Your Tax Dollars At Work
So let’s see. Michelle-Malkinwise, the past four days have given us:
1) A nutty campaign against Dunkin’ Donuts to drop a Rachael Ray ad, for the reason that Ray was wearing a scarf that resembled scarves worn in the Middle East, and was therefore abetting terrorism. Result: Success!
2) A nutty and dishonest campaign against the Subway chain (and Scholastic, Inc.) for sponsoring a contest that excluded homeschoolers in that it allowed kids to win thousands of dollars of sports equipment for their schools. Result: Success!
This is in addition to the usual lunacy, conspiracy thinking, crude partisan smears, and mortifying far-right crankism that Malkin provides daily, as sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a tax-funded government agency of high profile and vital responsibility:
Yes, that’s a recruitment ad.
No, we don’t imagine they thought that one through very carefully.
I wonder why the FBI isn’t advertisding there for agents provocateur
I’ll work on a linky…
So, Subway’s not hiring Hoam Skooled kidz?
Can’t say I blame them. I mean, when I ask “why is your drawer $20 short,” what I DON’T want to hear is “because God said so.”
I’d love to sign up. Like Cordelia tutoring Rex Mottram, they’d get some great stuff from me.
If the US has started recruiting ordinary people to spy on each other, I want to sign up too. If I point out a few people living on the Upper West Side are dangerous traitors, who’s going to ask questions?
Bye, bye Jonah Goldberg. Enjoy your Carribean vacation to Gitmo.
At 7:30 this morning on the subway, I overheard a guy who looked just like one of them there ‘drunks with guns’ declare, “I had to choose between gas and beer and so here I am.”
The funny part was that he was sipping a beer from a travel mug, as if he was pulling something over on us reg’lar commuters.
It’s not like that little lid prevents drunk breath or anything.
In a related topic, how does Shriekin’ Malkin claim ‘success’ in anything?
Peej, I can give you a map of where some of the Twin Cities cruising parks are located (no further information forthcoming except that many of them happen to also be some of the best birding and biking parks). You could make a fortune getting republicans arrested.
She considers that letter from Subway a “success?” No way, not unless the book in question is a hand-illuminated gilt Bible delivered in person by Jerad. And a pair of clown pants for each of the kids.
Peej, I can give you a map of where some of the Twin Cities cruising parks are
I can also give you some old underwear. Anyone got some old plum pits found under the couch for Peej?
Thanks but I wouldn’t want to actually, y’know get near any of those disgusting creatures. uguhguhgughg
[I was never into public sex anyway, except for those few times at Hippie Hollow…]
Hmmmm old plum pit or Republican Senator? It might be hard to tell the difference.
“I had to choose between gas and beer…”
The real national nightmare.
That home-school issue is the worst. Obviously, a prize that is meant to benefit a large group of kids must also be extended to a single child with selfish and paranoid parents.
Somehow, I doubt they would even take Scholastic’s offer for a free book, ’cause books is dangerous, b’gosh.
Actually, it’s for a contest for kids to write a short story. The top prize is $5000 in sports equipment for the school. Obviously, this is meant for at least 100 students, rather than the two or three in a typical household… even the contest rules state it, and the homeschooling magazine that reported about it agrees that it wouldn’t work in a homeschool setting.
Speaking of ads, someone found this priceless idea for a McCain campaign ad over in Freeperville (link is to my blog, not the Freeps, just FYI).
Bless their little hearts.
Well, at least he’s drinking on the subway. Something tells me that before he had to “give up gas for beer”, he did this while driving his regular commute.
I know which one is more useless, PeeJ.
Here’s what I don’t understand: okay, I know Obama is into renewable energy and all, but why would he wear a wind turbine on his head? 😉
I hope the book is about evolution.
It’s not a turbine, it’s an antenna for receiving coded messages from the Islamo-atheist Conspiracy.
I find that when I drink beer too fast, I get gas.
Have a picture of Hussain Obama on one side wearing the turbine(the turbine picture) and to the right of that have a picture of John Mccain as a younger man in his uniform or after he was freed.
okay, I know Obama is into renewable energy and all, but why would he wear a wind turbine on his head?
Because a wind turbine is less menacing than a gas turbine?
That is too too precious.
Don’tcha love this too: “can you just do it for me”
Typical reichtard – fear mongering and “someone do it for me.”
“What part of this don’t you understand”
Ummmmm…. all of it? A 40 year old picture of a profoundly injured guy (maybe) side by side with a recent picture of a guy in a photo op wearing the native dress of Kenya (which happens to NOT be Arabic) is supposed to mean something?
Only in the fevered delusions of freepers. Thanks for the example!
(ignoring momentarily the “turbine” thing)
We could do plenty more! How about a 40 year old picture of John Kerry in uniform side by side with a picture of George Bush in one of those Indonesian shirts from an AIPAC conference? Does that make as much sense?
How about George holding hands with Prince Abdullah? Let’s not even get to the obvious Rumsfeld-shaking-Saddam’s-hand thing, please!
it’s even better than that, g. That’s not even Kenya – it’s in South America.
Speaking of redneck carbon footprint reduction, try and imagine those 13 guys piling in/on top of that poor little golf cart hunting down the homeless and illegals. It’s a Flash game viral just waiting to happen.
Suriname, to be precise.
Yeah, I also don’t understand how the young picture of the well-known crotchety old guy is supposed to win over voters. “Sure he’s older than God NOW, but this Daguerreotype proves he used to be young!” Maybe if they use a cave painting showing how he invented fire he’ll get the gratitude vote.
I hope the book is about evolution.
Ha! That’s what I thought, too.
I will become a lifelong customer of the first business that tells Malkin to go fuck herself the next time she raises more bullshit hysteria.
Being a liberal, I know I am an “angry” person. I usually express that anger by never stopping to even think of giving a shit about the kitchen counter tops of families with disabled children.
This conservative anger thing seems like a lot more work. (Luckily, liberals are lazy too so I’m not worried about failing to meet expectations.) But no one, except our president, suffers more than the people pulling Rachel Ray watch duty. Hour after hour of someone constantly talking with big hand gestures and no ability to modulate her voice — that’s combat fatigue those pussies in Iraq will never know.
Here’s what I don’t understand: okay, I know Obama is into renewable energy and all, but why would he wear a wind turbine on his head? 😉
It’s a gas turbine! The wind turbine is SO fashion backwards!
“Sure he’s older than God NOW, but this Daguerreotype proves he used to be young!”
It doesn’t even look like him anymore. Looks like a completely different person.
The fact is, my hotdoggy pizza Italiano burgers smell Yummmmm-O, which is exactly how we expect them to smell in The Heartland.
why would he wear a wind turbine on his head?
Get with the eco-friendly liberal haha program.
It’s a substitute for a big ladder.
Drunks with Guns?
Wimps. Go full auto w/tracer under the influence of 1300 mics of hot blotter and come back and tell me how cool you are.
Sometimes I fear for america’s soul…
I am surprised Michelle gets so many comments considering her readers have to type with their knuckles.
It was also surprising to see, given the heavily evangelical demographic of her readership, how quickly they can erupt into a homeschool circle jerk.
I am so with you on that one. They don’t even have to phrase it like that. If they did, though, I think that their gift certificates would become my default Christmas and birthday presents forever as well.
Whoa… dude. O_o
Someone needs to tell the US Customs recruiting department that all the readers of Malkin’s site would sign up to help enforce the border but unfortunately the trick knees keep acting up.
They don’t even have to phrase it like that.
Well, I imagine they would use the standard diplomatic phrasing (i.e. “tell you to go to hell in a way that makes you look forward to the trip”), but as long as they communicate the “We don’t care about your bullshit ‘outrage'” message, I am all theirs.
I will become a lifelong customer of the first business that tells Malkin to go fuck herself the next time she raises more bullshit hysteria.
Well, there’s Starbucks… isn’t that why she started boycotting them to begin with? Hear they cried all the way to the bank …
So funny. The Malkin critters are actually debating the relative merits of Quizno’s v. fucking Subway. Quizno’s comes out on top of course. With links!!
Yeah, but how sweet would it be to see
“Dear Ms. Malkin,
Please go fuck yourself with a rake.
The Management.”
Dear Ms. Malkin,
Please go fuck yourself with a rake.
The Management.”
I would throw so much money at that company….
Dear Ms. Malkin,
How about you take a flying fuck at a rolling donut. How about you take a flying fuck at the mooooon?
drunks with guns. That’s nothing. You want real tough, you play The Frozen Turnip Game.
Now that I think about it, I bet a lot of those home schooled kids deserve $5,000 in athletic equipment just in exchange for having to put up with their maniac parents’ “lesson plans” and the desolate isolation they experience when they try to go to college or get a job based on a bedroom Bible degree.
cows with guns rock!
Back in high school baseball, we played a team made up of local homeschooled kids. We viewed it like a simple exhibition- even scheduled the game during spring break. Their parents had none of that attitude, though…it was horrible that we didn’t really take their team seriously, those homeschooled kids were every bit as good as us, and so on. Brough a whole bunch of fans to the game.
Yeah, and we won by the slaughter rule. Didn’t get an ear for any of the comments the parents made on their way out, but I’ve got a feeling that the same people who were whining that the institutionalized team wasn’t taking them seriously were then whining about various unfair advantages. And we were a private school…I can only imagine what they’d think of a beatdown from (eek!) government school kids.
I’ve got nothing really against homeschooling; I’m sure I’ll try to keep my little runts in an ideological vicegrip as long as possible, and keep them from the boo-scaries, so I understand the appeal. The social ill-adjustment some of the homeschoolers retain is merely amusing. But allow me to Ruppertize and say, the fact is, if you’re gonna homeschool, you’re gonna have to learn to play ball. Send your kids to government school, you get the benefits. Keep your kids in homeschool, you get those benefits. And that’s it.
And yes, you should still have to pay taxes to help pay for schools, just as I have to pay taxes to fund roads despite mostly taking the subway.
Sometime you just have to trust in Natural Selection and wait.
The social ill-adjustment some of the homeschoolers retain is merely amusing
until they show up in my college classroom, at which point it’s not.
Just hit ’em with the embalming fluid.
When I was in college I coached a kids’ swim team and there were 3 sisters who were home-schooled on the team. They were very polite and respectful of the coaches and all that. Nice kids. They never whined or complained about anything. They also didn’t interact with ANY of the other kids. Nor could they function in relay events because it involved relating to the other kids on the relay. At the competitions they always sat off by themselves.
Their mom was totally chill though. Wow, that was weird.
It’s a real race to the bottom for Malkin these days, isn’t it?
I wonder if Jesse’s still writing her stuff. Perhaps he’s left her to her own devices, and this is the best she can come up with. Poor thing.
Have you seen Idiocracy?
Quiznos is better than Subway, but that’s not hard.
Strange how the media has covered up the latest lie from Barack Obama.
The ie about his uncle liberating Auschwitz.
for one thing, Obama never had an uncle, his mom as an only child.
another thing, Americans never entered Auschwitz until the 1970s.
His autobiography has already been proven to be largely fiction.
Obama is going to be shredded by his lies and coverups.
Obama is going to be shredded by his lies and coverups.
Umm. Exactly how is he going to be shredded if the media does such a great job of covering ’em up?
See, Gary, I don’t read drudge. So I’ve never heard of you’re current talking point. Auschwitz, huh?
I’m sure we’ll learn all about it in the upcoming days….
Here’s the story
So that bottom picture is from the last Great MalKKKon event where all her devoted fans showed up?
But i’m sure you geniuses who thought Wright and Bittergate wouldn’t catch fire are thinking this won’t catch fire either.
You don’t know enough about Obama’s personal history, but the Republican party has his books and we’ve figured out where he is lying, and his campaign will end in a million little pieces.
Gary, even the NRO’s faster than you are.
I’m pretty sure the fashion rules call for wearing the gas turbine during the colder months. The wind turbine is appropriate only from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
And Gary plugs on, little soldier (the non-fighting kind) that he is.
Lots of people are hurting financially. The only thing that really matters to people (other than the nutters) is the health and well-being of their families. The Republicans failed miserably, and will have to wait their turn to return to power. Unfortunately for them, they set the bar so low that Democrats will look good for a very long time.
Thanks for the warning Gary…
*shock* Republicans have started to read, books!
How are they ever going to hold the party together now. Don’t they understand that Nazi read all the time.. it’s one of the foundations of Liberia Fascism!?
So people who are hurting are going to vote for a compulsive liar who they can’t trust?
Ha ha ha ha ha, yeah right.
McCain is someone just like all of us. He grew up in circumstances that we can admire.
Obama has always been on the top 1% and he refuses to release the full truth about his time as a Muslim.
I guess we should feel lucky that the Republicans will never figure out what really would ruin Obamba’s hopes for the White House. They’re far too stupid to figure it out too.I know but I’m not going to tell.
McCain grew up a little prince, an Admiral’s son and grandson in times of war. McCain & Wife have about $600 million dollars. They wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.
McCain’s father was an admiral. Obama’s father was a polygamist Muslim.
And you think that bringing up family will help Obama?
By the way, Gary, you are not in uniform. McCain is, his sons are, his dad was, his grandfather was. You are the lowest thing on earth to him–a sunshine patriot, an armchair coward.
“[T]he Republican party has [Obama’s] books and we’ve figured out where he is lying” ….
The Dems have 20 years of the GOP’s record of incompetence, corruption, illegality, hypocrisy, dishonsty, and well, the current economy, an unpopular war, and a dottering old buffoon inextricably linked to the most unpopular president ever.
We look forward to McBush whining about Auchwitz in response to questions about why the fuck he doesn’t know anything about the economy. Sleep well, loser.
So people who are hurting are going to vote for a compulsive liar who they can’t trust?
They did in 2004.
The fact is, that is indeed the real Gary. The fact is, Gary has a Dustbin he wants to sell you.
this election is not Dems v. Reps, it is McCain v. Obama.
McCain is a moderate American and someone who Americans recognize is not a typical Republican.
Obama is a far-left radical widely disliked in his own party due to his racist and sexist campaign.
The uncle scandal is not one – you’ll see Gary, with minor Googling – and the Auschwitz bit seems as likely as not to be a family story.
So people who are hurting are going to vote for a compulsive liar who they can’t trust?
Ha ha, right. Ronald Reagan told Yitzhak Shamir he had personally helped liberate Auschwitz.
2003: We’re winning!
2004: We’re winning!
2005: We’re winning!
2006: We’re winning!
2007: We’re winning!
2008: We’re winning!
Sod off.
Give Real Gary(TM) credit: He at least knows when to disown his own party.
“McCain is someone just like all of us. ”
Really, Gary? All of you helped the North Vietnamese target American soldiers during the war? I thought it was just lying traitor John McCain.
Obama is so widely liked in his own party, that he has turned out record numbers of newly-registered Dems to vote for him! It’s even worse that that: he is SO disliked in his own party that he is about to clinch said party’s nomination for president!!
“Disliked” I mean.
Republicans have been associated with overspending, but McCain has credibility on economics and budget issues.
Sometimes I fear for america’s soul…
Mikey, America *has* no soul. That’s why the embattled minority of Not Evil Americans (like us, of course) must remain ever vigilant.
As for homeschoolers, just like public and private schoolers, GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). There are plenty of sane decent parents who’ve decided their kids need a more flexible curriculum than the local schools can offer, sometimes for very good reasons. We don’t hear about their kids for the same reason we don’t hear about the millions of inner-city public-school kids who don’t drop out, join gangs, or shoot each other — no
entertainmentnews value in people behaving decently.Of course there are also plenty of parents, mostly women (although Jesse Malkin’s membership in this group wouldn’t surprise me) who choose to “homeschool” their sprog(s) as an alternative to getting a Real Job. I have a longterm acquaintance who is in her second generation of this scam, busily ‘schooling’ the tots her own kids produced as teenagers while said kids work the minimum-wage jobs that are all they can attain without legitimate educational papers. I would be a little less judgemental about this woman if she wasn’t the sort of libertarian who complains loudly about how anyone who “wants” health insurance needs only to go find a Real Job where the Glorious Free Market will cover their pre-existing conditions. As Pedestrian said, paying taxes to support government services we ourselves don’t use is the price of civilisation.
The fact is, even I know when the public hates Republicans.
Anyway, the fact is, does anyone own a goat? Mickey Kaus was telling me the other day about a fun thing to do, and I wanted to try it out.
I guess “having nothing to say” is better than Bush’s negative credibility.
Republican unpopularity is due to two things
liberal media smearing, and Republicans acting too liberal.
Cite- please, for the love of all that is good, cite- SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Because no matter how many wingnuts claim this, not a damn one can come up with anything to bolster it.
This Ruppert isn’t even any fun. I mean, “liberal media”? Really? What’s next, rants about guys with long hair and women burning bras?
Obama’s father was a polygamist Muslim atheist.
Well, well, well. This. THIS is the real Gary you Sadly, O!bots hate so much? This is the real deal? The stuff of legends? Because from where I sit, Mr. Ruppert is making a great deal of sense when he points out the misogyny and race-baiting that are at the core of the Obama campaign…tactics that are turning off working-class voters and Reagan Democrats en masse. Just look at the polls, look at the electoral maps…without the real lifeblood of the Democrat Party, Obama falters and withers away at the chance of any challenge. Meanwhile, momentum is on Hillary’s side: She leads the popular vote, and will lead the charge to get Michigan and Florida delegates seated. She’ll come back strong against Obama in Montana, beat him bad in Puerto Rico, then convince the supers that the tide has turned, march to Denver, and capture the Democrat nomination. OR, she’ll succumb, bravely, to the undemocratic misogyny of the typical Obot supporters. You people can fight the tide, or ride with it all the way to the White House. The choice is yours. But don’t expect our votes if you don’t give us exactly what we want.
Honestly guys, that wasn’t me.
Somehow, I doubt they would even take Scholastic’s offer for a free book, ’cause books is dangerous, b’gosh.
I will become a lifelong customer of the first business that tells Malkin to go fuck herself the next time she raises more bullshit hysteria.
I was thinking along the lines of how they could offer free Harry Potter books as the prize for the homeschooled kids. If the fundie homeschoolers objected, the response would be, “why would you even want to enter a contest for a prize you don’t want?”
My Iris is much more passive-aggressive. The “it’s not fair” density is too low. Also I wouldn’t have used “The choice is yours” since all Obots are men, and choice is exclusively a woman’s thing.
If the lifeblood of the Democratic Party is people who voted for Ronald fucking Reagan, then the lifeblood of the Democratic Party can go fuck themselves sideways with a rusty bear trap.
Shalom, gentlemen.
The time for debate is over. We need to stop talking and start acting. Better yet, we need to bring Barack Obama down a peg. Let me begin by saying that I am hurt, furious, and embarrassed. Why am I hurt? Because I clearly have a hard time trying to reason with people who remain calm when they see Obama reap a whirlwind of destroyed marriages, damaged children, and, quite possibly, a globe-wide expression of incurable sexually transmitted diseases. Why am I furious? Because there is no place in this country where we are safe from his trucklers, no place where we are not targeted for hatred and attack. And why am I embarrassed? Because I deeply believe that it’s within our grasp to test the assumptions that underlie his ultimata. Be grateful for this first and last tidbit of comforting news. The rest of this letter will center around the way that as our society continues to unravel, more and more people will be grasping for straws, grasping for something to hold onto, grasping for something that promises to give them the sense of security and certainty that they so desperately need. These are the kinds of people Obama preys upon.
I unmistakably don’t know what Obama’s problem is, but he either is or elects to be ignorant of scientific principles and methods. Obama even intentionally misuses scientific terminology to sully my reputation. If his plan to commit all sorts of mortal sins — not to mention an uncountable number of venial ones — is to be discouraged then the wisest course of action is to lead us all toward a better, brighter future. Before we start down that road I ought to remind you that he will peddle the snake oil of paltry revisionism because he possesses a hatred that defies all logic and understanding, that cannot be quantified or reasoned away, and that savagely possesses the most truculent simpletons you’ll ever see with ghastly and uncontrollable rage. This brings us to the dark underside of Obama’s beliefs (as I would certainly not call them logically reasoned arguments), the side that’s known to make mountains out of molehills. I take no part in any argument over these or any other views. Now that that’s cleared up, I’ll continue with what I was saying before, that I have a scientist’s respect for objective truth. That’s why I’m telling you that the space remaining in this letter will not suffice even to enumerate the ways in which Obama has tried to rescue blackguardism from the rubbish heap of history, dust it off, slap on a coat of cheap sophistry, and market it as new and improved.
There is no doubt that Obama will lead a possession-obsessed jihad against those who oppose him sooner or later. Believe me, I would give everything I own to be wrong on that point, but the truth is that Obama’s perspective is that children should get into cars with strangers who wave lots of yummy candy at them. My perspective, in contrast, is that I have observed that those who disagree with me on the next point tend to be unsophisticated and those who recognize the validity of the point to be more educated. The point is that if I didn’t sincerely believe that I am making an appeal to the intelligence of the reader not to be fooled by Obama’s demagoguery, then I wouldn’t be writing this letter. In closing, we must do everything in our power to open minds instead of closing them. The fight must go on.
It’s an Iris-off!
Dear Friends,
I’m a truckler, he’s a truckler, she’s a truckle, they’re a truckler,
Wouldn’t you like to be a truckler too?
Love, Iris.
Republicans have been associated with overspending, but McCain has credibility on economics and budget issues.
Perhaps he should switch parties.
The fact is, here in the Heartland, we have penis envy.
Eh, this batshit insane Iris is still better than “Iris”, the Goo Goo Dolls crapathon.
a million little pieces
The fact is, now you have to go apologize to Oprah.
The fact is, oooooooohhh yyyyeeeeahhhh.. MMMmmmm.
Hillary Clinton is the only hope there is for Western Civilization.
Hillary Clinton is wise, shrewd and clever. She can dazzle Putin, bamboozle Amedinejad and dance circles around Chavez.
Hillary Cllinton ran a brilliant, fair campaign and deserves nothing short of a coronation TODAY.
Hillary Clinton has smooth, shapely legs, a perfectly proportionate perky bustline and a sensual sparkle in her clear, deep eyes. I’d do her.
Oh Pooh. All out of Gin. Hmm, half a bottle of Sherry. Oh. I think there’s some brandy in the bathroom. Lemme check…
The fact is, I don’t even say the fact is anymore. What’s up with that?
A funny old gal name of Iris,
Had a sexual thing for papyrus.
“Sure the paper cuts hurt
But I don’t have to flirt
And I’m free of venereal virus.”
Iris showed up at my door
And started to give me what for
She said Obama’s a racist
His campaign’s been the base-est
You’da been happier with president Al Gore
Hey Iris–
Does Jeralyn know that you’re two timing her? I doubt the Hillary loyalty pledge allows for that sort of thing.
So not even an mba and DN Nation are Iris?
I am so confused.
Oh, hi Saul. How’s the rabbi business?
And mikey too?
Oy, vey!
I’m voting for whoever Righteous Bubba is voting for.
They were fun till they started to tire us,
Those rants from the net-nom of ‘Iris’.
Her words were a warning sign
about her Brodmann-zone 39
Also known as the angular gyrus.
Because from where I sit, Mr. Ruppert is making a great deal of sense when he points out the misogyny and race-baiting that are at the core of the Obama campaign…tactics that are turning off working-class voters and Reagan Democrats en masse.
The fact is that Mr. Ruppert (in his various incarnations in this this thread) has not actually pointed out any misogyny OR race-baiting on the part of the Obama campaign. His points were (to paraphrase) “Obama lies”, “Obama is Muslim”, and “Obama is lying about being a Muslim”. (For the record, Gary is DOING the race-baiting, not pointing it out.)
From where I sit, Iris, you should perhaps stop talking from where you sit.
(And, wow, the Rainbow Goddess deserves much, much better namesakes.)
The first “Iris” gets a 73 – good rhythm and easy to chuckle to. Until I saw the Iris vs. Iris cannonade I was going to say “that’s a pretty good Iris.”
Now I don’t know what to think. <<== OMG I’m becoming a republican!
Lrn2listen Actually, learn to tune out the stupid pundits. You have all lost it if you want. All I can say is we’d all be a major cultural shift in the campaign, when most actual racism has come from either Matt Drudge, e-mail forwards and, well, miscellaneous Republicans or at worst isolated individuals on comment threads. Incidentally, I got a call from an independent voter, or a low-information,’smug’ or’self-righteous’ voter. It’s coming from a Democratic voter who is channeling a more anti-racist person than myself, and you’re committing a big mistake. You want to donate to a loser? Except they’ve been saying this since February. Can we finally get a few people to admit that the stupid pundits. You have really gone off the deep end with this little kabuki game. I’m tired of hearing how racist I am not comfortable with the prevailing winds. If these criticisms hit a little too close to home, then I sincerely hope that an Obama victory wouldn’t discredit our party leaders know they can take us for once. Maybe this would be a Democrat (he is post-partisan) and someone who isn’t afraid to even acknowledge that we have reacted kneejerk to any hint of racism.
I’m voting for whoever Righteous Bubba is voting for.
Voting for what when now?
There once was a blog commentator
A lover of Hill, Barak hater
She was roundly lampooned
by the SadlyNaut goons
Iris needed her straight jacket straighter
Now I’m really weirded out. Via TPM, it’s evident that silly season is definitely upon us. Former Neocon Francis Fukuyama Backs Obama
Peej –
Make sure we have gin. iris seems to have drunk it all.
i have no problem with homeschoolers, actually not every homeschooling family are lunatic, i’ve met some really cool, thinking people who were homeschooled. 🙂
Roger that. I must admit to some jealousy – it costs me a lot of gin to get that whacked out.
To be fair, Fukuyama was always among the least ridiculous of the neocons. That might sound like I’m saying, “He was among the least short of the dwarves,” but it’s not quite that backhanded of a compliment. He, unlike many of his compatriots, actually does recognize reality. He signed onto this idea that sounded pretty good on paper, but he then correctly identified it as a failure once it was put into action and has moved on. Not that I’m giving him a total pass, but this isn’t exactly an up is down.night is day thing.
Bear with this ode, I’ll not tarry
I speak of the dull-witted Gary
This dull canker sore
Equals tits on a boar
His comments are not worth the parry
congrats to whoever did the Iris at 23:02.
you’ve got Iris seeming to make a bit of sense first,
and then, as the reader continues further into the post, (s)he catches the subtle bouquet of disorganized thinking/loose associations wafting forth, giving the post the scent of paranoid schizophrenia as it might look right on the cusp between prodromal and acute stages.
it’s always a pleasure to see a master at work.
OneMan @ 0:22 says it in verse!
This is in addition to the usual lunacy, conspiracy thinking, crude partisan smears, and mortifying far-right crankism that Malkin provides daily, as sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a tax-funded government agency of high profile and vital responsibility:
It’s not just Malkin – this ad is running on Pajamas Media.
I saw it first on John Cole’s blog.
Prof Burgos has a nice pic on his blog of a green beret guy wearing a keffyeh. wtf? islamo penetration of our heros?
Obviously it’s being done by an ad agency (no surprise – the Pentagon and HS have outsourced and privatized everything else,) and all they do is sell x number of eyeballs seeing it on webpages. Follow the money back to the ad agency. Maybe the ad agency has a crony with connections on the inside, who does want to favor “conservative” websites – wanna bet?
(I wouldn’t know how to go about researching something like that myself, but…)
The fact is, I think I can find better political insight from Van Gogh’s “Irises” than from the one on this board.
On topic: Malkin’s desperate attempts to prove that she is, too, winning and effective are going to get shriller and shriller as her little world shrinks and falls apart around her. All the people she liked and stuck up for are going down in flames (cue: Malkin in flames graphic). Their replacements snub her. Whatever will she do to prop up her narcissistic ego? Oh Strawman! Time for another beating!