Shorter Jackie Gingrich Gingrich Gingrich Cushman Gingrich
Posted on June 9th, 2008 by Tintin
ABOVE: Jackie Gingrich Cushman
- If my son becomes a meth head, it will be because the trial lawyers made us get rid of diving boards.
[Title updated based on commenter Matt’s brilliant suggestion]
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
Please tell me that’s not Newt Gingrich’s daughter.
I did it. In the absence of comments, I went and read the Cushman. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to engage in other physical activities while choking myself.
Why should the government build swimming pools for the idiot masses? Individuals are better equiped to determine how recreation dollars are spent as opposed to the government. Gingrich Cushman is obviously a dirty farking hippie communist.
You would think that in our glorious free market system that private pools would open up, with all members being required to sign an air-tight waiver. Then nobody would use drugs.
Sadly, yes:
I did fix a typo though.
While I too am miffed that some things I enjoyed as a kid (such as diving boards*, trampolines and lawn darts**) have been taken away by trial lawyers and oversensitive parents, but it’s a huuuuuuge leap to go from that to drug abuse. Hell, drug abuse was also a problem when I was a kid, if not a bigger problem than it is today. Maybe I can argue that these things actually cause meth abuse.
* Actually, I’ve always been a shitty swimmer, so I never used a diving board.
** Yes, lawn darts have been illegal in the US & Canada for about ten years.
Don’t you just love the emphasis on her middle name? It’s a tacit acknowledgment, really, that Clownhall wouldn’t give a damn about her opinion unless she was linked to some other Republican jackass.
In fact, just to make sure no one misses the point, her columns should list her name as Gingrich Gingrich Jackie Gingrich Cushman Gingrich.
…and she should throw in a “Giuliani 9/11 Giuliani” in there for good measure.
“I’m Jackie Cushman, and I’m on your side. I’m willing to fight! for your right to die in a diving board accident.
Have you taken up playing auto chicken on back country roads? Call me and I will fight against trial lawyers to let you die by cracking your head on the floor of a pool.
Have you started abusing OxyContin, cocaine and heroin? Call me and I will fight against trial lawyers to ensure that you first transition to methamphetamines – a well-known gateway drug – and then to the dangerous use of diving boards. It’s your right!
Call me, Jackie Cushman. It’s you and me – against the trial lawyers.
thankfully I had the good judgment not to click on page two of her “article.” I guess that means i missed the part where she stopped making a little bit of sense (except about trial lawyers, who neither write the law, nor award the 5 million dollars, a point she seems to miss). oh well.
CIting a WSJ editorial in suport of an anti-consumer, anti-consumer lawyer position is sort of like citing Rummy and Feith for their report tellling us how things are going peachy in Iraq.
In the May 3, 2008 issue of “The Economist,” the article “The Speedy Decline” referenced the recent success of the “war against methamphetamines.” It noted a University of Michigan study that found “the proportion of 18-year-olds who report using methamphetamines in the past year has fallen by almost two thirds since 1999.” This decline has been offset by “a rise in cocaine, heroin and Oxycontin, a painkiller that can be abused.”
What she really means is,”Why doesn’t that fat idiot Flush Limburger do a little bit of diving and keep off the drugs?”
Sadly, the OxycontinMoron once did a cannonball and totally emptied the pool, which is the real reason why Motel Eight no longer allows diving.
Which reminds me of my favorite “Unsubtantiated Rumor About Max Weinberg,” as relayed by the AV Club: he was dissuaded from calling the group playing on the Conan O’Brien show “Max Weinberg And The Max Weinberg Seven Featuring Max Weinberg.”
“Maybe, instead of engaging in a war against drugs, or a crusade against diving boards, it’s time for us, like the British (how often do we say that?) to rise up and declare that we want some good old-fashioned American fun.”
(Sighs, hits head with aluminum softball bat.)
She spent the whole piece alluding to the badness of drugs, and quoting “the British” on their own decline in diving boards. Now she takes it all back? Leave drugs alone! Let’s have more diving boards, like the British!
I blame the father.
She may have a point here, there’s no way Rush would dive off a board.
Although, with a name like Gingrich Gingrich Jackie Gingrich Cushman Gingrich & Gingrich, you’d think she’d be supportive of trial lawyers.
Whoah, the decline she mentioned was in methamphetamine usage, and in the very next paragraph she asks
She just Sadly, No! herself.
The only apparent villain in the article is not trial lawyers, but insurance companies. How is it that they charge sky-high premiums even for pools that have had no diving injuries? For the same reason they charge exorbitant premiums to doctors who have never been liable for malpractice.
We have been taught that insurance companies price their policies based on statistical risk. No. At least not at the margins. They collect premiums and invest them. That is why premiums rise when the stock market tanks or interest rates fall. Premiums fall when the investment climate is good.
And by the way, they would love you to be distracted from this Ponzi scheme by “Blame the Trial Lawyers” nonsense.
Yes, I too remember the halcyon days when we children were free to suffer brain injuries, concussion, and death.
Well that was pretty boring. We almost got to Page 2 before the thesis was revealed.
And she actually gets props for two things: 1) Somehow shoehorning “Teh War On Drugs sux!” into the column and 2) Not bringing up John Edwards. So I guess her wingnuttery only merits a C+.
God, they worship insurance companies too. Insurance companies!
“Yes, I too remember the halcyon days when we children were free to suffer brain injuries, concussion, and death.”
And, we like it that way! Luckily, having a very, very hard head, I was able to escape childhood with a minimum of brain damage. It was the years after I started driving that took their toll on the old melon…
Wait, she wants to end the War on Drugs and use public funds to provide free diving boards to kids? She had better only be speaking of white kids or she is in grave danger of having her name revoked.
Also, what if kids figure out how to combine amphetimines with diving? Has she thought about that?
Now that’s what I’m talking about! We did meth and diving back in my day!
She’s like the new Bay Buchanan Buchanan Fo-Fannan Bo-Bannan Buchanan Buchanan!
I’ve heard that too much american fun can lead to chocolate pie abuse though, so we’ll have to weigh the relative costs of drug addiction and diabetes before we really know whether we should sue the trial lawyers to get back our diving boards. I think that’s the other side of this story that we have to look at.
Wow, too bad her “college professor” father didn’t teach her something–see, even if you can’t assign “negligence” or recoup money from the pool owner your *kid might still be just as dead* or *just as paralyzed.* In other words a thing might be bad and dangerous even if no corporations were forced to pay out money in reparations. So, for example, smart parents observe the signs on shallow pools saying “no diving permitted” rather than shouting “go billy! backflips will keep you from later addiction to sex!” Plus I love, love, love the notion that we should encourage girls to jump off diving boards *because its dangerous* in order to prevent boys from hypothetically engaging in stupidly risking behavior later. That has to be the end all and be all of boys rule anti feminism.
We used to have a game where would do a bong hit then dive off the diving board, still holding the smoke. The winner was the one who could swim underwater the longest before having to surface to exhale.
I think one of the guys I used to do that with actually became a trial lawyer.
I miss 20-year-old me.
I must have missed the part where trial lawyers outlawed parenting.
Like most kids, I hated diving when I was growing up. I mostly just hung around the yacht club.
Hm…I wonder if anyone has done a study linking the decline of diving boards to the cost of pool construction and maintenance?
To have a “normal” diving board, you need one end of the pool to be around 8 feet deep or more. That means a deeper hole, more construction materials, more water, more chemicals, and trickier maintenance. (Ever try to fish sunken, rotting fig leaves out of a 10 ft deep pool? DO NOT WANT!) I don’t even know the minimum depth required for a high dive.
Pull out the diving board, and most swimmers will be happy with a flat-bottom, 6 or 7 ft depth. Hell of a lot easier to build and maintain. Yes, and then there’s the insurance premiums, which would still be higher even if they were “fairly” assessed.
It would be priceless if it turned out that the drop in diving boards directly corresponded to cuts in parks and rec budgets instead of those damn “trial lawyers”.
If they outlaw diving boards, then only outlaws will…awww who cares? Especially when there’s this wonderful piece of overheard outside her therapist’s office:
Although this column is the suburban ennui of wignut crazy (Dr. Jack Wheeler, I’m looking at you – then looking away quickly, man you is CRAZY) it does have a rich depth of un-self-conscious entitlement, a je ne sais rien, mais je fait que ce me veux que soit to it.
I wonder if these moronos know what a “trial lawyer” is. Or more accurately, I wonder if they know that the concept of the “trial lawyer” is merely something they dutifully bark along to whenever Rush blows his whistle.
Thanks for the article!
I had no idea it was that bad.
Thank God that I have kept my diving board up all these years.
I going to wrap it with christmas lights and put a manger scene and my man and wife wedding cake topper, my sons toy Hummer, to remind myself evryday the freedoms we are losing. They hate us for out freedoms.
But but but… you’re an appeaser like that Chamberlain guy! I don’t know what appeasement means or what basketball legend Wilt Chamberlain has to do with Hitler, but I’m right, and you know it!
“possibly explaining the fact that I also wore a shirt over my swimsuit when I swam”
townhall should just go ahead and rename the site thusly…
It truly is a masterpiece of inanity. Try this on for size
It’s supposed to be a callback to the article cited at the top of the column, but it sure reads funny.
Seems like a simple solution is available: Have each parent sign a waiver, e.g.: “I will not file a lawsuit against the owner or manufacturer of the pool or diving board, no matter if my child is greiviously mangled or killed.” That should do it.
The beauty of it is that the British protestors she’s praising are trying to save public swimming pools, funded by taxpayer
dollarspounds. Despite being a Gingrich Gingrich & Gingrich, her days at Townhall may be threatened when someone realizes that she’s idolizing socialist activists.Ahh, the diving board, one of the last true bastions of summer fun for hard-working Reagan Democrats in Appalachia, the true blue foundation of the Democrat Party and of America itself, those voters violently oppressed by Obama and his undemocratic supporters for blood lust of power. I too, like Jackie Gingrich Cushman, a true blue Reagan Democrat, believe that far too often we place power in the hands of Obottish lawyers who seek to automize and regulate us to every inch of our being, who’d just assume walk in the voting booth with us so we pull the right lever and send out a vote for the patriarchy. It’s a shame that the true blue Appalachian Americans are unable to live out their days poolside without being micromanaged and mismanaged by the Obot lawyers, but alas, that is the rule of the day now that Obambi has stolen the Democrat nomination. That is, until the true blue Democrats rise up against misogyny in November and vote for John McCain, a true Democrat and true friend to women everywhere. Sadly, O! won’t see it coming, but for those like me who really do have the pulse of America, it will all make sense.
Diving boards used to be one of the best IQ tests humanity ever devised.
I’d go as far to say that the disappearance of Diving boards had a huge influence on getting George Bush ‘re-elected’.
I have a photo of myself as a toddler standing on the back seat of our ’54 Plymouth, and I’m alive to tell about it. Today, those goddam trial lawyers have forced us to use car seats!
I see our Iris is becoming sufficiently complex; it may soon pass the Turing test.
There is a flower within my heart
Daisy, Daisy
Planted one day by a glancing dart
Planted by Daisy Bell
Whether she loves me or loves me not
Sometimes it’s hard to tell
Yet I am longing to share the lot
Of beautiful Daisy Bell
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do
I’m half crazy all for the love of you
It won’t be a stylish marriage
I can’t afford a carriage
But you’ll look sweet upon the seat
Of a bicycle built for two
We will go ‘tandem’ as man and wife
Daisy, Daisy
Wheeling away down the road of life
I and my Daisy Bell
So, why aren’t bold entrepreneurs stepping forward to build the risky diving pools our children need complete with complex legal forms parents and kids can sign absolving the operator from any responsibility whatsoever for their permanent injuries and or death?
[checks headline]
Woo! I made the big time! On an Internet…forum…
Yay, me?
Oh well, I takes my victories where I can! 🙂
So, Jackie Gingrich has a diving board. Big fuckin’ deal. Candice Gingrich has a muff diving board — infinitely cooler.
Diving boards are for pussies.
REAL Amur’cans leap from their roofs into the pool.
Sure, they miss the center repeatedly, making it to both the ER and Amur’ca’s Funniest Home Video, but by this sheer act of gallantry they instill fear into the fucking hearts of heartless Islamofacists the world over.
The movement’s hollow — Iris goes on forever — and — oh my God! — it’s full of Republicans!
As a kid, I was always too afraid to jump off the diving board, even after 5 or 6 bong hits. It was heroin that finally did the trick. I won a bronze in the NarcAnon Olympics last year!
Candice Gingrich has a muff diving board-
Diving boards are for pussies.
Best inadvertent juxtaposition EVAH!!
So, while we might be saving them from the diving board – are we pushing them to find thrills in other areas, such as methamphetamines…
Quick, somebody invent video games and masturbation!
I wonder where Charles Krauthammer stands on this issue?
No, clearly Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was the appeaser. He even has a Muslim name!!!!!
meth, video games, masturbation…
It takes a whole lot of ennui to do these simultaneously.
“Quick, somebody invent video games and masturbation!”
Game, set, match to Mr. Utah. Well done, sir.
I remember as a kid, we used to crawl up behind the back seat and go to sleep in the space between the back window and trunk on long road trips.
My son’s favorite thing to do when he was three was to go off the HIGH DIVING BOARD at the neighborhood pool. He knew how to swim and it was scary but once he did it he loved it. A few years later, we had a house with a pool and diving board. We also bought the kids a trampoline. One day I looked out the window and saw my daughter and two of her friends dragging the trampoline over to the pool to jump off it into the pool. Well, that’s where I put my foot down. I made them drag it back where it belonged, underneath the oak tree with the rope swing tied to it.
Amazingly enough, neither my kids nor any of their friends ever suffered any injuries, head or otherwise, in our backyard. If it’s not trampolines and diving boards, it’s jumping out of trees into creeks or riding bikes down busy streets full of traffic. That’s the sort of thing I did when I was a kid, anyway. Not like spoilt kids today with their fancy trampolines and diving boards. Somehow I survived into adulthood too. hmm.
I remember as a kid, we used to crawl up behind the back seat and go to sleep in the space between the back window and trunk on long road trips.
In old Volkswagen Beetles, this space had a little well in it. In my carpool to kindergarten, this was where I rode, because there were so many kids in the car.
When I was a kid, the trampolines were made of potato sacks, and we could only use it when it was snowing, uphill both ways. GET OFFA MY LAWN!
I miss my old Beetle. That thing was the best…
Well, except for the lack of a heater–not good when you live in Iowa.
We used to climb in Teh Trunk to sneak into the Ottumwa drive-in without paying. Good times, man.
I’m afraid I’m gonna have to kind of sort of agree with the wingnut here. One of the things I’m highly likely to go into a spit-spraying rant about is the deplorable state of our public swimming pools. No diving boards, no really deep water, and acres of shallow water that no one over the age of three could possibly find enjoyable. For someone who likes to get as deep as possible and swim along the bottom, these pools suck. And don’t even get me started on heated pools. I go to the pool in the summer to cool off, but when I get there on a 100 degree day and jump (can’t dive, it’s not allowed!) into the tiny deep end, instead of the wonderful, goose pimpling, bone jarringly frigid water I’m longing for I get tepid bath water.
It may be because I was a small town working class kid in the 60s and early 70s – rode horses bareback, rode on tractor fenders over bumpy fields, never even heard of a bike helmet, and swam in a wonderful Works Project Administration built pool (long since filled in and replaced by an insipid “water park”) – but I actually am kind of appalled by the parents who can’t just let their kids be kids. Did we get hurt? Sure we did. But we had fun, and we weren’t fat. I see these chubby little kids riding tricycles with knee pads and helmets and worried mommy dogging the kid’s every move, and I feel awful sorry for the kid. But on the other hand, I see kids without seat belts or car seats and I think the parents are irresponsible assholes. There has to be balance, and a little common sense.
But does this wimp factor cause drug abuse? Nah. Kids are always gonna be thrill seekers. Some will try drugs. Correlation is not causation, and there’s not even correlation in Newt’s little Newtlet’s hypothesis, as far as I can see. As someone above pointed out, illegal drug use has actually gone down.
So, while we might be saving them from the diving board – are we pushing them to find thrills in other areas, such as methamphetamines, cocaine or the choking game?
The choking game – is that anything like the crying game?
Actually, I think there’s a deceased pastor wearing two wet suits and a dildo who may have lived a longer life, if he had only had the opportunity to do some pool diving.
Also, I see that Conservative T-Shirts has declared war on Che Guevara. How long has that guy been dead, again? The sixties, apparently, will never die.
Throw in a “nee” (with the accent thingy I’m too scared to try.)
Hey Candy, is the pool at Camp Dodge still there or did they close it down? I can’t find anything current on the great gazoogle…
Well, except for the lack of a heater–not good when you live in Iowa.
Our pumpkin orange ’69 beetle(“Helmut”) had a heater, but it was disconnected when my husband first got it. He hooked it back up right before a long trip, which afforded us the opportunity to find out what carbon monoxide exposure is like first hand.
There was a huge fuss about the choking game due to a CDC report from earlier this year. At 82 fatalities over 12 years, the choking game is on the same order of danger as believing prayer can cure snake bites.
I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.
tigrismus–I had the optional gas heater in my powder blue bug, but that didn’t work either. I have many memories of driving around with the window down in the middle of winter so I could scrape off a tiny piece of the windshield as I drove. And without a helmet or restraining device!!!
All your votes are belong to Obama, except Iris – attempt no landings there.
I love how good these people are at extrapolating!
What Candy said.
I was the scandal of the neighborhood for letting my son skateboard without elbow pads and a helmet. This was after he somehow didn’t break his neck jumping off the high diving board at the pool or from flipping around on the trampoline for five years. I guess he’s lucky to be alive and I didn’t have to go to Mommy Jail.
Our pumpkin orange ‘69 beetle(”Helmut”) […] afforded us the opportunity to find out what carbon monoxide exposure is like first hand.
Those crazy Beetles! One of my college girlfriends had a pumpkin-orange Beetle that burst into flame suddenly one day. Luckily, it was parked at the time so she and her friends were able to get out immediately. Even more luckily, it was parked in front of a fire station.
“Quick, somebody invent video games and masturbation!”
Done, & done.
Hey. Wait.
Umm, I can file a patent retroactively on BOTH of those, amirite?
Dear sweet Jesus, someone say yes.
….It may be because I was a small town working class kid in the 60s and early 70s – rode horses bareback…
Maybe Candy and Jackie Gingrich aren’t so different after all. I’ve heard Jackie and her siblings rode small town working class kids bareback in the 60s and early 70s.
Daddy Newt would have enjoyed watching that if he’d spent more time at home, but he was so busy upholding traditional conservative family values by having extramarital affairs.
A diving board? You’ll put your eye out kid!
“Did we get hurt? Sure we did. But we had fun, and we weren’t fat.”
The fact that your experience was positive doesn’t make up for the kids who were maimed or killed as a result of poor safety. I’ll agree that parents today are excessively paranoid, but more along the lines of “we’re going to trick or treat in the mall because all our neighbors are pederasts who put jizz and razor blades in the candy.”
Mushroom mushroom?
When will Americans realize that diving boards, like virtually any product, can be made infinitely safer by applying a few coats of lead-based paint?
It’s all good fun until somebody loses an eye.
It’s all good fun until somebody loses an eye.
I actually knew a kid who lost an eye. The fun he was having was an unusual kind, involving a crossbow and a homemade arrow.
But as traumatic as it is to have someone lose an eye in the course of having fun, imagine how it would be to be having fun and finding an eye.
Umm, I can file a patent retroactively on BOTH of those, amirite?
You can try, but I think Magnavox, Atari, and the National Review have some pretty strong prior art claims.
It’s all good fun until somebody loses an eye.
I’ll vouch for that.
Me, too.
That makes it unanimous. Pass the Wheat Thins.
That second “Peter Falk” was supposed to be me. WordPress is an Arab plot.
You guys are terrible!
Aye maties! Tells me aboot it!
Well, sadly, the Gingrich Gingrich Cush(Gingrich)man Gingrich column no longer seems to be available at Clownhall, so I can’t go check to see if she really tried to make the point that the Brits have diving boards and no drug problems.
Aye maties! Tells me aboot it!
Let me guess. It was the first day with the hook?
I wanted to see Sandy Duncan in the recent limited run revival of No, No, Nanette but when I went to the box office tickets all they had left were obstructed view.
(I’ll burn in hell for that. I did go, the show sucked, but Sandy’s still adorable and funny and dances like a woman half her age.)
WOW! So as inane and ho-hum as this Gingrich Gingrich Gingrich post was, I figured that there’d be nothing for commenters to make themselves look like assholes about. Man, did I ever underestimate the NRO audience.
The first reply has this:
To which the response is:
Stay classy NRO.
Charles Krauthammer is a quadriplegic because he dove into an empty pool.
Almost makes one believe in Me.
If you see a sign AUMF by the side of the road that says
Fifteen miles till we BOMB IRAQ! Bomb Iraq yeah!
arggghhh, wrong thread again.
Hey Candy, is the pool at Camp Dodge still there or did they close it down? I can’t find anything current on the great gazoogle…
Nope, it’s now closed. The only real pools left are Ashworth and, um, can’t think of the name of the other one. It’s out by Merle Hay mall.
Yep, it’s all the fault of those trial lawyers.
And another thing — trial lawyers have been battling amphetamine use for the last 4 or 5 decades, but they’re not making much progress, are they? It’s time for us to have a turn. Legalise methamphetamine and then we can sue the pants off the manufacturer after every overdose.
Unusually, Slick and Cruel.
When I was a kid there was no shortage of diving boards or drugs. Just sayin’
I always remember that scene from Terry pratchet’s the colour of magic when twoflower is selling fire in-sewer-ants and he explains “its like a bet. i’m betting you that your pub wont burn down, and you’re betting that it will.” leading to the grat ahnk moorpork fire, of course.
I must have missed the part where trial lawyers outlawed parenting.
That’s exactly what I was thinking…
Gareth Davies notes that “Up to 3,000 campaigners took to the streets in Fylde on Saturday in a mass protest to save two swimming pools, in Kirkham and in St Anne’s, which are earmarked for closure.”
The stupid bitch doesn’t realize that It is the fucking Conservatives who are trying to close the pools!!!!!!!!!!!.
Major Kong: Ye’d be right in that, landlubber! Drat the luck!
Charles Krauthammer is a quadriplegic because he dove into an empty pool.
Arrgh there, Supreme Being! Ya wouldn’t be a-joshin’ the ol’ Cap’n, now, wouldja? Say it ain’t so! No, wait — say it IS so!
I see these chubby little kids riding tricycles with knee pads and helmets and worried mommy dogging the kid’s every move, and I feel awful sorry for the kid. But on the other hand, I see kids without seat belts or car seats and I think the parents are irresponsible assholes. There has to be balance, and a little common sense.
The media, as ever, deserves some part of the blame. I think it was Harry Shearer who said that the real business of local network newscasts is to scare parents (even more) senseless, and the newspapers have done their best to follow the anchorpods’ lead. This leads to heavily hyped teasers!!!! with BOLD BLOCK LEDES and *ominous background music* selling stories like “WATER PARK DANGER — IS YOUR CHILD AT RISK?” Which, stripped of the multimedia scariness, turned out to be one toddler came home from a long day at the local expensive indoor water playground with a mild rash, “probably” a reaction to chlorine, so the health department quite sensibly closed the site down until it could be verified that they’d completely flushed all the pools and channels and also proven their chlorine-monitoring gauges had been checked. (Just imagine what the networks might have done if too little chlorine had led to, say, an actual e. coli scare.) But the three local channels managed to spread this terrifying “outbreak” over three days, finding another couple of parents who were fairly sure that their kids had succumbed to
autismunsightly rashes after spending time at the water park, and surely SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!!! to ensure that the “perpetrators” (no lie, this word was actually pronounced, not correctly, by one of the parents) were “caught” and “punished” for this outrage…Of course, all the other parents watching stories like this are encouraged to believe that any form of parenting less aggressive than following their kids around 24/7 monitoring their every step for fear of rashes, falls, fecal contamination, dog bites, pedophile predation, or a sense of proportion will get them busted for Bad Parenting. Every incident ratchets up the what-while-the-other-parents-think paranoia level. Meanwhile, these same parents know — at least subconsciously — that every day their kids are being exposed to physical & mental toxins at a rate unimaginable to earlier generations, so the genuine fears about high-fructose corn syrup and lead-contaminated toys and peak oil and anti-science/anti-religious (choose one or both!) activists turning the local schools into indoctrination centers, things parents believe they have no control over, get confused with stuff like whether there is/should be A LAW mandating that no public pool should be more than 18 inches deep or that the public library should should block all internet sites not safe for prepubescents. And of course it is all to the good of the fReichtards like Gingrich Cushman Gingrich if *every* parent can be induced to believe that all the other (decent) parents are in favor of raising their sprogs in bubbles, sigh.
Anne Laurie – you said it.
I often reflect thankfully on the fact that I’m not a kid these days. Then I reflect even more thankfully on the fact that I’m not a parent.
That is some first class faux Concern Trolling right there.
<iThe stupid bitch doesn’t realize that It is the fucking Conservatives who are trying to close the pools!!!!!!!!!!!.
American right-tards know there are two Conservative parties in England. One closes down pools and had Neville Chamberlain for a leader, and the other Conservative party is all high-diving Winston Churchills. YOU clearly didn’t know that.
I was going to make a joke about diving off the deep end and the shallow end of the gene pool but it’s likely someone has already done so.