Calling A Spade A Spade

Tony Blankley, that “fish-eyed sack of loathsome bile and infamy,”1 is gracing the pages of the Moonie Times with a column arguing that one of the legitimate reasons to vote against Obama is because he’s black.
In this unprecedented election year we run the risk of having two conversations: a polite, public one that uses euphemisms or evasions about race, and a nasty private one that is likely to dredge up the worst within us — the conversation that won’t be on television, but will be on the internet and on the subway and wherever people congregate to chat. I would argue that the more honest the public conversation is, the less virulent the private one will be.
I’m not buying this. Saying publicly that Obama is a scary Negro who will play hoops in the Rose Garden while the U.S. burns isn’t going to make the private conversations less virulent. Blankley is just looking for an excuse to say in public, with a smile on his face, that he doesn’t want a porch monkey in the Oval Office.
And therein I respectfully dissent from the comments last week by my friend and former Reagan White House colleague, Peggy Noonan — who argued that it was “vulgar” and destructive of the body politic to talk about race. … Vulgar? Yes, I will give Peggy that. But democratic politics is inherently vulgar.
And you thought I was exaggerating when I said the Blankley was getting ready to call Barack a porch monkey.
[W]hat are we to make of the fact that Barack Obama’s African father causes him to be seen as the first African American or black nominee for president? … [F]or a larger number of voters there exists some extra resistance to voting for someone who — on the surface — seems different. This is race (or other demographic) consciousness — but not straight out bigotry.
Saying that extra resistance based on skin color isn’t bigotry but is “race consciousness” is like saying that putting blacks in the back of the bus isn’t racism but is simply a “passenger sorting technique.”
For Mr. Obama, as voters are starting to look for evidence to either confirm or refute their early suspicion of “otherness,” he has offered mixed evidence. Personally, the way he carries himself and speaks, his calm reasonableness, his admirable wit and charm have worked to his favor.
Translation: even though Obama has nappy hair, thick lips and dark skin, he walks and talks like a white guy, doesn’t wear low riders or listen to 50 Cent in public, and when he’s in a restaurant he doesn’t scream “Hey, ho, bring me ‘dem chicken wings fo’ I cut you!”
But, of course, when you look more carefully Obama’s just like any other homeboy:
But his associations, and his San Francisco statement, his wife’s seeming anger at America, tend to confirm for some that he is in fact not a sufficiently typical American.
Translation: He still hangs out with some crazy-ass black people, calls white people crackers and his wife has more attitude than a crack ho in a Mercedes convertible.
Let’s have an honest conversation with neither rankle nor euphemism.
Translation: Don’t get all pissed-off and PC when I say it would be a mistake to put a wild-eyed Negro in the White House.
Because voting for the guy you would typically want to have a beer with worked out so well in the past.
Man oh man.
When Obama wins (which I still consider very likely), the conservative sense of persecution will go into overdrive -so- bad. That’s going to happen no matter what non-McCain entity gets elected, but Obama will be a perfect storm of fright for these people and their enablers.
I expect them to invade South Africa an restore its apartheid state status just so they have an ideologically sound place to emigrato to.
But let’s be honest; we miss the militia craziness of the 90s. That’s coming back in spades. Shame Kofi Annan is not head of the UN anymore. Just a pic of Obama and Kofi shaking hands would send free Republic, Free Conservatives, TownHall and LGF scampering into Montana compounds.
the more honest the public conversation is, the less virulent the private one will be.
I assume that works both ways, so that increased virulence in the private conversation reduces the level of honesty in the public one. Every time Thers says ‘Fuck’, another pundit lies.
I saw Obama in the diner and not once did he say, “Hey, M-F’er, get me some iced tea!” It was amazing.
And I certainly don’t wish to appear racist, but until we manage a way of sending the damn Scot-Irish home, our politics will continue to degrade to the lowest imaginable denomenolelogicalator.
Wouldn’t that actually be an inverse relationship, such that if we encourage the most virulent possible private conversations, the public conversation will reach the maximum heights of honesty?
If so, man, will Thanksgiving holidays be different.
Well, if you have a beer with McCain, it’s always on his wife’s tab. So he’s got a leg up on Obama, who probably drinks those expensive beers that only advertise during soccer matches and foreign film festivals.
But I’ll vote for Obama because he’s only half white, unlike that obviously inbred McCain fellow. McCain is clearly a genetic mistake with his pasty and cancerous skin, stooped figure that makes him look like a movie hunchback, wrinkly and watery eyes, thin hair, and a twisted soul. Even Michael Medved would agree that he’s obviously of the inferior race.
The fact is, if Obama is elected, there will be patriotic bands of brothers uniting to unseat the illegitimate foisting on us of a PC faggoty halfrican. Here in the heartland,people are readying for the applied use of the 2nd amendment to restore rightful government should it be usurped. Just sayin’.
Wouldn’t that actually be an inverse relationship
Fortunately future historians will be able to test the exact nature of the relationship between public and private conversations, because both are recorded in NSA archives.
Are all conservatives retards or just the ones who express themselves?
Yeah! To hell with euphemism!
Don’t say he’s “Different” say “HE’S A DARKIE N*****R SPOOK!” That won’t give rise to any of that dreadful rankle (which I always thought was a verb, not a noun).
I must say I love the way these walking chamber pots are still trying to call attention to the fact that OBAMA IS AN AFRICAN AMERICAN. They must think they’re in some sort of Twilight Zone where they’re the only ones who can see the horrible truth. Here we have the added dipshittery of hand wringing because “We” really trully need to have an open and honest conversation about Senator Hussein X Not White Don’t B Fooled By The Way He Talks He Wants 2 Rape UR Wimmin & Steal UR Car Obama.
Of course, on closer inspection it turns out “We,” means “Someone other than me because I’m too a-skeerd.” See for example: “We need to stay in Iraq until the job is done.”
Saying that extra resistance based on skin color isn’t bigotry but is “race consciousness” is like saying that putting blacks in the back of the bus isn’t racism but is simply a “passenger sorting technique.”
At least 80-90% of blacks who have voted in the primary have voted for Obama. It is unlikely that, en masse, they prefer his policy positions; it is far more likely they’re voting on the basis of… skin color. There’s lots of bigotry to go around, apparently.
…not a sufficiently typical American.
HAHAHAHA. Yep, no euphemism there. Just straight talk and honesty about race in America.
Nobody could have predicted that Blazing Saddles would turn out to be a documentary.
The key point here is that Tony Blankley’s operational definition of “an honest public conversation” consists of presenting his political agenda* as the will of the electorate.
* i.e. “The next president should be the candidate we can package as ‘sufficiently typical’.”
Oh please. They have voted in droves for white men for years. Compare and contrast to the position, as espoused by some Democratic operatives in Eastern KY: “I would never vote for a black for president.”
Personally, the way he carries himself and speaks, his calm reasonableness, his admirable wit and charm have worked to his favor, and as such he is a credit to his misbegotten race.
Okay, I added that last part—if we’re going to go back 300 years, Tony, let’s get all the tropes right.
Very interesting question, and perhaps one both of philosophy, epistemology, and quantum mechanics. Do we wish to suggest that electrons whose positions have no position at all or exist simultaneously in many positions, or do we wish to continue to use older common terminologies to express ideas fundamentally at odds with ordinary human experience?
Similarly, do Republicans exist in a quantum cloud of stupidity and nefarious intent which then collapses into an identifiable waveform when measured?
Oasis for rational conservatives?
The well is drying up, beaches!
Schadenfreude: It’s what’s for dinner.
Shorter every racist white person:
Democracy means that minorities can shove it.
Holy shit, is that wall finished yet?
For Mr. Obama, as voters are starting to look for evidence to either confirm or refute their early suspicion of “otherness,” he has offered mixed evidence. Personally, the way he carries himself and speaks, his calm reasonableness, his admirable wit and charm have worked to his favor.
This especially bothers me. Obama is black, but he’s so clean and well-spoken! Gah. Blankley may be thinner than he used to be, but he’s still a big fat gasbag.
Oh this is rich. Tony Fucking Blankley now thinks he has the rights to call someone an elitist. Blankley, who outpaces both George F. Will and William Safire combined with the I’m-such-a-well-read-Tory douchebaggery, thinks he’s speaking for Teh Common Man.
What a loooooad.
Vulgar? Yes, I will give Peggy that. But democratic politics is inherently vulgar.
Oh, what a clever boy, he knows both the older, and the modern, pejorative meanings of the word “vulgar”! Now if he could just stop conflating them.
See, the justification of aristocracy was, and is, that poor people are irresponsible with money. Unfortunately for the rich, they are also irresponsible with pitchforks and shotguns. That is why it is essential that everyone has a share in the economy and a voice in the government – so that we can all be citizens, not islands of wealth floating precariously in the vulgar mass of humanity.
Today’s super-rich and their asswipe enablers don’t even want to have to pretend that wealth comes with responsibility anymore. They want to be able to throw their billions around like a Bimingham mill worker in a pub on payday and call that, “democracy.”
Shorter Tony Blankley:
Hey, no fair making the national dialogue on race public! Now everyone is going to know what I think about those horrible niggers.
Teh photo looks like a steaming turd, with arms.
And wops and spics and nips and paddies and ruskies and kikes and chinks and pakis and krauts and eskimos and frogs and flips polacks and abos and beret niggers and bohunks and mauritassians and finnofags and the fucking Melanesians and Manchinks and Melanesians and especially those sand-turbaned filthy camel-fucking Danes.
Why is the world so unfair to open-minded, fair people like me?
“Articulate and well spoken”, eh, Tony?
As long as you’re eschewing euphemism, why don’t you just say “Well, he’s a house nigger, not a field nigger, but that’s not really good enough.”
It’s what you’re trying to say.
Oh, the Blazing Saddles comment wins the thread so hard.
Love that movie.
Obama for Sheriff of Rock Ridge ’08.
Even shorter Tony Blankley:
I miss the days in which the revolution was inevitable. Greazy white troutfuckers like this dude need to have a wall to fear being thrown against again.
Now why doesn’t that Obama fella give up on politics and go back to doing what they’re supposed to do?
Teh photo looks like a steaming turd, with arms.
Reminds me of Chet (Bill Paxton) from Weird Science.
I thought rankle was a verb
I must say I love the way these walking chamber pots are still trying to call attention to the fact that OBAMA IS AN AFRICAN AMERICAN. They must think they’re in some sort of Twilight Zone where they’re the only ones who can see the horrible truth. Here we have the added dipshittery of hand wringing because “We” really trully need to have an open and honest conversation about Senator Hussein X Not White Don’t B Fooled By The Way He Talks He Wants 2 Rape UR Wimmin & Steal UR Car Obama.
You know, you’re right. I think this has been the best part of the whole election; it’s not even like they’re trying to call attention to some kind of fear of castration like they were with Clinton. Except for the most hardcore misogynists, few people will consider every woman objectionable. On the other hand, that’s what racism entails – making a blanket judgement on whether or not people are equally human based on what they look like and sticking to your guns. Blankley probably thinks Michelle Malkin is wonderful – for a greasy flip. ‘For a castrating whore’ wouldn’t cross his mind, I don’t think.
It’s so wonderful watching them freak out as the world they live in, in which everyone is secretly as racist as they are and just act angry about overt discrimination to make themselves look good in public, collapses around them. They’re suddenly realizing that they’re a tiny minority of the population, and a tiny minority the rest of the population rightly hates and fears.
People like Blankley will be stumbling around in a daze after Obama is inaugurated, wondering why the America they once believed in did nothing to stop this terrible negrocaust. They’re already getting there; there’s a tone of bewilderment in their constant riffing on Obama’s radicalism/Islamism/whatever – like it’s kind of unnerving that they haven’t freaked more people out about it yet.
I love this election. Even if Obama winds up being a centrist prick (which he probably will), it’s done more to restore America’s faith in its own ability to change than anything since Bobby Kennedy died. And people like Blankley can no longer smugly pretend to be in touch with real down-home Americans. Yes, we’ve all got a little bit of bigotry in us, but almost none of us are the radical racists they are, and no one still planning to vote needs the polite excuses he’s doling out to vote against Obama for being black.
And in a couple of months, when the general election starts, we’ve got the five-star takedown of McCain – a man who betrayed his country for comfortable lodgings, who abandoned the woman that waited for him as he languished in Vietnam on her deathbed for a younger, prettier, richer woman, a rubber stamp for the worst President in American history – waiting for us. It’s going to be a good decade.
“For Mr. Obama, as voters are starting to look for evidence to either confirm or refute their early suspicion of “otherness,” ”
I like the inherent presumption of “otherness,” which can only be confirmed or refuted.
Why must that be the case?
Those aren’t rankles – they’re smile lines.
Bring Solo and the Wookie to me…
“At least 80-90% of blacks who have voted in the primary have voted for Obama. It is unlikely that, en masse, they prefer his policy positions; it is far more likely they’re voting on the basis of… skin color. There’s lots of bigotry to go around, apparently.”
The difference woluld be that 75% or more of those voters have voted, perhaps solely voted for white canidates in the past, whereas the Hill jacks Obama supposedly needs to appease have never and quite possibly will never vote for a Black Man.
McCain – a man who betrayed his country for comfortable lodgings, who abandoned the woman that waited for him as he languished in Vietnam on her deathbed for a younger, prettier, richer woman, a rubber stamp for the worst President in American history…
Yeah, I love this narrative. Mad Jack is such a seriously flawed
candidateperson – grandson and son of admirals who was himself a drunken fuckup, a near-flunkout at the academy; nicknamed “Ace” for taking down 5 planes (all his own); nicknamed ‘songbird’ while a POW for passing along info; a serial adulterer who was never gonna make flag rank, and who was cited multiple times for fraternizing with enlisteds and misappropriation of resources (jets for junkets); who ditched his poor post-accident overweight, crippled wife while lying about his age, and who knows what else, to the heiress tart who herself became a drug-addicted, brain-damaged thief.Then there’s his whole twisted house and senate career…
I hope the man’s ready for a serious public humiliation. When the election’s over he’ll probably be begging for kinder treatment – like being anally gang-raped in a department store window.
Wait, Obama’s BLACK!?! Wow, I never would have noticed had not the RW bloggers been so alert.
The fact is, Obama can’t win because he’s wrong and Hillary’s right and she should totally run as an Independent and I’m so sick of the misogyny in this race because Obama is evil and wrong and I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM AND ALL YOU OBOTS SUCK AND I HATE YOU AND MY BUTT HURTS AND IT’S NOT FAAAAAAAAAAIRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!
confirm for some that he is in fact not a sufficiently typical American.
So I guess he’s saying that black folks aren’t typical Americans?
Ha! That photoshop is right up there with “Crash n’ Burn” Malkin. Who’s the wingnut equivalent of Salacious Crumb?
The time has come for a black man to take on the awesome responsibility of freaking out idiots.
“And therein I respectfully dissent…”
What sort of half-assed 19th century George Will II is this guy trying to be?
You know how Republicans have been trying to peel off black voters for years by pointing out that the Democratic Party takes them for granted?
Maybe, just maybe, black people are voting for the black candidate in higher percentages than white women are voting for the white female candidate because white women’s interests AREN’T BEING IGNORED.
Every single election Democrats scramble for the “soccer moms” and the “security moms” and “working class voters” (which includes women but, as we’ve seen this election, not black people). This is the first time that black voters have ever, ever, EVER been the key factor in choosing a national candidate, and even then only because they have voted as a solid bloc and as part of a broader coalition. White people aren’t going to get blown off because they are 74% of the populartion and no politician, including Obama, can afford to take them for granted.
thunder sez:
“Schadenfreude: It’s what’s for dinner.”
Check, please.
Line of the day.
Also, black people are racists for not voting for Republicans.
OT…just checking out Hillis44:
If there was one quote to fully encompass these wackadoodles, this is it. Hillary is great, and Obama sucks…just ask…fucking Bush? Also, he’s a Muslim.
I continue to take deep breaths, consider trolls for trolls, and not give into my trigger finger telling me that there’s a big part of the feminist movement rotting in its own bigotry.
Mother Superior: “My dear, they’re honest hard-working men, the salt of the earth. They call a spade a spade.”
Young Sister: “No, they don’t, they call it a “fucking shovel”.
(punchline of a joke I happen to like – I’ll read the rest of the comments now)
People like Blankley will be stumbling around in a daze after Obama is inaugurated, wondering why the America they once believed in did nothing to stop this terrible negrocaust.
Thanks for the word “negrocaust”. I think you may just have done a funny.
More seriously, the wingnut freakout if he wins will be classic entertainment…unless they start blowing things up, which will suck terribly, especially as at the exact moment they collide with the counter-terrorism state, we’ll have to stick up for their civil liberties.
OT: Paging Mikey and also any others who might want to go to PDX. Trying to confirm date for PDX sadly/bachelor festivities. Anyone interested, e-mail me at the username above , and let me know what days (2nd/3rd/4th) you’d be able to make it…
Then we’ll solidify the date, and focus on a place.
(We’ll also see about getting a post up to discuss it, so that we don’t miss people who don’t see these comments in threads.
If there was one quote to fully encompass these wackadoodles, this is it. Hillary is great, and Obama sucks…just ask…fucking Bush? Also, he’s a Muslim.
I continue to take deep breaths, consider trolls for trolls, and not give into my trigger finger telling me that there’s a big part of the feminist movement rotting in its own bigotry.
Nah, the kind of person to vote for Hillary Clinton specifically because she’s a woman isn’t a feminist of any sort. There are a lot of first-wave feminists making noise for her, but they’re upper-middle-class white women who have been pushing and shoving contributions to feminism by women of color and LGBT work – that kind of ‘feminist’ is a few good excuses away from voting Republican for the tax break, just like any other wealthy white homeowner with vaguely liberal friends.
A lot of younger feminists are vaguely unnerved by the misogynist fringe floating around the Party that clung to Obama to avoid having to vote for the horrible fang-vaginad Clinton; that’s reasonable enough, but it’s also worth noting that active misogyny has never been an element of the Obama campaign strategy – whereas Clinton’s people have been winking and nudging from the highest levels (‘working-class’ excluding blacks, Clinton mari comparing Obama to Jackson, etc.). The closest it even gets is the ‘sweetie’ remark, which he apologized for as a bad verbal habit.
In short, anyone who goes out their screaming and hollering about how they’re voting for Clinton because she’s good for women and then has the audacity to claim to be a feminist is ridiculous. It’s a discriminatory behavior, and the always-present Ferraro logic fits right in to the worldview of those who adopted feminism when it was cool and never really gave two shits about what it stood for – that is, middle-class white women have it harder than anyone, and black women don’t actually exist.
Thanks for the word “negrocaust”. I think you may just have done a funny.
Also worth considering: ‘ablackalypse’.
The theme seems to be that Obama is not a real American. Noonan and Kathleen Parker, have made the same point. But don’t call them racists!
They are searching for a way to make racist arguments without appearing to do so, and they’re not talented enough to pull it off.
Wow. It’s fun watching how Obama’s run is forcing America to face the fact that racism hasn’t gone anywhere, exploding the wingnut myth that racism ended. If by “fun” you mean “scary yet satisfying”.
I just wanted to see that again.
And yeah, what SamFromUtah said. I’m gonna have to get my gun permit renewed.
The poor bastard really can’t win. The more centrist ‘post-racial’ and reasonable he plays it in the campaigning game the more it fuels suspicions that he’s actually an undercover Negroslamist cross between Malcom X, Edward Said and Fred Hampton (if only.)
And it’s only May! Come November you’re going to be nostril-deep in this racist shite.
I imagine that nutbag Ann Coulter is just now clamoring for another interview with Matt Lauer so she can explain to him how she’s so tired of the Democrats running people like Obama for public office because you’re not allowed to challenge or criticize their “niggerness”.
Alec- Indeed. All very interesting in light of the recent WOC/white crackup on the feminist blogosphere.
You got it in one Sam. I chuckle at the memory of the talking-heads and their inisipid “Post-Racial Era” jingoism. Are we as a whole becoming a less racist country? Maybe… but I think the experience of even the most egalitarian of whites is that they have relatives who are racists.
“In short, anyone who goes out their screaming and hollering about how they’re voting for Clinton because she’s good for women and then has the audacity to claim to be a feminist is ridiculous. It’s a discriminatory behavior, and the always-present Ferraro logic fits right in to the worldview of those who adopted feminism when it was cool and never really gave two shits about what it stood for – that is, middle-class white women have it harder than anyone, and black women don’t actually exist.”
Good stuff alec.
Your comments on the business of feminism make me think you might enjoy John Dolan’s Andrea Dworkin obituary. It’s interesting, to say the least.
Gary Ruppert said,
May 15, 2008 at 14:00
The fact is, if Obama is elected, there will be patriotic bands of brothers uniting to unseat the illegitimate foisting on us of a PC faggoty halfrican. Here in the heartland,people are readying for the applied use of the 2nd amendment to restore rightful government should it be usurped. Just sayin’.
Treading mighty close to a Secret Service level threat, aincha?
Well, considering that, according to the subsequent post, Fascism is the new Gay, might I jump to their defense and say that they were just trying to preserve a certain kind of ‘aesthetic’ on the buses in those days?….kinda like ‘wainscoting’?
Speaking of the Post-Racial Era. Why is it that these pundits think that racism just fades on its own? As if they can’t see what a powerfully resilient meme it is. They think it’s just marvelous how fairness just kind of organically blossoms. You know what would really help IMHO? Direct confrontation. When you hear someone say something racist, point it out to them and everyone in earshot. They say sunlight is the best disinfectant. So I support this redneck troglodyte having an above-board discussion. Let’s see who these people are and if we can’t change their minds at least we’ll know who to ignore.
Where they could be easily rounded up and euthanized?
Pretty please? ::shiney eyes::
I imagine that nutbag Ann Coulter is just now clamoring for another interview with Matt Lauer so she can explain to him how she’s so tired of the Democrats running people like Obama for public office because you’re not allowed to challenge or criticize their “niggerness”.
Yup. I just hope the Secret Service does better than expected at protecting President Obama, or Ann Coubag will probably accuse Michelle of enjoying the tragedy too much.
Thanks pedestrian…..I just though of another pejorative for “Ann Coubag”…how’s abouts “Ann Cootiebag”…..or “Ann-FistFullo’Cooties“?
They say sunlight is the best disinfectant. So I support this redneck troglodyte having an above-board discussion.
And there seems to be a new meme going around – the “we don’t hate them because they’re black, we just hate them because they’re different” one – which is supposed to make it all better. I agree that racism is a subspecies of xenophobia, but xenophobia isn’t OK either. Geesh.
Your comments on the business of feminism make me think you might enjoy John Dolan’s Andrea Dworkin obituary. It’s interesting, to say the least.
I love Dolan; he is the contrarian’s contrarian. I don’t know if I endorse his reading of Dworkin, but it’s definitely worth reading. Same goes for his take on the Tory atrocitology of the USSR and PROC, on drugs in general, and on George Orwell. He also (spoiler alert!) side-writes The War Nerd – they’re ostensibly separate, but if you read both columns long enough it’s pretty clear that one is the other, and both columns are delightful.
I heartily recommend Dolan to anyone reading this, especially his reviews of any tweedy English bio – he’s readily the best writer the eXile has.
I can only hope that – although he’s a typical racist – he’s not a “typical American.”
One of my schticks is the death of shunning – we might spurn a reactionary lout (although even that is comparatively rare), but it’s considered actively impolite to encourage others to do so.
The pat line is ‘the way I was raised, wanting to hurt someone who never did anything to you makes you trash’; associating with trash is beneath us as human beings.
More importantly, shunning is conditional – it ends when the target has demonstrated a genuine commitment to knock her or his shit off, and that’s much more important than simple censure for being caught doing something. The way society works on ethnic slurs at present, it’s mostly a ‘crime’ (in quotes because obviously criminalizing it, except in the worst cases, is foul) if you get caught by someone who it offends; it should be a ‘crime’ to want to do it at all.
It’s not just that white people can’t use the N-word. White people can’t want to use it either – it’s mean-spirited and trashy, more suited for a feral animal than a sociable human being.
If you’re prepared to, develop some kind of line for loudly scolding people for the use of slurs and then shun them until that behavior ends. The latter is acceptable alone if you lack the confrontational disposition to do the former. Go for it; we can change the world with our scorn.
Someone once tried to sell me on an idea that would help people avoid taking their pets to the vet to be “euphamized.”
I said, “What’s so bad about that? We once had a dog that the kids called shitass; after he was euphamized they called him poopbutt and grandma liked that a lot better.”
“Rankle?” Really? This may constitute proof that he literally phoned this in and the voice-recognition software misheard “rancor.” Alternativley, he doesn’t know the difference between these two words and is using itincorrectly (for all intensive purposes).
Just Saying–
fun! can i play too?
As in, approximately 100% of white people voted for the white guy in the last election. They’re not voting on his policy positions, they’re voting on… skin color.
And approximately 100% of white people voted for the white guy in the Republican primary. They’re not voting on his policy positions, they’re voting on… skin color.
Yes I agree, I would like to start a dialog about race in the run for the Oval Office. While Mr. McCain is a very well groomed and well spoken man, I am uncomforable with his back ground, it is well know the Celtic people have a problem with booze and fighting- AND they lost wars to the English ( who are really just a step away from being French).
Now I am not saying that Mr. McCain is a violent drunken loser, I am just saying- can we take that chance?
Now I am not saying that Mr. McCain is a violent drunken loser, I am just saying- can we take that chance?
Or, for that matter, the chance that he’s a secret evil Canal Zone plant bent on removing the franchise from any tall Americans and taking Beano off the open market? It’s a serious matter.
Blankely says that “democratic politics is inherently vulgar”?
Oh for fuck sakes, Blank-boy – NO.
Democratic politics has been made vulgar – it’s no more inherently vulgar than these neocons are inherently venal. Their venality is a choice, reinforced by groupthink & abundant rewards (Wingnut Welfare Syndrome) & with some help from those same reinforcements, the modern “vulgarity” of democracy is foisted on voters by a sub-par school-system & old-media that pimp themselves out to the lowest common denominator to hide their flaws, maintain their status, & rake in maximum profit or funding. If the instances of vulgarity – & the worship of it as a cultural virtue – were taken to be loathsome & treated as such, they’d soon become an anomaly, not the norm they are now.
We can have a noble democracy just as soon as we earn it with our words & actions.
I won’t hold my breath waiting.
You must have cut off the article somewhere. Surely there’s a part where he sez it’s not fair that they can call each other that but we can’t say it.
John McCain can have my Beano when he pries it from my sticky, Crunchie stained hands.
Somewhat OT again- Remind me not to go to Hillaryis44 again. I know the “Obot” nonsense is pure projection, but just seeing it in action makes me ill. These people are actually supporting whatever horse hockey NPod and Hannity are spouting today. Stupid? Lying? Fake? Who cares, they’re no friends of mine.
Kuda Bux,
Looking at the photo, he probably did mean rancor, although I always thought it was spelled with three r’s.
I think he said the President is near!
He sure heartz Nooners:
Peggy will always, and deservedly, be on the short list of great White House speechwriters. Her specialty was (and is) the lyrical, the poetic, the allusion to the best, the sweetest and the finest that is America. And no chord of democratic music should be without those notes.
Quicky performance art idea–fill up 1000 whoopie cusions in a Chuck E. Cheese ball pit and jump around in it naked and covered in Crisco while reading that paragraph.
Remind me not to go to Hillaryis44 again. I know the “Obot” nonsense is pure projection, but just seeing it in action makes me ill.
I can never get past the pepto-bismol pink to read the content.
We’ll see how much he likes “race (or other demographic) consciousness” when Mac Daddy Presidizzle Obama and his merry band of Cabinet Black Panthers (Flava-Flav is favored for Secretary of Education) put white folks in Reparations Camps. Squeal, whitey, squeal!
I had to quit trying to even have an honest conversation with Rankle. He was an asshole.
The camera does not lie. Rare footage of Tony Blankley.
I don’t know if I’d expect too much from the Secret Service, at least until he’s elected.
…for all intensive purposes
Kuda Bux,
Very sublime. I like it!
“I heartily recommend Dolan to anyone reading this, especially his reviews of any tweedy English bio – he’s readily the best writer the eXile has.”
His various asides on the subject of Niall Fergusson make me long for a proper article.
Here’s the best news of the day:
D N Nation found this turd at Hillis44 and passed it on, as it were, “Pres. Bush ,in a speech in Israel,called him an appeaser.McCain gave his AMEN and Hillary is just sittiing back and enjoying the Curtain coming down slowly and effectively on BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. She is one Sharp and lovely brave woman.MY prayers for her,are being heard.”
Gladly, No! This Clinton freak has his/her/its head directly up aforementioned’s ass. In fact, Clinton did not sit back but stood up straight like a Democrat (we knew you could) and was heard to roar (hear her roar),
“President Bush’s comparison of any Democrat to Nazi appeasers is both offensive and outrageous on the face of it, especially in light of his failures in foreign policy. This is the kind of statement that has no place in any presidential address and certainly to use an important moment like the 60th anniversary celebration of Israel to make a political point seems terribly misplaced. Unfortunately, this is what we’ve come to expect from President Bush.
“There is a very clear difference between Democrats and Republicans on foreign policy and that difference will be evident once we take back the White House. ”
(h/t to Oliver Willis
Woo fuckin Hoo, we’re on the direct track to a big win in November.
Ti-ra-la-la-i-tu! I gloat! Hear me gloat!
(I am hoping that the treatment of this particular Clinton freak makes it clear that Clinton followers and Clinton freaks are not the same. Personally, given the number of Republican trolls and provocateurs I see lurking everywhere, I’m not really sure there’s much overlap between the groups.)
WORD , , ,
Bro .
That’s a lot of words for “I’m not voting for a darkie”.
Since I’m so full of myself it hurts, I’ll quote myself – from –
Anti-war = appeasement? Just imagine how much better off the world would be today if there’d been a strong & organized enough anti-war solidarity movement to thoroughly cut off the Nazis’ money pipelines before they got into power – they were technically bankrupt so many times they lost count, but someone from the Junkers (or even Wall Street) always mamaged to bail them out & keep their evil circus from going under. [ /history wank ]
There’s been a lot of cultural noise made as to how WW2 was the last “Just War” – but none as to how easy it’d’ve been for the other industrialized nations to neutralize the militarism in both Germany & Japan via the mighty dollar, long before either 1936 or 1939. The world played along, forgiving fascism its “quirks” on behalf of the sacred Bottom Line – & the world paid dearly for its cynicism. After the horrific reality of “The Great War” nobody could say they didn’t know the cost of arms races & nativism run amok – but unfortunately that knowledge is as gone now as most of those are who experienced it first-hand, worldwide.
Some Einstein to wash the taste of Blakely away –
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
“He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.”
“Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.”
I’ve used the Jabba comparison before, myself, but I think he’s more of a Harkonnen (from “Dune”) than Jabba, these days.
I would certainly pay good money to see him fly around the studio at Fox in a strainined to the max anti-grav suit.
Especially if he crashed on Brit Hume.
when he’s in a restaurant he doesn’t scream “Hey, ho, bring me ‘dem chicken wings fo’ I cut you!”
Shit, that’s how Norwegians order food in restaurants in Sweden.
Hey, ho, bring me ‘dat smørrebrød fo’ I cut you!
This is why I’m barred from returning to Mälmö.
McCain is clearly a genetic mistake with his pasty and cancerous skin, stooped figure that makes him look like a movie hunchback, wrinkly and watery eyes, thin hair, and a twisted soul
I believe you’re wrong about the stooped hunchback thing. Not genetic but environmental; his hosts broke a lot of his bones during his captivity in Vietnam and his skeleton never fully recovered. Frex, he can’t lift his arms past shoulder level (which of course tells you exactly what that unspeakable gobshite in the White House did the first time he shared a platform with McCain: grabbed his hand and tried to lift their arms up high. Epic fail, and intense pain for McC.) McCain’s stooped, hunchbacky figure actually earns him points.
You’re right about the rest of it, though, especially the twisted soul.
Blankley used to appear on Washington Week or McLaughlin Group dressed like a Vegas gambler, replete with multiple rings. His favored colors were canary yellow and plaid. If someone had penciled in a moustache, he’d have looked like Jackie Gleason’s cousin.
But I guess the All Powerful Forgiving Lord and Father Happy Bottom Okay Or I Kill You thinks he’s the cat’s pajamas, so there.
Jemand—pix plz.
fun! can i play too?
As in, approximately 100% of white people voted for the white guy in the last election. They’re not voting on his policy positions, they’re voting on… skin color.
And approximately 100% of white people voted for the white guy in the Republican primary. They’re not voting on his policy positions, they’re voting on… skin color.
Also, 100% of voters both in the last election AND the Republican primaries voted for the white guy who had a penis. They’re not voting on his policy positions, they’re voting on… anatomy.
When I saw Blankley on McLaughlin, he always appeared to be dripping fat and sliding from his seat. I
Peggy will always, and deservedly, be on the short list of great White House speechwriters.
I think he meant “short bus.”
Such blatant ignorance and racism. It’s very,very sad to watch. But I will admit to a certain amount of glee as I wait for America to fall at the feet of Russia and China. Ah very,very sweet.Do you hear that whooshing sound? It’s your economy going down the toilet. China is going to call in it’s markers and America will be another spoke on the wheel of history. Bye bye America. Then you will all be the new slaves to a new set of masters. Sweet.
Peggy will always, and deservedly, be on the short list of great White House speechwriters.
Once someone properly identifies a member of the set “great White House speech writers,” I will consider if Pegster is a second member. My current opinion, however, is we have here the classic null set, as the two sets “great speechwriters” and “White House speechwriters” don’t overlap.
That headshot of Blankley makes him look like a Harkonnen
I find it funny that when it comes to racism, now they want to be honest.
It also explains how bad they are when they are honest.
The motto of their psyches must be, “No rock left unturned, no grub too slimy.”
the set “great White House speech writers,”
the classic null set
Now commemorated as lovingly detailed handcrafted porcelain figurines! Collect all zero!
[…] that Obama’s skin color is a reason not to vote for him. Not so long ago we had Tony Blankley saying that not voting for someone because of their skin color wasn’t bigotry or racism, it was […]