Are you serious
As for the speculation that Obama would convince Hillary’s supporters to vote for him if he picks another female VP candidate like Napolitano or McCaskill, I highly doubt it. There is only one Hillary Clinton. Women are not interchangeable. In fact, it would be rubbing salt in the wounds of her already disappointed supporters. Like showing off the new girlfriend to the jilted one. I think millions would stay home.
So now picking a woman as his vice-presidential candidate would apparently alienate millions of women voters. Why? Who knows! Jeralyn is still in Clinton Cuckoo Land, so this stuff apparently makes sense to her.
As I’ve said before, I can’t wait for this primary to be over just so a lot of people I like can become sane again.
As I’ve said before, I can’t wait for this primary to be over just so a lot of people I like can become sane again.
We’ll see about that. Maybe if we leave out tasty snacks and turn off the lights, they’ll come down from the roof?
Why does this remind me of the Highlander?
So this isn’t about misogyny. It truly is a cult of personality.
Polished Turd for Democratic Nominee!
Because even a polished turd is better than McCain.
So, if I’m understanding Jeralyn correctly, millions of Clinton supporters are ruled by their emotions, and vengeful. And view this campaign in the context of a soap opera.
Nice opinion Jeralyn has of women (and of those who support them).
There is only one place to go for unity on the Democratic ticket!
Paris Hilton for vice president!
That’s hot!
Hillander said,
May 13, 2008 at 19:24 (kill)
That’s awesome.
Paris Hilton for vice president!
That’s hot!
Too objectively pro-antipubes.
Hey! I resemble that!
As my girlfriend said to me about her rabid pro-Hillary sister in law;
Leave her alone, she needs to grieve.
What’s Paris’ position on foreskin?
Considering McCain’s options for vice president (i.e. Republicans), Paris Hilton in the second spot might actually help him.
What’s Paris’ position on foreskin?
She’s all over it.
Wait… Obama and Clinton were dating? I have got to catch up on my Us Weekly
Like showing off the new girlfriend to the jilted one.
Jeebus. I thought I was prone to getting emotionally invested in campaigns, but this… this is something else entirely.
War of the Spanish Succession™³²®© said,
May 13, 2008 at 19:34
What’s Paris’ position on foreskin?
I believe it’s kneeling and gripping with the left hand.
I think Barry should pick this guy:
well…..just for the drool factor.
If I may interject:
Supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court supreme court SUPREME FUCKING COURT.
Jesus, people, get some damn perspective already.
So… if Obama picks a male running mate, will that be like when your husband leaves you for a dude?
As I’ve said before, I can’t wait for this primary to be over just so a lot of people I like can become sane again.
Dunno, Brad. I just went through the extremely painful experience of actually reading that TalkLoony comment thread — which is probably even one of the milder ones by comparison — and I’m left wondering if there are perhaps rabbit holes too deep to come back out of.
And I think BBQ should tap Rich Lowry…..if we don’t get another Dan Quayle type in office, the “Daily Show” is doomed!!
I think Barry should pick this guy:
I’d tap him.
LOL pedestrian!…….did I ever tell you you’re my hero?
So, this means
Hillary thought of the woman idea first. No fair copying?
Well… you did set it up. 😉
Oh dear. Here’s Jeralyn in the comments to that post:
Why didn’t they come up with that slogan sooner? Hillary Clinton: She’s the whole loaf.
That could have totally swung the election.
And I want to know what the candidates views are on smega!! It seems about as relevant as anything else these days!
Whole loaf, or chunderloaf?
We’ll have to check with PinkoPunko.
Duros Hussein 62 said,
May 13, 2008 at 19:33
As my girlfriend said to me about her rabid pro-Hillary sister in law;
Leave her alone, she needs to grieve.
Pretty much saw that coming.
Just so we are clear, this is the same Talk Left that freaked out when people linked to the “Hillary as psycho ex-girlfriend piece” that was circulating last week.
Votw for the whole loaf, vote Hillary.
It’s the yeast you can do,.
Why didn’t they come up with that slogan sooner? Hillary Clinton: She’s the whole loaf.
Sadly, I believe that a couple of comments later one of them says the same thing, but seriously. Something about making it a bumpersticker.
LOL Marita!…..I feel the disappointment of Hillary’s supporters but they need to gear out of ‘angry vagina’ mode
GSD wins.
I was going to say “stick-shift out of” but I didn’t think that would be appropriate….and speaking of ‘angry vaginas’…..I miss Ann Althouse!!
Pinch me! It’s the Loaf!
You rang?
Barry X Leaves Hillary For Another Lawyer!!
I iz lke Betty Grables!
I’d vote for the loaf, but it leaves me feeling crummy…too upper-crust.
Her supporters are rising, though.
Oh noes! It’s Ann Althouse!
She’s probably only half a loaf, but she makes up for it with a whole box of wine.
NEW RULE: Simply put, Hillary’s huge victory in tonight’s crucial West Virginia primary will put her over the top for the Democratic nomination. She’ll soon lead in the popular votes. Florida and Michigan should be counted for Hillary, as she showed how smart she was and campaigned there. Soon the superdelegates will begin breaking for Hillary, because Obama is unelectable and doesn’t resonate with the working class base of the Democratic party. Reagan Democrats are the key to the future, not the Creative Class elites here at Sadly, No!, who continue to show their misogyny by refusing to talk about the crucial West Virginia primary.
Remember Ann, only one Xanax per post!!
I’m drunk, and Iris is retarded. STOP MAKING FUN OF US!
OH’s!!!…….IRIS……is backs……….YAYS!!!!
Look, nothing against Hillary Clinton. I think she’d be a great president, and I’d be happy to vote for her. But really, isn’t it a little insulting to women to suggest that she is the only one with two X chromosomes who is capable of running the country? Napolitano, McCaskill, and Sebelius are pretty damned accomplished politicians. Not just because they are women, but because they have been successful at bringing together strong coalitions in unfriendly territory.
I’m not going to take the ugly route and accuse Hillary of marrying into power because I fucking hate it when people do that. She earned her seat in the Senate and if she had won the nomination, she would absolutely deserve it. She didn’t. Boo hoo. Plenty of other sisters out there, doing it for themselves too.
I remember when Talkleft used to good read. What the hell happened over there? I get that they support Hillary, but Jeebus, they’ve gone waaaay beyond support, and well into sycophant-land.
Last thing I read by Jeralyn…after NC and IN primaries…she was saying that Obama would make a good Attorney General for Hillary. I hate to be the one to point it out, but the winner of the nomination will not accept an AG position from the loser…lol. As if corporatist Hillary would even want someone like Obama as an AG!
Oh Chrrrrrist!….Iris thinks she’s channeling Bill Maher now!
I can’t even bring myself to go to some of the more stridently pro-Clinton blogs and comment threads due to the level at which irony is clubbed to death like so many baby seals
any degree of support for Obama = “cult-like” or “Obamazoid” or some other such childish bullshit but overdramatic and overblown emo-kid histrionics on Hillary’s behalf is just peachy.
I mean, I’m sure there are some asshole-ish Obama supporters making the rounds, but daaaaaamn! one could get the impression from the more indignant element of Hillary’s supporters that the mere act of running against Her Inevitableness to be the Dem nominee is some great faux pas along the lines of lighting your farts in church
I take great personal offense when you start being serious….I don’t adore you for your brains!
Hillary Clinton deserves nothing. Losing the nomination will save her one minute of her future eternity in Hell for voting to kill hundreds of thousands of people to help her campaign. If she got named VP, which would be the stupidest move Obama ever made, she will get that minute back. I mock you Hillary Clinton. Go write another bad book and pay for your failed campaign. There is blood on your hands.
Iris is one of the other trolls that comes around here. Note the rambling style and tongue-in-cheek phrase, “crucial West Virginia primary.”
Iris, honey, if you aren’t one of the Sadly Trolls, you are just sad.
Oh, and:
Let me guess, Doc; You’re baked?
Um, fake Iris. We were lucky to have loved the real Iris for a short time, but we followed the dictum and set her free: she was never ours.
Jeralyn suggested yesterday that Obama should be AG, which is actually, incredible to say, progress. Charlie Pierce is the only Obama critic worth reading right now.
and let me re-iterate what i said in another comment thread a few days ago, If she somehow becomes the nominee, she’ll have my vote, but some of her more aggresive supporters can keep the fuck away from me now.
No need to worry, tontocal. The cough syrup seems to be taking hold now… yeah, that’s the stuff.
Now where did I put my glue?
I see you’ve come to the right place, Madraven.
But she’s only one third as doughy as Jonah. Which would make Hillary two-thirds of a pantload. Hard to believe it though, seeing all of that crap coming out of her campaign!
Haven’t TalkLeft got over it yet? Jesus.
There is only one Hillary Clinton. Women are not interchangeable.
Perfectly true.
In fact, it would be rubbing salt in the wounds of her already disappointed supporters. Like showing off the new girlfriend to the jilted one.
Why should other women care if someone they weren’t involved with has a new girlfriend? Women are not interchangeable.
The dumbassery of the “women will stay home in offense if any woman other than Hillary is on the ticket” should be self-evident, but what bothers me is that the once-astute Jeralyn wrote these lines one after another and didn’t see any contradiction.
And Iris…I posted to you a while back that I was also a Hillary supporter but I’m tired of this “the white-working class won’t vote for Obama” meme. We all know that it’s just code for “won’t vote for an ‘uppitty’ negro”
From the comments:
Hey I heard a rumor that all this is really about Kerry wanting to run again. He figured that 2008 was too soon so he found a fundraising machine to attach to that he knew would lose in 2008 and make his run in 2012. It all kind of makes sense in a way.
Is Obama allowed to nominate Bill?
Since I’ve never been one to subscribe to any cult of personality, I don’t get the whole thing…though I can see how charismatic figures are capable of inspiring people and instilling a dog-like devotion among those so inclined.
Which is to say, I find the cult of Hillary utterly unfathomable.
help meeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Has anybody heard the rumor that Obama is unelectable?
I also heard he and his wife are racists and, because he’s black, everyhting his preacher says is important.
Anybody else hear any of that? I’m thinking of voting for McCain if Obama is the candidate because people keep saying Obama is unelectable, and that’s real convincing.
I’m a big fan of long-time US Rep. Nita Lowey myself.
VP would be a nice make-up call for 2002.
Don’t forget Muslim.
Has anybody heard the rumor that Obama is unelectable?
Can he count on the foreskinless vote?
I’m a big fan of long-time US Rep. Nita Lowey myself.
That’s just mean. Or just. Or something.
I absolutely adore boxed-whine!!!
Can he count on the working-class White foreskinless vote?
Man, that’s one great fake Iris.
I can’t even begin to tell the difference.
Everybody just chill.
After June 3d, (a mere three weeks from today) the party machinery will feel free to grind into action and put an end to it. In the meantime, she ain’t gonna quit, and she ain’t gonna get any real pressure, so let enjoy her last few weeks as a presidential candidate.
Sure, most of us would recognize the situation and pull the plug, at least as much out of pride as out of economic and political realism, but most of us ain’t her.
And I admit that I while I used to like her a lot, I find her utterly grating now, with the smile and upbeat manner that simply flies in the face of the actual situation. I do not admire people who cannot or will not acknowledge what the evidence is telling them.
And a month later, say, after the picnics and parades on july fourth, and very likely after the “surgical strikes” on the al-Quds force camps south of Tehran, all of the ugly and divisive things the clinton campaign did to try to change the facts after they had already lost will be utterly forgotten.
McCain’s horrendous limitations, inherent dishonesty, pandering ideology and underlying madness will begin to be clear to all. And the press will have a field day with the evolving train wreck that is the McCain campaign.
And heading into the fall, the deteriorating economy coupled with the deteriorating conditions in the mid east, georga, nigeria, columbia and mexico along with continuing food shortages, high transportation costs and an arctic ice melt that shocks the world and you’ve got a frustrated, skittish, frightened electorate that will flock to Obama for solutions…
There is only one Hillary Clinton. Women are not interchangeable.
There is only one Martha Stewart. (Obama wins!)
There is only one Oprah Winfrey. (Obama Wins!)
On a personal note, there is only one Uma Thurman. Mmmm…. Uuuuuma….
This Iris is a fake??!! I’m so gullible and naive…..I’m also a very cheap slattern drunk!
I’m feeling a bit skanky tonight myself. I think I may go for the Box of wine.
I hope, however, it’s not like the Candyman thing and calls AA into manifestation….
Why are talking about Uma Therman when you could be talking about me?
Mmmmm, me!
Man, don’t you guys ever have pest control around here?
Has anybody heard the rumor that Obama is unelectable?
That’s precisely where the Clinton argument falls apart. If Obama is that unelectable, and if Clinton was such a big favorite at the start of this, how did she lose the nomination?
Everyone has a right to vote for whomever they want. But if you are against the GOP, and you vote for someone other than the Democratic nominee, and McCain wins, you contributed to that victory.
Uma Thurman would make a great vice president.
I can’t wait until she plucks out Mugabe’s eye or cuts off the top of bin Laden’s head.
To the tune of the theme from the Green Hornet.
From Wonkette:
Which Loser Senator Will Not Be Offered The Vice Presidency?
Clearly Obama’s upcoming rout in Kentucky means a ton, because Kentucky is just as important as North Carolina, what with Kentucky’s professional sports teams and big cities and technology hubs and all.
Yes yes yes but is she sliced?
And now you’re acting like I’m a fake troll. It’s highly insulting that you can’t and won’t take a woman’s opinion seriously; it’s misogyny like this that will keep Obama from winning the crucial West Virginia primary. It’s misogyny like this that should make us give the Democratic nomination to Hillary, who has earned it by beating Obama in key working class states, while Obama has hung on by virtue of the Creative Class vote only.
One! One former wife!
One hundred million! One hundred millions wife-dollars!
Oooh. This is a good fake troll.
(Quick question: Is it more insulting to be considered a fake troll or a genuine idiot?)
Vorga dorne born glibber natch cookie bakie!
Bart: Ugh! Hilary Loaf! My most hated of loafs!
Whether Iris is for real or not, she is the best performance artist I have ever seen on the Intertoobz.
I call fake Swedish chef!
As a “shout out!” to mikey, I just wanted to post this again:
Alright, I have a guess.
I think the tone-perfect fake Iris is the same dood as the ever-amusing rugged in montana with the fully erect airsoft M1A Battle rifle, the highly prized essence and the overwhelming fear of pelicans…
You caught me. It was me hatred of Swedes that made me do it, Mister. Them and their nubby sweaters and fjords and pickled fish. I would never vote for a Swede.
Norweigans forever!!!!
Hillary may be a loaf but white bread? Pheh. Gimme sum ‘o dat Pumpernickel!
Which would make McCain a nut loaf.
Well, you can’t trust the Swedes, that much is for sure. But at least they’re protestants, unlike those filthy Irish.
Iris != Rugged in Montana
Whaddya expect from someone whose favorite person is noted racist pig and short guy Dog Chapman?
After my many attempts at hijacking this thread to talk about issues of substance — namely me — I can only conclude that you are all misogynists, and that one box of wine is never enough! Are you even listening?? BIG BOOBS!!! CLENIS!!!! ONION RINGS AND EGG SALAD!!!!!! I’M RELEVANT GODDAMIT!!!! LISTEN TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
And Iris is clearly retarded, and its impolite to make fun of them.
Chapman? Is that Welsh?
The Welsh are only good for two things.
I still don’t mind Hillary all that much. I wouldn’t mind voting for her, and I think she’d make an excellent president.
But her supporters make my skin crawl.
Cool, dating similes. I notice McCain is seriously thinking about asking Huckabee to the big dance. Mitt found out today, and boy, is he pissed!
Re: the fake Iris,
I think the Great and Beneficent OverLords!© here at the SadlyNaughts!™ should give her an “Honorary Degree” for this. Hell, Washington University is giving The Great Whore of Republicandom® one?
Althouse! Pssh.
You krauts are just a bunch of fat drunks who think you’re too good to speak English the way God intended.
Iris meets with her secret Obama! fan club.
Iris lectures the younger generation.
Q: What’s the difference between the Dutch and the Deutsch?
A: An ‘e’, an ‘s’ and the ability to create a world empire.
I believe in many things. UFO’s, for one. I also believe that cottage cheese is really gross. But I also sincerely believe that someone of a very large stature should knock Phyllis Schlafly over the head with a really big club and drag her back to her cave by her hair, where should would spend her days, sewing saber tooth tiger skins together.
Pardon me…but we here at the SadlyNaughts™ are fully aware that we are members of his Volksgemeinschaft!, blessed be his name!!
You Creative Class types never let up, hemming and hawing at “fake Iris” this and that, acting like what I have to say is of no substance. Well consider this: Glue yourselves to the TV tonight and watch as the true Democratic majority- that of Reagan Democrats and the working class and blue-collar heroes and, let’s face it, white Americans- tells America that Obama will not fly in West Virginia, and he will not fly in Kentucky, and he will not fly in Denver, and he should not fly in Washington DC. So instead of blaming Hillary supporters- the true lifeblood of the Democratic Party- for all your various faux-progressive ills and sickening misogynistic fantasies, why not realize that Hillary is the only way this party can reclaim the White House from corporate shills…of which Obama is a definite part, I might add? Whatever means necessary for this to happen is what we should consider. Sadly, I don’t think Sadly, No! has the stones, quite frankly.
Stay offa my lawn, nancy-boy (waves rake).
Obama will not fly in West Virginia, and he will not fly in Kentucky
Geez. I knew those states were kind of backwater-y and everything, but I didn’t realize that they don’t even have airports.
HA HA HA. Seriously, would you care to debate me without the snark? It’s amazing, this bubble the Creative Class has created for itself. Legitimate concerns about Obama’s electibility? LOL SNARKY SNARK SNARK!
p_luk was right. You people are Obots.
Whatever means necessary for this to happen is what we should consider.
The New, Improved Iris channels Malcolm X.
Them flyin’ machines ain’t natural. One o them barnstormers came to town a few weeks ago – and then he was offering free airplane rides to any pretty girl that happened by and he was a greasy dago wop!
I’m why people come here.
LOL Susan of Texas……may I touch the hem or your robes???…(bemused, with a slight motion of her index finger, the Palace Guard is summoned and a dejected tontocal is carried away in chains)
Could someone clue me in to when “creative classes” became a pejorative?
Did you just call me CREATIVE?!? Why you normal-smelling person with good posture and a friendly disposition!!!
Soon, all positive traits will be insults, and dung beetles will be the only life forms un-uppity enough to run for public office.
HA HA HA. Seriously, would you care to debate me without the snark?
We aren’t here to debate, we’re here to snark. Why don’t you go debate someone in the vegetable aisle at the supermarket?
Run along, now. shoo.
HA! Do you SERIOUSLY think your tomatoes are more ripe than MY tomatoes? Give me a break! I am dizzy with the thought of the delight I will feel on Saturday morning when your tomatoes will be mushy little piles of red goo!
I dispise and distain people who can’t pick fresh produce.
Seriously, would you care to debate me without the snark?
OK. I don’t know what you see, but I see poll after poll showing that Obama is more competitive against McCain than Hillary. Please explain to me how being creative (OH NOES) and attending college (MORTAL SIN) has caused me to misinterpret these numbers.
Iris, please stop making an ass of yourself with the use of “creative class” as an epithet. I gave you a link way back when so you could disabuse yourself of your silly, incorrect notions of what it means.
But please don’t stop making an ass of yourself completely (as if you could) – we can use the entertainment.
Methinks from the tone and syntax…..this “Iris” is HAAM/Saul
Panama Jack McCain’s pastor touched my wing-wang.
I think one of Jeralyn’s comments on the post is maybe funnier than the quote you pulled:
The whole loaf. Too fucking funny.
BTW, Brad, Taylor Marsh is still in your blogroll, yo. I thought you were going to excise that months ago…
This whole wingnut feminist shtick that Hillary supporters like Iris are rolling out has got to be one of the weirdest phenomenons I’ve ever witnessed in the history of the blogosphere.
I’m with you, tonto.
Rugged is much more imaginative.
The sentence structure is vintage Saul.
Nice to see you took the threat to ban seriously, Rabbi.
You’re better than virulent racism and ugly pronouncements.
It is the Rove machine attempting to sew the seeds of discontent so in November when the Diebold results are completely fabricated in McCain’s favor they can claim it was this group of disgruntled women that threw the results. /tinfoil
I’d vote for the loaf, but it leaves me feeling crummy…too upper-crust.
Her supporters are rising, though.
This whole wingnut feminist shtick
That’s a good way to encapsulate it, except that it’s punctuated with weird assertions that Hillary is the real progressive while Obama is a corporate whore. So…we’re just forgetting the whole DLC thing just didn’t happen, huh? Just checking.
(Before I am deluged by Hillary craziness, I am well aware that Barack Obama accepts corporate contributions and I’m not necessarily trying to claim his agenda is substantially more progressive than Hillary’s–it’s just weird to see attempts to reclassify the Clintons as progressives.)
^PRETENDING the whole DLC thing just didn’t happen, sorry
I can’t wait for this primary to be over just so a lot of people I like can become sane again.
Sadly no, Jeralyn and pup tent dem have shown themselves to be idiots, that doesn’t change when the primary is over.
If she somehow becomes the nominee, she’ll have my vote
How about if she stands as McCain’s running-mate?
Iris != Saul
No way Saul is Rugged.
Too nuanced, too imaginative.
As far as trolls go, that is…
I already kind of knew this, but I was reminded of it when I was watching JOHN ADAMS on HBO last month. The Veep was originally the person that came in second in the general election. That usually meant that the Prez and Vice Prez came from different parties. Well, we sure could have used some of that during the last eight years. Gore or Kerry wouldn’t go around getting lawyers to write torture memos, or shooting friends in the face with a shotgun. I don’t know how well it would work out about now. Maybe President Obama could send Vice President McCain off to Iceland or something, investigating how to produce electricity from geothermal sources.
Say, did any of you folks see a bunch of guinea pigs run through here?
They … uh …… kff kff … they owe me an explanation.
He can’t help it though toby, it’s part of the programming in his ‘regeneration’ alcove.
This man, he really does know too much.
Also? This whole wingnut feminist shtick that Hillary supporters like Iris are rolling out includes such witlessly ironic features as assuming that everyone who posts here is male.
OK, What. The. Fuck?
what do you expect from a Rove surrogate?
Dan- Its McAuliffe.
Nuff sed.
I would love to see the reactions of TalkLeft after She is Not to Be Named’s campaign guy praises Faux News.
She’s Progressive, logos. That’s all you need to know.
if she went on as mccain’s running mate and somehow supplanted Bearing Inspector Lieberman, then the answer becomes an obvious and emphatic “oh, HELL no”
Are you sure that was an independent study? Are you sure it wasn’t… nothing?
The voices in Terry McAuliffe’s head seem to count as ‘independent’ as they follow no rhyme or reason.
WTF is that trackback thing?
The trackbacks just went from lame to annoying (as employed by Teh Trollz)
You’ve really got to check out more pro-Hillary (aka anti-Obama) blogs. Their comments are peppered with stuff like “I can’t believe I’m watching Fox News, but…” It’s their channel of choice these days. You’ll also find plenty of “Send it to Hannity!” comments in reference to just about any manufactured controversy they’re trying to push through the muck.
That would be one of the great misbegotten concepts of our time, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Or something like that. I can’t believe that anyone who calls themselves a Democrat, a liberal or even a rational human being could actually watch Faux News, either.
No…compared to the comments over at TalkLeft, the room is full of Rhodes Scholars & Nobel Laureates here. Seriously….reading them is like sticking sharp sticks in your own eyes.
Wow. Really. Comparing political candidates for a job to girlfriends …
Iris sez: Reagan Democrats are the key to the future
By which Iris means ignorant racist bigots who left the Democratic Party because it supported voting rights for black people.
not the Creative Class elites here at Sadly, No!,
Who knew “creative” was such a great insult? Why yes, Iris, how dare anyone with an original or creative thought have an opinion on politics?
who continue to show their misogyny by refusing to talk about the crucial West Virginia primary.
West Virginia: lovely state (where not totally trashed by mining); population, uh… 1,818,470 (state website, 2006 estimate). That’s, uh … half the size of the City of Los Angeles. Oh, yeah, it’s crucial, all right.
2 bonus points for spelling “misogyny” right, though…
Obama is unelectable and doesn’t resonate with the working class base of the Democratic party. Reagan Democrats are the key to the future, not the Creative Class elites here at Sadly, No!
Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!
“Reagan Dems” are a dying Breed. The Creative Class is not. Who do you think makes the lions-share of the 1.5 million people who have mostly funded the Obama campaign? Who do you think funded the re-capture of the Senate?
Sure, the outnumber us but we have something they don’t have – disposable income that we can contribute to a party and it’s candidates and the interest in politics that keeps us online reading and donating in response to calls to action. We are not just a voting demographic – we are a well of cash as well. The future of American politics belongs to the party that harnesses the “Creative Class”.
Relax, breath. This isn’t the Iris you’re looking for.
This Kathy Shaidle person/thing/…(animal/vegetable/mineral?) Canada’s answer to Michelle Mangalang! I hope she has a Google Alert set up! That would be so much fun!
Oh, christ. So we’re not really feminists, we’re just Hillary-ists.
I would LOVE 2 vote for a Woman 4 Prez (someday) that was NOT :
a Victim ,
a Serial Fibber , ,
the FIRST “insider” to become a Dem-Party Slayer , , ,
in other words …a
Clinton .
VPBushPrezBushClintonBushit , , , ENOUGH already !
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
Benjamin Franklin
You Creative Class types never let up, all that thinking and stuff that you do, and getting those fancy idea thingies you like so much.
Norweigans forever!!!!
Well, except for Karl Rove. Sorry, but there’s (at least) one in every proud family…
I was thrown out of Creative Class for using the lathe to make parts for my trebuchet.
Tellin ya. You shoulda seen how fast they threw me out of metal shop….
Because we’re tired of coming in second place? It’s all or nothing for both trend setters.
I’m not a Clinton supporter and I’ll be mighty fuckin’ pissed if he “recuperates” the women’s vote by swapping her out with an anatomically correct replacement. He already scoffed at the idea of being her running mate. Leave it at that.
Hm. Not sure why my post got eated, so here’s another.
Because we’re tired of coming in second place? It is all or nothing for these Oval Office trend setters.
He already scoffed at the idea of being her running mate. I’m not a Clinton supporter and I’ll be pissed if he swaps her out with an anatomically correct replacement. Leave it at that.
There is a certain The Ellen James Society about Talk Left.
“I think you are trying to throw Hillary a crumb but her supporters don’t want her to have the crumb role when they know she’s the whole loaf.”
What a sexist comment, insinuating Hillary has a severe yeast infection like that. You should be ashamed!
Wait, what? That was Jeralyn?
“I’m not a Clinton supporter and I’ll be mighty fuckin’ pissed if he “recuperates” the women’s vote by swapping her out with an anatomically correct replacement. He already scoffed at the idea of being her running mate. Leave it at that.”
What is your fucking issue? He scoffed at being *Hillary’s* running mate, not at being a woman’s running mate.
Bush and Obama have the same anatomical equipment, but that doesn’t make them the same person.
There’s plenty of reason to ditch Clinton for a *better* female candidate. They do exist, you know. At the very least, Clinton isn’t from a swing state, so having her on the ticket wouldn’t help in that respect. Other women don’t carry Hillary’s huge negatives. Other women don’t drag along Bill’s bag of old scandals. Nor would someone like Sebelius drive GOP turnout like Clinton would.
Wow… just wow…
Democratic Circular Firing Squad anyone?
The repukelikans are laughing their asses off. And the democratic party is the butt of the joke. Again.
Get used to Mr. President John McCain. Have fun shipping your sons and daughters off to more wars.
Meh, I never read TalkLeft before, so Jeralynn can piss up a rope as far as I’m concerned. I could really give a shit if rabid Hillary supporters return to sanity after the primary.
Because we’re tired of coming in second place? It is all or nothing for these Oval Office trend setters.
He already scoffed at the idea of being her running mate. I’m not a Clinton supporter and I’ll be pissed if he swaps her out with an anatomically correct replacement. Leave it at that.
This reminds me of that SNL sketch after Mondale lost where someone playing Geraldine Ferraro sings that the Dems will never win “until the woman is on top.” But Obama didn’t scoff at being VP because he didn’t want to play second fiddle to a woman; he scoffed because he was winning and it is a little absurd to ask the winner to concede for the sake of unity.
I do get how it rubs some people the wrong way. If Obama had been pushed out by the superdelegates and Hillary had named Harold Ford as her running mate to “appease black voters”, there would have been a royal fit. I’m curious, however, if you think that it is as offensive that some Obama supporters want “Hispanic governor” Bill Richardson. Same thing, right?
If the implication is that women can’t do it alone, without a handup from the boys – or that all women are interchangeable – that’s bullshit. I hope that isn’t the case. Look at it this way: why should Obama pick yet another white male when every single president and vice president in history has been a white male? There are plenty of qualified women. I actually think that several may be more qualified than Hillary. If you look at it as, “sorry I ran over your puppy, here’s a new dog,” then it is stupid and offensive. I just don’t see ith that way.
So, erm, you’re in agreement with me and Jeralyn about interchangeable women? ‘Cause there isn’t another woman in Obama’s future as a veep.
You’re right about the negatives regardless of who turns out to be the veep for the Democratic ticket, but I’m not sure a pro-abortion running mate wouldn’t send the fundies marching in droves.
Anyway, this is like a Hitchens post I read a few months back here. I read the piece and can’t figure out what the “Oh My God” moment of shock is. Jeralyn’s said she’s gonna vote for Obama, regardless. Guess that’s not enough? She’s gotta fuck up your day by airing her grievances? She’s got the nerve to assume Clinton would only make a good president, not so good veep? (The same assumption millions of Obama supporters make about their candidate, no doubt.)
She said something extremely stupid Leslie. Basically, instead of evaluating vice presidential candidates on their merits, she dismissed all female contenders because they’d be like romantic replacements for a former girlfriend. Step back and think about that. If Obama picks a male running mate, he hates women. If he picks a female running mate who is not Clinton, he’s insulting women because she’d be a token. Heads I win, tails you lose!
Clinton is a terrible choice and I devoutly hope she isn’t on there.
Yeah, and he handled it poorly. It was an obvious setup by the Clinton campaign and his response to it makes me wonder about his prospects against McCain. Whatever Clinton’s itnentions, however, he can’t take it back now.
No. Richardson’s race would have to be dissected in the media for months while he ran neck-and-neck against Obama for the Democratic nomination to be the “same thing”. I hope Obama doesn’t pick el maricón, though.
I haven’t said that. I’ve read, reread Jeralyn’s post. She didn’t say that. But you’re welcome to say it!
Yeah, and he handled it poorly. It was an obvious setup by the Clinton campaign and his response to it makes me wonder about his prospects against McCain. Whatever Clinton’s itnentions, however, he can’t take it back now.
I went into this election slightly favoring Clinton. Do you know why I support Obama now? Because Clinton had more money, more name recognition, 20 pt leads in every state, and the institutional support of the party and she blew it. Obama may have made some blunders and you can feel free to fret about whether he can beat McCain, but none of that makes Hillary better by comparison.
Let me just ask you this: If he is such an incompetent candidate, why is she losing?
Anyway, this is like a Hitchens post I read a few months back here. I read the piece and can’t figure out what the “Oh My God” moment of shock is.
For me it’s Like showing off the new girlfriend to the jilted one. I hope if Chris Matthews said that you’d call him a sexist idiot.
Because Clinton’s campaign isn’t as down and dirty as his:
(Can’t embed the TNR link without a forward slash at the end.)
Do you need to be a competent candidate to be a great campaigner?
Matthews is an idiot on speed, but no, I wouldn’t call him a sexist idiot in this case. Then again, I wouldn’t call Ferraro a race-baiter for paraphrasing Obama:
Because Clinton’s campaign isn’t as down and dirty as his:
Well then, maybe a fighter is what it takes to win.
pedestrian: “Well then, maybe a fighter is what it takes to win.”
I hope that’s all it takes.
I’m just saying, if you think Obama is mean, you should see the Republicans.
I’ve seen the Republicans, thankyouverymuch. Can’t stand them, can’t help but laugh at them between sobs for our Republic. Their campaigning and PR pitches are fodder for this site. It’s weird to see you, or anyone, compare a Democratic candidate’s tactics to GOP tactics and chalk it up to winning.
Don’t hate the player, hate the game?
Well I don’t agree that Obama has been viscious or that Hillary has taken the high road, but whatever he has been, Obama has been succesful and Hillary has not. It isn’t about men everywhere vs women everywhere or black vs white its about Democrats vs Republicans and who is going to win the election. I think that Obama is our best shot and most Democrats agree.
The internets have taught me that if I disagree with a woman I’m a misogynist. If two women disagree and I agree with one of them, I’m a misogynist. If I vote against a black guy I’m not a racist, but if I vote against a woman I’m a misogynist. For noticing this, I’m a misogynist.
May I politely and respectfully suggest that you, your family, your pets and everyone you know eat shit and die as quickly and painfully as possible?
Jack H: “If I vote against a black guy I’m not a racist, ”
I beg to differ.
SomeNYGuy: “May I politely and respectfully suggest that you, your family, your pets and everyone you know eat shit and die as quickly and painfully as possible?”
You can’t politely or respectfully suggest it, but you could explain why you think I, my family and pets should eat shit and die. Especially my pets. They lack opposable thumbs, y’see; can’t log on and somehow offend you. Why drag my cat into this, asshole?
but I’m not sure a pro-abortion running mate wouldn’t send the fundies marching in droves.[Emphasis added]
Interesting tell from Lesly, there. Ardent supporter of Senator Clinton, yet uses the label “pro-abortion” for supporters of women’s reproductive rights? There are so many commenters repeatedly flinging all the worst kinds of mendacious shit at the likely Dem nominee, while ominously threatening to vote for McCain or stay home if “their” candidate doesn’t really shred the Dem’s chances in November by telling African-Americans to move to the back of the bus in Denver. Are all of these people sincere, or is there another boiler room operation to provoke dissent among Democrats in what should be a banner year? ‘Cause, you know, when someone throws around “pro-abortion,” I start thinking “wingnut fuckwit,” not “Clinton-supporting feminist.”
I wondered when someone would ask sabotage. I don’t care what conservatives or liberals make of describing a proponent position on abortion as pro-abortion. If you like conspiracies stop thinking now and knock yourself out.
As for dissent among Democrats, we’ve had mountains instead of molehills for months without the GOP’s help.
One of the other things Lesly is wondering is when someone is going to ask her why she seems to have called Bill Richardson el maricon. She might be referencing this incident but I’m not sure.
Is all this Sturm und Drang really necessary?
If you’re so worried by ‘electability’, why not let Exxon-Mobile pick your candidate or just run some moth-eaten old RINO.
I stand corrected Lesly … if I don’t vote for Obama I’m a racist and a misandrist. Weird how with all of the racists and misogynists in the Democratic party the white guys all got sent home early. I guess reality doesn’t have a left wing bias during primary season.
Obama must win at all costs! At all costs! Do you hear me????
Good one, Lesly.
I support a woman’s right to choose, so I’m like so totally into abortions.
I believe that this decision is a personal one, so I support one outcome or another.
Go away, GOP shill.
Lawnguylander, yeah, that’s it. I thought everyone knew about Richardson’s macaca moment by now.
For what it’s worth I apologize for calling you an asshole, SomeNYGuy. I don’t know you and can’t seriously comment on your dispositoin based on one sentence. My dog, however, thanks you. She approves of your suggestion and will resume loitering around the litter pan for kitty treats.
t4toby, you can let the right define the debate for you for as long as you like. I’ll pass. I support EC, stem cell research, abortion and “partial birth” abortion.
All right. I’m out. Keep exorcising those GOP ghosts.
you can let the right define the debate for you for as long as you like
“partial birth” abortion
Even in ironic quotes it doesn’t work.
If Lesly’s not a GOPer, I’ll eat my shoe.
And my feet are not that small.
All right. You got me, Bubba. Even the AP Stylebook suggests abortion rights. The M$M, like yours truly, is totally into abortions.
I also confess I wasn’t an ardent supporter of Clinton until precisely 20:00.
Holy Dittohead!
How do you feel about ‘Family Values’, Lesly?
Ho, boy!
Lesly has a blog entry where she defends a father’s right to Taser his son.
To her credit, the volcano pics are pretty cool.
Yo, Brad.
Sadly, No, Women aren’t interchangeable.
Dude. Really. Choosing a non-Clinton-camp woman at this point would be like saying women are replaceable by another vagina.
Family values can suck me, t4toby. Now that you’ve clicked my blog and commented on that story I’m wondering if you’re a troll or just dense. I’m not anywhere as good as S,N! when it comes to sarcasm, but I hope I’m not so bad I have to draw your attention to tag.
Click previous entries, Ctrl-F abortion, and unlace your shoe while you’re looking.
This paranoid exchange is somewhat annoying, mildly cute, and a waste of time. You’re asking to be hoodwinked if you think you can boil someone’s politics down to their choice of code words (choice v. abortion; MSM v. establishment media).
I don’t see cops getting arranged for tasing out of control kids.
I would stack them like a pyramid or arrange them like a suspension bridge across a gully.
You, my friend Lesly, are the one playing into the GOP’s hand by using their framing!
Maybe you should think about what image you are projecting by using words straight out of Karl Rove’s Talking Point handbook.
So maybe you aren’t a GOPer. I’m unlacing right now. But:
I think you have this backwards. You have been hoodwinked into using their framing!
Anyways, I really did like the volcano pics.
The minds over at talk left are really really loopy.
And frankly, damn bitter.
“I think you have this backwards. You have been hoodwinked into using their framing!”
You need to presume I care enough about right-wing narratives to adjust my vocabulary. I don’t mean to make alarms in your head go off but IMO making a conscious effort to use pro-choice instead of pro-abortion is like avoiding the L word or amending it with “sensible”. Let them go into a full-throated screed if they think I am confessing to something by using their terminology. I’ll be happy to respond.
Glad you like the pics. I’ve never seen anything like it.
“Well then, maybe a fighter is what it takes to win.”
Um, I think we need to agree on some definitions here.
A “fighter” is not an asshole that punches everybody in the bar until geting tasered.
A fighter has some actual POSITIONS that said fighter defends and and believes.
A fighter signs on to a larger narrative, and accepts responsibility for a piece of that perimeter and and fights to own it and hold it.
A fighter recognizes that he’s part of something larger, and accepts that he might need to take orders from someone else.
A crazy person wants to have a fight, and the reason for it simply isn’t important…..
I can’t believe that anyone who calls themselves a Democrat, a liberal or even a rational human being could actually watch Faux News, either.
Mwahahahaha! My evil plan is wuuuurking!
Good luck in the future.
I am from Bolivia and also now am reading in English, give true I wrote the following sentence: “Every food and food goup could be allergenic to someone.Rt? Tv brings you the best in broadcast entertainment.”
:p Thanks in advance. Ignatius.
Hey Maureen (blessed necromancer),
Finally! Some link spam to comment about, thanks.
While we’re at it though, get a load of these comments — blast from the past! Doesn’t it feel like ages ago.
Pumas! Cougars!! Wolverines!!!