Drinking Sadlyly: The Portlanding
Posted on May 31st, 2008 by Gavin M.
Monday, June 2nd., Ringlers Pub, 1332 West Burnside!
Above: Ringlers Pub
5PM until whenever (with a possible raid on Voodoo Donuts)!
Auxiliary jaunt at 4! To see the tall ships! At the waterfront!
This combination Drinking Sadlyly event and gender-neutral bachelor party may be liveblogged (if you’re lucky) by the inimitable and awesome Mikey, who is making the trip to PDX for the occasion!
I just hope a bunch of guys in fur suits don’t show up.
Hope y’all have a great time!
Ringler’s, got it. Who all’s going?
Erm… I’ll be there.
Hoist a couple for Nicky Nickens, she’s got the justification, now all she needs is the strength to beat our furry friend until candy comes out.
I was just about to say something about this when I got *way* distracted into furry research. Just had to keep following those links and got lost in the rabbit hole. So to speak.
Count me in. You knew that, right?
whens the seattle sadly drinking again? I can’t leave my enclave, not even for the short journey to p-town. besides, seattle is better, we have buildings that are more than 2 stories and stuff, oh yeah, and we have black people too! take that portland! you were named after some shite town in maine! MAINE! All they do in maine is make syrup. by the laws of reckless conflation that makes you a bunch of syrup drinking rednecks from practically canada, eh?
Lets see. I’m gonna need three iPods, two cameras, two computers, phone, chargers, headsets, AC adapters, mouse, Laphroaig, weapons.
Amtrak has a two bag limit.
Hmm. My shit will be there, but I may have to stay home…
I also fell down that rabbit hole. did you look at the “fail” page on whatever pedia? it was teh funneh.
Oooh! oooh! oooh! We need a password!!!!!!
Iris sent me?
Screw everything else but don’t leave the Laphroaig!
You need any help gettin around when you get here?
PS to poopy – if I wasn’t busy tending to making dinner, I’d take your bait.
Oh, and Liveblogging?
It’s on.
But I’m gonna get Ringlers to let me hook one of my iPods to the sound system just so Matt T. will feel like he missed something important…
Bah. When exactly did you all say the Chicago Sadlying will be? Grumble grumble…
Mikey, I don’t know you at all, but why am I not surprised about the Laphroaig?
I’m driving down to arrive about 5. Anyone in Sea-Town need a ride?
Man, I miss everything.
Because of stupid work, and its site blocking controlling fascist shit, I never comment, but congrats, Gavin.
Although I’ll probably be later than 5 by a decent bit. SOME of us don’t punch a time clock. 🙂
Spifflicated. Must lie down. My head is spinning and so is this room.
Film at eleven.
Dammit, yet another reason I’d probably rather be in Portland.
Aww, PeeJ, did you get too smoked?
Sorry, I just can’t comment in relation to this post yet.
I’m still reeling from the previous post, about the man who adds the “And sometimes it ain’t” to Freud’s famous dictum.
My mind is scarred. What kind of twisted God would pour a furry and bigot into the same soul? That’s just cruel.
At least there will be liveblogging. I am soooo looking forward to seeing Teh Amazing Mikey in
personpixel! Also, congrats redux, Gavin, and felicitations, Marita…What kind of twisted God would pour a furry and bigot into the same soul? That’s just cruel.
JGabriel you win this thread already IMO.
I can easily picture Jonah as a furry. A very large rabbit.
Excellent improvement.
I can easily picture Jonah as a furry. A very large
rabbitshit hound.Fixed
That Voodoo Donut place sounds criminally liberal. They have vegan donuts and even do commitment ceremonies in front of our very own Holy Doughnut, under the Cruller Chandelier of Life.
It’s all good at Voodoo Doughnut.
I bet it tastes good, too.
Have fun, all!
OT, but tonight’s BSG is made of win. God, it’s so much better now that they’ve stopped dragging their feet and throwing together filler episodes.
Uh. Yay, drinking?
Auguste, you ASS.
I’m a broken hearted AWOLer. I shall raise a toast. What a wonderful time.
I will perform Hand in Glove in karaoke for cigarskunk. I think the words can be altered appropriately.
It’s on now.
I’ll be there with a big ol’ bag of dicks.
toby, couch is still available if you want it and we’re cleaning the place this weekend so it’ll be nice and pleasant.
Waaah! Waaaaaaaah!
Please have a few in honor of those who can’t attend.
Have fun on Monday, everyone.
A trip? Lots of gear and gadgets? Do like big time blogger Aravosis: Turn it into a fund raiser!
You’re in the DC area, no? There should be enough of you to put something together. Just mention it in a few threads, and when you have responses and some plans set, ask for a dedicated thread announcing the event.
Dammit. Portland’s only a two-hour drive for me, but it’s a Monday night (Monday night? WTF?) and I have this rehearsal I can’t get out of and . . . whine, whine, bitch, bitch, I won’t be there.
Have fun, y’all.
Well, out here in BFE Arkansas, it’s highly unlikely I’ll EVER be able to attend a Sadly Drinking event, though at least I saw in comments that HTML wasn’t just blowing me off when I offered to buy him a cold one…so maybe someday I’ll get to Drink Sadly with him.
I’ll never get back the amount of time I spent reading that last post.
God, please explain to me why I needed to know that there were people who get their rocks off while dressed up in giant bunny suits. Why, God, why?
I was just having that same thought. I wonder how many people we have in or near the greater Chicago metro area?
God, please explain to me why I needed to know that there were people who get their rocks off while dressed up in giant bunny suits. Why, God, why?
hey, I’m already regretting that I can’t see mikey using a combination of Laphroaig and armaments to get his ‘Pods hooked up to the stereo…..
…post a playlist, maybe?
I had some friends once who would time the Cult’s Nirvana during a party to occur right when everybody had lost all their inhibitions, gotten a little aggressive, but before anybody had started fading…. and with the opening riff, they would start the breaking of furniture.
I went to some link in that very long thread, where cigarskunk was relating his tale of email detectivery to his furry friends, and the glimpse into his soul simply appalled me – there are actually people out there like him!
His vigorous self-justification, by claiming he wasonly motivated to act by the evil of Obama. According to Cigarskunk, Obama bringing up his uncle’s experience was a base and ignoble act! And even worse, Obama “lied” by calling him an “uncle” instead of a “great uncle” – the utter perfidy of this act – it’s inherant disrespect of our great military men – spurred Cigarskunk to act.
Cigarskunk also claimed that Obama had already demonstrated his utter evil by the “terrible things he said about his grandmother.” Umm…uh….??????
IIRC, Obama told a nuanced story about his grandmother’s sometime discomfort around black people, to demonstrate how subtle racism can affect even close relationships. Is that about it?
In this guy’s mind, a poltician’s anecdote about a family member’s military experience while in the context of discussing a piece of legislation affecting the military = shameless exploitation and slander.
An honest anecdote about family relationships = saying terrible things about your family member.
With this kind of twisted take on human relationships and feelings, it makes me wonder what kind of relationships does this guy have in his own life?
Sadly, I’ve met some people like this – fortunately not close up. They’re the ones who jump to the conclusion that you hate, absolutely despise, cannot BEAR chocolate, because once you volunteered the opinion that you preferred vanilla. And then they go on to guilt-trip you at every dessert-sharing occasion, because “I was going to get this really yummy choclate but I had to make sure we had vanilla, too, or XXX would be upset.”
Mindsets like Cigarskunks are the stuff that toxic workplaces are made of – the ones where white-hot hatreds are born over the choice of which chair to sit in. People like him are the horrendous neighbors, who focus obsessively on the way other residents set out their trash cans. Or the psycho dormitory roomates taking umbrage at the fact that you allowed your towel to encroach on their part of the towelbar.
It depresses me.
I’m up the road from DC near B’more. I’d definitely be interested in a local Sadly drinking
*mph* *snrf* Good morning. I dunno whether my head hurts more from the mass quantities of gin or from the previous thread. I ‘spose I can blame the need for gin on the thread….
Lesley, Voodoo Doughnut is da bomb. What can you say about a place with an annual “How many donuts can you fit on your penis” contest?
Sadly, I will not be able to attend but I will certainly hoist a shot (or three) of fine sippin’ tequila toward the south in your honor.
Gavin, Marita, best wishes to you. You are embarking on a wonderful, thrilling, frustrating, exciting, boring journey. It’s a new chapter for you and it’s up to you to write it the best you can.
Sadly Seattleites, I think we should plan something toward the end of June. Who’s in?
I can easily picture Jonah as a furry. A very large rabbit.
I would’ve gone with the naked mole rat, but that’s just me.
Ya know, I’m seconding the bitching about having this on a Monday . . . it’s a four-hour drive for me and I’d love, love, love to be there, but Monday at 5:00??? I suspect this was set up for people who actually have a life and are busy on the weekends but, much to my regret, I am not a member of that group.
OneMan, I’d like to attend the Seattle meet, but can only make it on the weekend. It’s a four to five hour drive for me.
Yeah, Monday isn’t the best day but it was the only day available. G&M aren’t making the trip for the SN!con but for another event. I just don’t understand why their wedding takes precedence over our drinkfest. What are we, chopped brussell sprouts or something? Sheesh.
Count me in for a Seattle Sadly-ing.
I’m in. How does one identify the nosians? Will you all be wearing keffiyeh to blend in with the Portland crowd, or do I just look for the table with teh giant sammiches?
A Seattle Sadly would be all too appropriate.
It’s good for you. Builds character.
Why has no one invented teleportation yet?
I’ll be hosting a simpatico event in Butte, at the BloodClot (at the intersection of White Avenue and Militia Street, across the street from the Aryan Identity Center). Ladies drink free from 4:00-5:00 PM!
As fun as it sounds there’s no way I can do the PDX thing, but I might be game for a Seattle Drinking Sadly.
“I can easily picture Jonah as a furry. A very large rabbit.”
I would’ve gone with the naked mole rat, but that’s just me.
The Mole Rat is not Jonah dressed up — it’s Jonah undressed. Twelve non-fuctional nipples and all.
Goodness gracious I certainly HOPE so.
The very idea that a Furry Jonah would have functional nipples is enough to send a chill down my spine.
What function, exactly, one would have to ask…
Not to lactate the milk of human kindness, at least.
Just noticed this:
I’m pretty sure I could fashion a harpoon out of a pool cue and a switchblade, some ducttape and maybe some toilet bowl cleaner as a toxin, and gavin could poke them until they left with a bad owie…
three iPods, two cameras, two computers, phone, chargers, headsets, AC adapters, mouse, Laphroaig, weapons.
I was driving around doing errands today and got to thinking of Teh Portlanding. I was wondering why mikey would be taking the train instead of just flying from the Bay area to PDX and started to justify it in terms of time, like getting to the airport, getting through security… wait.
Amtrak doesn’t have TSA security. Mikey is going on the transport that doesn’t search your bags.
At which point I became a small, bitter ball of jealous hate.
I’m actually getting a LOT of this.
So I don’t usually like to hang links to my stupid little blog here on Teh Sadly, but I’ve posted the answer:
Oh t, you have really hit the bottom of the barrel.
Now that we ARE there, I bet Jonah lactates/wahetverates the verb is for peanut butter secretion.
Hey Pinko.
Stand by for the Portland Pho report.
Sadly, I expect to be disappointed…
I’m down for a Chicago sadlyly. That makes…three? Enough for a furry orgy, anyway.
Password: cigarskunk
Seattly Drinking in late June? Yup, can do. That’s only about an hour and a half drive — unless the traffic is, like, Seattle traffic.
Now, though, I gotta go work on a story problem: if I’m two hours from Portland and one and a half hours from Seattle, and STH is four hours from Portland and four to five hours from Seattle, and mikey’s on a train heading north cause he can see stuff . . . hm . . . carry the one . . .
mikey, You can’t win.
You and Jack Black could have been partners.
Oh mikey,
I’m secretly expecting it to be great. Nor*Cal is sometimes NoCal. They rest on their laurels and skate on reputation. Challenge the tastebuds! No prisoners!
Not to lactate the milk of human kindness
Ohhh yes tig, like that. Scrape harder. I like it like that. Ohhhhhh.
There’re some great pho places in PDX – but don’t ask me what neighborhood(s) they’re in…
Jonah lactates/wahetverates the verb is for peanut butter secretion.
Police reconstruction of crime scene.
I’m not sure I understand the whole “furry” thing, but wasn’t there a pretty good example of it in “The Shining”? You know, when Shelly Duvall sees some guy in a bear suit blowing another guy? At least I think that’s what she saw…
Oh, and as to the Portlanding…damn, if it were just a few weeks later I could be there. Business in Seattle, don’t you know. But it is not to be.
Re: Chicago Sadlithon. I’ve been looking for an excuse to take the Amtrak from St Paul to Chicago, but I can’t get away from town until after June. My yard is on a garden tour on the 21st and then the following weekend is Pride weekend in Mpls (which is a good reason to come here).
Sadly Dough.
You’re unlikely to find good pho downtown. You gotta cross the river and go way out to 82nd Ave, or NE Sandy Blvd in the 60s/70s.
I’m no connoisseur but everybody talks about how good Pho Van is – I won’t disagree, I’ve had very good food there when I’ve gone. There’s an upscale Vietnamese restaurant owned by the Pho Van people called Silk, in the Pearl District a few blocks from Ringler’s, but I have a feeling it’s not Mikey’s kinda place.
‘Useless as tits on a bore.’
The Mole Rat is not Jonah dressed up — it’s Jonah undressed. Twelve non-fuctional nipples and all.
Jonah is the unfurry furry, if you will.
I bet Jonah lactates/wahetverates the verb is for peanut butter secretion.
*shudder* Do NOT force me to explain the treatment for canine anal gland impaction. Let’s just say, it’s an excellent argument for cats as companion animals…
Oh Anne,
I have a pug dog. I gotta milk that once a week. My wallet says BAD MOTHERFUCKER.
Pinko — our #1 papillon is the Spousal Unit’s dog, but *I’m* the one in the rubber gloves, alas. We’d gladly pay the vet to take care of the problem, but they only seem to pack up on her around 1am, usually on the Saturday at the start of a long weekend. I am not gonna itemize the many other points Buta-Hime-Sama shares with the average wingnut, because the SU loves her dearly and besides, if worse comes to worse, at least we can lock B-H-S in her crate until she calms down & shuts up.
mikey, you wanna come down to LA for good Pho.
Pho Hung (SE Powell & ~43rd) or Pho Oregon (NE Sandy & ~56th) are my favorites. Pho Van is popular, but too cleaned-up for my taste. For Mexican come to King Burrito in my neighborhood- N Lombard & Greeley. THEY RULE.
Hee hee-
Not to gross anyone out, but the supposed “less efficient” “outside” technique works better on Smokey dog’s butt squirt problem than the ol’ lube finger “inside” technique. You can take that to the bank! I here this is also the best method for giving Jonah G. his medicine.
My Squirt Fu is strong.
TOP THAT ASSHOLES. The bottom of the barrel is mine!
(after one too many skunk pr0n links, I’ve reached the end)
Sloppy, double beef, double cheese, absolutely no nutritive value. . . that’s our Jonah. Plus I think he put his finger in my chili.
Oh Pinko, we’d give you the prize now but Jonah’s still hooked to the machine. Looks more like tahini than P.B., though… Yum-O!
Plus I think he put his finger in my chili.
There was a South Park episode about that….
I hate to interrupt the delightful dog asshole/top-that-secretion discussion, but Harvey Korman has died.
…”Princess Pig?” That is a great name for a papillon.
In case anyone was wondering, in the wake of yesterday’s Rule Committee, these folks are even more insane.
Haven’t had Pho there but Banh Cuon Tan Dinh serves up a fine Bun Cha Ha Noi. Is it better than Pho? Ummm, it’s AS good at least. In the Asian mall over on SE 82nd.
I’d love to do a Chicago Sadlython or a Minneapolis Sadlython, but I won’t have money for bus fare across town, let alone a trip out of state, until the fall financial aid refund in September. All I can say is, live blog, live blog, live blog. Vlog like Pam Atlas on speed!
gbear, I wish I could see your garden. It must be a beauty, to be on the tour.
O/T: I watched Meet the Press (or, as I liked to call it back in the Bush-fellatin’ dayz, Meat the Prez), and that weasle Ickes actually made Russert look astute by way of comparison. Good grief! When Timmeh makes you look like a fool, you’re an fool.
McClellan . . . to my surprise, I actually found him somewhat believable in his claims of being motivated by a need to tell the people the truth. Timmeh kept showing clips of McClellan back in the day, pushing Bush’s agenda, and I have to say he looked much more like he was lying then than he looks like he’s lying now. I’m sure he’s motivated largely by profit and wanting to try to get on the right side of history, but I also think he was indeed at least somewhat motivated by conscience. Imagine that! A Bushie with a conscience.
Aren’t YOU the top in your relationship with that particular asshole?
you’re an fool.
I’m not only an fool, I’m also a idiot. Jebus.
This is funny.
RB, that is funny. Wish it was longer.
Candy, My neighborhood community council is sponsoring the event and one of the gardeners on the tour does their website. I’m sure they’ll put up a link about how the tour went so I’ll try to get lots of pictures. This is my neighborhood’s first shot at a garden tour so we have no idea what to expect. Here’s a link to the basics about the tour.
Sorry I can’t add to the dog poop and butt conversation. If you want to talk cats and hairballs, that’s another matter…
gardenbear (really, that’s what the ‘g’ stands for)
Thanks, gbear, I hope you get lots of pictures. 🙂 Reading the descriptions of the gardens, they all sound very interesting.
I really, really miss gardening. Since I’ve been back to apartment life I usually grow a lot of potted flowers on my balcony, but this year all I’ve got is my rosemary and the hibiscus tree I just put out for the summer. I’m looking forward to the day when I can do some real gardening again. In the meantime, I live vicariously through the exploits of other gardeners!
Righteous Bubba said,
June 1, 2008 at 19:53
This is funny.
I see your funny and raise.
Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric.Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric.Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. 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Taratrue See Profile I’m a Fan of Taratrue
Why would they be humiliated? Maybe they are very proud. You assume 98% of the country agrees with you? Wrong. 50% of the country supports McCain. 25% of the country support Obama and the other 25% support Clinton. Therefore, 75% of the country could very well be proud of her. You must get out (of HuffPo) more often.
Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 04:46 PM on 06/01/2008
How am I wrong? In most of the polls it is (give or take) 50% for Mc Cain,/50% for Obama or Clinton. Then if you divide the 50% that would vote democrat, you have 50% of those supporters for Obama and 50% of those supporters for Clinton. The latest Rasmussen poll has Obama up over Clinton by ONLY 5%. So, give or take 5%, Obama only has 25% support of the voters in this country.
You are the stupid one
Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 05:20 PM on 06/01/2008
See that, RB?
You’ve been pwned!!1one!
P.S. Someone alert the pollsters…McCain is ahead of Obama by 2:1!
I always hated Buchanan.
How am I wrong? In most of the polls it is (give or take) 50% for Mc Cain,/50% for Obama or Clinton. Then if you divide the 50% that would vote democrat, you have 50% of those supporters for Obama and 50% of those supporters for Clinton.
I found your math teacher.
I found your math teacher.
So this is how Hillary will win!
In other news, conservatives are happy, liberals are not and Margaret Wente is a dumbass.
…and Margaret Wente is a dumbass.
So it’s true…ignorance is bliss.
keyboard of the wingnuts
I put an ad on CL explaining the situation but not a single person has offered to loan me a furry costume for the gathering. What the hell is wrong with these people?
And the happiest country? Oh so religious and oh so conservative Denmark. Take that, you liberal latte guzzlers!
Who do you have to yif to get a new post around here?
And the happiest country? Oh so religious and oh so conservative Denmark.
Only because of those anti-Muslim cartoons
I’m in Portland. There’s a defective drawbridge between me and the rest of y’all.
I’m sitting on a parked train in east PDX having a scotch.
Are you in the dome car, mikey? Do they still sell those miniature bottles and let you pour yer own?
Actually. I’m down in the sleeper car.
I’ve got all my shit saddled up. Hell, we’re only ten minutes out.
However, “my shit” includes significan quantities of single-malt Islay scotch. And I skipped lunch. It’s fixin to get retarded down here real soon…
WTF? The only drawbridge that would affect you is the Steel Bridge. I can see (part of) it from my window. Looks like it’s down. They *might* be having difficulties due to the influx of ships for the Rose Festival. I dunno.
Could be worse, you could be without the scotch. Plus, you obviously have web access. You can watch the Democratic party self-destruct realtime.
At any rate, welcome to the Great Northwest.
Mikey, here’s some light reading for you while you’re waiting:
<bridge pedantry>
PeeJ, you forgot about this railway bridge. Wikipedia says it’s a swing span, but other websites say that it was retrofitted with a vertical lift in 1989.
</bridge pedantry>
now all she needs is the strength to beat our furry friend until Candy comes out.
Is anyone else disturbed by this image?
Not so much forgot as thought that was not between here and the southern parts of the line. Besides, I can’t see that one unless I go up to the roof deck. Which I frequently do in the evening, with my binoculars; I love watching that bridge rise and descend.
Any update mikey? Are you at Voodoo Doughnut already?
Is anyone else disturbed by this image?
What’s disturbing about it? ‘Candy’ IS a euphemism, yes?
a euphemism?
Let’s just say that I am fussy about whom I allow to “beat my furry friend”.
Perhaps the greatest Candy video ever:
This is frustrating.
I can’t work on MY blog from either, and I can’;t get on the t00bz from the windows machine. So here’s the stupid plan. Gonna post this update, then I’ll go to the business center to post my own updates.
I’ve just finished my recon of the AO. I’m pretty sure we’re not in Kansas anymore…
Well. You know, some of us do live on the east side.
Liberals. Hmf.
“…by the laws of reckless conflation that makes you a bunch of syrup drinking rednecks from practically canada, eh?..”
Hey, I resemble that remark! ( Near the ancestral home of Jeddidiah Smith, and presumably, the inspiration for Bainbridge, WA )
Have a good time northleftcoasters, and bring a few live traps, just in case . 🙂
Skunk porn? Canine anal gland impaction? Jonah, the Naked Mole Rat? Poor,ignorant,& oblivious = “happy”? This is giving me P.E.S.T. (Post-wingnut Exposure [to] Sickbastards Trauma) 🙂
g, here’s a refutation of the Threw-Granny-under-the-bus line of bs , in this interview of Obama’s sister
Some liberal is stealing my schtick.
First, they try to treat the voters in Florida and Michigan IN THEIR OWN PARTY worse than the Nazis treated the Jews, THEN one of them steals my schtick.
Liberals. Hmf.
Every time you fuckers go on these “Drinkly Sadly” events, you suffer the hangover and I have to suffer a picture of Jonah Golfpants in a Wendy’s wig or some other kind of nonsense for………………..how long is it now?………………………………..31 hrs and 50 minutes???
exactly, i’m getting to that stage where that picture may appear in my dreams tonight, and frankly, who wants that….
Horrible, isn’t it?
And highly irresponsible.
Did no-one ever tell Lobbey that wet-dreams are nothing to be ashamed of?
Rugged here, liveblogging from the BloodClot, at the sister-event here in Butte:
YOU KNOW WHAT”S WRONG WITH YOU LIE-BERALS??…………………………………………………………………………………..(falls off of his barstool, and stares with fascination at the weirdly studded boots of the odiferous white supremacist who’s been sitting next to him all night long).
You may think that a Brandy Alexander is a girl’s drink, but its not. I’ve drunk……….well, ………..let’s just say A BUNCH OF THEM and now the sun is starting to peek over the horizon, which is closing time for the BloodClot.
No one showed up. Just me. You Lie-berals just don’t know how to party.
You know nothing about the Heartland…….you don’t…….(Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz…..snork………….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz………………).
(end transmission).
Looks like more than fifty-four hours now.
That’s just nasty.
Sorry, fifty-five.
Fifty-seven hours and twenty-three minutes to be precise.
Good Morning, Portland.
Say. Anybody know where a fella might get a cup o’coffee around here?
A cup of joe? In Portland/ Hmmm. What usually works for me is walk 50 paces in any random direction. You’re 93% certain to hit a coffee shop.
Where are you specifically? Downtown, there’s Stumptown, among the best.
Yep. Stumptown was the solution last night when I needed something sweet with whipped cream, (and I couldn’t log on to craigslist – har har) and it was the solution again this morning.
I’m heading out on patrol.
Things to do, places to go, people to offend.
I AM prepared to anoint this place the pink hair & tattoo capital of the freakin world…
Stop by Voodoo doughnut – askem if they’ll make a special for us. I’m thinking peanut butter sprinkled with Cheetohs. Call it the Doughy Pantload.
You could probably get four curved Cheetos wrapped into some doughnut stuff (must be dough right? because it’s doughnuts) and then fry that up and top it with Miracle Whip.
I can’t make it until around 8, at which point I’m assuming the party will have sloshed over into the surrounding neighborhood. If anyone (Mikey?) is liveblogging this thing, can you post any location changes?
Mikey – If you can find a Peet’s that’s the best coffee around. Otherwise there are a few good Italian coffee bars here and there. If you’re anywhere near Powell’s Books you must go there – it’s simply amazing.
You guys would go and have your PDX event after I freakin’ moved across the Pond. Oh well – Have a great time and hoist and one for me…
I am sitting at work in Seattle wondering why I even came in today.
Do you have a cell phone?
How can we find you if we were to show up early?
celticgirl: Peet’s? Really? Huh. You know they’re a Seattle-based chain, right?
Stumptown is great. My favorite coffee in Portland, though, is from Ristretto on NE 42nd & Fremont. It’s a tiny little coffee shop which roasts their own beans.
Djur – yeah I know. I owned a shop next door to their first Portland outlet a few years back on the east side. I wasn’t being disloyal to PDX, I was trying to suggest something central to downtown and something that wasn’t Stumptown. I moved to Scotland three years ago now so I’m sure things have changed a bit with the local coffee scene. Actually, my favorite coffee shop was run by my best friend out in Willamette but they have since closed (pushed out by Starbucks).
Yeah. Peet’s sux. For the best coffee I go to New World or Stumptown. For the best coffee house I go to Fehrenbacher Hof.
+1 on Powell’s. It’s a don’t miss, A list place.
Small correction: Peet’s is from Berkely. I thought as much as I can remember drinking Peet’s in Mountain View back in the late ’80s (and thinking, whoa, this stuff is way over-roasted and icky. Must’ve been the model for Starbucks).
…and t4t if you bug out even earlier to go play I’ll…well, I’ll stamp my little foot, that’s what I’ll do.
You know they’re a Seattle-based chain, right?
Peet’s? —Seattle? Good grief, Mikey’s from the greater Bay Area!
See you sad naysayers at Ringler’s, even if I hide in the closet.
Enraged Bull Limpet! Come out of the Closet!
“Mom, Enraged Bull Limpet won’t come out of the closet!”
Y’know, the last time I had an enraged bull limpet in my closet, I also had a monkey in business casual ware brachiating across my living room. A veritable ZOO it was.
Just had a kickass black forrest ham tart at Cafe Voila, now I”ma gonna take the streetcar down to the waterfront and do my aerial recon of the target area from the tram.
Oh. I can see Powell’s Books from the perimeter bunker at Forward Operating Base mikey.
Plan is to check it out when the patrol comes in for cocktails…
mikey – you do know about fareless square?
Ack, downtown is swarming with insurgents from Beaverdale, Troutburg and beyond! Gosh darn that fiendish Rose Festival…
Or perhaps teh Sadlys are more numerous than anticipated. Go light on the elephant ears and curly fries, since they inhibit efficient alcohol absorption.
Look, if you can’t get laid in Beaverton there’s something wrong.
Well I’m off for a short ride to get some lunch. Bahn mi, I think.
Fareless square is SO goddam egalitarian I felt positively socialist. But I paid my buck seventy five to get the all day pass ’cause that whole streetcar thing kicks eleven kinds of ass….
I had the fantasy of living in Powell’s. Sneak in there with a sleeping-bag… hide on a top shelf at closing-time… dine on left-over pastries at the cafe. Apparently someone else had the same idea.
I stand corrected regarding Peet’s. I was confusing them with Tully’s.
I’m hoping to get out of work early enough to make the 5PM time, but that might not be possible. I’m a 15-minute Frequent Service bus ride from Ringler’s, though, so I won’t be too late.
I’m having a chai at stumptown now.
But I think perhaps a short nap is in order at this point.
This 5 o’clock business is BUNK! I’ve still got 2 students and a snare drum class to teach before I can even think about heading for that Beaverton-&-Gresham-dweller choked hell.
C’mon, let’s get teh Flapdoodle started!
OK, I’m on my way. If anyone is there already and has Internet access, could you post where you are? Because otherwise, I’m going to have to go from table to table introducing myself as Gary Ruppert until someone gets it.
The fact is, we’re in Portland, Djur…
SE corner of bar at present…
Alright. Where is everyone?
-Toby (+2)
Mikey has arrived, plus a couple of Tobys… Now at table by window, off the west end of the central bar.
Okay okay. I fell asleep. Nap lasted longer than expected.
Jump in da shower and head for da pub.
eight and counting….
We are awaiting reinforcements.
Stand by.
-Toby (+3)
Toby says 4, ELB says 8. Someone is using Hillary math.
photos? web cam? high tech liveblogging? or is this thread the liveblogging?
photos? web cam? high tech liveblogging? or is this thread the liveblogging?
Aw hell…just send me a postcard.
if you’re getting this, say hey to my brother toby.
I’m jealous…
I was told there would be liveblogging.
I’m being to think teh furries got them.
It’s gotten quiet…too quiet.
Look. Some shit is happening. Crap is being accomplished. Beverages are being consumed with vigorous elation. Updates, however coherent or not, are forthcoming…
We will be following this comment with a ransom demand (payable in fursuits) shortly.
are police involved yet?
Let me know if any Delightful Young Man shows up.
are police involved yet?
Still only 8:00 in Portland, I hope the cops aren’t there already. But you never know . . .
We’re too mellowed out (read: spifflicated) to be much use vis a vis live blogging.
Also, Jeralyn just showed up for the bukkake fest in the alley.
Well congratulations Blogcloggers.
We’re too mellowed out (read: spifflicated) to be much use vis a vis live blogging.
Sigh . . .
Well, you all have fun. I’m gonna go to bed. I’ll read all about it in the funny pages tomorrow – or maybe catch it on a national news bulletin.
PS My partner asks that if you find his pants, hang on to ’em and await instructions. Some may leave their hearts in San Francisco, but apparently my partner left his pants in Portland . . .
Main course hasbeen served and consumed. Next course: Big Bag ‘o’ Dicks Salad.
Someone is crawling underneath the table. Feels very furry.
So what is the difference between a blogclogger and a chatterer? Do blogcloggers do their thing with those special dancing shoes?
It’s just another night in paradise.
Surely regrets and recriminatios shall follow me all the days of mmy life..
That’d be pretty hard on a keyboard.
The fact is, I totally loves you, man. You guys are, like, awesome, dudes… group hug, man…
Sadlynosians rock portland. Much fun, many drinks, lots of Kaye Grogan. Oh, and Gavin. He’s cool. And Marita. Cooler.
Plus, there are two Tobys at the party. How sweet is that?!
Second toby.
How are Jonah’s pigtails holding up?
Twa Tobies.
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Toby says 4, ELB says 8. Someone is using Hillary math.