More on the Bush Legacy
Remember when Dick Cheney snottily described energy conservation as a “personal virtue?” Hey Dick, maybe if we’d spent the last eight years raising fuel-efficiency standards and giving people more public transportation options, we wouldn’t have to deal with bullshit like this:
As gas prices soar, thieves grow more brazen
[W]ith the average price of a gallon of gas having more than doubled in the last two years, thieves are branching out. Across the country, drivers are waking up to find their gas caps pried open and their tanks dry.
While there are no national statistics yet tracking an increase in gas thefts, police across the country say they’re investigating more reports than ever before:
- Using an empty gas can and a siphon, thieves were able to suck 30 gallons of diesel from a bus in a Bethesda, Md., parking lot.
- In Beaver Dam, Wis., “they’re just going to cars at night and siphoning gas out of them,” said Stephanie Lehmann, who said several cars in her neighborhood had been hit.
- Police in Evansville, Ind., said thieves drained all of the fuel this month from seven trucks belonging to a local office of JBM Inc., a metal fabrication chain. They put the loss at $700.
- And police in Denver are investigating a rash of of incidents in which thieves drill small holes into gas tanks and siphon off the fuel. “This is clearly not the way it’s been done in the past, by taking a hose and putting it in a gas tank,” police Detective John White said.
Nice work, assholes. Thanks for the legacy.
Oh. And then there’s this:
Health problems feared for kids who lived in FEMA trailers
Doctors fear tens of thousands of children who lived in FEMA trailers after Hurricane Katrina could have lifelong health problems.
The trailers — up to 143,000 of them — may have formaldehyde fumes up to five times the safe level. Formaldehyde is classified as a probable cancer-causing agent, and kids are believed to be at particular risk.
One young mother, whose 15-month-old daughter was born while the woman was living in a trailer, says her little girl has persistent breathing problems. She says she never would have stayed so long in the trailer if she’d known the risk.
The formaldehyde was detected in the trailers when they were sent to the Gulf Coast following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. But there was no push to get people out of them until this February.
Heckuva job, shitbags.
Incidentally, I’m looking to organize a Million Middle Finger March in Washington, DC next year. The premise is simple: we get a million people to gather in our nation’s capital to flip Bush the bird as he takes off in his helicopter after the new president is sworn in.
Who’s with me?
I got two!
Yeah, right finger and left finger – both middle.
Check out Beppe Grillo from Italy:
He’s had two enormous protests against the Italian government called “V-day” where the “V” stands for “Vaffanculo.” Great idea, Brad.
People stealing gas? Deja vu, 1970s oil crunch.
Only bigger this time. Blargh.
Sounds like a plan, Brad.
Plus we can flip off Fred Hiatt as long as we’re there.
I’m game for the finger. So long as we stop into the Natural History museum and see the mammoth.
Incidentally, there’s some douche at work who has a bumper sticker that reads “There’s no government like no government”. Apparently, a chaotic dystopia is favorable to having to pay a 5% sales tax.
Dammit I didn’t even try to post a link and turdpress censored me.
I’m being held hostage by a certain blogging software.
oh! Fun office pool game! Take bets on the date or price that we will be forced to federalize the gas industry to keep the country alive. I have $50 on 7.389/gallon for 87.
Does anyone remember about 2003 when W and company gave tax incentives to buy gas guzzlers.
Something like you could deduct the entire purchase price the 1st year in lieu of depreciating over several.
So don’t go saying they did nothing about gasoline consumption. It isn’t true.
They changed the tax code to encourage more.
Pshaw! Obviously, you just can’t appreciate W’s brilliance. People said this stuff about Mozart to y’know. Besides, he clears brush on his ranch, so we know he’s a real workin’ class man who’s looking out for us, not like those Liberal Elitists.
Al Gore grew a beard!
In all seriousness though, a middle finger is far to kind for these destructive bastards.
Who’s with me?
Provided we have an extradition treaty with whatever South American banana republic that miserable fucker flees to, I’m in.
(And yeah, I know I’ve got some nerve calling another country a banana republic.)
One problem with the march–how do observers know that we’re flipping off Bush and not the incoming president?
OK. Two problems. I won’t be in the country, since I can’t guarantee that Bush will give up peacefully.
Dude, I am so there.
I’ll double his pleasure!!!!
I’m looking to organize a Million Middle Finger March in Washington, DC next year.
Make it a Million Moon March and I’m there. Also, I believe the very thought of what the Conventional Media Village Idiots will report as “at least several thousand exposed buttocks on the National Mall” will keep Teddy K in the Senate until January, because Hope Is Vital.
Incidentally, there’s some douche at work who has a bumper sticker that reads “There’s no government like no government”
Some Guy, I do hope you ask him how he drives to work. You know, on those roads he built himself with the sweat of his brow.
Fucking faux libertarians need to STFU more than any other demographic, including Bush supporters. Yes, Grizzly Adams, we get it…you don’t need anybody. Now kindly set an example by getting as far away from me as possible. Thanks.
We could also go drown Grover Norquist in his bathtub. I refuse to advocate this, because his seeing a huge crowd of men coming to asphyxiate him would likely give him the biggest boner of his entire miserable existence.
i dunno brad–street theater always seems so arch to me, and i think to the great unwashed asses. masses. sorry about that.
i’m a fan, if one is to do this sort of thing, of doing it with a crowd where everyone has to wear a suit or their sunday finest, and anyone who starts pontificating about palestinian rights or anything else off topic is summarily executed. but that’s just me.
One problem with the march–how do observers know that we’re flipping off Bush and not the incoming president?
Signs, placards, t-shirts bearing the slogan Suck it, Decider!!!
i’m a fan, if one is to do this sort of thing, of doing it with a crowd where everyone has to wear a suit or their sunday finest, and anyone who starts pontificating about palestinian rights or anything else off topic is summarily executed. but that’s just me.
I second the motion. No more rallies that end up as forums for shitty poets or musicians.
If he heads ‘home’ to Texas we’ll also need to organize a Fingers across America.
If he heads ‘home’ to Texas we’ll also need to organize a Fingers across America.
For some reason, this reminded me of that horrible, horrible pun on the Denny’s menu – “Moons over My Hammy”.
fuck that, I’m for the One Stinger Missile March.
Not to keep dragging this pic out of the dustbin but I’m visualizing a million persons wearing t-shirts with this on it:
Back at ya, fuckface!
oh, and flip the bird balloons, if anyone can find them.
Y’know we could do something like this, say, have people ALL OVER THE U.S. (and Canada too!) lean out of their cars, house windows, work cubicles, Starbucks and give the finger to Bush, or Washington D.C. Kind of like the “minute of silence” on the original Memorial Day. Mooning optional.
oops, forgot to close tag
One problem with the march–how do observers know that we’re flipping off Bush and not the incoming president?
I have a hunch the incoming president will smile knowingly and join the party.
I’m there, provided the new Pres isn’t McCain. If it is, I’ll most likely be in Vancouver, starting a new life.
237 days away, according to the counter at the bottom of my browser.
Bush’s legacy… sheeeit. Even the docile and fully housebroken Scott McClellan is coming out with a White House memoir reportedly accusing Bush and his minions of gross incompetence.
Sorry, I’m morally opposed to wearing suits. How about if I show up in just some old underwear and a propeller beanie? That would be appropriate attire for the occasion.
Seriously, a mass demonstration with obscene gestures sounds perfect.
For some reason, this reminded me of that horrible, horrible pun on the Denny’s menu – “Moons over My Hammy”.
let’s organize a Jennifer out of My Head also.
One problem with the march–how do observers know that we’re flipping off Bush and not the incoming president?
If it’s President McCain, that would be fine.
As for the gas siphoning — we had our tank siphoned about 18 months ago, back when gas was only about $2.00 a gallon. We went to a locking gas cap. At $4.00+, when the thieves have drills, there’s not a lot you can do.
We could try something like this.
More into individual action, myself.
I am biding my time, waiting for my opportunity to:
– share my thoughts in the guestbook at the George W. Bush Presidential Library at SMU
– piss on the grave of Richard Bruce Cheney
– carve the words “Bush v Gore” into the tombstone of Antonin Scalia
Just so you know, joel – I’ve already secured the rights to the port-o-let concession for the gravesite….
Rather than flipping him the bird, how about a Million Facepalm March?
Let’s face it, you reserve digitus impudicus for people who get that they did something wrong.
Well, I’ll certainly be there, with my fingers. Double deuce!
I’d like to re-enact the final scene from the movie ‘Dick’, as Cheney pulls out of the Naval Observatory for the last time.
From up here in the Bay Area: price of diesel in San Rafael is now $5.25.
As the story in the SF Comical, er ah, Chronicle, said, ‘Yes, that’s a 5 and it’s not a typo kiddies.”
Wonder when them rugged he-men individualistic indie longhaul truckers are going to realize they’ve been rodgered up the dirt highway for the past 8 years, no matter what AM radio keeps telling them…
piss on the grave of Richard Bruce Cheney
I intend to pour a bottle of fine Irish whisky on his grave. I’m just gonna filter it through my kidneys first.
Hey Dick, maybe if we’d spent the last
eightsixteen years raising fuel-efficiency standards and giving people more public transportation options, we wouldn’t have to deal with bullshit like this:Fixed.
Clinton and Gore also did nothing to raise fuel efficiency standards nor anything serious to promote public transportation.
Shrub, Dick, Bill ‘n’ Al.
Assholes, all, when it comes to actually building a sustainable economy.
I was reading on the internet somewhere(can’t find the link) that Cheney plans for his body to be sealed in a 55 gallon Nuclear Waste container and anonymously placed in one of the many fine Nuclear waste centers.
I intend to pour a bottle of fine Irish whisky on his grave. I’m just gonna filter it through my kidneys first.
I was reading somewhere on the internet(sorry can’t find the link) that Cheney plans to have his body sealed in a nondescript nuclear waste container and anonymously stored in one our many fine waste storage centers.
So, uhm… Good Luck!!
No way! When people walk by a protest rally and they see me with my green mohawk passing out Mao’s little red book they’re that much more likely to identify and get on board with… what was it again we were protesting?
I’m all for a million dollar flying dick march, but where do you get those things?
At this point, you can buy a 50 gallon drum of vegetable oil from Sam’s Club and use it as biodiesel for cheaper.
I’ve been able to flip off both Shrubs and Darth Cheney’s motorcades in the past.* I’d love to do a full on double-fingered salute in person when he flies off in 09….
* and no, the Secret Service didn’t seem to care.
Hey Dick, maybe if we’d spent the last
eightsixteentwenty-six years raising fuel-efficiency standards and giving people more public transportation options, we wouldn’t have to deal with bullshit like this:Really fixed. let us not forget Reagan undoing the work Carter started.
Wonder when them rugged he-men individualistic indie longhaul truckers are going to realize they’ve been rodgered up the dirt highway for the past 8 years
I’ve just been telling them I’m from the DEA and I have to do a cavity search. I think they may be getting wise though…
Here is an additional idea to consider. You could have the crowd organized into the shape of a fist with extended middle finger, all while giving him the middle finger. This has two additional benefits over just an amorphous crowd flipping him off. 1) the shape will be so recognizable that he won’t be able to delude himself into believing that we are waving or giving him the Nazi (Republican?) salute, and 2) it will be visible for a few minutes as he flies away instead of a few seconds. If you get enough people together on the mall to do this it might even be visible from space, and the rest of the world/foreign media might enjoy it too. So, does it seem worth the extra effort required?
So, does it seem worth the extra effort required?
We’d need a large enough open space. Will the Washington Mall be available?
p.s. Is it possible that we could do this as a monthly or even weekly gathering until he leaves office, or perhaps every time he helicopters out of the White House? I am sooooo there! ;^)
It should replace the hand over the heart.
…bumper sticker that reads “There’s no government like no government”
I just ask what they think about Somalia and suggest that what ya got right there is your Libertarian Ideal.
I’m IN.
Please add my two fingers to list of attendees!
Seriously, where do I sign up???
That’s the best proposal I’ve heard in ages.
Technically, you would only need 500,000 participants in the MMF March. I’m in.
Count my husband and I in for the MMF March. He is not American, but I figure it can’t hurt to have a couple African middle fingers in the mix.
i was there in 2001 flipping the double bird as the bush motorcade flew by the rabble in the special stands at 50 mph. and then i had some later for drew carey as well as he cruised by on flatbed. unlike bush, he actually saw my message.
and i agree, anyone with a free mumia message, dressed as giant puppets, or flying the black flag need to be summarily executed as well.
Count me in, January 20th cannot come fast enough for me!
Okay — so everybody wears their best suits, we form up in the shape of a Giant Flippin Bird, and on the signal we all drop trou/lift skirt and present hams to the Departing Deciderer.
Nothing says ‘civil disobedience’ like a sea of folks in business attire flashing their pasty/swarthy/dark/hairy/cellulitic/bright pink rumps. Imagine the aerial photos, and the millions of reproductions that will adorn cubicle walls for the next twenty years…
how about a national flip-off?
i can’t travel to washington (two elderly cocker spaniels) but would love to see people all over the country (and me too!) come out on their front porches, perhaps midnight the night before the swearing in of the new president, stretch their arms up into the air and just jam those middle fingers up and waggle them around for a minute.
i would like that.
we could take pictures of ourselves and mail them to george bush.
we get a million people to gather in our nation’s capital to flip Bush the bird as he takes off in his helicopter after the new president is sworn in. Who’s with me?
did it before in 2004 , , would love to do it again
Hell yes, I’m with you. In fact, tell you what, I’ll give the nitwit in chief the finger every day until then.
Sounds Great,But what we really need as soon as possible is a Million Person Tar and Feather March.Tar and Feather the whole corrupt regime,and run them out of town on a rail.
Really good work. I found a lot of profound information which can help me to go on.
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