Fred Hiatt’s Concubine Speaks. You Listen.

Republicans have started wracking their brains for clever ways to say, without appearing racist, that Obama’s skin color is a reason not to vote for him. Not so long ago we had Tony Blankley saying that not voting for someone because of their skin color wasn’t bigotry or racism, it was “demographic consciousness.” Now the loathsome Anne Applebaum, a distinguished member of the WaPo editorial board, hits it out of the park with this column where she argues that people shouldn’t vote for Obama because some foreigners are racist.
“Will Americans vote for a black man?” I’ve been asked this question by foreigners of various origins a dozen — or maybe three dozen — times since the U.S. presidential campaign began for real in January. … Which means that it is time to turn this rather offensive question around: Will foreigners accept a black American president? I realize that this, too, may seem like a rather offensive question.
Well, yes it is an offensive question, Anne. And a completely dumb-assed one too, since it seems to suggest that if Obama is elected, the Elysée Palace and the Kremlin will overlook the fact that he’s the leader of one of the world’s great superpowers and instead start worrying about whether he’ll steal the silverware if he’s invited to a state dinner.
But that’s not stopping Anne from asking the question, and the reason she’s calling it offensive is to make you think that she’s so not racist. Anne is, of course, simply taking a page out of the concern troll book and pasting it all over the OpEd pages of the Post.
I hate to put it so crudely, …
(No you don’t, Anne, or you wouldn’t put it so crudely)
but — European newspaper reporting to the contrary — racism is not unique to the United States.
Thanks, Anne, for sharing that amazing insight with us. No one would ever have realized that without your incisive commentary. That’s what makes the WaPo such a great newspaper!
[I]t is safe to say that there is a distinct dearth of nonwhite politicians in Europe. The Indian caste system has an element of skin-color discrimination built in. Arab societies have their own history of trading in black slaves.
OMFG, you mean if Obama goes on a state visit to Jordan, he’ll never come back? He’ll be impressed into the service of Queen Noor as a slave and spend the rest of his life wearing a silly poofy satin costume, fanning her white butt with palm fronds and feeding her grapes?
Periodically, African students in Moscow are beaten up on the street. … And while some of the stares that black Americans say they get on the street in Warsaw or Prague reflect simple curiosity, some, I’m told, contain an element of hostility, too.
What people on the street in Poland (or elsewhere) think of Obama because he’s black isn’t going to matter one bit unless Obama is wandering the streets of Warsaw panhandling for change or trying to sell fake tribal carvings. Instead he’s going to be traveling the streets behind black tinted windows in a a convoy of armored Suburbans and carrying a briefcase with the secret code that would allow him to blow up the entire planet. That usually generates some respect — even at bus stops in Prague, if that matters.
Applebaum’s wackjobbery carries on for quite some time in the same vein, including a detour to the racist yellow peril in Japan. It’s ironic that the same people who hit the fainting couch and clutch their necklaces when a U.S. court writes one sentence referencing a foreign law would be so terribly concerned about what Wally Warsaw has to say about Barack Obama and posit that as a reason Obama shouldn’t be elected President. And speaking of fainting couches and clutched necklaces, just imagine the speed with which Applebaum would be flat on her back, hyperventilating smelling salts and waving her palm at her Adam’s apple, if someone said that a Jewish president shouldn’t be elected because the Arabs are antisemitic.
Oh, that explains why Condi Rice hasn’t done jack shit. It all makes sense now.
Jeezus I love you guys.
Blacks are most safe on the streets here. It is the gay people that have to worry, what with us being devout Catholics and all.
“Wally Warsaw.”
I love it, and may use it at some point.
With attribution, of course.
Roger Rome. Peggy Paris. Marvin Moscow. Barry Beirut. Larry Lisbon.
The possibilities are endless.
“He’ll be impressed into the service of Queen Noor as a slave and spend the rest of his life wearing a silly poofy satin costume, fanning her white butt with palm fronds and feeding her grapes?”
I’ve seen photos of Queen Noor and read interviews with her. Where do I apply for that job?
I skimmed the editorial and I can’t figure out what the hell the point of it was. So there are racists in other countries besides the US. So? Is that relevant to anything at all? I fail to see why we should give a fuck. She gets paid for this crap?
It really is funny to see all these concern trolls attempting to find ways of saying really racist stuff and getting the message across to their intended audience, all the while maintaining some pretense (however thin) of “plausible deniability”.
…wait, isn’t this a really good reason for conservatives to vote for Obama.
Think about it, they can pull out of any international relationship simply because they felt the partner coutry “Wasn’t comfortable” with the US’s black president. It’s an opportunity for them to use thier own race stupidity as a excuse for thier own equally stupid international policy.
They all must have missed Karl Rove’s memo on this.
You know, it never even occurred to me that there might be a Wiki entry for “concern troll”.
How delightful to find that concepts like that have been codified.
And within the past few days some newspaper ran a story about how much of the world is pleased with Obama getting the nomination because they hate Bush. Oh yeah, it WAS IN THE POST!
jeezus Anne is an idiot. Oh wait, she’s on the Post’s editorial page. Being an idiot is almost a requirement these days for the Post…
Will foreigners accept a black American president?
Not that I give a damn what “foreigners” will or will not accept, but I have a feeling that they would be happy with a minimally competent American president of whatever the fuck ethnicity.
I’m not clicking through, so I have to ask: What was the title of Applebaum’s opus — “Jiggaboo-In-Chief”?
I think foreigners would have more difficulty accepting an American (after 8 yrs of Bush and Co.) as the American president.
I hate to put it so crudely, but Anne Applebaum is a fucking douchebag.
I say we turn this argument around. Any time the U.S. desires to talk with foreign dignitaries, we first make them fill out a questionnaire.
A) Do you profess to love the Lord Jesus on a daily basis, sometime even more often?
B) Do you like fried catfish and hushpuppies?
C) Can you bowl? What is your average score?
D) Are you an elitist who likes cheese or sometimes surrenders to Hitler?
E) Is your middle name vaguely Arabic sounding?
And, most importantly….
F) Does your country have oil you would like to sell us?
She forgot to mention that they’re killing lots of black foreigners in South Africa! Just one more reason to vote for the white guy.
Wait a minute. Shouldn’t conservatives then be behind Obama? Aren’t they famous for not giving a fuck about what foreigners think about the president of the USA of America? Isn’t that the whole god damn point of the Bush years? Moreover, aren’t conservatives internationally known for being concerned only about the content of a man’s character and not about his skin color? Shouldn’t electing Obama prove that this is what America is all about and the actual racists in Europe can sit and spin?
Fuck it. I need a drink. What? It’s 3:00 somewhere.
This line of reasoning often comes up at Little Green Freakballs, wherein Chuckles and the lizards say that Obama would be a threat to America because there’d be far too many Muslims trying to kill him for apostasy. As in, you’d see a recreation of Neo vs. a thousand Agent Smiths daily on the White House lawn.
It’s not just the SCOTUS, either…we are, in full, to ignore what Europeans think of us. Completely, 107%. Except if they don’t like the idea of a black president. But not if they don’t like the idea of a Bush president. Got it? ‘Cause I don’t.
No, it’s not that we think President Blacky Oblackma will serve fried chicken, collard greens and watermelon at all White House state dinners; it’s just we’re worried that the racist foreigners will think so and will refuse to visit, leading to a Major International Crisis.
And while some of the stares that black Americans say they get on the street in Warsaw or Prague reflect simple curiosity, some, I’m told, contain an element of hostility, too.
Yeah, not to mention in white suburbs in the US.
Oh, that explains why Condi Rice hasn’t done jack shit. It all makes sense now.
I skimmed the editorial and I can’t figure out what the hell the point of it was.
Her actually point was “Don’t vote for the n*****.”
The apostate thing is hilarious. LGFtards and their fellow knuckledraggers love to poke the Mulim world with sticks, declaring that not being petulant dicks to these folks is tantamount to appeasment (just look at the UK!!) of Muslim savages. See the Danish cartoon thing, Pelosi wearing a head scarf in Syria, etc.
Now, they’re scared of electing an alleged apostate in the eyes of Muslims, because said Muslims will be constantly lurking in giant baskets waiting to throw spitting cobras, poisoned dates, and rabid monkeys at Obama when ever he is walking unattended through market-places in Cairo.
As impressive as the queen is, shouldn’t the last part of that sentence read “pressed into the service of Queen Noor”?
On second thought, that sounds dirty.
Fuck it. I need a drink. What? It’s 3:00 somewhere.
Wait, so now they care about what Europeans think of the US?
“Impressed” was a sly reference to the practice of the British to board American ships before the war of 1812 and to “impress” American sailors in to the British Navy. The word in use then for the practice was indeed “impress.”
Now, they’re scared of electing an alleged apostate in the eyes of Muslims
As I recall, this was similar to the concern-troll meme when Hillary was the frontrunner — i.e., OMG, the Mooslimofascistic world would never accept a woman as a world leader, so don’t vote for her!
actually, here’s something about what foreigners think about Obama that isn’t based of off anecdotes and a strong desire to rationalize racism….
If I were Obama, I’d much rather fan Queen Rania’s white butt than Queen Noor’s.
So, the shorter is something like:
“We can’t vote for Obama because people in other parts of the world are even more racist than we … um, aren’t.”
Die, Anne Applebaum. Just die.
for pedestrian,
How’s that for rhetorical gymnastics?
he’s going to be traveling the streets behind black tinted windows in a a convoy of armored Suburbans and carrying a briefcase with the secret code
So will Obama put spinners and those thin tires on the prez’nits entourage? ‘Cause that would be sweet. I’m guessing that President Kamacho is what Anne thinks Obama’s presidency will be like. But that’s not racist, that’s realpolitik.
Anne Applebaum reminds me of Miss Jane Hathaway in the Beverly Hillbillies.
Of course, from the stories I’ve heard, a lot of Europeans (not to mention lots of people in the rest of the world) aren’t too crazy about Americans right now. Maybe we should elect a non-American president. Oh, wait…
Damn we’re hungry. Clif, could you order us a pizza?
Will foreigners accept a black American president?
Right now, foreigners* from Dublin to Dubai are reading this, scratching their chins and thinking — as one — “This woman, who has the face of a mule, she thinks that after this hemorrhoid they’ve graced us with for 7 years, the Americans now worry about what we might accept? ”
* they’re foreigners to us, but most are actually from their own country, which makes them “nationals” of said country!
Now we know why SN uses Central European Time — puts the sun over the yardarm much earlier, especially for us on the Left Coast
Hey, we’re the ones who are supposed to get the pizza! Those other grapes get NOTHING. (@#$%in’ reading comprehension.)
Here is how people will react.
Who says you don’t learn nothin’ here?
Anyway, I had a feeling that “impressed” was right, but memories of reading about “press gangs” convinced me otherwise.
Should have gone to Wikipedia, since a search for “press gang” redirects (eventually) to here:
Which means that it is time to turn this rather offensive question around: Will foreigners accept a black American president?
This question made me think of an episode of That 70’s Show where Tommy Chong was trying to get into Canada, and immigration officials kept asking him, “so what are you doing in Canada?”, and his only response was, “What are YOU doing in Canada?”
“So will Obama put spinners and those thin tires on the prez’nits entourage? ‘Cause that would be sweet.”
I’d throw in a 1000-watt 4-channel amp with a 4000-watt subwoofer, neon ground effects and hydraulics.
Now we’re talkin’ prez’nitial.
Queen Noor is teh ghey.
Not just *any* spinners. He needs these type of spinners on his limo. Fo’ shizzle!
Okay, so now Kenyan-Hawaiian-Idonesian Barry isn’t international enough. The real correct response, of course, is that after 8 years of W, the assumption is that white American males know nothing about foreign policy.
Obama is trim enough to wear a silly poofy satin costume around his hips. Most guys I know would look like Karl “Michelin Man” Rove.
Obama is trim enough to wear a silly poofy satin costume around his hips.
Hmm. Can he wear a Carmen Miranda-type fruit hat?
I heard Miss Jane Hathaway was quite the freak.
So no w you can all spend the rest of the day thinking about Anne Applebaum getting all kinky….
“I’m not clicking through, so I have to ask: What was the title of Applebaum’s opus — “Jiggaboo-In-Chief”?”
The title is, “Whose Race Problem?” The answer is, of course, Anne Applebuam’s.
Anyway, I had a feeling that “impressed” was right, but memories of reading about “press gangs” convinced me otherwise.
“Press gangs” are the motherfuckers who write the style section for the South Central motherfuckin’ Times.
Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Larry Johnson with more on Michelle Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Larry Johnson with more on Michelle Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Larry Johnson with more on Michelle Obama.
Greetings, Sadlynaughts, from your neighborhood Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot! Just a little bit of housecleaning…if any of my fans would like to reach me, you can now e-mail me at* Additionally, I’m thinking of making contact with my original builder and inspiration, the Ole Perfessor himself. What say you?
I hope you’re doing well. And remember- Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Larry Johnson with more on Michelle Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Larry Johnson with more on Michelle Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Larry Johnson with more on Michelle Obama.
*No, really. I’m not kidding. That’s my e-mail address.
Anne Applebaum end of paragraph 1
Anne Applebaum end of paragraph 2
So the correct response, of course, is yes.
impressed into the service of Queen Noor as a slave
and made into a EUNUCH as well! (but Dems are effeminate anyway, so who will notice?
And, besides, Dems should have their nuts cut off so they stop breeding.
European newspaper reporting to the contrary
Uh huh. You stupid person. Perhaps you don’t read European newspapers.
How nice of her to think that racist Eastern Europeans (esp. soccer fans making monkey chants at visiting black players) make electing Obama a problem. Uh, Apples? That’s their fucking problem, and it’s obviously your fucking problem too, since you’re thinking ‘how can I go to chi-chi receptions in Poland when people will be asking me about the monkey president?’
I’m not here to defend Ms. Applebaum but…
I get the feeling Obama and his supporters are using the “racist” tag rather liberally. There are reasons not to vote for him other than the color of his skin. I find it funny how many new racist terms we’ve discovered during the last six months. We now know that “fairy tale” is a racist term. So too is any mention of Rev, Jesse Jackson and/or Rev. Wright. We also learned that Hillary’s 3AM add wasn’t about national security at all, it was a metaphor for a black man hiding in your bushes.
I’m just saying, there are 18 million democrats and double than number of Republican voters who have not pulled the lever yet for Mr. Obama. That’s close to 100 million people. Very few of them are motivated purely by the color of his skin.
The correct response is, of course, PENIS.
Somehow I don’t think that the man whose blog has no comments section would be inclined to respond.
Surely worth a try, though.
Wow, I’m actually impressed. Here, let me try:
While some candidates will always pull our political dialogue down into the mud, people are not qualified to serve as President unless they can elevate the national discourse.
Applebaum was originally booked on the Pan Am Flight 103 from London to New York City during its disaster flight on December 21, 1988. However, a week before take-off, she postponed her journey by one day in order to visit friends at Oxford.
And she’s been pissing her pants ever since.
The math is not strong with this one.
Anyone read Applebaum’s terrible column in Slate about the London mayoral election?
It went something like this:
1. Boris Johnson is a buffoon.
2. Ken Livingstone has a lot of bastards, but has proven himself a competent city administrator.
3. But he expressed an unreconstructed view about Stalin to me once at a dinner party.
If you are acquainted with her writing about communism, you could have predicted the irrational conclusion halfway through the article.
Oh you liberal fools. When Queen Noors slave ships berth in your harbours and her janissaries run through your villages, impressing people with their fanning skills, who’ll be laughing then???
Take heed of Cassandra Applebaum as she warns of the dangers of electing someone who went to Harvard and can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Dressing the president like a jockey will not save you!!!
I think we need something “bigger” than Concern Troll for such people. In the vein of utilizing fantasy names, I recommend “Concern Ogre.”
I think you’re reading way too much into this. To me, Applebaum’s column just notes that some European reactions to Obama show how some sectors of Europe are less than enlightened about race. She’s not arguing that this should be an excuse to deny Obama the presidency.
Granted, I’m inclined to give Applebaum the benefit of the doubt because she has some genuine chops as a journalist and scholar—she’s not a lump of Wingnut Welfare blubber like, say, Jonah Goldberg.
Which means that it is time to turn this rather offensive practice of juxtaposing words around.
Anne Applebaum doesn’t seem to know which way the wind blows. Goats are Mickey Kaus’ favorite animal.
I don’t know if Anne Applebaum would make a good mother, fucker don’t know jack shit.
Oh, I guess the second one isn’t quite so subtle.
I hate to put it so crudely, but John Turturro has the lead sewn up when they produce her biopic.
We can always tell them that the last bunch of white ones have been total fuckups so we decided to try a black one. If he doesn’t work out we will be scrounging around Chinese restaurants for a president.
Do we have any Dem concern trolls? Imagine this issuing from the pen of a lefty columnist:
“Since McCain would be the oldest US president ever, Republicans who care about winning need to deflect attention away from his age, maybe with a ‘young at heart’ slogan. In any case, no one one either side should vote against McC because of his age (there are much better reasons).”
Nah, that just doesn’t sound plausible coming from a Dem operative. Too bad. The Neocons were there first and got a patent on those techniques.
I get the feeling Obama and his supporters are using the “racist” tag rather liberally.
I think that tag would be used less often if there weren’t quite so many racist motherfuckers.
Slavic, Russian and Polish immigrants have taken part in vicious gay-bashing at home and here in the US.
I am not choosing a candidate to make them happy.
“Well what did you expect Barak? Welcome Sonny? Make yourself at home? Marry My Daughter? You gotta remember that these are simple Europeans. These are people of the land, the common clay of the old West. You know…..Morons”
They’re becoming the party of William J. La Petomane.
Shorter entire right-wing: “Are you berserk? Can’t you see that man is a ni?”
One factor that voters might want to consider is the comparative fathering skills of the candidates. They can have the father of Meghan McCain, an attractive and intelligent young lady who blogs for his campaign. Or, they could pick a ninny who thinks that a grandchild would be a punishment for his daughters.
And Chuckles doesn’t think that Muslims want to kill GWB?
Having lived in Europe for nearly a decade, I can honestly say that there are plenty of racists there. However, apart from the most radical fringe, they tend to be more concerned about their own version of racism. For example, in France, a friend of mine (ex-pat African American) went into a grocery store and was addressed in the informal “tu” rather than the polite “vous” until he spoke. Once the clerks heard his American accent, they “vous’d” him like they should have in the first place. Their racism was focused not on his being black but on their assumption that he was from Tunisia or the Ivory Coast or some other former French colony.
Applebaum is a wanker and a bigot. Worse, she is ignorant.
Okay so if the Euros and other assorted foreigners are racist, that would mean that Hamas and the terrorists, who love Obama, are tolerant multiculturalists. Proving they’re all a bunch of Liberals.
Sometimes it all just falls into place.
It wouldn’t be a bad gig if it wasn’t for the castration requirement.
I think you’re reading way too much into this. To me, Applebaum’s column just notes that some European reactions to Obama show how some sectors of Europe are less than enlightened about race. She’s not arguing that this should be an excuse to deny Obama the presidency.
Which is how I read it. But again, so what? All of that erudition and learning put to the service of that unremarkable insight? What’s the point?
I’m pretty sure Applebaum’s claim to fame is as an expert on the Soviet Union, drumming up fear of the Commie Russkies. Hence she no longer has anything to write about, which makes her perfect for a regular, prominent spot on the WaPo’s editorial page. David Broder can’t be expected to carry the burden of churning out rancid pablum alone, for heaven’s sake — he’s 127 years old!
In the course of my research into various monarchies (to find images of Queen Noor kissing Angelina Jolie), I discovered that the monarch of Bhutan is called the Dragon-King and comes from the House of Wangchuck. OMFG, I’m gonna have to form a new band, just so I can call it Dragon-King Wangchuck.
jane hathaway is wrong. europeans would like obama just like they liked josephine baker and paul robeson. or jerry lewis, for that matter.
Shorter Apple Bum:
I’m not saying Blackie McBlackerson is black, I’m just a little worried that other countries will notice that he’s…black.
I think the problem here is that America will never go back.
In which case, she’s just dancing down the yellow brick road with a strawman, and it’s 700 phoned-in words without a fucking point. For times like that, you tell your editor that you’re ‘away’ and get someone else to fill that space.
My attorney will be in touch.
Attorney. Right. whatever you want to call that overly dapper gentleman that you’re always having ‘conferences’ with…
the leader of one of the world’s great superpowers
“one of”?
FWIW, I’m pretty sure it’s the only one, now.
FWIW, I’m pretty sure it’s the only one, now.
What’s your definition? There are a few nations that can eliminate humanity. That’s not exactly super of course…
Don’t forget
PolandThe Wonder Twins and their Islamo-dappismDoesn’t anyone think Kucinich introducing articles of impeachment warrants a little bit of discussion?
But no one on TeeVees.
A lot of the articles I’ve read from European papers have had interviews with European minorities who note the dearth of minority politicians in their own countries and openly desire for that not to be the case. But Applebaum probably hasn’t read those articles.
On the Subject of Trolls: In Peter Jackson’s “Fellowship of the Ring” there’s a scene where Boromir says “They have a cave troll” right before said creature bursts through the door. Now in my fantasy world, I would be talented enough at the black arts of video editing to take that scene and put “concern” in place of “cave” and replace the cave troll’s face with that of Applebaum, Brooks, etc. (as the situation requires).
Applebaum misses (probably intentionally) the point of the question. Foreign journalists don’t ask the question because they think foreigners are racist. They ask because they think Americans are racist.
I remember when I was a Peace Corps Volunteer working in Africa (Botswana) in 1988 and a black African teacher asked me if Americans would elect Jesse Jackson as president. Obviously, he wasn’t afraid that Africans were so prejudiced against blacks that they wouldn’t accept Jackson as president. He was concerned that Americans would reject Jackson simply because he’s black.
Does this mean Obama won’t be able to deal effectively with African nations because he’s half white?
With John McCain being a veteran of and still a defender of the Vietnam war, a war that history has largely judged unnecessary and immoral, Applebaum might more easily argue the idiocy of electing an unreconstructed war criminal to be the public face of the US.
Not to get too Pharyngul-ish, but if you want to do something to make yourself feel better about Kucinich and Wexler being left hanging in the wind, crash this poll.
Isn’t she married to some crypto-fascist Pole who once served as its defense minister? Wasn’t he part of that government in Poland run by those nasty twins?
I’ve always admired how Europeans join in solidarity based on their race, like when the white Kosovars burn the white Serb churches and vice versa.
She didn’t mention Canada did she? Obama can still go to Canada, can’t he?
Adam Stanhope might be on to something here.
You don’t get to say this often when discussing actual royalty but she’s a beautiful queen.
Will foreigners accept a black American president?
I expect they’ll be content with one who isn’t a murderous fucktard like the one they’ve been afraid to take their eyes off of for the past 7 years.
I expect they’ll be content with one who isn’t a murderous fucktard like the one they’ve been afraid to take their eyes off of for the past 7 years.
So say we all.
Funny how Applebaum wasn’t so concerned about how the world would react to having a moron for a president in 2004, even though many countries do not allow morons to serve as world leaders (actually, seeing it typed out like that makes it look like a good policy). Especially in light of this map –
I mean, as long as we’re talking about foreigners’ reactions to our choices for leaders and all.
Jordan seems to have a lot of queens.
I like how the only other places outside the US for Bush are Alberta (basically the Texas of Canada), Saudi Arabia, Poland (hey, he remembered Poland in the debates!), and Uruguay (a country owned entirely by Rev. Moon).
The actress who played Jane Hathaway is gay. She was defeated in her run for the US House of Representatives.
Which is central to my point.
66% for impeachment, 30% against, 4% not sure. That’s pretty much the same as his approval rating, isn’t it?
Jordan seems to have a lot of queens.
There are none in Iran.
Outstanding post.
…Kucinich and Wexler being left hanging in the wind…
Has there been an official slap-down of this by the Democratic leadership, or are they just sort of snottily ignoring it?
“Will foreigners accept a black American president?”
What does “accept” mean in this context?
HOST: Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests: Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States of America.
ASSEMBLED GUESTS: Nope. Sorry. Don’t accept him. Try another one.
HOST: But…there is no other one. He is the President of the United States.
ASSEMBLED GUESTS: Not to us, he isn’t. No, not acceptable. Either find another one or we’ll just have to proceed as though the U.S. has no head of state.
I think that in terms of travelling abroad, Obama’s going to have less problems than some other people.
She didn’t mention Canada did she? Obama can still go to Canada, can’t he?
I don’t think so. He’s too white for them and their current head of state.
President Barack Hussein Obama.
B. Hussein’s got some Gunz!
And personally, I can’t wait for the Hip-Hop concerts on the White House lawn.
66% for impeachment, 30% against, 4% not sure. That’s pretty much the same as his approval rating, isn’t it?
Well, maybe if the Atriots lent a hand. We’re up to 67-29-4 but still under 3K votes.
Paraguay’s President-Elect is a leftist liberation theology bishop (Lugo) who had to flee the U.S.-allied right wing dictatorship early in his life. Paraguay will not be the future Bush Jr. retirement playground.
Maybe we should elect a non-American president. Oh, wait… – Marsupial
Indeed … that may be the plan. Remember when GOoPers were salivating about a “brokered convention” (before they started concern trolling us about having said outcome for our primaries). Anne Applebaum is trying to set the stage for pushing through an Ammendment to change the Constitution in time for the GOP convention to nominate Schwartzenwhatsit instead of McSame
President Blacky Oblackma will serve fried chicken, collard greens and watermelon at all White House state dinners – Dan Someone
Dang. I was kinda hopin’ that, should I be so lucky as to be invited to a state dinner, this is what would be served. I lurve me some fried chicken, collard greens and watermelon … with grape soda!
If I am so lucky, can a wardrobe malfunction involving the first lady also be involved?
Will white Christian Cathlics and Protestants accept writing by a Jewish woman?
ps: I am Jewish
Rumor is that Ms. Applebaum’s disappointment with the Democratic Nominee is that she has long fantasized about…ahem…”covering”… a White House where the first African-American President was Lexington Steele, and she hoped that Mandingo would get a cabinet…ahem…”position”.
Not Jane Hathaway – she’s Anne Elk!
She kinda looks like Debra Cagan without the drag/S&M gear.
just imagine the speed with which Applebaum would be flat on her back, hyperventilating smelling salts and waving her palm at her Adam’s apple, if someone said that a Jewish president shouldn’t be elected because the Arabs are antisemitic.
Nope … Anne Applebaum would also be trying to figure out a way to oppose a Jewish president as well.
Someone of her ilk knows on which side her bread is buttered — and that buttering includes having fundies be the voting base. And while those fundies love them some Jews in Israel, they might not be keen about a non-Christian being the head of state.
Also the
the weapons lobby, er “Israel lobby” … yeah, that’s what it is … would be apoplectic about a Jewish president because of the risk of a “Nixon goes to China” moment in terms of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (look at what they did to Dean … and he wasn’t even Jewish: just had a Jewish wife and kids). And no more conflict means no more selling arms and getting rich.Anne Applebaum (who looks like a cross between Maria von Trapp and Ayn Rand) would prefer to criticize a Jewish presidential candidate along the lines of “how would the cherished traditions of the White House, the Christmas tree and Easter Egg hunt work if we have a Jewish Pres?” (think a Jew wouldn’t do that? well, you had Dennis Prager arguing that Jews should swear oaths on Bibles including the New Testament, so nu? …) … but she’d settle for “a Jewish president shouldn’t be elected because the Arabs are antisemitic” if that’s what her masters told her to write.
I lived in Belgium for almost ten years during the 80s and 90s. After 28 plus years of living here in the US, it wasn’t until living in Belgium that I experienced what it really meant to be “judged by the content of one’s character, rather than by the color of one’s skin”. The sign of racism that I experienced during my time throughout Europe was from a single anglo-American passing by on a tour bus. I think the rest of the world is so much more mature and honest than the groups of american racists.
It’s an opportunity for them to use thier own race stupidity as a excuse for thier own equally stupid international policy.
They all must have missed Karl Rove’s memo on this.
I guess Rush Limbaugh hasn’t read it to ’em recently.
Sorry. For a moment there, I thought it read “Applebaum’s jabberwocky.” Silly me!
but does she have a salad bar?
“An Applebaum a day keeps the Darkies away.”
I remember the wonderful days when a black man could kill a white woman and black people could cheer on TV with no fear of feeling or looking stupid.
Ahhhhhh….those were the days.
And yet we keep electing all these white guys in spite of the fact that the Chinese think white people are stupid.
And lots of African and Arab leaders think white people are all imperialists.
And yet we picked all those white guys…maybe we need to elect a balck guy just to prove to the Chinese that stupid white people aren’t all we have! And prrove it to the arabs, too!
Stupidest column ever.
As the widow of the former king, Queen Noor is officially the “Queen Dowager.” Queen Rania is married to Jordan’s current king.
Sorry to go OT, but No Quarter has really become the Platonic ideal of batshit insanity, hasn’t it?
Shorter Anne Applebaum: “We shouldn’t elect Barak Obama because he doesn’t pass the foreign test.”
C’mon, Annie. Just call him a nigger. You know you want to.
“Will foreigners accept a black American president?”
If that prez is Obama they will … with open arms.
Holy Shit, those people are dumb! I’ve said this before, and I know countless other have, too, that everytime I say to myself, “They can’t get any dumber!”, they turn around and DO get dumber! One wonders how the hell they can feed themselves or wipe their asses after they take a shit.
Thanks, bc.
I know nothing about Jordan…I thought maybe they grow queens or something. They seem to have sturdy stock.
Muslims will be constantly lurking in giant baskets waiting to throw spitting cobras, poisoned dates, and rabid monkeys at Obama
In fact spitting cobras are used exclusively by sinister dacoits, carrying out the machinations of the insidious Dr Fu Manchu. Indeed, Fu Manchu took out a patent on all world-conquest-related applications of spitting cobras several decades ago, and his staff includes an echelon of legally-trained dacoits who will slap a cease-and-desist order on anyone else foolhardy enough to use them in that way. The Muslims will have to content themselves with the dates and monkeys.
Behold the self-correcting blogosphere at work.
I thought maybe they grow queens or something.
Careful research reveals that Jordan is actually a net importer of queens.
Word, No Quarter is a fever swamp of derrangement and bizarro paranoia. I am sticking to my belief that every commenter over there (other than the snarky ones) is a wingnut with too much time on its hands.
Thanks for writing this: spot-on, of course.
I can’t help wondering, however, where you were when she posted an equally offensive little postmortem hit piece on Hillary on Slate’s XX-factor blog the day before. The deliberate employ of evoked prejudice and bigotry is inherently offensive, whether the memes are racist or sexist in nature.
If you are having a hard time understanding the alienation of a subset of Clinton supporters, this is something you should think about (hint: it’s not about who won or lost the race). Perhaps also to consider – why attack HC now? What’s her agenda?
The joint ticket is unbeatable. Lets reunite the party and sweep Obama into the White House with enough political capital to actually accomplish something grand.
Too many people are being selective in their offense – objecting only when it suits their goals, and deliberately turning a blind eye when it doesn’t.
Obama/Clinton, 2008
Will foreigners accept a black American president?
This right here is blatant pandering to racism because since when have Americans – particularly of her persuasion – ever cared one iota about what “foreigners” think about anything going on with America the mighty, America the best, America the role model to the world, America the superpower that kicks ass and doesn’t put up with shit and attitude from anyone?
Where’s your strength, guts and ammo to stand up for American values of equality, bitch? Oh I see, it falters if the candidate is black? Hmmm…
De-lurking to say …
this post is a thing of beauty and a joy forever.
It is also a string of Kewpies and a joy for Heather.
I feel better for having said that.
Shorter No Quarter:
Oh shit. The monkeys got ahold of the dates and are all dead, the dates are gone, the dacoit lawyers have the spitting cobras and we’re left sitting here in our tribal robes with empty baskets, dead monkeys and a REALLY dull scimitar.
smut clyde: don’t forget Fu Manchu’s contingent of hench lascars. Lascars and dacoits. I had to hit the dictionary to find out about all these international footpads. Then Horatio Hornblower runs into them as well.
The monkeys got ahold of the dates and are all dead, the dates are gone, the dacoit lawyers have the spitting cobras and we’re left sitting here in our tribal robes with empty baskets, dead monkeys and a REALLY dull scimitar.
Hello? Is that Alamut-1124? Put me through to Hassan-i Sabbah. We need a Plan B.
Welcome, foreign Effendi, to our humble dwelling. We invite you to share our simple repast. It is a traditional dish among our people — monkey, stuffed with dates. To refuse a taste would cause grave offense.
It’s all we know on earth and, indeed, central to the point, all we need to know.
I for one welcome our dracoit overlords.
Commie Atheist said, “‘Press gangs’ are the motherfuckers who write the style section for the South Central motherfuckin’ Times.”
and up went the coffee through my nose.
Was that actually Iris in drag @0:27?
You know, this article made me picture Obama in an international setting, representing the United States abroad.
It’s a pretty awesome picture to me, but I wonder if the aim of the article isn’t actually to conjure the same image for racists ?
Except of course to them the point is to make them think : “Holy shit, the face of America to the world will be a BLACK GUY !”
“Let alone the fact that nobody respects Black guys, do we really want America to be represented by a n****r ?”
I think this might be effective in pushing more racists over the brink to opposing Obama. Kind of like some parents will accept a gay child but don’t you DARE come out to your grandparents and the neighbors ! They’d FREAK !! (translation : I’m freaked out and don’t want anyone to know I’m the parent of a gay child).
If this is the point of the article I think it’s rather subtle and, I’m afraid, effective.
Caravelle: bingo. That was, as most people here have been pointing out, precisely the intent.
As for subtlety, most people ’round these parts thought it was ham-fisted.
In some ways, it’s more effective when it’s not subtle.
What the article did was spark millions of discussions about whether or not the idea of “race” should be an issue in the election. So for today, Applebaum exerted a dramatic influence over the framing of the debate. By even engaging in those discussion, the meme gets reinforced, increasing the exposure rate to those susceptible to it.
Applebaum is an adjunct at the American Enterprise Institute. She knows precisely what she’s doing.
[…] Given the dearth of diversity at the Washington Post editorial page, it’s offensive that one of the few women on their pages is this one. […]
Look, these shits hate to be called bigots, even when they talk about “demographic consciousness” or say “its not me, its the Czechs!” We just have to to light ’em up, every time. Its not fun, but we can make it as much fun as we can, to confront them every time, make them define each code word, and highlight every buzzword. It has to be done. You can doooo it.
Will foreigners accept a black American president?
Yes, but can he hail a cab in Midtown after 8:00 p.m?
The fact is, aww fuck it.
I thought maybe they grow queens or something.
Careful research reveals that Jordan is actually a net importer of queens.
ROFLMAO!!! Thanks for that!
“Will foreigners accept a black American president?”
As long as he isn’t a Republican.
Dude …
The Dacoits are chronic masturbators.
The Lascars are drunks and pedophiles.
The Hashishen are humorless, self-righteous prudes.
The Si-Fan used to be mostly reliable, but then they started playing too much Grand Theft Auto and Guitar Hero to all hours and the master had to have them liquidated.
When Fu Manchu wants something done right, he calls on the Phansigars.
Who said anything about Paraguay? Uruguay, on the other hand is owned by the Moonies.
“Will foreigners accept a black American president?”
Well, yeah, but the exchange rate pretty much sucks at this point.
Black or white, you can pass an american president in europe or asia, but all you get is a pack of smokes and a cup of the local tea.
And you need to throw in a Secretary of State if you want sugar and lemon…
Why is she picking on the Czechs? I know a bunch of young ladies in Prague who work for my old company’s call center and they assure me that black American men are very popular over there, if you know what I mean, grin, grin, wink, wink!
I’m scared of our president! Shouldn’t we warn the Belgians when he shows up there?
Hey! People are paying attention to us!
They want to know what we think of America having a black president!
Well, I …
Oh, some conservative already answered for us.
Merci, Washington Post columnist. I have to go back to scheming for a return to the days when we ran the Congo.
Hey! Isn’t it politically incorrect to point out that a conservative columnist is batshit insane?
It’s important to consider their feelings.
This is about not what the reaction would be from other countries or heads of state to a black man as the leader of the free world, but if they did the Applebaum’s and the conservative movement don’t know how to react since such an action is not only an insult to Barak, but the President and all of America. If this occurs they no longer can be the quiet person at the party when the racist slur is mentioned in passing conversation. They will be obligated to open their mouths since the nation would be insulted and they know if they can’t or won’t do it.
Hmm … were there ANY countries in Europe (outside of the Fascist years) practicing segregation in the 1950s, or running a lucrative legal slave-industry in the 1860s? Modern history – let me show you it.
Yeah, humble little America is so renowned for its deep concern as to what other nations will say about it.
AEI = mushroom farm.
Perpetually kept very dark, & requires constant imports of bullshit to survive.
Clif, I was with you right up until the end, when you said:
Well, except that Arabs aren’t antisemitic. In fact, Arabs are Semites. All peoples that claim the biblical patriarch Shem as an ancestor, including all who claim his great-to-the-7th-grandson Abraham as an ancestor (hint, hint: that would be the Jews and the Arabs), are Semites.
An Arab may be anti-Jew, and a non-Arab Muslim may be antisemitic*, but only self-hating Arabs can be truly antisemitic.
Please correct your post!
* One might think that this would probably leave such Muslims somewhat conflicted about the prophet Mohammad, an Arab. But being a Christian does not seem to get in the way of antisemitism, even though their Lord and Savior was a Jew.
Will foreigners accept a black American president?
Depends on which denomination you put him on.
Umm, yikes!
Shorter Anne Applebaum:
Eeny Meeney Miney Moe
Catch a President by the toe
If he negotiates he’s a ho
Eeny Meeney Miney Moe…
were there ANY countries in Europe … running a lucrative legal slave-industry in the 1860s?
Ask that Miserable fat Belgian bastard.
Incidentally, Ledeen’s column in the previous post makes a lot more sense if you replace all his cod 1930s-Europe parallels with references to the immanent threat posed by Fu Manchu and his
dacoitslascarsSi FanPhansigars.Sorry to go all random on you, but they’re running a commercial for this movie called “Cloverfield”.
As near as I can tell, the entire dialog from start to finish is people screaming “Oh my God” at each other.
This is somehow reminiscent of of the beer commercials where all the people communicate with one another using only the word “dude”.
Oh my god…
Well, the Atriots didn’t get to the poll since total respondants is at 3873. But it looks like someone may have been passing the word around:
Support Impeachment 71%
Oppose 26%
Not Sure 4%
There were no slaves in my Congo Free State! Just victims.
All the slaves in my conga were slaves to the rhythym.
The rhythm of my congohelium enslaves all the under-earth dwellers.
Fug dat shiznat. Gloria Estefan’s got my rhythym.
Shouldn’t some one clear all the dead monkeys away? I don’t think it is funny to make them dance when they are dead.
And they’ve crapped dates everywhere.
Dunno whether this would be more or less of a “YAY” for you, mba, but I think those numbers are pretty reflective of the mood of the country. I suspect the “support” numbers would be even higher if there had been an organized vote drive.
Well, except that Arabs aren’t antisemitic. In fact, Arabs are Semites.
…I figured that was part of the joke.
If not, don’t tell me. I was thinking Clif was all clever and, like, ironic and stuff because of that.
Arabs aren’t anti septic?
Aww, fuck….
Perhaps you should reconsider your choice of brands.
I thought Repigs were not only dismissive of foreign opinions, but openly contemptuous and proudly antagonistic of them.
Much like a five year-old who discovered he can get a rise out of adults by saying “fuck” a lot, or the junior-high thug who has no talent to get attention except by being a bullying asshole.
Mikey says: Sorry to go all random on you, but they’re running a commercial for this movie called “Cloverfield”……
Its not that bad, actually, but you have to be a bit wired to enjoy it. And yes, its lots of folk shouting, ‘oh my god….’….
Is anyone willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that if the dems were running a whitey and the repubs were running Condi Rice or Colin Powell, she would still have written this article?
Me either.
“Will Americans vote for a black man?” I’ve been asked this question by foreigners of various origins a dozen — or maybe three dozen — times
Jeebus. She gets asked this ridiculous question a few times by people who are doubtlessly idiots – you’d have to be to even want to direct a question to this numbnut – and thinks it’s therefore really really important. Small number statistics and skewed sampling are obviously things Anne knows absolutely nothing about….among other things.
How clueless do you have to be to not know how excited the rest of the world is at the prospect of Obama becoming president? Especially after the last 7 years of the current Jackass-in-Chief?
[…] Sadly, No reads Anne Applebaum so you don’t have to. Hijinks ensue. Quoth Clif: What people on the street in Poland (or elsewhere) think of Obama because he’s black isn’t going to matter one bit unless Obama is wandering the streets of Warsaw panhandling for change or trying to sell fake tribal carvings. Instead he’s going to be traveling the streets behind black tinted windows in a a convoy of armored Suburbans and carrying a briefcase with the secret code that would allow him to blow up the entire planet. That usually generates some respect — even at bus stops in Prague, if that matters. […]
Don’t you adam and eve it me old china.
Ooh send me to Jordan, send me! Oh shit I’m not black, forget it.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute.
Obama is BLACK?! Jesus! When the fuck were you guys going to say something?! I thought he was just really poorly lit at all his appearances!
I petition that the stock response to posts like these is, “Why not? It worked it ‘Blazing Saddles’.”
Well, except that Arabs aren’t antisemitic. In fact, Arabs are Semites
You never heard of a self-hating semite?
But seriously, “Semite” is a pretty arbitrary term anyway, one that has become obsolete imho. Its main purpose was to justify the idea that Aryans have been superior since the days of Sanskrit (which is totally WAY older than Hebrew.) There are lots of clever ways to draw the us/them line, but that doesn’t mean that all of “them” will recognize it. For example, I had a friend from Kenya who never quite got over being called African. He had been Luo and he had been Kenyan, but in the US suddenly he was black and African. What a world.
Anne Applebaum is not as pretty as Crispin Glover.
I’m just sayin’
Applebaum doesn’t want to face a rather less salubrious fact. We foreigners won’t be nervous of Obama because he’s black. We’ll be nervous because he’s an American President, and everybody knows from experience that them dudes is crazy, violent muthahfuckahs!
Can someone point out to me precisely where Applebaum says, as Clif maintains
people shouldn’t vote for Obama because some foreigners are racist.
Huh? Where? Can’t find it. Is it another one of those insidiously subtle messages, that if I were fully indoctrinated in Obamadoration, I’d be able to sense in my very marrow?
While the article may not be Pulitzer material, the zeal to froth at anything anti-Obama (real or perceived) leads Clif to a really bizarre, arguably irresponsible conclusion.
Just what do you gleam form this sentence Clif provided?
“[I]t is safe to say that there is a distinct dearth of nonwhite politicians in Europe. The Indian caste system has an element of skin-color discrimination built in. Arab societies have their own history of trading in black slaves.”
make a point, Russ.
“How clueless do you have to be to not know how excited the rest of the world is at the prospect of Obama becoming president? Especially after the last 7 years of the current Jackass-in-Chief?”
I read yesterday that Obama is especially popular in Germany. Berliners are crazy about him, and they are coming out with an Obama doll.,1518,555437,00.html
Russ: Your points are fine, and I would give you a hearty clap on the back for stating them with such fervor and grammatical prowess.
Can someone, for the love of Mother Earth or God, point out to me where Applebaum says that
people should not vote for Obama because some foreigners are racist.
The correct response is, of course, in her column.
Subtitle: Lots of Americans Accept Obama. But Will the World?
P1: Will foreigners accept a black American president?
P3: racism is not unique to the United States
P4: -I’m not quoting this one. Geez, if you think Obots are hair trigger on calling out racism, this entire paragraph’ll make your head a-splode.
P6: do not be surprised if there is some backlash as well
P7: “How could a black man possibly understand European/Middle Eastern/South Asian politics?” is what my interlocutors sometimes in fact seem to be saying.
P8: The correct response, of course, is that plenty of white men don’t understand European/Middle Eastern/South Asian politics, either. But not everyone, everywhere, is going to understand that.
So why she may not use the words “people shouldn’t vote for Obama because some foreigners are racist”, that’s exactly what the entire column is saying. Unless you think that she’s just stringing together totally unrelated items in a totally unrelated way for no purpose at all.
“Can someone point out to me precisely where Applebaum says, as Clif maintains
people shouldn’t vote for Obama because some foreigners are racist.” Your question.
Why do you think Anne A. wrote this sentence?
“[I]t is safe to say that there is a distinct dearth of nonwhite politicians in Europe. The Indian caste system has an element of skin-color discrimination built in. Arab societies have their own history of trading in black slaves.”
Clif?? Cmon baby. I know you’ve got it in you.
Please read the first two words of the second last sentence of my previous post as “So while”. I’d really appreciate it.
I wouldn’t get snooty about grammar with your capabilities.
I can haz grammer skillz? Kthxbye.
P1: Will foreigners accept a black American president?
P3: racism is not unique to the United States
P4: -I’m not quoting this one. Geez, if you think Obots are hair trigger on calling out racism, this entire paragraph’ll make your head a-splode.
P6: do not be surprised if there is some backlash as well
P7: “How could a black man possibly understand European/Middle Eastern/South Asian politics?” is what my interlocutors sometimes in fact seem to be saying.
P8: The correct response, of course, is that plenty of white men don’t understand European/Middle Eastern/South Asian politics, either. But not everyone, everywhere, is going to understand that.
No rational human being would conclude that this means Applebaum is arguing for not voting for Obama. It’s simply preposterous. You are reading something that is not there. Like Clif.
If anything, her column is a mild upbraiding of Europe for their often “holier than thou” attitude.
The fact is, I’m a moron.
[…] It’s interesting that Kos is offended in the exact opposite direction by the end of the Tuesday Midday Open Thread. Given the dearth of diversity at the Washington Post editorial page, it’s offensive that one of the few women on their pages is this one. […]
OK, Clif, my apologies for the grammar attack. I should know better than to bring anything into the discussion that provides an opportunity for avoidance.
Clif, you keep asking me a question that has nothing to do with the topic. Answer mine.
Sorry, meant “Russ” in my previous post.
RH Potfry
Whose reading comprehension problem? Is he a rat-fucking troll-tard?
Readers of this thread are wondering why RH Potfry has developed an unhealthy lust for Anne Applebaum. The suspicion is that he’s asked a dozen — or maybe three dozen times whether Anne’s bum is shaped like an apple. With his latest ridiculously transparent attempt to defend a racist piece of tripe it’s time to turn the question around, will Sadly, No! commenters be able to ignore the his spew when it invariably turns to GOP talking points?
I realize that this is uselss question as he is obviously going to be mocked furiously. Despite the occasional attempts to address garbage arguments, these threads are a cesspool of pointing and laughing.
Have the Sadlynaughts changed? What about the occasional sarcastic drive-by commenter? A quick perusal of recent threads yields the almost unlimited hilarity.
Listen carefully, RH Potfry may be moved by either an unnatural perverse lust for Anne Applebaum or an unquenchable desire to service JiSM3. “How could RH Potfry find the shrivelled ugly Anne Applebaum in the least bit appealing?” is what my interlocutors seem to be saying.
The correct response is, of course, “he might instead be motivated by an desire to see JiSM3 bust out a land invasion of China.” The fevered excrement of RH Potfry always reveals how shallow his soul is, but never more than in this thread.
Exactly what I thought.
No rational human being would conclude that this means Applebaum is arguing for not voting for Obama. It’s simply preposterous.
One of my cousins became engaged to a black woman. Needless to say, this became the primary topic of conversation at the next gathering of my large, southern, all-white family. An elderly aunt said to him, very diplomatically, “All I’m worried about, dear, is that people will discriminate against your children. Have you thought of your children?”
Of course, she didn’t say that he shouldn’t marry a black woman. She would have never said that.
He had been Luo and he had been Kenyan, but in the US suddenly he was black and African. What a world.
A professor of mine related that when he was born in the NYC area during the 1930s, he was (being of Sicilian parentage) not considered even white. When he moved to SoCal (as an adult) he became “Anglo” (interestingly, given his looks and his last name, which could either be Italian or Spanish, he could easily have been assumed to be Hispanic).
RH Potfry, do the words “bona fide argument” mean anything to you? Can you tell when an argument is not being made in good faith, and what you should do in that situation? Wikipedia might help you — as some have already pointed out, they define what is a “concern troll”. Look it up.
RHPotfry, since you’re unable to discern Applebaum’s oh-so-subtle concern trolling, shouldn’t we be allowed at least to react with dismay at the following:
The “rest of the world” (according to Applebaum) hints that Americans might not be mature enough to accept an African-American president.
Applebaum misses the dig and instead writes a column showing her own immaturity.
The WaPo, by having the confidence to publish this column, shows that a lot of educated, influential but not exactly well-meaning people agree with her and can’t get past the fact of Obama’s skin color.
This means more stories about whether some cracker in Armpit Holler thinks Amurka’s ready for ‘a colored fella’ and fewer about his qualifications vs. John McCain..
Racism is thus being legitimized by the media establishment.
Don’t pretend you’re blind to it.
One of her other articles is “Mugabe’s Roman Holiday … The President of Zimbabwe flaunts the UN.”
Sure, didn’t you know that the leftists gave the UN to Mugabe as a re-election gift? Now he just goes around showing it off everywhere.
Actually Ann, the correct response is, of course, “Why shouldn’t a black man be able to understand European/Middle Eastern/South Asian politics? Is there some secret white only information that is not available to anyone unless they are pure-bread white? [And yes, I deliberately misspelled “bred”.] The particular black man we are talking about is a graduate of one of the prestigious schools in America. He is, in fact, no doubt, a lot smarter than you are and has a deeper understanding of world politics than you ever will.”
I love this. Obama as Buckwheat.
I was just calling him “the monkey” before I saw the photo.
Yo Mama – who thinks that black guy could sweep the White House real good.
Hmmm… someone needs to tell Applebaum that Tom Friedman just waxed poetically about how much Egyptians like Obama.
Tommy (from Blue Buddha’s linked op-ed)
Yeah we know Tommy. You’ll do anything to get JiSM3 in office.
Yeah, that whole War on Terror thing, how’d that happen again? Maybe we’ll have a better idea in six months. Maybe you’ll read the end of this op-ed the next time you have some bedwetting, get the bombs out, show the world how tough we are garbage to spew.
Yeah, it’s funny how much he’s changed his tune since his We’ll-be-out-of-there-in-six-months-suck-on-this-Iraq days. You mean to tell me diplomacy might actually work in the ME instead of just bombing the fuck out everyone?!
Well, at least the silver lining in this cloud of turd is that he will no longer pushing his six month deadline further into the future.
Actually, he really hasn’t changed all that much. I mean, credit for recognizing that the whole “next few months are critical” thing had become a joke. But the dateline on my linked op-ed is 10 days ago. And contains such loverlies as:
Mr. Bush was also right: talking with Iran today would be tantamount to appeasement
As I have argued before: When you have leverage, talk. When you don’t have leverage, get some. Then talk. Although I suspect the “Then talk.” part was added by an editor.
America’s leverage will be limited as long our key allies do not have a strategy, with weight, to counter the hard-liners.
Tommy still sees the world as a struggle between white hat America and Fu Manchu mustachio-ed villainous Arabs. And that having leverage with weight (read available military capacity) is the secret of getting along.
The particular black man we are talking about is a graduate of one of the prestigious schools in America.
Actually, given what these so-called prestigious schools churn out (GW Bush comes to mind), I count this as something to hold against Obama not something in his favor. The truly smart kids graduate from a UC or Rutgers or a similar institution.
But then I’m a state school graduate, so what do I know …
I think any claim Yale had to being “prestigious” was lost when the country found out what they are willing to declare a graduate.
The deletionist can feel free to delete my comment as well if they like.
[Clif says: I deleted your comment as well as the original offending anti-Semitic and sexist comment from a known right-wing troll. They leave stuff like that from time to time and then try to make hay out of it, if it isn’t deleted. “Those lieberals are sexist! They’re antisemitic. See the comments at S,N!”
I’ll sign up for that too. I’m not so good at self-moderation.
Bigotted Britain Calling. The nerve of it. So AA drags us thought-criminal Euro/continentals into her slurry pit of Beltway Hate to back up her latest swill-dressed-as-concern. Amazing innit, that we now “count” as looming entities with little opinions when she wants to back up her nasty little shit-stirring bluff. No doubt this same strain of rabid Euro-racism had SOMETHING to do with the ANTI-WAR protests and certain-sane-government refusals to lollop into Irag with the Shaved Chimp. She don’t yet git dat figured out but sho’ she’ll lay it on us soon ’nuff….and Obama had then too better watch his black arse. For some reason. PS I love this Sadly, No place.
[…] aside the fact that this article was written by well documented idiot (via) Anne Applebaum and that ultimately it’s just a silly little article in a silly little […]