Dr. Mrs. Ole Perfesser’s sensitive wimp fetish

Dr. Mrs. Ole Perfesser has a question:

New Books on Men and Boys

A reader (thanks!) let me know about a new book by columnist Kathleen Parker that is coming out soon entitled Save the Males: Why Men Matter Why Women Should Care. […]

Sounds interesting–but I must add that I find it somewhat disturbing that ultimately the premise of the book (I am inferring this from the title and the above summary) is about the effect of men’s cultural demise on….women. Yes, I know that focusing on women is the only way to sell books but if I had my way (or I was not so darn lazy), I would write a book that focused on the effect of the male bashing culture on – surprise!….men. How do actual men feel about it, what do they think, how does it affect them personally and their sons?

Speaking as a guy, I just don’t give a rat’s ass. Life is too short to worry about the fact that Homer Simpson is now the gold standard for male characters on television. In other words, Dr. Mrs., I’m not such an overly-sensitive wimp that I start crying whenever somebody says something mean about my gender. I repeat: life is too short.

I hope this answers your question.

Adding: I think there are relevant gender bias issues that relate to men. But most of what Mrs. Perf is describing is men who cry because people refer to them as deadbeat dads when they don’t pay child support.


Comments: 109


Yeah, she’s real worried about the wimpiness of the American male. That’s why she married a stud like Glenn Reynolds.


Also, I don’t care what a pathetic racist like Kathleen “Photoshopped” Parker thinks about me.


focusing on women is the only way to sell books, because men don’t read books I assum? Is that also the fault of a “male-bashing culture”?

Maybe if DMOP really wants to improve the American Man, she should work on getting them to read.


Life is too short to worry about the fact that Homer Simpson is now the gold standard for male characters on television.

Actually, the standard male character on television and in the movies really hasn’t changed much over the years. He’s still generally macho and in charge, and eventually resorts to violence or intimidation to solve his problems. At least as far as I can see.

This is why it’s so perplexing to see all the handwringing over this “problem”. Okay, so Alan Alda was popular for awhile. This changed what exactly?


Does someone want to play me?


Is the TV stereotype that dads act like 8-year-olds and moms are superhuman really that positive for women? I don’t see it as a way of bashing men; it seems to be saying that men can do whatever the hell they want and their dutiful wives will be there to pick up the pieces. How often do you see a nurturing father who lets his wife go out and get drunk with the girls, smash the car through the living room, and wake up on the kitchen table to the sight of him making pancakes?

MileHi Hawkeye

Wow, she actually has a reader. Color me surprised.

The time I’ve spent over at TalkLeft provoking the idiots has made me immune to any insults of my gender.


It’s so sad how men are kept down by the female power structure. If you want a vision of the future, imagine a sexay thigh-high boot stamping on a man face – forever.


In other words, Dr. Mrs., I’m not such an overly-sensitive wimp that I start crying whenever somebody says something mean about my gender.

I am an overly-sensitive wimp but I don’t cry when people say mean things about my gender either. I do cry at an appalling large assortment of other things, however.


imagine a sexay thigh-high boot stamping on a man face – forever.

Done and done. That’s awesome.


Done and done. That’s awesome.

Indeed! (Although it did make me cry a bit.)

not even an mba

I don’t know about books – but focusing on women certainly helps sell magazines.


Please, Dr. Mrs. I’ve already got a mommy.

…speaking of which, do Perf and Mrs. Perf even have kids?


Look, I agree that it is a concern that males have lower high school graduation rates, are less likely to go to college, and are far more likely to wind up in prison. They do, however, manage to make more money, make up the overwhelming majority of CEOs, and comprise 80% of congress.

Maybe if they weren’t coddled men would show more initiative.


Heh. A commenter points out that the book should be written by a man, not Dr. Helen. If these conservative women actually got their way, nobody would hire them and they’d have to change diapers and make supper like they tell everyone else to.


Well, given that the Right-wing male “warrior” syndrome involves the rooting for wars that oneself will never fight in (give them a set of pom-poms and call them CHEERLEADERS), methinks there are *issues* on that side of the political spectrum.


… I must add that I find it somewhat disturbing that ultimately the premise of the book (I am inferring this from the title and the above summary) is about the effect of men’s cultural demise on….women.

+1 for admitting she didn’t actually read the book.

from the Amazon blurb

The real losers, should we continue on our present course, are not just grown men and women but our children.

-10 gazillion for not bothering to actually reading the blurb and/or getting it completely wrong.

Typical Republican

Real men (i.e. conservatives) are such a bunch of pussies thet they need Mrs. Professor to stick up for them against mean feminazis and those faggy fags in Hollywood.

That can’t be right. I need to go over the talking points again and figure out where I missed the transition.

Liberals. Hmf.

You’re either a bunch of feminized pussies with no power or influence or you are rude and agressive and mean with all of the power and you are using it to undermine America. Uh, whatever you are doing at any given time, it is the exact opposite of what is good for America.


DMOP just wants to have an excuse to “interview” some terribly hot yet emotionally tortured young men.

“Glenn, honey, I already told you. We have to do the interviews in the bedroom with the door closed because it makes them more comfortable. And yes, they’ve taught me a new prayer that consists of ‘Oh God’ repeated over and over. Weren’t you going to work on your robots?”


imagine a sexay thigh-high boot stamping on a man face – forever.

I usually have to pay for that sort of thing.


All this just points to the triumph of Afghanistan where boys are out-enrolling girls in high school by a factor of four!

I predict great things for that man-embracing nation.


What we need is cloning so that every woman who feels this way can have a Jim Belushi deposited on their doorstep overnight. According to Jim remains the gold standard in manliness for this generation.


Dr. Helen — who might think about stopping infantilizing herself with that dimwit pen name — might also think about taking a look at Susan Faludi’s book Stiffed, if she’s so worried about men’s welfare.


I think this is hysterical. The ole mrs perfesser’s shtick is being the *only woman who understands* her MRA readers and their needs. She’s pissed off that some other bitch is muscling in on her territory so she’s cuttin’ her off at the knees by accusing her of being an arriviste and a closet feminist to boot. No one cares about you guys but me! she’s shouting. Can I say that when she writes the book she wants to write about how important men are I’m going to refuse to read it on the grounds that if men really want to be understood and protected they are going to have to write about it themselves?



I imagined the average reader of Dr Mrs Ole P. to be more like Bill Dauterive than Homer Simpson.


It seems that the overall effect of Mrs. Reynolds on Mr. Reynolds is that he can’t wait to become a robot. Heh, Indeedy.


Sorry, Mrs. Perfesser. Saver your expertise. I’m quite certain that I’ll stop being a whiney bastard at the exact moment the Yankees start winning again. In other words, let’s talk next April.


imagine a sexay thigh-high boot stamping on a man face – forever.

make it an open-toe with 3 inch heel and you’ve got a deal!


I think I’ve seen our Mrs. Reynolds before. She’s a steel fist in a velvet glove.


A reader (thanks!) let me know about a new book by columnist Kathleen Parker that is coming out soon entitled Save the Males: Why Men Matter Why Women Should Care. […]

Sounds interesting–but I must add that I find it somewhat disturbing that ultimately the premise of the book (I am inferring this from the title and the above summary) is about the effect of men’s cultural demise on….women.

So wait…let me get this straight: She just said that Kathleen Parker isn’t fucked up and crazy enough for her?

Kathleen Parker is “too focused on women” in that liberal, feminazi kind of way?


Did she miss the secret wingnut handshake or something?


deadbeat dads when they don’t pay child support.

Alimony and child support is liberal fascism at work.


So wait…let me get this straight: She just said that Kathleen Parker isn’t fucked up and crazy enough for her?

Kathleen Parker is “too focused on women” in that liberal, feminazi kind of way?


And Kathleen ‘full-blooded’ Parker is also way too racially sensitive.


If you really want to learn about men, you should forget about DMOP and talk to The Waitresses. They know what boys like.

not even an mba

somewhat popular bloggers are the second floor additions on subdivision bungalows of liberal fascism.


I guess she’s not a Ph.D. in Marketing. The “Why Men Matter” part of the title makes men interested in buying the book. The”Why Women Should Care” gets women interested in buying the book. It’s just the free market at work, Doctor. So sad that it rubs up against your pet peeve.


My father is a dead beat. He’s also filled with self-pity. Oh, how mean the world of women is, tricking you into marrying, having kids and then…expecting you to support them!

Now that he’s 80+ he wants the kids he abandoned – and let starve on welfare while he focused his large income on recreation – back but under the following conditions: never call collect and don’t ask any questions about the past. A book could be written but it wouldn’t be flattering.


I guess she’s not a Ph.D. in Marketing.

Also, what kind of published author judges a book by its title? Publishers write titles. Even I know that.


Also, the night I can walk down the street without having to look over my shoulder or hold my key in my hand ready to gouge some man’s eye out “just in case” will be a good day.


Also, “playdoh and bacon” men…make Homer Simpson look like a catch.

Just sayin’


Wait until DMOP hears about this-

It could prove to be fatal.


I thought the real problem with the wussification of American Men was that their fathers didn’t wag their willies.

It’s so hard to keep up.


I’ll start worrying about us poor widdle males when:

1. Men start making 75ish percent of what women make for doing the same job;

2. Women start physically abusing men at a regular rate;

3. An overwhelming majority of sex-laden images meant to sell products are images of scantily clad men;

4. An overwhelming majority of pr0n degrades men instead of women;

In other words, I’ll start stressing when men start going through what women have gone through for centuries. Until then, not so much.


I’ll have to try that out on my boss: “Sorry, I can’t come to work today because of the cultural demise of my gender.” Would I have to get a note from Kathleen Parker?


Publishers write titles. Even I know that.

The fact is, this is the lame excuse Jonah Goldberg uses to defend the retarded title(s) of his “book”.

Liberal Fascism: The Totalitarian Temptation from Gogol to Google


3. An overwhelming majority of sex-laden images meant to sell products are images of scantily clad men;

4. An overwhelming majority of pr0n degrades men instead of women;

Well ok… but let’s not be TOO quick to jump in and rescue them.


All I can say is of all the various forms of waterboarding, stress positions, mock executions and sleep deprivation that have been performed upon the rotting corpse of Irony, this concept that white american males are a hapless, victimized population is perhaps the most absurd…



My father is a dead beat. He’s also filled with self-pity. Oh, how mean the world of women is, tricking you into marrying, having kids and then…expecting you to support them!

Now that he’s 80+ he wants the kids he abandoned – and let starve on welfare while he focused his large income on recreation – back but under the following conditions: never call collect and don’t ask any questions about the past. A book could be written but it wouldn’t be flattering.

Good lord, don’t tell me my girlfriend has yet another long-lost sibling her dad didn’t tell her about. (No, wait–her deadbeat dad is in his 70s. Never mind.)


3. An overwhelming majority of sex-laden images meant to sell products are images of scantily clad men;

4. An overwhelming majority of pr0n degrades men instead of women;

I’m totally down with #3. Can’t wait!
As for #4, the kind of porn *I* like doesn’t even have women in it.


Great minds pedestrian, great minds.


silly commenters. The Free Market doesn’t apply to conservative books!!

Also, I thought we had all agree never to refer to “K. Parker” by her first name. Throw me a bone here!


I have very good reason to hate my father, and my mother knows why. She tried to speculate once that this was the cause of my “sexual abnormality.” I’m not sure why father issues would make me attracted to men – especially when the same logic is used to explain the existence of lesbians – but I let her chew on it for awhile anyway.


As for #4, the kind of porn *I* like doesn’t even have women in it.

I don’t understand. Is this that pastry-fucking Brad was talking about?


Is she wearing pajamas in that picture?

Those look like pajamas.

Jackoff Smirnoff

I don’t understand. Is this that pastry-fucking Brad was talking about?

In Soviet Russia, pastry fucks you!


Those look like pajamas.

She needs a pipe and newspaper.


She can say hi to Bud and Kitten when they get home.


Yeah, poor beaten-down men…


My fragile male ego would be wounded by our denigration on the TeeVee – if I had a TeeVee – maybe. Then again, I sort of doubt it … I’ve known enough guys in my time that make Al Bundy look like Phil Donahue not to get my boxers in a knot.

Maybe men need to, um, grow a pair when it comes to taking responsibility for their actions? Seems to me women got “liberated” into doing BOTH their traditional work & that of men – for less pay – while guys got nifty drum-circles out in the woods where they pranced around literally shaking their dicks at the sky & reaffirming their maleness. None of which really did much to alter the sexual dynamic so’s you’d notice: guys still want to be seen as tough & gals still want to be seen as pretty. More of us may want to be seen as both nowadays, but those instincts won’t go away.
Even as a naive little kid, I knew feminism had taken a wrong turn when the big push suddenly became getting la femmes into combat. This from a movement that’d arisen in no small part to counter the sexist horseshit pervasive in an anti-war movement? That & the cigarette ads murmuring “you’ve come a long way, baby” smelled like a big wave of fail.

Once the wages are equal, the social standing will follow. Not that likely otherwise. Everyone respects the power of the moolah.


I think Gil Grissom should be the gold standard for male characters on teevee. 🙂


I’m curious; anyone out there in the wide wide world has seen any major press mention that a top-25 US city – namely Portland – elected an openly gay mayor.

Maybe it’s a non-event? If so, times have changed beyond my ken. I really should catch up on the last 30 years I’ve apparently missed.


I can haz heart Mrs. Ol Perfessor.

Me victim. Just protecting daughter.




I must be daft (well, I am a man so I must be) but I don’t think I have ever experienced this “male bashing culture”. Except, of course, when I tell me teenage daughter that all men are idiots and she should stay away from them until I’m dead.


I think Gil Grissom should be the gold standard for male characters on teevee. 🙂

You mean a little tubby?


“anyone out there in the wide wide world has seen any major press mention that a top-25 US city – namely Portland – elected an openly gay mayor.”

I spotted the headline in the Seattle Times online, which means that either AP or McLachey (I can’t be arsed to find the correct spelling) News Service has picked up the story. The Times itself couldn’t be bothered to go all the way to Portland to cover the story, of that I’m sure.

FWIW, my reaction was “good for them,” then I printed a couple of other stories for my trip to the “reading room.” In other words, total non-event in my eyes. And that’s a good thing.


A little tubby, white and nerdy.


Theres something odd about a man who whines about how women are turning men into … whiners.


OMG, she’s married to Glenn Reynolds?

No wonder she wonders what’s happening to men. I mean, really.


I used to aspire to blogomy on this subject – that is, the castrating role the patriarchy expects men to play. (Stupid, unlovable, violent apes.) Most of these books are tools by the patriarchy to try and force us into those roles, lest the writer (and, they would like to think, all of polite society) think of us as terrible unmanly homos.

Heterosexual men by their nature love and care for women, seek to provide the best role model possible to their children and family, and aim to support their friends and family as best as possible emotionally and physically; they also work for a better society for their children and enjoy themselves as much as possible without hurting other people in the process.

Heterosexual women do the same, with the exception of ‘men’ for ‘women’ in the first clause.

I really don’t want the price of admission for my sexuality to be playing some kind of warped bondage game with the woman I love, with my children and with their peers, and especially with other, older men. Being a normal heterosexual man doesn’t naturally involve some kind of kinky fascist authority routine, and the belief that it should is poisonous and castrating.

I’m really tired of sinecured professional women pretending to believe that women of any intelligence should be barefoot and pregnant, emotionally divorced but economically codependent, and men should be gruff but accepting of this. My wife’s lot in life is not to pump out children, look attractive, and submit to the occasional petting. I did not marry a Golden Retriever; this does not make me some kind of queer-mo.

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

Speaking as a cat, I do give a rat’s ass. Would you like it? Very fresh.


I did not marry a Golden Retriever
Sadly,No! is possibly the only blog where commentors feel obliged to reassure the readers with this kind of explanation.


Heterosexual men by their nature love and care for women…

Being a loving and compassionate human being has more to do with how one is raised and socialized. Nature has very little to do with it. Even men who are raised to “treat women well” have a lot of conditioning to overcome.


P.S. I know a lot of women who prefer living with golden retrievers… cuddles up the ying yang and the meet and greet is always “overwhelmingly pleased to see you!”


OMG, she’s married to Glenn Reynolds?

the only worse thing would be “married to Chris Muir.” Now, that’s a woman I would refer for psychological counselling.


WordPress won’t let my awesome comment through.



I’m curious; anyone out there in the wide wide world has seen any major press mention that a top-25 US city – namely Portland – elected an openly gay mayor.

I actually didn’t know that he was gay – but I did think to myself that Sam Adams was a fitting name for the mayor of Beertopia. You know, Paris and Berlin both have gay mayors, if Portland needs a lover. “Paris on the Pacific” sounds nice, but I think Klaus Wowerei’s “Poor But Sexy” moniker for Berlin sounds like gay wedding bells.


P.S. I know a lot of women who prefer living with golden retrievers… cuddles up the ying yang and the meet and greet is always “overwhelmingly pleased to see you!”

Retrievers are awesome, don’t get me wrong, but I still dunno if I’d fuck one. Jus’ sayin’.

Being a loving and compassionate human being has more to do with how one is raised and socialized. Nature has very little to do with it. Even men who are raised to “treat women well” have a lot of conditioning to overcome.

I meant ‘by nature’ more in the sense of the combined influence of what usually get called nature and nurture. I should have remembered that before I used the word; brain fart.


The more I get to know people the better I like dogs.


What’s interesting is that it’s actually only a small percentage of men who are by nature angry, violent, stoic loners. And most of ’em end up in prison or dead.

The rest learn from their culture that this is the role they are expected to play. It does become deeply ingrained, but in many cases when a man meets a special woman or has something happen in his life that allows him to drop the facade and be the human being he actually is, it is a life changing event that he seeks to repeat.

In a lawless environment, you can see which men are savages, and who do not wish to be that kind of less-than-human, but are forced to act that way both for survival and to meet the expectations of the group.

My suspicion is that if you put a bunch of women in a similar environment, the same percentage would be actual savages. It’s a human thing, not a gender thing. The rest is an imaginary construct that our society has created…



gay mayor.

There’s one in Casper in Dick Cheney’s state.


The more alec types…(why do i sense that if women disappeared and the only thing available to a heterosexual male was golden retriever, the animal would need a rescue squad?)

So glad i was born without the testosterone.


We’ve come a long way, baby.

I’d be willing to be my next paycheque that this is a male-driven brand campaign. Nothing says clever than getting women to find your insult of their private parts amusing and cute. What’s next: Kotex for cunts?


What’s next: Kotex for cunts?

How about,
Pussies LOVE Kotex!


Off topic, but too good not to mention – From Newsmax: Iranians Would Welcome Airstrikes, Sources Say. But only if they’re major airstrikes.


Oil executives defend high profits. Poor dears! The abuse they take from the people they gouge and cheat.


Newsmax. Unbefuckenlievable.

I couldn’t make myself read much of it. Do they say whether the Iranians will welcome us with “open arms?”

Whoreson Welles

P.S. I know a lot of women who prefer living with golden retrievers…

That kind of woman sounds like a lot of fun. Well adjusted too.


Umm… that Newsmax article would be hilarious if it weren’t for all the carriers just off the coast waiting for the word.

Couldn’t they get Ahmed Chalabi for an interview?

not even an mba

They certainly do look like pajamas. Maybe we can get the BAGNewsNotes guy to assess this pic. The weird thing in the foreground, is it a microphone? Certainly looks ummm, well shaft-like with a slightly tapering head. How about her expression. The huge smile, lots of teeth. What’s that about? And the tiny little beady eyes. Huge mouth – small eyes, I know that means something, but what?


Snorghagen said,

May 22, 2008 at 2:04

Off topic, but too good not to mention – From Newsmax: Iranians Would Welcome Airstrikes, Sources Say. But only if they’re major airstrikes.

I noticed this on the National Journal:

• New York Post’s Taheri writes, “Obama’s words on preconditions have helped ease domestic pressure” on Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to comply with the United Nations and the IAEA” (5/21).

That’d be Amir Taheri of the Benador Group, the lovely folks who were paid big bucks to help CheneyCorp lie us into Iraq, and are now being paid big bucks to help CheneyCorp lie us into Iran.

Be nice if “the leading source of nonpartisan reporting on the current political environment and emerging policy trends” could add a little information to the chatter.


I’d be willing to be my next paycheque that this is a male-driven brand campaign. Nothing says clever than getting women to find your insult of their private parts amusing and cute. What’s next: Kotex for cunts?

It’s a step up from the usual advertising, whose governing assumption is that vaginas is naaasty.



This from the McCain campaign is also just too good to ignore. Who wants to start a betting pool on how long it takes / how many talking points show up over here?


That’d be Amir Taheri of the Benador Group, who also got the NY Post(?) to print the “Iran is making Jews wear yellow stars” or armbands or whatever it was bullshit story.


Well, of course the Iranians would welcome airstrikes. We’d welcome airstrikes, wouldn’t we? Explosions: bitchin’!

And like us, the Iranians would be thrilled to see us killing lots of brown people with explosives again. Candy and flowers, just like Baghdad and Bucharest!


That’d be Amir Taheri of the Benador Group, who also got the NY Post(?) to print the “Iran is making Jews wear yellow stars” or armbands or whatever it was bullshit story.

Ha ha, really? That’s awesome! Did he traffic in that ridiculous raft of ‘Hugo Chavez is an anti-Semite and we should bomb Venezuela’ bullshit a couple years back, too?


Iris? Oh Iris where aaaare you? John McCain needs you.


John McCain needs Iris? lol

Iris upon a shining star

You’re a shining star.

No matter who you are.


Um…hello everybody;

this November will be an election, not just any election, an important election, for president of this country and I hope its okay if I explain how important this election is in November. I think you should vote IMHO for the oldest guy not because he’s old but he was almost president before, well senator, and his oldness gives him experience at knowing things that a president should know otherwise why would he be a senator?
And he flew planes in the war and I’m supposed to get some points especially if you listen to me and vote for this old guy in this important election in November.
Gotta go now but I might be back…LOL


why is it that the guys who make a point of describing themselves as sensitive, enlightened, and pro-woman are invariably creepy pervy assholes.

blech barf. I won’t mention names.


Once you’ve commented on a post, video or news story, report the details of your comment by clicking the button below. After your comments are verified, you will be awarded points through the McCain Online Action Center.

How many McCain points = a Schrute buck?


‘Even men who are raised to “treat women well” have a lot of conditioning to overcome.’

– because by nature we are tribal. This Social structure fights most of our desires at every tick of the clock.


Pandagon describes it as Nice Guy Syndrome. I find that if I keep in mind that all men (including me) are idiots, that life is much better.


“Fat stupid man-husband” has been a staple of TV comedy for 50 years. Welcome to the party.

I’ll admit, the influx of the amount of “fat stupid man” in commercials has annoyed me. How do I cope with this horrible emasculation trauma? I ignore them, and live my own life the way I want too. It’s fairly easy. conversely, since conservatives are incapable of independent thought, and require authority to tell them what and how to think, try watching better shows. There’s plenty of smart and strong male characters on, say, Battlestar. Start there.

Oh, right. You all stopped liking Battlestar when it got too complex and hurt your little brains thinking about existentialism and stuff, and you couldn’t just point to it as jerk-off fodder for your carpet nuking the Ay-rabs fantasies.


I don’t think men are idiots, and I’ve been married to one for 35 years. I do, however, agree with Hubby Dearest that men are generally dogs: motivated first by food and sex, and kept happy by, well, food and sex. And sleep.


I resent Tehanu’s delineation of the male character. It omits beer.


I don’t even want to know the value of a McCain Point up against the Euro.


Lesley: I feel we got off on the wrong foot somewhere. Please explain? I’m a bit confused.

Tehanu: We’re all well-oiled Darwinian automata, and can very seldom be buggered to bother with more than what evolution has prescribed us; you’re every bit the primate we are, it’s just that society revels in our stupid apedom and treats yours like a scandal. Unfair on both fronts, although probably nastier for women – we don’t have to pretend we don’t fart.


The Nice Guy is the liberal fascist of the dating world.


I blame creeping momism.


(comments are closed)