Shorter Jim Kouri

Conservatives’ anger with GOP may be party’s downfall

  • Surveys show that Americans are absolutely livid with the Republican Party. The cure is for the Republicans to be less liberal.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 33


“The cure is for Republicans to be less liberal.”

Yes, please, run with that.


Oh, I changed it. Which one is better?


Geez, RenewAmerica seems to be a gold mine recently.

Of course, ‘gold’ is a relative term.


Alright, it’s back now. You’re right.


Is that a tricorder under his arm?


He’s written a book titled “Assume the position” and he’s wearing a gun. I think we’re all done here.


I always thought the cure was more cowbell.


And he works at St. Peter’s College in Jersey City, NJ. The college mascot is the peacock. The female athletes are called the Peahens and the male athletes the Peacocks. I wish it were otherwise, but those are just the facts, m’am.


You mean the female athletes are *officially known as* the Peahens.

I actually took some classes at SPC, back in the day. There were some pretty cool professors there.


Conservatives, which form the GOP’s base

This had me laughing.


That 26-year old 3-piece grey pinstipe suit just screams style. It’s a classic.

You can get yours at the local Goodwill storefront, or at any decent consignment shop.

And don’t forget the brown wingtips. Brown shoes with a grey suit say to the world, “I’m in charge of my wardrobe, not the other way around!”


It saddens me to see a Klingon with neither brow-ridges nor honor.


Waitaminute. What?

So pretty much all McCain has to do is actually come out for genocide, nuclear war and concentration camps and the permanent republican majority is a reality?

Just like that?


Don’t tell him…


"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

“Asked how they feel about the Republican members of Congress, 48 percent of conservatives report being ‘disappointed’ and an additional 32 percent think they ‘should be replaced.'”

Ask ’em how they feel about Democrat [sic] members of Congress today. Probably pretty good.
And I don’t even want to ask what a “board certified protection professional” might be.


Asked to grade the GOP-controlled Congress, 73 percent gave it a D or F on “controlling government spending;” 73 percent gave it a D or F on “reducing illegal immigration;” and 54 percent gave it an “overall grade” of D or F.

In other words, the GOP-controlled Congress did exactly what the 1980s GOP-controlled Congress did. In other news, the sun rose in the east.


Yeah, seriously, GOP, run hard to the right. Make Bush and Cheney look like commie bastiches, and the sun will never set on the New Republican Empire. Promise, there’s no way you can lose.


Conservatives, which form the GOP’s base

Is that actually true? Has anyone done a study on it?


The GOP base is conservatives? I thought their base was crazoids and whack-jobs.


cleter said,

June 23, 2008 at 5:27

The GOP base is conservatives? I thought their base was crazoids and whack-jobs.

Their base used to be conservatives, but ever since the so-called “revolution” of 1994, the GOP has slid off the right edge of sanity.

As I said several times before, you know how fucked up the GOP and Bush Admin has become when the likes of Pat Buchanan and Newt Gingrich sound like beacons of reason compared to current GOP/Bush rhetoric.


The GOP has sucked ever since they nominated that softy-ass Federation appeaser Gorkon as Chancellor. Captain McKang, though…he is a true warrior! He will restore the Empire to glory!


And I don’t even want to ask what a “board certified protection professional” might be.

I’ve met a few, but all of them had four legs and a tail. And judging by his columns, I doubt Professor Kouri could pass the mandatory temperament test.

Michael Harrington

Barrack Obama would whip his ass with a Bat’leth.

(Kang stole my honor joke…)


Captain McKang, though…he is a true warrior! He will restore the Empire to glory!

I have no idea what this means, but it is amusing.

Michael Harrington

Star Trek is a forward looking, progressive, humanitarian franchise and has been from day one. It (like the English language, the study of history and the noble calzone) needs to be rescued from Jonah Goldberg’s sticky mitts.


Asked to grade the GOP-controlled Congress, 73 percent gave it a D or F on “controlling government spending;”

Somebody needs to break the bad news to them about that whole control of congress thingy.


I doubt Professor Kouri could pass the mandatory temperament test.

probably don’t have his rabies shots either


Star Trek is a forward looking, progressive, humanitarian franchise and has been from day one. It (like the English language, the study of history and the noble calzone) needs to be rescued from Jonah Goldberg’s sticky mitts.

Yeah, and leave Michael Dorn out of this. Motherfucker will knife your head clean off.


Tried the great gazoogles, & a CPP is some sort of security standard. But the otherwise charming Khouri has neglected to cite his qualification thus: Certified Protection Professional (CPP™). Why is it so? The sites are crawling with trademarks.
– MC


I dunno…dude looks more like Tuvok to me.


Michael Dorn would not take your head off. Every time some menace would show up on the bridge of the Enterprise, Worf would vault over that burled-walnut dashboard-thing and get his ass kicked.


So Kouri was the “former chief [of what?] at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed “Crack City” by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s”, huh? How is this a positive entry in his c.v.? It may have BECOME “Crack City” during his tenure as “chief”, for all we know.

I had a suit like that. In the 1980s. The early 1980s. I had a beard like that, too, but not a huge, glans-like forehead.


Kouri wouldn’t want to be identified with Worf. After all, Klingons’ blood is pink (or maybe lavender — my TV has color issues), and you know what THAT has to mean….


Kouri, you p’tak! You have no honor!


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