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Here’s Malkin on her latest rampage:

NAACP race-monger: Obama was “lynched” by a cartoon!
By Michelle Malkin • July 17, 2008 08:58 AM

Geez, I thought that the two Texas dunces who protested the phrase “black holes” had won the grievance-mongering morons of the year award.

They’ve got competition.

Enter Myrlie Evers-Williams, NAACP official and widow of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers. She is decrying the New Yorker cartoon of the Obamas as a “lynching.” Hey, never mind that it’s the critics of Obama who are the subject of the cartoon’s “lynching.” Evers-Williams’ cartoon comprehension score: F-. Some people to need to be kept away from the microphone.

Naturally, we looked around for about ten minutes and found a major conservative blogger advocating the vigilante killing of black crime suspects, i.e. lynching. It’s a smug, thoughtless blar-har of a post that will bring no criticism from the right — especially from Malkin, who is in her best element beating up on Medgar Evers’s 73-year-old widow. (Myrlie Evers-Williams, as it happens, retired from the NAACP board in 1998, and was speaking to a luncheon group.)

The situation is classic: A young black man is accused of molesting, or as the local FOX affiliate had it, of ‘grabbing the butt,’ of a 12-year-old girl. When the girl’s father confronted him, he and seven (young, black) friends allegedly brutally beat the father. The incident, at a Shakopee, Minnesota amusement park, was apparently very nasty, and seven of the eight young men arrested are reportedly facing felony assault charges.

And then John Hinderaker of Powerline (still and forever Time Magazine’s 2004 blog of the year) posts a picture of the main suspect, descends into archly quote-marked terms like “homies” and “men,” and asserts that it’s time to start shooting people:

Initially, the local media downplayed the story, presumably because of the race of the criminals. But today, the Minneapolis Star Tribune broke down and covered it. […]

The story is an infuriating one in several ways, but what strikes me most forcibly is that it would have been a good thing if a few armed citizens had happened by while the assault was in progress. It’s no surprise that the victim’s wife and daughters couldn’t protect him from eight “men,” and apparently [the Valleyfair amusement park’s] security force is unarmed. So the optimal outcome here would have been for one or more normal citizens to pull a firearm, shoot a couple of the criminals, and hold the rest until the police arrived. Criminals who carry out outrageous assaults in public do so on the assumption that passersby will not be able to stop them. Absent firearms, that assumption is reasonable. So let’s hear it for concealed carry.

[…] Against a gang such as the one that is now on the loose in the Twin Cities, only armed citizens can be effective.

Except “on the loose” means “in police custody,” since all eight suspects were duly arrested. Maybe Hindy and his friends can work out a midnight deal with the jailer. I believe the standard routine was to have suspects ‘transferred’ under light security, such that unforeseen, spontaneous events would often prevent them from reaching their destination. We know of someone who can help explain the procedures.

In all seriousness — and not to make too much of Hindy’s arrogant typing — it isn’t malice or thuggism that makes right-wing blowhards keep deciding, year after year and incident after incident, that it’s time to overturn the legal system and mete out rifle justice; and in any case, they’re unlikely to wheeze up from their couches and actually do anything, instead of just endlessly talking about it and egging each other on. It’s the notion that the world is divided into ‘good people’ and ‘bad people,’ and that they can always tell, by metrics as simple as reading a story in the newspaper, which ones are which. They expect the world to be simple, and when the world disappoints them, it is the world’s fault and problem and none of theirs. Suspects are guilty; the guilty should be punished.

Black suspects, though, are also guilty of acting in the way that liberals always try to convince us that blacks don’t necessarily act, which just goes to show you, and oooh doesn’t that just get you boiling, and we ought to show them a thing or two, etc. If the young men had been white — and here is the eternal, bleeding rub — no Hinderaker would have appeared to suggest that they be executed on the street.

But back to Michelle, with her shriek against the word, ‘lynching,’ used in a figurative sense by a woman whose husband was ‘slain,’ i.e. literally lynched. Evers was reported as saying that “political spin masters and the news media are painting the Obamas as unpatriotic and dangerous radicals.” Malkin smugly remarks:

And that, dear readers, is what we call self-satire.

Obama needs to grow a pair. This woman needs to grow a brain.

Insert snarkily sprightly rejoinder. It looks like Malkin is at that point in her cycle where she’ll keep saying more and more poisonously vicious things until a general uproar roars up against her. It’s always educational to watch her later, when she goes around feigning innocence and everyone seems to forget how evil she’d gotten, how utterly off the map of sane discourse. This woman needs to grow a soul.


Comments: 77


Remember when Clarence Thomas literally was lynched by the Democrats and the press?

Po’ po’ Clarence!


Hey, never mind that it’s the critics of Obama who are the subject of the cartoon’s “lynching.”

Malkin should have stopped there, because that part is essentially correct.


The fact is, Michelle Malkin seems very, very, extremely, steamingly, angry.


It’s the notion that the world is divided into ‘good people’ and ‘bad people,’ and that they can always tell, by metrics as simple as reading a story in the newspaper

Remember when the wingnuts used to hate the newspaper? How do they keep hearing about these things?


The fact is, Michelle Malkin seems very, very, extremely, steamingly, angry.

The fact is, Gary’s right! I almost feel sorry for Jesse. Imagine having to live with that woman. The fact is, she could use a valium prescription.


Yeah, Myrlie Evers-Williams was wrong, but Leiberman or Graham will come out and tell us how she misspoke, and didn’t really mean it, and then the press can bring her donuts.

Also, how can anyone who had a sweaty, back-arching ragegasm over a FUCKING SCARF get up in arms about this? WOMAN OVERREACTS! NEWS AT ELEVEN!

Doctor Missus Marita

WordPress can bite my shiny metal ass.

That is all.


Totally OT, but Nancy Pelosi is taking a phone poll on impeachment:

In short, just call 1-202-225-0100 and say “i wish to register my support for the impeachment of Bush Cheney”

I did it. You should too.


Fucking Assrocket.

Sorry. Oh, that intemperate Hinderaker.

Does it ever occur to him–Well, obviously, it doesn’t. Ever–that people all packing heat, especially in an amusement park, can reliably be expected to shoot the wrong person? Or persons? Or, once the fun starts, each other?

Please, dear Lord Jeebus, arrange for John Hinderaker and his wife to be out for an evening, and passing by a couple having an argument. And arrange for the man to grab the woman’s arm, and for the woman to scream, “Let go!” And for three different bystanders, carrying concealedly, to whip out their iron and start shooting. And at least two of the errant shots strike Hinderaker in a non-fatal-but-damaging way. We ask this in Thy Name. Amen.

These celestial idiots. ALL they listen to is their fantasy life, which they then emit, like a squid shooting ink, at the rest of it, and call it “the real world.”


“I did it. You should too.”

Done and done!

Thanks, Red!

Doctor Missus Marita

If the young men had been white — and here is the eternal, bleeding rub — no Hinderaker would have appeared to suggest that they be executed on the street.

But Gav, if they had been white, it would have probably just been a case of boys being boys, and that 12 year old was probably wearing a skimpy top or something, and in any case we should withhold judgement until we have all the facts. Sheesh. Don’t you know how these things are supposed to work?


Totally OT, but Nancy Pelosi is taking a phone poll on impeachment:

In short, just call 1-202-225-0100 and say “i wish to register my support for the impeachment of Bush Cheney”

I did it. You should too.

Look, I don’t want to piss on anyone’s fun, but that GNN story about the phone poll is dated MAY, 2007, for bloody fuck’s sake.


Well, in Texas it’s OK to run out of your house into your neighbor’s yard and shoot in the back a person running away from said neighbor’s house and the grand jury will say, “So what?” So maybe we’re that close to just having armed citizens shoot it out in amusement parks. And since we’re going all “Deadwood” now, maybe we can revert to backroom surgery with whiskey anesthesia and government by bullying sadists. We’ll call it “Hindyworld!”

Doctor Missus Marita

SomeNYGuy, is that any reason not to continue to share the sentiment?

In fact, I think we should all call the White House switch board and say the same thing. I’m sure there would be no consequences to that.


In fact, I think we should all call the White House switch board and say the same thing. I’m sure there would be no consequences to that.


Let me introduce you to my friends Yasser Esam Hamdi, Jose Padilla and Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri.

Nope. Not a goddam thing the White House could do to you…



Look, I don’t want to piss on anyone’s fun, but that GNN story about the phone poll is dated MAY, 2007, for bloody fuck’s sake.

No wonder the switchboard operator sounded annoyed.


Malkin seems to have a thing for victimizing the vulnerable – sick children and now the elderly. She’s a cunning little predator.

Doctor Missus Marita

Let me introduce you to my friends Yasser Esam Hamdi, Jose Padilla and Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri.

Dude, you just referred to those guys as your friends. Someone is in trou-ble.


The fact is, Gary’s right! I almost feel sorry for Jesse. Imagine having to live with that woman.

The fact is, are you kidding? The fact is Michelle’s anger probably rubbed off from her violence-prone husband.

Doctor Missus Marita

Malkin seems to have a thing for victimizing the vulnerable – sick children and now the elderly. She’s a cunning little predator.

Well Lesley, anyone capable of fighting back would have her for lunch. It’s not like she has much in her arsenal besides temper tantrums and pouting.


Against a gang bozo such as the one that is now on the loose in the Twin Cities the Internets, only armed citizens can be effective.

Yessirree Bob, he’s got me convinced. I’m totally down with Hindcanker’s notion of decent, upright people like me meting out justice on the vile filth. Where does he live, by the way?

A note for the satire impaired: this comment is not intended to imply any actual threat of violence, only violent revulsion.


It’s not like she has much in her arsenal besides temper tantrums and pouting.

Untrue! She has that awesomely offensive cheerleader routine. It induces uncontrollable emeses in normal people.


For some reason I took a look at Malkin’s comments, and the amount of nastiness and outright hatred directed at Evers-Williams there is truly sickening. A sample:

I wanted to mention what a shame that people like this woman keep bringing up “lynching” and in the same way, do a disservice to the black community.

Many blacks paid for HER civil rights with their lives. Does she get that or are their deaths just so much more politically expedient for the joy of using that word like some self-fulfilling prophecy or something?

Perhaps this person is not aware of the circumstances surrounding Evers-William’s husband’s death. Doubt it, though – there are enough commenters mentioning that she lost her husband in the “war against racism” while still calling her a doddering old fool that I’m sure it wouldn’t make a difference anyway.

And, of course, plenty of references to Clarence Thomas being pilloried by the vile leftists, without any mention of the “high-tech lynching” comment. These people are truly lacking in self-awareness.


The fact is, she is not just whistling dixie.


I sorta had the vision of some kind of effed-up gun battle erupting over something trivial as well.

It is like they can’t conceive of consequences for the things they suggest.


Gary, I must confess I don’t know much about Jesse Malkin and his life these days. I rather thought that maybe Michelle had killed him after mating and had him cocooned up in her webbing to be eaten later.


Gary, I must confess I don’t know much about Jesse Malkin and his life these days. I rather thought that maybe Michelle had killed him after mating and had him cocooned up in her webbing to be eaten later.

Has anyone seen the teo of them together?


Er, two. Even preview couldn’t help me that time.


“I don’t want to go on a lynching party against Michelle… – Bill O’Reilly


Malkin and the History of a Mean Person

I realized I don’t know much about this vicious person who is Michelle Malkin, so I consulted Teh Great Gazoogle and found the above rather interesting history.

Still really no indication of why she is the way she is.


Has anyone seen the teo of them together?

The fact is, no. According to Michelle, Jesse is “disabled” due to some sort of psychological problem, and almost never leaves the house.


Off topic, but yesterday’s Daily Show is a must see from beginning to end. Jason interviews the happiest scam artist on the planet. I wonder how happy he was after seeing the show. Probably very, because he’s so dumb he thinks all Darfur (“Darmur”) needs is more smiling.

J. P. Godsey is currently a Vice President of Investments with Ferris, Baker Watts, Incorporated. His client focus is helping retirees (and those within 10 years of retiring) in making appropriate financial plans to insure their “Golden Years” are golden. J. P. graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and Economics from West Virginia Wesleyan College. He is a Certified Senior Advisor in Investments, and is a Graduate Assistant in Dale Carnegie training. He has been a licensed securities broker and financial advisor for over 20 years. He also serves on his college alumni board, West Virginia Wesleyan College, and on his international fraternity board, Theta Chi. He serves as the President of Earning by Learning, is a founding member of the Richard Hassell Foundation, is a member of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and is a Human Rights Commissioner for the City of Virginia Beach.

I wonder how many seniors he’s bilked out of their life savings.


I realized I don’t know much about this vicious person who is Michelle Malkin, so I consulted Teh Great Gazoogle and found the above rather interesting history.

Still really no indication of why she is the way she is.

Candy, I think this passage sheds some light:

By the time Jesse Malkin started the newspaper, his conservative leanings had been well enough established for him to receive funding from an organization calling itself the Collegiate Network. The Network had formed in 1980 as a union of college newspapers funded by a neo-conservative group called the Institute for Educational Affairs (IEA). IEA had been founded in 1978 by Irving Kristol and William Simon, a leader of the modern neo-conservative movement. As Nixon’s Treasury Secretary, Simon had shaped the administration’s tax policy.

IEA was dedicated to “seek out promising Ph.D. candidates and undergraduate leaders, help them establish themselves through grants and fellowships and then help them get jobs with activist organizations, research projects, student publications, federal agencies or leading periodicals.” It was, in essence, an affirmative action program to help restore right wing influence on college campuses.

Early on, Jessie exposed her to the wonderful world of wingnut welfare, and Michelle realized that there would be riches to be gained by being a token minority woman railing against affirmative action, political correctness and all things liberal. Doesn’t take much of a congnitive leap for her to go from that to writing a book defending the internment of Asians during WWII, to her current tirades denouncing health care for kids, jihadist scarves and elderly wives of slain civil rights activists.


Am I the only one who just assumes Jesse uses Michelle as a sock puppet and he’s the one who writes most of this tripe?


Candy, it’s quite possible that Malkin’s a sociopath, like Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh.


Jesse is “disabled” due to some sort of psychological problem, and almost never leaves the house.

It would be irresponsible not to speculate on what really is up with Jesse. He could be chained up in the basement or maybe has already been dismembered. Erm, by ‘dismembered’ I mean in the totally physical Jeffry Dahmer way, not the metaphorical castration that Michelle surely wrought on him.


and apparently [the Valleyfair amusement park’s] security force is unarmed.

Has he never been to an amusement park? You don’t want those guys to be armed, believe me.


I would NEVER EVER imply that MM is a bitch that would cut your cock off, is what I mean to say.


that 12 year old was probably wearing a skimpy top or something

Derb would’ve…oh, never mind, I can’t even say it.


I am highly offended by the idea that *I* would ever say Michelle is a castrating whore of a cunt. I have never said that and I never will.


Look, I never once said Michelle Malkin is a vicious dickslicing pyschopath. Never.


Many blacks paid for HER civil rights with their lives.

My jaw just dropped reading that Malkin quote about Myrile Evers. Has someone pointed out to her who Evers is? No, I can’t go to her site from where i am.


Am I the only one who just assumes Jesse uses Michelle as a sock puppet and he’s the one who writes most of this tripe?

Are you saying that Jesse is Michelle Malkin’s merkin? Wait…that Michelle is Jesse Malkin’s merkin? No, that’s not right…

I’m so confused.


I have never compared Michelle Malkin to Charybdis or Scylla and never called her a harpie.


g, that was one of her commenters. And even if they knew, it wouldn’t matter. They’re stupid fucking moron.


“morons.” Damn, I can’t type today.


Someone may have said she has vagina dentata but it wasn’t me.


Did someone helpfully point this out to the commenter?:

In 1963, Medgar Evers was shot in the back when he returned home from a trip in which he worked for voting rights for blacks. He crawled to his porch, where he died in front of Myrlie Evers-Williams and their three children. – from the news story source.


I say Merkin, you say Malkin
I say Michelle, you say Jesse
Merkin, Malkin, Jesse, Michelle
Let’s call the whole thing off


Oh, so Jesse is a Rand-oid.


My jaw just dropped reading that Malkin quote about Myrile Evers. Has someone pointed out to her who Evers is? No, I can’t go to her site from where i am.

The fact is, I doubt it. She probably hasn’t a clue, and remember, she doesn’t even know wtf a gherkin is, and didn’t know how to find out.


Byron De La Beckwith – leader in the Phineas Priesthood, a branch of the Christian Identity movement known for espousing extreme white supremacist, anti-government, anti-gay, and anti-abortion ideologies.

Sounds like a fairly typical conservative to me..


Still really no indication of why she is the way she is.

You don’t know the horrifying truth.

Not long after they met, Jesse introduced Michelle to the Necronomicon and revealed his true identity and appearance as a shoggoth lord. Michelle’s mind shattered permanently, and she dedicated herself to building up a society that matched Cthulhu’s preferred human environment — all hate, all the time, as toxic an atmosphere as possible, civilizations dedicated to endless soul-burning war, and a society governed by 0 SAN rageoholics.

Jesse’s unable to make personal appearances nowadays — his human disguise quit working after he tripled his bulk on blood sacrifices — but Michelle still operates as his High Priestess, pushing society’s outcasts into more and more sociopathic behavior.

Comrade Rutherford

Conservatives HATE the Rule of Law.

Hinderaker of Powerline specifically hates the whole concept of law. He openly calls for rednecks (to him: ‘normal’ people) to gun down liberal women and children and suffer no punishment for murder.

This is what 28 years of Reagan buy us, calls for civil war to eliminate 70% of the citizens of this once-great nation.

Sophist FCD, in his rhadamanthine wisdom,

The father is still hospitalized, but the criminals are out on bail. The family’s name is being kept secret, lest the criminals find them and kill them to avoid prosecution.

Two points:

1) If the article is even remotely accurate, there is no shortage of witnesses physical evidence. So the prospect of avoiding prosecution through murder seems pretty remote.

2) I am not a lawyer, but as far as I know sexual assault cases involving minors are always kept anonymous anyway.

But hey, why let the facts get in the way of a good scare story about the black menace terrorizing the streets.

Comrade Rutherford

“In 1963, Medgar Evers was shot in the back when he returned home from a trip in which he worked for voting rights for blacks. He crawled to his porch, where he died in front of Myrlie Evers-Williams and their three children.”

And Hinderacker wants more of this. Not enough black men are murdered in cold blood for his taste. How dare black men want to vote?

Comrade Rutherford

In Hinderacker’s world truckloads of rednecks should murder black men in front of their families just for fun.


Thanks, Scott! I finally begin to understand Micchelle Malkin.


The Speaker’s mailbox is full as of this hour, so I could not register my support for teh lynch— er, impeachment of Bush / Cheney. I’ll likely get drunk and forget all about it by tomorrow, but I tried!


My jaw just dropped reading that Malkin quote about Myrile Evers. Has someone pointed out to her who Evers is?

In the quoted excerpt, she refers to Evers as “[an] NAACP official and widow of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers.”


The extreme ramp-up in stupid and racist over the past week, as evidenced by the furious rate of new posts here, is an example of the extreme stress the entire rightwing is feeling as week after week they watch everything they’ve cheerleaded, worked for, contributed to, being epically pwn3d by a black man. Polls show Obama maintaining a consistent, and growing, lead over McCain. Democrats aren’t losing in virtually any house or senate races anywhere. In one important NY district, the GOP is struggling – still – to field a viable candidate. They are 3 months from oblivion, and all their flying monkeys know it.

Expect increasingly loud and frantic screeches and howls from the monkey pens for the next 3-1/2 months. If only we could hope it would finally end then…unfortunately, getting the ass-peeling they so richly deserve will simply become another example of how they are victimized.


I’m sure wingnut welfare and sociopathy are indeed key to Michelle’s “personality” but still the seething rage seems excessive. Even Ann Coulter, sociopath and wingnut welfare recipient deluxe, doesn’t have that bubbling-beneath-the-surface-spittle-leaking-clenched-teeth rage. It isn’t hard to imagine Malkin physically attacking someone. She’s the kind of woman who goes to a bar, gets a couple drinks in her, imagines someone OMG is staring at her and just goes completely berserk.

Principal Blackman

She’s the kind of woman who goes to a bar, gets a couple drinks in her, imagines someone OMG is staring at her and just goes completely berserk.

True, but from what I’ve observed, such women typically get their asses kicked by the people they’re attacking. In terms of rhetoric and debate, the same thing happens to Malkin.


Jesse + Michelle = backarching ragegasms!!


It would be irresponsible not to speculate on what really is up with Jesse.

I’m figuring something like that cut scene from Alien with Dallas.


Liberals, do you think the incident in MN constitutes a hate crime?


Gotta hand it to those wingnutters – when it comes to bringing the ugly, & taking pride in what ethical adults consider a major failing, they truly do Win The Prize. All the grace & style of a 6-month-old happily making finger-paintings with its own shit – minus the innocence. Advocating a return to pre-modern Vigilante Action – whee-haw! Slagging on the “hyperbolic nonsense” of a woman in her 70s who saw her own husband murdered in cold blood – yippee!

Malkin can’t grow a new soul by now … & I doubt she has any interest in buying back the original, either. That smacks of hard work & a journey beyond the sacred circle of her Comfort Bubble – in other words, blasphemy. Not to mention that her adoring fanboyz would cry “Judas” & leave her to twist in the wind. I want to see how she’ll rationalize away Obama’s success, assuming the corporate sector & the rest of the state apparatus lets him have it. THAT has the hallmarks of good infotainment aplenty.

The extreme ramp-up in stupid and racist over the past week, as evidenced by the furious rate of new posts here, is an example of the extreme stress the entire rightwing is feeling as week after week they watch everything they’ve cheerleaded, worked for, contributed to, being epically pwn3d by a black man.

Music to my ears.

More than a few of us outside the US of A will be doing a Happy Dance when the finale comes, picturing all these petrie-dish think-tank wannabes making a sad-face, secretly knowing that they’re not going to necessarily have it any easier in 2012, either. Bush’s merry gang of nihilists have buggered the GOP brand up good & proper, & unless they can get their tongues out of his arse & admit what an utter waste of flesh he is & move forward, their little freak-show is going right back to the fringes from whence it slithered.

The GOP Political Suicide Squad – Yes, They Can!


Liberals, do you think the incident in MN constitutes a hate crime?

I know you’re not actually asking that question in good faith, that you’re just angling for some sort of “gotcha, double-standard, reverse-racism, no tagbacks” moment. But I’ll go ahead and answer it as though it were an honest question anyway.

Since we don’t know any details about motive yet, and since we don’t know much about the victim yet, it’s to early to say for sure.


Her first ambition was to become a concert pianist. Michelle enrolled in Oberlin, a small Ohio college with a respected performing music department. “I soon realized that I couldn’t cut it with piano,” she told the National Review Online. Michelle Maglalang changed her major to English and, as she had in high school, began writing for the student newspaper.

And the world of classical music breathed a HUGE sigh of relief. Can you imagine her after a concert:

Conductor: Lovely playing, Ms. Maglalang, I thought that went well, Rachmaninov would have approved.
Michelle: Thank you, Maestro.
Conductor: For tomorrow’s performance, could you make sure that the tempo you play in the last two bars before G in the first movement is consistent, I use that as my basic pulse for the next section.
Michelle: [cue picture of her scrunched up face that S,N! always uses]
Conductor: Security? Help! Security, please! Help! Anyone?


Dear Hinderaker, may I make the counter-point to your argument:

Should a concerned, firearm-carrying Duke University students have shot a few lacrosse players, holding the rest until police arrived?

Another: should a concerned, firearm-carrying Los Angeleno have opened up on the police officers whooping Rodney King?

Take your time answering those.


The extreme ramp-up in stupid and racist over the past week, as evidenced by the furious rate of new posts here, is an example of the extreme stress the entire rightwing is feeling as week after week they watch everything they’ve cheerleaded, worked for, contributed to, being epically pwn3d by a black man. Polls show Obama maintaining a consistent, and growing, lead over McCain. Democrats aren’t losing in virtually any house or senate races anywhere. In one important NY district, the GOP is struggling – still – to field a viable candidate. They are 3 months from oblivion, and all their flying monkeys know it.

Expect increasingly loud and frantic screeches and howls from the monkey pens for the next 3-1/2 months. If only we could hope it would finally end then…unfortunately, getting the ass-peeling they so richly deserve will simply become another example of how they are victimized.

Quoted in full because Jennifer is my hero. Oh, and because she gave me a link to a YouTube of some dumbasses in a zebra suit being owned by some lions.


like Malkin is at that point in her cycle



I asked if the incident in MN should be considered a hate crime.


How ironic, too, that in this thread Bubba brought up the framed Duke lacrosse players. I can’t wait to hear how Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the other scumbag con men leap to the defense of these poor misunderstood youth in MN. You liberals are such hypocrites, it is to laugh.


That was awesome. Thanks, Gavin.


…she gave me a link to a YouTube of some dumbasses in a zebra suit being owned by some lions.

Aren’t you going to share that with the rest of the group?


my favorite malkin post of all time has to be this one:

just read her readers comments, all of them. they even attack one of their own. these people are vile


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