Have a horrifying Mother’s Day
Posted on May 8th, 2008 by Brad
This is, quite honestly, something no mother should have to go through. Mrs. St. BBQ, you have my sympathies.
Is it just me, or is he actually more senile than his mother?
If you want t have a really great Mother’s day take your advice from Dr. Mrs. Putz and call her a whore, because that’s all she really is for giving birth you.
Five comments!
He should have gotten Angela Lansbury to play his mom.
The fact is, McCain is a great American who loves his mother, unlike Obama who is an elitist and a horrible person and I’m sitting out this election and my butt hurts.
Seriously. She’s sharp as a tack, and he sounds like a bumbling idiot. Hell, I’d vote for her over him if she was running for president.
Wikipedia tells no lies: “She married John S. McCain, Jr., on January 21, 1933, in Caesar’s Bar, Tijuana, Mexico.”
Hey! I had just finished my lunch. It was much better the first time, damn you.
He should have gotten Angela Lansbury to play his mom.
YES! Plus that way if there were a murder someone would already be there to solve it.
“S” for Sydney.
When will John Sydney McCain denounce and condem the murder of junkie girl-friends at the hands of punk rock stars in Manhattan hotels?!
Huh? HUH?!
Hello, I’m John McCain. This is my mother. As you can see, she is much better in front of the camera than I am. I’m running for president. She is not.
Oh my God, I didn’t think it was possible for McCain’s ads to skew any older, but it happened.
“McCain: Warm and comforting, like passing away in your sleep during the ‘Price is Right’ on a warm Boca afternoon.”
What is it about old women that makes them all look like Barbara Bush? Does the hair just do that naturally, or was there some tragic national accident that caused all women over a certain age bracket to develop hair like that?
If he acts like a bumbling idiot in front of the camera, he’s going to suck in the debates, and it’ll make us win hands down. I mean look at what happened to George Bush when he acted like an idiot in the deba…
…AWWW FUCK! We’re never going to win, are we?
Its called a ‘hair-do’.
Let me show you it.
You forgot about me.
I mean look at what happened to George Bush when he acted like an idiot in the deba…
Yeah, but he had a wire. Can you imagine McCain trying to use a wire? He would probably rip it off mid-debate and stomp on it.
He’s sure to capture the Lawrence Welk on PBS watching blue-hair demographic. But then what – will he cut their throats while making his escape through the jungle? Will he knife-rape them while pressing the “nuke-Iran” button? Will he force them to drink the blood of the saints?
Nah, he’d stick it in his mouth and gnaw on it, sort of like in this picture.
Just the Catholic voters. And they’re used to blood-drinking.
“I mean look at what happened to George Bush when he acted like an idiot in the deba…”
To this very day, this still blows my mind.
Wow, it’s just like reading a Saturday Evening Post short story from 1933, but with alcoholics. Or like a Norman Rockwell depression painting – with drunken birth.
New Slogan for McCain Campaign:
John McCain: It’s Not Senility, I Have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
Okay, McCain is Johnny McAncient, and <his mother is still alive?
What kind of robot factory is making McCains? Cuz they run longer than a Volvo.
WordPress ate my tags.
You don’t want to know what wordpress ate off me!
To this very day, this still blows my mind.
You ain’t alone, kid. Hell, I have a good conservative friend who was a Bush lover and he called me up during one of the debates and said, “Kerry’s killing him.”
Unfortunately, it appears that the public at large doesn’t care much about debates. Either that, or they don’t watch debates and therefore did not know about it?
Or, perhaps they thought Bush did well because of their image of how a president should look and act.
Who the fuck knows.
The story of St. BBQ’s birth is a little disjointed in this telling, but what I can piece together is that his mom ran into an officer’s club in the middle of Panama, got soused (27 bottles of Scotch) and popped out an angry, mavericky baby right onto the billiards table.
He should have gotten Angela Lansbury to play his mom.
YES! Plus that way if there were a murder someone would already be there to solve it.
Er… wrong pop-culture reference?
He should have gotten Angela Lansbury to play his mom.
YES! Plus that way if there were a murder someone would already be there to solve it.
YES AND they could fly away on his bedknob and/or broomstick.
Wow. She’s even older than the is. Man.
(Slaps forehead)
She looks a little like his wife.
Phew! I kept expecting him to flip out and scream at her.
“At least I don’t get a blue rinse like a trollop, you c^nt!”
Also, what pedestrian said. This ad was not a good move by Camp McCane. Nothing reminds people that you are O-L-D like a mom who looks younger than you.
I want to see the out-takes where he says “Can’t you put the bottle down for two minutes you leathery cunt.”
Arky, can you feel the evil eye upon you?
He’s married to Barbara Bush??!?!?!111!?!?!!1?!? Evelnty~!ONEZORS!
Ha! I keep the evil eye in my back pocket. With my 4skin.
Aaaaah, how refreshing. What is more quintessentially American than a couple ancient rich white people mechanically pretending to be able to feel love for another?
Only an eleeeeeeeeetist could fail to be touched!
Give McCain some whippersnapper credit: he is stoned.
people…. 1000+ comments on the thread below?
i’ll assume the opposing parties worked everything out….
WTF? This is supposed to help McCain?
Oh, yeah, that’s a safe assumption, nilsey.
That’s what I’m saying Marita. Fine, his mommy says he was a sweet baby. Won’t that hurt his manly manhood cred? Plus, the poor dear looks so stiff it’s easy to imagine Cindy is holding a gun on her.
The background music–I don’t understand. Are they trying to be ironic somehow? I don’t get it.
Just being stoned isn’t good enough, RB. Maybe if he shared his personal jenkem recipe, me an’ the other kool kids could get behind him.
Behind him! HA!
Most of his anger comes from her giving him cold water enemas when he was little. That and the toxic exposure from all the spraying to get rid of the yellow fever mosquito that went on during the construction of that new canal down there in Panama.
Are we certain that that woman is not his first wife?
i’ll assume the opposing parties worked everything out….
read and find out
I picture McCain’s mother looking something like this given McCain’s age and general looniness.
For those who don’t want to slog through the thread downstairs:
Pacific Northwest SadlyFest?
PDX – June 3 or 4. Lemme know if you’re interested…
Clearly, McCain’s best line was:
His second best line was:
“Heh heh.”
PDX – June 3 or 4. Lemme know if you’re interested…
Do the kewl kidds know ALL the airport abreviations?
In determining what the HELL PDX is, I now know that PDX runway 28L is 11,000 feet long and constructed of asphalt.
I’m also convinced there’s some kind of pun in the abbreviation for Hector Int’l.
Don’t go FAR….
You’re invited too, Mikey. I know how much you like to cause trouble in Oregon.
I’ve never met a 1,000 comment thread that couldn’t be improved with a bit of Prussian Blue.
I plan to move back to the west coast in July, so there’d better be a Sadly gathering sometime after that.
May I humbly suggest the Seattle Hempfest? I mean, we’re all going to that anyway, right?
Ah man, I LOVE the people’s democratic republic of oregon.
You can pick up a couple auto-openers legally, and make a couple hundred bucks re-selling ’em in cali.
They get eleven ways from bent out of shape if you try to pump your own gas, though…
“Pacific Northwest SadlyFest?”
Oooh, yes…interested. Much more interested in that than in slogging through the leventy-billion “Obama sux”…”Yeah well so’s yer mother” messages in the interminable thread below.
Need to check with, well, everybody but I might heh indeed be able to make it from SEA.
Wow, suddenly seeing John McCain appear beside his mother reminds me that he is as young and spry as a playful caterpillar in Spring!
Yay, OneMan!
Hopefully this won’t rain on your parade, but those dates are weekdays…
mommy, there’s scary noises coming from the basement.
McCain’s all about the Ozzie and Harriet background music. I wonder if he’ll use that in future pro-war, pro-torture ads?
Thanks for the laughs, Sadlynaughts, after the I’m-not-touching-that-thread below.
Recently I’ve been poking through and reading at this Telecaster guitar forum. Since April Elliot Easton of the Cars has been posting there, sometimes putting up threads on some of the guitars in his collection (with pictures). He put up another one today, and I wanted to share this comment by Easton because I think it’s funny and because it reminds me of the 1000-year debate/non-debate going on in the thread below. It’s in response to someone saying thanks for sharing and participating in the forum.
Let’s see if that draws the truss rod condom trolls. Maybe we could match them up with the foreskinistas.
The background music–I don’t understand. Are they trying to be ironic somehow? I don’t get it.
It’s because he wants to take us back to 1954. There will be motorized retractable dish shelves in your kitchen’s future. And a dishwasher! Yay!!
27 bottles of scotch as “welcome baby” presents and a “celebration at the club”? good thing non-elitists have a candidate they can get behind!!
Wow. Making fun of a fine candidate’s mother? This is the newest low blow for the Obots. You people make me feel like poopy.
Olbermann just dropped another “Sadly, No!”
I’m tellin ya.
It’s a shout out.
Don’t bother with the gigantic clusterfuck downstairs, Keith.
I keep forgetting to change back.
I should really drink more…
Here’s our daughter Cindy, the trollop!
Oh yays! Iris is back!! YAYS!!
Wow! I loved that video!
It was great how she kept calling him, ‘this baby’ and speaking in a tone as if his birth was a tiresome errand she had had to run. But, hey! Then there was all this scotch!! Might as well enjoy it!
Although it is unclear whether she was talking about the scotch or the birth.
But the pure eloquence of Johnny’s initial rambling makes up for that initial confusion. “I understand I was born on a Friday… traditional… it was a happy hour I thought was the uh…uh…I see.”
Simply stunning!!
Finally the bouncy, happy, 1950’s-style background music added that little je ne sais qua which tied the whole thing together in one boozy, happy, cozy little package which immediately started leaking something creepy out of one corner.
Iris said, Wow. Making fun of a fine candidate’s mother?
John McCain called his wife a cunt. Me thinks if he can say that in public he’s comfy with the insult and has used it many times before.
Lucky gal he’s married to eh?
But Lesley. He almost never calls his Mother a cunt.
It’s a whole different kind of thing…
there’s scary noises coming from the basement.
I’ve watched enough horror movies. No way am I going downstairs
Any recommended watering holes for Portland at the end of July?
I figure that Big Time and the Elysian Fields will take care of my alcohol requirements in Seattle, and in SF I’ll gravitate towards the SF Brewing Company, but there’s a day or two between where there’s the danger of my liver recovering unless I keep it off-balance.
My Norman is an excellent hotel front desk clerk!
true, Mikey. I keep forgetting that the vagina that births a man is sacred (the icky factor is notched down considerably!) The vagina he marries and gets kids outa can never measure up! The secondary vag on the totem pole is always handy for taking out one’s repressed childhood rage. I understand McCain’s explosive temper long preceded his years in Vietnam. And mommy seems rather rigid and prickly. Not a lot of warmth emanating from her in that video.
Smut! You in country in July?
Hokay. Either we get six kickass jugs of Heitz Cab, wrap ’em in paper bags and take ’em down to ocean beach with a couple baguettes and a dry salami and end up with sand in our hair and cab vomit in our nose.
Load up on scotch and akavit and hit konocti harbor inn. We book six rooms, defile all the local girls, fight with the bikers, run up all kinds of “escort” services and run out on the hotel bill.
Whaddaya think?
I think it’s time for “I’m an Obama / And I’m a McCain” commercials.
I think there’s some kinda planet-alignment virus thingy going around online. Kinda like an online version of that rage virus in 28 Days Later (which is of course a very dumb movie). And this virus causes normally fairly balanced indivduals to behave like complete assholes.
Actually, 28 Days Later was funnier than what’s been going around online.
28 Weeks Later is dumber, Jennifer.
“There’s a virus spread by an insane person spitting blood on people, and infects people within minutes! Get everybody in this one tiny room, and leave the back door unlocked!”
Genius plan, American reconstruction of Britain.
I think you are absolutely spot-on Jennifer–and it’s spreading like wildfire.
I’ve been exposed and I’m not vaccinated! Haaaallllpz me!!!
Patkin – oh, I agree. And I also love how the people infected with rage are only interested in taking it out on people who aren’t infected. They don’t fuck with other infecteds.
It achieved dumb on a lot of different levels. In its defense though, that jerky Tasmanian Devil thing they’d do when they got infected was hysterical. I taught it to my nephew, who then demonstrated it at school when the class was walking to the lunchroom. The teacher was not amused, but I would have given anything to be there to see it.
mikey – lotta folks use ‘pdx’ perhaps so we don’t have to say “no, the portland people want to live in”
Marita – In case my response got lost in the 1000 tonnes of chaff, “Drinking Sadlyly PDX” is definitely on my calendar. Anything I can do to facilitate?
Those near PDX but not that near – anything I can do to facilitate your attending?
Mrs. McCain – Did you perhaps see something nasty in the woodshed?
See, those movies are stupid.
You get the shotgun, and you kill everybody.
‘Cause somebody’s ALWAYS infected and they’re gonna bite your ass.
Kill ’em all. Take their shit. Make it on your own.
This would NOT be my tactic in a societal upheaval, only in the virus/zombie scenario. You don’t have to keep me out of your bunker…
oh sure mikey, NOW you want to do a get together! just because last time you had to go to some friend’s birthday or something lame like that. WHATEVER.
I suspect that the Frau Doktorin and young Sonja would have some issues with your second suggestion, Mikey…
Get everybody in this one tiny room, and leave the back door unlocked!”
I kind of feel like we did this with the last thread, though. so maybe we are the stupid ones.
Umm, there’s always water skiiing, clyde…
You people make me feel like poopy.
The fact is, you’ve always felt this way.
You are a cruel giant tea bag.
how old is she?
Mrs. McCain – Did you perhaps see something nasty in the woodshed?
The question is, did it see her?
Well, I didn’t get in that thread, so I still retain my moral and intellectual superiority on the internets.
Ha ha.
(God, I’m depressed.)
That old.
[Positively BEAMS]
Oh dear. To say that was a good decision is to say that Hiroshima was an “unfortunate event”…
Damn, for 96, she’s doing great. She doesn’t really look any older than him, and her mind seems to be fairly sharp. We should all fare so well…
The secondary vag on the totem pole
Why do people insist on talking about genital mutilation? But if you insist — “Subincision is the bisection of the underside of the penis (from the urethra to the raphe)”
Illustrations are very NSFW, and no help for keeping lunch down.
Maybe she’s been sucking the health out of her son.
PeeJ – I may have you help with planning, since you’re currently there and we’re not.
For anyone else who needs more enticement – we can declare it to be Gavin’s bachelor party. Only co-ed. And with his fiancee there.
Herr Clyde, there aren’t that many places in Portland NOT worth trashing one’s liver for. Microbrew capital of the US if not the whole fuckin world. Willamette Valley pinot noir galore. Voodoo doughnut.
If I didn’t already live here I’d have to move.
PS – mikey, I can fit a fair number in the saddlebags; I smell business opportunity
I’ve built my collection on Oregon and Florida, Peej.
Benchmade in oregon and MicroTech in florida.
The microtech HALO is probably the most sought after auto in the world.
Benchmade has both combat-practical items like the AFO and designer collectibles. I’ve done the Benchmade tour three times. The enlightened edged weapons policies of the great state of Oregon are a joy to behold…
… Gavin’s bachelor party. Only co-ed.
Is that as in co-ed only or as in, but this party would be co-ed? Cuz, I’d like to bring Ho, if he’s not whoring himself out that night.
PeeJ, I just meant co-ed as in “women will be welcome”. I mean, women who aren’t even strippers or anything.
although I kind of think a bachelor party made up solely of Gav, Marita, & female friends, is awesome.
I think that party will be called the “shower”, Kathleen.
btw mikey, what was the KeithO thing? Enquiring minds….
I think that party will be called the “shower”, Kathleen.
What color would that shower be?
btw mikey, what was the KeithO thing? Enquiring minds….
I am an unrepentent Olbermann fan. I watch countdown pretty much every night.
He drops a “Sadly, No” every now and then.
I am increasingly convinced he’s giving us a shoutout. That he’s a reader of this site.
He did it again tonight.
Sure. It’s a common construct. I could be wrong.
Bet I’m not….
Umm, there’s always water skiiing
Will this involve sharks and / or jumping?
[Positively BEAMS]
Oh dear. To say that was a good decision is to say that Hiroshima was an “unfortunate event”…
What color would that shower be?
Mikey! Ewwww! Just ewww!
Marita said,
May 9, 2008 at 3:55
PeeJ, I just meant co-ed as in “women will be welcome”. I mean, women who aren’t even strippers or anything
So, you’ve invited Gary Ruppert?
Most of the time his mom sits in a rocking chair in the basement.
I keep expecting Willis and Arnold to jump onscreen.
Actually, you can actually go around hooked to the back end of a boat by a rope, skimming the surface of the lake, drinking beer and picking algae out of your teeth and trying to explain what happened to your swim trunks.
It’s a pretty fun game, and you can take it as far into “extreme sports” territory as you want.
I like to get really stoned and tuck into the “V” of the wake and let my senses go all the way outside my body. Into the water, and the shore, and the “skip skip” feeling of the ski and the fizzle of the beer in my throat and the song in my heart and the laughter at the people in the boat who keep acting like I should be more careful and shit….
YES AND they could fly away on his bedknob.
Looks to me like the level of discourse in this thread was low right from the start.
Blogwhore for Smut:
You may or may not be interested in Balzam, you akvavit freak.
mikey, is my moniker ‘Iris’? Do I present myself as moronically as that? (watch it buster, you know who I’m talking to)
I KNOW what you meant generally. I mean what was the SN! meme/construct/thingy in this particular case! Criminy. C’mon, don’t make me watch teevee. [shudders]
Thanks for reminding me – we (pdx) also now have a micro-distillery making some interesting “gin”, “akvavit”, “geniever” and other oddball spirits.
We got an IKEA now too but unless you’re gonna remodel your kitchen it aint much of an attraction.
Ooh, TBogg has a deliciously satisfying video up today. Well worth clicking play.
PeeJ said,
May 9, 2008 at 4:27
mikey, is my moniker ‘Iris’? Do I present myself as moronically as that? (watch it buster, you know who I’m talking to)
I KNOW what you meant generally. I mean what was the SN! meme/construct/thingy in this particular case! Criminy. C’mon, don’t make me watch teevee. [shudders]
Sadly. And it is truly sadly, for I am almost always running along behind trying to understand the popculture references, it is nothing more or less than what it purports to be. I’m neither clever enough nor well informed enough to play any kind of game with your head, Peej.
I’m the guy who, when they said “shoot that guy”, I shot that guy. Then I went back to my paperback. I’ve never been a deep thinker nor have I been someone who could play the edges.
I’m the one who pretty much has no real option other than to either say what I think or hide in the mists of delusion and hallucination. Your only job, when it comes to interpreting mikeyspeak, is to try to figure out which is which…
This is the newest low blow for the Obots. You people make me feel like poopy.
So then, don’t go on this website? Hello?
You may or may not be interested in Balzam
It sounds disgusting, even by my standards, which are loose enough to let me drink Gammel Dansk (which tastes like the seepage from a compost heap)… not to mention a Czech brandy flavoured with juniper berries. I don’t mention that because I can’t remember what it was called — those particular memories have been mercifully repressed. I think it was bottled in the middle of the night in a petrochemical factory, between other production runs.
Portland has akvavit?
It’s a dead man’s party,
who could ask for more?
Everybody’s comin’ ….
Sorry. I watched that film and the song popped into my head.
Now we know where he gets his robotics from…The Mother Unit.
They don’t even look like they’re together in the same room, that they were filmed separately.
That’s bizarre.
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! For the upcoming summer season, we will be featuring a new character, Iris! Buzz phrases will include “creative class,” “fake change,” and our favorite, “New Democratic Party”!
So join us as we present our newest treasure. All your old pals- Gary Ruppert, Matt McMahon, Jason Ambrose, even the Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot- are still here too.
What kind of robot factory is making McCains? Cuz they run longer than a Volvo.
Yes, if Volvos were programmed at the factory to automatically run down schoolchildren in crosswalks, they’d practically be the automotive version of John McCain.
I visited Portland for a few days last year on a road trip up from the wastelands of Southern California to Vancouver. My, what a loverly city.
Clearly ya’ll support Hamas:
Waaaaaah! Wa-wa-waaaaaah!
Before this all over they’ll be claiming that Obama is disrespectful to his elders because he won’t let McCane win.
Yep and I bet St. BBQ has a secret fondness for taxidermy too.
Yeah, I saw it was a weeknight. Might have to get a room or sumpin. Maybe t4t would ride with me.
And Smut? When are you going to be in Seattle?
I am so going to use this excuse myself.
“Smut, you have drunk way too much already. Put down the bottle.”
“You’re trying to make an issue of my age!”
“Smut, what are all these peculiar transactions on the cheque account?”
“You’re trying to make an issue of my age!”
When are you going to be in Seattle?
Details are sketchy. Butit’snotbecausemymemoryisgoing! Sort of July 28-29.
Typical. Just because the Republicans are slandering Obama with accusations of being the terrorist’s choice (which is untrue), Obama goes and attacks a defenseless old man by pointing out he’s old (which is true).
Hell, why not? He’s already a penocratic misogynist for daring to oppose Hillary Clinton.
Not that Clinton hasn’t been the target of misogynistic attacks, mind. They just haven’t come from Obama. No, that time he said periodic does not count, lunatics.
Also, I’m not exactly a huge Obamaniac. Hell, I don’t even consider myself a Democrat. That’s part of why I find it so funny when some of the more rabid Hillbots claim that only they are the true Democrats and Obama represents a massive betrayal of the party, then with the next breath advocate for McCain. Shit, I don’t even claim to like the Democratic Party and I’m pledged to vote for whatever corporate whore has the fucking (D) on the ballot.
I wonder who the Marijuana Party is running for POTUS this year…
Mad Jack makes a good case in favor of postnatal abortion.
Jrod: If I remember right, Gravel.
The Marijuana Party are the Libertarians, right?
Erm, that was me. Stupid WordPress remembering my fake names.
Don’t ever change, bro!
(BTW, didja ever try making that ph?? I’m curious about what you thought if you did…)
Grr… That should have been pho, with the funky accents, which really only means that I’m an elitist member of the creative class, so of course WordPress hates me along with Hillary.
We got an IKEA now too but unless you’re gonna remodel your kitchen it aint much of an attraction.
I beg to differ; I’m a big fan of their lingonberry juice.
First person to sneer about non-alcoholic beverages gets accused of making an issue of my age…
“I’m a big fan of their lingonberry juice.”
To make a Swedish Chef
Mix one part lingonberry juice to five parts Aquavit and four parts vodka. Stir briefly with single ice cube, then strain into an old jelly glass.
Dat’s goood, yah, sure, you bet.
PDX is pretty much a stripper factory. Also, in the northwest, if you don’t have at least 8 brews on tap you’re considered kind of gauche.
I saw something nasty in the woodpile!
You guys really do have the worst political adverts.
Admittedly, I like them the same way that I like Jack Chick comics, but really, people get influenced by this?
I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience.
The fact is, the creative class are the destruction of USA. Fags, commies, traiters…. and no support for freedom and free markets. Many of them also hate God.
Your only job, when it comes to interpreting mikeyspeak, is to try to figure out which is which…
There’s a difference?!?!?!
Could God create a Gary Ruppert that no one could understand, including God? If he couldn’t, I guess he’s not omnipotent. But if he could, that means he’s not omniscient.
Warshow is trying to make an issue of my age.
So… is his mum going for the Vice Presidency, then?
Looking upthread, I see that Jennifer et alia were speculating about how they would survive an outbreak of the Rage Virus — an epidemic of irrational hatred and violence, specially directed against those who have not yet caught the virus. Time to say, with as much sincerity as I can muster, that I’m glad you survived the last 5 years.
It’s hard to hate someone who doesn’t exist.
It’s hard to hate someone who doesn’t exist.
Mesa day starten pitty okeyday den!
Where, oh where, are p_luk, Iris, and libereralrob this morning?
They kinda look alike.
Dang, people. There are 159 comments before breakfast!
Where, oh where, are p_luk, Iris, and libereralrob this morning?
After yesterday’s 18-hour shift, Karl Rove’s giving them the day off.
Is it just me, or does this thread feel like a hangover from yesterday’s drunken brawl?
Because some snark DESERVES a second airing.
(Seriously, THANK YOU for making me laugh during my otherwise shitty day)
No, Gary. We just hate simple-minded shitbirds like you.
Oh, and we laugh at your unresolved masculinity issues.
PeeJ – I might need a couch/hardwood floor/bathtub to crash on/in.
toby: I have a couch the size of an aircraft carrier if you need it.
I will need something, because there is no way I’m going to Gav’s ‘Bachelor Party’ and then attempting to drive 2.5 hours back to Seattle.
Dibs on the USS Enterprize!
Oh, and Syntax?
fuck you!
I believe the reference to Angela Lansbury was meant to connect with “The Manchurian Candidate” where she portrayed the mother of the brainwashed Korean War POW.
It’s a shame so many now days only know her from Murder She Wrote.
She was Sweenie McTodd’s wannabe girlfriend, too. No?
Oh noes! What have I become!
Yeah, I remember her from Sweeny Todd.
It’s a shame so many now days only know her from Murder She Wrote.
Not to mention that she was the original Mrs. Lovett in Sondheim’s “Sweeney Todd” … and back in the 40s, impossibly young, lovely and insolent, in “The Picture of Dorian Gray” and “Gaslight.”
I think the theory of this was to make him look younger.
I think the strategy may have been to prove that it is theoretically possible that he may survive to the end of his term.
More of this please.
I mentioned to Iris that I was planning on voting for Obama and she called me a ‘dim witted twat’!….so I decked her with my valise.
[…] eh? Of course, this did cause massive liberal seething. Not that that is unusual, mind you. This entry was posted on Saturday, May 10th, 2008 at 7:31 […]
[…] eh? Of course, this did cause massive liberal seething. Not that that is unusual, mind you. Sphere: Related Content If you liked my post, feel free […]
You liberals just keep up all your fantasies of a Democratic victory in November and hope for your marxist paradise while you faint like little school girls whenever Barack Obama mentions change.
The truth is my friends, your candidate is going to be crushed this November. Your Democratic controlled Congress currently has an 11% approval rating compared to the President’s 30%. So it looks to me like the American people are fed up with the Democrats not with the Republicans and want to continue Conservative policies.
Don’t be surprised that in addition to winning the Presidency, the GOP retakes control of Congress as well. And John McCain is more of a fiscal Conservative then President Bush so expect Democratic pork barrel spending bills to be vetoed if they ever reach his desk.
Mommy, I’m scared…
Gotta love the candidate Mother’s Day cards this year, LOL:
What a bunch of losers. Family values, like actually respecting your parents and parents actually liking their children, seem to be beyond your grasps.
You misspelled “Typing” there, champ. You certainly don’t have much in the way of reading comprehension skills.
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