Children’s Letters To Santa Clausewitz
They just never quit. It’s just one ding-dang thing after another, every doo-dah day.
The blogosphere schools Barack Obama in asymmetric warfare
By Michelle Malkin
May 20, 2008 10:13 AMDoes Barack Obama understand the concept of asymmetric warfare? Barack Obama complains that no one wants to talk about the “issues.” Well, his abject ignorance of warfare in the 21st century is an issue that can’t be emphasized enough.
This is worth thinking about because, you know, expertise in 21st Century warfare has been such a strong suit for ol’ Michelle.
And the right side of the blogosphere has been all over it.
Have you noticed a cod-populist ‘we’ quality creeping into Michelle’s prose lately? So many things seem to be about the power of crowds and distributed crankery, about an invisible majority of right-wing wackadoos among whom Michelle Malkin is important and influential. Yep, someone seems to be feeling quite secure lately, cough-cough, achoo.
From Purple Avenger at Ace of Spades:
Phrases which invoke a similar sense of competency: ‘Don’t worry; it isn’t loaded.’ ‘Nothing can go wrong now.’ ‘Hey y’all; watch this!’
By stating that Iran isn’t a threat because they spend much less on defense than the US, Obama displays a complete ignorance of how asymmetric warfare operates. The AQ “defense budget” for pulling off 9/11, was by comparison to the US, essentially zero.
An analysis of the Iranian order of battle and where they’ve been spending their defense dollars over the past 10 years would show that they are a serious threat in certain specific areas. They’ve been investing heavily in coastal batteries, anti-ship missile systems, silent diesel electric subs, and such. They could turn the narrow strait of Hormuz into an unnavigable scrap yard faster than the US Navy could stop them or the US Air force could neutralize those batteries and missiles.
Are the Iranians going to bomb NYC or invade Chicago? No. Can they be a major PITA to the rest of the world if they decided to suicidally squeeze oil shipments through the straight? Absolutely.

So, to sum up:
1) Obama is a complete ignoramus, because
2) Doy, what about asymmetric warfare? The lesson of 9/11 clearly shows that
3) Iran so is too a threat, because
4) They are building up their coastal defenses for no apparent reason, and
5) What if their coastal defenses are actually not coastal defenses at all, but are in fact secret preparations for an unprovoked and suicidal plot to block the Strait of Hormuz — one that would cause a major pain in the ass? What if then, huh?
6) […]
7) No really, what if? Not so smart now, are you, smart guy?
8) Ha, perfect: ‘Order of battle’ is the official military analysis term. Let me add it in here somewhere. “An analysis of the Iranian war machine order of battle and where they’re spending their defense…” Um, what do they use in Iran? I’ll just put ‘dollars’…
To be fair to the Purple Avenger — whyever he calls himself that — our own analysis of the Iranian order of battle has yielded results even more threateningly asymmetric than previously supposed — also suggesting that the appeasement of speech is futile against this nation of Hitlers and their passive-aggressive threats of major world ass pain.
But if our only choice is to talk loudly about bombing them until they thump surrender their ow threateningly small defensive thump capability unasked — because asking ow would be appeasing the…um, thingy… Then it is thump clear that the ow. Because it… And then if you think of the… When…
No, I lost it. It seemed like it was making sense there for a moment, but then I realized I was cheating by hammering a blunt nail into my forehead.
Yup, it’s always something with these frickin’-frack people, every frap-jab day.
D. Aristophanes adds:
What’s really worrying here is that the gazillions of tons of land, sea and air armaments we have surrounding Iran still leaves a gap on its Turkmenistan flank through which the Mullah’s hordes could easily penetrate, battle their way across Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus, invade Poland from the east, give the Germans what-for, pause in Amsterdam for a re-invigorating toke of their demon Hashashin weed and be shopping on Carnaby Street before you can say Barack Hussein Obama.
A more dangerous threat to mom n’ apple pie there nevermore ever were-wuz, sez me.
“Purple Avenger”? I anxiously await input from Magneto and Titanium Man.
The fact is, the Purple Avenger sounds like an angry penis with blue-balls that has been dishonestly aroused.
2) Doy, what about asymmetric warfare? The lesson of 9/11 clearly shows that…
If only we had had some brave neoconmen on the watch back in those days, rather than a pack of froo-froo liberal girlymen…
If only!
The fact is, Gary had better stay out of mommy’s lingerie drawer, if he knows what’s good for him.
Purple Avenger?
Does he go into the closet to change into his costume?
As a follow up: Has he ever come out?
The Millennium Challenge war-games pretty clearly proved that if Iran knew what it was doing and the US didn’t (cough, cough), it could pretty handily not only break its foot off in our ass but quite possibly hand us a military defeat – and it’d require less resources than they’re known to have.
If you are a sane person, that is a good argument NOT TO FUCKING INVADE THEM. For fuck’s sake, their capacity is almost purely defensive and mostly single-shot; and most of it’s on the goddamn coast! They pose no threat to us, to Iraq, to anyone – they don’t pose a threat to fucking Tadjikstan. There is no fucking point launching a war against Iran, but unlike every other pointless war Bush could declare without causing a coup d’etat, it poses a real threat of American defeat followed by tens of thousands of casualties.
This would all be a strong enough case against an invasion if we weren’t, you know, self-evidently mired in an endless civil war – in which we’re at best a neutral, slowly exsanguinating fixture and at worst an active impediment to anyone we’d want to see win – but we are, and that makes it all the worse. An invasion of Iran would be bad enough if we had ‘won’ in 2004, like the Bushies planned. (And like I’m certain some people actually believe; I bet there’s at least a few Freepers and the like who honestly believe Commander Codpiece’s victory declaration represented a real event that the traitorous MSM suppressed to further the aims of the ZOG NWO CAFTA.)
I mean, this kind of thinking – we took those other guys, we can take these guys easy! – is what lead the likes of Napoleon and Hitler to their messy, brutal downfalls at the hands of threats they were horribly unprepared for. What do you call someone who gets victory disease after losing? ‘Idiot’ just doesn’t seem strong enough.
Well, you know, if the Purple Avenger lets his blood pressure go down, you know what that makes him?
The Lavender Scolder.
Doesn’t have the same ring…
You know the fact that the US spends like what, almost half of the world’s total defence spending and still is faced (at least in Ace’s mind) with a doomsday scenario from Iran’s paltry 0.49%, might give him pause. I mean really, that would, at least to me make me wonder a) how much the US would actually have to spend to make itself “safe” and b) how effective that that would be. I mean if Iran (due to rising oil prices) could let’s say double it’s defence expenditures, due to Assymetric warfare, would the US have to triple or quadruple its own?
“If you are a sane person”
Remember whom we are talking about.
“You know the fact that the US spends like what, almost half of the world’s total defence spending and still is faced (at least in Ace’s mind) with a doomsday scenario from Iran’s paltry 0.49%, might give him pause.”
Don’t try to confuse him with facts, he is impervious to reality. You do raise an interesting point, however. Given that we spend as much on the military as the rest of the world combined and do not seem to be able to keep ourselves safe, just what the fuck are we spending all that money on?
Something to complain about.
Remember, if you build up you’re country’s coastal batteries in response to threats from the worlds greatest naval power, it proves that you are the next Nazi Germany?
Well, the Rainbow Raider obviously knows more about it than me since he uses the term “order of battle.”
D’oh, that’s one messed up sentence. Must remember to read it over before hitting post.
What makes you thing Purple Avenger is a he? This just goes to show how much sexist pigs you Obama supporters are. That does it! I’m voting for McCain… and holding my breath until my face turns blue! Also, I want a pony!
What the wingnut blogosphere reminds me of is a bunch of spoiled brats who have this really, really cool set of war toys but Mom and Dad (sane people) just won’t let them take ’em out of the toy box and aim them at those mean kids down the block who called them humongous dorks.
Ha, perfect: ‘Order of battle’ is the official military analysis term.
‘Order of battle’ is a nice phrase to toss casually around if you want to sound all Tom Clancy-ish. However…
An order of battle is essentially an organisational tree — the hierarchical arrangement of battalions and so on. Reconstructing them is the meat-&-potatoes work of Sigint. So the order of battle of some country’s military is NOTHING TO DO with its weapons systems or whether it poses “a serious threat in certain specific areas.”
I tell you this for your own good.
By stating that Iran isn’t a threat because they spend much less on defense than the US, Obama displays a complete ignorance of how asymmetric warfare operates. The AQ “defense budget” for pulling off 9/11, was by comparison to the US, essentially zero.
Iran is a nation-state. Al Queda is not. Discuss why this matters.
Bonus: Then why the fuck do we spend so much money on defense when a) it doesn’t defend us from attack (per the Purple Avenger — note to self: Sidekick name? Blue Boy?) and b) puny countries have ass paining power anyway?
Lucrative contracts for Haliburton, Blackwater, Bechtel, Lockheed, etc., etc. If I were to make a wild-assed guess as to where our defense budget goes, 40% goes into shoddy products/workmanship these goes companies provide (ie: water pumps that electrocute soldiers on a regular basis), 30% goes directly into those companies’ coffers as “overhead” and “administrative cost”, 20% goes into gee-whiz technology that does work decently (unlike the shoddy products) but has little use (ie: F-22), and 10% goes to actual military operations.
In fairness to Malkin she’s talking about the 101st Keyboarders, a cadre of elite patriots that have always seen themselves as the underdogs in this protracted imperial expansion vis a vis the fifth column numbering millions and voting Democratic.
If that doesn’t make sense I blame it on not having coffee today.
These morons seem to think the Chinese would just stand idly by and watch as the Americans lob bombs and whatever else on the country that supplies the bulk of their oil.
This plays out, potentially, in a couple of ways. In the first, the Chinese simply stop buying our debt, and we fall into a full-on economic depression.
That’s the happy outcome.
The other way it potentially plays out is the Chinese decide to be real dicks about it and call the bluff and test out their none-too-shabby military. They not only stop propping up our government’s profligate borrowing, they also stop selling us stuff, and since we don’t make anything anymore, without Chinese inputs, if you’re looking at serious conventional war, we can’t replace materiel. It all winds down to an ugly denoument, and all because some guys thought that they would look like pussies if they sat down and talked to Iranians.
Conservative “foreign policy” should be conducted pantsless. Then everyone would be able to see how much meat each side has swinging, biggest dick would be declared automatic winner, and it would save a lot of lives and money. Because that’s the way they play it now, only with their pants on, and it’s led to all kinds of fuckups.
My analysis of the Iranian order of battle, my decoding of Kazakhstanian radio signals, and my sources in Katmandu indicate that a major troop buildup is underway in the Masurian Lakes region, presumably in preparation for a full-scale offensive in the direction of Bialystok. It is likely that Austro-Hungarian forces will launch a simultaneous drive northward from the central Carpathians in an attempt to cut off and destroy our forces in the vicinity of Warsaw.
But it’s also possible that we’re about to be attacked by the scorpionmen from Planet Zeptar.
Having had many interactions with Purple Avenger over the past couple of years, I can vouch for the fact that he’s a douche of the first water, a purveyor of non sequiturs par excellance, and a whiny baby.
Just sayin’.
But it’s also possible that we’re about to be attacked by the scorpionmen from Planet Zeptar.
I’m more worried about the race of radioactive sea lizards which have established outposts along all our coastlines.
And don’t even get me started on those remote-controlled model planes that Saddam was going to use to spray me with anthrax. Even though he’s dead now, I still have a lot of sleepless nights worrying that someone even eviller might pull that one off.
Doc Washboard said,
May 21, 2008 at 2:31
Having had many interactions with Purple Avenger over the past couple of years, I can vouch for the fact that he’s a douche of the first water, a purveyor of non sequiturs par excellance, and a whiny baby.
Is his sidekick named the Blue Jay?
There is no fucking point launching a war against Iran, but unlike every other pointless war Bush could declare without causing a coup d’etat, it poses a real threat of American defeat followed by tens of thousands of casualties.
Which also makes me wonder: if Bush attacks Iran, and it does indeed go shitty, will he then decide to nuke Iran? And what the fuck would that create?
Extra bonus: If Iran engages in ass paining by cutting off its major export and main source of income while shooting at American battle cruisers and tankers with spitballs and paste, please explain why it’s better to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on additional armada equipment than spend the same hundreds of billions of dollars on devices (let’s call them “alternative renewable energy sources”) that would render Iranian capabilities of ass paining moot?
Is his sidekick named the Blue Jay?
Dude. Blue Boy. I had this 10 posts ago. Sheesh.
If Bush attacks Iran, this is going to look like a walk in the park.
But this has been good for his pals, so what’s the big deal?
Yup, it’s always something with these frickin’-frack people, every frap-jab day.
And the only reason 75,000 people showed up in Portland was to see The Decemberists.
radioactive sea lizards… remote-controlled model spray me with anthrax
Sinister forces are all around us!
Ok, here’s the plan.
SSSHHHH. This is top secret.
Ok, where was I? Oh yeah, the plan.
So see, we launch a strike package into iran, suppressing radars and Ground to Air missile batteries along the ingress route to the al-Quds force terror training camps south of Tehran. With Wild Weasels in front and F16s flying top cover we bring in the SuperHornets to level those compounds. That’ll teach the mullahs to stop fucking around killing our glorious occupation troops in iraq.
What? Retaliate? Sure they’ll retaliate. But see, we’re READY for ’em. They use their shore installations, missiles and subs to shut down the straight. BAM! A stranglehold on 30% of the world’s oil overnight. The price of a barrel of crude goes thru the roof, $375.00 in 48 hours, gas lines, rationing, inflation, industry shutdowns, the whole thing.
Bad? No, stupid, that’s good. Didn’t I tell you we’re ready for ’em? We put a division of marines ashore from the amphibious assault ships already in the gulf, and we TAKE those shore batteries and missile launchers, creating a twenty mile buffer into Iran that will shut that whole straights problem down in no time.
Counter attacks? Well, yeah. Major. Armored assaults, twelve division front, night sappers and confusion. Real bloody. But we move a BUNCH of air assets up to northern Iraq and cover the marines with CAS from the airdales and the squids. I mean a real fucking ordnance parade on their persian asses. Meantime, we unleash the whole op plan, strike packages against command and control, comms, civilian leadership, transport, infrastructure, electric grid, nuclear programs, the whole magilla. Tear ’em a new asshole.
Iraq? Well, yeah, that’s a bit of a problem. With support from the Badr Brigades, about a third of the Iraqi army and JAM, the Iranians infiltrate a couple divisions of operators into Iraq and shut down the US supply lines. The only supply is from the air, and air support is pretty busy over the border. A couple camps get overrun, and we take a lot of casualties, including a few hundred POW.
The Marines? Sure, eventually they’ll have to withdraw, their positions were never tenable in that environment. Hell, it’s not like we’re gonna march on Tehran. The war with Iran will continue, with them striking our interests where they can and us retaliating with air strikes that kill lots of civilians, furthering the radicallization of the population.
See? We gotta get this thing started right away!!
I don’t think MM knows what “schools” means.
“But it’s also possible that we’re about to be attacked by the scorpionmen from Planet Zeptar.
I’m more worried about the race of radioactive sea lizards which have established outposts along all our coastlines.”
You fools! Everyone knows that the REAL threat is the subterranean Dinosaur Empire and their giant Mechasaurus cyborg war machines. I think the sensible solution is to give a fifty billion dollar no-bid contract to Lockheed to develop a giant transformable mecha of our own to combat this threat. I’m sure they’ll be done with that at about the same time we get that missile defense shield working.
I think the sensible solution is to give a fifty billion dollar no-bid contract to Lockheed to develop a giant transformable mecha of our own to combat this threat. I’m sure they’ll be done with that at about the same time we get that missile defense shield working.
Gundamhead, I believe a far superior solution is take the border wall concept and expand it. And build it pointing down, under the entire US of A!
This way we also gain protection from the earthmaquakes the Chicoms will be sending through the earth’s core at us.
Just found this on Youtube:
Devo’s cover of O-HI-O, previously mentioned in these comments.
Mechasaurus cyborg war machines… Ultra-deep super walls.
Phaw! None of that will stop the Russian flying penises!
Great, so the McCain national defense policy is to shit our pants in fear over every country with a defense budget greater than zero.
That does it! I’m voting for McCain… and holding my breath until my face turns blue!
Hold it a little longer, and you too can be a Purple Avenger!
“Great, so the McCain national defense policy is to shit our pants in fear over every country with a defense budget greater than zero.”
It’s the blog revolution! Hugh Hewitt was right!
That comic book graphic is da bom!
“Eat lead, Cardassian!”
The name “The Purple Avenger” makes me think of the Grimace with a headband and an Uzi.
shalom, gentle….
sorry, lost my mind for second there. goddamn shiraz.
anyhoo, the soviets were clearly an overblown threat, according to this concordat of pussies aka the rightardosphere. i just fucking wish they had told us this when their predecessors were constantly freaking out about an allegedly existential threat. if i had known that in fact the sandinistas weren’t part of a unified global communist threat, that arbenz was just an agrarian reformer, dalton trumbo was just a writer, mossadegh etc etc ad fucking in fucking nitum.
As Floyd County, Kentucky goes, so goes the entire nation:
Floyd County, Kentucky: Clinton 11,215 votes, Obama 653.
mikey, I’m not saying we won’t get our hair mussed, , but I do say no more then ten to twenty million killed, tops. Depending on the breaks.
Oops – that was supposed to from commenter Genral Buck Turgidson
Have you noticed a cod-populist ‘we’ quality creeping into Michelle’s prose lately?
Some politicians get called proto-Fascist for using words like ‘us’ and ‘we’.
Look, this has always bugged me: The US has spent, what $600 billion on the Iraq war so far? Plus what another $600 billion per year on defence? For five straight years? Let’s just assume that all of Iraq’s troubles are caused by an Islamofascist alliance between Osama and Tehran… That means the US has spent hmmm… nearly four trillion dollars on defence since 2003 and cannot defeat an enemy whose most sophisticated weapon is an RPG-7? And the same geniuses who think such things = “we’re winning!!!!eleven111” want to embiggen the fight further?
I wonder what fighting a pointless war looks to these fellows.
Floyd County, Kentucky: Clinton 11,215 votes, Obama 653.
I’d love to hear the how many of those 11,215 would vote for Hillary over McCain in November.
Terry McAuliffe, what’s your final answer?
Damn you Barry! You killed purple! I’ll get you for this, and your little landslide of new voters too!
his abject ignorance of warfare in the 21st century is an issue that can’t be emphasized enough.
I am wondering who are the alternative candidates who have shown themselves to thoroughly understand the concept of asymmetric warfare.
I wonder what fighting a pointless war looks to these fellows.
We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.
You’ll want to remember that, His Grace,
in casewhen the thought police come round.“But it’s also possible that we’re about to be attacked by the scorpionmen from Planet Zeptar.”
Nonsense. Everyone knows that the scorpionmen are Aghartans from the city of Shamballa inside the hollow earth. Why are you trying to mislead us, Jennifer? (if that is your real name.) Are you working for them?
Point taken thunder, although chances are as a member of the creative class I’ll be rounded up when y’all invade the great white north “out of caution.”
Forgive me for having some small sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe I’m not an antagonist in a rapture novel right about now.
Lucrative contracts for Haliburton, Blackwater, Bechtel, Lockheed, etc., etc. If I were to make a wild-assed guess as to where our defense budget goes, 40% goes into shoddy products/workmanship these goes companies provide (ie: water pumps that electrocute soldiers on a regular basis), 30% goes directly into those companies’ coffers as “overhead” and “administrative cost”, 20% goes into gee-whiz technology that does work decently (unlike the shoddy products) but has little use (ie: F-22), and 10% goes to actual military operations.
Blue Buddha, you are right as always.
This should be printed in boldface in signs all over the country: ‘tough on defense’ = ‘let’s shovel cash money into Blackwater’s mouth’, without fail.
I’ve never crunched the numbers, but if you scaled the US’s military outlay down to something like Germany’s, you’d probably wind up with enough money to cut every person in the US a monthly check for $500-1000.
I mean, heaven forbid we pay a bunch of lazy poor people $500 to sit around and do nothing with their last-generation consoles, right? Better that we pay a couple of lazy rich people $500 million to sit around and do nothing with super-futuristic missile simulators.
Great White North?
Take off!
We could have just promised every Iraqi $50,000 if they’d toss Saddam’s ass out. Would’ve been just as effective and cheaper in the long run. Hell it would have been MORE effective – they’d be more likely to send us oil on decent terms.
The scorpionmen from Planet Zeptar are just coming here to have a good time. A few drinks, a few laughs, a few people stung to death. What’s the harm?
And while I’m at it, June 2, Portland OR. I’m thinking Ringlers
Central location. Across the street (almost) from Powell’s City of Books. Just a few steps from the streetcar. Goodish pub grub, standard McMenamins brews. McMenamins are all over the place geographically and quality wise but Ringlers seems to rate pretty well.
Obamalamadingdang is speaking – – -be right back.
Fuck the Iranians – what about those Space Nazis Sgt. Fury is fighting?
I had Ringlers once. Caught it from a night nurse with a heroin problem named Angie.
I got better…
Suggestions: if you’re going to pontificate as to potential US-Iran conflicts –
a) don’t bugger up basic terms like “order of battle” or you look stupid, &
b) don’t use a name like “Purple Avenger” or you look, uh, very very VERY stupid.
That’s a late-70s sci-fi porn-movie name if I ever saw one.
PS – how the hell can Sgt. Fury smoke a cigar with a space-helmet on?!?
Mikey, you left out of your Iran scenario the part about how Russia, China and India get real pissed at us.
The delegate count after tonight, including FL and MI
Clinton 1995
Obama 1967
Edwards 30
Clinton is in the lead and she will win it!
Here comes that pony!
Not reading the comments, but someone has already pointed out that the 2nd largest Iranian city in the world is Los Angeles, right?
That not gonna cause any problems, right?
No Continuity of Government issues, right?
Clearly, that’s what the boncentration bamps will be for.
Michelle Malkin will be the warden.
the 2nd largest Iranian city in the world is Los Angeles,
Oh HELL yeah. And those persian babes are just about the steamin hottest ladies on ANY motherfuckin coast.
Exit Poll: 43% of Clinton supporters in Kentucky would vote for McCain over Obama.
Tells you a lot of what they think about Obama’s sexist campaigning.
Very little, because it’s largely about the fact that he’s a black man who doesn’t wear a flag pin and that they believe rubbish news rumors about him being a Muslim and black supremacist.
But gosh, that ‘sweetie’ comment is so definitely his death-kneel, as long as we count two states that aren’t viable, and that we just keep letting GOP operatives pose as Clinton tools.
Like you.
And those persian babes are just about the steamin hottest ladies on ANY motherfuckin coast.
Someone in the previous thread asked Is there a word for “jackass” in Farsi?
Sounds like mikey might have heard it a few times…
and a hearty “Fuck off you idiot” to clinton supporters count too.
again, for the millionth time–if you don’t think obama is infinity times 2 better than mccain you are a sad sack of shit. also, if you think obama is responsible in any way for any particular sexist attacks on clinton, you are dumber than sack of hammers. balpeen hammers.
Does Obama understand the crucial issues?
They are all the same, beholdened and emboldend and enfeebled (WTF are those words, callling Bill Safire) by special interst money.
Sure Obama’s just saying that, as he must, to get elected, but once president he will rise up on his magic pony and…
ps- “Death Kneel” is the name of my band. We play heavy metal death pop.
and just to trollcondom…
if clinton somehow wins, i will give the maximum to her campaign and will go door-to-door for her in ohio.
even though i prefer obama.
because i am a sane and rational person, not some cult-ist asshole like you, clinton troll.
again, for the millionth time–if you don’t think obama is infinity times 2 better than mccain you are a sad sack of shit.
Duh. Am I allowed to critique him here on this b-list wonkette wannabe blog?
Or not?
The guy happily signed on to “H.R. 2419, The Food, Conservation and Energy Act”, a gross disaster of a bill.
One last thing….
Do we get the draft before we invade Iran/set off a conflagration of biblical proportions, or do we wait until afterwards when the psychos in charge will be arguing “…aww, well shit, we done started it, I guess we ain’t got no choice but to throw another generation into the meat grinder” ?
Really, do the Keyboard Commandos realize that war with Iran will lead to their involuntary servitude?
Do they realize that the Iran-Iraq War made Belleau Woods look like a proof-of-concept ?
Blue Buddha said,
Lucrative contracts for Haliburton, Blackwater, Bechtel, Lockheed, etc., etc. If I were to make a wild-assed guess as to where our defense budget goes, 40% goes into shoddy products/workmanship these goes companies provide (ie: water pumps that electrocute soldiers on a regular basis), 30% goes directly into those companies’ coffers as “overhead” and “administrative cost”, 20% goes into gee-whiz technology that does work decently (unlike the shoddy products) but has little use (ie: F-22), and 10% goes to actual military operations.
I agree. Now look at that freaking farm bill if you want to seee real ugly.
And McCain happily signed up with a bunch of horrible shit for longer, and with even worse consequences.
So fuck you.
The guy happily signed on to “H.R. 2419, The Food, Conservation and Energy Act”, a gross disaster of a bill.
The major issues are not food & energy. The major issues are whether the US will attack Iran or not, whether the US will start working against global warming, and whether the govt. will address the economy and the increasing social inequality.
Iran is a nation-state. Al Queda is not. Discuss why this matters.
When the US invades Iran it can hold people in prison semi-indefinitely under Geneva conventions.
Iran has oil, Al Queda does not.
It’s hard to be the world’s only military hyperpower. We can destroy any nation we choose, but if we don’t choose to utterly destroy something we have to settle with actually getting in the field and getting shot at. In some ways, it’s completely demoralizing to realize that we are the best-equipped, best-trained, and best-educated military ever, but we still can get shot at, bombed, sniped, and otherwise disrespected by pissants who we could just as easily turn into a combination of smudgy dust and charcoal. Yet there are those who whine about asymmetrical warfare as if we should expect our enemies to just line up and aim muskets and cannons at US forces while wearing colorful uniforms that display their intentions. If the keyboard commandos can complain that we leftists don’t get it, then I can complain that they don’t have a fucking clue about how to fight the US. And their unwillingness to think about that (cause it’s treason, you know) is the one reason they haven’t realized that the way they’re expecting to “win” in Iraq is futile. And no amount of trying to shame me (’cause I’m such a bastard terrorist sympathizer who sympathizes with terrorist bastards, perhaps?) is going to change that.
Iran can be beaten soundly in two or three days, maybe a week, but then what? We can’t occupy it, get others to do that, or get oil flowing again in a decent amount of time. Russia would probably let the attack happen because it would make them richer than rich, since their oil would probably only double in price, by conservative (real conservative) projections. China would scream bloody murder and start buying euro bonds. And Israel would probably get around to mentioning to us that, really, they had it under control the whole time, but thanks anyway.
78% of voters said that race was not important.
Yet that doesn’t register with you latte-drinkers.
You people don’t know what it’s like in the small town. OBAMA CAN’T WIN, but Clinton can!
Clinton can turn back the policies of Bush, but Obama will lose to McCain because he is too liberal and too unlikeable for America.
Well, she can stay in for as long as she likes. Barack is trying to handle Clinton like she’s a little girl, and it’s a demeaning experience. Obama is no better than a wifebeater due to his arrogance.
A nation-state like Iran is vulnerable to decapitating attacks against its government, and a nation-state has a population that it must protect.
A non-state actor like Al Queda is weaker, but not vulnerable to decapitating attacks, and not charged to protect anyone.
You fools! Everyone knows that the REAL threat is the subterranean Dinosaur Empire and their giant Mechasaurus cyborg war machines. I think the sensible solution is to give a fifty billion dollar no-bid contract to Lockheed to develop a giant transformable mecha of our own to combat this threat. I’m sure they’ll be done with that at about the same time we get that missile defense shield working.
Dude! Someone wired the 80th floor of World Trade Center with explosives. They said it was burglar alarms, but we know better. Midgits! Little people! Lollipop guild!
They did it at night! That’s why no one has come forward with evidence, those freakin’ little munchkins are all drunk and angry.
And they are lizards. From the center of the earth. Which is hollow.
You mean the fact that neither Clinton, Obama nor McCain voted on that bill? Do you even know what the fuck you’re talking about?
Barack is trying to handle Clinton like she’s a little girl, and it’s a demeaning experience.
The childishness of her supporters might have something to do with that.
Sadly, his one example of Iranian strategic doctrine is not actually oh say, what was that word… oh yes, asymmetrical. Coastal batteries are a conventional weapon of defense..
Robert Green said,
May 21, 2008 at 5:19
and just to trollcondom…
if clinton somehow wins, i will give the maximum to her campaign and will go door-to-door for her in ohio.
even though i prefer obama.
because i am a sane and rational person, not some cult-ist asshole like you, clinton troll.
If Clinton somehow wins, I will not only ‘give the maximum to her campaign’ I will give Geraldine Ferraro the best maximust orgasm she ever had and personally kick Bill Orielly in his vagina if thats what it takes to not elect the CryptKeeper.
Clinton can turn back the policies of Bush, but Obama will lose to McCain because he is too liberal and too unlikeable for America.
You tic’s showing again.
Again, to repeat this for you.
So again, fuck you, GOP tool.
You people don’t know what it’s like in the small town.
You don’t know what its like in the city, troll.
This is central to my point.
Patkin said,
May 21, 2008 at 5:33
And McCain happily signed up with a bunch of horrible shit for longer, and with even worse consequences.
Well yeah. My point exactly.
Like, what are we gonna do about this shit, are we so happy to have a guy riding in on a magic pony, slaying the evil Clinton dragon and the horrible dead-person-that-still-walks-the-earth that we give him a golden pass, keys to the White House, without mentioning his enthusiastic support of one of the worst bills…
So fuck you.
Ah, nevermind.
Say, were you that kid in the polar bear suit ‘protesting’ in DC a couple of months ago. You sound like him.
I for one welcome our Zeptarian overlords and look forward to serving them the Republicans on a silver platter.
His enthusiastic support for something he didn’t sign a name onto.
Which means you’re lying, again.
But please, imagine me in a polar bear suit. Get off on it. Feel dirty. I’m sure it’s the only way you can feel anything anymore.
t Winslow Howell said,
May 21, 2008 at 5:55
Dude, could you cut back on the baked beans?
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
This is central to my point.
Wit and intelligence is overrated.
Jennifer said,
These morons seem to think the Chinese would just stand idly by and watch as the Americans lob bombs and whatever else on the country that supplies the bulk of their oil.
This plays out, potentially, in a couple of ways. In the first, the Chinese simply stop buying our debt, and we fall into a full-on economic depression.
That’s the happy outcome.
The other way it potentially plays out is the Chinese decide to be real dicks about it and call the bluff and test out their none-too-shabby military. They not only stop propping up our government’s profligate borrowing, they also stop selling us stuff, and since we don’t make anything anymore, without Chinese inputs, if you’re looking at serious conventional war, we can’t replace materiel. It all winds down to an ugly denoument, and all because some guys thought that they would look like pussies if they sat down and talked to Iranians.
Conservative “foreign policy” should be conducted pantsless. Then everyone would be able to see how much meat each side has swinging, biggest dick would be declared automatic winner, and it would save a lot of lives and money. Because that’s the way they play it now, only with their pants on, and it’s led to all kinds of fuckups.
Could you post pix of yourself? Gotta tell you I love a hot chick with a minimal understanding of economics who misspels ‘denouement’ and uses ‘pantsless’ in a sentence.
Wait, am i being sexist? Sorry. If it helps, I’m not wearing pants and my dick is swinging in the pleasant spring breeze. And i think Geraldine Ferraro is hot… in a really old lady sorta way… oh crap there i go again. Look, I really like chicks, I think the could make good presidents.
I wonder what fighting a pointless war looks to these fellows.
Stopping genocide in Bosnia was pointless. So was feeding starving people in Somalia and Haiti. And any military action after the next Democratic president takes office, except Iraq.
Patkin said,
His enthusiastic support for something he didn’t sign a name onto.
Actually, after further research, I believe you are right. He voted ‘I’m not here’.
Still, that’s kindof a pathetic reacharound on one of the most important bills .
My point still stands.
Which means you’re lying, again.
No, maybe just misinformed. You got better info?
But please, imagine me in a polar bear suit. Get off on it. Feel dirty. I’m sure it’s the only way you can feel anything anymore.
Could you drop that little flap in the back like you did before? That was so hot.
Wait, am i being sexist?
Uh, no…you’re just being a total dick. I’m sure if you looked up all my posts, you’d find other misspelled words which, obviously, proves that I’m an illiterate moron.
Wait…don’t tell me…your primary concern is foreskins….
t Winslow Howell said,
May 21, 2008 at 6:25
Please, do put up another 100 posts or so. I really liked the one where you said “The Farm Bill!”, proving your knowledge of economics, or something.
atheist said,
The major issues are not food & energy. The major issues are whether the US will attack Iran or not, whether the US will start working against global warming, and whether the govt. will address the economy and the increasing social inequality.
heh. That’ your attempt at snark?
Look, try this –
“The major issues are not food and energy, they are Bill Orielly’s funny hairpiece, Gereldine Ferraro’s funny hairpiece and , like, the sandwich I had for lunch.”
Which is food, btw. The most important issues ARE food and energy. Get on the program youngster.
You mean the fact that neither Clinton, Obama nor McCain voted on that bill? Do you even know what the fuck you’re talking about?
Apparently not.
So enlighten me.
The 3 presidential candidates bagged out of voting on one of the most important bills passed this year?
That’s somehow a good thing?
Your point still stands?
You said Barack Obama supported a bill he did not. That means you’ve lied. Your point is false. Your point is, well, wrong.
So you have no point, standing or otherwise.
But please, keep talking about Geraldine Ferraro. I’m sure someone still remembers who that is.
It’s your edgy topical humor that keeps us riveted.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
Please, do put up another 100 posts or so. I really liked the one where you said “The Farm Bill!”, proving your knowledge of economics, or something.
Dude, read up on HR 2419. When you are ready to discuss it like an adult, we’ll talk.
When you are ready to discuss it like an adult, we’ll talk.
Gee, don’t know how well that will work out.
I think the could make good presidents.
How are we supposed to discuss anything like an adult with someone who can’t spell “they”?
Patkin said,
Your point still stands?
Yes. Prove me wrong.
You said Barack Obama supported a bill he did not. That means you’ve lied. Your point is false. Your point is, well, wrong.
Comeon shortpants, read the thread fer christsake.
So you have no point, standing or otherwise.
Wrong again. So your hero didn’t vote on the most important bill, and that’s somehow wonderfull in your world?
It’s your edgy topical humor that keeps us riveted.
I know. You are easily amused. Dumbass.
How are we supposed to discuss anything like an adult with someone who can’t spell “they”?
What are you like 12? Back in the day we used to call those spelling lames. Much like this is a ‘what are you like 12’ lame.
Yes. Prove me wrong.
Maybe you hadn’t noticed, but you’ve already proven it yourself.
The guy happily signed on to “H.R. 2419, The Food, Conservation and Energy Act”, a gross disaster of a bill.
Actually, after further research, I believe you are right. He voted ‘I’m not here’.
“Well, his abject ignorance of warfare in the 21st century is an issue that can’t be emphasized enough.”
Color me nit-picky, but considering that we’re 8 years into the 21st century, I’d say that no one understands 21st century warfare.
Also, guerrilla (asymmetrical) warfare isn’t really new. Its been used and re-pioneered for hundreds of years; as a matter of fact, we Americans owe a great deal of our independence due to its usage against the British.
So when can we expect Malkin to chastise Bush and co. for being textbook examples of exactly how NOT to fight this asymmetrical warfare? Or mention that McCain’s experience is pretty much summed up to, “got shot down and spent a good few years as a POW in our last great fuck-up war in which asymmetrical warfare was used.” Well, maybe the Viet Cong spent 10 minutes explaining all their plans to him before attempting to administer an overly elaborate and exotic death.
What are you like 12?
Considering you’re the one who brought up the topic of spelling vis-a-vis it being an indicator of general intelligence, maybe you’re only 11.
Oh, and by the way?
… who misspels ‘denouement’…
You also misspelled “misspel”, big guy.
And if you just keep calling it the most important bill ever, maybe it’ll become true!
And then maybe the three of them choosing not to vote on this bill will become super-important!
And then maybe you’ll have a pony of your very own.
Dunno what the troll war is about, but for the love of god, either capitalize or delete the “T”, Winslow.
Have a nice steaming cup of STFU. I think you’re a troll.
I voted for Clinton in California (it seems like an eternity ago), but if she’s not the candidate, I will not only vote for Obama, I will vote the HELL out of Obama. And I will help with money, signs, whatever, and talk it up to everyone I know.
Just like I would for Clinton. Just like I’d expect the Obama supporters to do if the situation were reversed.
If all the Democrats that voted in the primaries turn out and vote in the general, McSame will be buried in a landslide. The numbers are like two-to-one.
t Winslow Howell said,
May 21, 2008 at 6:57
How are we supposed to discuss anything like an adult with someone who can’t spell “they”?
What are you like 12? Back in the day we used to call those spelling lames. Much like this is a ‘what are you like 12? lame.
heh shot myself in the foot there eh, jennifer?
OTOH, you must admit that ‘denouement’ is way easier to spell than ‘they’. Right?
Orthography smackdowns.
Grammar Nazism is imminent.
Okay, folks.
Put down the booze.
Read before you post.
THEN return to the fray, feeling confident, refreshed, feminine & secure!
(hey, if it was good enough for a Tampax ad, it’s good enough for S,N!)
Jennifer said,
Considering you’re the one who brought up the topic of spelling vis-a-vis it being an indicator of general intelligence, maybe you’re only 11.
Eleven. That’s like 4rth grade? Yep thats me. You guys like fart jokes?
Oh, and by the way?
… who misspels ‘denouement’…
You also misspelled “misspel”, big guy.
See, i did that on porpose. Cuz when you criticize others speeling ypu always mispeel a word.
So, about those nekkid pix you were going to post on your facebook, I didn’t get the correct password I don’t think, can you resend…
Oh wait, is that sexist?
Oh wait, is that sexist?
No. It’s just stupid. Like most of what you’ve posted.
jim said,
May 21, 2008 at 7:09
Orthography smackdowns.
Grammar Nazism is imminent.
Okay, folks.
Put down the booze.
Read before you post.
THEN return to the fray, feeling confident, refreshed, feminine & secure!
(hey, if it was good enough for a Tampax ad, it’s good enough for S,N!)
I don’t know who you are or why you are all sexist on this comment thing, but there is no fucking way i am putting down the booze before posting. Let other, less wordly commentors play the ‘sober card’, I’m not one of them.
Jennifer said,
Oh wait, is that sexist?
No. It’s just stupid. Like most of what you’ve posted.
We are bonding.
Some Guy said,
Dunno what the troll war is about, but for the love of god, either capitalize or delete the “T”, Winslow.
People like you rile me. Why should i change my name just to make you happy? Who are you, just some guy?
Sorry. I guess demanding correct grammar for proper nouns is rather elitist. That’s what I called my doctor when he refused to give me a black prescriptions pad. How the fuck does HE know I don’t need 500cc of morphine every day?
Ehhh, fake troll bores me. I’m gunna try reposting in the new thread. Damn wordpress…
“If men bled, would tampons be free?”
Can you believe it was Steve Tyler of AEROSMITH who said that?
I’m just another one of those proverbial typing monkeys – don’t sweat it.
We’re getting this whole “English” thing worked out.
We’ll have that new Shakespeare play banged out for you furless-types in NO time now.
Kudos to DA for adding the map – not sure how helpful all the wee symbol dinguses are, but it truly does help clarify a few things.
Like Iran being unable to send Commando Squads into California or Maine.
At least not unless they’ve got some serious Air Miles stacked up first.
Back to the subject at hand:
Remember that guy that McCain panted after to get his endorsement? That religious one… You know… *blogwhoring follows*
The big dream of these folks it that Russia allies with Iran, completing their destiny to be Gog and Magog, invading Israel for the sole purpose of being destroyed by God. They want this to happen, dig? They look forward to an all out war in Iran and are literally praying it will happen, that being proof of Jebus II: The Return(tm).
Anyone with brains enough to “Stop Eating When they Reach the Hand” should be pulling against this nutbag.
I live in Nevada, the battleground state’s battleground state, and my family has a long and proud tradition of fighting with the Democrats – even when the conventional wisdom says there’s something wrong with that. My great-grandmother, who was born there when it was a territory, cast one of Arizona’s fairly few votes for Al Smith; her husband, a macroproject engineer and Company man, voted for Adlai Stevenson the second time – this time, absentee from Iran.
My grandparents, racist middle-class fucks though they are, never bought into Nixon’s reactionary garbage and never for a minute trusted Reagan. My parents voted for Gore, they voted for Kerry, they voted for Reid (sorry), and this spring they, like a slight majority of Nevada Democrats, voted for Hillary Clinton. They supported her tirelessly, and patiently grit their teeth through her campaign’s racist, divisive folderol. The horse-racery has evidently gotten to be too much.
They’ve always said they’d vote for whoever the Dems ran – they consider each of the Republicans running this year downright demonic, McCain especially so – but they simply preferred Clinton. I voted for Obama; I tried to convince them, but could not.
In retrospect, they feel I was right; Clinton ran a nasty campaign and had no interest at all in the progressive goals of the Democratic Party. She’s just gotten worse since they stopped rooting for her.
You know why those polls are saying X% of Clinton voters won’t vote for Obama? Because the Clinton campaign has been spending every penny it has to paint him as an impotent, indecisive, inelectable pantywaist. Politics, OK – but painting him as a liberal black-a-moor is horrible, because we represent them! The Democrats are the party of tolerance; the Democrats are the party against racism, and the party for progress. Trying to smear someone as too enthusiastic about any of those is inherently destructive, and it’s been Clinton’s fucking stock in trade.
Those X% of voters are, to a great extent, new voters. The Democrats have gotten out the vote better in this long primary than ever in our history; the country despises the way our politics are going and wants them changed. In Kentucky, the money and mobilization was to convince people Clinton was the answer for that – just like in North Carolina the money and mobilization was for Obama. In both states, the margins of defection are unusually high for winning candidates. That is because new voters aren’t quite used to the sting of compromise; they will get used to it, though.
If for all you know about McCain you really think the people voting for your candidate would prefer him to Obama, I can’t imagine where you get off calling us latte-sipping elitists – you’re presuming your own co-constituents are mouth-breathing halfwits, absolutely incapable of making the same tactical nose-hold that every politically active person has in the history of democracy. The difference between that and Obama’s bitter-cling debacle was that at least Obama credited them with the basic intelligence necessary to make rational decisions.
Thursday said,
May 21, 2008 at 7:36
Back to the subject at hand:
These morons seem to think the Chinese would just stand idly by and watch as the Americans lob bombs and whatever else on the country that supplies the bulk of their oil.
Remember that guy that McCain panted after to get his endorsement? That religious one… You know… *blogwhoring follows*
The big dream of these folks it that Russia allies with Iran, completing their destiny to be Gog and Magog, invading Israel for the sole purpose of being destroyed by God. They want this to happen, dig? They look forward to an all out war in Iran and are literally praying it will happen, that being proof of Jebus II: The Return(tm).
Anyone with brains enough to “Stop Eating When they Reach the Hand” should be pulling against this nutbag.
Well, the charitable interpretation is that McCain is simply too bug-fuck ignorant (and apathetic) about Christianity to actually notice or care what Hagee/LH&J/etc. do wrong.
In general, you’re right – but I’d take it a step farther. You know how Norquist said that the ideal government would be small enough to fit into a bathtub and drown, and then we kind of put him in charge of important shit? Yeah – bad idea. The primary thing about Republicans is that they project like motherfuckers; if they’re worried about someone seducing boys on the Internet, unplug your router for a while. If they’re freaking out about an Iranian Republican Guard attack, count on the flying wings to be on their way.
And this is probably the most important but least-mentioned part – if they think government – and especially bureaucracy – exist only to funnel corruptly-won taxpayer pork into useless pet projects, KEEP THEM THE FUCK OUT OF GOVERNMENT.
Christ, what is wrong with us that we ever trusted people like this? Cutting the asylum budget looks like the shrewdest move Reagan ever made.
Some Guy said,
Sorry. I guess demanding correct grammar for proper nouns is rather elitist. That’s what I called my doctor when he refused to give me a black prescriptions pad. How the fuck does HE know I don’t need 500cc of morphine every day?
Ehhh, fake troll bores me. I’m gunna try reposting in the new thread. Damn wordpress…
Yeah, i agree, no point arguing here. I will say, hey, read the Farm Bill, that kinda sucks right? You will go,”I’m bored, what’s on tv?”.
Exactly the problem.
What are you, like 12?
Jennifer said,
Yes. Prove me wrong.
Maybe you hadn’t noticed, but you’ve already proven it yourself.
Can’t do it, eh, can’t prove me wrong? Can’t explain why its a good thing HR2419? Can’t explain why its a good thing that all the presidential candidates ran away from voting onit?
Show us your tits.
The farm bill!
Good gosh, what a horror!
The farm bill!
Oh dear, how will we recover!
The farm bill!
I know t Winslow Howell lied about the context in which it was so horrible before, and then when revealed to be a dickless liar obsessed with polar bear suits, chose instead to veer his goal posts in a whole new direction because nobody who was in the presidential race voted for it at all!
Know why? Because t Winslow Howell says it is, and he’d never steer us wrong. He may be a lair, but if he steered us wrong about its importance, he’d be revealed as a liar *again*
Which is just silly and ludicrous.
Oh, the horror.
You can’t prove wrong what was never brought forward as a statement.
Tell us, M. Howell, what is so terrible about the Farm Bill.
Bonus points: why it is more significant than Clinton routinely declaring war on Iran on the stump.
Patkin said,
The farm bill!
Good gosh, what a horror!
The farm bill!
Oh dear, how will we recover!
The farm bill!
I know t Winslow Howell lied about the context in which it was so horrible before, and then when revealed to be a dickless liar obsessed with polar bear suits, chose instead to veer his goal posts in a whole new direction because nobody who was in the presidential race voted for it at all!
Know why? Because t Winslow Howell says it is, and he’d never steer us wrong. He may be a lair, but if he steered us wrong about its importance, he’d be revealed as a liar *again*
Which is just silly and ludicrous.
Oh, the horror.
Dude. You need to relax. You need to get out of your mom’s basement and see the world, brush the tofu crumbs off your cheeks and get out there son.
Write us when youve done something positive.
alec said,
Tell us, M. Howell, what is so terrible about the Farm Bill.
Oh look, another midget steps up. Read the fucking links dumbass.
Bonus points: why it is more significant than Clinton routinely declaring war on Iran on the stump.
Further bonus points… oh, dude, you’re all drunk too. hey what about geraldine ferraro and that bill orielly, man that is some awesome shit right? and that 911, no way that building fell down without Cheney…
I really love how the end game in every wingnut conquest wet dream is ” and then the people rise up and revolt against its rulers and we are greeted as liberators.” Really? Has that ever happened in real life, I mean outside of Honor Harrington books?
Galactic Dustbin said
I really love how the end game in every wingnut conquest wet dream is ” and then the people rise up and revolt against its rulers and we are greeted as liberators.” Really? Has that ever happened in real life, I mean outside of Honor Harrington books?</i?
America, baby, 1776. USA! USA!
Romania, 1989. Put the Ceau?escus on the wall and shoot!
‘Whyever’ really made me LOL for some reason.
But I would have gone for ‘fricka-frackin’ on the last line.
Oh, for the ever loving blue eyed Pogo…
There. Look! People you can spam your crap who actually might give a shit! I know, I know, it’s not as much fun as trying to fill the void in your life, because mom and dad never loved you, by annoying strangers on the intertubes, but let’s be honest with ourselves here: they’re NEVER going to love you. You need to move on. Do some good. Save some Haitians and write to your congresspeep.
Some Guy said,
You need to move on. Do some good. Save some Haitians and write to your congresspeep.
sayit brother! Forget the student loans, so what if your parents told you an “English Major” is the key to success. Fucking hippies leaving your generation stranded and deep in debt.
Like I’ve been saying all along-
Oh, god no. Not me. I’m far to busy donating my time and money to Starve Sacramento Now.
Galactic D.
It has probably happened somewhere, sometime. But it’s got to be rare as hen’s teeth. The colonialist clusterfuck has got to be 100 times more common.
The fact that they keep repeating that script regardless of its lack of reality suggests to me:
one that they have some serious, festering psychological issues,
two that there probably are some smart, evil people who keep feeding them that line.
The smart, evil people probably don’t believe it either, but find the effect useful.
I’m far to busy donating my time and money to Starve Sacramento Now
Yeah, what about all the $$$ I give to
I really love how the end game in every wingnut conquest wet dream is ” and then the people rise up and revolt against its rulers and we are greeted as liberators
Gibbon said that it happened in several places in North Africa, which helps to explain how the Muslim armies were able to conquer it so quickly. The rich were tired of paying taxes to the Romans, the poor were tired of being conscripted into armies and being told what to do with their dingles, and the clergy were mostly adherents of the Donatist heresy. The Donatists were like the Hillary supporters of their day – when they lost in the general councils of the church, they said fuck it, let the Muslims win. (Actually it may have been that they preferred paying a tax to being tortured and executed.)
Really? Has that ever happened in real life, I mean outside of Honor Harrington books?
Also the Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter of Mars series.
I’m sure they all made a detailed comparison of the proposed health care plans.
My god, where to start with that Ace of Spades quote? It’s both beautiful and horrifying, like a vagina to a Baptist.
No, OriGuy, they voted according to who paid the least attention to the farm bill. Duh.
I just love that comic cover. Love it.
alec said,
Tell us, M. Howell, what is so terrible about the Farm Bill.
Oh look, another midget steps up. Read the fucking links dumbass.
See, the point here isn’t proving that I know what’s wrong with the Farm Bill. I could tell you that. The point is, perhaps similar to if you had made a glib comparison to appeasement without actually knowing who Chamberlain was, to see if you can actually explain what you’re gibbering about.
I don’t think you do.
Also, I have no idea what kind of idiot you’d have to be to compare the downfall of the Romanian cult of personality to Iraq. It was a domestic revolution, for Chrissakes.
Playing the world-wise crank isn’t going to work for you if you don’t understand the shit you’re flinging. All of us don’t live in a world where Obama and the CPUSA sponsored the Farm Bill, Ceausescu was overthrown by the Marine Corps, and DFH-bashing is trenchant social commentary. You will be surprised to learn that our sun actually sets in the west.
[…] discovery that there is a person who calls himself the ‘Purple Avenger’ has left me wistful for those heady days of the first Bush term, when every other day a new […]
“What if Sgt Fury had fought World War Two in Outer Space?”
Page one, splash panel:
Uatu: It probably would have been pretty messed up.
The end.