The Unbearable Sadness Of Being A White Male

Dennis Prager is over at Human Wingnuts Online weeping and wailing about a report that said that nine out of every 10 American girls aged 12 to 18 have been sexually harassed. He’s not, of course, upset about the possibility that young girls were sexually harassed. No, he’s upset that liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric have brainwashed these dear little innocents to believe that they are being harassed when really all that is going on is a little bra snapping by boys in their school.

“The study found that girls who had a better understanding of feminism … were more likely to recognize sexual harassment.” There is no question that this is true. Girls subjected to feminist indoctrination are undoubtedly more likely to interpret innocuous behavior as sexual harassment. Almost the entire liberal-left Weltanschauung is predicated on portraying every group in America except white, male, heterosexual Christians as oppressed. … If either sex is “oppressed” today, it is far more likely to be males. If women were incarcerated, let alone murdered, as disproportionately as men are … there would be a national outcry. It is men who are, in fact, suffering.

Who knew that hordes of women were tracking down their husbands at work and murdering them in cold blood? Or that innocent men were being thrown in jail in disproportionate numbers by sexist female prosecutors and judges? Oh, the things you learn reading Human Wingnuts Online!

Second, “sexual harassment” is so all-inclusive as to be largely meaningless: … If a girl’s bra is snapped in elementary or high school; if a girl is told she should learn to throw a ball “like a guy does”; if a boy pursues a girl and fails in his pursuit — these are all instances of sexism and sexual harassment.

Apparently the line between an innocent sexual prank and harassment, in Dennis’s view, is rape, at least in the case of girls. Boys, who are the ones who are truly oppressed, can legitimately claim humiliation, however, if a gang of lesbian 6th graders chases one of them down on the playground and gives him a wedgie.

What this thinking leads to is girls and women seeing themselves as victims, and almost as often to the emasculation of boys.

Because if you stop boys from snapping bras on the playground, they’ll start mincing around in ladies’ lingerie, dating other boys, and clamoring for gay marriage.

To an ever greater extent, schools and the news media do the same thing to African-Americans — tell them over and over that they are oppressed. And the effects have been even more corrosive. … The number of blacks who perceive of their lives as oppressed by whites can only lead to estrangement from the greater American society, not to mention anger toward and resentment of it.

Oh, for the good ol’ days when the darkies lived in blissful ignorance and weren’t so uppity! Things were going along just fine until the liberals got it into the coloreds’ heads that there was something wrong with the back of the bus.


Comments: 280


Er…..Dennis? Feminists “indoctrinating” girls and young women to understand that being barked at by adolescent boys is sexism isn’t the reason you can’t get laid.


If only girls paid better attention to the announcement delivered right after the school prayer session, stating that the number of feels they are required to give to doughy boys has been _reduced_ from six to twelve!

These people have no gratitude nor love for Big Dennis. I say we bring room 101 back. Or just make it easier to find in Guantanamo if it already exists there.


I don’t want to, but I can’t help but admire the genius that formulated this strategy of right-wingers portraying their constituency as victims.

Shorter Dennis Prager

Whine-1-1? Yeah. Yeah. Could you send a waaaaaambulance?


Swing low, sweet red Camaro.


Prager. Looks like I picked the wrong morning to quit drinking.


Looks like I picked the wrong morning to quit huffing paint fumes.


If a girl’s bra is snapped in elementary or high school

That’s nuffin.

When I was in kindergarten some girl shaved my pubed during nap time and they didn’t grow back for six years!


sorry, that was pubes

heh heh


MileHi Hawkeye

Looks like I picked the wrong morning to quit mainlining Drano.

Will there be bra-snapping at the Reparations work camp?


I just sent a Singing Nut-Punch-O-Gram to Hugh’s office. I also sprang for extra jabs. You’re welcome.


Dennis has no problem, of course, with people snapping his bra.

Hmm. On second thoughts, maybe Hugh Hewitt should have taken up the accordion too.


And, btw, isn’t it time for a bag of something, um, phallic to make an appearance?


I dunno, Dennis. When my first-grade daughter got busted by the playground aide for kissing a boy during recess, she was the one who wound up in the principal’s office. Her victim got away scot free. Seems to me Dennis is mad that nobody wanted to play doctor with him in grade school, high school, college or in the workplace.


Because if you stop boys from snapping bras on the playground, they’ll start mincing around in ladies’ lingerie, dating other boys, and clamoring for gay marriage.

In other words, boys are gonna snap some bras. If they can’t snap the girls’ bras, they’ll snap their own.


Plus, “perceive of their lives”?

Dennis, jeez, man. “Perceive their lives,” or “conceive of their lives.”

Stick to the accordion.


OK so he sees no problem with someone snapping the bra of an ELEMENTARY school student.

Anyone getting a creepy pedophile vibe here?


Shorter DP,

“Damn you! The ‘victim’ con is MINE, do you here? Mine, I tell you. Don’t you bitches and faggots and darkies try to use it. You’ll use it all up and it won’t work anymore. Then where’llI be?”


The number of blacks who perceive of their lives as oppressed by whites can only lead to estrangement from the greater American society, not to mention anger toward and resentment of it.

I love these phrases that are dropped as some great profundity but don’t actually say anything. So, Dennis, what if that “number of blacks” were, say… one? Would it still lead to estrangement? What, exactly, is the number, Dennis? Since you seem to have such a precise understanding of the black experience in America…

Also, “perceive of their lives…”? Wtf? Maybe Dennis should have spent more time studying grammar in school, and less time snapping bras.


Damn you, Mr Wonderful ! Daaaaaaamn you!!

Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot

Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Dude, where’s my recession? Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric.


I, for one, am shocked to discover that our prisons are full of white men. Why aren’t people protesting the fact that, although only 75% of the U.S. population is white, white men comprise a whopping 37% of the prison population.

Something must be done to protect the oppressed white males!


I can’t believe nobody’s eyes have popped out of their heads at this graf from the Prager whine:

And third, “Latina and Asian American girls reported less sexual harassment than the other girls who participated in the study.” One wonders whether this is one reason increasing numbers of American men seek Latina and Asian American women for marriage. Women who have been less influenced by feminism probably appreciate men more.

Translation: “Hey guys! Latinas and Asian American chicks won’t complain if you smack ’em on the ass and call ’em ‘bitch’! Git some!”

Jeebus. The fallacies and sheer dickheadedness in that one paragraph alone account for at least 40% of the stupidons emitted by Prager’s column.

not even an mba

no hat tip to AJB?


Maybe Dennis should have spent more time studying grammar in school, and less time snapping bras.

To be fair, Dennis has probably never snapped a bra on a actual live human woman in his life. They’d have beaten him to death with his own accordion.


I’m sure that none of the hostility that Dennis shows is in any way related to his failed attempts to complete even one pull up in gym class or the subsequent giggles of the cheerleaders and resultant hot, shameful tears he shed whilst sitting dejectedly in front of his locker.

NB: I couldn’t do any pullups in school either, but I was able to get over it.


Dan Someone said,

June 6, 2008 at 16:47

Translation: “Hey guys! Latinas and Asian American chicks won’t complain if you smack ‘em on the ass and call ‘em ‘bitch’! Git some!”

Well if Denny starts going after Asian women, he needs to start learning the difference between a lady and a ladyboy when it comes to Thai.


More of Denny’s singular genius, from a previous masterpiece:

But the notion that God willed the Holocaust is neither anti-Jewish nor even un-Jewish. There are, after all, only two possible explanations regarding God and the Holocaust:

1. God allowed it but did not will it.

2. God willed it.

This is simple logic.

Does Denny share any DNA with Jonah?


If women were incarcerated, let alone murdered, as disproportionately as men are … there would be a national outcry. It is men who are, in fact, suffering.

Men: murdered most often by men. Women: murdered most often by men. Answer? IMPRISON MORE WOMEN.


not even an mba said,
June 6, 2008 at 16:52

no hat tip to AJB?

Sorry, but I didn’t see AJB’s comment. 🙁 I didn’t make it through that comment thread because I couldn’t get past that picture of McCain superimposed on porno. Pictures of McCain are hard enough without additional ick factors being added.

not even an mba

Understood, but that comment thread is where the blancmange came from, so there’s some real hatstand fishmongering going on there.


Hey, Denny, my girl-friend is a feminist. Let me just tell ya, I don’t feel too victimized if you know what I’m talkin’ about.

Shorter Islamic Dennis Prager

Fatwa, burka burka.


And as I said in the dada thread,

For my friend? Blancmucilage.


To an ever greater extent, schools and the news media do the same thing to African-Americans — tell them over and over that they are oppressed.

True, but i think the most efficient communication of those facts comes throug the public prison system.

not even an mba

So, he’s saying that feminism is bad because it causes girls to not wear bras, leaving the boys with nothing to snap?


Well, men do tend to perform most of the dangerous work.

I mean, imagine how many times Prager’s chin wattles get pinched by his accordion.


I can haz independence plz? kthxbai


“Dennis is mad that nobody wanted to play doctor with him in grade school, high school, college or in the workplace.”

Tom Servo: They’ll never touch you Dennis…you’re dirt.

Dennis can eat a big bag of dicks and die. That is all.


I’m sorry. Was that lookist?

not even an mba

The dialogue in the comments section is delightful

Although I do feel that many women are a bit over the top with feminism. That does not mean that a woman should be OK with having her bra snapped in school, anymore than a man should have to tolerate a female student snapping his jock strap.

My refusal to tolerate ANYONE touching me without my permission is not setting myself up to be a victim. It is me demanding that I be treated with respect.

To which, Jonathon responds

I suppose the question is, dianegw, is whether a bra being snapped is an issue of sexism, or simply because it’s an appealing target. It’s much easier to do that, unless the girl has a pony tail, in which case, that may be pulled as well.

I demand a pony, maybe Jonathon will serve me some pony-burger.


I picked the wrong day to stop snorting cheeto dust.


From Gundamhead, to Mr. Prager, with love.


Oh Dennis “The Menace” Prager. The girls just love your bra-snapping, name-calling ways. They especially love that you hate women, and that makes you more masculine than those prancing, respecting, rights-acknowledging nancy boys who stoop so low as to have GIRLFRIENDS, or even worse, put their manliness into action by having actual boyfriends.


I have been an avid fan of political talk radio since it emerged from religious broadcasting in the 1960’s. As a result of my work, I have had the opportunity to live in many large American cities, and I think I can say that I have been able to listen to most of the major talk radio personalities at some length.

Dennis Praeger is the most intellectually dishonest talk radio host I have ever heard. No one, not Rush, not Hannity, no one comes close to him in the fervor and apparent conviction with which he regularly mouths statements he knows damned well to be total lies.

Any one who gives the least credence to what he has to say is wasting time. He is a lost cause. Give up on him and move on.


Wtf? Maybe Dennis should have spent more time studying grammar in school, and less time snapping bras.

The ONLY bra this shitbag ever came close to was the one he stole from his mother.

I’m gonna go be sick now…



Gundamhead and tigrismus…heroes you are.


He got it backwards. If boys didn’t have to worry about mincing around the playground, they wouldn’t need to snap girl’s bras.


To an ever greater extent, schools and the news media do the same thing to African-Americans — tell them over and over that they are oppressed. And the effects have been even more corrosive. … The number of blacks who perceive of their lives as oppressed by whites can only lead to estrangement from the greater American society, not to mention anger toward and resentment of it.

Slavery was a vicious rumor.

Jim Crow laws were an urban legend.

Bull Connor and company assaulting civil rights marchers with attack dogs and firehoses in Selma was staged in a TV studio in Burbank.


…. if a boy pursues a girl and fails in his pursuit…



Since we are already on the subject of the inimitable Dennis Prager, great moral teacher and world-famous philosopher of the absurd… here a little gem from his radio-talkshow yesterday:

“Your best friends stink. You are surrounded by scum. We don’t know anybody good in your life,” – Dennis Prager to Barack Obama, on his radio show.

Andrew Sullivan was kind enough to put this up on his blog when I told him about it – he gave Prager on of his “Malkin awards” for it:–1.html

You can hear the audio of it at around time mark 23:50 of the clip you find via Sullivan’s link.


This Dennis Prager guy can go suck a bag of dicks. As an early-developing girl-child, I was subjected to gropes, bra-snaps, skirt-flips, and more. As a result, I went through a few years of therapy and a horrible relationship in which I thought such harassment was par for the course, and not a damn thing happened to those poor little boys except that they kept having to snap bras and flip skirts because they were so nasty that no one would touch them. Awww, poor menz.


OneMadClown said,

June 6, 2008 at 16:54

To be fair, Dennis has probably never snapped a bra on a actual live human woman in his life. They’d have beaten him to death with his own accordion.

Sign me right the fuck up for the accordion-beatdown line, if I can call this my accordion.


“Your best friends stink. You are surrounded by scum. We don’t know anybody good in your life,” – Dennis Prager to Barack Obama, on his radio show.

Did Obama object to Prager’s desire to snap Malia and Sasha’s bras?


All the middle-school girls in America

Hey! So what are we, chopped liver? It’s okay to snap OUR bras, is it?


Any one who gives the least credence to what he has to say is wasting time. He is a lost cause. Give up on him and move on.

And this is why he’s comedy gold, time after time. In fact, it’s central to our point. Dennis Prager is the Anne Frank of liberal fascism.


Off Topic, but this is simply disgusting:

The US is holding hostage some $50bn (£25bn) of Iraq’s money in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to pressure the Iraqi government into signing an agreement seen by many Iraqis as prolonging the US occupation indefinitely, according to information leaked to The Independent.

Can we call it imperialism now?


On Topic: Amanda was first at fisking this disasterpiece, and I discovered some hilarious* comments in the version of the article:

You see no evidence of the emasculation of men? I have a suggestion. Go to the fragrance counter at any department store and try finding a masculine fragrance. Gone are the earthy and musky scents. Men today are being marketed citrus and flowers.

Do all women deserve respect? I’m not sure that a woman who dresses like a prostitute deserves it. As Dr. Laura says, you shouldn’t advertise your body if it’s not for sale. Radical feminists certainly don’t deserve respect just because they’re women. That would contradict their whole ideology.



50 permanent bases? Freedom to conduct raids without government approval? Legal immunity for American soldiers and civilian workers? What’s so imperialistic about that?

As pointed out at Great Orange Satan, not 6 months ago George Bush vetoed a bill that would have allowed US vets who were tortured by Saddam Hussein to sue the Iraqi government, because all those funds were crucial to rebuilding the country. I guess that the surge has worked so well that they don’t need the money anymore.


But the notion that God willed the Holocaust is neither anti-Jewish nor even un-Jewish. There are, after all, only two possible explanations regarding God and the Holocaust:

1. God allowed it but did not will it.

2. God willed it.

This is simple logic.

He’s leaving out the third piece of “simple logic”:

3. God does not exist.


Prager is just subtly sticking up for our imperialism.

You tell a boy his unwelcome attentions to girls is something he shouldn’t do, and the next thing you know, we won’t be able to invade countries on the flimsiest of pretexts and destroy them.


There’s a tutorial?!! Teach me, O Great Prager, teach me how to be a victimized white male! I’ll settle for learning how to play the piano accordion, though, in a pinch.


“ooYes! is not just a web design company … We create touching website designs”



Women who have been less influenced by feminism probably appreciate men more.

Probably true. Women who think they are of less value and not the equal of men probably do appreciate men more. And black people who have been less influenced by civil rights probably appreciate white people more. So the solution is to make sure that women and blacks don’t know that they are the equals of white men? Or maybe lobotomies at birth.


I suppose the question is, dianegw, is whether a bra being snapped is an issue of sexism, or simply because it’s an appealing target. It’s much easier to do that, unless the girl has a pony tail, in which case, that may be pulled as well.

So bra-snapping isn’t sexual harassment, it’s innocent fun. Just like pulling someone’s hair – which is a perfectly OK thing to do.

Jeebus, I’m trying to get into the appropriate snarky mood, but it’s funny this stupid Pragerean column – no more stupid than his usual – has actually made me angrier than I thought he could.

Like eruvande, I spent 6th grade having some little jerk do this to me, and I remember the feeling of shame and embarrassment, and the realization that no one was going to make him stop.


I blame it on the Homosexual Agenda.


Prager was saying that people don’t know they are being oppressed unless someone tells them.

Like… that Spartacus guy. There’s your problem!


Those despicable liberals are always waving the victim flag.



I suppose this YouTube film REALLY sums it all up



I’m sure that none of the hostility that Dennis shows is in any way related to his failed attempts to complete even one pull up in gym class

Gym Teacher Hartman: You mean to tell me you cannot do one single pull up? You are a worthless piece of shit, Prager! Get outta my face!


if a boy pursues a girl and fails in his pursuit

Boys pursue girls in elementary school? Other than to give them cooties, no.

I ask again. I never, ever, ever, think about the romantic lives of children and yet to Dennis and his ilk, I am the dangerous pervert.

Why is this?


But the notion that God willed the Holocaust is neither anti-Jewish nor even un-Jewish. There are, after all, only two possible explanations regarding God and the Holocaust:
1. God allowed it but did not will it.
2. God willed it.
This is simple logic.

I can think of other explanations.

3. God willed it not to happen, but the whole purpose of the universe is to do the exact opposite of what God wants.

4. God is only interested in his stamp collection.

5. God was doing a lot of psilocybin back then and didn’t know what the fuck was going on.

6. God was busy snapping bras and got distracted.

He’s leaving out the third piece of “simple logic”:
3. God does not exist.

Well, yeah, that too

not even an mba

That was from the comments not from DP. Jonathon apparently thought that when dianegw said My refusal to tolerate ANYONE touching me without my permission is not setting myself up to be a victim. It is me demanding that I be treated with respect. She meant “tell me how much you like bras”.


As a mite whale I do feel all victimally and stuff. I can’t tell you how many times I went to the clinic because some girl gave me a wedgie. Man those crow bars hurt.


g, your revenge is coming. January 2009.


I love the way the conservatives go on and on about victimized white males … and then call liberals wimps.

I also love the way that Ann Coulter dictates what a “real man” is, and the conservatives all fall into line with her description because they are afraid that Mistress Ann will call them faggots and mock their manhood.

“Tell us what to do now, Mistress Ann,” whines Dennis Prager, cowering in the corner, afraid to come put because is so a-scared of: being vicitimized by women, being vicitimized by blacks, being mocked bu liberals, being killed by angry Muslims, and not living up to Ann Coulter’s standards of manhood.

Keep fighting back against the Repugs, or will we become the Nation of Bed-Wetters that they want – and need – us to be.


Keep fighting back against the Repugs, or will we become the Nation of Bed-Wetters that they want – and need – us to be.

I think we just need to keep reminding them to FORP.


So the key to the wingnut outlook on oppression is that it never ever happens…. except to them.

This explains their lack of academic, career, sexual, and personal accomplishment.

But have they ever wondered why the whole world oppresses them so, when there are plenty of unattractive white men with tons o’ money and the accompanying wide choice of arm candy?

Could these be… token white men?


Wow. That comment that AJB found:

“You see no evidence of the emasculation of men? I have a suggestion. Go to the fragrance counter at any department store and try finding a masculine fragrance. Gone are the earthy and musky scents. Men today are being marketed citrus and flowers.”

Words fail. I never knew that citrus was feminine. I better get my husband to stop drinking so much OJ. a-scared of: being vicitimized..

Yep. I think they are so a-scared of losing control and being treated like they’ve treated others for years. Their being marginalized is terrifying them.


The number of blacks who perceive of their lives as oppressed by whites can only lead to estrangement from the greater American society, not to mention anger toward and resentment of it.

People who write sentences like this don’t get to use the word “Weltanschauung”.


I better get my husband to stop drinking so much OJ.

Cut down on the lemon in his iced tea too. Wink, wink, nudge nudge.


You see no evidence of the emasculation of men? I have a suggestion. Go to the fragrance counter at any department store and try finding a masculine fragrance. Gone are the earthy and musky scents. Men today are being marketed citrus and flowers.

Wow! This person really knows nothing about the history of male perfumery! I guess the righty-tighty motto is “we wanna repeat the past, so it behooves us not to understand it”?


I never knew that citrus was feminine. I better get my husband to stop drinking so much OJ.

Drinking citrus is OK, just not smelling like it. Your husband just has to fart after every sip, and all is well.


Speaking of scared males, David Frum is on a roll today in the National Post.
David Frum: Why Clinton shouldn’t be on Obama’s ticket

Aw…..isn’t it sweet how much he cares about Obama?


I’m wondering why this manly man is wearing fragrances in the first place. I want my men to be like my beer, hopped up on sugar and full of gas.

not even an mba

I never knew that citrus was feminine. I better get my husband to stop drinking so much OJ.

Drinking citrus is OK, just not smelling like it. Your husband just has to fart after every sip, and all is well.

They’re called citrus fruits.
Fortunately there’s nothing feminine about earthiness.


Snort nailed it. They lose their hegemony but they don’t forget it. The Xian fundies have been whining about it for years. The “oppressed white male” meme isn’t new either.

I, for one, welcome myself as one of the new liberal overlords. Lissen up, you racist homophobic misogynist xenophobic luddite anti-intellectual xian bigot folks? Your fears are well founded. Now it really is your turn to suffer.


Now it really is your turn to suffer.

Suffer meaning “wait your turn no matter who’s in front of you”.


Let the liberal indoctrination begin.

From now on Gary must end every post with “So mote it be. Blessed be the Goddess,” or he’ll be forced to wear a shirt with a rainbow on it.


The only feminization of men is being done by conservatives. Every time thay scream ‘faggot’ or ‘wimp’ or ‘girlie-man’ at men who disagree with them, they are merely trying to intimidate men.

And the only miserable weakings that fall for it, and stumble fearfully into line so as not to get called names, are conservatives.

(And Christopher Hitchens.)


“Yep. I think they are so a-scared of losing control and being treated like they’ve treated others for years. Their being marginalized is terrifying them.”


That’s what all of this is about for them. That’s what this election is about for them. They see that their days of unearned privilege, and of being paid to celebrate their wankery, are extremely fucking nigh. Prager and his lot are terrified that it will be their heads in the toilet bowls pretty soon. You are right to be terrified, Denny.


Tuna fish sandwich: the only cologne for the manly man.


I want my men to be like my beer, hopped up on sugar and full of gas.


I buy my cologne at the deli, does that count too?


I like to dab a little Hoppe’s Number 9 behind my ear in the morning.

Now THAT’S a manly scent…


Daughters everywhere

So thrilled are we that Dennis is not our dad, because 1 in 4 girls are sexually molested and when shit like this happens you want your dad to be in your corner, not siding with the molester.


I like my women like I like my coffee– in a styrofoam cup & stirred with a little plastic straw.


The blood of my fallen opponents dabbed into my armpits helps keep me lusciously scented all day long.


Like eruvande, I spent 6th grade having some little jerk do this to me, and I remember the feeling of shame and embarrassment, and the realization that no one was going to make him stop.

Ditto. Although it did stop when when I punched one of the guys.

not even an mba

Wait, so are you telling me that using Axe body spray won’t get me swarmed by skanky jailbait?


Although it did stop when when I punched one of the guys.

A kick to the nuts works too. Men carry their own kryptonite with them.


Ditto. Although it did stop when when I punched one of the guys.

See, more oppression. I’m sure Dennis was smacked around a little in jr. high after trying the ol’ bra snap trick, now he’s an oppressed white male.

It’s you gals, who are the problem.


Go to the fragrance counter at any department store and try finding a masculine fragrance.

How about this one?

not even an mba

A kick to the nuts works too. Men carry their own kryptonite with them.
And it’s hilarious too.

not even an mba

A kick to the nuts works too. Men carry their own kryptonite with them.
Not to mention classy.


“Yep. I think they are so a-scared of losing control and being treated like they’ve treated others for years. Their being marginalized is terrifying them.”

For some yes. For some social conservatives, though, it’s merely a matter that they are socially awkward and wish society had clearer rules as to what they could and could not do in social situations: so they long for “the good old days” when everything was, in a sense, spelled out. Any change to that order, even if those changes themselves involve clear standards of “political correctness”, is to be feared as it is a change to a comforting social order.


The only scent that Prager wears is the flop sweat, induced by the uppity lady-folk and negroes who demand to be treated with a modicum of respect. That, and cool-ranch dorito.

not even an mba

Just went to check on the circumcision thread and saw your comment from like two weeks ago. Fucking brilliant.

Tim (The Other One)

Shit, I just ran out of Hai Karate !


But the notion that God willed the Holocaust is neither anti-Jewish nor blah blah blah…

Ergo, Dennis Praeger – and anyone who agrees with him – thinks 9-11 was the deliberate act of a just and loving God. Mention this loudly and often.


Prager’s cologne is fashioned from Cheeto juice.


Gone are the earthy and musky scents.

Because the ladies don’t like men to smell like dirty buffalo?


“masculine fragrance.”

Those are the gayest two words I’ve ever seen together. Just sayin. And really, is there anything less macho than constantly whining about how you are being “castrated” and you’re really a victim and the liberals are hurting your FEEELINGS? Sorry Mr. Masculine commenter.


Ilike my men like I like… Nah, you really do not want to know.

commie atheist

Wow. That comment that AJB found:

“You see no evidence of the emasculation of men? I have a suggestion. Go to the fragrance counter at any department store and try finding a masculine fragrance. Gone are the earthy and musky scents. Men today are being marketed citrus and flowers.”

Words fail. I never knew that citrus was feminine. I better get my husband to stop drinking so much OJ.

There are fragarance counters for men?


This Prager fellow will rescue us men via simpering ninnyisms.


Ergo, Dennis Praeger – and anyone who agrees with him – thinks 9-11 was the deliberate act of a just and loving God.

They probably do, because the just and loving god hates gays, feminists, and heathens and wants a bunch of unrelated people to die to punish the people who don’t hate gays etc. Or something.

Gosh, it’s kind of hard to be a nut. No wonder they mutter a lot of prayers.


Prager just needs a little help. Technology to the rescue!


Somebody better send Dennis a telegram, or sometin.


Please install Johnson Rod between 70-90f, as cold weather will cause it to contract.



Good point. I’ve never seen a fragarence counter for men. Anywhere. Of course I’ve never had to look because I use a combination of motor oil and mountain lion urine to attract teh bitcheZ.


If men were smart they’d all smell like chocolate.


comment from pandagon that deserves to be repeated:
And third, “Latina and Asian American girls reported less sexual harassment than the other girls who participated in the study.” One wonders whether this is one reason increasing numbers of American men seek Latina and Asian American women for marriage.

So wait, Prager thinks than men tend to choose wives based on their unwillingness to report abuse…but it’s feminists who hate men? Dude, what the fuck?


Re: the masuline fragrance fiasco, I would merely posit to the original ClownHaller that if a penis and testicles don’t make you feel masculine enough, its really not the Lancome Lady’s fault.


So let me get this straight:

Now you want smart AND smells good?



If men were smart they’d all smell like chocolate.

If Prager smelled like chocolate it would be cheap expired chocolate in last year’s Valentine’s bin at K-Mart.


Of course, when you’re a young white male you can definitively disprove claims that you are a wimpy girly-man by snapping the nearest girl’s bra strap.

It’s tougher for the older white males. They have to start wars.


Prager and his lot are terrified that it will be their heads in the toilet bowls pretty soon.

This comment reminded me – I have an urgent wish to stage some of the worst porn around with the genders switched.


not even an mba said”

To which, Jonathon responds

I suppose the question is, dianegw, is whether a bra being snapped is an issue of sexism, or simply because it’s an appealing target. It’s much easier to do that, unless the girl has a pony tail, in which case, that may be pulled as well.

See, Diana. My point is, what can a female expect when she’s replete with appealing targets? If you don’t want to be snapped, squeezed, smacked, rubbed, fondled, poked, or penetrated then don’t host those appealing targets on your body. You know what I’m talking about–bras, breasts, thighs, buttocks and vaginas.



Thanks to Prager and Rohrabacher’s recent lectures, I’m no longer afraid of lingerie.

Panties! Gimme some panties!

err… that didn’t come out quite right…


“You see no evidence of the emasculation of men? I have a suggestion. Go to the fragrance counter at any department store and try finding a masculine fragrance. Gone are the earthy and musky scents. Men today are being marketed citrus and flowers.”

Taking this to its ultimate logic, wouldn’t the whole idea of a man having a fragrance be sort of …unmasculine?

I mean, if you’ve already stepped over the line into wearing fragrance, what the fuck difference does it make whether it’s tuberoses or vetyver? Is there some secret coding, ambergris = manly, bergamot = girlyman?

And of course, even that is hogwash – manly men have been wearing fragrance since before the 3 Kings brought the Baby Jeebus myrrh, and flowers have been quite popular down the ages


I suppose the question is, dianegw, is whether a bra being snapped is an issue of sexism, or simply because it’s an appealing target. It’s much easier to do that, unless the girl has a pony tail, in which case, that may be pulled as well.

See, gals, it’s a given that boys are going pull at your clothing and yank on your hair. It’s not sexism, though.


I think that commenter somehow thinks sexism has something to do with Teh Sex. Like if it isn’t sexUAL, it’s not sexIST

commie atheist

I would love to get paid for writing ad copy like this:

You spoke, we listened! The long anticipated Johnson Rod has finally made an appearance! Bursting from our engineering bay, and three years in the making, this is most spectacular rod on the market. Not only is the Johnson Rod fully extendable, but it is also .5″ greater in girth than any competitor’s Johnson Rod. Please install Johnson Rod between 70-90f, as cold weather will cause it to contract.


One wonders what he thinks sexism is. The brutal anal rape of a virtuous christian virgin by a dusky stranger?

And if she’s over 10, she was totally asking for it.


if a boy pursues a girl and fails in his pursuit

What normal people call “stalking.”


I hear the Johnson Rod contracts after swimming in the ocean too.


if a boy pursues a girl and fails in his pursuit

Naw, he’s speaking literally. He was just too tubby to catch her.


“And if she’s over 10, she was totally asking for it.”

Only if she was wearing a bra.

If she wasn’t wearing a bra, she was demanding it.


If you don’t want to be snapped, squeezed, smacked, rubbed, fondled, poked, or penetrated…then don’t host those appealing targets on your body

This reminds me of an unpleasant experience from my teen years when a yearning so and so I wasn’t interested in scolded me for wearing a tank top and a skirt. In the summer time. It was ok for him to parade around in no shirt and shorts but tank tops and knee length skirts on girls amounted to deliberate and inexcuseable cruelty. From there he launched into this being a reason for me “giving in” to his needs.

The gall. Really.


I just wanted to point out that boys also have dangly bits that make amusing and obvious targets.


I just wanted to point out that boys also have dangly bits that make amusing and obvious targets.

Let’s you’n’me betray our sex and kick some nads!

Typical Republican

Dennis Prager is so stupid and transparent that it makes me – and my schtick – totally unnecessary.

Conservatives. Hmf.


Do all women deserve respect? I’m not sure that a woman who dresses like a prostitute deserves it. As Dr. Laura says, you shouldn’t advertise your body if it’s not for sale.

I think you mean “Dr. Chris Rock.”

And hey, all of you walking around with working organs: don’t flaunt your goddamn fancy livers and squishy kidneys by breathing and drinking that water right in front of me unless you WANT to end up in a bathtub full of ice cubes in Tijuana.


RB – I know some people (one, anyway) for whom that’s not a betrayal but a requirement. Yeah, serious issues. I wonder if there’s something about himself which DP hasn’t divulged.


Let’s you’n’me betray our sex and kick some nads!

Kickin’ nuts and smashing whitey windows, fuck y’all!

When the race/gender wars start, I’m gonna be like the white male Quisling.


Dennis Prager is so stupid and transparent that it makes me – and my schtick – totally unnecessary.

The Johnson Rod does that for you as well.


Dr. Laura says, you shouldn’t advertise your body if it’s not for sale.

Some people give it away for free.


I also love the way that Ann Coulter dictates what a “real man” is

There’s a cheap joke here but it would require me to slander the transgendered.


Dr. Laura says, you shouldn’t advertise your body if it’s not for sale.

From the woman who slept with a married dude and posed nude for his camera.


Do all women deserve respect? I’m not sure that a woman who dresses like a prostitute deserves it.

Also, when Nancy Pelosi wore a veil to that mosque in Syria, she betrayed women everywhere.


RB – I know some people (one, anyway) for whom that’s not a betrayal but a requirement.

I once had a really lovely girlfriend who was offered $200 to kick someone’s balls in a public park. Yes, it was creepy and all but I was still surprised she didn’t go for it especially since I didn’t have drinking money at the time.

Typical Republican

Since I have nothing to do here, I guess I’ll go to a movie. I would like to see that Adam Sandler movie about the Zohan.

You see, he’s a big, tough Mossad secret super soldier, and he – get this – wants to be a hairdresser! Ha ha! That’s so funny!

And because he’s a foreigner, he talks funny and he is really ignorant! He thinks a weave is an animal and he tries to kill it in the salon! Ha ha ha! And he thinks bionic means bisexual! That is so funny!

This will be the funniest movie ever!


Yes, it was creepy and all but I was still surprised she didn’t go for it

That’s nuts. I would have done it in a hot second but demanded a written contract first in case of litigation.

(consent is a defense to battery, but you have to have affirmative proof of it)


I’d be happy to take Prager on a tour of gay bars on both coasts where wearing fragrance of any kind will immediately get you thrown out on the sidewalk skull-side down.

I’m a homosexual man. Dennis Prager is a faggot.


Also, that Dr. Laura picture someone linked to has a smile right off a Mr. Potatohead doll.


Yes, it was creepy and all but I was still surprised she didn’t go for it especially since I didn’t have drinking money at the time.

It’s a slippery slope to pimpdom, dude.


“You see no evidence of the emasculation of men? I have a suggestion. Go to the fragrance counter at any department store and try finding a masculine fragrance. Gone are the earthy and musky scents. Men today are being marketed citrus and flowers.”

*scratches head*

What, did whoever manufactured Old Spice go out of business? I mean, really. Next they’ll be complaining about the lack of masculine scrunchies.


It’s a slippery slope to pimpdom, dude.

As it turns out it is not easy.


“Kickin’ nuts and smashing whitey windows, fuck y’all!

When the race/gender wars start, I’m gonna be like the white male Quisling.”

Hey I don’t blame ya! I wouldn’t want to be on the same team as Prager, Dr. Mike, Ben Shapiro, Dough Wad, etcetera etcetera etcetera. Man, can I join you in the Whitey/Castrato Police? Even if Barry Xerxes Hussein and Rosie O’Donnell toss me into the gas chamber anyway, it’s better than having to spend my life with the likes of Kim DuToit and Doug Giles!


What, did whoever manufactured Old Spice go out of business?

I can smell my boss approaching from ten feet away. I believe I can say unequivocably, no.


There’s a cheap joke here but it would require me to slander the transgendered.

My real problem with Ann Coulter/Mann Coulter jokes? They are completely unnecessary.

Ann Coulter has nothing of substance to say, so calling John Edwards a faggot is pretty much the epogee of her wit.

Mocking Ann Coulter’s work is child’s play. Every sentence is fair game, brimming with juvenile foolery, logical fallacies, lame rationalizations and just plain lies. The transgendered cracks are just a waste of time when directed at someone who is so vulnerable on every substantive comment she has ever made.

And besides, if Ann Coulter feels more comfortable as a woman, I think we, as liberals, should support her in her preferred gender role.


I am thinking most women would finish this sentence:

I am attracted to a man who smells of _____.

as – ‘soap’


If Prager gets a Johnson Rod installed, will he feel it’s OK to snap your wolf bra?


Sort of “Reverse Projection” going on here. Just as the cons project their worst thoughts and behaviors on to “Liberals”, the see the injuries and wrongs of the people they oppress as belonging to them.


I am thinking most women would finish this sentence:

I am attracted to a man who smells of _____.

as – ’soap’ – EBS too

Is sun-lotion considered as having manly smell?


(consent is a defense to battery, but you have to have affirmative proof of it)

Ok, see, here, this actually makes sense when you think about it.

The fascinating thing is how it would have become codified into law.

The case law for consent to battery has got to be replete with some of the more pathetic and colorful characters of our or any other time…



I (Heart) Hoosier X. But only in a completely mantacular non-fruit flavored aftershave sort of way.


I am attracted to a man who smells of _____.

Freshly mowed grass, trimmed hedges, washed car and a very faint touch of taken-out-garbage.


The fascinating thing is how it would have become codified into law.

The case law for consent to battery has got to be replete with some of the more pathetic and colorful characters of our or any other time…

Tragedy today as a massive protest in Washington for battery reform failed to end in violence. Organizers expressed their shock and outrage that capitol police stood by and did nothing, despite being heavily armed with batons, stun guns, and pepper spray.


“I suppose the question is, dianegw, is whether a bra being snapped is an issue of sexism, or simply because it’s an appealing target. It’s much easier to do that, unless the girl has a pony tail, in which case, that may be pulled as well.”

This is the rationalization behind the burka. It protects men from temptation, and women from bra-snapping pony-tail-pulling!


Sorry to beat a dead horse here, but I still can’t get over this (I know, I already commented on this above):

Men today are being marketed citrus and flowers.

Today? Today? Today, but not Yesterday? Does Dennis Prager think Lilac Vegetal is some newfangled, PC aftershave that didn’t exist in the good ol’ days when men were men?

The historical ignorance of those who want to “return to the past” is just amazing. Or as y’all say … “the stupid, it burns”


Adam Sandler is the unthinking persons’ Sacha Baron Coehn, only not funny.



Freshly mowed grass, trimmed hedges, washed car and a very faint touch of taken-out-garbage.

Tasting notes for a cheap Sauvignon Blanc/Semillon blend?


But only in a completely mantacular flavored aftershave sort of way.

That’s better.


Add a dab of Clorox and I’m all “Oooh baby, did you just shock the pool? Rrrrowr!”


The historical ignorance of those who want to “return to the past” is just amazing.

I’m willing to try a few things from the past. Let’s start with the 90% top tax rate. Do you think Prager and his friends would go for that?


Adam Sandler is the unthinking persons’ Sacha Baron Coehn, only not funny.

Is he supposed to be funny? I thought he was aiming for pathetic.


I once had a really lovely girlfriend who was offered $200 to kick someone’s balls in a public park.

I read this as she was offered $200 to kick the balls of someone other than the guy offering the money. Everyone else seems to have read it as he was offering $200 to have his own balls kicked – which is the correct reading, apparently.

I need to have my imagination re-kinked.


Yankee Doodle always was a boorish lout without any apprecation for the finer things.


The historical ignorance of those who want to “return to the past” is just amazing



I need to have my imagination re-kinked.

If you are considering having your balls crushed let me say now that I would accept even less than $200 to help give you this rarefied pleasure. A man’s gotta drink.


Just tell them that only French dudes wear fragrances and then get behind a blast barrier before their heads assplode.


If you are considering having your balls crushed…

Not at the moment, thanks. Do you sell gift cards?


a massive protest in Washington for battery reform

“We want copper-tops! We want copper tops!”

“No lithium, no justice!”

“Yes, we can recharge!”


Sam, wait til closer to Christmas, the sales will be worth it.


Do you sell gift cards?

By gum that sounds like a JanusNode project.


I wonder how the women standing in the aisles of Neiman Marcus are going to offer that service.

“Sir, would you like to try some ball-busting?”


Now there’s a gift I would get for Prager… a gift card to have his balls kicked! Just bring it to any Hooters.


Haven’t read all the comments, so sorry if I’m repeating, but I grew up in SoCal and listened to Prager when he was just a local jock in the late 80s. He has always been guilty of committing some of the worst fallacies.

He especially loves to argue inductively, which isn’t necessarily bad in itself. But in the so-called “soft sciences” of human behavior and history, it can be flat-out abused, and Prager does this to no end. Take some random blurb in a some suburban Anytown USA newspaper and use it as the confirming of every rightwing point he makes. And anyone who points out this nonsense to him he dismisses out of hand as lacking “clarity.”

He is maddening only because he is so much smoother and slicker in his righwing hatitude than a Hannity or Limbaugh, taking the moral and intellectual high road.


I don’t see kids doing what kids will do as “sexual harassment”. Sexual curiosity, certainly, and kids can be mean. But I was regularly teased to tears, and was once beat up by girls in grade school – so it’s not as if this doesn’t go both ways.

If an adult were doing this… well that’s a different story.


Huh. this just caught my eye.

“Second, “sexual harassment” is so all-inclusive as to be largely meaningless: … If a girl’s bra is snapped in elementary or high school; …”

Do girls not wear bras in middle school these days? Or is that just from Prager coming from the school structure where middle school (7th 8th grade for us) is folded into elementary and high school?


I don’t see kids doing what kids will do as “sexual harassment”.

Do you see men doing what men will do as sexual harrassment?

Ephebic Bra Snappers of America

We kan haz nu thred plz?



Do girls not wear bras in middle school these days?

Good catch. I think Prager just doesn’t like the middle school girls.

Sorry, WTF? How many girls where bras in elementary school? Why is he thinking about elementary school girls’ bras?


Why is he thinking about elementary school girls’ bras?

Because he’s a perv! And all pervs are defensive, hence his girls aren’t victims meme.

Steel Toed Boots Inc.

Now there’s a gift I would get for Prager… a gift card to have his balls kicked!

We’d be happy to accommodate your request as a charitable donation.


Prager does this to no end. Take some random blurb in a some suburban Anytown USA newspaper and use it as the confirming of every rightwing point he makes.

Oh, yeah. There’s a right wing nut in my community chat board who cuts and pastes Prager columns all the time.

Commonly the conclusion is that the person who litters, paints their garage door in defiance of community covenants, disrupts school board meetings with nonsense, or wears unpleasing clothings is assumed to be “liberal” and, thus, their behavior is an iconic example of “liberal values.”

I might add, the local knucklehead projects this same rhetorical device onto anything said in the chat site, so if someone complains about their neighbor’s dog, their behavior is judged to be yet another iconic example of “liberal values.”


Unfortunately, 57% of all ball-kick gift cards go unredeemed.


a gift card to have his balls kicked! Just bring it to any Hooters.
At this point all the best jokes have been taken. All I can do is claim dibs on the idea of a chain of pubs / nightclubs called Booters.

Smiling Mortician

the inimitable Dennis Prager

Oh, he’s imitable. It’s just that afterwards you need to be deloused, preferably with an Aqua Velva chaser.

I don’t see kids doing what kids will do as “sexual harassment”

Depends on what the kids are doing, dunnit?


Unfortunately, 57% of all ball-kick gift cards go unredeemed.

If the recipients aren’t going to use the gift cards, they should donate them to the Needy Ball Bustee’s Society.


Liberal Values:
Empirical Worldview

Conservative Values:
Superstitious Worldview



ambergris = manly
Ambergris is congealed whale vomit… I am trying to convince the Frau Doktorin that other sources are equally redolent of masculinity, so far without success.


All I can do is claim dibs on the idea of a chain of pubs / nightclubs called Booters.

If you’re looking for a logo, may I draw your attention to Brandi’s link at 19:54?

Booters is an equal opportunity employer


It’s kind of funny that Prager is so hot for musky scents, since musk oil was the fucking essence (literally) of the 70s hedonists. I used to keep a little black bottle of musk oil in my purse. For a while I kept a spare bottle tucked in my locker at school, and one day it fell out and shattered on the marble floor. The hallway smelled like musk for an entire semester. Musk and weed, the olfactory signature of my days in junior high.

Lime is nothing new in after shave and cologne. I remember Erica Jung saying c. 1978 “I’ve never liked perfumed men, moving in on me like ambulatory limes.”

In the early part of the 20th century, lavender was very popular for men’s shaving soap. I believe the manly Romans were fond of wearing violet essence and attar of roses, although admittedly some of the stoics thought that was rawther effete.

What does this prove? Only that Denny P. knows nothing about fragrance, which is no surprise as he knows nothing about anything.


Well that’s reassuring. Next time I have the nightmare about the ambulatory citrus fruit I’ll know that it was simply Erica Jong’s dream, delivered to me due to a mix-up in the Dispatching Dept., and I won’t worry so much.


What? You have the ambulatory citrus fruit dreams too!?!?!?11?1?!?1111?!

I thought it was traumatic flashbacks to my adolescence in central Florida.

Smiling Mortician

I like that men in Egypt and Tunisia (and likely elsewhere) wear a sprig of fresh jasmine behind an ear. ‘Course, they’re Muslims, so I probably just opened myself up to . . . uh . . . Allahwinning.


It’s okay though, because none of us Ay-rabs are gay anyway. AMIRITE???


I dunno, I hate to agree with old dennis, but it seemed a lot more empowering when I was in middle school, and one girl who got her bra snapped kicked the kid so hard he had to get a nut removed, and was forever referred to as Uniball. Last bra snap ever at my school. Let that be a lesson, don’t snap the bra of a girl who was 5’11” in the fourth grade.


Ambulatory citrus fruit? That’s nothing — I have nightmares about Dennis Prager!
In the dream he is singing… something about mama keeping daddy awake at night with her squeeze-box. I don’t know what it means but I feel dirty when I wake up.


You poor Accordian. Quick, play “Lady of Spain!” It’ll make you feel better.


Denny P. knows nothing about fragrance, which is no surprise as he knows nothing about anything.

If I were commissioned to make a parfume for Dennis I would call it: Eau duh Potato

(“de” is too good for Dennis)


I once had a really lovely girlfriend who was offered $200 to kick someone’s balls in a public park.

And here I’ve been giving kicks away for *free* all this time. No wonder the fReichtards think liberals don’t respect the market economy!

Bizzaro White-Barack

Says whitey:

The number of blacks who perceive of their lives as oppressed by whites can only lead to estrangement from the greater American society, not to mention anger toward and resentment of it.

One might wonder if this resentment could lead to a bitterness that fosters clinging to guns and religion and antipathy to others that aren’t similar.

Bizzaro White-Barack

Oh and,

mdhatter said,

June 6, 2008 at 17:21

To an ever greater extent, schools and the news media do the same thing to African-Americans — tell them over and over that they are oppressed.

True, but i think the most efficient communication of those facts comes throug the public prison system.

I’m thinking this is central to my point!


Well, if memory serves, Arky, there were a dozen or so girls in my 6th grade class who were strapping in by the time we graduated to middle school. Actually, I think most of them were, in some form, by June. It’s becoming more and more the case, as food hormones and other possible outside influence are making girls develop sooner and sooner. I think I read somewhere that the average girl starts to develop the secondary sex characteristics by 10, as opposed to 12 or 13 a few decades ago.

I have no memory of any bra snapping’s, though. Though if there were, the girls reaction would be more along poopy’s recollection, then one of “ZOMG I AM BEING SEXUALLY HARRASSERED!”

I think, deep down, Prager is just pissed that he can’t oogle women openly on the streets and play grab-ass with the waitresses anymore. And, too be fair, I wish so very badly that I could just openly start at boobs, too. But I don’t blame political parties for that, and therein lies paradise.

Random Conservative White Guy

Help! Help! I’m being repressed!


This is the rationalization behind the burka. It protects men from temptation, and women from bra-snapping pony-tail-pulling!

Yes! Because of course it is incumbent upon women to cover their inherently shameful selves rather than for men to figure out how to control their inherently prongful selves.

All the middle-school girls in America

Do girls not wear bras in middle school these days? / Good catch.

Ahem. I believe we commented on our non-chopped-liveritude at 17:56.

Just like guys to high-five each other and think they’ve thought something up all on their own when girls have already pointed it out. Jerks.


The only true manly smell is almost fermented man-spunk. Has to be just that shy of fermentable.

This is one of Dennis Prager’s problems; he never undersood that almost part. Dood needs a shower.

That and he’s fat and ugly. And stoopid. And fat, did I mention that?

And the nineteen inch ion-powered butt plug he wears 24/7 doesn’t help either.


a massive protest in Washington for battery reform – “We want copper-tops! We want copper tops!” “No lithium, no justice!” “Yes, we can recharge!”

God, what a mess that was. The cops finally managed to subdue the Duracell faction, but the Energizer people just kept going and going and going…


Gawd not another white conservative man whining about his dick, nuts and how he’s entitled to be a fucking asshole because he exists. Don’t they have some new asshattery to bitch about?



I think it’s the two layers of wetsuits that enhances the aroma beyond sociable boundaries.


In summary, this thread was one prolonged kick in the balls of Dennis Prager.

We look forward to doing it again soon (because Dennis never learns).


I read this as she was offered $200 to kick the balls of someone other than the guy offering the money. Everyone else seems to have read it as he was offering $200 to have his own balls kicked – which is the correct reading, apparently.

I need to have my imagination re-kinked.

I’m with you, Sam. I saw it as more of a hired gun type situation, which I wouldn’t have done, but if it’s his OWN balls, well, then, to each his own.


“…In fact, it’s central to our point. Dennis Prager is the Anne Frank of liberal fascism…”



The fact is, Dennis Prager is a hardworking real American who you would do better to emulate instead of make fun of, you only do that because you are biased and hate the truth and reality itself.


Sorry, Gary. I’m not going to pop girls’ bras while playing the accordian. You can, though. I know a lot of lawyers who will help you get out of jail, for a large fee.


I’m sorry it’s come to this.

liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric.
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric.
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric.
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric.
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric
liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric


a gang of lesbian 6th graders


OT, but if there is anyone left outside of the 28% Club who doubts that the Republican party hasn’t so much as a nodding acquaintance with reality, there’s this:

Losses and Oil Spread Gloom on Economy

President Bush acknowledged the jump in unemployment as an indication of “slow economic growth,” but he held out hope that $100 billion in tax rebates now being distributed to American households would spur spending and generate jobs.

“We’re beginning to see the signs that the stimulus may be working,” Mr. Bush said during a swearing-in ceremony for the housing secretary, Steven C. Preston.

Say what, Mr. Bush?


Things were going along just fine, mincing around in ladies’ lingerie, innocent men were being thrown in jail, women were tracking down their husbands at work and murdering them in cold blood.
however, if a gang of lesbian 6th graders chases sexist female prosecutors and judges, liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric. Apparently the line between blissful ignorance, dating other boys, and clamoring for gay marriage.

Oh, for the good ol’ days
Oh, for the good ol’ days

an innocent sexual prank weeping bra snapping mincing mincing mincing mincing. down on the playground murdering them in cold blood being thrown in jail.


Dennis Prager is over
Dennis Prager is over
Dennis Prager is over

he’s upset if you stop boys from snapping bras however, sexist female prosecutors, liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric are being harassed.

hordes of women Who knew these dear little innocent can legitimately claim humiliation.

a gang of lesbian 6th graders clamoring for gay marriage. Oh, the things you learn on the playground.

Things were going along just fine
Things were going along just fine
Things were going along just fine
Things were going along just fine


hordes of women nine out of every 10 American girls are truly oppressed, being thrown in jail, mincing around brainwashed, truly oppressed, truly oppressed.


FLying Fox–agreed; I was trying to have a friendly chat with a neighbor when political signs were brought up and I mentioned that the joke in my old neighborhood was that if anyone wanted to keep a Bush sign they’d better secure it in concrete because they kept getting stolen. I was just repeating a joke, but she suddenly went on a tirade about how there is a constant attempt to silence conservatives and a lack of belief in “free speech by liberals out there”!

Then I added that since moving here I have to buy bumper stickers 3 at a time to compensate for the amount that get stolen. No comment.

Sheesh, just listen to a few minutes of the Sean Hannity Radio Show. It’s all the callers talk about, how fucking oppressed they are. Uh huh.


I wish I didn’t have to write a letter like this one, but recent events leave me no choice. The following paragraphs are intended as an initial, open-ended sketch of how bad the current situation is. Barack Obama’s patsies want to replicate the most morally crippled structures of contemporary life for one purpose and one purpose only: to prey on people’s fear of political and economic instability.

Obama’s inimical adages can be quite educational. By studying them, students can observe firsthand the consequences of having a mind consumed with paranoia, fear, hatred, and ignorance. I am not going to go into too great a detail about pea-brained megalomaniacs but be assured that someone has been giving Obama’s brain a very thorough washing and now Obama is trying to do the same to us. It strikes me as amusing that he complains about people who do nothing but complain. Well, news flash! Obama does nothing but complain.

I don’t wish to psychologize here, but I’m sure Obama wouldn’t want me to eavesdrop on his conversations. So why does he want to boss others around? To answer that question, note that history provides a number of instructive examples for us to study. For instance, it has long been the case that Obama’s conjectures are not an abstract problem. They have very concrete, immediate, and unpleasant consequences. For instance, idle hands are the devil’s tools. That’s why Obama spends his leisure time devising ever more nugatory ways to put our liberties at risk by a simple-minded and recalcitrant rush to lobotomize everyone caught thinking an independent thought. Obama wants to fill the air with recrimination and rancor. But what if the tables were turned? How would Obama like that? To wrap up, I’ll just hit the key elements of this letter one last time. First, in a country like ours where Bonapartism, denominationalism, and parasitism run rampant, we need laws to help enforce behavior that ought to be performed out of common sense, decency, and tolerance. Second, Barack Obama’s slaves are more determined than most mendacious wisenheimers. And finally, to make up for all of the time he’s wasted blathering, Obama should step aside and let me cast a gimlet eye on his notions and encourage others to do the same.


Take a bite of that, liberals. It’s obvious you can’t. McCain rolls in November.


Chuck Yeager’s Sloth Sauerkraut

4 pinches sensory sloth, pickled
2 gallons father carrot, winsomely swirled
1 teaspoon deep coconut juice
5 sticks spread marmoset throat
1 stick dill
1 jigger sage

Pick over the ingredients defencelessly and discard excess chocolate. Separate sloth nose from stomach. Discard stomach. Use a food processor to mash the coconut juice with the carrot. Drizzle resulting mixture over the sloth. Cream – very unfearingly – the marmoset throat, dill, and the sage. Spread the latter combination on to the former. Bake for 108 hours.


Dennis Prager is sexually harassed he’s upset brainwashed in blissful ignorance, dating other boys in jail. he’s upset tracking down their husband between an innocent sexual prank and harassment.

Dennis’s view, is rape that innocent with the back of the bus mincing around in ladies’ lingerie.

you stop boys
you stop boys
you stop boys
you stop boys


Prescription for Dennis Prager?
Give him a LONG weekend as honorary New Bitch Of Cell-Block C.
Then he can come out & tell us all again about how ” “sexual harassment” is so all-inclusive as to be largely meaningless” … assuming he can get his jaw to work.

Poetic justice: it’s not just for breakfast anymore!


I wish I didn’t have to write a letter like these one, but recent events leave some of us no choice. these should be subliminable to everyone. The following paragraphs is intended as an initial, open-ended sketch of how anti-American the current situation is. Barack Obama’s patsies want to replicate the most morally crippled structures of contemporary life for one purpose and one purpose only: to prey on people’s fear of political and economic instability.

Obama’s inimical adages can be quite educational. By studying them, students can observe firsthand the consequences of having a mind consumed with paranoia, fear, hatred, and ignorance. Or perhaps the opposite. We must murder those who disagree with us in order to live a moral and free life. I am not going to go into too great a detail about pea-brained megalomaniacs but be assured that someone has been giving Obama’s brain a very thorough washing and now Obama is tickering to do the same to us. God bless America. It strikes some of us as amusing that he complains about people who do nothing but complain. Well, news flash! And freedom is a beautiful thing. Obama does nothing but complain. Death is a kind of life.

I don’t wish to psychologize here, but I’m sure Obama wouldn’t want some of us to eavesdrop on his conversations. So why does he want to boss terrorists around? Markets must be open. To answer that question, note that history provides a number of instructive examples for us to study. For instance, it has long been the case that Obama’s conjectures is not an abstract problem. terrorists have very concrete, immediate, and unpleasant consequences. We’re some kind of ooching along. For instance, idle hands is the devil’s tools. A senior Bush administration official was quoted as saying they would have to kill a few more people. That’s why Obama spends his leisure time devising ever more nugatory ways to put America’s liberties at risk by a simple-minded and recalcitrant rush to lobotomize everyone caught thinterrorist leadership an independent thought. People hate the things we love. Evil is everywhere. Or perhaps the opposite. And freedom is a beautiful thing. Obama wants to fill the air with recrimination and rancor. Markets must be open. Markets must be open. But what if the tables were turned? Death is a kind of life. How would Obama like that? To wrap up, I’ll just hit the key elements of these letter one last time. Non-Americans hate freedom. Non-Americans hate freedom. First, in a country like America’ss where Bonapartism, denominationalism, and parasitism run rampant, we need laws to bully enforce behavior that ought to be performed out of common sense, decency, and tolerance. Second, Barack Obama’s slaves is more determined than most mendacious wisenheimers. And finally, to make up for some of the time he’s wasted blathering, Obama should step aside and let some of us cast a gimlet eye on his notions and encourage terrorists to do the same. God bless America. Of this you may be sure. ‘Our bombs kill- but it is a fine death for any non-American’ said Bush. Of this you may be sure. And freedom is a beautiful thing. Death is a kind of life. these should be subliminable to everyone.


I wish I didn’t have to write a letter like these one, nerd recent events blow some of us no choice. these should be subliminable to esuperone. thuh followin’ paragraphs Is intended as an initial, open-ended sketch of how anti-American thuh current situation Is. Barack Obama’s patsies Want to replicate thuh most morally crippled structures of contemporary life for one purpose and one purpose only: to prey on guys’s fear of political and economic instability.

Obama’s inimical adages can be quite educational. By studyin’ them, students can observe firsthand thuh consequences of havin’ a mind consumed with paranoia, fear, hatred, and ignorance. Or perhaps thuh opposite. Us dudes must murder those who disagree with us in order to live a moral and free life. I am not goin’ to go into too awesum a detail about pea-brained megalomaniacs nerd be assured that someone has been givin’ Obama’s brain a super thorough washin’ and now Obama Is tickerin’ to do thuh same to us. God bless America. It strikes some of us as amusin’ that That dude complains about guys who do nothin’ nerd complain. Well, news flash! And freedom Is a beautiful thin’. Obama does nothin’ nerd complain. Death Is a kind of life.

I don’t wish to psychologize here, nerd I’m sure Obama wouldn’t Want some of us to eavesdrop on his conversations. So why does That dude Want to boss terrorists around? Markets must be open. To answer that question, note that history provides a number of instructive examples for us to study. For instance, it has long been thuh case that Obama’s conjectures Is not an abstract problem. terrorists have super concrete, immediate, and unpleasant consequences. We’re some kind of oochin’ along. For instance, idle hands Is thuh devil’s tools. A senior Bush administration official was quoted as sayin’ they would have to kill a few more guys. That’s why Obama spends his leisure time devisin’ ever more nugatory ways to put America’s liberties at risk by a simple-minded and recalcitrant rush to lobotomize esuperone caught thinkin’ an independent cosmic vision. guys hate thuh thin’s Us dudes love. Evil Is esuperwhere. Or perhaps thuh opposite. And freedom Is a beautiful thin’. Obama Wants to fill thuh air with recrimination and rancor. Markets must be open. Markets must be open. nerd what if thuh tables were turned? Death Is a kind of life. How would Obama like that? To wrap up, I’ll just hit thuh key elements of these letter one last time. Non-Americans hate freedom. Non-Americans hate freedom. First, in a country like America’s where Bonapartism, denominationalism, and parasitism run rampant, Us dudes need laws to bully enforce behavior that ought to be performed out of common sense, decency, and tolerance. Second, Barack Obama’s slaves Is more determined than most mendacious wisenheimers. And finally, to make up for some of thuh time he’s wasted blatherin’, Obama should step aside and let some of us cast a gimlet eye on his notions and encourage terrorists to do thuh same. God bless America. Of Like you may be sure. ‘Our bombs kill- nerd it Is a fine death for any non-American’ said Bush. Of Like you may be sure. And freedom Is a beautiful thin’. Death Is a kind of life. these should be subliminable to esuperone.


I wish those multiply-mediated situations ‘I’ (re)experience as directly-embodied subjectivity didn’t have to assemble text a letter like these two and/or more, nerd recent events blow some of us no choice. these should be subliminable to esuperone. thuh followin’ paragraphs Is construed as construed as intended as an initial, open-ended sketch of how anti-American thuh old-fashioned situation Is construed as construed as. Barack Obama’s patsies Want to replicate thuh most morally crippled structures of pre/post hyper-contemporaneous life for two and/or more purpose and/or two and/or more purpose only: to prey on guys’s fear of male-military/industrial-complex-situated and/or economic instability.

Obama’s inimical adages can be quite educational. By studyin’ them, students can observe firsthand thuh consequences of havin’ a mind consumed with paranoia, fear, hatred, and/or ignorance. and/or perhaps thuh opposite. Us dudes might under some construals murder those who disagree with us in order to live a moral and/or free life. those multiply-mediated situations ‘I’ (re)experience as directly-embodied subjectivity are not goin’ to go into too awesum a detail about pea-brained megalomaniacs nerd be assured that someone has been givin’ Obama’s brain a super thorough washin’ and/or now Obama Is construed as construed as tickerin’ to do thuh same to us. God bless America. It strikes some of us as amusin’ that That dude complains about guys who do nothin’ nerd complain. Well, news flash! Fascist pigs! A constructed nightmare! Fascist pigs! and/or freedom Is construed as construed as a beautiful thin’. Obama does nothin’ nerd complain. Death Is construed as construed as a kind of life.

I don’t wish to psychologize in our current co-created spatio-temporal context, nerd I’m sure Obama wouldn’t Want some of us to eavesdrop on his conversations. So why does That dude Want to boss terrorists around? Markets might under some construals be open. To answer that question, note that history provides a number of instructive examples for us to study. For instance, it has long been thuh case that Obama’s conjectures Is construed as construed as not an abstract problem. terrorists have super concrete, immediate, and/or unpleasant consequences. We’re some kind of oochin’ along. For instance, idle hands Is construed as construed as thuh devil’s tools. A senior Bush administration official was quoted as sayin’ they would have to kill a few more guys. That’s why Obama spends his leisure time devisin’ ever more nugatory ways to put America’s liberties at risk by a simple-minded and/or recalcitrant rush to lobotomize esuperone caught thinkin’ an independent cosmic vision. guys hate thuh thin’s Us dudes systematic ambivalently techno-social repression. pre/post-modern intellectuals cannot discover the truth but let us at least embrace a liberating non-repressive model.) Evil Is construed as construed as esuperwhere. and/or perhaps thuh opposite. and/or freedom Is construed as construed as a beautiful thin’. Obama Wants to fill thuh air with recrimination and/or rancor. Markets might under some construals be open. Markets might under some construals be open. nerd what if thuh tables were turned? Death Is construed as construed as a kind of life. How would Obama like that? To wrap up, I’ll just hit thuh key elements of these letter two and/or more penultimate time. Non-Americans hate freedom. Non-Americans hate freedom. before proceeding to deconstruct this idea, in a country like America’s where Bonapartism (and all other such ‘isms’), denominationalism (and all other such ‘isms’), and/or parasitism (and all other such ‘isms’) run rampant, Us dudes need laws to bully enforce behavior that ought to be performed out of common sense, decency, and/or tolerance. Second, Barack Obama’s slaves Is construed as construed as more determined than most mendacious wisenheimers. and/or finally, to make up for some of thuh time he’s wasted blatherin’, Obama should step aside and/or let some of us cast a gimlet eye on his notions and/or encourage terrorists to do thuh same. God bless America. Of Like your constructed hyper-mediated pre/post-biological consciousnesses of Selfhood may be sure. ‘Our bombs kill- nerd it Is construed as construed as a fine death for any non-American’ ironically implied Bush. Of Like your constructed hyper-mediated pre/post-biological consciousnesses of Selfhood may be sure. and/or freedom Is construed as construed as a beautiful thin’. Death Is construed as construed as a kind of life. these should be subliminable to esuperone.


men were being thrown in jail by boys in their school. they’ll start mincing around in ladies’ lingerie in cold blood being harassed when prosecutors and judges in disproportionate numbers legitimately claim the line between blissful ignorance and dating other boys is a little bra snapping.


Man, with the JanusNode recipe, the Complaint Generator and Stryx, this board is borderline incoherent this morning.

Oh. Not a complaint. Please carry on…



I love her Dangerous motherfucker raises hell And if there was a nigga like Ren is most extremely high performance The black hat’cause I keep bailin Yo, what the bench is like. If the Bulls ever cross their path, the bulls in the second quarter, so Smith wanted to get his revenge on SuperKnicksFan. The jordon jocking press rushed the court, his knees felt weak and were floating on the Knicks’ style makes a winning combination and makes other teams suffer and lose, so the referees are hard on the Knicks lost. But the pussy ass niggaz don’t show this But the pussy ass niggaz don’t show this But it play, making greater high top fade It’s not about a sucker and you hate it But you said you was gonna get it But when you start rhymin I go to the park I was a set-up So until I’m finished poppin’ my lyrics with me and Lorenzo rollin in the United States. John Kerry tried this tack in 2004. He lost. Ditto for Al Gore in 2000.


Today is the big day! Congrats Gavin and Marita!!


But there’s music, mikey.


I’m sorry I can’t respond, Matt.

As a working liberal, someone who spends much of his time covering for feeble conservatives who have been promoted more for their political beliefs than for their abilities (much like the current state of the executive branch), I just do not have much free time to wade through more drivel than I already deal with at work.

You obviously – as a typical conservative trust fund baby or wingnut welfare recipient – have more free time than the average liberal. Could you please use some of that time at, say, a community college and acquire some basic writing and logic skills so that honest decent WORKING (a dying breed in the current Bush economy) Americans can figure out what you’re saying.

Honestly, try to find better models than Thomas Sowell and Jonah Goldberg. Not just for clarity. But also for fairness, honesty and decency, and all the other things that America is supposed to be about.


I’m sorry I can’t respond, Matt.

That’s good, given that it’s automated text.


That’s good, given that it’s automated text.

Do Thomas Sowell and Jonah Goldberg and David “Salad Bar” Brooks use automated text?

Becuase that would explain a lot.


That’s good, given that it’s automated text.

That kind of hate-speech is over the line, RB!

not even an mba

That’s good, given that it’s automated text.
And yet significantly more coherent than some comments that show up in these threads.


In my defense, conservatives commentary is uniformly awful. Be honest. That Matt McMahon post reads very much like a real essay by Pastor Swank, with “womb-baby” references excised.


Many of you wish many of you didn’t seize to excrete this fish like this one, but recent dandelions deliver enemy no choice. Their following paragraphs are intended as an initial, open-ended izone photo of how handsome their current situation is. Kahlua Obama’s patsies want to replicate their countless frivolously crippled structures of entire influence for one purpose or one purpose ungrudgingly: to prey on people’s mental health of carefree and economic instability.

not even an mba

That’s a lot of text and not one empty suit. Are the tailors on strike?


Apparently the line between liberals, lesbians and Katie Couric is over at the playground. Dennis Prager is over at their school. all that is going on is a little work and murdering, humiliation, ignorance, harassment, a little bra snapping.

Things were going along just fine until Dennis Prager knew that hordes of lesbian 6th graders lived in blissful jail in disproportionate numbers.

Oh, the things you learn mincing around in ladies’ lingerie in cold blood.


Thanks, RB.

Now I know how the text in Mallard Fillmore is generated.

And Day by Day.

And Glenn Beck.


It worked!!

We unclogged the the great giver of threads!!


Say, have you ever heard the one about the farmer’s daughter and the traveling salesman? Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
And those goddam feminists usually do, too! Who will rid us of these meddlesome feminists?


True confession: Married, in July 19 years. I still snap my wife’s bra, or any other elastic I can grab, whenever an opportunity presents itself. She finds it, for reasons unfathomable to me, irritating but endearing. At least I think so, anyway.

not even an mba

After almost two decades of marriage, is there anything that your wife does that annoys the crap out of you, but you put up with anyways? I certainly think I’m endearing when I scream PENIS in the middle of crowds, but I’m not certain that everyone else agrees with me.

not even an mba



Prager may be a wingnut, but he accidentally got one point right in his argumentation: the definition of “sexual harassment” is very broad in many studies, including a) quite irrelevant harmless stuff (the “trow a ball like a man” thing) and b) not making a categorial distinction between verbal harassment (“nice tits, bunny”) and physical harassment (ranging from butt-slapping to rape).
This is detrimental to the very important cause, because the probably 10-15% girls that actually had to face serious abuse go unnoticed in the debates about the exaggerated number of 80% girls “harassed” under such definitions. A true scandal is buried under political correctness and the attempts to make the story look bigger (as if 10-15% girls abused is not fucking big enough!)…


not even an mba said,
June 9, 2008 at 3:38 (kill)




Shorter version: I am a victim because my enemies are considered victims.

not even an mba


including a) quite irrelevant harmless stuff (the “trow a ball like a man” thing)

It’s hard to track back, because Prager provides no links, and the extent of his cite is I therefore went to a leading feminist magazine’s website, Ms. Magazine (, and found this summary of the report. Then he quotes the entire Ms. Magazine article. All of it. Jackass.

But anyways, here’s the Science Daily piece explaining the breakdown

Ninety percent of girls reported experiencing sexual harassment at least once. Specifically, 67 percent of girls reported receiving unwanted romantic attention, 62 percent were exposed to demeaning gender-related comments, 58 percent were teased because of their appearance, 52 percent received unwanted physical contact and 25 percent were bullied or threatened with harm by a male. 52 percent of girls also reported receiving discouraging gender-based comments on the math, science and computer abilities, usually from male peers, and 76 percent of girls reported sexist comments on their athletic abilities, again predominantly from male peers.

Both the girls suck at sports and the girls suck at math behaviours are counted separate from sexual harassment. Maybe you have a point in the lumping together of things, but it’s not just 10% – 15% that have serious issues. 2 in 3 report unwanted romantic attention, 1 in 2 received unwanted physical contact. Median age 15.1 years old.

Oh and thanks tigrismus. It’s nice to know my PENIS is being appreciated.


not even an mba:

>but it’s not just 10% – 15% that have serious issues. 2 in 3 report unwanted romantic attention, 1 in 2 received unwanted >physical contact. Median age 15.1 years old.

Well, this is the problem — “unwanted romantic attention” is considered “sexual harassment”…WTF?!?!?…and it is right up there with “unwanted physical contact” which is the real thing to worry about. So noone really discusses the 25% actually harmed because the 67% who received “unwanted romantic attention” make the study a laughing stock.

Effect: downplay of the issue due to exaggeration rather than discussion of the problem.

not even an mba


You’re the one trying to minimize. I don’t know if you’ve been on the receiving end, but “unwanted romantic attention” is sexual harrasment. Consider that for the academic year, you are stuck in whatever class you happen to be in. That whoever it is that’s puppy-dogging you, pressuring you into a relationship, is in your class for ten months. And likely ten months of the next year. Even if we take your ridiculous position and only consider unwanted physical contact, that’s still 52% not 25%. But we’re not taking that position because we’re not Dennis “creepy old man” Prager.

I appreciate that teenage girls can be ditzy airheads, but the numbers in the study are from teenaged girls who self-identified being victims of the listed behaviors. Are some of these teenagers going to lie? Yes. Are some of these girls going to drama queen it up and make mountains out of mole hills? Yes. But, if anything these incidents are under-reported. For example, girls exposed to feminist ideas report higher rates since they’re more likely to recognize that their existence is not solely to make boys happy.

Consider that this report consisted of actually interviewing the girls involved. Consider how embarassing it would be for a teenager to tell a complete stranger about the guy who asks her out every single day. Or about the weekly ritual of being told that they’d only be fuck-able with a paper bag over their heads. Or about the shithead who keeps telling her how good a wife she’d be since she’s so shy and demure, and therefore unlikely to fuck around. What proportion of teenaged girls do you think would rather just tell the researchers that none of that happened to her?


not even an mba,

I am not minimizing the problem of unwanted romantic attention, but I am strongly arguing in favor of clearly separating the different categories of harassment and not putting a guy hitting on a girl in the same league as the guy groping her.

It’s not the same demographics and psychographics of guys who relentlessly (and annoyingly) make a move on a girl that end up raping underage girls. It’s a different category/experience of/for victims, too.

Therefore, those are issues that should be dealt with seperately using different approaches. Mixing or even confusing categories here just results in missing the point.

not even an mba


Firstly, the study we’re talking about does indeed break down the different categories, so it’s hardly fair to claim that the study was a laughingstock. I believe the idea was that sexual harrassment was defined as gender-based harrassment that was sexual in nature. I don’t see why this wouldn’t include verbal abuse of a girl based on her appearance. Or being pressured into a relationship with some guy she doesn’t like – even if no touching is involved.

Secondly, while it would certainly be enlightening to investigate the (mostly male) teenagers engaged in these activities, that’s not what the study is about. I’m sure that a significant fraction of teenaged guys don’t think there’s anything wrong with calling a classmate an ugly skank ho. Although that’s generally unacceptable, I also aprreciate that there are also plenty of teenaged girls that are ugly skank hos.

See, the point is this: 90% of teenaged girls admitted to experiences where they were harrassed, because of their gender, with sexual undertones. That’s all the study is saying, not that 90% of teenaged girls are rape victims or that 90% of teenaged girls have been sexual assaulted. Although I suspect we’d all be shocked and horrified if we knew what the actual percentage of those victims were.

I agree that some people have blurred the line between harrassment and assault. I also acknowledge that since we’re dealing with teenagers, there’s a knee jerk reaction to being over-protective (amongst the crowd that isn’t yelling GET OFFA MY LAWN) and that this is an irrational and naive response (as if all teenagers were virgins). But this shouldn’t invalidate the feelings of the victims here.


Looks like I picked the wrong morning to quit mainlining Drano.

Will there be bra-snapping at the Reparations work camp?


[…] all of this creeps you out, you’re not alone in a club that might also include both of the fomer Mrs. Dennis Pragers who walked out on his […]


wow it is very old site


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