue at all what they were typing — and who will punk out?
Let’s take bets!
And send them all bills.
Maybe Gavin could help me out with a link that would make the above comment more sensible. It was right here at S,N! not that long ago….
Gotta love it when all the wingers get owned before they even open their mouths.
Wow. This is gonna take a while.
Thomas Sowell said global warming wasn’t true because he was cold last winter.
He’s pretty credible, right?
He has a Ph.D. in economics, and economics is really hard, so that makes him the same as a climate scientist.
Lookit this muthafuckin’ lineup:
Power Line, Hot Air, The Sundries Shack, Climate Progress, Pirate’s Cove, Patterico’s Pontifications, Sister Toldjah, The Strata-Sphere, Wake up America, Althouse, The News Buckit, JustOneMinute, http://www.redstate.com, Right Wing News, San Francisco Chronicle, Don Surber, NewsBusters.org and Dot Earth
How is the fabric of the universe possibly containing that dense a concentration of the cosmically stupid?
And what the hell is the Chronicle doing there lending this pack of gibbering lunatics even a shred of credibility?
Corrections? We don’t need no stinkin’ corrections!
Because he’s the South’s preeminent intellectual fraud, heeeeere’s Glenn Reynolds!
Though he often acts like a clueless tool, it’s pretty obvious that the Old Perf knows better than this. Dude knows the claims are bogus, but he’s gonna act like there’s some sort of debate going on here. The IMPLODING CONSENSUS!!!! leads, the refuting is secondary, and the clarification has to be in scare quotes and can only seem to undercut the bullshit he’s promoted.
Your tax dollars at work, Tennessee.
Thomas Sowell also said that we shouldn’t be debating evolution/creationism because since none of us were there when it happened, we can’t really know anything about it.
Seriously, he said that. Twice, in two of those insipid “random thoughts” columns.
Here’s Surber’s correction:
(cue Price Is Right “overbid” music)
Oh, do you mean the Confederate Yankee thing?
Shockingly, he never replied. Let along paying.
As I pointed out in that fucking Golberg thread, Thumbelino made a very weak correction.
No corrections yet from Althouse or the Power Line trio. In fact, they’re still closing their post on this by telling McCain to change his stance. Whoops.
This is some staggering epic fail. I can think of no better way to end this Week O’Crazy than to watch them all fall down at once.
Patterico’s update:
He out-Jonah’ed Jonah.
Being Republican means never having to say you are sorry (or wrong).
Well, Hindrocket will hang onto this thing until the bitter end. That’s pretty much his M.O.
Ann Althouse will probably try to blame her mistake on Hillary Clinton and/or Barack Obama. Take that as you will.
NewsBusters will eventually correct the story, though not before some half-assed defense of the “Buh…buh…liberals did it too!” variety. Same for Ed Morrissey at Hot Air.
Patterico, I think, will man up and admit his mistake…but not right away. Maybe a week from now, when everyone has moved on to the next outrage.
Given that Wake Up America is apparently unwilling to change their name to something with fewer…negative connotations, look for them to join Buttmissile in pounding their heads into the wall.
The rest of them will follow the pack, I guarantee.
How can Goppers continue to be victims of “TeH Left” if they first don’t make complete jackasses out themselves?
They make some monumentally stupid claim.
Facts demonstrate they are morons.
“TeH Left” points and laughs.
Goppers whine about fascist liberals suppressing their freedoms.
They make EVEN MORE monumentally stupid claims.
The cycle of life, folks.
You know, I thought I’d catch Chuckles Johnson in on this, but sadly, he’s yet to fall for the trap. The Lizardorks do have this campaign going, though:
Yeah, big issues, these.
A picture-perfect illustration of the borderline mental illness in current conservative ideology. They are on the losing side of this argument, but they just keep doubling down.
I think if global warming was a spike in the wall, they would just keep running forward into it to prove it isn’t there.
Good lord, the blast-radius of this Pantlosion was far greater than we originally thought!
I love the Perferssor’s scare quotes around “clarification.”
The APS released some supposed “words” which allegedly “say” that this report of them changing their mind on climate change was so-called “wrong”–take that to mean what you will!
I think Althouse will back off. I think the Coile guy will have to do the same, just because he works with San Franciscans and they’ll mock him too much.
Maguire will attempt to quietly slide away from the pincers of logic, with some weaselly interpretation like “The rest of the scientists aren’t agreeing YET.”
The rest of ’em won’t say boo.
Speaking of corrections….did anyone hear back from the TN winguts about Al Gore’s electricity use? You know, when they said his electricity consumption increased, but their own numbers clearly showed it decreased?
I love that Memeorandum bascially gave us a singularly packaged laundry list of morons – for easy mockability. Thanks, guys!
I think Althouse will back off.
No, no, no. She will either say nothing, or explain how the falsity of the premise has nothing to do with her conclusion, which was real point all along, and you’re a fucking idiot for not understanding what she was really saying.
HEH INDOODILY DING DONG DIDDILY, it appears Obama is actually from Mars, and thus not Constitutionally allowed to run for President, says Don Surber, who got it from Special Ed Morrissey, who got it from Mickey Kaus, who got it from some goat. Read the whole thing, Obama’s about to pivot on Iraq, also Dude, where’s my recession? I told you all along that Obama was screwed, and this just proves it!
UPDATE: I guess it “seems” like I was “wrong.” Whatever. Heh indoozlington!
No, no, no. As always, the wingnut intent is to get the meme out there. That they’re wrong, and may or may not do corrections, isn’t even the point. Chuckleheads across the country will all be talking about how Al Gore was TEH RONGG!!!1!, and they get the boost they want.
Nim HOL, I think you’re right re: Althouse, but my monopoly money’s already down, so there it’ll stay.
Don Surber even saying *that* shocks me. Almost as much as Jonah Goldberg’s actually *reading* the article. I really have no idea how these ideologheads will react.
And what the hell is the Chronicle doing there lending this pack of gibbering lunatics even a shred of credibility?
That Chron article is about Al Gore, and says nothing about the bogus APS article.
Everyone else on that list: the idiotsphere.
Wait ’til this crew hears that the American Physical Society has come out in favor of the existence of ghosts, goblins, and leprechauns. Die, skeptics!
I find it confusing that Sowell labels some of his columns “random thoughts” because that seems to fit all his writing.
I call his column “Straw Man Theater.”
Cal Thomas is “Apples and Oranges.”
Dennis Prager is “The Perils of Anecdotal Evidence.”
Maureen Dowd is “Liberal Column: Conservative’s Choice.”
Larry Elder is “Dumb Liberals I Know.”
Thomas Friedman is “Here Are Some of My Sensible Opinions.”
Jonah Goldberg is “Jonah Goldberg.”
No corrections yet from Althouse or the Power Line trio. In fact, they’re still closing their post on this by telling McCain to change his stance. Whoops.
Maybe this will trickle all the way down to McCain, he’ll jump on it and decide global warming is a hoax, allowing him to flip on the issue. That would be amusing. I can dream, can’t I?
genius. it all comes from total douchebag christopher monckton?
an idiot says something on the internet. a bunch of other idiots link to it. slowly it works up the food chain. i will hear about this from my right-wing relatives later, perhaps in an e-mail that will be forwarded to a million people.
we are doomed.
It’s like a Tunguska of stupid.
An enormous blast zone, and — in the center — no crater, nothing.
Yeah, Mockton’s a fucking typical wingnut asshole (from Wikipedia):
Monckton’s views on how the AIDS epidemic should be tackled have been the subject of some controversy. In an article entitled “The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS”, written for the January 1987 issue of The American Spectator, he argued that “there is only one way to stop AIDS. That is to screen the entire population regularly and to quarantine all carriers of the disease for life. Every member of the population should be blood-tested every month … all those found to be infected with the virus, even if only as carriers, should be isolated compulsorily, immediately, and permanently.” This would involve isolating between 1.5 and 3 million people in the United States (“not altogether impossible”) and another 30,000 people in the UK (“not insuperably difficult”).[10] Monckton appeared on the BBC’s Panorama programme in February 1987 to discuss his views and present the results of an opinion poll that found public support for his position.[5] In 1999 the British gay rights group OutRage! launched a campaign to force the manufacturer of Monckton’s Eternity Puzzle to disassociate itself from him because of his views.[11] Monckton has since clarified his views on AIDS, stating that “the article was written at the very outset of the AIDS epidemic, and with 33 million people around the world now infected, the possibility of [quarantine] is laughable. It couldn’t work.” [12]
Note last sentence. Basically, he came up with a policy based on his own ignorance and intolerance; when reality reared its ugly head, he was forced to call his own plan “laughable.” He was Jonah before there was a Jonah.
having lived in england for years, i often wondered if the title “Lord” was in fact short for “Lord, what a stupid fucking asshole”.
E-Z Debunk
Well, now the physicists can go back to being pointy-headed, liberal, ivory tower, out-of-touch atheists.
Here’s a diary at Redstate that is pushing Mockton’s article as if it represents a legitimate controversy within the APS:
This doofus thinks the worst part about the whole global warming “hoax” is that it besmirches the good name of the United States. Quoth Mr. KBDay:
Meanwhile, global warming which the EPA now insists be called ‘climate change’ which the APS is now referring to as ‘climate senstivity’ is costing the United States both money and goodwill. Countries where people don’t have enough to eat are given the impression the U.S., rather than natural events, wars and lack of leadership, is causing food shortages.
That’s right. People subsisting on dried roots in the expanding sub-Sahara might actually resent fat-ass Americans idling in the McDonald’s drive-thru in their SUVs because of this “climate sensitivity” nonsense. And after our leaders have worked so hard to build up good will between the Third World and the “world’s biggest polluter”.
Thomas Sowell “Random Thoughts” sound more like “Random Farts”
“DrDick said,
July 18, 2008 at 20:20
Being Republican means never having to say you are sorry (or wrong).”
That is true. Everyone automatically assumes you are not sorry, but are wrong in the first place. Any sort of confirmation of such well known facts is waste of effort. Sort of like starting every conversation with “Earth it round, did you know?”.
In anycase, it is good that all those people aren’t posting on the same website. Such concentration of stupidity would cause a black hole like effect in the internet.
Your tax dollars at work, Tennessee
If only that were the worst of it.
….did anyone hear back from the TN winguts about Al Gore’s electricity?
What is this, pick on Tennessee day? Don’t we have enough troubles down here as it is?
In answer to your question, Nim: I think they slipped quietly back under the rock from whence they emitted themselves. Shhhhh.
Now that Lord Clueless has achieved the unprecedented feat of airing his opinion in an open forum, I hope he gets the courage to submit an actual paper to an APS conference. He’ll find himself in the crackpot session, talking right after the guy who sees the key to the universe in fractal patterns in rocks. Well, if that guy ever showed up, that is. They never do.
As always, the wingnut intent is to get the meme out there. That they’re wrong, and may or may not do corrections, isn’t even the point. Chuckleheads across the country will all be talking about how Al Gore was TEH RONGG!!!1!, and they get the boost they want.
Exactly. Just throw this one on the pile with “the Chinese are drilling off the coast of Cuba” and “Katrina didn’t cause a single oil spill.” Zombie lies aren’t killed by mere facts.
What is this, pick on Tennessee day?
Well, nothing sucks like a Big Orange, as they say in Tuscaloosa, Athens, and Gainesville.
Lord Monkfish is a member of the Worshipful Company of Broderers. So many things make sense now.
Modern day Broderers have eschewed linen and velvet, and make their living by embroidering the truth.
I know this is serious reflection on a serious subject by the top serious’rs in the seriousophere . But …
Wouldn’t it be fun just to skylark a concept of light hearted Bonhomie ?
For instance taking the sacred words of the sanctified conservative American “Majority” . These idealistic and perky slices of elevated American substance , and fresh ideas . The hummmble sounds that emanate from these selfless guardians of , Lordly Thought , when surprised with slight innocent miscalculations . Those solemn quotes are probably more valuable than a signed first edition of Aesop’s economics parables .
That would be an interesting list !
Whoa … okay, I sort of couldn’t resist trolling Frau Althausen on this … but damn this is just too, too much. I work for a living, here – & I need to sleep.
Still, it is kind of like Xmas in July, isn’t it?
Yes, it’s truly a sad day in the Magical Kingdom of Les Nuts d’Wing.
…Lord M must have been in a testy mood; this is a thrashing.
I’m capable of understanding the gist of his paper, but not really competent to assess whether he’s correct on all points. We’ll have to leave that to the physicists over time…
You might as well add Phil of plumbbobblog.com to that list. He not only bit, he’s still chewing on the plastic squid.
[…] corrections have been coming in after the entire right-blogosphere swallowed a phony story that the American Physical Society had changed its position on global warming. Ace of Spades HQ got […]
Well, nothing sucks like a Big Orange, as they say in Tuscaloosa, Athens, and Gainesville.
Matt T.: Yes, well. That is the sort of thing up with which we must put down –er, up here in the glorious border state. The ass that the Big Orange totally kicks sure adds up, don’t it?