The stupid bullshit needs to stop
Christ, am I sick of stuff like this:
[…] Not everyone who has been anti-Bush is also a progressive – or even a liberal. Plenty of conservatives and libertarians have turned against Bush, and many of them are enamored of Obama. Not on a political basis, but because backing him allows them to feel good about themselves.
Lambert caused them discomfort, and there’s nothing a latte-swilling creative elitist hates more than being uncomfortable. So they squeal.
No, dude, Lambert caused us to roll our eyes because Lambert endorsed bogus faux-populist economics as if that they were the genuine face of populism, and claimed that Obama supporters simply don’t want the reg’lar folk to git $30 because they’re too busy slamming their dicks into Starbucks pastries to pay attention to what Real Americans believe.

See, the actual reason I oppose the gas tax holiday is because it won’t work. It just won’t. You’re talking about lowering the gas tax during a time when there is peak demand for gasoline and a limited overall output. While prices might initially go down because people have been moderating their behavior to lessen their demand, prices will eventually shoot back up once people start driving more — e.g., on their summer vacations. This isn’t bloody elitism, dude; it’s basic economics. See also Dr. Atrios, who can explain it like a real economist.
Now look: In the long run, this is not a big deal. If HRC wants to institute a gas tax holiday while putting a windfall tax on oil companies to make up for lost revenue, I say fine. But recognize that it probably won’t do a lot to help people out. That — and not because I have my penis lodged within a Starbuck’s pastry — is why I’m generally opposed to it, and why I think other measures, such as investing more in public transportation or delivering actual national health insurance (much like the kind that HRC wants to deliver, not the crappier version concocted by the Obama camp), would be far more productive.
Finally: I’d like to state once and for all that I do not give a shit who wins this godforsaken primary. Yes, I voted for Obama because I thought he was marginally better on foreign policy, despite his weaknesses on domestic policy. Neither candidate is perfect, both are vastly better than McCain. Too many Obama and Clinton supporters need to step back, take a deep breath and realize that this election is far more important than their individual candidates. I’ve seen entirely too much stupid bullshit over the past few months, such as Kos summarily excommunicating Hillary from the Democratic Party or this nonsense about how opposing Hillary’s gas tax plan means that you “don’t acknowledge that there are poor people in America.” Stop the stupid bullshit, people. It’s not doing any of us any good, because we all have far more in common than Hillary and Obama have differences. People shouldn’t be kicked out of the damn Democratic Party because they didn’t vote for your damn candidate.
Update: Incidentally, I make $40,000 a year, I drive a used Ford Taurus, and the price of gas is killing me on my morning commute. So please, spare me the damn lectures about how out of touch I am.
Gavin adds: Meanwhile, in reference to the pig-squeal quote above, here’s the latest from Pam Spaulding on the strange and inexplicable attempt by the Republican Party in North Carolina to weaken Obama in the Democratic primary contest.
Why, if we didn’t know better, we’d suspect that there’s some kind of ongoing and organized campaign of interference going on…
This was about as close to a “vote for me and I’ll give you a dollar” pandering as has ever been concocted. How low are Clinton supporters going to take it? And why the hell are there still Clinton supporters, for that matter? What is wrong with you people?
Y’know, it probably costs a lot to live close to where I work, and I could probably find a cheaper place that’s farther away, and even with gas at four bucks a gallon the commute would be financially “worth it”, but damn if it isn’t nice to ride a bike to my job. And to not sit in traffic on these ridiculous highways. I’m sure it doesn’t work for everyone, but plenty of people saying that are really just making excuses.
You have your penis in a Starbucks pastry?!?!? Why, dude?
Not on a political basis, but because backing him allows them to feel good about themselves.
latte-swilling creative elitist
Damn. Liberals calling other liberals “latte-swilling elitists” and acussing them of voting only to impress other people.
Well, maybe the DNC/DCL droogies will be able to have someone else besides Nader to blame when the Democratic Party screws the pooch come Novemeber. On the plus side, they’ll be able to blame a woman or a black dude, thus remaining unthreatening to the status quo.
Shit. I forgot the “OMG!!!”
In all seriousness, I agree 100%. I prefer Obama, but I will vote for Hill in a heartbeat.
John McCain scares the shit outta me.
I’m starting the “Free Money for People Like You” Party.
If there’s a Starbucks on every corner, and there’s always a line, how elite are these “elites”, anyway?
At last, a use for a Starbucks pastry that justifies their prices.
Well maybe if you went to Aldi’s and fucked the pastries there instead of dropping some of your elitist™ loot on Starbucks food, you wouldn’t be hurtin’ so much, eh? Ever think of that? Though, it’s probably hard for you to understand that concept when your standing in line at Whole Foods with a $6 box of brownies you plan to take home and defile.
Totally. I’d rather be disappointed than honestly scared.
WTF, the RSS feed promised a cheese-filled bachelor paradise… so where are they?
If you don’t mind me asking, exactly how the f***ing how does Hillary Clinton propose instituting this windfall / excess tax on oil companies THIS SUMMER with a Lieberman-tipped Senate and a veto-happy Bush Jr?????
Or is this part of the “P*ss Down My Leg And Tell Me It’s Raining Nationally Stimulating Recovery Plan” to help defund my state’s federally-supported infrastructure projects the funds previously received from federal gas taxes vanishes???
Maybe it won’t be “Lieberman-tipped” anymore once she tags him as her running mate…?
It is hard for me to understand why people would sit here and talk about what a pandering, dishonest sellout Hillary Clinton is then follow that up with “but I’ll vote for her if she ‘wins’ the nomination” (presumably through some sort of dishonest power play from her people). You are giving the green light for a politician to do whatever they want as long as they run as a Democrat. You are doing the same thing people have been criticizing Republicans for for years. If Clinton somehow manages to steal this nomination, it will be sad to see so many people do an about-face and start lauding her. If it wasn’t already obvious after she voted to kill hundreds of thousands of people to help her election campaign, her behavior during this campaign should make it clear that she is at the bottom of the barrel. Have some dignity and self-respect.
Gas-tax holiday or not, gas prices will be lower in September and October — until about mid November when they’ll go back up again. Bank on it.
“Incidentally, I make a whopping $40,000 a year, I drive a used Ford Taurus, and the price of gas is killing me on my morning commute.”
OMG elitist!!!!!
So, we latte-swilling creative elitists disagree with HRC’s gas tax hoo-ha because we so loathe the poor that any measure taken to help them automatically meets with our snobbish derision? Uh-huh.
Well then, it might also be argued that our comrade in Corrente’s comments dear love of Hillary’s nonsensical proposal might let him/her feel all good about themselves for helping those Real Americans out, without all the trouble and fuss of actually, you know, doing anything.
Lambert didn’t make me ‘uncomfortable’ friend. He just made me roll my eyes.
At last, a use for a Starbucks pastry that justifies their prices.
Look, has everyone here gone bananas and forgotten that doughnuts have a hole in them? A HOLE, PEOPLE!
At last, a use for a Starbucks pastry that justifies their prices.
This Summer, introducing the “7 Diamond Scone”, only $4000. An hour.
Thanks. That’s the image I needed.
I started the campaign season not having anything for or against Hillary Clinton, maybe even being slightly disposed in her favor because of the nastiness the press showed her during Bill’s term. The longer the campaign goes on, though, the more I loathe her. She’s the epitome of the triangulating, say-whatever-I-have-to politician that I can’t stand. I pray to all the gods I don’t believe in that she doesn’t get the nomination.
And if she does, I’ll support her and work to get her elected. Because of the supreme court, and because she’s not that crazy ass John McCain motherfucker.
How much better will the Supreme Court nominees of a former Wal-Mart board member be, really?
because she’s not that crazy ass John McCain motherfucker.
Indeed. Clinton is merely Part Of The Problem, and I firmly believe that all problems have a solution. John McCain is, as my uncle is fond of saying, nuttier than squirrel shit. Just wait until the first debate when he blows a cog. Dropped the c-bomb on his old lady in public, so we’re up for something special, I bethca.
I am of the decided opinion that shockingly awful is worse than stagnatingly miserable.
The other day I was arguing with a wingnut on some message board, and his ultimate response to my arguments was this:
Sound familiar? You could copy and paste that whole thing into an anti-Obama rant and nobody would know the difference. And how depressing is that?
August Pollak is exactly right: the hardcore Clintonistas have become the post-9/11 warbloggers of 2008. Super Tuesday really is The Day That Changed Everything.
I do so love watching the American consciousness circle the drain. Today, I woke up and learned that the word “creative” is now an insult! All those times I brought home primary school art projects to show my mom…I thought she was PRAISING me! I wonder what tomorrow will bring? Perhaps “smart,” “friendly,” “tall,” or “normal-smelling” can be added to the list of unacceptable traits which cause one’s vote to no longer count in this great country of ours!
Life is like a box of chocolates full of rusty nails and beaver shit and the acidic blood of insectoid aliens.
If she picks Lieberman I’m going to drop out of society and become a farmer.
Because in the ensuing anarchy, everyone will want to feel mellow.
Her obscene eagerness to nuke the Iranians is the deal-breaker for me.
You have your penis in a Starbucks pastry?!?!? Why, dude?
What the hell else do you do with a Fuckbum?
Let’s be honest: if she takes the nom (at this point, “steals” is about the only possibility open), in November we have a choice between half a shit sandwich and a footlong shit hoagie. Personally, I don’t want to eat ANY shit.
reagan made “smart” a bad thing. anti-intellectualism was rampant in the US in the 80s, in that very we are intellectual right wing thugs who believe in belittling others like us way. very podhoretz/religion. fucking double-reverse marxists, the lot of them.
also, let’s remember: everything good and valuable and useful this country has ever done has come from creative types, intellectuals, eggheads and the like. fucking quarterbacks who fucked the hot cheerleader have NEVER DONE SHIT to make this country great. roger staubach can eat me.
I’ll bet the worst candidate Hillary might nominate beats the best one that you’d get from McCain. I hope so.
Of course, I bet the Republicans would still be able to derail any nominee to the left of Alito. Because if there’s one thing you can count on the Democrats for, it’s losing any semblance of a spine in the face of wingnut mau-mauing.
jennifer, let’s be honest
if you can’t see the difference between hilary and mccain, you are a total fucking idiot and should be shunned by people with brains.
You’re a female, am I correct, Doodle?
Because I’m pretty sure no male would ask this. Isn’t it obvious?
Because it was there.
on the plus side i’m really liking this new portishead record.
robert, don’t start that. We had enough of that tone in the Great Nader Fights of 2008.
Seriously. Don’t turn the comments into a circular firing squad.
man, now I feel really bad both because I’m “creative,” which is the worst thing an American can be, and because I drive my car about four times a month to get groceries, which means I am out of touch with real Amurrrkins. basically, I might as well be Hitler.
Looks like brad found a place that sells fukbum.
And to think all this while I’ve been eating those Starbuks pastries…
OK, I’ve figured out what happened. Some democrats were testing their new matter transmitter that was going to make fossil fuels a thing of the past. Unfortunately, a republican flew into the chamber just as the MT fired.
Help. Me. Help. Meeee!
Suggesting that someone who does not share your worldview is…
…puts you squarely in Trollsville.
If it is, Barry Glazer is there to help!
Even Lieberman would be preferable to McCain as President. Lieberman knows how to toe the party line. He’ll line up with the other Dems on tax votes and on voting rights votes and on funding bills and on education measures. McCain will line up with the GOP. It’s that simple.
I wish we didn’t live in a world where the little letter in front of your name was basically half of what your constituency votes for. It would be nice to have a bigger number of Republicans that voted a consistent Ron Paul style fiscal policy without getting drawn and quartered by the party leadership. It would be swell if Democratic Senators didn’t have to belly up to the bar on the ridiculous “Economic Stimulus” package just because Harry Reid barked at them. I’d be all for a political institution in which party loyalty wasn’t the be-all end-all of the system and legislators and executives actually used their fucking brains.
Sadly, we do not live in that world. So, come November, if – for some godawful reason – Hillary’s name is still on the ballot and Obama’s isn’t, I’ll vote for her. Because the alternative is worse, and I’m not so moral that I’ll forgo choosing the lesser of two evils.
How much better will the Supreme Court nominees of a former Wal-Mart board member be, really?
On personal liberties issues? A lot better. On corporate issues–it doesn’t really matter, because 7 of the current 9 Justices are corporatists anyway. It’s not going to change anything.
if she takes the nom (at this point, “steals” is about the only possibility open),
I know it’s cool and all to toss around the idea that if Clinton convinces the superdelegates to choose her, she’s somehow stolen the nomination, but it’s also pretty stupid. Saying she’d steal the nomination by doing that is the same as arguing that Florida and Michigan should count–just a different side of the argument. Supedelegates are part of the process agreed to by all candidates at the beginning of the process–there’s nothing in the rules that says a candidate has to win a single state in the primary/caucus process to be the nominee.
I’m 46 years old, ex-Navy, live kinda out in the country in Georgia, make less than 25 grand a year after taxes, and have never drank a latte in my life. And if I get called a “latte-swilling elitist” just because I support Obama and think Hillary is about a stone’s-throw away from being a Republican herself (at least in how she operating her campaign) one more goddam time I’m gonna go freakin’ ballistic.
Sorry for the run-on sentence.
It is hard for me to understand why people would sit here and talk about what a pandering, dishonest sellout Hillary Clinton is then follow that up with “but I’ll vote for her if she ‘wins’ the nomination”
Dude, it’s amazingly simple. John McCain, if elected, almost certainly will start at least one more war. He has straightforwardly stated that he plans to do so. Clinton may or may not start at least one more war, in the event of a Clinton win.
As far as I’m concerned, that works.
Baby steps.
no, toby, that’s bullshit. ideological purity is “i won’t vote for her because there are two corporate parties and war” etc.
in the real world, someone will be president. there are three possibilities. there is no rational analysis that does not place 2 of those 3 firmly above the third. whining about how shitty our choices are is fine–saying that there is no damn difference take you (not you, but you know what i mean) into troll territory. human lives will be greatly effected by this choice, and to pretend that it doesn’t make a difference is unacceptable nihilism. it needs to be stomped out NOW.
so i reiterate, if you don’t get that there is a significant difference between hilary and mccain, you are a moron and not worthy of being taken seriously. and when my kids are old enough, i will teach them to hate people like you(again, you), particularly if we end up with a president who doesn’t do a damn thing about global warming and stuffs the supreme court with vicious fuckwits.
further, as a strong obama supporter (you can look it up, my wife and i have given a ton of money to the guy) i will max out for hilary and drive to purple states on her behalf and live in a shitty motel room for a couple of weeks.
because elections matter, and attitudes like “they’re all the same” are evil.
I want to know why drinking lattes is elitist. That makes about 70% of the population of Seattle elitist. We are, after all, the home of Starbucks, Seattle’s Best Coffee, and Tully’s. In my estimation, there are a WHOLE lot more people who drink lattes around here than, say, own a John Deer tractor. In my world, that makes farmers the elitists. We latte drinkers are the common folk. Salt of the earth. With a sprinkle of cinnamon.
That is a really stupid argument. I’m at work and a bit bored. Never mind.
sorry, to be clear, all “you”s do not refer to the excellent mr. t4toby.
I’m 46 years old, ex-Navy, live kinda out in the country in Georgia, make less than 25 grand a year after taxes, and have never drank a latte in my life. And if I get called a “latte-swilling elitist” just because I support Obama and think Hillary is about a stone’s-throw away from being a Republican herself (at least in how she operating her campaign) one more goddam time I’m gonna go freakin’ ballistic.
Yeah, but I’ll bet you’re CREATIVE! Come on, admit it, I bet you doodle on old receipts when you’re on a boring phone call! I bet you make up alternate lyrics to popular songs to make people laugh!!! Admit it, you creative bastard!!!!! YOU’RE WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY!!!!
We promise to continue to call her a hack. Better?
Well, I did go to the North Carolina School of the Arts.
Don’t you just love the Crunchy Frog and the Lark’s Vomit Cup?
Care for a
SpringOctober Surprise?My grocery store in an immigrant neighborhood used to sell espressos for a dollar. I miss those days. Now it’s bottled Starbucks. Bastards.
Guys, guys, it doesn’t matter. We could have pressured the candidates to go left, but now it’s too late. Everyone was too busy playing Mommy Loves Me Best. We’re gonna bomb Iran, the world will come crashing down upon us, and the only thing to look forward to is watching the marauding hordes chase down Jonah Goldberg and roast him on a spit.
Barack Obama is a socialist who will destroy the American economy and weaken American national security by cutting defense spending as he has stated numerous times in addition to eliminating “unproven” missle defense and preventing the development of new weapon systems. If Obama becomes President, America will cease to be great and China will become the world’s military superpower and trust me they won’t be as benevolent as America in using their military might.
Roasted Jonah- smells like Cheetos.
Whups, that’s Ram’s Bladder Cup.
I will continue to bash McCain. I will encourage everyone to vote for Clinton. Just don’t expect me to say anything nice about her.
Shorter haam: Mmmmmmm, weapons.
We’re gonna bomb Iran, the world will come crashing down upon us, and the only thing to look forward to is watching the marauding hordes chase down Jonah Goldberg and roast him on a spit.
Kind of my premonition as well.
Should we perhaps buy shotguns or something? Or, make sure we have enough dough to get a bus ticket to Canada?
Roasted Jonah on a spit… Ick. Imagine the grease fire that could ensue if you didn’t go about that very carefully.
Just don’t expect me to say anything nice about her.
Boy, I well remember all that John Kerry go-go enthusiasm.
Its the Latte-swilling elitist’ in their huge 8mg per gallon SUVs who’ll benefit most from a reduction -however small- in gas prices. Not 40K a year people driving 12 year old Nissan Sentras’.
In divided time like this, it’s nice to read someone’s comments that will unify us all. Thank you, sir. Thank you.
When people put a nice chocky in their mouth they don’t want their cheeks pierced!
Should we perhaps buy shotguns or something?
You mean you don’t have half a dozen already? (I’ve been in Texas too long.)
Actually, I suspect the best thing to have is a large dog. Which I don’t have.
Phleabo: “.. I’ll support her and work to get her elected. Because of the supreme court, and because she’s not that crazy ass John McCain motherfucker.”
AND keep a very close watch on everything she says and does, as well as the Congress we elect.
I was told that because I didn’t regret my 2000 Nader vote in solidly blue Washington State I was fucking stupid and below contempt.
So now I’m a little sensitive to the ad hominem attacks relative to someone’s politics.
We are all here at Sadly because deep down we share a belief set. At least I think this is true. Let’s not attack each other’s mental capacity when we know we are at least smart enough to spend time here.
Speaking of Iran, anyone want to place bets on W deciding to carry out God’s will by launching an attack November 5, if the election doesn’t go his way?
Kos didn’t excommunicate anybody. There was a rabid HRC contingent who thought that anyone who called out Hillary for her bullshit was a sexist/misogynist/whatever pig, and walked out in a highly dramatic huff.
John McCain is a social Conservative who will appoint originalist Justices to the Supreme Court. Its only a matter of time before that old fart John Paul Stevens either retires or takes the plunge then thanks to John McCain the Supreme Court will have five Conservatives: McCain’s new appointee in addition to John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito. One moderate: Anthony Kennedy. And three impotent liberals: David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer. Then hopefully God willing Roe v. Wade will be overturned and many states will outlaw abortion. If only we had a chance in Canada to ban abortion.
For behold! He is exhibit ‘A’!
Why in the hell would a conservative start doing that? They never have before.
You know, that troll we have isn’t all that funny….
Wake up and smell the T-Bonds, son.
The fact is, Brad is a snivelling elitist snob who drinks Don Periyon, sneers at the working man from his hummerzine, and thinks taxes are for the “little people”. The fact is, his mother was probably Leona Helmsey and he should really just stop whining. We’reb tired of it here in the Heartland,
I used to have a subscription to Hummerzine, until my imaginary girlfriend found my stash under my mattress.
Now, roast Gary?
Smells like Alliaria petiolata.
Alliaria petiolata
I had to look that one up. At first I thought it meant “garlic fart”, and that works too.
Hillary brought this on herself. She campaigned on low-information voters and she’s stuck with low-information voters.
No wonder they sound like Republicans.
I hear that mikey smells like shit.
You’re tired of hearing whining in the Heartland? Do you go to an otocardiologist?
the difference is that people would still like and respect mikey even if he smelled like shit because he has perspective and wit. I’m guessing the only thing you have going for you is the faint stink of Brut and mildew.
Chris St James. Saul. Bastion Booger.
At least you like to mix it up…
haam: “America will cease to be great and China will become the world’s military superpower and trust me they won’t be as benevolent as America in using their military”
benevolent – heh. Our military is just dropping by with cupcakes and this toaster oven we picked up at a yardsale and thought you might be able to use…
By any chance, is your name Doug? Have you ever written a dBase app?
Our military, by defintion, is neither benevolent nor malevolent. It is a tool, albeit a very LARGE tool, that is weilded by the Commander (or Codpiece, as the case may be) in Chief of the United States of America. Our military can certainly be used for some benevolent causes, like some of the relief actions they provided in the aftermath of the tsunami. But, the military can also reduce countries to rubble, if so ordered.
It is the commander in chief that we need to be worried about, not the military.
If only we had a chance in Canada to ban abortion.
Wait. HAAM is in Canada? So he’s been libeling and threatening US citizens over a US election the fucker can’t even vote in? Can we ban his ass already? This doesn’t even make the Know Your Enemy cut anymore.
I can’t help but think that the gax tax holiday amounts to subsidizing the lifestyles of people who foolishly bought inefficient cars.
I really lack empathy for anyone who’s bought an SUV in this decade, who is now feeling the pinch. Especially if they are of limited means. After all, they’ve always been spending more on gas than they *could* have.
I have a certain amount of empathy for people whose job requires a large vehicle and which doesn’t reimburse for mileage.
People who bought a truck to tow a boat? No. People who bought an SUV rather than a station wagon or minivan? Nope.
We are, after all, the home of Starbucks, Seattle’s Best Coffee, and Tully’s. In my estimation, there are a WHOLE lot more people who drink lattes around here than, say, own a John Deer tractor.
And in Seattle even the owners of John Deer tractors drink lattes.
I await Lambert’s first book
Latte Fascism
The Secret History of the American Elitism, From McGovern to the Politics of Letting the African American Community Hold The Party Hostage.
If there’s a Startbucks on every corner, and an effette elitist sticks his dick in a pastry… but there was no one else around to hear it… would it make make a sound?
can’t help but think that the gax tax holiday amounts to subsidizing the lifestyles of people who foolishly bought inefficient cars.
now now. You’re starting to think like Malkin.
See, when she’s for it, this kind of thinking is wrong. when she’s against it, why this argument is just her style.
Hmm…..doop doop doop….wonder what La Malkin thinks of the gas tax holiday…?
On the plus side, they’ll be able to blame a woman or a black dude, thus remaining unthreatening to the status quo.
Matt, because I am an eeyore, it has been my suspicion that this was the plan all along. “Hey, if either HRC or BHO wins, we’re the mold-breakers! And if either one loses, heck, we blame Those People!”
Thirty-plus years I’ve been waiting to vote for a woman as a “serious” preznidential candidate, and they give me… Hillary Clinton, pandering to Old John McSame and his puppeteers. (Can you tell I was a John Edwards supporter?) I will, of course, vote for whichever candidate finally gets to top the (D) column, but… let’s just say, the fReichtards, the Talebangelicals, and the Robber Baron Cheerleaders who make up the modern Republican party are driving me further & further into tinfoil hat territory.
I’m not sure that I would vote for Hillary in the general election.
Some of her talking points are as fucking stupid and nonsensical as anything farted into punditland by the likes of Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Michelle Malkin.
It’s the main thing I hate about conservatives in general.
So why would I vote for a Democrat doing the same thing? (Cue Clintonistas saying Obama is just as bad. And then being stingy with details or spewing more of their silly nonsense.)
If it comes down to Clinton vs. McCain, I may not vote, or I may vote for a third party candidate. Or I may decide that the almost meaningless difference between McCain and Clinton has enough meaning to make it worthwhile to cast that vote for Clinton.
Thing is, it won’t come to that. There may be enough stupid Republicans to fall for that shit and make George W. Bush the Repug candidate for two elections running. But there aren’t enough stupid Democrats to make Hillary the candidate.
Hillary played the “Dumb Americans” card over and over and it’s just gotten too blatant. She’s in the wrong party for that.
Maybe I would vote for Hillary in the general if it came to that. It won’t come to that, despite the yammering of the so-called liberal media.
Wait a minute, is haam Canadian? Back on topic, I’ve said repeatedly, that my problem isn’t so much with Hillary Clinton and her policies as with her supporters. I could support her almost semi-enthusiastically if I wasn’t accused of misogyny every time I point out that, say, she’s pandering big-time on the gas tax holiday. Also, the elitist thing is laughable. I make a very modest mid-5 figure income, and struggle to pay my bills. I do, however, drink craft beers, so maybe that’s what they mean by elitist.
The problem is that our politics IS all bulls**t and it takes concerted effort to step outside of it and NOT make it all about B.S., cults of personality, and self-deception.
I put it this way – every time you care more about B.S. than real life, you’re acting like a Republican.
So don’t do it.
squink, squink, squink ?
Ok, fine. If we have to put up with this stupid smug asshole with the offensive nym for now, whatevs. But after mccain loses in november by eighteen points, can we all agree that on the basis of just plain being ass-headed wrong he gets banned?
My uncle (from mother’s side) lives near Missoula, Montana. A few years ago, my mother went to visit him, and she said that there’s a coffee house on every corner in that town, selling lattes and whatnot. The coffee house idea pretty much had swept in from Seattle and taken over.
I hope you’re glad that you’re pissing off Rugged in Montana.
Don’t worry, no one is being subsidized for poor choices except the oil execs.
Thanks in part to their efforts “inefficent cars” describes most of the cars on the road. U.S. mileage standards are a joke and the last I checked you have to sacrifice two relatives, a house pet and pluck out three of your teeth to even test drive a hybrid by Honda or Toyota.
Added bonus, poorer people tend to drive older cars which have poorer gas mileage in addition to other problems which cause a drop in fuel efficiency (new tires or food? you decide).
And don’t get me started about ethanol.
I guess you could say the people who bought and still own their Chevy 4×4 Testicles which they use to drive to the mall are getting a bit of a break but, 18 cents? They won’t notice or care.
[…] said, the stupid bullshit has to stop. I really wish I had been the first to say […]
Speaking about penises and pastries…
How do I put this…? No! This study shows that when a gas tax holiday was done in Illinois when they cut the state gas tax during the summer of 2000, there was a savings to the drivers of the state. The cost of gas dropped at the borders of the state by 3% (the taxes were lowered by 5%). The cost of gas in the middle of the state dropped by 4%. So the 60-80% of the tax decrease was passed on to the drivers. Illinois didn’t recoup the lost revenue, as Hillary plans to do, so they voted against continuing it.
ack. try this little thought process out: tax ‘holiday’, oil companies raise prices (no effective savings), oil companies hit with a ‘windfall profits tax’, oil companies raise prices again to offset profit loss.
National Bureau of Economic Research? Nice try but I’m not going to put my lot in with economists.
Penis Pastry?
Nice try but I’m not going to put my lot in with economists.
I salute you.
We are all here at Sadly because deep down we share a belief set. At least I think this is true. Let’s not attack each other’s mental capacity when we know we are at least smart enough to spend time here.
We like politics, & that’s good, but really we are more of a very loose social group. You may think that someone is dumb for having x political position, but I think you are dumb for dissing a fellow SadlyNosian in such a counterproductive way.
Why, if we didn’t know better, we’d suspect that there’s some kind of ongoing and organized campaign of interference going on…
You mean, the same way Kos organized a campaign of interference months earlier in the GOP Michigan primary?
Sauce for the gander, my friend, sauce for the gander.
You guys should just elect party leaders and have them run. The way everyone else does it.
Was that a shorter t4toby?
Right, because Obama has clearly stated that he voted against the gas tax, after he voted for it, because it didn’t work. And facts that say it did must be ignored. OTOH, all the other economists say it wouldn’t work, so by ignoring the facts that prove it did, you are putting your lot with economists. Only you’re with the economists that are saying it won’t work, in theory. I’m with the economists who showed it worked, in practice.
The most annoying thing about these posts at Corrente (and yes, I know it’s difficult to pick just *one* annoying, idiotic aspect of this buffoonery) is the flurry of oh-so-clever acronyms littering their posts in a pathetically self-referential attempt to be amusing. OFBs for Obama Fan Boys (haha, join forces with Dowd, you contemptible goons, in mocking Obama & his followers as effete boys), or WKJM for Whoever Kidnapped Josh Marshall (haha, aren’t you clever, you BFD — big fucking douchebag).
Grow up. If your points require a bizarre, insider lingo to comprehend, you’re neither funny nor insightful. You’re just lame.
It’ll be awesome watching their breakdowns when they finally learn some arithmetic & understand that Hillary Just. Cannot. Win. This. Thing.
Sauce for the gander? Isn’t that a bit of a mixed metaphor?
And what do we have to do with the Great Orange Satan?
a latte-swilling creative elitist
At last, some invective I can get behind. Let’s face it — latte is disgusting stuff, and if I had my way it would be served in a trough rather than a cup. Who in their right mind would take a shot of good black espresso and basically use it as a way of flavouring milk? Would you put milk in your beer?
I like my coffee the way I like my women… held in a shaking hand, and ending up down the front of my trousers half the time…
Ah Welsh Person, there are at least 18 million ways we could do it, all of which would be better than what we actually do, which we won’t change one iota. We reel dum.
J–it’s like Television Without Pity decided to cover the election.
How could I have forgotten about these pastries? At 3 a.m. you can find penis and pastry combinations undreamt of in your cuisine.
…the only thing to look forward to is watching the marauding hordes chase down Jonah Goldberg and roast him on a spit.
All right. First I get called a “pinko commie”. Then I get called an “intellectual”. Then I get called a “dirty fucking hippy”. Then I get called an “elitist”. Then I am called part of the “creative class”. Now I’m part of the “marauding hordes”?!?!
And Blue Buddha, thanks for that informative link. Inquiring minds always want to know — sometimes to their vast regret… And the answer to your first question comes to us from basic Physics: Yes.
Oh, and Stryx? You deserve a special award from carrying over a small but crucial part of a previous thread into this one. Well done!
Smut, you wound me, for I love lattes. For breakfast. On a terrace in Sardinia.
There is nothing at all in the comment you link to that comes close to claiming it is your opposition to Hillary’s gas tax plan which means you aren’t acknowledging there are poor people in America. The comment clearly states that in the previous post and some of its comments, people were dismissing the idea that $30 would help some people. It is that dismissal that the commenter is hitting on. Stopping the stupid bullshit should include misrepresenting what others have written, shouldn’t it?
I wish Voodoo Donuts would make the 2.5 hour drive north and establish an outpost in Sea-Town.
The Erotic Bakery is funny, but not very practical at 3 am.
I always enjoy the Lieberman dis against Hillary. Where the f&ck did that come from in the first place? Do Lieberman and Hillary work together more often than Lieberman and Obama? I don’t think so.
Incidentally, what was the last new thing Obama introduced into the narrative of this election season? He’s reminding me of Bart Simpson as the “I didn’t do it” kid.
I feel sorry for you. You want the eventual Democratic nominee to win so badly, but it isn’t going to happen. The real source of your angst is that you know this to be true.
Clinton has lost the primary; you are stuck with a nominee who belongs to an openly racist church and who has an openly racist spouse. You are going down to massive defeat.
It will be a lot of fun to watch the effect this has on the pathetic liberal blogging community. Glenn Greenwald will be going ballistic, you folks will be raging through your tears, and the main idea you will all be expressing is “All Americans who voted Republican are stupid and or evil!” – which says a lot about you and which belief, of course, goes a long way in explaining why the Democrats will lose.
<i<…I love lattes. For breakfast. On a terrace in Sardinia.
Now THAT is a fascinating coincidence.
See, I love Sardines. For Breakfast. On a terrace in Lapland…
Also just to make the connection, there’s this from Voodoo Donut
And they say Portland is weird. I just don’t get it.
Obama is too busy deflecting nonsensical ‘controversies’ to do much of anything…
Between the Media, McCain, and Billary, Obama is constantly on the defensive.
Oh, and Obammunism. LOLzers.
Oh, look. A Truther.
I love Sardines. For Breakfast. On a terrace in Lapland…
Yes, one thing that distinguishes Sadly, No! is its deliberate eschewal of inside jokes. It’s time never for bizarre lingo global, right, Giant Sammich roasting on an overturned grill with a side of bacon and play-doh?
I love ganders. With sauce. In my secret volcano headquarters.
I don’t think Susan of Texas was calling us marauding hordes, Doodle Bean.
I think she was pointing out that, if Bush attacked Iran, and if that war went south (as it almost assuredly would), there might be a lot of really bitter people angry at the biggest cheerleaders for said war.
Of course, maybe the public would just go nuts attack some random person.
mikey, I would have gone with “Latvia.”
t4 – they been talking about spawning but it seems it’s just talk so far.
I’ll let them know they have fans in Seattle.
Brad, There is nothing at all in the comment you link to that comes close to claiming it is your opposition to Hillary’s gas tax plan which means you aren’t acknowledging there are poor people in America.
Bullshit. This comes awfully close.
I don’t swill fucking latte, I swill Captain Morgan, asshole.
And I just don’t see either contestant being championed here making it to the White House – come January ’09, Poopdeck Pappy will be crowned President Poopdeck, after which he will announce the nuking of Iran and offer fuckbum to the assembled Washington press corps, who will tear one another to pieces to be first in line.
Meanwhile, the Democrats will join hands to form a human chain across the nation, and will cry out as one: “THANKSRALPH!”
I was just really, really hoping that one day I’d see Jonah on a spit. A girl can dream, right? If you are going to be one of the marauding hordes Doodle Bean, I’ll be right beside you.
Lighting a match.
mikey, I would have gone with “Latvia.”
This is my favorite part from the post by “vastleft” over at Correntewire…
“Hillary’s proposal is brilliant. Frankly, I thought she was just pandering, too, when I heard she had a gas-tax holiday proposal. And then I saw her get Bill O’Reilly to start nodding about the idea of making the robber barons start paying their fair share.”
Well, if Bill O’Reilly thinks it’s a good idea then it must be!
As long as it’s not secret sauce, Smut. That would be elitist.
Last I checked, Obama had successfully introduced something new into the election narrative: young voters.
You’d think that would be a good thing, if you were a Democrat.
…but plenty of people saying that are really just making excuses.
Yeah, tell my orthopedic surgeon that I’m really just making excuses! Bicycle riding truly is not an option for everybody.
What is an option for everybody is for them to find alternatives to driving an inefficient vehicle to work — including bicycles, scooters or motorcycles (if they are willing to accept the risk), public transportation, telecommuting, car pooling, van pooling, moving closer to work, more efficient vehicles, etc.
And have public policies which encourage an end to the energy waste, whether it’s tax credits for efficient work vehicles, increased funding for public transportation, zoning changes to encourage living areas closer to industrial/office areas, credits to employers who allow telecommuting and so on.
For me, driving to work is by far the quickest and easiest way to get there. Yet I take public transportation because that is a feasible alternative for me (i.e. it takes 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes, but it’s cheaper (because my employer subsidizes my monthly T pass), more relaxing (because I can meditate, draw, read, listen to music or – if I’m in the mood – pick on the fundies in the first car!), much better for the environment and much better for me (I have two mile-long walks built into my commute)).
Not everybody is so lucky, though, so count your blessings, Doctor — if that is your real name, that is!!!
i love pelicans, for breakfast, in a burrow.
that’s about the only way i love pelicans.
fucking pelicans.
Atheist is actually my real name. Atheist X. Jones at your service.
Well not really.
Last I checked, Obama had successfully introduced something new into the election narrative: young voters.
Fair enough. But doesn’t it seem like he’s been in neutral for a long time? He needs to shake things up somehow. New proposal, new theme, something. Maybe tonight.
em>What is an option for everybody is for them to find alternatives to driving an inefficient vehicle to work — including bicycles, scooters or motorcycles (if they are willing to accept the risk), public transportation, telecommuting, car pooling, van pooling, moving closer to work, more efficient vehicles, etc.
Doodle, you have such an elitist big city viewpoint. In the heartland, public transportation is called hitch-hiking. Moving closer to work means finding a trailer in the same county as your job which happens to be in different counties every .couple years because the plants keep closing down. It’s hard to carry your 300 pound tool chest on a bicycle or scooter. It’s tough for a machinist to telecommute.
und so weiter……
mikey, I usually agree with you but not about Mr. Conservatives Are Plague Cockroaches. I’d like him banned right now because I’m getting really sick and tired of him and his bigotry, ignorance, insults, and gloating. And talk about projection! If he’s not a cowering closeteer, I’ll eat my hat.
Dang! Seeing as how I forgot to close that tag it’s a damn good thing I screwed it up in the first place.
Clinton is reportedly eyeing WordPress as a running mate.
I must know more about fucking pelicans. This is the internet.
Righteous Bubba,
I call bullshit on your bullshit.
Be specific, what in the quote you pulled says it was the opposition to Hillary’s gas tax plan that was the cause. It was, as stated, the dismissal that people would be helped by $30. The opposition to the tax cut isn’t mentioned at all.
He needs to shake things up somehow. New proposal, new theme, something.
Yes, shouldn’t he be like Hillary and introduce the shots-and-a-beer for all theme?
The worst thing that could happen to Jonah Goldberg is that he has to keep on doing what he is doing.
It’s also the worst thing that could happen to the conservative movement.
So let’s not have anymore of this talk of rising against him. His continued wallowing in his pathetic mediocre ignorance is punishment enough.
It was, as stated, the dismissal that people would be helped by $30.
Attention Jeff: that’s the bullshit number pulled out of the asses of the tax holiday planners. It’s not a mystical $30 unrelated to anything else.
That’s just low.
I must know more about fucking pelicans.
Results 1 – 10 of about 61 for “pelican porn”
I’ve heard that WordPress will only accept if granted Cheney-like powers.
Hi, I’m french and here we have 70+% of taxes on oil. And this is a pretty good thing because variations of crude oil’s prices are pretty much painless (because of the very high taxes). Every once in a while, we make those taxes float in order to make oil price’s variation even more painless (I think it happened once or twice). Of course I don’t use my car that much since we have a pretty good public transport system and cheap bikes at our disposal. I mean just by going shopping, I both save on gas spending and burn enough calories so that I don’t have to go in some expansive gym facility.
Ok, I may be prejudiced against you american guys, but with such silly debates you’ll end up electing McCain, and the whole world will suffer from that for another 8 years. Seriously, it sucks.
But doesn’t it seem like he’s been in neutral for a long time? He needs to shake things up somehow. New proposal, new theme, something. Maybe tonight.
No. It does not seem that way to me. Obama looks to me like a guy who is laser-focussed on what realistically needs to be his #1 goal- getting out his vote in the maximal possible way in the remaining states so that he can capture the nomination of the Democratic party. Personally, I feel like I already know as much as I need to about Obama, and most media issues that could be generated now would not change my mind about him in the slightest. I would imagine that most of the remaining voters in this primary feel like that- they have either chosen a candidate, or they are the kind that decides in the voting booth. I would personally say that political contest between Obama and Clinton has reached a stage where all the strategy has already happened, and we are just waiting to see the results of the strategy.
The fundamental dishonesty in all this “elitest vs. man o’the people” kind of argument is that it presupposes (and people seem to accept it) that you have to actually BE something in order to UNDERSTAND it.
We know from our daily lives that this isn’t true. We can understand the challenges of the night shift without working the night shift. We can understand how hard it is to work two jobs without actually working two jobs. We can understand the fear inherent in living paycheck to paycheck even if we have a bank account.
A president does not have to be poor to work to address the problems of the poor. He does not have to be sick to work to address health care. He does not have to lose his house to foreclosure in order to understand the devastation that can result.
I can understand that the republicans, with the dishonesty inherent in their social positions, would use these kind of blatantly fraudulent personal attacks in their internecine election battles, but I am genuinely surprised that the democrats are willing to set aside their basic and fundamental agreements to drive the most disingenuous and mendacious narratives.
A president who cares about improving the lot of the working poor will develop plans and solutions to do so. A president who cares about feeding corporations will do that. George (I’d like to have a beer with that fella) bush has not been a “man of the people”, hillary clinton is part of the nation’s long term ruling elite, obama is a united states senator, it’s complete idiocy and yet such a huge fraction of the populace has decided to participate in this mass delusion.
If somebody would pull back the curtain and point out that the wizard is naked, we could move on…
Atheist X. Jones at your service
Does the X stand for Xavier?
I love lap dances. During lunch. In a dark room in Mapunapuna.
Naw, we won’t have him for 8 years. Two years tops, and all he’ll be fit for is foraging in dumpsters and trying to remember his name. Then we get 2 years of VP Huckabee, and then – assuming there’s any “then” left – who knows?
Welcome, French person! Your post was a delight.
“Ok, I may be prejudiced against you american guys” – what, a European expressing anti-Americanism?!! Don’t worry, froggie, the liberals here will agree with you – they hate their fellow Americans.
“but with such silly debates you’ll end up electing McCain” – we are definitely going to elect McCain, though not because of silly debates amongst Democrats.
“and the whole world will suffer from that for another 8 years. Seriously, it sucks.” – sorry to disappoint you, froggie. Although I must thank you for reminding me that we will get to enjoy the anguish of millions of Europeans when McCain is elected, in addition to the tearful rage of liberals here at home.
Doodle, you have such an elitist big city viewpoint.
Peej, see my post at 0:40!
And I know it’s tough for many people. That was my point. Guess it didn’t come through or you are being sarcastic and I’m missing it.
Did I tell you about my recent dental surgery and how pain killers mess up your brain?
A nakkid wizard behind a curtain? No way would we move on.
And so spoke another ambassador of good will and understanding from the rethuglican party.
Ok, I may be prejudiced against you american guys, but with such silly debates you’ll end up electing McCain, and the whole world will suffer from that for another 8 years. Seriously, it sucks.
We don’t enjoy it much either. I heartily agree that it sucks. I am perfectly willing to wait and see who wins the Democratic nomination, at this point. But it seems like a bunch of people would rather stir up the shit.
This is quite stupid. What can I say?
A nakkid wizard behind a curtain? No way would we move on.
Depends if he’s good looking or not!
[…] vs. Obama, Sadly No! vs. Lambert, Corrente vs. Talking Points Memo, Kos, Americablog, etc. . . […]
If the wizard is fucking pelicans I will click whatever can be clicked.
I’m with the economists who showed it worked, in practice.
Elitist. I bet you’re creative too.
You’d think that would be a good thing, if you were a Democrat.
Silly if teh, don’t you know that all those youngsters are just a bunch of cultists riding a wave of hope, that when you ask them why they support Obama you just get blank stares? What, you think maybe they were fucking paying attention the past 8 years or something and that explains their overwhelming rejection of the GOP? If you thought something like that then you might come to the conclusion that they’re also smart enough to reject a senator that voted for that war they hate so much. The kids in America these days are just not very Sensible. Who wants dummies like that involved in the process?
It all sounds good to me. I’d love to be part of a hippy commie creative intellectual marauding horde. Think of the fear we’d inspire as we swarmed through the urban ruins, sipping our lattes by the glow of burning office complexes.
…I will click whatever can be clicked.
Is that what they are calling it now?
It would be pretty fucking awesome, I must admit.
The truth,
I’m really pleased to know that my post was a delightful reading. I’m astounded that you find it pleasing that million of europeans could be enraged by the election of senator McCain. If you think Europe is a big libetal continent, our leaders should prove otherwise (seriously Sarkozy — he is as low in the polls after one year as GWB after 6, though– Berlusconi… Seriously). As for the froggie thing, I think it’s a cute nickname, it beats cheese eating surrender monkey on the cuteness scale.
LA Confidential, ok, even if he’s in office for two years, how much damage will he be able to do on the international scene (which is my main concern). I mean, GWB paved the way for the implementation of Kagan’s silly power over weakness theory. The disregard of your current executive for the constitution even shows it permeated your internal doctrine. Even with a couple of year, McCaiin could annihilate several hundreds years of International Law construction.
It would be pretty fucking awesome, I must admit.
O.K. But I really hate the smell of patchouli…
Who’s got the stake and where does Jonah live again?
And, most importantly, can we car pool there?
Is that wizard circumcised?
LA wasn’t underestimating the impact of two years of McCain, bladule.
Hence the “Then we get 2 years of VP Huckabee, and then – assuming there’s any “then” left…”
Damage? Well, besides attacking Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Venezuela, China, and Russia, I don’t think he’d get into too much trouble.
how much damage will he be able to do on the international scene
All the damage. No, that’s not fair. Most of the damage.
Don’t listen to ‘The Truth’, bladule.
He’s my partially brain-dead cousin (incest can have such ugly consequences) whom I let play with the keyboard every once in awhile.
Hey! I resemble that!
You say “I’m astounded that you find it pleasing that million of europeans could be enraged by the election of senator McCain”. You shouldn’t be astounded – the confounding of liberal plans is a source of great delight to me.
Here are the facts:
1) Obama will be the nominee.
2) Obama – of an openly racist church and married to an openly racist wife – cannot win the election.
Now nobody here can really dispute either of #1 or #2 without knowing, whether they acknowledge or not, that they are wrong. They will expend a lot of heat and sound denying it but at the end of the day they know the truth just as well as you and I do. Which ultimately leads to
3) Liberals will be in existential agony after the supposedly unpopular Republican party crushes the Democratic party in the Presidental election.
Now who (other than a bunch of anti-Americans and racists like Wright) won’t enjoy that?
ifthunderdontgetyatrademark32registeredcopyrighted and LaConfidential, sorry for the misunderstanding, but sarcasm is hard to get on the intertubes, especially for a lousy english speaker such as me.
OT: I’m going to Drinking Liberally in Cambridge, MA tomorrow night, so if anyone wants to experience Drinking Sadlyly II: The Drinkinging, come.
And if you give me fifty cents, I’ll show you my new implant! Ooh la la
Have a good one, DB.
P.S. This just in:
North Carolina does not count. Senator Obama was on the ballot there.
Here’s a Cambridge DL link. Now I’m off to bed.
ifthunderdontgetyatrademark32registeredcopyrighted and LaConfidential, sorry for the misunderstanding, but sarcasm is hard to get on the intertubes, especially for a lousy english speaker such as me
It’s not your command of the language, which actually is quite good. It’s because this place is always kind of a madhouse, and today it is especially chaotic.
I’d love to be part of a hippy commie creative intellectual marauding horde. Think of the fear we’d inspire as we swarmed through the urban ruins, sipping our lattes by the glow of burning office complexes.
So, fair-trade patchouli, shade-grown soy lattes, burning and pillaging, all good, but we also need to plan out who’s going to be lighting, filming, photographing, soundscaping, etc the destruction.
Truthtroll is despicably slandering decent people. For that alone he deserves to be banned, but even if he stays, he should be ignored and fed lots of pie.
See, bladule? It really is a pity, what with him being born with an asshole for a head.
BTW – And expect heavy doses of sarcasm around these parts. It comes with the territory.
Tehanu, here is the Sadly, No! antitroll Greasemonkey script. Of course, you may have to install Greasemonkey first, but it is -very- worth it. You have to go in and hand-edit the script to add new trolls as they appear, but it’s easy. And did I mention worth it? I haven’t seen Gary Ruppert say anything except “Blargh!”* for months now.
*The script default has the troll saying “I like pie!” but the sound of vomiting more accurately reflects the content of most troll posts, so I edited that part of my script.
So, fair-trade patchouli, shade-grown soy lattes, burning and pillaging, all good, but we also need to plan out who’s going to be lighting, filming, photographing, soundscaping, etc the destruction.
I’ve have good experience at growing things, specifically those that could be helpful for the post apocalyptic party.
And if you give me fifty cents, I’ll show you my new implant! Ooh la la
You too, thunda?
Can’t take it, can you liberals? Too bad. I”ll be around…..
Bladule – they are furious with me now because they know I am right. That’s the threat to them.
Have a nice day, children.
That is my go-to plan if we attack Iran. Post-Apocalyptic Party Favor Production. You’re East though, huh?
Your English is fine, and it’s a damn sight better than my French.
Man, Truth/aidsmonkey/Saul/ChrisStJames/BationBooger really is a pain in the ass, isn’t he?
I’m out here in coastal Ohio, t4toby.
Coastal Ohio. that’s funny, because I just realized the other day that Ohio had a coast.
You can take care of the East Coast contingent, I’ll supply mikey.
5 will get you 10 that “The Truth” and “Bladule” are one and the same.
S,N! really really needs a better class of troll.
Is this Truth guy that one “Hypocritical Left” guy with a raging hate-on for Bill Ayers? Because he has that same “these pathetic snivelling children hate me because I’m right; how quaint” delivery that reminds me of a 15-year-old Nine Inch Nails fan hanging out at the Hot Topic to harangue the 13-year-olds about how stupid and derivative the music they like is.
Poor “truth” tries so hard to convince itself Obama can’t win, and that people will actually vote for that aged, crusty pile of poo who can’t keep his temper in check or his lip zipped. I’d laugh, but I won’t mock its pain as I see how badly “the truth” hurts.
5 will get you 10 that “The Truth” and “Bladule” are one and the same.
Certainly possible.
Is this Truth guy that one “Hypocritical Left” guy with a raging hate-on for Bill Ayers?
I was thinking that as well. Their tone is similar.
That’s fine, tigrismus, I’ll be here mocking the_lie enough for everyone.
Of course, it’ll have a new troll name by then.
Atheist, LA Confidential, t4toby,
thank you for your kind encouragements with respect to my great quest to master English language.
As for TheTruth, my fear is that he belongs to the majority (that counts). Today a french news channel a reporter said “Well McCain is doing a brilliant campaign” and “Hillary and Obama are still fighting”.
Why are “the Truth” and his ilk getting so politically correct all of a sudden? Did the Rev. Wright hurt your widdle feelings, “Truth”?
It’s only OK to talk bad about America if you criticize non-Republicans.
Aren’t they all the same guy? Or did Saul/Booger/StJames get banned for that racist crap?
The truth is, the french are so frenchified they speak French! How can we trust them?
That’s why McCain will become the new empoorer or emporerer or whatever it is, becuase he knows that here in the heartland we hate the french almost as much as we hate ourselves.
Also, we can’t spell sarkasm.
Man, the HRC camp has reached a new level of stupid.
Their delusion that the “creative class,” whatever the fuck that piece of glib marketingese means, is rich is beyond hilarious.
As a grad student, I suppose I’d be considered part of the “creative class”, right? I make less than $20,000 a year, and I live in New York. My roommates are artists and musicians – creative types, right? – and none of them makes more than $15,000 a year. One of my roommates is on food stamps.
Now, the critique could be leveled that most of us creative types can flee back to Mommy n’ Daddy when the going gets rough. Sadly, no. One of my roommates, who is queer, is a runaway and can’t go home. Another comes from a single-mom family – and her mom is a social worker. My parents, while middle class, are the perfect example of people whose standard of living declined under the Clintons. And they definitely don’t have the cash to bail me out, not if they want to ever retire.
So, Corrente can suck it, because s/he has no idea what the fuck s/he is talking about.
What might also be mentioned is that this sort of no-brains populism, that blames groups of people for America’s woes, rather than critiquing the structural problems in the economy, is the sort of populism that is a slippery-slope to demagoguery and vaguely fascistic politics. This idea that individuals or groups are to blame, rather than the larger social, economic and moral forces that comprise our society, is a dangerous road indeed.
Or so says latter-sipper Slavoj Zizek.
I don’t think that’s accurate, bladule. McCain isn’t doing much of a campaign at all, at this point. McCain is just sitting back and letting the media attack Obama with subtle racism and hysterical emotionalism. This may be tactically useful for McCain at this point, but I’m not convinced that it is really anything on his part except laziness.
You’re not part of that Church of the Latter-Day Sippers, are you? Not that there’s anything wrong with it….
Ah, typos!
I don’t like lattes – I don’t like milk.
And I’d never be caught dead in a Starbucks, but that’s cause I patronize indie shops.
The hallmark of Hypocritical Left was his total inability to avoid going into a rant about Bill Ayers, and I don’t think Truthtroll has ever mentioned him at all. Still, they both have that same chortling style.
Saul’s current version is the Aids Monkey guy.
As for TheTruth, my fear is that he belongs to the majority (that counts). Today a french news channel a reporter said “Well McCain is doing a brilliant campaign” and “Hillary and Obama are still fighting”.
The polls are running 30% or lower for people who believe similarly to Le Mensonge, i.e. the minority. McCain’s campaign only seems brilliant because he’s not being covered that much. Once the Democratic candidate is selected we can start the McCain Political Suicide Watch, because he is an angry old coot with no self-control, he will eventually call some sweet little old lady a cunt or punch a baby or something.
Oh yes, “truth”, you know he will. SUCK IT!
Hypocritical Left was a crazed concern troll; Truth guy is probably the same troll as Kevin – mr. lawn mower.
Can’t take it, can you liberals? Too bad. I”ll be around…
Well, can you at least scrape that thick off-white crust off the underside of your desk? People are starting to talk.
accurate or not, french reporters feel that McCain is campaigning for the election, while Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama are fighting with each other. Since our reporters have probably as much insightful views as the average Fox viewers, it is worrisome.
I really don’t get why the fight between Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton has to be so harsh (nor why HRC’s supporters feel that Sen. Obama’s supporters sip lattes — truly elitist Ovama supporters should drink Veuve Cliquot Champagne, if you ask me– not Chardonnay).
Never thought I’d see the day when voting for a black guy could qualify one as “elitist”.
” truly elitist Ovama supporters should drink Veuve Cliquot Champagne, if you ask me”
Well, isn’t he supported by Jay-Z? And Jay-Z has rapped about Cristal and Courvoisier quite a bit?
I mean, if that isn’t elitist…
Nevertheless, at a point not far from now, either Clinton or Obama will be the Democratic nominee. At that point, the game will change markedly, and McCain will likely be forced to actively campaign. Hopefully, at that point, Clinton or Obama will be able to decisively defeat him.
I think that Busta Rhymes rapped about Courvoisier, and Cognac is mainly an export product in France nowadays. For Cristal, couldn’t say anything as it isn’t the name for a classy Champagne that first pops up in my mind — it might be because I don’t hang out with the elite enough, though — .
Obama needs Raw Power!!!!!!
Please tell me that no-one raps about akvavit. That would force me to re-evaluate my entire alcoholic strategy.
McCain has the Republican nomination completely sewed up, so he no longer has to fight rivals in his own party. Obama has the Democratic nomination nearly completely sewed up, but there is still a very small chance that Clinton could take it and on that basis she’s still fighting. Clinton’s tactics are harsh because her chances of winning are small and she’s growing ever more desperate. It’s a bad situation right now – McCain can attack Obama and Clinton, but they’re too busy struggling against each other to attack McCain. But McCain is a very weak candidate, and once Clinton drops out and Obama is free to go after McCain, the Republicans’ situation will grow worse.
Or so we hope.
Won’t it be too late at that time? This is a genuine question, since I really couldn’t tell. But my gut feeling is that, by that time, McCain will have a debate according to his own terms (Maverick, patriot, moderate conservative…). Of course one’s guts can’t be trusted.
Righteous Bubba,
All right, now were making progress. You couldn’t find anything in the comment from Correntewire that said what Brad was claiming. We agree on that. Now you want to change the subject to the question of where the $30 amount comes from. Fine. That wasn’t ever a point I was disputing, and maybe that’s why you would rather discuss it.
Thinking about the political situation can sometimes put me in a bad mood.
atheist said,
May 7, 2008 at 2:54
Obama needs Raw Power!!!!!!
That was a big favorite back in collage. Still great today!
I think Trooth Trooll is The Pantload. At any rate he has a full pantload. Or maybe He’s Rove… someone who believes being an expert at nastiness=smart.
Won’t it be too late at that time? This is a genuine question, since I really couldn’t tell. But my gut feeling is that, by that time, McCain will have a debate according to his own terms (Maverick, patriot, moderate conservative…).
Not necessarily. McCain really hasn’t done that much yet to define the debate. Also, without a Democrat to strive against, then either Clinton or Obama would be able to focus on defeating him. That’s the plan, anyhow.
That was a big favorite back in collage. Still great today!
Gotta love his energy
You couldn’t find anything in the comment from Correntewire that said what Brad was claiming.
In fact I did. It was you who made the assertion that it was “not even close”. In fact it’s awfully close. You’re just interested in the same kind of parsing that led wingnuts to claim W never said “imminent threat”.
Okey-doke, go for it.
Jeff said,
May 7, 2008 at 2:59
That’s fascinating, Jeff. Do go on.
I’m thinking of changing my support from Obama to Hillary, based on the scintillating content of your messages!
We’ll have to just wait and see if we can prevail. Analysis seems premature at this point.
If it’s Mélissa Theuriau, I’m not sure I care what she says, I’ll still want to, er, no, that’s a bit much, even for S,N!
We’ll all be together once this thing is over. I’m sure there were some Edwards supporters who had said “If Obama or Clinton win, I’m not voting again…forever.”
“Forever ever?”
“That’s right.”
Passions are high right now. It’s all right.
By the way, Indiana is 52-48 now.
Righteous Bubba,
I’m sorry. I assumed if you had found something you would have posted it. Please do post it and I will consider it. But when you changed the subject in your last comment rather than giving this example you claim to have, I figured you were giving up. So let’s here the example where the comment said, how opposing Hillary’s gas tax plan means that you “don’t acknowledge that there are poor people in America.”
Thank you, sadlynutters for providing so much insightful and sarcastic comments. Tomorrow morning, I wont feel that stupid — I guess.
I would like to stress out (before I disappear in the intertubes) that saying I’m prejudiced toward americans, was not, by any mean, an expression of anti americanism. It was simply the result of years of MTV and other assorted TV shows. Regardless of what TrollTruth/Saul or whatever his name, I only wished to bring friendly criticism. This should go without saying, but Troll’s reaction reminded me that it would be better to say it (even though, stupid guys’ –who don’t have anything to do with the US– concern over your election is by itself an acknowledgement of the importance of your state).
Anyho, thanks again, may your compatriots be as witty as you are.
Well Jeff, it’s right there in the comment. It’s rather like you saying something, me saying fuck that, and you asking what “that” refers to.
Shorter Jeff:
I GOTCHA! You lyin bastard, you didn’t PROVE to me that my candidate is a no good sleazeball.
Therefore, you liar, YOU are a no good sleazeball.
At what point does the shame kick in, Jeff?
Bladule, enjoy what paltry comforts there may be in a country that can never hope to approach America on any level except quality of life.
OK bladule, you’re welcome, have a good one
Jeff would feel right at home at TalkLeft. He could fit in well with those who have accepted the Hillz as their personal lord and savior.
While this makes him the finest Hillz supporter, it also makes him a very poor advocate for teh Hillz.
Righteous Bubba,
It can’t be in the comment. You only said,
Nothing in that talks about opposing the gas tax holiday. It is talking about the dismissive way people talk about $30 helping people. That’s why it isn’t in the comment. There is no way you can honestly read that and claim it states that an opposition to the gas tax holiday demonstrates non-acknowledgement of the poor in America. There just isn’t.
Go back and read the original post on SadlyNo! that this refers to. It isn’t an attack on the gas tax holiday as a policy. It is an attack on the use of how $30 helps people to illustrate what the gas tax holiday could do. People can oppose the gas tax holiday for whatever reasons they like, maybe they feel there would be any savings for the consumer (although evidence from a previous gas tax holiday in Illinois says otherwise), or maybe they feel it isn’t worth spending political capital on at this time. But attacking Lambert for the way he pointed out that $30 helps some people is what that post was all about. The comment addresses the post, it simply does not say opposing the gas tax holiday is equivalent to not acknowledging the poor.
I thought sadlynutters was the way people on the sadly!no board referred to themselves. If it is somehow offensive, I’m sorry. I find it cute though ( and I kinda felt I had read it in the blog before).
It can’t be in the comment.
Sure it can. It is. It’s a maaaagicaaaal wooorrrllld in which coooonnnntext exists.
Let’s all remember how McSame managed to get the nomination in the first place. Every. Single. One. (okay, not Ron Paul, but he doesn’t really count, now does he?) of the candidates was, at some point or another, held up to be the new shining light of the Republican Party, with all the media hype and perks that go with that. Every single one of them, McCain included, and first, by the way, flamed out spectacularly as the American people rejected them in turn. Every single one of them had something so horribly wrong with them that even a cursory tour through the spotlight showed the stink and decay under the suit to the extent that not even Republicans could find it in themselves to get behind any of them.
McCain, being the first, and least luminous, of the flameouts, bided his time and watched as all the others went Pop! Pop! Pop! keeping his mouth largely shut, and avoiding the brawl for first place. His bet won. They all turned out to be complete turkeys who would get so miserably destroyed in a national contest the entire party would strangle to death on the coattails. He won by being the “Last Man Standing”, and not even his own party likes that very much.
Sure, he looks wonderful at the moment to outsiders. He doesn’t have to do squat until the convention. Actually, being that he ran out of his public financing money, technically he really can’t do squat until the announcement is made. As has been proven out before, he seems quite the candidate when he’s in the wings, but his center stage performance is glossed shit. When he really gets put under the Klieg lights, they show him for what he is, just another corrupt, opportunistic piece of shit that can’t tell his ass from a hole in the ground and thinks it’s his fucking destiny to rule the world.
Ain’t gonna happen.
He’s going to fold like a bad hand of stud as soon as the real contest starts. Just look at how terribly upset his campaign, and the party, gets when one little ad using his own words airs on a couple of stations. Just wait until the “bomb Iran” clip starts repeating nonstop.
Yup, McCain’s a great candidate, until you actually look at him.
I sort of like “Sadlynaughts”, myself.
Justme, I’ll make you a deal. If McCain loses the election, as you are certain will happen, I promise to never trouble this blog again. If McCain wins – as I am absolutely certain he will – I ask nothing of you but you can be sure I will come back to enjoy reading accounts of distress.
And for the French boy or girl, you should know that they call me a “troll” in lieu of engaging me in logical discourse. Being liberals they cannot tolerate dissent and must try to shout me down – note the calls to have me banned.
America has journalists way hotter than Mélissa Theuriau.
Ohhhhhhhh poor the_lie.
“Now we see the violence inherent in the system!”!
“Logical discourse”? All you ever do is show up, call Obama a racist, say we can never win in Novemeber, and talk about how you plan on enjoying watching your fellow American citizens “suffer”.
You’re not worth shouting down, you’re boring, unfunny, and tedious.
We keep standing by.
While cops kill unarmed citizens.
While our government puts our citizens to death, in a grotesque and ritualistic manner.
While we hold people without charge, without trial, without due process, for years.
While we torture people, in spite of the fact we prosecuted Japanese torturers for the very same acts as war crimes.
While we invade sovereign nations and occupy them by military force.
While we refuse to speak to nations of whom we don’t approve, petulantly, like an angry first grader.
While we rape the treasury and pour the money into the accounts of the bush supporters.
While we plan yet another war in the mideast, and the murder of thousands of persians for mere political gain.
So here’s my question:
Can you get some of your wacky young french bomb throwers over here to burn cars and get active? ‘Cause we’ve got nothing but sheep…
Sadlynaughts then, thank you — is this a generally admitted term (I liked the irony of the nutters self reference better)?.–. The Truth, I wont comment on the content of your post but bladule is obviously a contraption of bidule french for thing and blah (as in blah blah, as in blah blah-teur, as in I talk too much) What girl in her right mind would use such a pseudo?
At what point does the shame kick in, Jeff?
I’m guessing that would be at the point when I start claiming other people have said “you lying bastard” and “you are a no good sleazeball” when they have said no such thing. I don’t believe in misrepresentation. I prefer facts.
When does your shame kick in?
Shorter Jeff:
“I know you are but what am I?”
I just recently read an article posted at a highly reputable website that demonstrated how logic and rationality inexorably lead to people slaughtering each other in the streets.
I guess you could say the people who bought and still own their Chevy 4×4 Testicles which they use to drive to the mall are getting a bit of a break but, 18 cents? They won’t notice or care.
Arky, the ones I can (almost) pity are the Soccer/Commuter Moms who bought their Escatundrafiestahoes because they believed the non-stop adblitz lies about how SUVs are “safer” than those boring old wagons. (Incidentally, not coincidentally, car dealers during the last 20+ years have done their very best to discourage the sale or even production of station wagons.) There are Econ PhD theses to be written about the malign “privitization” of community spaces during our lifetimes, and some of them will be about how families (women) were convinced that moving to developer-designed sales-communities as far as possible from the urban creative elites, aka “marauding hordes”, was the duty of every good parent. Another few dozen will discuss how ensuring that a considerable chunk of the American voting population would spend many, many hours a week commuting in private vehicles to their ever-more-distant jobs created such a joint windfall for the oil companies, the auto companies, the highway developers, and the lobbyist-politicians owned by said oil/auto/construction firms. And some will take it down to the granular level where every woman with two middle schoolers “needs” an SUV/minivan, because the local school districts have privatized the sports/arts/afterschool programs and stopped running “not cost effective” buses, so even with the best car-pooling arrangements possible she’ll need to transport 4 or 6 kids several times a week, and she won’t even be able to carpool unless the other moms perceive her vehicle as SAFE (i.e., an SUV or minivan). And of course, even healthy teenagers can’t walk or bike to school or sports activities any more, because the communities with the *good* school systems are far-flung developer-built non-communities where any form of transport other than private automobiles is actively discouraged — even if kids are within a quarter-mile of the school, they can’t walk in subdivisions without sidewalks or bike across/along busy freeways.
DoodleBean, when I win the lottery, I am going to buy one of THESE bikes for my commuting: Phoenix Mobility Extender
Nitpickers will say that if I win the lottery I won’t need to commute (much) and besides the Mobility Extender is the antithesis of Kewl, but if I let Kewlness dictate my choices I would be the person I am today…
P.S. Mikey, sardines for breakfast? That does it — if we ever get together in Teh Meatspace, I’m still gonna hug you but I will NOT kiss you! At least, not on the lips!
Sorry to disappoint you, but I live in the part of France where — astonishing as it may sound — almost no car was burned. Hint “french connection”, but no bomb thrower/ car burner here.
See, thing is, Jeff, you think maybe I’m stupid.
I can’t read your meaning, and that lets you hide behind your words.
Dude. I admit. I didn’t go to college. I’m probably not that smart.
But this game? You need to take this back to second grade, ’cause this game has been played SO many times before.
You wanna try that? See, I may not be the sharpest tool in the drawer, but I’ve got friends who know more about the world then you know about your lace panties.
And lemme tellya, if you’re just too depleted uranium dense to get it?
We see what you are. And what you’re trying to do. And we think you’re an idiot, and an asshole.
And while I can’t go smart-guy reference to smart-guy reference, you got a problem with my shit, you can step right up, youngster….
Note the calls to have you banned? ONE person said you “deserve[d] to be banned” but that you should be ignored in any case. The few other mentions of banning were for another pseudonym. Note the calls to have you suck it.
Dammit, bladule, we coulda used the help…
Jeff, seriously? You think this whole argument is over whether thirty bucks is a lot of money? Let me fucking tell you, you creep, I’m broke enough right now that an extra $30 would be very nice to have, but I still don’t actually think of it as a significant amount of money. Are you gonna call me an elitist, since like Obama I’m not impressed by thirty fucking dollars?
Oh, and of course, the plain fact that the gas-tax holiday won’t actually provide $30 for anyone broke enough to consider it a big deal, even if it somehow becomes law, which it won’t, is entirely immaterial.
Also, a state retail tax does not compare to a federal excise tax. Dipshit.
Sorry, but it may be of some comfort for you to know that my town is Pam “fake boobs” Atlas Oshry’s nightmare. Since we even have some — one — neighborhood where it is not possible to buy any kind of aclohol because of the heavy concentration of muslims. And yet amazingly we manage to live together, we drunk people and hardcore muslims. I guess it has something to do with the fact it’s millenary old meditarrean harbor. Summing it up, we don’t burn cars, but we piss off pam atlas which is a good step.
Oh yes, I’ve touched a nerve.
I’m glad Marseilles boy is here to witness it – not exactly sure why – but see how these liberals spew venom when the truth is presented to them in unvarnished form.
Can you dispute that Obama will be the nominee?
Do you really think he can win, with the black supremacists rantings of his spiritual advisor and of his wife? Keep in mind that voter IDs will be a factor in the race. Do you think that making sure that legitimate voters are the only ones that the polls will have an impact on this race? Oh you betcha. Someone else brought up the Weatherman Underground friends of Obama – yes, it is beginning to look like Christmas!
So tell me that Obama won’t be the nominee, or tell me that you think he can win, and try not to tremble as you type it.
You insinuated that I called Righteous Bubba a liar. I did not. If you are offended that I pointed that out, then you will have to deal with that yourself. You want to think I’m an idiot, or an asshole then fine, be my guest. But I will not back down from an argument when I am right. And I am right about this.
We used to mock the wingnuts when they would misrepresent things to their readers. Now, people here want to defend misrepresentations. Why? It does nothing but hurt your credibility in the long run.
Obama can win.
Holding steady so far…
And I am right about this.
About what?
Why are you calling Michelle Obama an open racist?
The only place I’ve ever heard that is when it was used as a conservative talking point. And conservative talking points are notorious for harboring little else besides conservative delusions.
So let’s start there, Truth.
Saying “Obama’s wife is an open racist” may count as evidence among conservatives. Decent people need more than conservative say-so.
That Brad misrepresented what the comment on Correntewire said.
Hehe, feeding the troll, but it’s 4:30 AM here, and the insomnia has struck. I certainly hope Obama, if he gets to be the nominee, can win.
No Jeff, you are wrong.
Well agree to disagree then.
Goodnight, Righteous Bubba.
And everybody remember to be extra politically correct when talking to Truth. He is very very sensitive to racism. And that’s perfectly OK when it suits him.
Truth, as soon as you calm down about those mean people saying things you don’t agree with, then let’s talk. If you have any logical discourse in your repertoire, we’re eager to hear it. The novelty of a conservative using logic would make us very forgiving of the repetitive, tedious ranting you have displayed to this point.
And let me know if I’m not being politically correct enough. I don’t want to upset any of the white Republicans. (We all know how sheltered you trust fund babies are.)
Thirty dollars in saved gas tax revenue divided by $0.186 equals 161.29 gallons of gas divided by 13 weeks (memorial day until labor day) equals 12.4 gallons per week purchased. If your guzzling SUV averaged 18 miles per gallon (this is typical highway average for SUVs) that would be 223.2 miles driven per week. With an ordinary five day workweek, the commute would be 44.6 miles roundtrip. If gas (without fed tax) costs $3.60 per gallon, each day’s commute would cost 2.48 gallons or $8.92 If you were to CARPOOL JUST ONE DAY PER WEEK, at the end of the summer you would have saved $115.96 and reduced consumption by 32.2 gallons. So, all you “gas tax holiday” proponents can just shut the fuck up about ramen and generic beans and who’s not prole enough in their sweaty viscera. The ‘gas tax holiday’ is horseshit.
Jeff. You can pretend we don’t see the difference.
You can pretend that you can use words to deny what you meant.
But see, that’s exactly the horseshit I have lost patience with.
As far as I’m concerned? You don’t get a pass to play some kind of divisive game with words. You think you’re clever?
Your time is past.
Here’s a suggestion.
Get on the bus, or shut the fuck up.
The times, as our old friend once sung, they are a – changing….
The truly sad thing is, when Obama wins the nom and the presidency, juvenile trolls like The Truth will still loiter around blogs like this, leering at their monitors, trying to stir up all the trouble that they were too terrified to do back on the playground. And idiots like me will still engage them, even though I should know better.
Here a quick few racist quotes for you from both Obamas – enjoy:
“I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s [white] race.” – Barack Obama
“It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.” – Barack Obama
“I am obligated to this [black] community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the black community
first and foremost.” – Michelle Obama (try substituting the word white for black and see how it sounds, for those of you conditioned to political correctness)
“[whites]are ineradicably racist” – Michelle Obama (projecting much, Michelle?)
“I have never been proud of my country until now” – Michelle Obama
French boy, your hopes – and the hopes of everyone here – will be dashed in November. It will be an exceedingly pleasant thought that will be on my mind and all of yours for the next seven months.
teh_lie said,
Hoosier, it is revealing of the liberal mindset when you make assumptions that conservatives must be “trust fund babies.” Does it not make sense to embrace a politics of:
– Low taxes
– Free trade
– Vigorous foreign defence
– Rejection of identity politics
It certainly does to me, and I’m pleased that the candidate that supports those policies will easily win agains the black supremacist liberal running against him.
I do realize, of course, that many of you are just kids hanging about either side of the grad student / visting instructor divide, and have no clue about the real world. I can only take solace in your total misery as you watch an unelectable candidate march towards the Democratic nomination.
Arky L?ves greasemonkey v. L
“The Turdth” quotes are missing punctuation. He’s taking sections of sentences.
Now that Obama has the nomination sewn up (seen tonight’s numbers, Turdth?)
he should pick Governor Rendell of PA for Veep. It would shore up support in PA, OH, and NJ, and would be an olive branch extended to the Clinton camp. His being white male wouldn’t hurt in the purple states, either.
IIRC, “creative class” is something Chris Bowers has been pushing — via Richard Florida — especially when the election was first heating up, as a term of pride. That’s why it gets used for derision elsewhere. Not because “creative” is or ought to be an insult, but because “creative class” (especially as contrasted to “working class,” even in the context of discussing how to strategize bringing those camps together) is a label that runs the risk of implying that a hell of a lot of work ain’t creative at all.
Sourceless quotes. Last refuge of the coward.
I’m not gonna read your whole post, fuckhead, but a couple lines catch my eye.
First of all, my experience is that a whole lotta white dudes ARE ineradicably racist. You got some kind of experience that says otherwise? Bet you don’t.
And as far as being proud of your country. Fucker. What has your country actually DONE that you’re PROUD of?
I mean other than your kneejerk xenophobic bullshit.
I saw what we did in vietnam.
I’ve seen what we’ve done to iraq.
I saw what we did to Amadou Diallo, or Sean Bell, or William Lynd.
If you are proud of what america has become, either you are a monster or an idiot or a thug.
So take your sorry ass story down the road, youngster. We’re talking about the real fucking world here, and you are unqualified to have this discussion…
The truth none of the quotes you provide strike me as racist.
By the way, you might want to know that if you put two half em dashes together this blog automagically convert them into an em dash, making your thought clearer.
I really, really, really hope McCain’s supporters keep pushing the “black supremacist” line for the general election. In fact, I hope they drag it all back out and throw it at Obama — Wright, Bill Ayers, Secret Moozlim, ALL OF IT.
And then, when you lose, you’ll not only know you got beaten, but you got beaten on the only game you had.
Bring. It. ON.
Get a haircut, Shoelimpy you wank.
I wonder who The Truth will pretend to be after the election? A John Cole-like former Republican, who’s seen the error of his ways? A radical Muslim national who’s cackling with glee that they tricked us into voting for a stealth Muslim? A poor African-American in the “heartland” who hates Obama and points out any mis-steps?
I’m on the edge of my seat!
Ah! The TruthTroll is our old friend ‘Hypocritical Left’. The weird Bill Ayers fixation is starting to emerge.
TruthTroll: “Oh yes, I’ve touched a nerve”
Hypocritical Left: “I’ve hit a nerve” / “I’ve hit a nerve, boys and girls” / “I know I’ve struck a nerve”
So what’s up, HL? Is Bill Ayers still sneaking into your backyard and knocking over your garbage cans?
“We don’t deal with pain that has been caused by racism and division. We don’t deal with it. And then we’re surprised when it rears its head among whites and blacks. We haven’t dealt with it and it’s hurting all of us. It’s hurting all of us. We can’t afford to have generations of children of any race believing they can’t be exactly who they think they should be.” —michelle obama—
We know what they’ll say: Winning the White House and Congress is bad for the Democrats.
I think she’s absolutely right there.
Does it not make sense to embrace a politics of:
– Borrow and spend financing
– Tainted pharmaceuticals and E. coli O157:H7
– Catastrophic foreign adventurism
– Xenophobia and gay-baiting
It certainly doesn’t to me.
“Sadlynutter” has a certain charm as well. I think I’ve seen “Sadlynosians” bandied about as well.
Buddy, big difference, you see, that other thing? That would actually require doing something. But yeah, it’s horseshit.
Come on, people, you need to stop trembling as you respond to me. The Barack quotes are from “Dreams of my Father”; Michelle’s are from her thesis paper at Princeton, except of course for the widely reported statement that she was never proud of America before now.
El Cid, all of this will definitely be out in the open for the general election. I especially hope that Michelle Obama is given an open mic, every day for as long as she likes. The more America knows about these seething liberals the better. McCain is a principled conservative and though you snarky grad students are totally blind to it, that carries a tremendous amount of weight with the electorate.
Ah, I see Mikey has trotted out his tired old “Vietnam vet intimidation” game again. Guess what, loser, you’ll have one more grudge to nurse after November 5, and I think that secretly pleases you. Other than that, you can’t scare me over the web. Get it, tough guy?
French boy, anything else you want to know, just speak up.
Um, I was under the impression that you had some comments from the Obamas that I hadn’t heard. But that … that’s all you got?
You conservatives and your political correctness.
And I WOULD be for free trade … if it meant FREE for everyone and not just for corporations.
You need to get a grip, dude. You are spouting gibberish and you don’t seem to realize it.
“French boy” probably wants to know if American conservatives can come up with anything more convincing than the nonsense YOU find so compelling.
No, bladule. They can’t. George Will and Ben Stein are considered their greatest thinkers.
I’ll bite. I am dying to know when these shocking “secret” out of context quotes from Barack’s highly-praised book 12-year-old book and his wife’s thesis paper are going to explode into a destructive fireball of a Yeeaaaarrgghh moment. Do you know something we don’t?!?!
Hoosier X,
I know nothing about George Will nor Ben Stein — I didn’t know of their existence. I thought the Kagan family and the Kristols were the great conservative thinkers. (Is greenspan conservative? )
I remember when “The Truth” was a pretty tough professional heavyweight whose real name was Carl Williams. How this country has degenerated so that “The Truth” is the sobriquet of an anonymous professional wanker.
Oh, and by the way, could you point to Stein or Will’s articles. I’d like to cure my ignorance.
Hoosier X,
Didn’t you omit that noted public intellectual, Jonah Goldberg?
Here’s a really dumb-ass movie that Ben Stein made, about how Darwinists are keeping poor poor creationists down. And here is something funnier about the movie.
Ben Stein is the big brain behind the new film, Expelled, which reveals the horrible truth behind our schools teaching evolution rather than creationism, which is what led to the Holocaust. No, really. His other claim to fame is playing droning jackasses in Hollywood flicks, or more recently playing a droning jackass in eye drop commercials, or simply being himself (i.e. a droning jackass) while hosting a game show.
I can’t say much for the guy, but I will say he’s probably smarter than Billy Kristol.
Islmfascist, you know without me telling you that the impression the Obamas are giving is that they dallied with – and perhaps are – black supremacists. There is absolutely nothing they can do to put that genie back in the bottle – in fact, it’s going to get worse as Michelle’s writings come out and the other radicals in Obama’s camp come to light. Do you really think people are going to give them the benefit of the doubt? You may think that it in your academic bubble but in the real world, Obama is completely unelectable. The Clinton people are right – Obama has won pockets of support, but the primary is not the general.
My point is that Obama is your inevitable nominee, and that he is totally unelectable. When this becomes an indisputable fact sometime after November 5, liberals are going to gnaw themselves in a long, drawn out agony of hatred and envy. A fate they richly deserve, and as French boy reminds us, socialist Europeans, Muslims, and all other anti-American groups will suffer the same anxiety. Yeah, it is definitely looking a lot like Christmas!
Yet again, the left reveal its elitism by providing links more quickly than a true patriot provides plain text. We in the heartland don’t cotton to your hyperlinks and html and other such latte-sipping elitisms, Mr. Hussein X. Atheist.
Oh, so that Ben Stein is a “creationist” guy? I’ve read about that movie. It was so weird though, I erased it from my brain, and what about that george will guy.
Hypocritical Left / TruthBoy is safely hunkered down in his basement Fortress of Solitude, with ample stocks of Night Train.
Mercy, such a fuss over nothing. The incumbent will lose, in this case Bush’s dear friend McCain. If economic times were better, McCain might win, but now he doesn’t have a chance, to coin a phrase. A Democrat will win, and be forced to clean up after the Republicans yet again, a dreary but periodically necessary situation. You guys hate government and can’t govern. You messed up and will pay the price.
You guys screwed the pooch, and now she’s expecting twins.
I especially hope that Michelle Obama is given an open mic, every day for as long as she likes.
It’s a good thing Barack never called her a makeup-plastering trollopy cunt, if they’re gonna give her a mic.
The only people who think the Obamas are “black supremacists” are those who are still enraged because they can’t simply string up any nigger who looks them in the eye and fails to address them as Sir.
The far, far out-of-context quotes that you seem to think prove the Obamas’ racism tell me that you’re a part of this group, Truther. By the way, my hand is still steady, and Obama will still cream McCain Bush III handily.
bladule said,
May 7, 2008 at 5:14
Oh, and by the way, could you point to Stein or Will’s articles. I’d like to cure my ignorance.
Your english is progressing nicely, I must say.
Here’s a piece from George F. Marie Antoinette Will that I had a fine time mocking.
(twirling waxed moustache) Nya ha ha! You think you can use the internets Jrod- but once again, you see you are no match of Snidely Whiplash Atheist X. Al-Jinnah Barack Hussein Stoat Wobbler Mangrove!!!!!11!!!11
Black power!!
Why is that people calling for an end to identity politics are, 90% of the time, white guys voting for other white guys?
you know without me telling you that the impression the Obamas are giving is that they dallied with – and perhaps are – black supremacists.
What’s the frequency, Kenneth?
Wow. I actually went back and read what I wrote.
That boy is quite easily intimidated. Even the pantload wouldn’t admit to being that much of a coward.
And he had nothing to say about anything I asked. I believe, for example, I asked him to say what he’s proud of about america.
Nada. Crickets.
Reading Will could be beneficial in expanding your English vocabulary. You see, his main trick is to take a stupid idea or concept, like, for example, everything Republicans say or do, and dress it up with as many obscure ten-dollar words as possible.
Doing so has made Will one of the most respected pundits in America, at least among those who don’t want to admit that they don’t understand what the fuck he’s saying.
Just keep saying “Obama is unelectable.”
Keep saying it.
Things don’t come true just because conservatives say them over and again. (Although it is a common tactic for conservatives since they don’t have anything real to bring to the table.)
“Obama is unelectable.”
“Obama is unelectable.”
“Obama is unelectable.”
It won’t become true. (Look at how it hasn’t been working for Hillary.)
But it will make you feel better until the election.
Roy Edroso has some pretty good takedowns of George Will.
Bye Hillary. It’s been fun.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© , my english tends to improve as I drink. The downside, is that when I say “I threw up in my mouth because Will’s article was really bad”, this is not an image.
On a side note, should I point out to TheTrooth that European aren’t especially socialist (with sarkozy and berlusconi example). Or is it, worthless?
It’s probably pretty worthless to engage a troll, yes.
One thing I’m proud of as an American is how people like Barack Obama can rise from humble beginning and achieve so much.
Barack is a secret Muslim, black Christian supremacist separatist, communist elitist.
Anything else to add to his accomplishments, Truth? What’s the contradictory talking point this week?
And, many European countries really are fairly socialist, at least in comparison with the USA.
He’s still quivering in fear over the frigging Weather Underground, more than thirty years after they fizzled out.
Sheesh. You see all kinds on the Intertubz.
Just keep saying “Obama is unelectable.”
Keep saying it.
Even better, you can sing it, to the tune of the Hosanna track from J.C. Superstar.
Let’s all come together and recognize we’re all in this together and we both have great candidates.
Pssst. That bitch with the stooopid gas tax plan just won IN because of Limbaugh!
Smut, what the hell would us Sadlies do without ya?
Hoosier X, Obama also’s been an editor of the Harvard Law Review if I’m not mistaken.
Barack is a secret Muslim, black Christian supremacist separatist, communist elitist.
Don’t forget, Obama is a dessert topping AND a floor wax.
For idiots like Truther, all of Europe is a communist hellhole of Stalinist proportions, full of horrors such as universal health-care and mass transit. Also, you’ve been taken over by the Caliphate, you just don’t see it thanks to all the peacenik Marxist brainwashing you’ve received.
So no, engaging him is entirely useless.
Obama Ebama Bama Bama O
Bama Husseina O Bama
Hey Barack, Barack We have got your back
Bama Husseina Hey Superstar
[feel free to continue with ‘Truth’ as Caiaphas]
250th! At least!
Titanic comment thread.
Research shows t4toby’s blog kicks massive quanta of what experts call Ass.
Gets my Crusty-Nerd vote of approval, & contains little to no latte references.
Sticking your unit into pastry just sounds like a waste of pastry.
What $30 gets you these days: doodley-squat.
The cure for trolls is simple – use terms even their microscopic intellects can comprehend when you explain why their mental pus is both erroneous & repulsive, & that they are basically broadcasting their mentally-defective status to anyone literate with access to the Interwebs, indefinitely – only a mod can take down their spew once they make the comical mistake of hitting the button under the window. I like to think of it as cybernetic flypaper, & the trolls as They Who Love The Taste Of Turds … buzz buzz!
Curious who was crowing about “Mission Accomplished” & how the troops would all be at home getting ticker-tape parades by 2004, while the frustrated anti-war lefties gnashed their teeth & fondled their copies of “Das Kapital”? It’s there for the mocking. Wanna see whose “wisdom” prophesied the Doom Of The Dems in 2006? Go ahead, take a peek! Could these be the same intellectual giants now predicting the great McCain Landslide of ’08, mayhap? Hmm – I wonder …
“McCain’s a great candidate, until you actually look at him”
Only if I can unsee it immediately thereafter.
No, please, dear God, no, NOOOOOOO!
Night all
Mikey, this country has provided the opportunity for millions of people to pursue their dreams, and to do that in freedom. Not perfectly, not above reproach, not without major problems, but the good far outweighs the bad. I’m not going to write an essay here but I am indeed proud to call myself an American.
What I find most intriguing about liberals is how their rage is mainly focused on fellow Americans. They hate Bush more than bin Laden; if you think I exaggerate, just wait and you’ll see one or more of these mouth breathers agree. Go back through any thread here and you’ll read how Americans are ignorant, racist, hate-filled etc, meanwhile this country shelters people of every race, creed, ethnicity, and background in as peaceful and free an environment as has ever existed.
Keep in mind that my thesis is not that Obama is a black supremacist, an elitist, a Muslim, etc, but rather that he is utterly unelectable. I do believe that his wife is a racist and you will all find out on November 5 that a majority of electorate finds her unpalatable as well. Wright isn’t going away either, and McCain will sail into the Presidency. I am predicting 40-state defeat for Obama, but it may actually be worse.
Certainly that’s covered by “elitist.”
The conservatives I work with were all excited about how Sarkozy’s election showed the French (and ultimately all Europe) were getting fed up with the extreme leftists in Europe and now want to be more like the US. I said, “Yeah, I see how Sarkozy is falling over himself to send troops to Iraq and the French are beating down the door to get rid of the national health care and the six-week vacations.”
Which, um, didn’t provoke a coherent response from anyone. Lots of grumbling about the mean liberals.
Has anyone turned Bladule on to the works of Jonah Goldberg?
Obama Obama Bo-Obama bananafanna Fobama fee fi fo Fobama — OBAMA!
Has anyone turned Bladule on to the works of Jonah Goldberg?
Those are in English, right?
Dude, relax. If you’re right about Obama being unelectable, then you got nothing to worry about, and your dream of seeing thousands more Americans dead in Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran for no reason will come to fruition.
Me, I don’t want to see that. I want to see fewer Americans dying for no reason.
That’s what makes me a liberal.
(Oops! That’s not very politically correct. Sorry if I offended you!)
Sort of.
They’re in a strange tongue that has not been deciphered yet.
jim said,
Titanic comment thread.
More ‘another train-wreck-with-icebergs-and-poisonous-snakes comment thread’, if you ask me.
Hoosier, does that include the thousands of Americans dead on 9/11, or did they have it coming per your liberal friends like Wright and Ward Churchill?
Snorghagen (how come you all have such difficult monikers) I’m astute reader of Sadly!No, and although I’m ignorant of the real battles and etiquette, I — unfortunatetly– have read extended extracts from liberal fascism (and David Neiwert’s review).
Hoosier X, the nice thing (well kind of) is that after only a year of power Sarkorzy rates in the polls somewhere around 30% of popularity. No other fifth republic president has enjoyed such a nice perception by the people.
We spend all of our time staring fixedly at our computers with reptilian leers and spewing venom on our monitors, dreaming only of the evil we will inflict on our fellow citizens. Meanwhile, we await our orders from Bill Ayers.
Christ fuckin’ almighty!!!!
I’ve been watching TV all night, and every time a Clintonista appears they say the same things, which is:
“Obama said he’d win Indiana and he didn’t so he’s toast!”
Which is totally fuckin’ stupid. Like, what’s he supposed to say, in pre-election campaign mode? “I think I’m going to lose?”
Let’s revisit all the states Hillary said she’d win but didn’t, and call her on that.
Goldberg writes in Englishish. That is, he uses English words and idioms, but gives them new definitions. For example, “fascist” in Englishish has the same meaning as “hippie” in normal English. The Englishish phrase “central to my point” roughly translates into English as “undeniable refutation.” It’s really quite fascinating.
Luckily, Sadly, No! is a comprehensive primer for anyone looking to learn the ways of the wingnut. The perfect place to begin your Goldberg studies is here.
What I find most intriguing about liberals is how their rage is mainly focused on fellow Americans. They hate Bush more than bin Laden;
and why not? Bush’s dad and his staff enriched and supported bin Laden; W’s senior staff enabled bin Laden; Bush himself helped enrich bin Laden; Bush’s administration protected bin Laden and his family.
Bin Laden wouldn’t have been able to achieve his success without the Bush family.
Totally worked in the fuckin’ preview…. grumble…
I am predicting 40-state defeat for Obama,
That’s actually good news, because the track record for Trolls of Sadly, No is pretty awful.
This thread isn’t sinking like the Titanic. That’s just completely wrong. It’s soaring, like the Hindenberg!
Oh look, the_lie is all concerned now.
Did they have it coming, per your douchebag friend Ann Coulter?
“My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.”
Disgusting, the faux concern repukelicans show for the victims of 9/11.
“You’ve covered your ass now”.
That’s what your boy did when warned about Bin Laden. Then he lied about it until 2004, as a matter of course.
Fuck off, phoney patriot.
Dude, calm down and step away from the keyboard. Breathe a little. Get one of the servants to get the car and take a little drive.
Man, I’m sorry. I was just teasing you a little. I had no idea it meant so much to you.
So, yeah, you’re right.
Obama is unelectable. “Truth” says so.
Ann Coulter is satire.
Don’t worry about etiquette. We’re morally opposed to good manners.
At first I considered using ‘Plumfuckoysterphlegmrobitussinpubicwartz.’
And the only people who can blame Sept. 11, 2001, on America are good WHITE pastors like the Rev. Robertson and the Rev. Falwell.
Liberals. Hmf.
I’m happy as a clam, Hoosier X, though I’m a little concerned that Clinton appears to have won your namesake state. I think Rush’s Operation CHAOS is totally wrongheaded; Clinton is the real danger to the Republicans. She could actually win, and probably would if the Democrats nominate her.
“Get one of the servants to get the car” – give me a break. If you liberals really think like this, it is no wonder you haven’t gotten a majority in a Presidental election since 1976. I know you are just winding me up but it is really revealing of how you people think. You are aware, are you not, that no Democratic Presidental candidate has carried white men since 1964? Do you know why this is? Are they all wealthy?
Nah, I don’t really want you to think. I want you to fret that once again your party is going to lose the Presidency. I want you to write posts slagging me and every other conservative with every once of your hate-filled, identity politics ideology , and then I want to see your reaction when President McCain wins.
The thing that really gets me about conservatives going on and on about Ward Churchill and the Rev. Wright?
They – with a little help from FOX News and the Supreme Court – put George W. Bush in the White House.
I mean, I never voted for Ward Churchill or the Rev. Wright. But these conservatives actually pulled the lever for George W. Bush.
They got a lot of damn gall.
(Are you feeling better, Truth? I won’t tease you anymore since you can’t seem to handle it.)
I agree with this posting. And people we have got to stop trashing each other. As an older woman, I have been highly offended by aggressive anti-Hillary screeds based on matters like her gender, age, and looks. Before I will step into Democratic Party headquarters to work for Obama, I have to be certain of my welcome. I like him, but many of his bullying supporters leave me cold, and I can’t understand why Obama has not come forward and told them to lay off. Vicious remarks on his official web site under his smiling picture send a very negative message. Why this was not moderated I don’t know, but it suggests a lack of oversight, to put it as charitably as possible.
Truther thinks that Americans still haven’t noticed that Obama is, in fact, black, and not only that but he doesn’t know his place! Once that little secret comes out, he’s as good as
lyncheddefeated!Sorry. That bullshit might have worked in a year that our country’s infrastructure, economy, and military weren’t crumbling thanks to eight years of Republican rule. Despite our SCLM’s best efforts, voters have bigger concerns than uppity negroes.
I’m glad you’re feeling better, “Truth.”
And you are totally right.
“Obama is unelectable.”
“Obama is unelectable.”
“Obama is unelectable.”
“Obama is unelectable.”
Look at how much truer it gets every time I say it!
Hoosier, does that include the thousands of Americans dead on 9/11
You’re fucking kidding me, right?
I mean, RIGHT?
Ok, right now, I fucking DEMAND you say what it’s gonna take.
What’s it gonna take to call it even.
Three fucking thousand? Yep. That’s a lot.
How many dead in Iraq and afghanistan? How many displaced? How many widows, orphans, how much disease, how much heartbreak?
Tell me, smart boy. How many do we gotta kill before we have our vengeance?
DA, Brad and Gavin,
Good to see you could take a whole day off from attacking right-wingnuts to attack a C-list progressive blog.
Nice work, bitches.
Yup. Obama is unelectable.
He only won North Carolina by … we’ll round it down to … 12 percent.
And in Indiana, after the “Liberal Media” pushed “Obama Hates America: With Rev. Wright” over and over again for weeks, the state went … Let me look. Last I checked it was too close to call.
hmm. hmm hmm.
Still too close to call. But. But. But …
Oh! Truth! I got your new talking point!
Liberals are too stupid to see that Obama is unelectable! (Including the liberals in that bastion of liberalism that is Indiana!)
And, since you’re not Obama, you won’t be accused of elitism!
I think I might have stolen this from Thomas Sowell. And you can’t accuse HIM of elitism because he’s on your side.
Check out your pals celebrating:
You, uh, think this is going to help get Obama elected? I hope the Democratic Party has lots of people like you. Looking at its record since 1976, I rather think it does.
Hoosier X, I’m lost now. Wasn’t Limbaugh’s operation chaos about getting HRC nominated because she stood no chance against McCain. Or maybe Limbaugh is just a hack?
Shystee wrote:
Shystee seems to be having a bad day.
Let’s see how to summarize this:
Jeff can’t read English.
“The Truth” is like several people I know in “meat world”, and is very confident in his righteousness. He is happy that Bush administration policies have a good chance of continuing in the future. How’s that been working so far? Look, people voted to re-elect Hoover, people thought Nixon shouldn’t have resigned, people voted for Strom Thurmond over and over. There is no known cure for stupidity.
For all those people who are very very very concerned about putting $10/month into the pockets of our most disadvantaged citizens, you need to consider the following:
1. It is probably not going to be $10/month, when all the shouting is done. Plus, it only goes to people who drive cars, who are not always those at the very bottom of the scale.
2. It will divert money from construction projects that actually put live American money in the pockets of blue-collar workers.
3. The only way it can be “revenue neutral” is through a windfall profit tax, which has no friggin’ chance to be passed this summer. And implementing that tax is going to cost incremental money, which means that the entire idea is just a waste of time for the net benefit.
4. If $10/month is important to a certain segment of the population, why not send them $10/month instead of also putting $10/month in the hands of Lamborghini owners?
5. The idea that HRC can win is a complete myth; she screwed the pooch and can’t accept it. All the shouting on this topic is counterproductive, but probably necessary, however unfortunate that is.
Good to see you could take a whole day off from attacking right-wingnuts to attack a C-list progressive blog.
I see. It’s the progressives who back stealing John McCain’s ideas.
Hoosier X, you bring up a great line of discussion. Obama is popular amongst North Carolina Democrats – no question. But how do you suppose he will do in NC on November 5?
See, the point is that Obama is winning the nomination in states where the Democratic party is relatively small. Hell, you know all this – the Clinton people have been screaming it for months. He is going down to historic defeat. What will this blog look like then?
Feelings. Whoa whoa whoa! Feelings.
Is this one of those hate-filled comments you were talking about?
Oh. Wait. A conservative wrote it. So, ipso facto, it can’t be hateful.
French boy, Rush’s operation Chaos is intended to keep the Democrats at each other’s throats as long as possible, ideally until the convention. Rush publically prefers neither candidate. That help, my friend with the rapidly improving English?
Well, if you think saying it over and over again will help you out any more than it has Hillary, knock yourself out.
Here, I’ll help!
“Obama is unelectable.”
“Obama is unelectable.”
“Obama is unelectable.”
“Obama is unelectable.”
“Obama is unelectable.”
Feel better, little fellow? Can’t you just feel it becoming more and more true every time you repeat the conservative media talking points?
“The surge is working.”
“The surge is working.”
“The surge is working.”
“The surge is working.”
“The surge is working.”
Hey Shystee.
Question for ya.
In retrospect, you think there might have been a better way?
Can you get there from here?
It’ll be interesting to see what you really care about….
Hoosier X, just ignore my point about Obama’s quixotic victories in states he can’t win in the general election. The more you ignore it, the more likely it is to go away.
Obama can’t win because Palestinians cheered on 9/11.
You heard it here first.
If only we could enlist more well-balanced, warmhearted, well-medicated individuals like Hypocritical Left / TruthTroll.
“Liberals hate America.”
“Liberals hate America.”
“Liberals hate America.”
(What did Ronald Reagan say? Was it, you say it three times and it becomes true? Or was it four times? Better add two just to be safe.)
“Liberals hate America.”
“Liberals hate America.”
Ignore what now? Your conservative media talking points?
Righto, Obama is doomed against a powerhouse like McCain, who can’t manage to get 75% in uncontested elections amongst his own party.
Incorrect as usual, “truth”. According to SUSA and most other polling outfits, Obama puts NC in play this year, as well as Texas, Colorado, Virginia, possibly a few others. He will carry all the tradtional Democratic states. He is polling even with or ahead of McCain in most matchups, and as soon as he clinches the nomination, his numbers will rise while McCain’s remain static. He has a better than even chance of winning the Presidency, and even if he doesn’t win, it will be very close. McCain is a weak candidate tied to unpopular policies and an unpopular party with unpopular leaders. If your resentment and spite prevent you from acknowledging these facts on the ground, at least do yourself the courtesy of making your laughable predictions to your gullible co-ideologues who won’t summarily thump your noggin with reality. It’s better for your blood pressure.
Well, it’s been fun reminding you liberals of your upcoming crushing defeat in November. I’ll be back later to toy with you again – assuming you babies don’t ban me, of course.
Good night, children.
Don’t let the door bang yur ass, the_lie. You do remind me of shoelimpy. Fact free, angry, and safely clear of
This why you are laughable, Truth. All you have are your nonstop talking points from the conservative media, which I have already heard from the conservatives I work with. You make no sense. And you gladly repeat that silly nonsense that we – by which I mean, people who disagree with you – blamed America for Sept. 11.
Meanwhile, the people here – liberals – have their own thoughts based on something beyond right-wing radio and the conservative media. And such people can easily see through your silliness.
It makes me sad that you hate your fellow Americans so. What makes it worse is that your hatred is based on lies, and you are so tragically gullible.
I will pray for you, even when you say I hate America. Even when you lie about me and spread lies you hear from rogues and fools. I will pray that your trust fund will provide for the mental care you need.
Hey Truth,
Why don’t you explain all the virtues of McCain getting elected? I mean, let’s look at the trajectory of the last 8 years and have you explain how we need a whole lot more of that.
Please, really, we’re all such babies that we need to be educated by you as to the overall awesomeness of it all. We must be missing something.
Heck, even give yourself a Republican congress, so we can have a “pure play” rerun of 2001-2006. Maybe you can explain how the dollar stops going into the shitter, for starters. And I’m sure you’re confident that the govt. only spies on bad guys, not righteous dudes like yourself.
Go ahead, take the floor, be positive, be a force for goodness and educate us about the merits of your boy.
Heh, that’s funny, The Truth. Your mom liked calling me “baby” too. When I was banging her. Hard. In her girl parts.
Anyways, I take full credit for the dramatic up-shot of squeal-talk in the Sphere del Blog. Do it, white boy!
Don’t forget that they both reached for the gun, oh yes, oh yes, they both reached for the gun, Hoosier X.
By they way, “truth,” those cracks about the trust fund? And your servants?
Those are called jokes.
Oh, wait. Sorry! If Ann Coulter says it, and gets called on it, it’s a joke. But if a liberal says something that upsets one of the poor widdle politically correct (when it suits them) conservatives, then the liberals are being mean.
I don’t begrudge you your double standards. You desperately need them.
“A nakkid wizard behind a curtain? No way would we move on.”
You’d move on (after you averted your eyes) if he looked like this.
“Hoosier, does that include the thousands of Americans dead on 9/11, or did they have it coming per your liberal friends like Wright and Ward Churchill?”
Funny, I’ve heard more from neocons than liberals saying “they had it coming” – in fact, they’re the ONLY ones I’ve heard use roughly those exact terms. Let’s not forget how Falwell & Robertson were excommunicated from the tribe of “Compassionate Conservatives” as soon as they made those obscene statements – whoops, they weren’t though, were they? In fact they took next to NO heat whatsoever from their brethren – it was the nasty mean poopyhead liberals that nailed them, while God’s Children turned on the Forgiving-Juice, even though Manhattan still stank of corpses & the air was toxic soup.
Wow … there’s actually a 27-percenter brave enough in 2008 (or moronic enough) to use the horrorshow of epic Bush-Cheney slack-assedness that was 9/11, while “proving” that those icky liberals hate Bush more than bin-Laden, & surely thinks it Really Showed Those America-Haters What’s What.
I guess Truthfag “forgot” about the obscene joke they called a Commission – that only took 411 days to start, after Bush did his best to strangle it. Or all the GOP cronies that were too busy surfing web-porn or stalking schoolboys to stop it from happening, in the face of +30 red-alert warnings from other governments – only to be PROMOTED for their lethal screwup.
Even by the bargain-basement Special Ed standards of the Bush Junta, 9/11 makes Katrina look like the Bolshoi Ballet in terms of catastrophically massive fail (Katrina wasn’t preventable)… yet by the miracle of Doublethink, it’s a core meme for Bush’s shrivelling army of “Down With The Magna Carta” fuckwits … truly, America is an enigma wrapped in a riddle hidden behind a Double-Cheeseburger.
Keep right on nailing your coffin shut, little ghoul.
We’re trembling, because you’re obviously such a genius.
Don’t stop now, just when you’re “on a roll” – please.
I really ENJOY watching fools crucify themselves with a keyboard.
Look, people voted to re-elect Hoover, people thought Nixon shouldn’t have resigned, people voted for Strom Thurmond over and over. There is no known cure for stupidity.
Well, there’s death. No reports back from the Darwin Award winners, but every time a triumphalist blowhard establishes that gravity is not just a good idea but a law, or that the print on the side of the prescription bottle saying ‘do not drink alcohol while taking’ isn’t just a way of avoiding lawsuits, or that voting for Republicans always means more dead Americans, the rest of us share a certain sense of relief.
Hypocritical Left / Truthboy has climbed back into his coffin and closed the lid.
Actually, as trolls go, I kind of enjoy this guy. He was quite unhinged in his earlier incarnation, going into spittle-flecked rants about Bill Ayers and leering leftists eager to murder their parents. I picture him as a Mr. Burns lookalike.
That’s just not nice, truth.
You’re saying either A) White men are just dicks; or
B) White men are stupid.
That is not cool, dude!
(Or maybe you’re saying that the votes of other demographic groups shouldn’t count? That’s also not cool.)
Really off topic, but I’d really like to know: what’s the worst case scenario. Meaning, when will these primaries end?
Unobjectionable; a mere statement of previously held prejudice does not amount to an endorsement of said prejudice.
Unobjectionable; a mere description without value judgment.
There is no “white community” outside a racist framework. Whites have no existing social cohesion and allegiance except as opposed to minority communities — the “native” American reaction to immigrant Irish, Slavs, Italians, Jews, and other such less-white whites should demonstrate this clearly. Substituting “Jewish” or “Polish” would be more enlightening. An expression of appreciation and loyalty to an ethnic community which reared and supported you is not racist.
The difference between Michelle Obama and John McCain is that while the former’s “racist” quotes are all sourced back to a two decade-old thesis, the latter persisted in calling Asians “gooks” until at least 2000.
How is this racist?
After today’s results, Clinton is toast. However, she can keep this crap going until the convention in August, if she chooses.
If we don’t see a concession from Clinton in the next few days, I’d expect a few more months of crap.
She’s cancelled all her morning show appearances, Jrod.
Maybe we can have nice things, for once?
Somebody needs to tell Republicans that Starbucks is the Walmart of coffee outlets. I mean, everyone and his dog drinks coffee in that goddamn chain. If there’s a Starbucks on every corner and five to a city block it’s because many many many people go there. All kinds of people. Dozens of alternative outlets that model themselves after Starbuck are also available. They are just as expensive and just as bland. Those of us who value our caps and lattes hang out at the old Italian places that have been around forever and still serve coffee old style for two bits. Or we make it at home.
Know your coffee elitists or shut the fuck up, I say!
Jacob Singer said,
Well, I did go to the North Carolina School of the Arts.
Yeah, but you’re a southerner. That makes you an honorary hick.
Unless you’re a rich lawyer, even one who made his fortune suing corporations on behalf of the poor.
(cue html’s whining about rural south stereotyping in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…)
I realize the topic has drifted considerably over the last fifteen trillion comments in the thread, but I wanted to point out to Jeff — the Clintonista who is so hyped that there was an Actual Economic Study that showed that a 6-month gas tax holiday in Illinois had some beneficial effect on gas prices — that the co-author of that study, Joseph Doyle, had this to say about a week ago:
Sounds like a stirring endorsement of a gas tax holiday on a nationwide basis, doesn’t it?
Or wait… am I a latte-swiller now because I don’t recognize that even “slightly better off” can mean a lot to a truly impoverished person, and that therefor it’s worth the “lot worse off” for the government?
Ha you lousy liberals can’t come up with one argument against my awesumestness. You know that this fall our gallant and sane John McCain will sweep all 50 states in the biggest landslide since that loser Jimmy Carter lost to Richard Nixon and all you pathetic liberal bloggers will go insane.
1.) Glenn Greenwald will grow huge and green and go on a rampage in downtown Tokyo.
2.) Michelle Obama will summon her coven and they’ll fly around on broomsticks chanting about the destruction of the noble white race.
3.) Hillary Clinton will grow a strange mustache and start ranting about international banking conspiracies on Fox News.
4.) Brad will lose his job and have to live on ramen noodles.
5.) Plagues of frogs and locusts will visit the land and even your elitist bombproof bomb shelters won’t protect you.
None of you loosers can dispute the ultimate and terrifying truth of what I write because you are all loosing losers.
That is all.
Righteous Bubba,
Warning! Warning!
You are about to get into another shower curtain discussion!
Disengage now before you start parsing the meaning of the word “acknowledge” or “poor”!
Disengage and ignore the troll, son!
the only thing to look forward to is watching the marauding hordes chase down Jonah Goldberg and roast him on a spit.
Um, could you get this on YouTube?
I’d love to be part of a hippy commie creative intellectual marauding horde.
Come to the Black Rock desert, northern Nevada, late August… Burning Man Festival.
Bring water. Lots.
Or wait… am I a latte-swiller now because I don’t recognize that even “slightly better off” can mean a lot to a truly impoverished person, and that therefor it’s worth the “lot worse off” for the government?
And, as was pointed out on the previous interminable thread, the part of the government that’s “a lot worse off” is… wait for it… the substantial federal subsidy to local public transportation.
So… if the tax fiesta passes, which it might, but the windfall tax does not, which it definitely won’t, then who gets hurt when local bus operators have to raise fares to make up for the lost federal subsidy?
The people who don’t buy gas in the first place get to pay more to slightly ease the pain of people who drive 15 mpg trucks on their daily commute.
I also don’t imagine that saving 30 bucks over the summer will make much difference when your car needs yet another suspension repair or new set of tires because the gov’t deferred road repairs again. Oh, and unfinished road construction causing interminable traffic jams delaying completion for several more months… that’ll surely save us all less in fuel costs, right?
Oops, pardon me. I’m being creative again.
What will this blog look like then?
Um… the same. Because whether the election is won by Obama, Clinton, McCain or the ghost of fucking Gengis Khan, one immutable truth shall remain, as sure as the sun rises and sets:
Republicans will always be assholes, at whom intelligent people point and laugh.
And fire. It’s like no camp can go without fire.
“Everybody needs to un-pucker” ~ Bill Paxton (posiblemente).
“You are aware, are you not, that no Democratic Presidental candidate has carried white men since 1964? Do you know why this is?”
Because there’s till a lot of unreconstructed white racists? And they vote for Republicans?
Wait. Did you guys hear that? What? There are trolls in here? Oh, I thought that was just K-Lo’s sardine queefs.
Higgledy jibbery platypus fahrfegnugen! See!!! Nobody can engage that in logical discourse!!!111!!!! So there!
They’re getting less fun and more tiresome as we near the election, aren’t they?
Well, at least The Truth is making empirical claims of what will happen, which is why I hope he & his friends bring it all on.
Run every Michelle Obama quote 24 hours a day, sing paeans to their own myths of the Heartland, pass out 3D videos of Reverend Wright overmixed with Osama bin Laden and Huey Newton. Nationwide all-night choral arrangements of “He’s a radical black supremacist” and how John McCain is a TruKonservativ Mavrik. All of it.
Bring it on. Please, I beg of you. Throw every single last thing you got into it. Every ounce you can muster.
So we can be rid of you and you can’t claim “Well, if’n we TruKonservativs had pulled out the X card, well, then you’d rightly be fixed!”
No, we want you to pull every last idea & ad group and targeted message out of the box.
Pleeeeeease. Give it your best.
DoodleBean, when I win the lottery, I am going to buy one of THESE bikes for my commuting: Phoenix Mobility Extender
[This is more interesting than watching Da Troof attempt to give himself a penile degloving injury…]
If you’re trying to find a more affordable recumbent trike, you might do well to take a look at Sun Bicycle’s EZ-3 (a OSS delta trike), which has an MSRP of $750. There’s a couple-three of them around here in town and their riders seem very happy with them.
Sun’s website (unfortunately Flash-driven)
What I find most intriguing about liberals is how their rage is mainly focused on fellow Americans.
You’re a fucking comedian.
Deliver Us from Evil: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism – Sean Hannity
100 People Who Are Screwing Up America – Bernard Goldberg
Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism – Ann Culter
Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity – David Limbaugh
Brainwashed : How Universities Indoctrinate America’s Youth – Ben Shapiro
Treachery : How America’s Friends and Foes Are Secretly Arming Our Enemies – Bill Gertz
Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got It Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First – Mona Charen
The Enemy Within: Saving America from the Liberal Assault on Our Schools, Faith, and Military – Michael Savage
Shut Up and Sing: How Elites from Hollywood, Politics, and the UN are Subverting America – Laura Ingraham
Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists Criminals & Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shores – Michelle Malkin
War Crimes : The Left’s Campaign to Destroy Our Military and Lose the War on Terror – Buzz Patterson
Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed! – Katharine DeBrecht and Jim Hummel
The Terrible Truth About Liberals – Neal Boortz
Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning – Jonah Goldberg
The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness – Lyle H. Rossiter
The Enemy At Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11 – Dinesh D’Souza
And that’s just a handful of books. There are plenty more, and any 5 minutes of right-wing radio would do.
It’ OK for conservatives to say stuff like that because they are the real Americans.
(Did I get that talking point right, truth?)
I don’t know about you fellers but I’m gonna use the tax rebate that Mr. President George Willard Bush is giving us (out of his own pocket, I might add) to buy ammo for my Airsoft M1 Battle Rifle™. Not only is he the patriot jet pilot hero of the Battle of Iraq but to top that he has now written a check to every family in the USA of America (I assume this is limited to the heartland) and you can be sure that he’ll be getting my vote, rather than you LIE-bruls, Hitlery and Osama. Once I have my new supply of ammo, I can resume the constant patrols of my lot lines, guarding the heartland from Islamosexual predators, who circle in the sky above like bloodthirsty pelicans.
those fucking pelicans.
R. Porrofatto – Don’t forget that, as the only reason we liberals give a shit about our fellow human beings is (according to wingnuttia) because of our guilt at being white, most liberals are WHITE Americans.
Why do Republicans hate white people so much?
Do you the intelligent bullshit should continue?
Before I will step into Democratic Party headquarters to work for Obama, I have to be certain of my welcome.
Why? Nobody else is. Nobody else needs to be.
The saying is “What I tell you three times is true,” and it’s in Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark. (*coughlikemyblogcough*.)
As for the troll, he has a great thing going there. Just wish hard enough, and you’ll get everything you want. That’s the way the world works, after all.
I wish you the best with your bike purchase, but here is the honest deal with me and bicycles: I am bitter.
I bicycled across our great country, commuted to work via bike for decades, bicycled from Jackson Hole up to the Icefields Pkwy (well except for the strep throat and bus ride part but that’s a whole ‘nother bitter story)…
All this to say when I had to give it up, I started to pout. And honestly, I haven’t gotten over it. For example, I still have my high-end touring bike in the basement, now rusty in it’s steel components. I just can’t give it up yet even though it’s been 14 years.
So, as I say, good luck to you. Enjoy your bike. Just don’t expect me to smile.
[grumble grumble hmmph fuckin’ knees grumble grumble snarl fuckin’ hips grumble fuckin’ clueless driver grumble yur supposed to stop at stop signs damnit grumble grumble grumble]
441? Did ya’ll find a way to have sex through the internons?
I see you kids kept it up for a while after I retired. Don’t you have term papers or pop quizzes or prom or something to get some rest for?
Anyway, ponder this: Let’s say that everything you write about Republicans is true, that we are horrific racists, that we have run the country down over the past eight years, and that we are terribly unpopular with the American electorate. How, then, will you explain the defeat of Obama in November?
Yes, El Cid, I am willing to make explicit predictions, because it is so bleedingly obvious what is going to happen. I predict that liberals will claim that the American electorate is stupid, racist, etc and that the election result will supercharge their hatred toward their fellow citizens. This in turn will alienate them from the mainstream even more, a death spiral for liberalism in America – something truly to be excited about. Even now, liberals hate Bush more than they hate bin Laden, evidence that the death spiral is ready to begin.
Snorg is a pretty funny dude. I don’t resemble Mr Burns so much as I resemble Homer Simpson. Going to go for my moring run now to address that little problem…..
The Truth, you’ve made your call. And I am begging you to bring every single ounce of energy and money you have to the table. Throw every last iota you can muster into it.
And my call is you will lose. And very possibly lose badly, not just the Presidency, but far more of the Senate and Congress than you even feared.
Bring it on, baby.
As for the troll, he has a great thing going there. Just wish hard enough, and you’ll get everything you want. That’s the way the world works, after all.
It’s the true! It’s the true! See….
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The situations of black and white people in America are not symmetrical. There’s no “balance of power” between those groups. So replacing black with white or other way around in those quotes doesn’t make any damn sense.
Ah, but your soul does, Hypocritical Left / TruthBoy.
This thing is fucking brilliant.
It would be helpful if righties ever, just once, offered anything other then pure projection.
If that started happening the fabric of the universe would rip asunder.
Righteous Bubba,
Warning! Warning!
I was just trying to get Jeff to write lotsa big paragraphs, which he mostly did until the end there.
Why, if we didn’t know better, we’d suspect that there’s some kind of ongoing and organized campaign of interference going on…
Its a good thing she has those McCain voters pulling for her too, or else Clinton would have lost Indiana as well.
Michelle Obama’s thesis, available here, does not contain the phrase “ineradicably racist”. That “quote” was not even just out of context, like the rest of your so very sad examples, that was A Lie. I hereby cordially invite you to SUCK IT. Répondez s’il vous plaît.
Now I will pleasure myself by imagining your anguish when, as is inevitable, McCain is filmed beating Sesame Street’s Elmo to death. And yes, I might tremble a little.
Fixed it for you.
To The Truth: Have a good run, you fat fuck!
(Don’tcha hate political correctness?)
“Even now, liberals hate Bush more than they hate bin Laden” – me
“It would be helpful if righties ever, just once, offered anything other then pure projection” – Prospero
g said,
May 7, 2008 at 6:16
What I find most intriguing about liberals is how their rage is mainly focused on fellow Americans. They hate Bush more than bin Laden;
and why not? Bush’s dad and his staff enriched and supported bin Laden; W’s senior staff enabled bin Laden; Bush himself helped enrich bin Laden; Bush’s administration protected bin Laden and his family.
Bin Laden wouldn’t have been able to achieve his success without the Bush family.
I love how “The Truth” keeps asking us to defend and explain something that hasn’t happened yet, and probably won’t. Imagine how tiresome that’s gonna get over the next few months.
And seriously guys, if Bladule is French I’ll eat ALL my hats.
Could we have a Summer troll Holiday?
MileHi, you know the record profit-making troll companies would keep the benefits from getting to the little guy.
You know what’s funny? John McCain only got 80% of the Republican vote last night.
Tell me again, Troof, just how “unbeatable” he is?
But tigrismus, at least I could eat my raman noodles in peace. Until the salt content caused me to stroke out…
Do you not wonder where the excess trolls would go? And have you never wondered just exactly what’s in those little flavor packets?
.) Michelle Obama will summon her coven and they’ll fly around on broomsticks chanting about the destruction of the noble white race.
Ah, and see, remember kids, here’s where it starts, this in the spring of 2008.
In 1999 I wondered when and how the framing of Hillary Clinton as a ball-busting lesbo evil feminazi witch started.
So 8 years from now, when the right wing’s smearing of Michelle Obama has become a given, you can remember that it began in the spring of 2008 – the right wing decided to smear her and paint her as a racist witch.
Her crime?
Same as Hillary’s. Being married to a guy running for office.
“Do you not wonder where the excess trolls would go?”
They have their own damn blogs where the stoopid is not only accepted, it is encouraged!
“And have you never wondered just exactly what’s in those little flavor packets?”
Mind altering chemicals, man. Lots and lots of them.
Color me shocked. Imagine, such a thing, what ever is this world coming to???
“You see, his main trick is to take a stupid idea or concept, like, for example, everything Republicans say or do, and dress it up with as many obscure ten-dollar words as possible.”
First off…Jeebus X. Christ on a crutch you guys. How am I supposed to keep up with 400+ posts in 12 hours? I’m not going to get any work done today.
Skipping ahead from way back, regarding Geo. Will, he put up an article in last week’s Newsweek (and Newsweek’s site sucks so hard I had to use teh Great Gazoogle to find it) that I couldn’t even get through because it’s so dishonest.
As a couple of examples, he asks Michelle why she thinks life has gotten worse in her lifetime when
Of course he leaves out the part where his party has fought every initiative that made all of these things happen. He also ignores the fact that per capita income has increased but so has the income gap. In other words, most of us haven’t gotten the benefit of the income increase. Also, choosing one’s timeframe is important. How are things for the middle class since 1980, when Will’s soulmates came to power?
One more example, then I’ll quit:
He beats up on Obama for wanting to raise the cap gains tax with
How much, as a percentage of all capital gains, was reported by people with even less than $150,000, George?
Fuck I hate people who lie with statistics.
I also hate all the Republicans who presume to offer Obama “advice” that looks a lot like hit pieces after you read it.
November can’t come soon enough.
You whiney liberals don’t even get that it is impossible to parody trolls anymore!
I’m looking at you, g!
I love how “The Truth” keeps asking us to defend and explain something that hasn’t happened yet, and probably won’t.
C’mon. It’s just that he/she/it is lonely and wants us to share his/her/its delusions. That much crazy in one brain is a bit overwhelming.
Show a little tenderness, Jacob. Just read ‘Revelations’ in the Bible and throw in a few details from that every once in awhile so the Truth feels welcomed, listened to even — dare I say it — loved.
Do you the intelligent bullshit should continue?
Since it’s usually amusing, yes.
After reading all of the comments and paying particular attention to Teh Truf, I’m willing to bet it is Jonah.
Wouldn’t it feel better to just go by your real name, Goldie? Take a Load off of you conscience?
Oh, and thanks, Jim.
More or less.
You’re welcome, t-man … gotta plug the anti-stupid when I see it.
It’s a vanishing breed.
Ah, the troll even took the bait & came back to unintentionally mock itself some more – merci beaucoup. See my comment above vis. “Mission Accomplished” & “The GOP Landslide of 2006” to understand just how sweet its pompous yowling is to us folks that can count past ten. Funny how all the party-switching is going the same direction though, huh? Oh, & I’m not talking Dittoheads either – I’m talking folks who’ve voted GOP all their lives who now are swearing never again to do so. Bush has done for the Republicans what he did for his ball-team & his oil company, with bells on.
PROTIP: the Diebold Vote-Fairy won’t leave a mandate under your pillow with a huge disparity – it’s only a viable scam in close races, & this one’s going to be so lopsided you can guarantee the Reichtards will howl election-fraud, unable to believe Amurrika would reject them by THAT huge a margin.
Did I say “Titanic thread”?
Sorry – I meant “Lusitania thread” – my bad.
For sheer carnage I would call this a Gustloff thread.
Doodle — Oh, I am sorry; I thought you were the person looking for a recumbent trike, when it was in fact Anne Laurie. Didn’t mean to cause a trigger.
cue html’s whining about rural south stereotyping in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
No, whining about stereotyping is *your* shtick (as is rejoicing in double-standards). Something about precious little feely-feelings and the whole-cloth liberal knapsack that won’t hold a giant sammich or something.
[…] we have some willing to talk sense: Finally: I’d like to state once and for all that I do not give a shit who wins this godforsaken […]