Falling For It: A Buchanan LOLocaust

Here’s Pat Buchanan to warn us of a dire threat to Western civilization — one that totally hasn’t, you know, for instance, bubbled up from the muck inhabited by pop-neoconservative laughingstocks like Mark Steyn. No, this is new and vital work here. Have you heard that the Muslims are outbreeding us? Have you heard that Israel is in mortal peril from this Islamic Making-Whoopie Jihad, while Jews — poisoned by liberalism — are killing their own babies? Oh no, we’ve never heard that one before.
Ok, yes we have. And indeed, it sounds almost as bad as the Irish Catholics, back in the day. Warnings were rife, but no one listened, and today these Noonans, Buchanans, and Russerts, these Matthewses, these Hannitys, O’Reillys and further Noonans are drinking America’s milkshake as though it were one of those fanciful Irish Cream decoctions once so popular among the doily-bestrewn hovels of the cabbage-nourished tenement class. And indeed, or ‘begorrah’ as they used to say, where is America today? No place for Americans, that’s for certain. Céad Míle FAILte: that’s our motto. This is not even to mention the mustache-twirling organ grinders, such as that marinara-scented guappo, Signor Giuliani.
But oh yes, Muslims. Here’s Pat:
As Israel enters its 61st year, Israelis may look back with pride. Yet, the realists among them must also look forward with foreboding.
See, this is funny already, because Norman Podhoretz has stationery with that exact sentence printed on it. He pulls out a piece every May, rolls in into his ancient Underwood, and types 32nd, 41st, 59th, or whatever the anniversary happens to be — and over the course of a couple of thousand words or so, invents a possible reality that calls for the scourging of the Earth by fire, specifically parts of the Earth inhabited by Semites of the non-Isaac variety. In the end, to follow Richard Hofstadter’s famous phrase in ”The Paranoid Style,” the real mystery for one who reads these primary works of paranoid scholarship is not how Podhoretz has been brought to his present dangerous position, but how he has managed to survive at all.
But honestly now, and by way of preface: The realists among us used to appreciate the relative non-batshit-insanity of ‘paleocons’ like Pat Buchanan on matters geopolitical, specifically Middle Eastern. Buchanan’s magazine, American Conservative came out against the Iraq War in its first issue, in 2002, and his past acolytes, such as Justin Raimundo at Antiwar.com, can tend to be pretty good guys. In fact, here’s Buchanan himself, from his inaugural column in the magazine:
If Providence does not intrude, we will soon launch an imperial war on Iraq with all the “On-to-Berlin!” bravado with which French poilus and British Tommies marched in August 1914. But this invasion will not be the cakewalk neoconservatives predict. More likely, it will be the “bloody mess” of which Tony Cordesman warns. […] This is the vision that intoxicates the neoconservatives who pine for a “World War IV” – a cakewalk conquest of Iraq followed by short sharp wars on Syria and Iran. Already Israel is tugging at our sleeve, reminding us not to forget Libya.
What is wrong with this vision? Only this. Just as Israel’s invasion of Lebanon ignited a guerrilla war that drove her bloodied army out after 18 years, a U.S. army in Baghdad will ignite calls for jihad from Morocco to Malaysia.
Pretty smart in retrospect, no? Moreover, it was courageous: This was written at a time when liberal pundits were in agonies over the approaching war, and were defecting en masse to the neocon camp, each according to his or her unique blend of credulity, ignorance, and self-interest. It was also written during a Baroque period of right-wing flapdoodle — the period that made Liberal Fascism inevitable — in which self-identified neoconservatives, including some who had written books with that very word in the title, were mounting the most prestigious pulpits in the American media, week after week, to deny that there was any such thing as ‘neoconservatism,’ and to accuse the critics of this imaginary movement of coded anti-Semitic messages and similarity to Hitler.
Buchanan replied like this. And while yes, okay, it’s easy to imagine that the nativist Buchanan does harbor a personal dislike of Jewish people, he did a good job of fielding a principled conservative resistance against the empowered mediocrity and say-anything brazenness of characters like David Brooks and Robert Kagan, circa 2003 — a heartening effort when it counted. There are things to despise about Buchanan and his chautuaqua-rooking, retro-Goldwater populism. But unlike the neocons, at least he doesn’t cynically accuse you of being Hitler when he’s the one running around being all Hitlery, invading other countries and torturing people in camps, and so forth. The epithet of Hitler at least means something, it seems, to Buchanan.
Then again, disappointment is a fact of life:
Israel is a modern democracy with the highest standard of living in the Middle East. In the high-tech industries of the future, she is in the first rank. From a nation of fewer than a million in 1948, Israel’s population has grown to 7 million. In seven wars — the 1948 War of Independence, the Sinai invasion of 1956, the Six-Day War of 1967, the Yom Kippur War of 1973, and the Lebanon wars of 1982 and 2006 — Israel has prevailed, though some of these wars were, as Wellington said of Waterloo, “a damn near-run thing.”
Israel has revived Hebrew, created a new currency, immersed her children in the history, ancient and modern, of her people, and established a homeland for Jews from all over the world, millions of whom have migrated there to settle. Israel is now home to the largest concentration of Jews anywhere on earth.
Well okay, that sounds pretty good so far.
Here, however, we come to the heart of the existential crisis.
Israel became home to the largest Jewish population on earth in part because American Jews in the 1990s fell in number from 5.5 million to 5.2 million, a loss of 300,000, or 6 percent of the U.S. Jewish population. According to Charles Krauthammer, by 2050, the U.S. Jewish population will have shrunk another 50 percent to 2.5 million. American Jews are slowly vanishing.
…Um, what?
How and why is this happening?
We’re guessing it’s not the Rapture.
No no, wait:
American Jews are slowly vanishing. How and why is this happening?
Has anyone checked Florida?
No, hold on:
American Jews are slowly vanishing. How and why is this happening?
Also, the typical American is slowly getting fatter. How and why is this…OH MY GOD!
No, wait:
American Jews are slowly vanishing. How and why is this happening?
SHLEMIEL: Would you believe a talking parrot? For you, only twenty dollars.
[produces stuffed parrot]
SHLEMAZEL: Gai feifen ahfen yam! I see right through you, Schlemiel, you putz.
SHLEMIEL: [stares through palm of hand] Oy, so I’m slowly vanishing. Don’t rub it in.
[laughter] [mutual spraying with seltzer bottles] [laughter, applause]
THE PARROT: And next on our stage is an act that will make you hetzke in your gatkes. Please welcome The Amazing Melnick!
MELNICK (a ventriloquist): Nu, talking parrot! Gib mir nit kain einorah!*
[hilarity, applause]

Okay, that’s enough of that. Seriously and in earnest: That unsourced statement from ol’ Krauthammer is from a notorious column from the gloamy yesteryear of 2006 in which he warned of a new Holocaust, saying that Hitler’s successors “reside in Tehran” and that their “rush to build a nuclear bomb” threatened the destruction of Israel. We know what happened with that, and whoopsie-doodles, and so forth. But as with Podhoretz, it’s always some new mortal peril, isn’t it?
It is the collective decision of American Jews themselves, who have led the battles for birth control and a woman’s right to choose.
So this time it’s racial suicide — as opposed to the Shoah, when they were murdered by homosexuals.
As Jews were roughly 2 percent of the U.S. population from Roe v. Wade to today, perhaps 2 percent of the 50 million legal abortions since Roe were likely performed on Jewish girls or women, resulting in 1 million lost members of the Jewish community in 35 years.
And since it was the same proportion, that explains why the percentage has gone down.
And if demography is destiny,
We’ve replaced Pat Buchanan’s favorite paleoconservative expressions with epigrams from the quintessential anti-individualist and technocrat, Auguste Comte! Let’s see if he notices!
Israel’s future, too, appears grim.
There’s going to be more math, and it’s not going to make any sense either.
As former Ambassador Zalman Shoval writes, Israel’s population of 7 million is 80 percent Jewish. But the Palestinian population of Israel has risen to 20 percent and is growing much faster.
So Israel is still 80 percent Jewish, but Palestinians now make up the entirety of the 20 remaining percent. This is due to the fact that there are now more Jews in Israel than there are in the US, because US Jews are slowly disappearing. There’s something missing in all this.
Perhaps its time for a wildly irresponsible, entirely untrustworthy citation.
One Israel blogger, using Shoval’s totals, writes that among the Israeli population between 1 and 4 years old, roughly 30 percent is Arab. The future of Israel is thus increasingly Arab and less Jewish.
Then again, another Israel blogger says the opposite, as does the right-wing news service, Arutz 7, whose Hillel Fendel waves a think-tank report and declares, “Demography is not an existential threat to the Jewish State. Therefore, there is no need to retreat from Jewish Geography [i.e. the occupied territories] in order to secure Jewish Demography.” Although, one Israeli Prime Minister sees things somewhat differently — i.e., not purely as a fertility issue:
If the day comes when the two-state solution collapses, and we face a South African-style struggle for equal voting rights (for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip), then, as soon as that happens, the state of Israel is finished.
Hmm. Here’s Pat again:
According to the United Nations, by 2050, Israel will have 10 million people.
By then, the Arab population, at present birth rates, is likely to be close to 30 percent of the Israeli population. On the West Bank and Gaza, today’s 4 million Arabs are to explode to 10 million, far outstripping the growth in Israel. Jordan’s population of 5 million, 60 percent Palestinian, will also double to 10 million.
Thus, not even counting Palestinians in Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria and the Gulf states, Israel’s 7 million to 8 million Jews in 2050 will be living with 13 million Palestinians in Israel, Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank. If Israel is to survive as a Jewish state, a separate and independent Palestinian state would seem an imperative.
Yet, as Israelis continue to build outposts and expand and add settlements, the possibility of a Palestinian state recedes. Indeed, many Israelis, seeing what an end to the occupation produced in Gaza, refuse to consider any pullout at all from the West Bank.
Such a policy of holding on and digging in is sometimes the best one — but only if time is on one’s side. Is time on Israel’s side?
Here Pat is seeming almost sane again, which means heartbreak is coming. Take a breath and prepare for the next sentence.
According to the world population statistics from the National Policy Institute, the worldwide Arabic population in 1950 was only 94 million, less than 4 percent of the world population. But by 2050, it will be 700 million, 7 percent of a world population of almost 10 billion.
Yes, we’re using stats and demographic predictions from the neutral and impartial National Policy Institute. Here’s a blurb on this group of disinterested bean-counters from the Southern Poverty Law Center:
After a year of soliciting funds for a “new think tank” in Washington, D.C., the National Policy Institute was established with a staff of four in September 2005 by far-right publisher William Regnery. The institute’s mission statement says it aims “to elevate the consciousness of whites, ensure our biological and cultural continuity, and protect our civil rights. The institute … will study the consequences of the ongoing influx that non-Western populations pose to our national identity.” In an August 2005 speech to the Chicagoland Friends of American Renaissance (see group profile below), Regnery warned that “within the first or secondhand memories of people in this room, the white race may go from master of the universe to an anthropological curiosity.” The institute has published two studies: a critique of affirmative action, which the institute opposes; and “Mass Deportation is a Viable Solution to America’s Illegal Immigration Crisis,” written by Edwin Rubenstein. (Rubenstein, a frequent contributor to the V-Dare hate site, is president of ESR Research Economic Consultants of Indianapolis and has served as research director for the conservative Hudson Institute, an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute, an economics editor at the National Review, and a contributing editor at Forbes magazine.) The institute’s senior fellow is Wayne Lutton, an extreme-right writer, and its spokesman is Kevin Lamb. Its board includes Louis R. Andrews, American Renaissance Editor Jared Taylor, and James B. Taylor, who is also on the board of directors of the Reagan Ranch Program. Its advisory committee includes Kevin MacDonald.
Nice. That really boosts the ‘ol confidence that we’re using the best available quantitative information in reaching these otherwise-bold conclusions.
According to U.N. population experts, Lebanon’s population will grow to 5 million in 2050, but Syria’s will almost double from today’s 20 million to 34 million. The population of Saudi Arabia will rise from 24 million to 45 million. Egypt will grow by more than 50 million to 121 million Egyptians by 2050. The Islamic Republic of Iran, 71 million today, is expected to reach 100 million at mid-century.
All of which are utterly dwarfed by the U.N.’s World Population Prospects 2005 speculations on Africa (Ethiopia: 83 million in 2007, 183 million in 2050; Liberia: 3.7 million in 2007, 12.4 million in 2050). Still want to vote for an ethnic Kenyan (37.5 million, 84.7 million) while you still have a choice to vote for a white person?
By the way, all these projections will happen exactly, while global warming was concocted as a way of “frightening Americans into transferring sovereignty, power and wealth to a global political elite that claims it alone understands the crisis and it alone can save us from impending disaster.”
And, demography aside,
Good save, Pat.
the Islamic faith of Israel’s neighbors is becoming militant.
For some reason that nobody can figure out.
Hamas now controls Gaza. Hezbollah now controls Southern Lebanon and is becoming the power in Beirut. While Egypt is headed by a pro-American autocrat, the principal rival for power is the widely popular Muslim Brotherhood.
Those who do not like the Saudi monarchy should consider what is likely to rise in its place, should the House of Saud fall. The same is true of the Jordanian and Moroccan monarchies, and the sheikdoms, emirates and sultanates of the Persian Gulf.
In any struggle of generations, the critical question is often: Whose side is time on? As President Bush celebrates Israel’s 60th birthday, and is celebrated in turn as Israel’s best friend ever, it is a fair question to ask.
Message: The counter-Jihad against the Global Caliphate will be fought in the chatrooms of JDate.
* “Don’t jinx me,” colloquially rendered as, “Don’t give me a canary.”
Okay, that was a really fucked up block quote eventually.
Pat Buchanan went to my High School.
Purple Eagles, beaches!
Gavin, could you make wordpress give up its dead?
Maybe it’s the third maragarita talking, but you had me at ‘begorrah.”
Is it fixed now?
Gavin M. said,
May 17, 2008 at 7:10
Is it fixed now?
Hurray! You even freed Daniel Shays.
I suppose everyone’s comments are slightly messed up, timelinewise, on teh history thread…but we’ll muddle through somehow.
Whose side is time on?
My side.
You are incensing everybody, RB. I’ll bet you’re happy about it, too.
Yes it is.
I’ll bet you’re happy about it, too.
My timeline! My beautiful timeline!
Awesome indeed, but if you will allow me one nitpick, Muslims also claim descent from Abraham. Perhaps “non-Mosaic“?
They got Moses too although they have a thing for that fuck-up Aaron. Non-Chosen?
Non Tevyesque?
That’s a fine Krauthammer you’ve got there, by the way.
A shame the WaPoo doesn’t use it. Maybe if we all send Fred Hiatt nasty emails?
That’s a fine Krauthammer you’ve got there, by the way.
Where’s Captain Pike?
Damn foreigners with their funny language, whacked-out religion and irritating customs. All those family members living together in one house, too! And the number of kids they have, Gawd!
Damn Irish are ruining this country. But then, they did settle with the French in Quebec, so whaddya expect?
Nothing says ‘Courage’ quite like, “OMFG! in forty years we’ll only have a four to one advantage, OMFG!!”
Wow. Opus much, Gavin?
Oh, and thanks for that top image. It was in no way disturbing in a Freudian-glance sort of way.
“As Jews were roughly 2 percent of the U.S. population from Roe v. Wade to today, perhaps 2 percent of the 50 million legal abortions since Roe were likely performed on Jewish girls or women, resulting in 1 million lost members of the Jewish community in 35 years.”
Umm… if that logic wasn’t completely stupid, wouldn’t that mean that the total population of the US would also have gone down since RvW?
“According to the world population statistics from the National Policy Institute, the worldwide Arabic population in 1950 was only 94 million, less than 4 percent of the world population. But by 2050, it will be 700 million, 7 percent of a world population of almost 10 billion.”
….Oh no?
That figure immediately sounds dubious, as it would require the population to almost double every generation. Say hello to 5-6 kids per woman, and hope none of them get killed, which is reasonable because there’s so little violence or strife in the middle east.
But more then that, it doesn’t really matter, because 2050 is around the time when the oils wells start pulling up air, the global economy shuts down, civilization collapses, and the gritty survivors are fighting to the death at McThunderdome’s.
I’m going back to watching bootleg Daria episodes.
(I know, double post and all, apologies abound et cetera.)
Should we even bother pointing out that higher education leads directly to lower population rates, so that to reduce the birth rate in foreign lands we should…
Nah, too obvious.
On the plus side, at the time of Elvis’ death (1977), there were 170 Professional Elvis Impersonators; 25 years later, there were at least 85,000, or 500 times as many. Using this projection, there will be 21,250,000,000 Professional Elvis Impersonators on the planet Earth by 2052.
I guess they’ll all be Muslim.
Did Charles Krauthammer get plastic surgery? He looks better than usual. Or maybe someone put gossamer over the lens.
Today Your Love Tomorrow The World.
FTW, indeed.
Since Noonan, M. is included, can we also count Chris ‘Lonewacko’ Kelly, LA-dwelling Mexican-hater, blogpimp and Malkin pissboy in the pack of bogtrotting paddywhackjobs?
Also, tortured extrapolation aside, you can’t imagine Doctor Davhammer being so enthusiastic if it were pointed out that not all Jewish girls choose to do the wacka-wacka-wacka with Jewish boys.
The split was ol’ Abe’s kids. The Jews trace to Isaac, the Muslims to Ishmael, so perhaps “non-Isaacian” or something.
And thank the Good Lord for that. If it weren’t so, I’d have a considerably shorter wacka-wacka tally, and a much less interesting past.
I think this is less of an issue when you take into account that Judaism is matrilineal. The boys are not really that big a factor.
There is but one solution to the Muslim-human menace: Exterminate! I am your creator! You must… You WILL obey me!!
India is expected to surpass China in population by 2050 Isn’t Pat worried about exterminatin’ the scary Hindoo menace too?
Okay there Sinistar.
So you swamp people in poverty, bomb the shit out of them, and destroy any state capable of guaranteeing them social security, so basically the only way to care for yourself after your prime (which ends in your 40s because of how shitty the medicine is) is to have several kids survive into adulthood, and because of how terrible it is in this country, they’ve gotta have 12 or more kids to do that.
I mean, it could be that, right? That high birthrates are a rational policy for families under conditions of severe poverty and censure against interclan raiding and slavery.
Or, alternatively, having millions of kids could simply be a stealthy international Arab conspiracy to render us all hapless dhimmis, starting with the poor, helpless white man.
I guess the second one makes a lot more sense?
I have to make one major point before this inevitable discussion starts, though: the vulgar-feminist answer, ’empowerment’, is OK and all, except that it requires there to be a living standard and responsible government in which women have something to gain by not having a dozen children.
If you’re living in Delhi and have a realistic chance of joining the middle class and the government has basic health and welfare programs, sure: if you have the choice, you’re going to have fewer kids. But if you’re living in the West Bank, the government is a disorganized kleptocracy (and when it attempts to make good, it gets the shit bombed out of it), and the two or three kids the West wants you to have are probably going to get killed – even if the choice is 100% yours, you’re gonna turn your vagina into a clown car. It’s the only sensible thing to do.
Bring up the living standard and empower women at the same time. Doing one or the other will lead to a better situation but still cause catastrophe – empowered women in poor conditions are as dangerous as unempowered women, and good conditions without empowered women just leads to population booms.
You could just say “Semites of the Ishmaelian variety”
Isaac is hard to work with. “Isaacian”? “Isaacite”? What do you do with that c? You could go with his name after the change but then you’d just have “non-Israelite”, which doesn’t feel as clever.
Great job all around, Gavin. I needed a good laugh.
India is expected to surpass China in population by 2050 Isn’t Pat worried about exterminatin’ the scary Hindoo menace too?
Yes, but it also has more Mooslims than Pakistan, or any other country except Indonesia. Holy shit, Indonesia! Australia is doomed!
get your ethnic slurs straight “guappo” is Spanish. His 911ness is the marinara-scented ganzo, Signor Giuliani. Also with his law degree, in Italy he would be dottore Giuliani.
Given a real choice, people prefer to have fewer children, and take better care of them.
The current crop of Republicans, of course, make that as difficult as possible.
They have such a knack, these folks, for making a virtue out of the necessity they force on people. And, as always, favoring quantity over quality.
Something their Baal, Wal-Mart, has taught them.
It may well have come from the Spanish guapo, but guappo certainly is an Italian term, particularly Neapolitan.
Krauthammer looks better than usual.
Lesley: He could scarcely look worse. Pehaps some highlights would help. I know a good colorist.
Maybe just ditch the “non” formulation and call them Ishmaelites. That’s what the Bahble does.
“Call me Ishmaelite.” Hey! Sounds good!
Overpopulation is such a geopolitical advantage, especially when you have the endless fertile regions of countries like Eqypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. My guess is that the future belongs to the societies that can get population growth under control and not totally outstrip their resources. Oh, and I don’t believe abstinence tutorials will do the trick.
“If they’d only let me wear one of things on my cock!”
I guess they’ll all be Muslim.
“You ain’t nothin’ but a running-dog imperialist swine sent forth by the Great Satan to perish in the mother of all battles
Barkin’ all the time”
* “Don’t jinx me,” but literally, “Don’t give me a canary.”
Sadly, nein.
“Gib mir nit kain einorah!” means, literally, “Don’t give me an Evil Eye,” which is actually a variant of the more common, “Kain einorah!”, said after announcing good news, or while pointing to someone you want to protect. It means, “No, Evil-Eye!” i.e, to ward off the sometimes-inevitable bad luck that surely must threaten a Jew when something good happens.
In the US we fallen, assimilated, secular types say “kenna-hora.” E.g. “So they did the biopsy and thank God, the tumor is benign, kenna-hora.”
“Don’t give me a canary” is an English corruption of the way the Yiddish sounds.
Otherwise, Gavin, excellent post. You caught Buchanan’s I-can-be-sane-but-reserve-the-right-to-be-batshit-meshugahneh-at-any-time perfectly.
Overpopulation is such a geopolitical advantage
Well, there’s the rub: it’s terrible on a macro level, but usually great on a micro level. Those 18 kids are you and your husband’s meal ticket; unless there’s another one (and you set the terms on where Mr. al-Happy goes and when), you’re not gonna change that. And any politician who mandates that you do is going to lose your vote.
That’s why population control is so much more effective in a basically totalitarian country like China than a basically democratic one like India. It’s one of the more frustrating challenges imaginable to sustainable development, and that’s why it’s so irritating to see it become a bourgeois phenomenon.
Fucking Whitey.
But does a canary come into it at all?
[changed, btw; rushing out the door; back soon]
Pat is given a throne ALL DAY LONG at MSNBC to spout his ignorant, racist bullshit.
Pat will loudly give his viewpoint on anything…even if he knows zip about the issue.
If something interesting happens in the Dem primary race…go to Pat. He’ll be sure to bash them and give the Republican spin to any subject under the sun.
He’s almost mad MSNBC unwatchable.
Damn, Gavin, you continue to amaze. Thanks.
Oh, Buchannan’s premise? Too stupid to consider, but mocked in the highest style…
Thursday: What a long lovely laugh I had at your Muslim Elvis projection! Thank you! (I am chronically depressed, not much makes me laugh aloud)
“Egypt will grow by more than 50 million to 121 million Egyptians by 2050”
Egypt is near the perfect example of demographic transition. The population increased form 20M in 1950 to 70M in 200 (less than quadrupling), and now the birth rate is failing. The population will unlikely grow more than 100% during current century.
Have you seen the last Doctor Who episodes?
“But if you’re living in the West Bank […]” (alec)
Indeed. That’s why west bank 2007 fertilty rate was about 4.17 https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/we.html#People altought 2007 egyptian fertility rate was about 2.77 https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/eg.html#People .
Notice than iranian was about 1.71, which mean than even in a theocracy women can choice their fertility. Bad new for american christian conservatives. The good news it that this low fertility rate is because hight level of education of young women. So they only have to forbiding girl education after their coup d’état.
That bit about how Palestineans are 20% of Israel’s population, but OMG!! the under-4 demographic is 30%!! which means that THEY’RE OUTBREEDING THE JEWS EVEN AS WE SPEAK!!! seems a bit… overwrought?
If the infant population is nearly 1/3 Palestinean, but the overall population is 1/5, isn’t that actually a huge disparity in infant mortality?
Ya think that life in the occupied territories might just be really dangerous for small children? That cutting off power, water, and food supplies might actually, I dunno, be killing babies?
Oops, forgot to close tag…
RobW: You’re half-right. A Buchanan type would spout off about demographic pyramids – but that neglects infant mortality as a major influential factor.
If every generation of group A had a 33% advantage in breeding over group B, there’d be hyperbolic growth of one over the other. On the other hand, a 60% advantage in kids becomes a 40% disadvantage in adults by, you know, killing babies.
If the infant mortality rate in Palestine weren’t so damned bad, the difference in infants would be a pure population growth matter. Simplest possible population pyramid:
x <- Adults
xx <- Youth
(You’ll note it’s a triangle. Assume hermaphroditic Palestinians.)
In this scenario, the old generation of adults have died out, leaving the new generation of kids to become adults, and they proceed to breed at whatever rate. So the next generation you have, setting aside the possibility of infant mortality and so on:
x <- (elderly)
xx <- Adults
xxxx <- Youth
And the next one would be
xxxx xxxx
X-posted at alicublog, but I thought the Sadlynaughts should be up on the latest science!
“Nothing could be clearer that the residence in any climate is made safe by skin pigmentation in accordance with the amount of sunlight, and this proves the impossibility of colonizing out of our proper zone. Brown and black people who now live in light tropical countries will always live there. We cannot exterminate them. … they are indestructible but will be used forever by white men, to their mutual benefit, not as slaves, or serfs, or domestic animals, but as junior partners with little voice in the management of the firm.”
“Should the blond types from Northern Europe die out in America, as they did in Italy, our republic and civilization would of course degenerate into the condition of the Roman state and civilization when it fell into the hands of the lower types. These lower Mediterranean races are flocking to the United States, and will survive of course, but it is quite likely that the Northern types will survive in sufficient numbers to prevent the destruction of our republic, though of course a perfect democracy is out of the question now and forever.”
-C. Woodruff, The Effects of Tropical Light on White Men (1905)
…and C. Woodruff on Jews:
“the Jews … by the bacteriocidal power of their blood, destroy the bacilli they breathe, which therefore do not survive a lodgement in the lungs.”
Whose side is time on?
My side.
Is treatment, particularly bad treatment, ever given to a person?
No. It is always meted out.
Is anything else ever meted out?
No. The only thing that is ever meted out is treatment.
And what does the meting out of treatment evoke?
The strongest protest against the treatment meted out.
But does a canary come into it at all?
No, they are all down in the coalmine.
Don’t worry, they will adapt to win
I have also appreciated Raimondo and Antiwar.com. It was indeed a breath of fresh air to discover that there were self-styled conservatives who were opposed to the Iraq war since before it started. But, my opinion of Raimondo went down considerably when I discovered that his column was rife with crazy-ass conspiracy theories, such as this one which posits that Pearl Harbor was planned by FDR & the Japanese. Now I look at Antiwar.com with a somewhat colder eye.
No no. It’s “Non-Kosher”!
When in doubt, try the obvious.
If the Irish haven’t been to disowning little Patty yet, they’ll be raising my Eire more than a damn sight, murra. Pogue mahone, Pattyboy.
“One Israel blogger, using Shoval’s totals, writes that among the Israeli population between 1 and 4 years old, roughly 30 percent is Arab.”
So, for every Arab child, there are at least two Jews. This is a demographic problem how?
“Has anyone checked Florida?”
ROFL Gavin. Nice one! No, far better than a nice one. Brilliant.
These rantings are why I have a link to the Wiki(damn those liberals)pedia page on The Know Nothings on my blog and frequently link it everywhere else as well. At least we have the comfort of knowing that that movement faded away into complete oblivion.
By then, the Arab population, at present birth rates, is likely to be close to 30 percent of the Israeli population. On the West Bank and Gaza, today’s 4 million Arabs are to explode
… to 10 million, far outstripping the growth in Israel.
..oh, right.
Wow, that’s some industrial-strength face painting there.
Yes it is.