The sensitive side of George W. Bush

Oh for God’s sake:
President Bush regrets his legacy as man who wanted war
President Bush has admitted to The Times that his gun-slinging rhetoric made the world believe that he was a “guy really anxious for war” in Iraq. He said that his aim now was to leave his successor a legacy of international diplomacy for tackling Iran.
In an exclusive interview, he expressed regret at the bitter divisions over the war and said that he was troubled about how his country had been misunderstood. “I think that in retrospect I could have used a different tone, a different rhetoric.”
Phrases such as “bring them on” or “dead or alive”, he said, “indicated to people that I was, you know, not a man of peace”.
Yeah, you know, I don’t think it was saying things like “bring it on” that made people think you loved war, George. Indeed, I think it might have had more to do with the fact that you, you know, started a war. For, like, no discernible reason. And it’s still going on, like, five years later. That to me is a better indication of why people think you’re really into war.
The fact is, look at that crotch. Just look at its majestic beauty.
He said that his aim now was to leave his successor a legacy of international diplomacy for tackling Iran.
Great. Now we’re going to diplomacize Iran too. Just what we need, another war.
We are so fucked.
he was troubled about how his country had been misunderstood.
Don’t lay the fucking blame on everybody else.
My number one reason for hanging on to my disgust and my suspicions of average, man-on-the-street conservatives is that they continue to ignore and downplay buffoonish asshattery like this.
(Except, of course, when they repeat it and defend it.)
He’s still the President, he still has supporters, he’ll walk away from this scot-free, rich, famous and well-connected.
Scientific proof there is no God.
could have used a different tone …
Yeah, it’s all about the P.R. Being “troubled” about the actual deaths and destruction … not so much.
What’s that? Ooooohhhhh I see,
The world and I now understand that you didn’t really want to have a war. Or two. Or three if you could get away with it. You didn’t really WANT to invade, you had to. Or something. How could we have possibly misjudged you all this time?
I think he should write a book (or, like, talk one, for some guy to, like, write or something) and then be willing to testify to Congress on how that Bush Jr guy did all this wrong stuff.
He filled his fucking goobermint with PNAC members who had decided war with Iraq was AWESOME years before the election.
When he got warnings about 9/11, he said “OK you’ve covered you’re ass” and forgot about it because it wasn’t about getting into war with Iraq.
When the chimpenführer’s lips are moving, he’s lying.
Or choking on a pretzel.
I was going to say the same thing.
I think that “Bush, Jr.” guy is displayed pretty prominently in that flight suit, if you know what I mean.
Preznit Codpiece
Contrary to how President George W. Bush has tried to justify the Iraq war in the past, he has now . . . admitted that the invasion and occupation of Iraq was aimed primarily at seizing predominant influence over its oil by establishing permanent . . . military bases. He made this transparently clear by adding a signing statement to the defense appropriation bill, indicating that he would not be bound by the law’s prohibition against expending funds: “(1) To establish any military installation or base for the purpose of providing for the permanent stationing of United States Armed Forces in Iraq,” or “(2) To exercise United States control of the oil resources of Iraq.” — Ray McGovern
From a blog Bush refuses to read:
Iraq Today
The correct response is, of course, no.
Good God, I thought that the article you excerpted was from The Onion. You mean the President actually reflects on his past decisions? And experiences regret? I think he’s just pulling the interviewer’s leg.
Jesus. I’m going to take yoga just so I can vomit up my own ass.
“I’m sorry that you have misinterpreted my war as anything other than an act of peace.”
Fucking goddamn lunatic.
I’m going to take yoga just so I can vomit up my own ass.
I am going to spring this line on a relative one day. I’ll let you know the results.
Pretty sure it went something like this:
Oh, man, war is SO cool with the airplanes and the tanks and the explosions and the machine guns and john wayne and shit.
What is it with all these dead people? That’s like a total bummer. I don’t wanna think about the dead people. I wanna think about the tanks and the airplanes and the cool bam-bam-bam-bam noise, like that bushmaster cannon on the bradley, now that’s really cool.
What was the question?
I’m going to take yoga just so I can vomit up my own ass.
At this point, I’m pretty sure I can’t get there.
Would it be alright if I just hired somebody to vomit up my ass for me?
For 7+ years George W. Bush has opened his mouth. For seven straight years he has caused me headaches by doing so. For seven straight years I have gone “There’s no fucking way he can say anything stupider” For seven straight years he has proven me wrong.
At the rate his discourse is going, I anticipate we will invade Germany in November to prevent the Second World War II.
Iraq Today used to be Today in Iraq and their tagline was:
“There are some who, uh, feel like that, you know, the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is: Bring ’em on. We got the force necessary to deal with the security situation. “ – George W. Bush, July 2, 2003.
Phrases such as “bring them on” or “dead or alive”, he said, “indicated to people that I was, you know, not a man of peace”.
That, plus the fact that he called himself the “war president.”
If a picture is worth a thousand words, here’s another:
It explains so much.
Captions invited.
Let’s be fair. He never intended the Iraq war to go on for five years. He intended for us to have Teheran under our thumb within three years, max.
So now all is forgiven, k?
He regrets saying “Bring it on” so much that he’s still saying it. It’s the only way to exorcise those demons. Poor slob.
So now all is forgiven, k?
Lieberman will still happily lick his arse in lieu of the Constitution, or else some handy toilet paper.
Oh George, you’re not misunderstood, you’re understood far too well.
Wurlitzer Alert, Code Morpheus!!!! We’ve got another change in narrative! This one’s a full 540!!! Prep the memory hole, all mouthpieces to your loudspeakers!!! We may be reverting back to Compassionate Conservatism, but be ready to switch to Cowboy Diplomacy at any minute!
his aim now was to leave his successor a legacy of international diplomacy for tackling Iran.
His choice of Bolton as the international diplomat is central to his point.
“Phrases such as ‘bring them on’ or ‘dead or alive,'” he said, “indicated to people that I was, you know, not a man of peace.”
I guess they misunderestimated him. Stupid them.
Smut Clyde said,
June 11, 2008 at 3:23
his aim now was to leave his successor a legacy of international diplomacy for tackling Iran.
His choice of Bolton as the international diplomat is central to his point.
Who would have been the most effective as Secretary of State for the Cheney Administration:
1) Colin Powell
2) Condie Rice
3) Pammalammadingdong
4) K-Lo
The question is multiple choice, but extra points are awarded for the essay supporting your decision.
The guy behind him looks like green teeth from Mad Max.
Now c’mon, look.
Think about it.
You get handed the presidency by the supreme court ’cause you got all the right connections, money, established power, and hey, who the FUCK is this gore motherfucker anyway? Some kinda hippie or something?
So you move into the white house. You got all these fucking DYNAMITE toys, specops, aircraft carriers, submarines, strategic bombers, armored divisions. What are you going to do? Seriously. You GOT to play with the toys. What, you wanna leave the presidency in a couple years and regret all your life not playing Risk on a global map? Fuck a buncha that.
And besides, you have no legitimacy and no real plan for governance. So you can’t righteously expect to be re-elected in four years.
But then, like manna from heaven, 9/11. Now, as long as you kill more muslims than you kill americans, you pretty much have carte blanche to play with your toys. And cities shook, and societies crumbled, and people, small, unimportant people with lives and children and hope and dreams that you, a rich fucking asshole from
texasConnecticut never even had to think about, worry about, or bother with.Hmm. Go gently into that twilight, Mr. Bush. Go into your safe, comfortable retirement. The ghosts will wait for you…
I recently changed my yahoo mail sig to quote the sage of Concord. It’s too perfect. “Your actions speak so loudly I can not hear what you are saying.” Bless you RWE and fuck you with a telephone pole W.
My “enemies list” rhetoric made the world believe that I was a “guy really anxious for revenge,” and “so crooked I had to screw my pants on in the morning.” I regret that it distracted everyone from my real concern: rich Jews.
My “hermaphroditic little naked girls” imagery made the art world believe that I was a “pervert.” I regret that it distracted from my true legacy: warning of a cosmic Manichean battle between armies of hermaphroditic little naked girls.
My answer is e) Gene Ray, the guy behind Timecube.
I believe that Gene would have made a more coherent case for war in Iraq, as well as create a comprehensive diplomatic initiative to rally the world to the US cause by emphasizing to “Seek Wisdom of Cubic Life
Intelligence – or you die evil” in regards to Saddam’s capabilities.
Now some might argue that Pammalammadingdong might posses a superior capability in dealing with America’s enemies through her musical dance numbers. I for one think that though that this
would put fear into the hearts of the islamofascists far more than the screechings of the shrieking harpy.
The pathetic thing is that even with those straps puffing up his package, he’s still not all that. What, Karl couldn’t have found a sock or something?
“he was troubled about how his country had been misunderstood”
Nope, I think we pretty much got it, George, no worries…
I regret that my anti-Baron Greenback rhetoric made the world believe that I was “intent on fighting nefarious world conquest plots by a toad.” My true aim was to concentrate on Penfold’s sweet, sweet ass.
He said that his aim now was to…
Any previous aims are not currently operative.
Who would have been the most effective as Secretary of State for the Cheney Administration?
Heh, that’s easy, Ron Paul.
Well, I’m certainly glad we’ve got that straightened out.
from the timesonline site
How many times a day does he have to read his jacket, I wonder. Does the “POTUS” mug have an asterisk? Does Condi spit in it when he’s not looking?
What a fucking phenomenal putz.
Those of us w/ memories of more than a wk. or two may remember that two yrs. (or so) ago, a reporter (possibly British) asked W(orst) what, if any, regrets he might have & it was the same answer, “Golly, maybe I shouldn’t have said ‘Bring it on.'”
It’s not too late to impeach him, damnit!!
righteous bubba @ 3:09:
Please tell me how it works out!
mikey @ 3:11:
I think there might be a website for that already. Me, I’m strictly into auto-rectal vomiteering.
times like these i really understand why hell was invented. its very comforting to believe it exists.
His Grace said,
June 11, 2008 at 3:40
Very nice, and extra points for drawing outside the box(es).
Ok, now it’s we misunderstood the man who said don’t misunderestimate me, I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity?
I can’t believe the incredible lack of professionalism displayed by TimesOnline. Clearly the president did not say “I think that in retrospect I could have used a different tone, a different rhetoric” but rather that “a different tone and different rhetoric could have been used”
Also the president did not say “indicated to people that I was, you know, not a man of peace” but rather said “indicated to people that someone may have have the appearance of not being a man of peace”.
TimesOnline clearly does not understand that this Administration stands for accountability, and when thing have the appearance of going awry, Clenis must be held accountable.
Via Wikiquote: “As I have heard Bush say, only a wartime president is likely to achieve greatness, in part because the epochal upheavals of war provide the opportunity for transformative change of the kind Bush hoped to achieve. In Iraq, Bush saw his opportunity to create a legacy of greatness.” -Scott McClellan What Happened p. 131
Further evidence of what other’s have pointed out, that he doesn’t regret BEING a man of war, just it being known. Hundreds of thousands of people have died for this pathetic little man and his monstrous, titanic ego.
Okay, this synchronicity thing is totally out of control. How did it happen that this obscure image crops up here (as in SN!) and there?
“Phrases such as ‘bring them on’ or ‘dead or alive,’” he said, “indicated to people that I was, you know, not a man of peace.”
I dunno, George, I think the tipoff for me was when, on the day you ordered our military forces to start bombing the fuck out of Iraq, when you were asked by someone how it felt, you pumped your fist and said, “feels good.” That’s exactly the reaction I would expect from a man of peace who is a sociopathic narcissist.
Hey, remember that CNN reporter who shoved the microphone at the guys caring for the 12 year old boy who lost his limbs and every member of his family in that “feels good” display of shock-n-awe that started the war, and asked “does he understand that we had to do this for his freedom”? Whatever happened to that sick cunt?
“As I have heard Bush say, only a wartime president is likely to achieve greatness”
No need to appeal to McClellan’s memories. Bush is on record somewhere, from a pre-2001 interview, as saying how much he likes the sound of the words “wartime president”.
And if you find yourself vomiting up your own ass, it was your own fault for eating it in the first place.
Aww…but I’m so sweet and tasty!
Go gently into that twilight, Mr. Bush. Go into your safe, comfortable retirement. The ghosts will wait for you…
Every time you invoke the ghosts for these ratfucks, mikey, you do it with such sympathy. I love that. It’s like you’re looking on sadly from under the streetlight while those really bad CGI shadow demons drag off the murderers in “Ghost” (not that I’ve watched that movie or anything . . . )
I love it when someone so wholly transparent tries to make us believe that they are actually complex and full of retrospect. Like we didn’t see that coming.
I swear this man is so see through, his autobio should be printed on saranwrap.
Like, totally, you know! Whatevs!
There were quite a few mainstream-but-still-wingnutty commentators who acted like Bush’s second inauguration speech was JFK II. None of them have ever answered for how fucking wrong they were.
I mean, this. This came from a fucking president. Disgraceful. Fuck this clown.
Two words; war criminal.
Throw the lot of them in jail for the rest of their pathetic, quasi-human lives.
But, oh yeah, like anything will happen.
Now he’s worried about his fucking legacy when he should be worried about his basic freedom.
Hey, at least that guy down the street that was selling nickel bags of dope got sentenced.
As Devo once said, “It’s a beautiful world…for you…but not for me.”
I don’t even want this piece of inhuman shit to hurt that hard.
But know what?
I know he will. And yeah.
We got here in different ways, but the price will be exacted.
And all the three aye emm bargains he offers will be ignored. The faces will keep looming, and the nights just get longer and harder.
It didn’t pass Caeser, it didn’t pass Napoleon, and it didn’t pass Nixon.
And it won’t pass the boy….
Start a war for no particular reason in the face of worldwide opposition, kill hundreds of thousands of people, bring pain and suffering into the lives of millions more, become utterly loathed by most of the inhabitants of the planet.
And then express regret, sort of.
I’m sure that’ll take care of everything.
Helen Thomas has been covering the White House since the days of JFK. Back in November 2002 she said “I have never covered a president who actually wanted to go to war,” making it clear that Bush was the first. It was totally fucking obvious even then. Even before then.
How do they shamelessly publish this shit with a straight face? Can you imagine Clinton @ 25% approval with a similar article? Hell, at 100% approval?
And what’s the deal with the text of the article being repeated twice? They desperately need some remedial proofreading services over there at the prestigious TIMESONLINE.
I swear this man is so see through, his autobio should be printed on saranwrap.
If I and the Republican party he’s done so much to destroy get to vote, it will be printed on soft, absorbent paper and bound into perforated rolls. Then we can do to the C-Plus Augustus what he’s done to the Constitution.
And, since so many states have passed “Son of Sam” laws, all profits from such an endeavor will be returned to relatives of the victims, IIRC.
How does anybody not laugh in George’s face when he says shit like, ““They can either face isolation, or they can have better relations with all of us.”
Snorghagen said,
June 11, 2008 at 4:57
Helen Thomas has been covering the White House since the days of JFK. Back in November 2002 she said “I have never covered a president who actually wanted to go to war,” making it clear that Bush was the first. It was totally fucking obvious even then. Even before then.
Helen isn’t cool like David Gregory or little Richie (Free and Rambunctious) Cohen.
‘Cuz she doesn’t lick shrub’s ass like he’s used to.
In other news, General Tso has issued a press release that stats his worry about being remembered for his chicken recipe. Also, Zamboni would like to once again remind people that they’re a BRAND, not the proper name for the PRODUCT, for LOVE OF GOD! GET IT RIGHT!
?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH ?noissecer ym s’erehw ,eduD .cirotehr eht pu kcab t’nseod amabO .gniht elohw eht daeR !gninniw er’eW .deednI .heH
What is it with all these dead people? That’s like a total bummer. I don’t wanna think about the dead people.
I dunno, Mikey. After all his “Texecutions” I think he saw the dead people as a bonus. The guy really, really digs having people killed, as far as I can tell.
Maybe he will be haunted by it one day. Whatever happens, if he ever grows a conscience, it’s way too little too late.
Another exhibit in the George Bush Museum of Peace is the quote from General Sanchez’s autobiography that came out a couple weeks ago. Most people here have probably already seen it, but what the hell. Sanchez described it as “a kind of confused pep talk,” given by Bush to top officials and generals during a videoconference in April 2004, just before the first attack on Fallujah.
“‘Kick ass!’ [Bush] said… ‘If somebody tries to stop the march to democracy, we will seek them out and kill them! We must be tougher than hell! This Vietnam stuff, this is not even close. It is a mind-set. We can’t send that message. It’s an excuse to prepare us for withdrawal.
“There is a series of moments and this is one of them. Our will is being tested, but we are resolute. We have a better way. Stay strong! Stay the course! Kill them! Be confident! Prevail! We are going to wipe them out! We are not blinking!'”
All the garbled tough-talk would be funny if you didn’t know what came of it.
Umm. Yay?
I believe it was Bob Dylan who once observed:
And I hope that you die
And your death will come soon
I’ll follow your casket
On a pale afternoon
And I’ll watch while you’re lowered
Into your deathbed
And I’ll stand over your grave
Til I’m sure that you’re dead
Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot! How Did You Do That?!
I want to learn!
That was the verse after
Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good?
Will it buy you forgiveness?
Do you think that it could?
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Can never buy back your soul.
I’m sorry — really, I am — but I just have to laugh every time I see that image of Chimpy McCodpiece. It’s like the next scene should be the African American airport-security lady waving her metal-detector wand around his would-be wanker and then giving him the stinkeye.
Insisting on an honor for which he is utterly unqualified (in this case, being thought of as a man of peace) is part of W’s life-long pattern of expecting–and getting–the bar to be lowered so he can saunter over it.
Maybe Poppy and Babs can buy it for him.
It’s not hubris – it’s psychosis.
Has he ever been drug-tested? Ever?
He’s not Winston Churchill part 2, he’s Jack The Ripper.
Well, I’m sure I’d feel much worse if I weren’t under such heavy sedation.
Another exhibit in the George Bush Museum of Peace is the quote from General Sanchez’s autobiography
I’ll tell you why I think Sanchez’s quote is genuine, and perhaps even verbatim: it’s vapid and it barely makes any sense. Sorry, but some ex-general with an underpaid ghostwriter doesn’t come up with something that authentic unless it really happened.
So, considering this administrations’ idea of what constitutes “diplomacy” is what sane people consider a war crime, am I right that everyone’s already had the thought that when Bush says:
He said that his aim now was to leave his successor a legacy of international diplomacy for tackling Iran.
What he means is, “launch a missile at Tehran the day before the inauguration, and let that other guy figure out how to get out of it?”
The codpiece-like configuration of Bush’s flight suit evidently comes from his failure to release his parachute harness crotch straps after landing. Maybe he was told to leave them on deliberately to emphasize his balls, or maybe he just screwed up and forgot. Either way, he paid a price. One commenter at Buzzflash wrote “From personal experience I can tell you that it is VERY uncomfortable, if not painful, to walk around that way.”
Tom Engelhardt (from whose site I got the quote) comments on the videoconference “Assumedly, the event was recorded and so revisitable by a note-taking Sanchez.” If that’s so, it’s an exact quote. It sure has the classic Bush style.
I think the S,N! folks need to see this:
It’s not too late to impeach him, damnit!!
Kucinich’s speech last night was incredible. In a normal world, it would be the final nail in Bush’s coffin.
In this one? “Oh, it’s just that crazy UFO guy again, droning on too late for it to matter.”
I think we have to lean hard on Congress to not let this die. And they will let it die without public support for Dennis’s efforts. At the very least, the 35 articles of impeachment in the official record will make for a great opening statement for the criminal trial. Like most people, I can’t help liking Obama, but if he lets these slimeballs get off scot-free, that goodwill is going to evporate pretty damn quick. Kucinich as attorney general would be a nice start…
(In the words of Mink Deville, “let me dream if I want to”)
The fact is, look at that crotch. Just look at its majestic beauty.
Fake Gary, the line is check out all his majesty!.
When I talk about war, I really mean peace.
-George W. Bush
Oh, geez. We’ve endured Bush’s drunk spree for the last seven years, and now we have to sit through his “ohmigod, what will people think of me” hangover.
One commenter at Buzzflash wrote “From personal experience I can tell you that it is VERY uncomfortable, if not painful, to walk around that way.”
When Dubya’s frat brothers referred to him as “Numbnuts”, they were not *just* talking about his lack of intellectual curiosity…
Really? Really?
The man’s entire rhetorical style is to act like he’s explaining a simple idea to an unusually stupid fourth-grader. When he goes to a foreign country he seems to think he can solve PR problems by just explaining, slowly and with small words, that America means well.
I find these statements to be entirely believable,. Predictable, even.
Phrases such as “bring them on” or “dead or alive”, he said, “indicated to people that I was, you know, not a man of peace”.
Geez, I hope he tries that horseshit with the judges at the International Criminal Court at the Hague. It would be *so* like him to whine about being misunderstood, just before having his neck stretched.
Gee, I really regret having used such strong rhetoric in my pursuit of liberty, equality and fraternity. If only I hadn’t said things like “No virtue without Terror, and no Terror without virtue”, people might not remember me as a mass-murdering maniac.
Phrases such as “Kill one, educate a thousand” probably didn’t convey the sense that I am a man of the people, and on the people’s side.
Chimpy McStagger, bullshitting his homies in Slovenia yesterday:
The reporter does not reveal whether the audience laughed uproariously at this point, or merely chuckled politely into their handkerchiefs.
Sorry, totall OT but you must MUST click this – hilarious!
Better than the GI BILL! June 11, 2008
Reviewer: Heywood Jablome from Washington, DC United States
Getting these in the mail was MUCH BETTER than getting college benefits after my service!
Ahh, they’ve finally gotten a clue and scrubbed the reviews.
The fact is, here in the Heartland, we get off on warfare. We are fighting a battle to bring God back into public life for all. We are a Christian nation, and we are fighting the seculars, false Christians, Muslims, Jews, and all followers of false faiths. We are not afraid to use the sword, as God has said we should. We will fight for rights for the God-fearing, and take away the rights, and lives if we need to, of their enemies. Here in the Heartland. Now let’s see the Liberal Bias media take that out of context and call us haters.
Ah, the reviews have been scrubbed. What a surprise.
Wow. An addict shedding crocodile tears because he’s sooo misunderstood and people are sooo unfair and he really didn’t mean it when he fucked everything up can’t people take a little joke? I ain’t never seen nothing like that in my whole entire life. (If you ignore my whole entire life after age 18).
Also, I’m pretty sure that flaming pile of shit has a habit of screaming that diplomacy with Iraq is the exact same thing as bending over for the NAZIs.
If you videotaped it and sold it on the Internet, you’d probably recover your costs and then some in no time.
I thing GW should host a male-oriented talk show. He could play pranks, show off cheesy shit that he likes to collect, practice his love of women, try to drink his guests under the table – it would be like the past 7 years, only the guns would be loaded with blanks.
…”he was troubled about how his country had been misunderstood” ….
Fuck. You.
Oh, geez. We’ve endured Bush’s drunk spree for the last seven years, and now we have to sit through his “ohmigod, what will people think of me” hangover.
Bush’s reputation and legacy are crap. Even pond scum think he’s beneath them. I saw a great sticker the other day, on a car parked in front of a house with Obama signs in the yard. “Yeehaa is not a foreign policy!”
Said it all.
He’s going to spend the rest of his life listening to Americans who have been hurt by his stumblefuck stupidity shit on his face on a daily basis. The great thing is, aside from a few acres of some South American ranchland there’s very few places in the world Bush is going to be able to go that he either doesn’t have a warrant for his arrest, or isn’t viscerally despised by 70% of the population. Or both.
Fuck him in the ear. He’s asked for, hell, he’s begged for everything he deserves.
“Ah, the reviews have been scrubbed. What a surprise.”
What did the scrubbed reviews say?
Actually, mikey, I don’t think he’ll have the three ay-em night sweats and ghost visits.
I think the psychotic motherfucker will sleep like a baby. He and Pickles will retire to a gated mansion in Dallas. He’ll spend a lot of time golfing,bike-riding, and wonder why he’s not getting more speaking engagements. I’m sure the trust fund and the Preznitial pension will tide him over before he cuts a lucrative deal with a Saudi prince for a seat on some board somewhere.
I think the legacy of his presidency he’ll treasure most will be the closet with his embroidered jackets and his APEX kimonos, his POTUS mug. He’ll take them out from time to time to remind himself that even though everybody thought Jeb was the better son, he got to be Preznit, dammit.
“There are some who, uh, feel like that, you know, the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is: Bring ‘em on. We got the force necessary to deal with the security situation. “ – George W. Bush, July 2, 2003.
The stupidest single sentence ever uttered by an American president. Even the grammar is pathetic. And the content, taunting an enemy with the power to kill American soldiers, is despicable.
He said that his focus for his final six months in office was to secure agreement on issues such as establishing a Palestinian state and to “leave behind a series of structures that makes it easier for the next president”.
the best thinghe can do to make it easier for the next president is to do as little as possible between now and january.
I dunno, g, I was hoping he would throw himself whole hog into getting McCain elected.
The best thing Bush can do now is not start a war with Iran.
Ok, this needs to be addressed, STAT.
Obama’s advance troops have already taken over our college campuses, have bound and gagged our conservative professors, have ravished our virgins, have pillaged our stores of wisdom, and have ensconced themselves in the thrones of power in deans’, presidents’ and department heads’ offices.
What? I’m pretty impressed at Obama’s advanced planning, getting all those stealth operatives through the lengthy process of tenure and advancement.
And I can assure Ms. Grabar that the only throne that most deans and department heads ensconce themselves on is the same throne we all use. Ms. Grabar should experience what it’s like to be an academic department head for a day – she’ll never envy one again.
One possibly positive effect of Junior’s diplomatic about face: he just took away McCain’s “Obama would talk to terrorists!” spiel.
Is it a high crime to throw pies at a former Preznit?
Grabar SMASH!!!!
Despite decades of accusing the elitist ivory towers of academia of being a hot-bed of left wing effete liberalism, Mary Grabar now reveals that academia is actually quite conservative but that conservatism is being pushed out by militant hippie ideologues. The wine-sipping pansy girl liberals in fact are BDSM barbarians, looting and raping there way across the campus-side.
Republicans who, until finally alerted by Mary, have never complained about left-wing ideals in academia.
Here’s her proof:
Yes indeed, a vicious plot by the patchouli scented tofu eaters forced conservatives to abandon institutes of higher learning in droves, for the greener shores of economics, business and political power. When will the lefties stop forcing conservatives into the uninfluential roles of busines executives and corporate lobbyists?
The only way to fight the Reds is with a strong diet of discrimination and prejudice! If we start accepting people’s differences than it’ll be as if Stalin, that most tolerant of the Islamo-Commie-Leftists was in charge. Look at Commie China and there unrestrained tolerance, social justice and multiculturalism. That’s what Obama stands for!
Good news, John Cole managed to save some of the golf gear reviews before they got scrubbed.
Those reviews are amazing. My favorite was the one requesting a “Joe Lieberman certified McCain ballwasher”.
Please, please, let Mikey be right.
I have picked up no evidence it has been true so far. And it has been years.
In fact, knowing his past drug abuse and general all-around lack of intellectual fiber, I think he’s a prime candidate to very quickly sink into a premature senile dementia marked by blurting out insane nonsense and grabbing nurses’ boobs.
Or, perhaps, he is actually already there.
I hope someone asks him if he will continue to give up golf after his residency. Like say, till all the soldiers come home.
Concerned over his legacy, the preznit called Excuses ‘R’ Us and purchased their premium term paper.
So, yeah, to echo some other commenters, I don’t expect Dear Leader to suffer many pangs of conscience in the future. He just isn’t that introspective. He might feel a little bad every now and again, mostly about how everybody misunderstood his greatness, but he’s never going to be haunted by all the people whose blood is on his hands.
His environment will be carefully arranged to avoid any confrontation with people who disagree with him. He will perform at a few speaking engagements for sycophant audiences, go golfing with his buddies and never, ever, leave the United States.
Occasionally, it will occur to him that no subsequent President ever calls on him to perform public diplomacy like they do Poppy and Bill but that little concern will soon go away like a tiny raincloud on an otherwise sunny day.
Gotta agree with the folks who don’t believe that the Corncob-Headed Maguffin-in-Chief will lose a moment’s sleep over the misery he’s caused. The world is made for those not burdened with self-awareness, to quote Annie. There’s something missing from that little douchebag, and we could line up the dead and injured, side-to-side, starting at the front gate of the White House, men, women, children, babies, and the only reaction he’d have would be irritation if the bodies interfered with his fucking bike ride.
As far as speaking/diplomatic calls on his time after this travesty of a presidency has mercifully ended, I’m absolutely sure he could care less. This whole presidenting thing has interfered with his real life enough already. It was fun at the beginning, but those stupid people kept expecting him to work or something. Stupid people.
“I don’t expect Dear Leader to suffer many pangs of conscience in the future. ”
I’m sure that President Bush is genuinely sorry (that he’s one of the most unpopular figures in the world, right next to Bin Laden).
Sorry for the people he killed and maimed? Not so much. Does it strike anyone else as odd that this crisis of conscience appears so close to the 2008 elections? I think what we’re seeing is Bush try to deal with his entirely too evident personal and professional problems on the world stage.
The man is a lying sociopath. The vast majority of voters know it, and the GOP knows that the voters know it, but Bush is too crazy to figure out his goose is cooked. Bush, therefore, is subjecting the rest of us to his twisted, self-serving logic and crocodile tears because he thinks it will work.
If the GOP had any brains, they would lock that dangerous fool in the basement of the White House, Goonies-style. Somehow, though, I bet he will petulantly refuse to be satisfied with the occasional Baby Ruth, and will continue saying insane bullshit until the November elections.
Any word on whether he’s had second thoughts about this “rhetoric” ?
Nah, didn’t think so.
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