Projectionists In A House Of Mirrors

Doop-de-doop, readin’ the Internet. Good lord, what’s this?
Hillary’s Obama Assassination Fantasy?
By Jerry Bowyer
Saturday, May 24, 2008This week Hillary gave them what they wanted: she ‘invoked’ (whatever the heck that means) the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. They’ve been waiting for something like this. The [liberal] blogs have been buzzing for months with what fellow Townhall columnist, Mark Steyn calls, “Obama assassination porn;” that is, detailed fantasies in which Obama is felled by an assassin’s bullet, often in mid-speech.
They have? Never have we witnessed such absurd and backwards behavior.
Oh wait.
Um, yeah.
Gavin. Gavin. I love that you can still doop-de-doop while surfing this stuff, but great streaking Jesus at the Oscars, doesn’t it hurt? I’m gonna go have a drink now. Join me?
Projecting like the octoplex down at the mall….
good god. thanks god I’ve already had 3 beers.
Here ya go Jerry
1. Summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
2. Cite as an authority; resort to
3. Request earnestly (something from somebody); ask for aid or protection
Gin makes my whole world taste better.
This video clip disturbs me, as it did when I first viewed it several hours ago. Note the utter casualness of both Liz Trotta and the host. She makes her comment while chuckling, he blithely observes “Tell us how you really feel”, and then the conversation proceeds as if they hadn’t just advocated the assassination of a presidential candidate.
This is eliminationist rhetoric at its most banal and routine, and that’s what makes it scary.
¿Umm, did Mr Marshmallow head above give us any examples of this?
Then scrrrew him.
I’m pretty much hellaciously (is that a word?) fucked up.
And I’m not gonna watch the vid.
And I’m just going to wait it all out.
Soon, I’ll be in portland.
Soon, there will be no reason for any of this
Soon, I won’t even care…
i like when they ridicule and attack what they themselves do? it’s like shoving a pie in your own face!
Maybe’s she’s simply thinking of a High Noon meets James Bond pitch where Osama and Obama shoot it out, duke it out and finally dive for the lone gun with a single bullet which pierces both of them, missing Obama’s liver but piercing Osama’s heart. It’s close, but the Prezinator lives to govern a second term.
I mean we don’t know for sure what she meant.
I took a look at Taylor Marsh’s place today, and I’ve gotta say, they give the wingnuts a run for their money in the old batshittery competition. These people are supposed to be on our side? I read that stuff and I want to just give up and leave for someplace sane, if there is such a place these days.
It’s not that I think the extreme weirdness on sites like that is going to have a huge impact on the vast majority of Dem voters, but it is still very disturbing. What the hell is wrong with those people? The commenters over there are ravin’ loonies!
“National health care: breeding ground for terror?” So very…you photoshopped that, right? Right?
I thought it was Jonah Goldberg in a wig and panicked.
well, let’s be fair:
Obama=RFK is scary, because RFK DID get shot.
Obama=Osama, on the other hand means that the guy is perfectly safe…
Yeah, the ladies just looooooooooove The Newt Look™
………………….Barack can get shot going to the gas station……..
I was unaware that Andy Warhol’s wig and Kevin Smith had a baby.
That Steyn article at NRO that you hyperlinked under the word “have” contains one of the most repugnant passages I’ve read in the past week:
“Very few people in America want a real revolution: Life is great, this is a terrific country, with unparalleled economic opportunities. To be sure, it’s a tougher break if you have the misfortune to be the victim of one of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs or a decrepit inner-city grade school with a higher per-student budget than the wealthiest parts of Switzerland. But even so, to be born a U.S. citizen is, as Cecil Rhodes once said of England, to win first prize in the lottery of life.”
How the fuck do these people not see the irony in talking about how great life is in America, just like it was for CECIL FUCKING RHODES in England? Does Steyn know who Cecil Rhodes WAS? Can he possibly understand why using Rhodes as an example of how good life was for the average Englishman isn’t just inaccurate, but really goddamned sick?
Cecil Rhodes? They invoked Cecil Rhodes?
Foudner of Rhodesia. There’s an accomplishment!
Rhodes wanted to expand the British Empire because he believed that the Anglo-Saxon race was destined to greatness. In his last will and testament, Rhodes said of the British, “I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race.”
Heh. Scroll down. Wikipedia implies that maybe he was Teh Gay
The video no workie. Anyone got link to transcript?
Video works.
Does anyone else find this the funnest US election cycle in their lifetime?
It can only compare to ’68 and then only barely.
’68 was scary for kids like me of draft age who couldn’t vote or drink but could be sent off to die, and instead got to watch a bunch of white guys in button down suits, including, fer fucks sake, George Wallace and fucking Dick Nixon, battle it out with Hubert fucking Humphrey and a dead Kennedy…
Messianic political movements always have this kind of stuff, the suffering servant of the people, who lays down his life for them, felled by the military industrial complex, or the CIA or Halliburton or the establishment. Che, Bobby, Jack, Abraham and now Obama.
But this cycle is way grander. No draft. Sure, there’s some economic difficulties, but seriously, this time you have the trifecta- black dude, woman, AARP.
Or, if you prefer some of the more confused blog commenter statements- “Liberal Repubican, Conservative Democrat, Far-Left Democrat, or maybe – ‘War Hero’, ‘Racist’, ‘Sexist’.
I am so making a Che, Bobby, Obama, Abramhoff t-shirt!
Did she not see how the cyclone of hard Left hatred for her and the hurricane of Obama’s messianic image would combine into a perfect storm of outrage from the Left?
I can’t decide whether Ms Clinton or Townhall’s Jerry Bowyer more needs my hug.
This story has legs, not because it furher proves Hillary’s moral emptiness (although it does) but rather because it fits so nicely into the “Obama as messiah” myth.
I don’t know about you guys, but Im far to lazy and drunk to sign up to comment over there at townhall.
But I love this comment (above).
Its got it all, Obama’s hot sexy legs, ‘furher’ misspelled, the whole, ‘sadly, these people are worshiping the wrong jesus’ bit. Only thing that would make it better, a subliminal, ”I’d suck his dick” refrerence.
Will this myth continue unchallenged all the way to November? Only if (i) the mainstream press is complicit in closing its eyes to all of Sen. Obama’s many human frailties; and (ii) if the American populace chooses to swallow this story without even chewing on it a little bit.
heh. Gotta love this shit.
Fucking thing was supposed to put in the umlats on Führer.
Another obvious example of, “..what fellow Townhall columnist, Mark Steyn calls, “Obama assassination porn;” by the the cyclone of hard Left hatred.
You people suck.
I’m off to not eat at Subways or Dunkin Donuts.
Have fun with your theatrical reenactment of a new generation.
I took a look at Taylor Marsh’s place today, and I’ve gotta say, they give the wingnuts a run for their money in the old batshittery competition. These people are supposed to be on our side? I read that stuff and I want to just give up and leave for someplace sane, if there is such a place these days.
It’s not that I think the extreme weirdness on sites like that is going to have a huge impact on the vast majority of Dem voters, but it is still very disturbing. What the hell is wrong with those people? The commenters over there are ravin’ loonies!
Candy, your nym is sexist. Seriously, when mi·sog·y·nists like me read your nym we get dirty thoughts, thoughts about women in yellow pantsuits, and their daughters, dominating us, tying us down for 4 more years of whipping and screaming. Please stop. Please, I’l take off the polar bear suit if you do.
arouet said,
That Steyn article at NRO that you hyperlinked under the word “have” contains one of the most repugnant passages I’ve read in the past week:
Damn you, thought I was done with this.
Does Steyn know who Cecil Rhodes WAS?
I’m fairly certain Mr Steyn does know that Cecil Rhodes was a white man, in deepest darkest africa.
I did not actually finish Steyn’s article, I got bored halfway thru and switched over to YouTube Kimba The White Lion videos-
I don’t know, they just seemed more relevant.
but I gather, from what i did read, that Mr Steyn thinks Che and Roy Rogers where on Golden Girls and thus we should not vote for Obama so Goldwater can finally be on Sesame Street. Oh, and he wanted to use ‘ersatz’, in a sentence, cuz, you know, its german. Like Furhur, but without the umlats.
Of course, I could be wrong. like i said, I didn’t really read the thing, Kimba seemed soo much more important
This is eliminationist rhetoric at its most banal and routine, and that’s what makes it scary.
But hang on, I thought it was us liberal leftist were they ones who deranged violent psychopaths? Did I miss a meeting.
That Steyn article at NRO that you hyperlinked under the word “have” contains one of the most repugnant passages I’ve read in the past week:
I think he’s given up trying to be coherent or even relevant. Last weeks appearance on hewitt and the NRO article was some of the dumbest, racist shit I have ever read. I’m debating suspending Steynwatch, as life is getting to short to wade through filth like that.
Jesus Christ, my eeeeeyeees! Someone invoke some dark brown hair dye and a hairdresser with an iron stomach, STAT!
You don’t like his attempt to look like the popular kid in the 6th grade class, Arky?
Oh, speaking of, that headline in the pic IS shopped, yes? Please?
This is as good a thread as any to point out that Pam has done it again.
You might have some questions about the URL, but it really is a post about Obama’s penis.
You stupid liberals simply refuse to admit that this is just another example of Bush Derangement Syndrome on your part, somehow, or something or other.
Some Guy,
Sadly, No!
Ya see, because a doctor in Britain used the computer at his hospital to read about Osama bin Laden any doctor in Britain could do the same thing and he wouldn’t be caught because NHS doesn’t check its practitioners’ computer usage accounts. Whereas in the United States, doctors use their own private computers and [mumble] war on terror [indecipherable] Victory!
Courtesy o’ Think Progress.
On the Pamela post, it seems that her commenters have finally caught on to her batshit insanity:
“Atlas Shrugs has been transformed into Pamela’s frilly pink basket of an on-line Barack Obama Rave Page, a repository of repressed love letters to the man that birth, background and politics can allow her to adore only unconsciously, and therefore consciously to hate with a passion that has gone over the border of obsession to purest erotic compulsion.”
There you go again with the misogyny. Liz Trotta- clearly a vaginal-American. So what if she thinks it would be great if Osama bin Laden and his best pal Obama-bin-hatin’-on-the-womyn Hussein Elitist Muslimofascist were both knocked off. You’re just disparaging her because you can’t handle a strong woman with real valid opinions.
Shoot, I gotta remember to change to Iris before I do that.
True Story, Liz Trotta has three Emmy awards. Not surprising considering how well-spoken and reasonable she is. It’s no wonder that everbody watches her.
Seriously though, this is why anyone who still claims that the MSM has a liberal bias should be
knocked offbeat with a frozen brisket of beef until it turns into a reuben sandwichgently informed of their error.The incompetent car bombers in London and Glasgow a while ago included doctors working for the National Health Service. What worries me most is that the NHS is having such difficulty recruiting that they hire people with such poor knowledge of basic science – fire requires oxygen you blithering idiots.
Candy, your nym is sexist. Seriously, when mi·sog·y·nists like me read your nym we get dirty thoughts, thoughts about women in yellow pantsuits, and their daughters, dominating us, tying us down for 4 more years of whipping and screaming. Please stop. Please, I’l take off the polar bear suit if you do.
Darlin’, er Sweetie, I mean, tWinslow, I like my nym – I’ve been using it for about eight years now, as a personal tribute to a beautiful young man who was sometimes called that by his fellow band members, before he became a bit more well-known – and I’m kind of digging the idea of the polar bear suit, so . . . no.
I see the bouncers finally threw tWinslow out of this bar, but he went down the street and ordered a boilermaker from the next joint.
Somebody needs to quit his day job at the bleach factory, the fumes are affecting his head in more ways than one.
That hairstyle definitely looks like Lloyd Christmas meets Ric Flair.
Good Lord. The guy actually appears in public looking like that, and then goes about deliberately attracting attention to himself by saying stupid shit.
Does that little crawler/title thingie really say “National Healthcare; Breeding Ground For Terror”? Or is that a Photoshop?
It’s like how the eco-feminists are all up our carbon footprints. Like Wingnut MadLibs.
“Gun Control; Springboard for Same-Sex Marriage”
“Judicial Activism; Gateway Drug to Atheism”
“France; Just Like Iran But With More Cheese”
Yes. And no. See the link above or copy and past National Healthcare etc, into your search engine of choice.
Boy, these assholes don’t even pretend to have a factual basis to their bullshit claims sometimes…
My question goes unanswered, from sea to shining sea: It is manifestly illegal to even joke about assassination of U.S. political figures. So why, why oh why is Liz Trotta still speaking to us from the outside of steel bars?
norbizness said,
May 26, 2008 at 7:09
I was unaware that Andy Warhol’s wig and Kevin Smith had a baby.
This is why they made you official spokesman for The Left™.
Not to mention Huckabee cracking assassination jokes…
I love the part where he classifies John Wilkes Booth as a left-winger.
she ‘invoked’ (whatever the heck that means)
Anyone this catastrophically stupid loses the right to reference anything ever again. Oh, and also the right to talk.