This Woman Is Insane

She just won’t be deterred. Despite being roundly ridiculed by, like, everyone for her latest jihad against Rachel Ray’s scarf, Michelle Malkin has dedicated her entire weekly column to the affair. Read. Weep:
The keffiyeh kerfuffle
By Michelle Malkin • May 28, 2008 09:38 AMMy syndicated column today examines the keffiyeh kerfuffle with Dunkin’ Donuts and Rachael Ray that I noted on the blog last week. As you’ll recall, I linked to an item by LGF’s Charles Johnson about the scarf she wore in a recent Dunkin’ ad. Keffiyeh chic has been covered on this site and at Hot Air extensively (see here, here, and here). Anti-American fashion designers abroad and at home have mainstreamed and adapted the scarves as generic pro-Palestinian jihad or anti-war statements. Yet many folks out there remain completely oblivious to the apparel’s violent symbolism and anti-Israel overtones.
I remember a time when left-wingers were continually stereotyped as humorless paranoids who looked for symbols of racism, sexism and homophobia in just about every area of popular culture — novels, television shows, advertising, and so on. While there was obviously some truth to this caricature, it was generally limited to college professors who pushed critical theory as the primary tool for analyzing texts.
The entire right-wing blogosphere, on the other hand, fits this stereotype better than any egghead college perfesser ever could. As George Carlin would no doubt say about this entire affair: “I see them as symbols, and I leave them to the symbol-minded.”
Gavin adds: Shorter Michelle Malkin:
Above: Explanations are due.
- The Boston Globe accused me of “yowling,” however, if you actually read my post and the column below, you’ll see that, yowl, the Left is to blame. Yowl, flag-burning, yowl, disloyalty. Hat tip: Atlas Shrugs. Murders, treason, beheadings, yowl. Yowl-and-yowl, Klan hoods, leftist dupes, bigotry. Yowl, death, 9/11. Snort, shriek, enemies, blame, ah-oogah.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
It’s official.
“Patriotic Correctness” is the new PC.
Well why not? Super Loony Malkin actually got the cravenly Dunkin Donuts to cave in and pull the ad.
Yet many folks out there remain completely oblivious to the apparel’s violent symbolism and anti-Israel overtones.
Well then, it’s a good thing that Michelle is bringing to everyone’s attention a horrible crisis that somehow was affecting them, even though they didn’t know a thing about it.
“Hey! You there! Look, you were just going about your day completely unaware of this thing over here that should be totally outraging you! No, that’s okay, you can thank me later. Via PayPal, hopefully.”
I was completely oblivious to the insidious symbolism of my wardrobe until one day my scarves got together and declared jihad on my church dresses. If it weren’t for the one brave scarf (bought on the streets of Manhatten, and therefore more patriotic than the usual Chinese polyester), I never would have know about the plot.
Fortunately I armed the sweaters and they threw themselves over the dresses, protecting them from the dust bunnies lobbed by the espadrilles. (Illegal espadrilles, no doubt.)
I think the actual gig is a secret plot to violently murder parody and irony in one fell swoop.
i love how Malkin emulates the fashion police attitudes of places like North Korea and Saudi Arabi in order to preserve American purity-of-thought.
Yes but what if the evil doers are kidnapping people, restraining them, glueing their eyelids open and forcing them to watch Rachael Ray’s Tasty Travels over and over again until their heads explode? What will you appeasers say then?
Aiiiiiieeeeee!!!! Run for the hills!!!! It’s Rachael Ray and her Scarf of Doom!
Come now, Michelle hasn’t had a lot to cheer about lately in her life. She’s off the cable shows, the 2008 elections are looking pretty grim for the Repubs, and she hates the Republican candidate anyway. What’s a girl to do to raise her spirits and hopefully her media profile? Prove that she can still rally her army of screechers and force a rich powerful corporation to bend to her will, that’s what.
Wait a second.
Isn’t the keffiyeh also worn by Anbar Awakening Council leaders? Why does Michelle Malkin hate our own allies so much?
I sure wish somebody somewhere would stand up and say, loud and clear, that every freaking middle easter, arab and muslim person in the WORLD is not america’s enemy, is not even anti-american. And being these people, or dressing like them, or eating their cuisine, or worshiping their god, or attending their schools, or even accepting their right to mind their own business, raise their families and go about their business does not make them international criminals, terrorists nor america’s implacable enemies.
What this is more than even simply absurd is raw bigotry, stripped of any artifice, bared like fangs, pure hatred of nearly half the worlds population for mindless and unsupportable reasons.
And it pisses me off…
People who wear clogs are saboteurs.
People who wear coulottes are aristocrats.
People who wear make-up are prostitutes.
This game is fun.
I forgot to say, I just adore Flaming Malkin.
Mugatu: Wear this scarf.
America: Hey, thanks Mugatu!
Mugatu: Hah! I tricked you! That is a terrorist scarf. By wearing it, you show that you love terrorism!
America: Ohhhh nooooooo!! I don’t support terrorism!
Mugatu Then you will have to take off the scarf.
America: Well… I’ve kind of grown attached to it.
Mugatu Then you must submit to sharia law!
America: Well, ok, I guess I was already wearing the scarf anyway…
Mugatu And Israel must be destroyed.
America: Mmm hmmm… whatever you say.
Mugatu And you must stone homosexuals.
America I guess they were the ones who pushed the scarf.
Feminists: If only we had listened!
Liberal Clergy: If only we had listened!
Gay Chorus: If only we had listened!
Satan Too late! All mine! NOM NOM NOM!!!
I’m with Susan. Flame-Out Malkin is one of the best.
In fact, Malkin is consistently the best to visibly mock.
For that, I am grateful.
Hey! How come Teh Gheys get to have all the fun?
America is Mr. Bill, and the Bush Administration is Mr. Hand.
Remember 1999?
China was the Great Yellow Menace. The British were delivering Hong Kong over to the Communists. Fashion designers were putting those Chinese ideograms all over everything. I’ll bet some of those ideograms said things like, “Penis Breath” and, “Workers, Unite!” and the people wearing them DIDN’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY WERE WEARING!!!
Is it okay to put on a Che Guevara t-shirt now?
Also, when is Malkin going to get around declaring jihad on Meghan McCain, who wears that scarf constantly?
So I put on my Nehru jacket over my dashiki the other day on the way to pick out a new kilt …
I hope Rachel Ray responds by doing a show in which she prepares nothing but Middle-Eastern cuisine.
Those were the day, pedestrian. I had great hope that Bush would regress to a state of infantilism after a few months, but all that bloodshed invigorated him.
Are we sure they aren’t vampires? I know, fictional, but if they were part of a secret government conspiracy to prolong life and it went horribly wrong, it could happen. I’m just sayin’.
Or at the very least, Alton Brown delivers the rebuttal…
I think the grand irony of all of this Islamophobia is that the U.S. can always be counted on to collaborate with Islamists when it is in its interests to do so. Look at the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan during the 80s. Look at steadfast U.S. support for the Saudi regime and other Gulf monarchies. During the Cold War there were numerous countries where the U.S. or its proxies backed Islamists in the hopes of detracting from Godless socialism and Arab nationalism. It worked, but then backfired horribly.
Anyways, my point is that, despite all the anti-Muslim spew that comes from the right, the U.S. foreign policy establishment knows that many Islamist groups are natural allies in the fight to preserve the American empire and that Islamophobia is only useful when stirring up support for military actions against Muslim nations. An all-out war against the Muslim world will never happen because even the neocons are realistic enough to know that it’s not practical.
Alton Brown would wipe the floor with Malkin, and then serve her up on a platter with a margarita.
The monkeys stand for honesty,
Giraffes are insincere,
And the elephants are kindly but they’re dumb.
Orangutans are skeptical ff changes in their cages,
And the zookeeper is very fond of rum.
Zebras are reactionaries,
Antelopes are missionaries,
Pigeons plot in secrecy,
And hamsters turn on frequently.
At the Sadly,No! hamster wheel.
Meghan! Say it aint so!
Classic Conservative Projection™
Jacob Singer said
I was nodding to myself in agreement, having just had the same thought myself. On further reflection, I think there’s more to it.
There’s a…syndrome?.. trait?.. something that fundamentalist type people have in common. Simply put, they don’t make distinctions between the symbols and the things they represent. Michelle griMalkin displays it here.
Like the Xianist wacko I heard on the radio telling people not to have Xmas trees and so on because they were pagan symbols. He even said “People don’t understand! They don’t know what those things mean!”
Or flag lovers, or whatever. The symbol, whatever it might be, for them becomes a magic talisman. It has power in and of itself.
The keffiyeh for her is a symbol transmuted into a magical device capable of … whatever.
Is it possible that part of her mind numbing whackitude comes from her husband? Perhaps they are rage co-dependent.
Breaking: Michelle was scooped by Pam Atlas. Go figure.
Is it possible that part of her mind numbing whackitude comes from her husband? Perhaps they are rage co-dependent.
He hasn’t been seen or heard from in quite some time. He wasn’t at CPAC last year… and you know how he loves CPAC.
You guys, I think she may have eaten him.
“Isn’t the keffiyeh also worn by Anbar Awakening Council leaders? Why does Michelle Malkin hate our own allies so much?”
Not to mention our own troops (official US military issue) and those of our European allies (both of them) in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as every other sane human being in the middle of a Middle Eastern desert. MalKKKin, however, has never been accused of sanity and has never let the facts stand in the way of a perfectly good hissy fit.
There’s a…syndrome?.. trait?.. something that fundamentalist type people have in common.
They’re stupid?
I think we should outlaw all clothing that begins with K. Keffiyeh, Kimono, Kilt, Kepi…
Since I’m doing this in every thread, I may as well continue. Boston Sadlys, I need email addresses. Email me at my screen name at
Simply put, they don’t make distinctions between the symbols and the things they represent.
I’d take it a step further and say they consider the symbols more important than the real thing. The U.S. flag comes to mind.
Once again the true believers cause all the trouble.
You guys, I think she may have eaten him.
I agree. Although out of fairness we also need to consider a cage in the basement, holding only a chemical toilet, laptop, and swing with a bell and mirror.
I too think you need an update featuring Meghan McCain supporting the terrorists.
People who wear clogs are saboteurs.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a Birkenstock stomping on a human face — forever.
I always cringe when I think this because of the slippery slope to eugenicism, but there is something definitley wrong with the thought processes of these people.
Maybe its fear, maybe ignorance, maybe conditioning. But something is wrong with the mental make-up of the reactionaries.
As I have said before: Some of us descended from chimps, and some from bonobos.
er, definitely.
I’d take it a step further and say they consider the symbols more important than the real thing. The U.S. flag comes to mind.
You’re right Sam. That’s why the flag defenders act in ways exactly contrary to the ultimate meaning of the flag. Gods help us.
Clogs? Mario Batali is a saboteur! Mario wouldn’t mop his floor wif Rachel Ray.
I too think you need an update featuring Meghan McCain supporting the terrorists.
Well I said it in the other keffiyahpalooza thread, but it still seems quite appropriate:
I sure am glad we’s got so many Great American Patriot Conservatives to help protect American values from the kind of stifling fundamentalism and hostility to Western freedoms found in those fake populist Muslim tyrannies.
It’s a freakin’ PAISLEY! WTF, we can’t wear black and white anymore? What about Flaming Malkin’s skirt?
Jay B. said,
May 28, 2008 at 20:33
So I put on my Nehru jacket over my dashiki the other day on the way to pick out a new kilt …
I haven’t laughed out loud at a comment in a long time, but that opened the floodgates.
I wish there was a Dunkin’ Donuts nearby so I could boycott them, for caving.
Not only is Michelle rocking a terror swivel-chair keffiyeh there, but the guy she’s sitting with has on that well-known symbol of Middle Eastern terrorism: the MUSTACHE! As worn by six of the 9/11 hijackers!
Also, look where that guy in the picture update is pointing. Can there be any doubt that he’s saying, “my camel toe, let me show it to you.” And who rides camels?
I too think you need an update featuring Meghan McCain supporting the terrorists.
Fear not. The intrepid Deb Schlussel is on the case:
Breaking related story! Breaking related story! I just received a package and the delivery guy was wearing a BROWN SHIRT! A friggin’ BROWN SHIRT!
So what’s with the Seattle thing? All I know is that June 13th is Ambient Weekend.
Oh, snap!
Malkin’s human suit seems to be sagging a little in that picture.
If someone wanted a visual definition of haggard I think that picture would suffice.
I hope Rachel Ray responds by doing a show in which she prepares nothing but Middle-Eastern cuisine.
Hate cuisine!
JR said,
May 28, 2008 at 20:45
Breaking: Michelle was scooped by Pam Atlas. Go figure.
This would also be the title of the unsexiest fanfic of all time.
Dunkin Donuts has capitulated and has withdrawn the ad campaign.
I suggest that everyone go to their website and contact them. I told them that from now on I will tell people with DD cups that they are supporting a bigoted company that is a slave to the loony right wingers.
It will make you feel good.
I cannot drink their swill anyhow. And Rachel Ray is quite annoying, but this being afraid a scarf thing is as scary as it is silly.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Allah who?
…akbar now you’re a muslim no backsies.
I was totally unaware of how wearing a collared shirt sans a tie (too Western), was actually contributing to the Dhimmification of … well … pretty much everything, including my Joba Chaimberlain t-shirt, and Fruit of the Loom undershirts, until the Patriotically Correct standard-bearers at LGF and among the Malkinites, informed me of my error.
Now, in order to unde the Dhimmification I had unwittingly released upon my favorite black sports jacket and comfortable hoodie (which is also black), I wear a tie ALWAYS, even if I’m not wearing a collared shirt. This includes when I am showering and aborting gay babies while forcing public school children to accept that it’s ok for Mexican people to like, exist and stuff.
I feel much better.
No one really knows what I’m talking about
Yeah that’s right my name’s Yowl
Ponce De Leon constantly on
The fountain of youth not Robotron
Jeezus. I’m boycotting Duncan Donuts for capitulating to these idiots.
…from now on I will tell people with DD cups that they are supporting a bigoted company that is a slave to the loony right wingers.
Sexist pig! Why do you hate big titties so?
The flaming malkin, besides sounding like a drink from the 20’s, reminds me of Dali’s The Giraffe of Avignon.
C’mon Gavin, give us the wingnuts of Avignon.
From Debbie Schlussel’s article:
Debbie… someone needs to tell you this and it’s gonna be me. First, women in drag queen makeup and teal tie-dye tops do no lecture other women on fashion.
Second, when Urban Outfitters, Jane Magazine, Colin Farrell, and the fashion coordinator for a major commercial are all pushing kaffiyehs, keffiyehs are in.
Third, fashion is cyclical. You are now old enough to be entering your second cycle. Congratulations, and get used to it.
this is all I can think of when it comes to Rachel Ray
Ya know, I just….. They are so….. How can they….. The stupidity and fear and hate is just so……
I’m going to bed and pull the covers over my head for the rest of the day.
Yeesh–smiling clearly does not come naturally to Malkin.
I guess it clearly doesn’t matter to Malkin, either, that the wearing of the keffiyeh doesn’t seem to have actually gotten the Palestinians anything they wanted, so, you know, maybe those scarves aren’t so dangerous.
So I put on my Nehru jacket over my dashiki the other day on the way to pick out a new kilt …
Dude, your wardrobe and mine match *exactly*, but kilts tend to make my ass look huge (I prefer a Greek Fustanella, which has a hip-slimming effect). Tell me something: Summer wear- lederhosen with a sombrero and wooden shoes (with paintings of windmills on ’em), right? Everyone always says “Oooh, wooden shoes make my feet hurt” but I find that a well fitting set of orthotic inserts make them *very* comfortable. You just have to find things that work for you and go with it.
MM is the caboose on this train to loonieville. She’s desperate to be seen as the leader, of a successful, even though idiotic, publicity campaign. Dunkin Donuts just wants to sell, so dropping a particular commercial out of rotation is not a big deal. The company specifically mentioned “misperception”, as a code word for “morons are incapable of understanding”. I would be pissed if someone (rachel ray) lost her endorsement gig over this.
I would be pissed if someone (rachel ray) lost her endorsement gig over this.
I would be amused. I don’t really have much of an idea who Rachel Ray is but in a joust between Malkin and a doughnut chain it’s hard to care who gets run through with the lance.
I doubt RR will lose her gig over this. She’ll just have to be less jihadistic in the next spots. I expect that a NASCAR hat and a St,. Louis Cardinals t-shirt will be sufficiently Patriotically Correct for MM.
I expect that a NASCAR hat and a St,. Louis Cardinals t-shirt will be sufficiently Patriotically Correct for MM.
So they should hire this guy, basically.
“Eye drink Donkey Gonuts cofe bcuz its the most Murrican cofe!”
Righteous Bubba: i like donuts. scones are a poor substitute.
You know, a long time ago it occurred to me how the people who claim to hate “socialism” so damn much seem to have embraced all of its worst excesses. It’s their demanding that all art must mirror the beauty and benevolence of the State (ie. the hissy fit that inevitably ensues whenever a new Michael Moore movie comes out or someone does a war film that doesn’t portray our soldiers as flawless, unstoppable Spartans), or it’s their constant searching for “traitors” against the Glorious Revolutionary American State, or it’s a billion other things that supposedly made the Soviet Union an “Evil Empire”. I seriously can’t understand it, and I used to BE one of them.
Honestly, you right-wingers reading this site, do yourselves a favor and pull your heads out from where you’ve got them jammed, before you wake up from your little “America, America Uber Alles!” dreamworld with blood on your hands you’ll never be able to wash off.
i like donuts. scones are a poor substitute.
Croissants? Oh wait. Crescents are forbidden too.
[Pant pant pant]
Tell us more about … [gulp] running the lance through the donut hole
[Pant pant pant]
and you keep giving her a platform
why ???
Because there’s a trap door in it.
I, for one, don’t think we’re going quite far enough with the Islamophobia. For instance, why are we still using Arabic numbers when (with only minor inconvenience) we could convert Roman numerals?
Okay, fine. See what I care.
That’s a khata, or prayer scarf. It’s a traditional gift. The Dalai Lama gives them out all the time.
…we could convert Roman numerals
I will only convert to Spartan numerals.
Of course, you can only count to 300 with them but they’re so manly.
The entire right-wing blogosphere, on the other hand, fits this stereotype better than any egghead college perfesser ever could. As George Carlin would no doubt say about this entire affair: “I see them as symbols, and I leave them to the symbol-minded.”
Identity politics on steroids, as Billmon used to say.
Oh, that Debbie Schlussuxzueuel, what a card. She writes a column about Megan McCain’s grave fashion faux pas and says: “The message in that column is not just for Juniorette McCain, but for all of the celebs and pop culturists who adorn themselves with the scarf of death.” Oh lolzors, teh scarf of death. Beware, beware the Scarf Of Death! I hear it accessorizes well with the Masque of the Red Death, so there is an upside.
Every time, I mean every single time, I read something Malkin wrote, I have this overwhelming urge to grab her by her flimsy little shoulders and scream into her face, “What the hell is wrong with you?!?! I just want to know why you are the way you are!”
All wingnuts make me want to ask that question to a greater or lesser degree, but with Malkin it’s sort of a frantic need to know, to understand. What did her parents do to her? Did she suffer some sort of horrible experiences with brown people during her school years? Was she kidnapped and operated on by space aliens who took off the top of her skull and stirred her brains around with a paint stick? (That would kinda explain her “illegal aliens” obsession.) But why? Why? Why is she like that?
ich bich buying berliners.
Thanks for that photo. I’m going to write my local newspaper and demand that Malkin’s column be pulled because she posed with a KEFFIYEH, which is worse than a swastika!
I’ve never seen The Scarf Of Death, but I had a harrowing experience with The Garter Belt Of Disaster.
No, you don‘t get it. DD Rachel’s kuffiyeh was bad, because it was black and white, the kind Arafat wore. The kuffiyeh in this picture is good, because it’s red and white, like our good friends and allies the Saudis wear. Got it?
peace is the word
and word is bond
so move, and move, and move
upon the dancefloor
So have Malkin and Pam and Schlussel finally given up on the whole “we’re not racist, we just hate radical Islam” cover? Because this is a garment which (a) is universal in the region, (b) predates the Israel conflict, (c) is worn by people of all religions, and (d) doesn’t actually look anything like the “Arafat” keffiyeh they hate so much. It’s like calling someone a Nazi-lover for wearing lederhosen. It’s an open attempt to equate a widespread cultural identifier with membership in that culture’s worst minority.
It’s racist, plain and simple.
and the Bra Strap of Frustration!
A religious scarf given to him by a non-Christian.
Someone that most favored nation China has labelled a terrorist leader.
And, more to the point, about a hundred times more intifada than Rachel Ray’s accessory. (i.e. still zero)
Her clothing in that picture calls to mind the Imperial Snowtroopers. How dare she! Did not those who gave their lives at the Battle of Hoth deserve better?
(And why is she sitting next to Seymour Cassel?)
She looks like she just flew in from Hoth, and boy are her arms tired!
Has anyone notified the ninjas?
Yet many folks out there remain completely oblivious to the apparel’s violent symbolism and anti-Israel overtones.
Yes, and I wonder why that is?
{strokes chin}
Perhaps … just maybe .. it’s because ….
{eyes to ceiling as SoBeale muses}
Thank you. I feel better now.
Wait — so why is Dunkin’ Donuts supporting jihad again?
Well, I’m sure Michelle knows. I’ll ask her just after I go get my Starbucks coffee…Wait a second, she hates them too. I’ll try and find a Peet’s. You know, Peet’s from Berkel.. uh oh.
Can someone tell me what’s the right coffee I have to buy in my free market paradise?
You can’t have Caribou Coffee. I heard it’s owned by Muslims.
Speaking of kilts, I am shocked to learn that many folks out there remain completely oblivious to the Campbell tartan’s violent symbolism and anti-MacDonald overtones.
Oh and BTW, you see a lot of this look in Denmark, which IIRC is Michelle Malkin’s most favoritist country (next to Murka and Eye-rak, of course).
You know, I think every blogger has written something they wish they hadn’t. I’ve had a few clueless moments out there. But we don’t have the reach that this twit does. And when we fuck up, few people notice. Which sorta makes me wonder why this idiot is given the platform and power she holds in her scrawny little claws. Why?
That pic looks like it was taken after a three day coke binge.
Actually, that would explain a lot about Ms Malkin.
The fact is, the fact is.
Stumptown? Nah, buncha DFH’s.
And don’t get me started on the JockStrap of Futility!
*snork* SC, the MacDonald clan thanks you.
Ok, so these posts are funny, but malkin’s crowd is a howl and a half. The best part is that half are obsessed with the scarves, the other half with donuts. Which leads to sometimes conflicting responses such as this.
On May 28th, 2008 at 11:16 am, ArizonaNeanderthal said:
What peole wear does not make a difference? Oh well. Wear a KKK robe and side arm to a political rally of either Party and see what the instant dress code becomes. Wearing the keffiyeh IS the same as wearing a swatstika, although I doubt some of our Glitiari are smart enough to realize it.
Solidarity with palistine, wearing the keffiyeh are all part and parcel of the Left’s growing anti-Semitism. It is an anti-semitism even growing among Leftist Jews. Lennin and our own George Soros are fine examples of that. Most on the Left will deny it and say they are only opposed to some Israeli policies. But the Left lies about other things too. But anti-Semitism never really goes out of style.
After they get the Jews they can come after me I guess. But being a certified RightWingExtremistBitterGunTotinChristian MOST of the Jews I know belong to and will not go quitely. They tried that once.
On May 28th, 2008 at 11:17 am, traveler49 said:
I like the chocolate ones covered in chocolate frosting the best. Dipped in their wonderful coffee…mmmm good. I used to pass by Dunkin’s but I will be stopping in regularly now for a special treat. A pro American treat no less!
Ok, you guys are funny, but the loonies at malkin are a hoot and a half. Better still, they can’t decide if the topic is terrorism or donuts, which leads to odd replies like this:
On May 28th, 2008 at 11:16 am, ArizonaNeanderthal said:
What peole wear does not make a difference? Oh well. Wear a KKK robe and side arm to a political rally of either Party and see what the instant dress code becomes. Wearing the keffiyeh IS the same as wearing a swatstika, although I doubt some of our Glitiari are smart enough to realize it.
Solidarity with palistine, wearing the keffiyeh are all part and parcel of the Left’s growing anti-Semitism. It is an anti-semitism even growing among Leftist Jews. Lennin and our own George Soros are fine examples of that. Most on the Left will deny it and say they are only opposed to some Israeli policies. But the Left lies about other things too. But anti-Semitism never really goes out of style.
After they get the Jews they can come after me I guess. But being a certified RightWingExtremistBitterGunTotinChristian MOST of the Jews I know belong to and will not go quitely. They tried that once.
On May 28th, 2008 at 11:17 am, traveler49 said:
I like the chocolate ones covered in chocolate frosting the best. Dipped in their wonderful coffee…mmmm good. I used to pass by Dunkin’s but I will be stopping in regularly now for a special treat. A pro American treat no less!
You can’t have Caribou Coffee. I heard it’s owned by Muslims.
Well, them or Maine Elks.
Ok, you guys are funny. But the loons at malkin’s site are a hoot and a half. They can’t decide if the argument is terrorism or favorite donuts which leads to odd responses like this:
On May 28th, 2008 at 11:16 am, ArizonaNeanderthal said:
What peole wear does not make a difference? Oh well. Wear a KKK robe and side arm to a political rally of either Party and see what the instant dress code becomes. Wearing the keffiyeh IS the same as wearing a swatstika, although I doubt some of our Glitiari are smart enough to realize it.
Solidarity with palistine, wearing the keffiyeh are all part and parcel of the Left’s growing anti-Semitism. It is an anti-semitism even growing among Leftist Jews. Lennin and our own George Soros are fine examples of that. Most on the Left will deny it and say they are only opposed to some Israeli policies. But the Left lies about other things too. But anti-Semitism never really goes out of style.
After they get the Jews they can come after me I guess. But being a certified RightWingExtremistBitterGunTotinChristian MOST of the Jews I know belong to and will not go quitely. They tried that once.
On May 28th, 2008 at 11:17 am, traveler49 said:
I like the chocolate ones covered in chocolate frosting the best. Dipped in their wonderful coffee…mmmm good. I used to pass by Dunkin’s but I will be stopping in regularly now for a special treat. A pro American treat no less!
*snork* SC, the MacDonald clan thanks you.
We do?
Ok, you guys are funny. But the loons at malkin’s site are a hoot and a half. They can’t decide if the argument is terrorism or favorite donuts which leads to odd responses like this:
On May 28th, 2008 at 11:16 am, ArizonaNeanderthal said:
What peole wear does not make a difference? Oh well. Wear a KKK robe and side arm to a political rally of either Party and see what the instant dress code becomes. Wearing the keffiyeh IS the same as wearing a swatstika, although I doubt some of our Glitiari are smart enough to realize it.
Solidarity with palistine, wearing the keffiyeh are all part and parcel of the Left’s growing anti-Semitism. It is an anti-semitism even growing among Leftist Jews. Lennin and our own George Soros are fine examples of that. Most on the Left will deny it and say they are only opposed to some Israeli policies. But the Left lies about other things too. But anti-Semitism never really goes out of style.
After they get the Jews they can come after me I guess. But being a certified RightWingExtremistBitterGunTotinChristian MOST of the Jews I know belong to and will not go quitely. They tried that once.
On May 28th, 2008 at 11:17 am, traveler49 said:
I like the chocolate ones covered in chocolate frosting the best. Dipped in their wonderful coffee…mmmm good. I used to pass by Dunkin’s but I will be stopping in regularly now for a special treat. A pro American treat no less!
My favorite meme:
Critical of anything related to Israel = Anti-Semitism
Hating Every Muslim in the World = Patriotism
Ass? Meet Hat.
Whoo, tink9plus, that is chock full o’ nutty. “What peole wear does not make a difference? Purposefully wearing a klan hood or swastika is exactly the same as wearing a scarf with fringe that people other than the wearer think vaguely keffiyah-like!”
You know what business really supports the jihad — and not through the use of scarves in donut commercials, but in the we’re-crazy-fucking-fundies-who’ll-arm-the-insanity? Oil.
Not the oil that cooks those delicious pro-American treats, but the oil that has shieks and fat guys from Texas controlling the world economy at the moment. Really. Look it up. The oil industry that’s made the House of Saud multi-crazy-billionaires as well as the most generous benefactors to international terrorism going.
And they wear scarves on their heads too!
OT, but not really, as you’ll see.
From the NYTimes:
Monkeys Control a Robot Arm With Their Minds
Scientists were disappointed when it was pointed out that we already have plenty of robotic poo-throwers.
Or how about this one: the poo-throwers we already have (Malkin et al) don’t even have to use their minds to throw poo.
Malkinites: objectively superior to monkeys. Except when it comes to using their minds. Or something.
All wingnuts make me want to ask that question to a greater or lesser degree, but with Malkin it’s sort of a frantic need to know, to understand. What did her parents do to her?
Perhaps her hair conceals some deep coathanger scars.
…while wearing nothing but a keffiyeh.
She can drink Folger’s Crystals in the basement, just like Adam Yoshida does.
Just for the record:
Fuck Duncan Donuts. Don’t these people have any local donut shops?
Really. It seems that if you were a Southeast Asian immagrant in the eighties to Sillycon valley, you opened up a nail shop or a donut shop. The result of which is every strip mall has a donut shop and two nail shops…
Fuck Duncan Donuts
Is he cute? Is he a MacDonald?
christ, I’m feeling compelled to go out and buy and wear an actual keffiyah, just to piss off these ‘tards.
Dunkin dog nuts sells overpriced blechh. They put 4 spoons of sugar in a coffee. They invented the concept of calling their small coffee a “medium” and charging 50 cents more for it. Their medium coffee is now about the size of the little cup of tartar sauce you get with a clam roll.
Randolph, Mass. my effing ass.
Too close to Avon.
“Jeezus. I’m boycotting Duncan Donuts for capitulating to these idiots.”
Actually I have been boycotting them for 30 years. Of course that is because they have lousy coffee and I do not eat donuts.
I’d like to see Michelle visit our local donuttery Voodoo Doughnut and watch her head assplode.
Um, pretty sure you’re thinking of Duncan Idaho.
Dood kicked ASS!!
She can drink Folger’s Crystals in the basement, just like Adam Yoshida does.
But not in Adam’s actual basement. He might snap and stuff her in the macrowave.
Silly neanderthal reichtard. Swastikas are only worn to gay weddings and forced gay abortion parties. The keffiyah is worn to the club.
Run along now and have another chocolate Jew covered in chocolate frosting.
Not a single “I, for one, welcome our simian cybernetic poo-throwing overlords”?
I, for one, welcome our simian cybernetic poo-throwing overlords
I am waiting for LGM’s perspective on the simio-cyborg menace, over at, before I commit myself.
30 Minute Jihad
Episode 0211
Act 01 Scene 01 Shot 01
RACHEL: Ever have one of those days? You know, too much to do, too many places to be, not enough hours? We’re all CRAZY busy these days. When do you have time to kill the infidel?
My name is Rachel Rae and I do 30 minute terrorist acts. In the time it takes you to watch this program, I’ll have put together a team, a target, weapons and an operational outline for killing as many infidels as possible.
Ever blow up a bus? Busses are good, because they run on predictable routes and they tend to carry a lot of people. I call today’s attack the “Semi-Tex Hustle Bus-tle”. Hee hee. See, we’re putting together a 30 minute explosive that’s BASED on Semtex and we’re going to use four operatives and 2 backpacks and “hustle” them onto the best target buses.
Ready? Let’s get started…
I dunno. MM might be on to something. I happened to catch Rachael Ray’s show for the first time the other day and she was talking about how you could substitute beer for stock in …. well, I forget what it was ‘cos I had to turn it off, since the woman has a voice like a band saw cutting through sheet aluminum, but the point is, the beer she used for demonstration purposes was Negro Modelo — that’s right, Mexican beer. Someone oughta get Michelle to look into that pronto!
I can’t wait to see what that Filipino-Zionist nutcase will do with the follwing:
Actress Tippi Hedren (mother of Melanie Griffith) is responsible for Vietnamese nail salons. She became concerned with the plight of women refugees, and had her own manicurist train the first group so they could have a skill in their new country.
Michelle Malkin is a token. And she is no longer useful. And I think their tolerance for crazy only extends to People Like Us, where they can laugh it off as eccentricity.
I thought madness in the service of wingnuttery was not madness at all! I would feel more sorry for her… except wasn’t one of her readers the one sending fake anthrax to people like Keith Olbermann?
It makes me believe in Karma.
Oh … oh …. oh Jesus. Keep talking about the donuts …
Oh jesus.
I can’t help but wonder what that Filipino-Zionist nutcase is gonna do with the following:
And then there’s this:
Um, the man sitting beside Malkin in the photo appears to be pointing to his [unfortunately] outlined private parts. Classy.
I loved this nugget:
Update: Pam Geller e-mails that she first reported on the story May 18.
Nothing like one crazy putting another in her place.
Um, pretty sure you’re thinking of Duncan Idaho.
Go ahead. Get PeeJ started about having his own Private Idaho. Just don’t blame me.
I’m still working on swatstika — can’t decide whether it involves slapping at a misshapen cruciform thingie or perhaps pan-frying said thingies before dousing them with hot chili oil, rice vinegar and soy.
Nope. Neither.
It’s an urban warrior with body armor, automatic weapons and a helluva boner….
the apparel’s violent symbolism and anti-Israel overtones.
My clothing generally doesn’t have overtones. Except for the outfit with bells on.
And as to violent symbolism, I just bought a pair of sneakers with skulls and on them – does that count as violent symbolism?
Actress Tippi Hedren (mother of Melanie Griffith) is responsible for Vietnamese nail salons. She became concerned with the plight of women refugees, and had her own manicurist train the first group so they could have a skill in their new country.
Is that for real? I’ve always wondered about why nail salons are run by Vietnamese.
Now can you explain Cambodian donut shops?
I’m sure she’ll get all worked up about this too (err……maybe not):
I can’t resist another chance to point out that Dunkin’ Brands is part of Bush-backers and fine patriots The Carlyle Group.
I like to wear a machete on my back. In a soft leather-reinforced cotton sheath with shoulder straps.
I suppose you could see violent overtones or undertones or tones of some fucking kind around that. Or you could just get that I hate weeds n shit.
If you go to Dunkin Donuts’ website, you will pretty much find nothing about doughnuts (or keffiyehs or jihad for that matter). It’s pretty much all coffee drinks, sandwiches, and merchandise. Although in the “Nutrition” section I was able to verify that the Glazed Donut has no crustaceans.
[Recovers from seeing MM in contact with Teh Dread Scarf of Doom]
Has anyone commented on home boyz camel toe?
Just checkin’.
I sure hope her boyfriend wears an asbestos condom.
[…] she’s turned into the kind of humorless, offense-seeking nitwit that witty conservatives used to skewer: remember a time when left-wingers were continually stereotyped as humorless paranoids who looked […]
Apparently I’m Big Daddy Beef Cheez, so that’s no longer available for the wingnut help thread.
I find it incredibly reassuring to know that there are websites devoted to the adventures of affable Austrian giantess foreign ministers.
Hey, we were outside smoking some cigarettes and taking out the trash. You don’t have to keep it up anymore.
Um, the man sitting beside Malkin in the photo appears to be pointing to his [unfortunately] outlined private parts. Classy.
Probably just waitin’ to tell people how Malkin sucks cock like a vacuum cleaner with a puffer fish on the end…
It’s not a scarf or a keffiyeh that Ray’s wearing. It’s a rebozo. This was a case of Dunkin’ Donuts subtly suggesting support for the Reconquista!!!11!!1
If Pammy was an Angelino, rather than a New Yorker, she’d have seen it! Everyone knows that NY-area Dunkin’ Donuts are Ay-rab-owned. Consider the post 9/11 boycott attempt alleging outrages against the U.S. flag at two NE New Jersey stores and failure to support the rescuers at Ground Zero ( or ). Consider also last year’s suit by a Palestinian DD franchisee over corporate-imposed pork products, which prompted a Malkin circle-jerk ( ).
To certain people, Dunkin’ Donuts = Muslim. Some of these people excuse Ray’s naivete because she doesn’t “live, eat, and breathe [Islamophobia] like we do”, as one of Malkin’s commenters put it. These people will see the creeping Caliphate and its evil-doers and enablers everywhere. How could they not?
I heard MM once wore clothing made from India, Pakistan, and Turkey. That makes her a Muslim.
She’s also used hair products, which are mainly made in China.
So she’s a Chinaman too. And China is Communist.
So she’s a Chinese Communist Muslim.
Wait… WE ALL ARE!!!
[…] The stupid goes past 11. […]
Six Degrees of Al-Qaeda.
When I was banging Michelle back in February she made me wear a burkah. It was all in good fun.
What next??? I know.. like the Victorian days when they covered up the legs of tables.. same kinda thing..
This is why the GOP is going to lose in November. They are irrelevant crybabies. They’ve had many years in power, and all they have done that whole time is whine about how they are victims of discrimination and using it as an excuse to eviscerate our public institutions while plunging our country and its citizens into debt of apocalyptic proportions. I vote we have a giant party after the election.
May 28, 2008 at 20:45 JR said,
Breaking: Michelle was scooped by Pam Atlas. Go figure.
JR, I went to that site just to see what you were talking about and found something very interesting. This Pam Geller of AtlasShrugs2000 is right up there on the Wacky-Meter with Malkin & Coulter.
Check out the Eagle Atop a Star symbol on Pam Gellers page about half way down the on the rightside.
The symbol is very similar to the Nazi Eagle Atop Swastika which is the formal symbol of Adolph Hitler’s Third Reich. The Nazi Party began using this symbol in the 1930’s to represent the power and strength of the party.
see Nazi symbol here:
Using Neocon logic, Geller is a supporter of the Nazi’s hatred of Jews.
AJB said: ‘“Patriotic Correctness” is the new PC.’
Nah, it’s actually the original PC
People please.
Do you not realize Michelle is in this business for herself?
She’s hit the Gravy Train.
Several times I asked her to put up and shut up. I asked her to go to war for her beliefs. At no time did she.
What she does have going for her is she’s a very attractive woman.
She knows that.
That’s how she manipulates.
Again, I’ll ask Michelle to put up or shut up.
Michelle, If you so strongly believe in George W’s war then I expect you to volunteer.
OK, too much to ask for a vein individual as yourself.
Doesn’t Michelle Malkin know that the keffiyeh goes so well with Rachel Ray’s handcrafted Suicide belt and Hijab?Jeez, the woman knows nothing about fashion!
May 28, 2008 at 20:45 JR said,
Breaking: Michelle was scooped by Pam Atlas. Go figure.
Of course she was – because 2 bOObs are better than 1….
Oh G*d – now I need to wash my brain out with bleach for even thinking that!!!!
I have to post quickly, because our town has just went on alert. Apparently, there is report of a Scarf of Terror wandering the streets aimlessly, looking for another victim. When will the madness ever end??? When can we feel safe again in our own homes — free from the murderous intentions of our clothing???
* huddles in a ball under bed, whimpering *
From this stupid Yahoo buzz, which is linked from their home page:
Actual home page part:
A week of regrets
Rachael Ray, Hillary Clinton, and others wish they could take back their actions this week. » The buzz
When you click on the story, you get this article:
Ever open your mouth and wish you’d just kept it closed? Join the club. This week, several famous folks made comments they’d like stricken from the record. Take a look back at the awkward gaffes from the week that was.
Rachael Ray’s controversial… scarf?
We never thought scarves could be “controversial,” but then again, we’ve never had our neckwear critiqued by millions of people. Rachael Ray wore a fringed scarf for a recent Dunkin Donuts ad, and a blogger pointed out that scarf was similar to “the type typically worn by Muslim extremists.” Others voiced their opinions and pretty soon, Dunkin Donuts pulled the ad. The New York Times recaps this textbook example of the Web’s massive influence.
I’m annoyed at the thought that their intimidation worked, and that Dunkin Donuts caved to the bullying.
If you feel the same way, consider checking out my event “Scarfin’ Donuts” — I’d like to get a bunch of people to take pictures of themselves with scarves of vaguely-similar types (or whatever you can get your hands on) at coffee shops and/or DD.
I explain in this blog post
There’s also a Ning social network and a Flickr group, where I hope to get people to upload their pix.
Help me tell these people to jump in a lake, won’t you? Please spread the word.
Great tut’s as always. Enjoyable too.
I think it’s funny how Malkin’s ‘controversy’ can mask a real one: why is Rachel Ray hiding hickeys (sp?)?
Now that we know it’s a keffiyeh hiding Ms. Ray’s hickeys, the question needs to be asked, are they Arab hickeys? From more than one Arab person? Male or female, or both? Naughty, naughty, naughty Rachel Ray!