The Earrings of Madame de. . .Obama

There’s a tsunami of tstupidity out there today as some mysterious cause — perhaps salmonella-tainted Beef Taco Hot Pockets or psilocybin-laced Cherry Coke — has gotten a major part of the right-wing blogosphere hopped up into such a howling, slobbering frenzy that Brad and Gavin can scarcely keep up with it. The least I can do is pitch in, and I barely had my browser fired up before I came across Amanda Carpenter, sitting on her tuffet, and shrieking about those elitist, hybrid-driving, espresso-sipping, book-reading, Ivy-League-attending, snooty-nosed Negroes that want to move into the White House instead of that down-to-earth, poor-as-dirt, straight-talking white guy with his underprivileged, salt-of-the-earth, beer-drinking, pizza-and-pretzels wife.
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s wife, Michelle, complained the government’s $600 economic stimulus check was only enough to buy “a pair of earrings” while stumping for her husband. …
Although Mrs. Obama has been praised by fashionable outlets like Vogue magazine for her sense of style, her comments about $600 earrings reinforces an unflattering image of the Ivy-league educated Obama lawyers. They’ve both been called “elitist” several times though the course of the presidential campaign season.
Hearing this constant refrain from the likes of Amanda Carpenter about the “elite” Obamas is, I imagine, the closest I’ll get to understanding what it feels like being sodomized repeatedly by a glow-stick in a prison camp. Except, of course, ultimately the person shoving the glow-stick up my butt would get tired and stop.
Six-hundred-dollar earrings positively pale in comparison to Cindy McCain’s AmEx bill which, during one month not so long ago, made it up to $750,000. Not $750. Seven-hundred-and-fifty-fucking-thousand dollars. And don’t get me started on the $3,000 Escada suits. Or the $4.7 million condo in Phoenix; the $4.7 million pied-à-terre in Coronado, California; the “scenic ranch” in Sedona; the condo in Arlington, Virginia; the little shack in La Jolla; and the household staff that got paid $273,000 last year to keep Cindy in the working-class, down-to-earth, I-feel-your-pain style to which she has become accustomed. And when Cindy steals a recipe to share on the McCain website, it’s not a tuna-noodle casserole or a even an Oreo-cookie pie, it’s Ahi Tuna with Napa Cabbage Slaw. That’s right, Ahi Tuna — an ingredient that you can find in every Kroger’s in middle America, right next to the Osetra caviar, the Kobe beef, and the fresh white Piedmontese truffles. Give me a break.
To make this cluster-fuck of stupidity even worse, Michelle didn’t even say what Amanda says she said. Here is what she said:
“You’re getting $600,” she told an audience of mostly African-American women here. “What can you do with that? Not to be ungrateful or anything. But maybe it pays down a bill, but it doesn’t pay down every bill every month.”
“Barack’s approach is that the short-term quick fix kinda stuff sounds good,” she continued. “And it may even feel good that first month when you get that check. And then you go out and you buy a pair of earrings,” she joked.
She doesn’t say that she or anyone else would use the entire $600 to buy earrings or that the earrings were the only thing one could buy with the $600. Indeed, she first talks about people using the $600 to pay down some bills.
The truly pathetic thing is that there are people who will listen to these mouth-breathing, nose-picking, spittle-drooling disingenuous right-wing chumpweasels like Amanda and buy the preposterous notion that the Obamas are elitist and the McCains are not. We’re doomed. Really.
Meanwhile, Cindy McCain says ““In Arizona the only way to get around the state is by small private plane”. And yeah, that’s an exact quote, not a completely misleading butchering of what she said.
Waiting for the charges of elitism from the right….
yup, I can really imagine the Mcains standing in line at a discount $2 shop for some new flatware. What is it with this campaign that being educated or liking to read is considered elitist?
She’s not even saying anyone would spend $600 on earrings, she’s saying that you could pay down the CC bill by a pittance, and keep right on spending, working it right back up; that because it’s a one time thing it’s no real help in the long-run.
What is it with this campaign that being educated or liking to read is considered elitist?
Thank goodness such thinking has only started recently so we can nip it in the bud.
Thank goodness such thinking has only started recently so we can nip it in the bud.
Ignorance is strength, after all.
And I’d like someone to do something about this new-fangled monarchy thing. I mean, divine right, what cutting-edge dweeboid came up with that fucking mess?
perhaps salmonella-tainted Beef Taco Hot Pockets or psilocybin-laced Cherry Coke
Maybe a certain candy and soda distributor is back in business.
From Amanda Carpenter, who like Cindy McCain, has been called a “cunt”.
Thousands upon thousands of women have single pieces of jewellery costing a hell of a lot more than $600. Think diamond studs, diamond rings, diamond bracelets. Does that make them elitists? No, just your average middle class consumer.
Amanda must still be buying her jewellery from the bubblegum machine at Safeway.
And I’d like someone to do something about this new-fangled monarchy thing. I mean, divine right, what cutting-edge dweeboid came up with that fucking mess?
I’m fucking working on it, okay? Geez, it’s hard out here for a Dragon-King…oh you weren’t talking about Bhutan? Nevermind then.
Clif, McSame made some money today.
Fucking whore.
We are smack dab in the middle of Solar Minimum. I think that is allowing the Dark Matter Pressure Index to soar to levels not seen in at least 22 years.
More important, Mo Bettah’ MoBama only has 15 days to halt Thurmonukleararr Kernning Watch Deadline From Otter Spayce !!!.
Why is Obama “elitist” and Cindy McCain is not? Because Cindy McCain is in the stratosphere and Obama is not. Super-rich is not elitist in the wingnut book of stereotypes. Super-rich is fantasy and royalty — the sort that DESERVE to be president or king or whatever, especially when middle Amurka is still scared shitless of turrists and darkies and darkies whose names sound turrist. Elitist is smarty-pants school-learned; vulgar rich is what made Amurka great.
salmonella-tainted Beef Taco Hot Pockets
It’s those damn Monster Tacos at
CrackJack in the Box. You don’t eat those unless you’re constipated, and you damn sure don’t eat them before poppin’ them in the microwave.On a related note, this crown was what Mrs. McRibwich was blowin’ her beer money for — you know, for that next RNC Grill ‘n Swill.
C’mon guys join me here at the seventh stage. Acceptance. We sure are doomed and I’m good with it.
Barack Obama, raised by his grand-parents who ran a furniture store and Stanley Ann, an anthropologist who was working on her graduate degree when Barack became a teenager. After college, worked as a community organizer in Chicago. Elitist.
JiSM3, son of an admiral who was the son of an admiral. Despite being insubordinate and disrespectful, graduating 894 of 899, he managed to score a place piloting carrier-based ground-attack aircraft – you know the type of position that the bottom 1% of the class usually gets. Married a model. When she was disfigured in a car accident, went and cheated on her and then married a younger filthy rich heiress. Man of the People.
psilocybin-laced Cherry Coke
Uuuhhhhh…yes please.
MzNicky nailed it.
Please remember that in the “minds” of these people, M. Obama should be scrubbing their floors, fixing their meals and possibly appeasing their husband’s beastly urges so they don’t have to pretend to have a headache.
And of course the first thing “those people” do when they have money is run out and spend it on things like jewelry.
Their already limited cognitive abilities are seriously overloaded by the sight of a non-floor-scrubbing Michelle Obama and we know they can’t read for shit so it’s no surprise this two-legged sewer hole is burping up this type of garbage.
Can’t keep up.
China Rose is closed on Tuesdays.
I don’t have anything to make for dinner.
Cold cuts, flat bread and boiled eggs for me.
I’ll be back…
You’re elitist when you’re a liberal.
When you’re a right winger, especially Republican, you can have billions of inherited money and make comments about the nice things you get with your money and refuse to disclose tax info, etc., and it’s all okay because you’re not a liberal.
You can be a penniless liberal, but if you somehow suggest that either right wing policies might not be best for everyone, or, omigod, suggest that right wing cultural preferences are something other than God’s own commandments for how to live, then, by God, you’re open to getting lectured on elitism from any nice rich screaming guy driving a golf cart with solid gold trim, on a golf course with grass blades which each require their own employee keeper, and this is acceptable, and you’re a damn elitist and SHUT UP!
“graduating 894 of 899”
See! That just proves how down to earth he is. Not like those damn egghead Obamas! Definitely the sort of man you’d want to have a beer with.
Amanda Carpenter hobknobbing with the elite at a Washington party. Note the sparkly (not cheap) earrings she’s wearing.
I’ve said it for a long time: Your tolerance and willingness to submerse yourselves in wingnuttia will take a psychological toll. I am filled with sympathy. And awe in your strength and ability to do so in such a funny way.
Also, I have to confess to some degree of selfishness. I personally am unable to provide links nor dissect in any way the wingnnut mind, I just dismiss them categorically.
We need you. Hang in there. And if you can’t, that’s OK too. I, for one, completely understand.
I can’t even go there. But I’m sure glad you do. You give me “hope.”
I doubt I’m alone.
OT, and boy do we need some of that right now.
Somebody call the CDC. It is an epidemic of virulent terminal stupidity and we need to stop it before it brings the nation to its knees.
Do these people know they’re lying, or are they just too stupid to get the facts straight?
the sparkly (not cheap) earrings she’s wearing
Don’t make me laugh – they are cubic zirconia – it is all a hard-working oppressed Republican can afford what with all the taxes they pay on their minimum wage earnings.
I didn’t realize I was at the seventh stage. I think I may working into stage eight: looking forward to it.
Did you like “Mad Max”? If so, you may be really excited when it isn’t just a movie anymore.
Y’know, there’s something classically funny about an emotional network presentation of some label’s recording star’s “God Bless America” followed IMMEDIATELY by a commercial about being able (or unable I guess) to piss.
Funny. Sad. Over..
I’m sure she said, “Give me those $600 earrings NOW, whitey!” to the clerk, whereas Cindy McCain was very nice to the pilot of her small plane, irregardless of his color.
THAT’S the difference you liberals refuse to see!
Liberals. Hmf.
“…the closest I’ll get to understanding what it feels like being sodomized repeatedly by a glo-stick in a prison camp. Except, of course, ultimately the person shoving the glo-stick up my butt would get tired and stop.”
I don’t know exactly why, but this line fucking killed me…
The fuckers are fuckers.
But I do LIKE JD Drew.
Rawk on.
Now plan on losing….
i don’t know about you, but i think that new yorker cover is just plain offensive!
This would all be just pathetically sad if asswipes like Halperin weren’t desperately trying to suck up to these mouth breathers and buying every piece of shit they are selling, regardless of the illogic of it all. The wingnuts are just terminally stupid. The media that keeps giving them airtime is pure evil.
Did you like “Mad Max”? If so, you may be really excited when it isn’t just a movie anymore.
I liked the part at the very end where they are telling stories around the fire beneath the skeletons of former skyscrapers – like new roman ruins for a new dark age.
Seriously, I’ll bet the Earth told the dolphins to drive us insane with there brain waves so we would commit species suicide and stop fucking things up.
The fact is, you can use all the fuzzy math you like, but the mCains are fart less eleitist than the Obamas, especially to those here in the heartland. The McCains are more down home, the Obamas are snooty, as well as being terrorists. I have a feeling that it is McCain in a landslide. USA rules.
That might as well be the real Gary.
Gary Rupperts. Hmf.
but on topic, to be fair, rachel maddow is pumping up the cindy mccain flies everywhere in arizona story, so at least the mclame’s elitism is leaking into the national consiousness…
fart less eleitist
that one made me choke on my mac and cheese.
you people should get out of america while the dollar is still a convertible currency
Heh. First Bo-Peep, and now Little Miss Muffett. In the next episode, she’ll be Little Red Riding Hood, except that after the wolf eats her, PETA will prohibit the woodcutter from killing him and cutting him open to save her and her grandma.
Elitist is smarty-pants school-learned; vulgar rich is what made Amurka great.
Mz Nicky, I fall at your feet in awe. That was a superb summation of the complete bollocks that is this ‘elitist’ nonsense.
Let me worship you a second time.
you people should get out of america while the dollar is still a convertible currency
If it is really as bad as that, everyone is screwed. That is like saying that Romans should have gone to North Africa to escape the collapse.
Where did Qetesh go, anyway?
A place in Sedona? A place in Sedona?
Why wouldn’t it surprise me if Cindy were into all that new age crapola? Somebody needs to look into it — this is the woman that could be running our country from 2010-2012. Whoever the hell Cindy McCain’s guru is may be more important than the VP (Mitt will be too busy doing the only two things he’s qualified to — wear sweaters and wave at things).
The only consolation I can see is that if it does go down that way, Sonic Youth might put out another _Daydream Nation_.
Weapons-grade pwnage!
I’m hoping Cindy McCain gets her next face-lift very soon … & that it leaves her looking like the infamous Cat-Lady. Their photo-ops are mighty surreal already – let ’em go right on up to all-out David-Lynch-level wacko, sez me.
Yeah, noone’s more down-to-earth than John Sidney McCain III. Jesus, even his LIFE is a carbon-copy of Bush’s – silver-spoon from the cradle, does bloody little but keeps buying his way up the Brown-Nose Ladder, & out-uglies Bush by sucking up to the same crew that destroyed his rep in 2000 … & now he’s running against his OWN Senate Bills on taxes & immigration? That’s Strange You Can Believe In!
But McSame BARBEQUES! And…and…after he’s elected everyone’s invited to the inauguration for ‘que with slaw & corn and the works! And ice-cold Budweiser beer!
(Goddammit – why in the fuck do I feel every fucking day now like I’m living in the meanest, dumbest America of Frank Zappa’s satirical fantasies?)
MzNicky said,
July 16, 2008 at 3:38
Why is Obama “elitist” and Cindy McCain is not? Because Cindy McCain is in the stratosphere and Obama is not. Super-rich is not elitist in the wingnut book of stereotypes. Super-rich is fantasy and royalty — the sort that DESERVE to be president or king or whatever, especially when middle Amurka is still scared shitless of turrists and darkies and darkies whose names sound turrist. Elitist is smarty-pants school-learned; vulgar rich is what made Amurka great.
Great comment MzNicky, you nailed it !
Wouldn’t someone running for the leadership of the country have to be elite? I mean, do you want Homer Simpson for Prez?
elite: a. A group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status:
b. The best or most skilled members of a group
I haven’t read anything yet that speaks of snobbery on the Obamas’ parts.
elitist – someone who believes in rule by an elite group
That sounds more like what you have now.
[…] Also, if you really think the Obamas are more elitist than the McCains, see this Sadly, No! post. […]
Mz Nicky, I fall at your feet in awe… Let me worship you a second time.
Oh, all right, go ahead.
“They’ve both been called “elitist” several times though the course of the presidential campaign season.”
By whom? McCain has been called a stupid, lying prick by me several times in the last ten minutes.
Only difference- I was telling the truth.
I mean, do you want Homer Simpson for Prez?
26% still does.
g: You are NOT comparing Homer w/ Teh Chimpinator? C’mon! Homey’s got style and heart. Okay, there is the low IQ and self-absorption and cluelessness, but still.
The ReThugs worship Mammon so are allowed to revel in their money and power. They’re the Base, Bush’s “haves and have mores!” Ha ha!
The Demos are avowed lefties, close to Commies when not actually so (well, not the ones that get elected or vote for FISA immunity, but a few of their “base”) so it’s hypocritical for them to enjoy any of the “good things” in life. According to Reich wingers of this type “liberals” should wear sack-cloth and eat Mickey D’s and be grateful for it. Otherwise they are uppity, latte drinkin’ “elitists” who might even speak Fuh-rench!
The Reich Wing crew might be crazy, but in their own twisted way, they are pretty consistent in what they believe (well, unless Larry Craig’s caught soliciting bathroom sex, or somethin’ like that).
Really the FISA/immunity vote was pretty Commie-esque. In America, government listens to citizens. In Soviet Russia, government listens to citizens.
[…] also: Amanda Carpenter and the Case of the $600 Earrings. Ms. Carpenter is the National Political Reporter for, an enterprise spun off from the […]
Well it appears that the bloggers on this site knows a lot of 2 cent words to throw about some very decent conservative women; however, have little education when it comes to economy and the perils of inflation.
Thanks to an Obama Presidency we can accomplish a world where those $600 earrings become the same cost as these choice 2 cent words you use
Why don’t you spoiled male children go educated youself about something worthwhile in this century instead of showing everyone just how illiterate your really are?
When considering the cost of education these days and see what a complete failure it has become, then face the realization that Barack intends casting more money to a sinking ship of radical idiocy as seen on this site gives more sense to voting for conservative values
Why don’t you spoiled male children go educated youself about something worthwhile in this century instead of showing everyone just how illiterate your really are?
There is deep truth in that sentence.