Shorter Gateway Pundit
This Fits: Sen. Carl Levin, FireDogLake, Terrorists & Gitmo …Updated With Billboard
- Although Republicans have said for politically correct reasons that the following billboard ad is offensive…
- …I actually find it a very enlightening piece of commentary that exposes the Nazi Left’s tendency to coddle our enem…
OK, I can’t take it anymore. The layers of sheer insanity on display at all of these right-wing blogs is really getting me down, to the point where satirizing them becomes nothing more than a joyless, reflexive compulsion. It seems that every time I come up with some ridiculous new way to lampoon these crazy fools, they somehow manage to write something that make Hunter Thompson’s infamous mescaline-and-ether binges look positively tame. Life is horrible.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Gavin adds: Oh, we haven’t even checked on Don Surber lately. Don Surber, the conservative newspaper columnist whose blog is rated the #2 most informative news blog on the Internet according to a Carnegie-Mellon study. Don Surber, our Pericles of the Kanawha, our Chemical City Catullus.
I just typed that without knowing what we would find there, chez Surber.
Obama 2007: “The surge is not working.”
Obama 2008: Time to do some “purgery” on my Web site.The late Johnny Carson loved those hoary movies where the usurper dethroned the king, only to have the king mount a comeback.
Carson noted that they always
“The king is dead!”
The new king would toast this, but as he would drink, a messenger would break in with the news: “The king lives!”
The usurper would then spray his mouthful of wine and gasp, “What?”
I thought of that over the weekend as Democratic Sen. Barack Obama tries to crawl back from his pronouncement in February 2007 that the Surge failed.
But of course, he always. And you would read this and gasp, “What?” The thing is with the.
Seriously though: Is there a lunar event taking place, or something like that? Solar flares? They’re ululating like coyotes out there.
Oh crap, Brad’s gone off script! Quick, someone change the screen to a puzzled monkey looking at an unplugged wire!
If only we’d had a Republican in office the day those planes hit the towers.
What dreamweasel said but only on billboard right next to the one shown.
Drink, Brad. Heavily.
If only the Republican we had in office had been at the top of one of the towers that day.
Greetings, everyone! It looks like Brad has gone off the deep end. Never fear, though…for my wit and wisdom are here to save the day! Let me give this “Shorter” thing a spin:
Shorter Gateway Pundit:
Looks good to me! Anyway, now it’s time for today’s parody, which will be funny. Today’s parody is of the popular song “Who Let The Dogs Out,” and it talks about Barack Obama. Here goes!
See what I did? Instead of “the dogs,” I put “Barack”! Oh, there goes that craaaazy Don Surber again!
Anyway, you can look forward to my posts at Sadly, No! all week. Toodles!
I feel for you Brad, I really do. But then I peruse the comments at these places and find stuff like
and I just can’t help but laugh out loud.
Yeah, yeah, they crazy, but “The Republican Song” rocks!
But the billboard is right! America DID vote for a Democrat in 2000, and look what happened!
Granted, there was some hullabaloo in between there with a heavily dimpled Supreme Court Justice named Chad something, but obviously the Democratic Party bears the full responsibility for 9/11.
“I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more”
The video is way better than that Bush was right song. Pretty soon everyone will have a CD!
Sweet Jesus burning in hell. FDL is “fascist and Nazi”? Are these people not aware that there is in fact an American Nazi Party?
In fact, directly from the ANP’s front page:
(emphasis mine)
Just replace the outright racist terminology with more Patriotically Correct dogwhistle terms and it could have come straight from the mouth of Sean Hannity, Pat Robertson, or any of the other golden boys of the Right.
This is yet another reason why Conservatism must be destroyed for the good of humanity.
Why do these guys all call themselves Something-Pundit? It’s always the righties who do it to. Is being an amateur pundit (or any kind of pundit for that matter) really such an accomplishment? I mean, they let Jonah Goldberg be one. A highly paid professional one, no less. Just seems an odd thing to be so proud of.
I like how he says “I’m not sure who paid for this billboard…” and then when you click the link to the news story, it gives the name of the person who paid for the billboard.
By 2025 – given only CURRENT population trends, coupled with this “amnesty” – WHITE AMERICA will be a total MINORITY in a nation that WAS ONCE THEIR BIRTHRIGHT! Does this please you?
So nice of him to ask!
But of course, he always. And you would read this and gasp, “What?” The thing is with the.
I think Surber was being literal with the whole “Words Eaten” thing. Also, isn’t he editor at his.
Is there a full moon tonight?
The fact is, you guys have been on fire today. It’s like the posting tempo from last year.
Christ, I hope using the ANP’s words isn’t going to summon them like some pathetic white-trash idiot Candyman.
That would just make this post that much worse.
“Seriously though: Is there a lunar event taking place, or something like that? Solar flares? They’re ululating like coyotes out there.”
It’s the Ides, baby.
The Ides of July, known as the Ides of Quintillus in the Latin, upon which date in 496BCE Castor and Pollux led the armies of the burgeoning city-state of Rome to a decisive victory over the Etruscans in the Alban Hills, ending the Etruscan threat and firmly establishing Rome as a regional power.
Apparently the wingers are celebrating this pivotal moment in world history by worshipping at the altar of St. Ides.
And St. Meth, and St. Glue, and St. Paint Thinner…
Just replace the outright racist terminology with more Patriotically Correct dogwhistle terms and it could have come straight from the mouth of Sean Hannity, Pat Robertson, or any of the other golden boys of the Right.
Nuh-uh, Jonah Goldberg totally proved that the Nazis were left-wingers!
I will further quantify my earlier prediction, and state that by the end of August, early September, they will be stating Obama is from the planet Zargg, sent here to steal our tile grout.
I should get a pool going.
I said this in the Mao post downstairs, but they don’t even understand the basics of iconography, symbols or design.
Really, what the fuck are the collision of those images on the billboard supposed to represent? They are in active conflict, unless you actually think the burning towers are as patriotic as the flag — which to the modern republican party is the case. But then, those awesome images (death by terrorist, the flag) are further conflicted by the idea NOT to vote Democratic. Because if you do…the Towers won’t burn and flags will not be on billboards?
If you had the same symbols next to “Vote Republican” it still wouldn’t make sense. They have an uncanny knack to do the wrong thing everytime. I’d say they were retarded in some way, or stunted, but it goes beyond that. It’s a giant defect.
It seems that every time I come up with some ridiculous new way to lampoon these crazy fools, they somehow manage to write something that make Hunter Thompson’s infamous mescaline-and-ether binges look positively tame.
Sadly, this is pretty much what s.z. said, verbatim, before she decided to take a break and spend the bulk of her time with sick, wounded, and abandoned cats and dogs, since at least they had a legitimate reason for their harsh political views.
Hang in there, bro.
Really, what the fuck are the collision of those images on the billboard supposed to represent? They are in active conflict, unless you actually think the burning towers are as patriotic as the flag — which to the modern republican party is the case.
Maybe the billboard is supposed to represent both 9/11 and flag-burning, as some sort of demented two-fer.
“Seriously though: Is there a lunar event taking place, or something like that? Solar flares? They’re ululating like coyotes out there.’ It’s the heat, have a cold one, it’s working wonders for me. I save you guys for last for the funny and you sure didn’t let me down today. So, thanks.
They have to do something to drown out the sound of the economy spiraling in to the ground while their fearless leader talks about drillerating for oil of the coast of Florida to reversatize the psychopomps.
Well, I probably should have known better than to click his “bomb thrower link”. Yup, Omar Khadr. He’s getting his jollies laughing at a teenager crying because he’s trapped in the hellhole known as Guantanamo Bay. He demonstrates what an ingrate Khadr is since it was US medics that saved his life – there’s a picture of a 16-year old Khadr lying there after having survived an airstrike and being shot in the back at least three times.
Hey, you know what we do have down on record. Apparently Omar Khadr was lucky enough to be on the frequent flyer program for three weeks.
Frequent flyer? you ask. Times Online has a good description – “the euphemism for sleep deprivation where he was moved from cell to cell every three hours.”
I just don’t know what to say. The crazy sometimes is so painfully inhuman, so astoundingly cruel. I think Ed has the right take on it.
Gateway Pundit updated his post.
Doug Feith.
Yeah, yeah, they crazy, but “The Republican Song” rocks!
I wonder if Styx will learn it for when they play at the republican convention in St. Paul. Republicans AND Styx in my fair city at the same time. I need to go cry for a while.
Maybe Styx will dust off Fanfare For The Common Man from their first album…
I’m confused too. But he seems to be on my side so I’ll be back when I work out some sophistry that I can use to dissonate my cognitivity.
If you are a wacky liberal, you really ought to take the time to read and digest this document.
Sorry, I’m pretty sure that’s already been digested at least once.
Domo arigoto.
Gateway Pundit wants us to shirt up Feith’s Opening statement?
I like how he says “I’m not sure who paid for this billboard…” and then when you click the link to the news story, it gives the name of the person who paid for the billboard.
And the guy’s from Florida. Why am I not surprised. I see also that the billboard is over the Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando, which I guess is fitting, as OBT is like a long, narrow bazaar of all things seedy, cheesy, and sleazy.
Democrats are so awful that even the bestest Republican president ever – George W. Bush – can’t protect America from the terrorists that Democrats love so much.
(Um, I’m gonna work on this and come back later. Maybe Larry Elder has something I can use …)
Styx? Ugh. I thought they broke up. Didn’t they have big falling-out over Kilroy?
The more tasteless and stupid they are, the better it is for Obama. I say encourage the losers and hosers…let the people see their cheeto, playdoh and bacon spittle. Bring it on!
Hey, come on, the surge IS working!! It’s just not working the way Cheney thought it would. You see, the surge isn’t about having more soldiers on the ground in Iraq, in fact, they’re staying in their barracks. The *real* surge is the surge of money we’re paying to keep from getting killed. It’s just like when a kid in school gives his lunch money to the bully to keep from being attacked. We’re paying the people that we’re pretending we liberated to stop shooting at us, so that we can concentrate on stealing their oil. You see, its a lot like when George H.W. Bush bought United Fruit, exactly the same sort of horseshit done in our name. Makes you proud to be a fucking American, doesn’t it?
It is to President Gore’s eternal shame that this was allowed to happen after the CIA’s screaming in his ear every day for four months that it was about to happen.
Add “Johnny Carson jokes” to the long list of things that wingnuts don’t understand.
Don Surber is a really boringwriter (pause).
He’s so boring…
How boring is he?
He’s so awkward that his description of a spit-take is boring even.
“Seriously though: Is there a lunar event taking place, or something like that? Solar flares? They’re ululating like coyotes out there.”
Naw, the full moon is on the 18th, which BTW is my birthday. I guess that makes me the craziest bitch around.
OT somewhat, but I and others I know have been reaping immeasurable pleasure from responding to those winger chain e-mails by responding to the list of anyone foolish enough to foward one to us without masking the list… Fox-watching nutjob fundie uncle sent one around showing a WWII vet at a VFW speech wearing cardboard “bullshit protectors” over his ears…according to email sent by uncle, the gentleman had put them on in order to endure a speech by Barack Obama. Uncle had editorialized “I’d like to shake his hand – wouldn’t you?”
Well. Turns out the picture was actually taken of a vet attending a Bush speech in 2005 or 06. It was on snopes, showing the original AP caption. I forwarded to everyone on the list but addressed to uncle: “Yes, I agree, I would love to shake that man’s hand – how about you?”
I guess share a city with the “Gateway Pundit”. I bet he lives in one of the vast trailer parks down in Valley Park.
Maybe they’re some of those many Styx impersonators.
gundamhead: “Why do these guys all call themselves Something-Pundit? It’s always the righties who do it to.”
I think an apology is owed to the artist formerly known as CalPundit.
Good for you, Jennifer.
The people who used to bombard me with that gibberish stopped doing it because I always responded to all, with links, and a heaping helping of ridicule and derision along the lines of “You people will believe anything transparent piece of garbage, and then you get all mad and politically correct when anybody calls you on it.”
My Mom still sends stuff to my brother. For some reason, she just refuses to recognize that Al Gore was right about global warming. My brother does not respond strongly enough and he always telling about the latest gibberish from the conservative think tanks funded by the oil companies and how the liberals are harrassing the climate scientists and making them all agree and, presumably, faking the photos of melting glaciers, iceless mountaintops and the ice-free Northwest Passage.
Hey. As long as she’s not peppering us with racist comments – prefaced with “I’m not a racist …” of course – she is not such bad company.
Maybe they’re some of those many Styx impersonators.
Stuyx? Sux? Sticks?
OT: gbear, apropos your comment (somewhere) about the combo of both the Republican convention and Styx in your city at the same time: you need to paint “McCain = Bush” on your garage roof.
See if it ends up on the evening news somewhere. Heh.
There’s nothing lower than an ether binge.
Let’s try again:
There’s nothing lower than an ether binge.
I love that pic. I have it as one of my icons on my personal blog.
Well. I’ve had a very busy day.
I had to go to OSH and buy a dremel tool.
I had lunch at Hooters with my friends from the Society for the Preservation of Mediocrity.
I had to go do a new vendor qualification site visit.
So now I get to the office, it’s time to go home and there’s about eleventy threads that have all matured.
I must say I can completely relate to Brad’s meltdown – The level of stupid is ear-splitting. And you just know they’re going to keep cranking it up.
Which would actually be kind of ok if Barack Hussein Obama would stand up and say the fucking words. Liars. You have nothing but lies, smears and obfuscation.
Instead, he runs right.
At this point? Sure, I’ll likely vote for him in November. But I’m with Greenwald and his new program. Fuck the repubs, they shit the bed and they can bloody well sleep in it. But dems? If they won’t act like they talk, fuck ’em, throw ’em out. Work against ’em. Pretty soon, if we can make the political cost actually high enough, we might get some people who actually live up to the ideals they espouse.
If not? Hey, if not it’s all going sideways in a hurry anyway, right? Stockpile ammo, gold and booze…
Why do we need a pundit at the gateway anyway? Vodka pundit I understand. Instapundit is like a twinkie, all the calories with none of the flavor, subtlety or imagination of a real dessert. But Gateway? Gateway to where? Is it just the first word he saw on his computer?
Sadly, they have to tell us they are pundits just like Budweiser has to tell us its beer. Otherwise we’d think they were both just piss water.
But Gateway? Gateway to where? Is it just the first word he saw on his computer?
He’s “Gateway Pundit” because he lives in St. Louis. Now the Allah Pundit one, I have no fucking idea.
So now I get to the office, it’s time to go home and there’s about eleventy threads that have all matured.
That’s a generous way of putting it.
Needs more poop.
A little more poop…
And there we go.
He’s “Gateway Pundit” because he lives in St. Louis.
Making my Budweiser analogy all the more apt.
And there we go.
Thanx for sharing.
Ah, yes. Now this thread at least is as ripe as should be.
you need to paint “McCain = Bush” on your garage roof.
Oneman: Yes, that’ll fit very nicely on a single car garage roof. I’ve got a big canvas tarp that I’ll paint it on and then tie it down to the roof.
I think I may get the t-shirt too:
And I’m going to get a tailgate-sized sign that says “Vote Republican. You can wreck a country in 8 years, but it takes 12 to kill it”. A couple folks from this site came up with bumper sticker versions of that too. However, gas will probably be $12/gallon by then so I won’t be able to afford to take the truck out of the garage….
Styx? Ugh. I thought they broke up. Didn’t they have big falling-out over Kilroy?
I’m embarrassed that I know this, but my partner, who used to work in radio and still has affection for many a 70s/80s band (although not Styx, thank FSM) was laughing the other night because Styx and Damn Yankees were playing in some Iowa or Missouri area just one day or so apart, and he was hoping they’d run into each other and a brawl would break out, hopefully with injuries and maiming to both bands. As I understand it, Tommy Shaw got in a huge fight with Styx years ago over rights of one kind or another, and is now in Damn Yankees (with the fucking Nuge.) ’nuff said.
Although I may be wrong, I think minus Tommy Shaw the Styx lineup is original.
The moon will be just about full for a few days now. Maximal lunacy. I’m going to stop looking for a while.
*scratch scratch scratch scratch*
The sign is screaming for defacement:
Wow … that billboard is like someone making a graphic of the Panzers rolling into Poland with the caption “Jews Did WW2” … damn … you can’t say they don’t have balls – & I’m guessing more than a few people in Manhattan wouldn’t mind hacking them off upon viewing it, either.
It’s okay, Brad – go to your Quiet Place, where sweet Sanity patiently waits for the world to set it free … now, can you find a way to get the rest of us in there? It’s getting awfully mind-fucky out here … this is indeed central to their point: they’re taking a central strategy out of Joseph Goebbels’ playbook. With enough broadcasts, editorials & web-posts, quality be damned, they can keep the perspective shifted hard-right via sheer mindless bulk. This might just be a reaction to the disproportionate attention given to a certain “New Yorker” cover that so many worried would go right over Jack & Jane Sixpack’s wee little heads – unlike the usual story-line they’re used to, their narrative this time around is getting the boots put to it before the election instead of the day after, & I think they’re not loving it much.
The timely creation of Stupidity-Fatigue can take them a long way, as can flooding the discourse with a veritable tidal-wave of its pungent brown by-product. First you’re amazed, then horrified, then enraged … but after they’ve pumped out enough of it, you’re expected to either agree (if only in the forlorn hope that they’ll shut the hell up) or simply shrug it off. If they can keep everyone focused on their wacky prognostications & bloviating, maybe we’ll just forget what a pack of murderous thugs & criminals they’re cheerleading for – at least long enough for them to pull another phony win out of the jaws of defeat.
In the Land Of Wingnutz, Quantity is Job One.
I typed in th the URL in wrong got this
check it out.