Their Morals And Ours

From Talk Left, the Honeycomb Hideout of the Hillary Democrats:
Friday Morning OpenThread
By Big Tent Democrat
Posted on Fri May 23, 2008 at 08:30:35 AM ESTI just want to make a point about off topic comments. To me at least, they are unacceptable. If you do not want to talk about the issue I have posted about then you can refrain from commenting in that particular thread. I delete off topic comments and responses to such topics. Oh, and when comments are declared closed, that means you should not comment any further in that thread, I delete all comments posted after comments have been declared closed.
Open Threads, of which we now put more than a few a day, is the place to comment on your particular issues. Please use those Open Threads for that purpose.
BTW, I speak for me and my posts here. I am not sure if J sees it exactly as I do, but we are charged with policing our own comment threads. So that’s the way I will regulate the comment threads to my own posts. Ironically, this is an Open Thread.
And spit out that gum.
They’re not Hillary Democrats. If you’re only going to vote for Hillary and no one else — or worse, vote for McCain out of pathetic spite — you’re not a Democrat. You’re a Clinton Cultists.
I don’t know, I think I really prefer the original Mustangs to the fastbacks.
Well, truthfully, people who make off-topic comments really bug me.
Off topic = Anything said that is mildly critical of Hillary or mildly complimentary to Barack.
I know, I was deleted for saying, ” At least you have to give Obama credit for running a good campaign”.
Too inflammatory I guess.
Jeez. Maybe they should just come out and say “you have to have an attention span THIS TALL to go on this ride”.
I’d be toast.
Mmmm, toast. I like plum jam….
A lot of the in-denial blogs are acting this way (sup Lambert). At some point I think they ran out of energy to fabricate replies to facts and such, and decided to go all Malkin on their readers.
A pity, that.
Why do they hate freedom over there?
Oh, right. Because they’re insane.
There’s not much room in that Big Tent, is there?
I see I am being far too lax on my blog. I think I’ll tell everyone what to say, and then make them call me Princess Susan of Narnia.
If you don’t demand a little discipline, they’ll never respect you.
BTW, my vacuum’s just about had it. Are those Dyson’s all they’re cracked up to be?
Have you seen the movie Once? There’s a funny bit with a vacuum cleaner.
I’d be toast.
Mmmm, toast. I like plum jam….
plum tuckered out.
Why doesn’t Tucker Carlson come out?
Take me out to the ball game…
OMG balls!
I think everyone should stay away from Big Tent Democrat, at least two components of his name (given the site he’s on) may soon reach critical mass and create an irony singularity.
I do wish you’d listen, Wymer. It’s perfectly simple. If you’re not getting your hair cut, you don’t have to move your brother’s clothes down to the lower peg. You simply collect his note before lunch, after you’ve done your scripture prep, when you’ve written your letter home, before rest, move your own clothes onto the lower peg, greet the visitors, and report to Mr. Viney that you’ve had your chit signed.
I think you misunderstand the name BTD, caliph, It refers to what his pants make when he thinks of Hillary.
And I’ve commented over there a bit, just from sheer apoplectic disbelief at BTD’s disingenuous posts. Jeralyn I like, and I think her desperation is sad but understandable.
No idea. But I’ve found canister vacuums far superior to uprights, and I have had extensive experience across many continents with vacuum cleaners.
How about those crystal skulls, huh? My History of Gems books say they’re eerie, and they mean scientifically, not supernaturally.
I think Terence must have had modern blog comment threads in mind when he said “moderation in all things.”
plum jam….
Pearl Jam. They’re playing at the Bonnaroo Festival next month. In Memphis. Has anyone ever been to Graceland? That was a great album by Paul Simon. Whatever happened to Garfinkel?
Super Tuesday was the 9/11 of the Hillary camp, the day that changed everything and forced them – yes, FORCED them – to become wingnuts. And this is central to my point.
Oh, what’s to tell? I was at the orphanage till I was 18, then I got my job at a souvenir stand.
Oh, and once I saw a blimp.
I hate to use a military analogy here, but the Hillary cultists have gone to the bunkers. There’s probably dancing raccoons, midgets in S & M gear, home made firecrackers, re-enactments of the 2003 ALCS, and marathon screenings of Six Feet Under, all over the place.
Yes, this is what I imagine bunkers are like.
Princess Susan of Narnia
All I remember from those books is that Narnian royalty got to wear elegant, yet comfortable clothing.
And in the last one they all died in a horrible train crash.
I think Terence must have had modern blog comment threads in mind when he said “moderation in all things.”
I think that Phillip’s fart jokes were a graver concern.
And they all went to heaven except Susan, because she liked fucking too much.
Phillip’sPlautus’I used to be a DNC stalwart, but after Super Tuesday I am outraged by Florida and Michigan. (off of Lakeesha’s original).
Clinton fans are like Sopranos fans– a surprising kind of black crushed their hopes.
Remember cassette tapes and how they often had big close-spaced upper-case lettering on the spine so you’d know which artist you were buying?
Row upon row of CLINT BLACK tapes were a beautiful sight.
Yay! OT – shall we revive talk of the PDX Sadlyly/Bachelor Party Madness in this thread? PeeJ, Toby, Djur, et al. are you here?
I think PeeJ liked the idea of Ringler’s. What say the rest of you that are planning to attend?
Speaking for himself only, Tent Peg Democrat, ruler of Snitistan forbids thee to wander from the topic at hand, else he will smite thine comments as the kingfisher smites the minnow.
Speaking of tents, the weather’s supposed to be really nice this weekend, maybe we’ll go camping.
a smooth blend of chai tea and soy protein, all naturally sweetened with a subtle hint of vanilla
I got banned by Lambert for telling him he was a fucking hack for comparing the Obama campaign to the Nazis. I found it awesomely hypocritical given how much he and his pack of sycophants at corrente whine about being run out of the dailykos.
I liked Six Feet Under. Especially the guy that’s now on Dexter, and the other one that was in Dirty Sexy Money, and the girl that played the dumb girl in Catch and Release. I haven’t seen the black guy in anything recent, though.
Oh and wasn’t Timothy Oliphant was in Catch and Release, too? I loved him from Deadwood. It was nice seeing him not so angry.
Hey, did you guys see the thread where Gavin M. makes fun of the Big Tent Democrat person from Talk Left for overly moderating his comment section. I thought is was really funny and accurate.
Can be found here:
This has been bugging me and I can’t seem to get an answer: What is an occasional table the rest of the time?
No, I will NOT get off your lawn.
as the kingfisher smites the minnow.
I just got a very vivid image of a red-breasted kingfisher gently crushing the skull of a minnow in it’s beak. He had sort of a knowing look in his eye.
Am I on drugs?
Talk Left, the Masada for Hillary supporters. It can only end ugly for these dweebs.
This has been bugging me and I can’t seem to get an answer: What is an occasional table the rest of the time?
A night stand. Also known as a fuck stool.
Furious George is quite right. Susan liked boys and parties and dismissed Narnia (religion) as a childhood fantasy. When the others died, she was probably off having sex with an American.
The first Naria movie set up her future fate quite neatly, by having her insist on using logic and reason. The others made sure to scoff at her idiotic logic and reason because they knew Naria was really real.
It’s a junk collector.
I’m here, now.
What’s a topic?
What’s a thread?
Anyone seen the new Iron Man? Is it worth the price of admission?
Damn, and I quit reading the Narnia books before I got to the last one.
I have no occassional tables. I don’t like idle furniture, sitting around doing nothing all day. Sure, you can put a picture on it, but would you hire someone to stand around all day holding a photograph or seashell?
What? Huh? Ringlers? Okay.
Wait, what’s the approximate distance to Voodoo?
The last is a pisser. Think The Amazing Race, with death as the Grand Prize.
Talk Left, the Masada for Hillary supporters.
Talk Left dies on the high road, Corrente dies on the low road.
Iron Man was awesome, as would be any movie featuring the Dude as the villain
Yeah, it’s fucking awful. “Congratulations, children, you’re dead! Isn’t it great?”
Hey! Shouldn’t we stay on topic?
Big Tent Democrat snicker
he said ‘tent’…heh…hehe…hehehheh…</beavis>
Word. I’ma see it.
. I don’t like idle furniture, sitting around doing nothing all day.
Hey! What did I ever do to you?
We were somewhere near Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like ‘I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive . . .’ And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, which was going about a hundred miles an hour with the top down to Las Vegas. And a voice was screaming: ‘Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals!?’
Oh, I have to make a correction. It was Taylor Marsh who deleted me for the mildly complimentary Obama comment.
My apologies to BTD but I have trouble telling the sites apart.
Underlining test in progress. Please ignore.
would you hire someone to stand around all day holding a photograph or seashell?
How attractive and clothed is this person?
I went to TalkLeft for the 1st time Wednesday night. It was linked in another blog’s commentary, with the commenter warning me – “if you want to stare into the face of madness” … & sweet bleeding Jesus, it’s true. I’m sure it seems like a big happy party from the inside – but to me it was like some perverted PoliSci 101 hybrid of The People’s Temple, circa 1977. Seeing the sort of hyper-anal whip-snapping referenced above in, ironically, an OPEN THREAD, makes it all too easy to visualize the creepy bastards with assault-rifles giving the crowd the stinkeye from the front of the stage.
Plainly, I have too much of a chronic case of Kool-Aid Deficit Syndrome to enjoy their reindeer games. I suck hard at playing along, all the more so when I’m being freaked right the hell out.
I might go back around September or so, just to see if the Hillary Sunshine primary-blotter has worn off by then – but I’m not exactly counting the days.
“the Masada for Hillary supporters.”
I like Chicken Tika Masada, it’s really good.
Not very and not at all. Now?
How attractive and clothed is this person?
Think of it from a functional perspective. If you hired an octopus it could hold eight pictures.
Totally. Otherwise we’re going to get Narnia and Iron Man all mixed up.
The drum table’s a bit noisy and the gateleg table has spindly legs, but the coffee table is teh hawt.
Test completed. On to my very important, totally on-topic comment.
From Talk Left’s official comment policy (emphases in the original, although converted from underline to italics):
So, are you a chatterer?
Hey, good news. Norbizness done turned his screen name blue.
And a voice was screaming: ‘Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals!?’
I think Gavin M. does this a lot.
Ever tried tikka paste with cottage cheese?
Now how will they make that into a PG movie…?
If you hired an octopus it could hold eight pictures.
Yeah, a man could only hold three.
Well, Susan’s predilection for crazy monkey sex with college boys 3 or 4 years her senior in the back of their Bel Air is only really implied. But it doesn’t matter – since the current movie semi-tanked, I don’t think we’ll be revisiting Narnia any time soon. Besides, they’d never make The Last Battle anyway. The books slowly become more and more problematic for film treatments, for various reasons.
Poker table sounds hawter.
(is this the furniture thread or the Narnia thread. I’m lost)
“Yeah, a man could only hold three.”
Only with, er, “help.”
“Ever tried tikka paste with cottage cheese?”
Mmm, cottage cheese.
We rented a cottage on the beach once.
The beach at sunset is pretty.
Me? I’m pretty pasty.
So, yeah.
The Dude is the villain in Iron Man? Is there any rug-peeing?
Ever tried tikka paste with cottage cheese?
No, but cottage cheese goes great with a nice hot mango pickle.
Sorry – does that oppose the views expressed by Sadly,No?
I plan to be at the Bonnaroo if any of you want to hang out.
“if you disagree with us, we will totes ban u”
clearly these are people who are confident in their positions
“Hey! Shouldn’t we stay on topic?”
Of course, this only strengthens my point.
Legalize said,
May 23, 2008 at 18:32
The Dude is the villain in Iron Man? Is there any rug-peeing?
multiple food mooching scenes
(not kidding)
This isn’t Nam, there are rules.
IfI remember correctly, the Last Battle had a scene where the (pseudo-Arabic) Calormen’s God was revealed to be a false god. I bet the wingnuts would love that. There’s a lot of Revelation-type stuff in it too.
Long ago I was walking around barefoot and I stepped in spit.
If you’re only going to vote for Hillary and no one else — or worse, vote for McCain out of pathetic spite — you’re not a Democrat. You’re a Clinton Cultists.
I call them Hillarepublicans.
I call them Hillarepublicans.
Please don’t do that joke where you whisper.
I don’t like seeing Sadly snarking other left wing blogs. I feel like the SDP.
I mean, I get why they do it, and god knows TalkLeft deserve it, it’s just depressing.
TalkLeft isn’t all that leftist, ya know
Sadly, No needs to delete any comment that is not on-topic with the voices I hear in my head.
A night stand. Also known as a fuck stool.
He said stool… heh heh heh.
on behalf of t Winslow Howell, the third, esquire, Fellow of the Royal Society for the Preservation of Trolls,
H. R. 2419
Damn, and I quit reading the Narnia books before I got to the last one.
That’s funny. I quit reading the Narnia books before I got to the first one.
The fact is, all comments not involving Giant Sammiches should be deleted. We in the Heartland love our Giant Sammiches.
Sure, you can put a picture on it, but would you hire someone to stand around all day holding a photograph or seashell?
Why do you think I let George W. sit in the oval office?
This isn’t Nam, there are rules.
There were rules in Nam! Before shooting at the enemy we had to say, “May I?”
We in the Heartland love our Giant Sammiches.
Where exactly is the “heartland” and how far is it from the “lungland”?
It’s becoming pretty clear that these *aren’t left wing blogs* any more. They’ve become cult sites, and they’re going to be in nonstop attack-Obama mode come the autumn.
Besides, they’re just easy to mock. Nasty, thin-skinned, and delusional. Think of it as a public service…and maybe, just maybe, they’ll pull back from the cliff if they realize they’re laughingstocks.
Except for Corrente. I think Lambert needs an icon here, preferably involving a character from Deliverance.
My take? The pro-Hillary blogs are suffering more from being blogs than being pro-Hillary.
People on the internet tend to gravitate around spaces that feature a particular topic and purpose, but the main satisfaction they garner from participating is social and tribal. The big bad internet is full of strangers, but here at this [insert interest here] blog, I can talk with my familiar group. Even if we argue continually, we know each other. It doesn’t matter if the interest is politics, knitting, or fanfics about Harry Potter getting jiggy with Snape — the desire to form a tribe is very strong.
If the outside world intrudes on the interest, it changes the group in unsettling ways. In this case, if Hillary concedes, groups centered around electing her as president will have to choose a new direction. No matter what direction they take, they’ll lose the shared vision and purpose that currently holds their tribe together. Without it, the tribe could easily splinter and lose track of each other.
Meanwhile, as the end looms, the less-attached members start peeling off and the hard-core members start feeding off each other’s denial… driving off anyone who is remotely attached to reality. It can get pretty looney before the meltdown.
NEW ‘NAM RULE: Sandwiches.
and then when they die they become End Tables….
Ummmm … I don’t get it. Please elucidate.
I pulled something in my lower back. Anybody know a quick way to reduce the pain?
‘Sokay, SomeNYGuy. I read that comment like three times and kept thinking it meant that you shouldn’t tell the Hillarepublicans joke in the same place where you whisper . . .
I love me some Báhn mi.
Tofu. With the jalepeños.
I think the pool table may be the hottest.
If I had one, that is.
A girlfriend, I mean.
Am I too chatty?
Nobody move! Everyone put you hands where I can see them.
Okay, you can leave them down your pants, Gary. But everyone else! In the air!
Damn, and I quit reading the Narnia books before I got to the last one.
Phew, did you ever dodge a bullet.
It’s not as heavy-handed as a Chick tract, but it lacks a certain subtlety. Scratch that, it lacks all certain and uncertain subtleties.
I never read any Narnia books until I was almost 40, so I didn’t have the cherished-childhood-memories baggage biasing me toward liking them. My wife, who does have that baggage, bought me the whole set, meaning well. The experience of reading them was something like seeing Hair Bear Bunch cartoons for the first time as an adult, only with more thinly veiled Cryptojesus.
The fact is, I enjoyed Once. But then I have a thing for Eastern European women who can sing and play the piano. That’s teh hawt.
Also, and in addition, I love that you guys are snarking on the very post on the very blog that I was just at. I makes me warm inside. Maybe that’s the tequilla. Too early in the day to be sure.
Still trying to get limited to 4 comments per thread over here…..
Jalapenos?!?!?! Thai bird chilies man. That’ll clear your incense-burning-tofu-eating-chain-commenting tubes up real good.
That’s what they all put on the Báhn mi out here. Sliced fresh jalepeños.
Those can be hot. What are the bird chilies like? They sound brutal.
Still trying to get limited to 4 comments per thread over here…..
I thought it was 4 comments per day.
I’m already way over that. Sure glad I signed up for the premium package.
He-heh-heh…I said ‘package’.
Thai bird chilies. Apparently they come in an ornamental version too, you learn something new every wikisearch. I’m sure you must have had Ph?. Bird chilies are the ones that come with the bean sprouts and basil leaves.
Damn, WordPress ate my Pho!
They serve pho here in Seattle with the sliced fresh jalepeños.
Guess I’m missing out.
Ummmm … I don’t get it. Please elucidate.
Sorry, Obama has this joke about Obamicans where he says that Republicans come up to him all the time and say, [whispering] “I supporty you.” Then HE says, [also whispering] “Thank you.”
Fortunately he stopped telling it so often.
Got it. I remember that joke from earlier in the campaign season … which seems like 175 million years ago …
Thanks for responding.
earlier in the campaign season … which seems like 175 million years ago …
Doesn’t it? I swear this election has taken 10 years off my life.
I’ve always been partial to Greek and Bulgarian women.
Not only are they gorgeous, they smell nice.
My downstairs neighbors use so much house deoderant that I can smell it in my bedroom when they open the window? How awful must they smell to require that much perfumey coverage?
Boggles my tiny mind.
And my attention span…
I read the first one when I was a pre-teen, but didn’t get the rest until in my late 30’s. I thought my kids would like them, but after I read the one where they’re going up the river to see god? Um, no.
And the nice thing about Bulgarian women is that with all that hair under their armpits you can wrap it around yourself to keep warm in the winter.
Yeah, a man could only hold three. five if you used his mouth and bunghole. Seven if you hung them from his ears.
This house deodorant–does that come in a roll-on or a dry solid?
I’m reminded of the words of the immortal Oscar Wilde: “There is only one thing worse than being off-topic, and that is being on-topic.” So true, Oscar; so true.
The great Winston Churchill was once approached by a woman at a dinner party who declared, “Mr Churchill, you’re off-topic!” To which the witty Prime Minister replied, “But in the morning, madam, I shall be on-topic, and you will still be ugly.”
But I think that the final word should go to the irrepressible Dorothy Parker, belle dame of the Algonquin Roundtable, who once declared: “If every topic in the blogosphere were laid end-to-end, I wouldn’t be at all surprised.”
Having never been to Seattle I have no idea where you should look for a real Vietnamese restaurant, but if you’re actually interested in thai bird chilies (mmm so hot you can get burned just looking at them) I dug this up on the intertrons.
I appreciate it, nonmba. I actually have several oriental groceries in my neighborhood. (White Center!)
I think it is a question of economics to the restaurants here.
Rules for comments at Talkleft, “you’ve got to say ‘dog kennel’ to Mr. Lambert, because if you say ‘mattress’, he puts a bag over his head..”
substitute Obama for mattress etc
Shouldn’t that tWHowell moron be in this thread to provide an object lesson?
Theres a great vietnamese place on 12th and jackson in that little mini mall set of stores on the NW corner (who’d of thunk, vietnamese in the onternational district!)..
what i find really funny about all these blogs that jumped the wrong shark, is now they are totally out of a business. They killed their own blogs (larry johnson this means you) by turning into hillary attack dogs. When the campaign is over their blog will be scorched earth. I just dont get the business model. me type bad in morning.
you live in white center and cant find vietnamese food? go outside and throw a rock, chances are you hit a vietnamese restaurant.
We’re looking for a restaurant that serves 50K-100K SHU Thai bird chilies with their pho. Preferably with nice cold rice-paper wraps with shrimp and mint leaves. And Hong Kong style iced coffee, not that bubble tea crap.
“Yeah, a man could only hold three.”
Only with, er, “help.”
But about age 50 or so it drops to two, help or no help.
We have an Oreck vacuum and love it. the only thing that sucks better is any campaign run by mark penn.
That place is called the Tamarind Tree. Upscale Vietnamese for downscale prices.
I have just never seen those chilies at any of the places in White Center, or in Seattle in general. But Seattleites are notorious for their aversion to high heat.
Armando = Puptent DINO
And non-rain based percipitation.
Snow? what’s that?
I heard you west coasters were all too high on pot to do any blow.
“Snow? what’s that?”
It’s that stuff, when even casually mentioned, causes the Emerald City to shut down and people to flee their motor vehicles in terror.
Speaking of terror–I totally forgot that the Libertarian convention was in town this weekend. Going to be an interesting weekend in downtown Denver…
My family had a Kirby when I was growing up. It was built like a tank and smelled like Hell’s dustcloth.
I totally forgot that the Libertarian convention was in town this weekend
Here’s your chance to find out if Libertarians ignore parking meters on principal.
nonmba – Bingo
MileHi – Bingo
Shorter BTD: “If any of you Creative Class Elitist Motherfuckers wanna say anything divergent from my beliefs, i’ll drown every last fucking one of you in ramen broth”
I’ll second the 12th & Jackson place. Best sammitches in town, verified by an actual Vietnamese person I know. Yummy and cheap.
And 20 years ago at least, if you were lookin’ for that kind of snow on the west coast, Silicon Valley was the place to go. I suppose LA was right in there too. Nobody fled their cars in panic over it though.
Who’s looking for the vacuum? Take my advice and get the Electrolux Harmony. Quietest vacuum ever made, cannister style, weighs only 12 pounds, even looks good (red with those cool big back wheels) and really sucks but only in a good way.
I wonder if there are any good Thai restaurants in Yellowknife. Not that I am ever going there but I was just wondering.
I hope they add automatic gratuity to all bar and food orders in Denver that is within walking distance of the overpass they are having the Libertarian convention under.
MileHi Hawkeye said,
May 23, 2008 at 21:41
And non-rain based percipitation.
you mean like when my percolator gets clogged? yeah im adverse to that.
this is an Open Threadmy username is ‘Big Tent Democrat’.Fixed.
I think I’ll tell everyone what to say
This comment was originally relevant to the thread, but then Gavin went in and edited it.
Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals!?
“It’s that stuff, when even casually mentioned, causes the Emerald City to shut down and people to flee their motor vehicles in terror.”
Many, not all…some of us actually can drive in the White Terror(tm).
Speak for yourself, Ex. I can drive in the snow, but since almost no one else can, what’s the use?
Yeah, but you’re in the minority there, my friend. Like being a tanned caucasian Seattlite.
“you mean like when my percolator gets clogged?”
Only if your are poopy mcpedant pants.
“you’re”, of course…
Is there a special genre of slash fiction called ‘crucifiction’?
If not, why not
Excellent question, smut. I’ll have to think on that. Perhaps you should invent it if it doesn’t exist.
Also, Miele. It’s an awesome vacuum.
My understanding of the conventions of slashfic is that character cross-overs are a Good Thing. If I ever write any crucifiction, it’s going to bring in Oedipus, on account of him also having pierced ankles.
Trotsky!Frist!So rather then getting post software that will allow him/her to actually close the postings, she just tells you you’re not allowed ot post in that thread anymore, and will delete any posts that do get put in after his/her decree.
yeah, I’m starting to see why Clinton is such a nutjob, with supporters like that.