Postati Krajši Mary Grabar

Because They Wouldn’t Let Me In Their Club

“The best way to ward off blood-sucking liberals is a
traditional garland of garlic worn about the neck.”

  • The same people who made fun of me when I was a little girl grew up to be Obama-worshipping liberals. They still make fun of me. It’s because they are bigoted against Slovenians.

‘Postati Krajši’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 283



c u n d gulag

Like Heracles, we keep cutting and cutting, but the hydra-heads of stupidity keep multiplying and writing.


I kind of feel sorry for her. Sounds like she hasn’t gotten over being bullied as a kid. Then again, it also sounds like she didn’t go to the right college. I think. I don’t know. I keep hearing this wingnuts talk about the p.c. police at colleges…and I just don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. Obviously it is because my experience was the polar opposite.

FWIW, I don’t think T.S. Elliot is a particularly good poet. Better than me, but that’s not saying anything. The Green Lantern Oath is better than my poetry.

Itchy Brother

Wow, this woman is a real gem. The first two sentences alone are a motherload of comedy gold.

“In my ignorance,”

Well, that’s a good start. The first thing you should do to address a shortcoming is to admit that you have one.

“I once held hopes of gaining entrance into a club more exclusive than any country club or nightclub.”

Because everyone knows that the best way to build relationships and find harmony with your fellow citizens is to set your sights on a position of utmost superiority.

“Having been educated in public schools and therefore exposed to only one form of thought,”

Yeah, those ultra exclusive public schools will never achive the diversity of opinions one finds in private institutions or home schooling.


Wow, that whole article was a giant piece of suck.

First the conflation of kids who made her feel inadequate with professors who made her feel inadequate. See, I managed to sort out that psychodrama with one concise sentence. And she’s the one with the English Phd?

Then there’s the whopper: in her view, if you as a mature adult have different ideas than you had when you were a child, that’s hypocrisy. So if you grew up in a home with racist parents, but as an adult came to realize that racism is wrong, you’re a hypocrite rather than a person of good will who corrected themselves.

What’s so stunning is that this silly bint doesn’t even realize that what she’s been reacting to all these years is classism. Or that she’s thrown down on the side of those doing the most to perpetuate it – otherwise she wouldn’t be featured at ClownHall.

Talk about hypocrisy. Then again, I honestly don’t think she’s smart enough to see it, even if someone were to point it out to her.

Charles Giacometti

One can only speculate about her diagnosis, but I vote for raging borderline personality disorder.


Man, why are all these wingnut types such awful writers anyway? Reading that thing was a real slog. I mean, O.K. I’m not exactly a brilliant word smith or anything, but Grabar has a PhD fer Christ sake!

Anyways Crazy Mary sure does seem bitter about the fact that colleges actually teach things written by “Chicano writers, African-American writers, Chinese writers, prisoners.” She’s not racist though. Liberals are the real racists! They prove this by voting for a black guy, driving black graduate students from the airport, and not liking T.S. Elliot. Also, everyone knows how much leftists hate Eastern Europeans. I also love that she finds ancestor worship as horrifying as child sacrifice. Ahh, those krazy kristians!


In the freshman composition classes I taught, I was ordered to use “texts” that celebrated such things as polygamy, child sacrifice, ancestor worship, and ritual suicide…. Religions that practiced human sacrifice accompanied by the tribal beat of drums were celebrated as the highest forms of spirituality.

Why, hell yeah! That’s what drew me to the left – all the human sacrifice and ritual suicide accompanied by the mesmerizing tribal beat of drums.


If she really wants to teach great books in all their awesomeness, without any of those pesky interpretive questions, I’m sure there are plenty of high schools that would hire her in a milli-second. I’m at least half-serious here; most public schools would kill to have English teachers who love books as much as she does. As to her numerous misconceptions as to what the study of literature entails these days, she probably should have asked someone before she went for that PhD.

R. Porrofatto

I don’t understand her complaint—she’s already a member of the most elitist club there is: the self-defined, self-aggrandizing, morally superior, sanctimonious, endlessly whining conservatives for whom no amount of utter konj drek about their victimization at the hands of liberals is too shameless.


Its really sad when the Truly Stupid can’t understand how stupid they truly are.


My god, that was a breathtakingly stupid and self-indulgent sorrow fest.

Naturally none of the children whose houses her mom cleaned ended up on Wall Street or in management at Wal-Mart. No, they all became European-hating leftist college professors. I’ll bet they smoked MARIJUANA, too.

Honestly, it must HURT to carry such bizarre and hateful thoughts around in her head like that. The comments on the article by Townhall readership were equally inane.

Somehow she was able to take a shot at Obama as a result of all the anti-Slovenian racism that lurks in the shadows in academia.


was ordered to use “texts” that celebrated such things as polygamy, child sacrifice, ancestor worship,

The Old Testament?


Jennifer said,

May 4, 2008 at 16:37

Then there’s the whopper: in her view, if you as a mature adult have different ideas than you had when you were a child, that’s hypocrisy.

“A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.” — Muhammad Ali


I remember walking home one evening to be greeted by her raking the grass in the front yard with my son.

Despite her Lord-lovin’ ways, the neighbor lady kept INSISTING that Mary’s son’s bony fingers made a better raking implement than anything sold at Wal-mart.

Hey Mary, did the “texts” make you incapable of writing clear English or was it the lie-beral professors?


I love the part where her peers in school became her professors in college.  How many years was she held back by the liberal elite hate-ocracy?


Fats Durston said,

was ordered to use “texts” that celebrated such things as polygamy, child sacrifice, ancestor worship,

The Old Testament?



Ms Grabar’s Problem 1: PhD from the University of Georgia. Wonderful school for many things; English Lit is not one of them. Wingnut or not, Grabar’s gonna be behind the Penns and Berkelys come job-huntin’ time. If Jeebus wanted her to spread the word to English departments, he would have sent her to a top 20 program…

Ms Grabar’s Problem 2: and this may be a corollary to problem 1–if she’s still ranting about deconstruction and text-in-quotes, she obviously hasn’t been keeping up with the profession. Deconstriction’s been dead since the 90s. We’re into eco-theory and book history now! Read a journal, woman!

I’m off to finish my syllabus for next semester, “Polygamy, Deviant Sex, and Hating Jesus in the Works of Swarthy Writers You’ve Never Heard Of.”


God, this has got to be the most self-involved bit of political hackery I’ve ever read. I made it to the beginning of the 2nd page before I said “Eff this, I’ve got some Eggos to eat”.

It’s like if Mary Worth crashed into Kaye Grogan a la “Timecop” but when the paradox is fixed, you get Mary Grabar.

Eggos call.


“Yet, their own writing was puerile.”

Project much, Mary?


thefax said,

May 4, 2008 at 18:00

Ms Grabar’s Problem 2: and this may be a corollary to problem 1–if she’s still ranting about deconstruction and text-in-quotes, she obviously hasn’t been keeping up with the profession. Deconstriction’s been dead since the 90s.

I studied Civil Engineering in college, and even I know this… sheesh! (Okay, so I admit that I hung out with a few English majors in college.)


By the way, we didn’t even have a club until you came along. We formed it just so we could keep you out. Yes, we were mean to you. Because you were a selfish, spiteful, hateful, nasty little shit.

I am reminded of Groucho’s famous line: “I would not join any club that would have someone like me for a member.”


The fact is, most leftist writeing is purile and full of hate for USA and despiable and biased and should be banned, but Nooooooo, liberals want to ban any opinion that they don’t like, and they project this believe on the right and call THAT projection, they are very sneaky, dioshnoest, lazy and hateful anti-American blame-America-firsters who should be in jail.

poopy Mcpants

I like how she just offers up this gem of a paragraph with no context or purpose whatsoever:

Yet, when a potential black graduate student was to visit the school, a request was sent over the department’s email list calling for volunteers to pick her up from the airport. But I doubt that my services would have been desired, for my beat-up Ford Escort was not very reliable. I searched posters on walls around faculty members’ offices for grants. I saw the invitations from the Ford Foundation, the university itself, and others, but saw that I was excluded.

She didn’t need to tell that story as it has nothing whatsoever to do with what she’s saying, but hey, why not just say yer a bigot, and then claim you were excluded for no reason!


“Yet, their own writing was puerile.”

Project much, Mary?

Just a little treat from Mary’s unpublished (how can this be?) novel:

the two fraternity brothers found their way to the bank parking lot with Trey’s red open air Jeep with the omnipresent snarling Bulldog visage on the spare tire cover. They sped past barrack-like housing projects whose inhabitants helped to support such scholars by their purchases with change from food stamps. These who trustingly listened to the state-sponsored advertisements believed they had a good chance for the daily trifecta known as the state lottery. Proceeds benefited those like Adam and Trey, these two lurching scholars from the ex-urbs of Atlanta who were able to enhance their studies with the purchase of over-sized vehicles, luxurious condominiums, gourmet foods, and beverages and illegal substances by which to relieve themselves of the pressure of their academic pursuits.

At least she didn’t get a PhD in economics, right?


The fact is, today is May 4th, the anniversary of Kent State and the veneration of violent hippies who should have been slaughthered across the country, it would have taught them to support your country and the troops and their mission and we would not have lost the will to continue. I know I speak for many in the Heartland who still think we were too soft on the hippies and let them win, which meant socialism and Islamofacism were next.


Thanks, Fats. We’ll consider that her official entry for the Bulwer-Lytton.


Yes, thanks, Fats. It brought a great big smile on this cool, cloudy morning.

R. Porrofatto

Holy shit, Fats, you didn’t make that up.

…enhance their studies with the purchase of over-sized vehicles, luxurious condominiums, gourmet foods, and beverages and illegal substances by which to relieve themselves of the pressure of their academic pursuits.

It’s rather obvious that the real names of Adam and Trey are George and Yortuk Festrunk.



…the two fraternity brothers found their way to the bank parking lot with Trey’s red open air Jeep with the omnipresent snarling Bulldog visage on the spare tire cover.

Why mock you this righting? Good is this!!!


I’m bummed that thefax is teaching the course I wanted to teach next term…I’m off to finish my syllabus for next semester, “Polygamy, Deviant Sex, and Hating Jesus in the Works of Swarthy Writers You’ve Never Heard Of” ftw!

It’s sort of weird. She wants to teach at Harvard or someplace of that ilk, I guess, and she’s upset that ‘they’ won’t let her teach there. If she’s really interested in teaching, in interesting young folks in great books, then she could have much more impact teaching at a small school like I do (Catholic, nonetheless).

And good luck interesting students in those books if that’s how she’s going to teach them. My experience is that the students who I teach want those great books not for their mystical qualities but only after we look at how the texts actually show great minds wrestling with serious problems.

One final rant: one of the biggest mandates we have in academia comes not from the PC crowd she sweetly hates but from employers, who routinely tell us that one of the problems with our students is that they have trouble interacting appropriately with people not of their same ethnicity or gender. They wonder when we’ll start teaching folks to not hate others, especially those they might work with. Hmmm…do employers hate America?


Is Gary Ruppert a mindless wingnut Koolaid drinker or a brilliant satirist? I can’t figure out which.


Yeah, I can totally see her point about unfair preferment in academia.

Here we have a person who finds the English language with red open air Jeeps with snarling bull dogs and mauls the hell out of it for lottery tickets.

Despite her inability to formulate a coherent sentence she is an E. Lit professor. This state of affairs only could have occurred via the machinations of a shambling liberal academic program.

Jesus Christ. The information superhighway needs a slow lane.


I think we’re reading too much into Grabar. I don’t think her backstory is anything more than ad hoc bullshit to support her wingnuttery…much like Instapunk’s nonsense that he hurts more than black people because he’s a “Celt.”


@Mr. Giacometti

Bingo. Perhaps with some Schizo-Affective quality time on her bad days or weeks.


@C. Giacometti

Bingo. Perhaps with some Schizo-Affective quality time during her “bad” days or weeks, when the thin veneer of compensation crumbles.

Oh, I would bet her rages are something to behold.


“…enhance their studies with the purchase of over-sized vehicles, luxurious condominiums, gourmet foods, and beverages and illegal substances by which to relieve themselves of the pressure of their academic pursuits.

It’s rather obvious that the real names of Adam and Trey are George and Yortuk Festrunk.”

Yes! They are two wild and crazy guys!”


Ms Grabar’s Problem 1: PhD from the University of Georgia. Wonderful school for many things; English Lit is not one of them.

And this Grabar person “Teaches in the Atlanta area”? Isn’t that code for “not at Emory”?

My wife has graduate degrees in English Lit from Vandy and UNC-Chapel Hill, even grew up poor and all that jazz, and she didn’t turn out like this at all. I mean, first of all, she can write legibly…


By Grabar’s hammer, she shall be avenged.

No, wait, she won’t.


After reading that dreck, and reflecting on the equally abominable droolings of Althouse and Instaputz, I am really starting to re-evaluate the formerly high esteem I once held the field of academia. I mean, if they let these idiots in . . .


As someone else said recently, she “writes like a squirrel crosses the street” – Jesus, I didn’t even make it to the second page, & I’ve read the whole of “Finnegans Wake” repeatedly.

Yeah, whimpering about deconstructionism in 2008 is like bitching about acid-wash jeans, or those wacky cellular phones, or Sam Kinnison. Basically it says “I just don’t get out much, ever” – unless you’ve just sustained massive head-trauma.

Oh my, time for the eyewash … that “Novel” excerpt actually makes her article sound like Agatha Christie! I think “PhD” may mean “Permanent heuristic Disability” in this case. Are they going to introduce Torpid Prose as a demo sport this summer in Beijing?



Double majored at UGA in history and magazines. Knew a bunch of English majors who were stand-up folks, but yeah, the Class of the Classic City’s not really known for that department.

Live in Atlanta now. Haven’t ever heard of this wingnut ‘cept on the Interwebs. I’m guessing she teaches at a Parking Lot Tech…I’ll throw my money down on Perimeter College. If she’s paid her dues, maybe even Kennesaw State.


Hey, where’s my money for over-sized vehicles, luxurious condominiums, gourmet foods, and beverages and illegal substances by which to relieve myself of the pressure of my academic pursuits? Do I need to read more books by swarthy writers first?


Hey, where’s my money for over-sized vehicles, luxurious condominiums, gourmet foods, and beverages and illegal substances by which to relieve myself of the pressure of my academic pursuits? Do I need to read more books by swarthy writers first?

No, just contact a left-wing frat boy and have him forward your request to George Soros.


Yet, when a potential black graduate student was to visit the school, a request was sent over the department’s email list calling for volunteers to pick her up from the airport.
The potential to become black is a terrible thing to waste. Oh, I couldn’t understand the lousy writing – I guess it means the potential to become a black graduate student. Oh, I still can’t understand the writing . I kid – it simply means something other than what Mary Grabar wrote. Of course.


I’m guessing she teaches at a Parking Lot Tech…I’ll throw my money down on Perimeter College. If she’s paid her dues, maybe even Kennesaw State.


Apparently has a rep as a easy A if you only agree with her – wingnut grade inflation?

Bitter Scribe

Yow, has this lady got issues. She sounds like a white, female version of Clarence Thomas.


Grabar teaches at Clayton State University, which is known for…. being accredited.
I assume.
She also doesn’t appear to be a good teacher.


Jinx 123… not it!


I think this is the best of those ratings;

Considering I thought this was a college class, I was highly disappointed to discover that I had inadvertently re-enrolled in high school. This class really was that bad. She asked students to read from the textbook aloud, occasionally gave the class busy work, and constantly discussed the literal and hardly ever the figurative meaning.Stay away!


This is too funny:

* Name: Mary Grabar
* School: Clayton State University
* Location: Morrow, GA
* Department: English

She was absolutely the worst teacher that I have ever had in my life. She tries to push her views on the students, and when you don’t feel the same way, she ridicules you for not having an “adult mindset.” Save yourself, Don’t take this class!

Considering I thought this was a college class, I was highly disappointed to discover that I had inadvertently re-enrolled in high school. This class really was that bad. She asked students to read from the textbook aloud, occasionally gave the class busy work, and constantly discussed the literal and hardly ever the figurative meaning.Stay away!

Oh my God! This is the worst class I have ever taken at CSU. This teacher is both boring and confusing and for a student, that’s a deadly combo. The material is pretty interesting but somehow she makes it boring. All I have to say is run run run as fast as you can from this professor. You will thank me later.

Mary Grabar’s class is easy I guess, but she is BORING! It’s not an english class in which you can not read or look up what a story was about because she gives you so many pop quiz.Each quiz has only 1 question so its right or wrong. Although if you’re close to the right answer, she’ll mark it right

She was an easy teacher, but tries to force her religious beliefs into the thoughts of the students. Not a good way to teach, if the lack of you mentioning religion affects your grades.

I felt that she really loves literature, however she should not be teaching. She belongs in an art museum.

She is the easiest teacher ever, if you can go on the internet and look up what the stories mean.


They’re only saying that because they hate Slovenians.


Ms Grabar was poor and envied the rich students. So was I, and so did I! Nowadays I try to help the poor, not wallow in envy! Crimminy!


Actually, Grabar only had a temporary position at Clayton State and it was not renewed. Probably because she was Slovenian. Anyway she’s no longer listed on the college’s website. It sounds like she’s taking gigs at various other small colleges in the Atlanta area . . . at least until they discover she’s Slovenian.


BTW: Today! is National Exclamation Point! Day!


Apparently, her title is “Temporary Assistant Professor”. I think it’s safe to say she’s not going to be offered a tenure track position.
She does remind me why sometimes it’s almost tempting to be a wingnut. It’d be much easier to, say, blame women for my being single, as opposed to acknowledging to myself that I’m an uncommon type who’s picky and doesn’t get out enough. Maybe if I dedicate my life to doing something I’m clearly very bad at I can work up enough bitterness to overcome an inclination to honest self-awareness.


Jeez, I’m the echo machine today.

Mo's Bike Shop

Shorter Thomas Friedman:

And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!

Oh and,

“the Asian values of our parents’ generation”



Who will tell the people? We are not who we think we are. We are living on borrowed time and borrowed dimes.

The moustache of understanding, transformed into Jimmy Carter? Who knew!

And you may ask yourself, well…How did I get here?

Somehow I doubt that Tommy is asking himself that one, Mo.


And you may ask yourself, well…How did I get here?
Somehow I doubt that Tommy is asking himself that one, Mo.

It would be nice if he wrote a column that just said “My God! What have I done?!”


Rich neocons are renown for their understanding, compassion, and empathy. Barbara Bush, for example, commenting on meeting Katrina survivors in Texas relief centres:

“Almost everyone I’ve talked to says we’re going to move to Houston.” Then she added: “What I’m hearing which is sort of scary is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality.

“And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this–this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them.”

What a kind lady! I’d be happy to polish her silver tea set.

Mo's Bike Shop

She is the easiest teacher ever, if you can go on the internet and look up what the stories mean.

I like this guy. A real problem solver.


She does remind me why sometimes it’s almost tempting to be a wingnut. It’d be much easier to, say, blame women for my being single, as opposed to acknowledging to myself that I’m an uncommon type who’s picky and doesn’t get out enough.

We should probably hook up, a different brad.


If I make a comment here, will diffbrad repeat it?

Also, when I read things like this:

She was an easy teacher, but tries to force her religious beliefs into the thoughts of the students. Not a good way to teach, if the lack of you mentioning religion affects your grades.

It makes me want to recruit the student to file a complaint with David Horowitz’s Academic Freedom Police. Just to giggle as they do nothing with a complaint against a right-winger.

Does anyone else feel that way, or am I alone in being a bad person?


How can this person pretend to be a competent teacher and student of literature and deny that T.S. Eliot had, in the most charitable interpretation possible, a very superior attitude toward Jews? Persons blinded by ideology to that degree are useless.


They sense something deeper — that we’re just not that strong anymore. We’re borrowing money to shore up our banks from city-states called Dubai and Singapore.

Oh great, Freidman’s semiannual “Foray Into America” column. It’s like he alights from the plane, has his driver take him to a gas station, pulls the attendant’s forhead to his own, closes his eyes, and murmers, “I see… I see…” Then he gets back on his plane, goes back to NYC, and announces his incredible discovery that “real Americans” are people just like everyone else and at last he has penetrated their mysteries.

Does he think that nobody notices that “real America” is just comically dumbed-down Friedman? How many people has he talked to that are tuned into international banking, but have barely ever heard of “city-states called Dubai and Singapore?” Hey Tom, I’m just an ignorant corn-growing hick but I have this foreboding that property values are plummeting while foreclosures skyrocket in far-off tower-city-lands called San Francisco and Miami.

Just once could he not claim to speak for the entire fucking country?


Mind your tongue, or I’ll tell everyone how you two live.
Jennifer, the main problem is you’re kinda far away, and also I’m… of a slightly less distinguished vintage.


What i really love about the Mary Grabar is its such an obvious anagram for The Ram Gay Barr.


Wholly Crap!!

And here I thought I owned the self-pity franchise.

I’m a freakin piker!

Yep, Mary, it’s the shits to be you.



I am extremely oppressed becuz when I was in colij they did not have a lot of poetry from my specific ethnic background or at least if they did, I did not look for it becuz it is not fair how many buks they have in the liberry you cannot look through all of them and also I don’t think they had any role model skolerz from the exact part of the county I grew up in this makes them illeetiss.


am I alone in being a bad person?
I’m afraid you are, Marita. Perhaps some our saintliness will rub off on you.


When I later gave her my heartfelt thanks she did not write a Whitman-esque paean about it, but brushed it off and said, “That’s what Our Lord told us to do.”

How does she know? I have only composed “Whitman-esque paeans” in my head, usually when the subway door opens and a group of sweaty construction workers shuffles onto the train.


If I peed in Mary’s orthopedic shoes, could I avoid her wrath by explaining that the lord told me to do it?

How good is this catch-all excuse?



There’s only one way to find out, mikey.


Shorter Mary Grabar: My immigrant vagina is angry!


Friedman is still an assclown but he has sucked less in his past few columns. All it took was some wiseass to be like, “Hey, Tommy, the world is,,,SPLAT!” Pie, it does a pundit good.


Fucking Slovenians. They’re always …well, I dunno. I’m sure they’re up to something Slovenish and that makes me so damn mad. Go back to Slova. Or wherever.


I’m beginning to suspect there’s an ad on the intertoobz somewhere:

“Wingnuttia! If you absolutely, positively REFUSE to get over the trauma that was sixth grade!!!!”

Thank goddess for pop-up blockers, because given the mad skillz of those who’ve clicked through, it must be as ubiquitous as the Nigerian General scams.


I got curious and decided to break my own rule. I clicked the link to the friedman column.

Holy Shit. I’ve been hollering into the darkness about the taboos against discussing america’s REAL problems for years now. That we can never solve our own problems if we not only refuse to admit they exist, but refuse to even TALK about them and simply pillory anyone who tries to.

Now, to see a pretty solid version of that same narrative coming out of the six month mustache, I have to go back and re-examine my premise. Because either he’s telling the truth all of a sudden, or I’ve been lying for years….



Someone please hit Fred Hiatt with a pie, pronto.


Yet, when a potential black graduate student was to visit the school, a request was sent over the department’s email list calling for volunteers to pick her up from the airport. But I doubt that my services would have been desired, for my beat-up Ford Escort was not very reliable. I searched posters on walls around faculty members’ offices for grants. I saw the invitations from the Ford Foundation, the university itself, and others, but saw that I was excluded.

Her department was willing to arrange a ride from the airport for a black woman who wanted to visit the school, yet refused to shower grant money on her shitty writing – EVEN THOUGH SHE HAD SUFFERED MORE THAN ANY NEGRO.


Isn’t Mary a traitor to her political kind by virtue of the fact that she majored in a “liberal arts” subject?


Bob Loblaw said,

May 4, 2008 at 23:37

Shorter Mary Grabar: My immigrant vagina is angry!

This post wins the thread.


Isn’t Mary a traitor to her political kind by virtue of the fact that she majored in a “liberal arts” subject?

Have I ever told y’all about the time I accidentally went to an ISI conference? Too bad, I’m telling you again. Batshit. Crazy. Mother. Fuckers. During a mingling session one of their organizers asked me my plans for the future and I mumbled something about law school. He frowned a little and leaned in. “We’ve already got a lot of lawyers. Right now we would prefer to see people go into academia.” I ducked out before dessert, so I don’t know what their enforcement mechanism was if I refused to comply. I was just glad I didn’t try to raise holy hell during their inane talk on how sweatshops are the best thing that ever happened to Asia.

Anywho…she may have just been following orders.


If Mary’s so keen on living among the Slovenian-American diasopra, she could do better than the ATL.

Buddy "Seven Diamonds" Moleman

The same people who found a reason not to like her (she remembers) are the same people who don’t like her now, for the same reason (she thinks). “there were (university) grants available, but she was excluded”…because of her eastern european heritage? I call bullshit. Does she now think she would have been better off if she had grown up in in surroundings of unrelieved poverty/lower working class? Not experiencing the better public libraries that wealthier neighborhoods have? Not having the hand-me-downs available to wear? bullshit, bullshit bullshit.


If Mary’s so keen on living among the Slovenian-American diasopra, she could do better than the ATL.

Cleveland for example. I’m sure there are some nice Catholic schools with sufficiently right wing politics that would be glad to hire a legacy like her. And she’d feel right at home re: her racial views.

She might even learn something about her heritage.


pedestrian: Have I ever told y’all about the time I accidentally went to an ISI conference?

Say again? How does one manage to “accidentally” go to a conference? A conference of moonbats, at that. Is there something you’re not telling us?


The fact is, liberals are such faggots and they fail it constantly.


Thank Gary.

Now THAT’S a constructive contribution…



PeeJ, there is a very simple explanation:

The inexperience of youth.

I had a kind elderly prof my freshman year who was obviously conservative, but didn’t seem karaaaaazzzy conservative – at least not at first. He invited a few of his favorite students to a conference on “current trends in global politics” and made it sound all prestigious and shit. Little did I know that it was a gathering of toothy old movement conservatives and their fresh young marks, trying out-recruit the homosexuals and out-brainwash the liberals.

They were all like, “Have a cookie, young man. Do you like Nixon?


I accidentally went to math camp for six weeks over the summer between junior and senior years of high school.

In Dallas.


I keep re-reading it, but I’m still not sure: Is she also angry because no one asked her to pick up the black graduate student in the very car she just said was unreliable?

Like, if they had been more accepting of her Ukrainian-American hurtage, they would have gladly asked her to get the new student stuck on the side of a freeway somewhere?

Is that snobby liberal ‘litism too???


El Cid, I think she is angry that they were offering a black visitor from out of town a ride when her car wasn’t even very good. If they didn’t hate slovenians so much they would all pool together and buy her a new one… or something.

Isn’t it a little weird that she discovered that she didn’t get any grant money by comparing what her peers had tacked on their doors to her own sadly empty door? Does she realize that you have to ummm… apply?


Shorter Every Conservative Who Has Ever Lived and Breathed: I’m not getting everything I’m entitled to get, and it’s someone else’s fault. And that someone is either a black, an immigrant, a female, a non-Christian, an intellectual, a liberal, or a homosexual. Or a combination of those things.


Does getting a PhD mean you no longer have to write clearly?

What I’m getting is that she didn’t volunteer to pick up the student because her car’s a POS, not because she’s a jealous bigot. I mean how could she be a bigot when she’s a Slovenian who everybody knows are historically the most downtrodden of all the nationalities including any racial group you care to name who are always getting a hand up and I was only eleven years old why does nobody like me…blubber, blubber…GRANT MONEY…WAAH!!!


Speaking for this blood sucking liberal, a traditional garland of garlic worn about the neck isn’t going to do the trick.

I love garlic. Also Brussels sprouts, but a garland of Brussels sprouts would probably be effective against some Sadly, No!sians.


And yes, I’m the real Gary Ruppert.

I just really hate fucking Slovenians.

LA Confidential Pantload

I’m half Slovenian. I’ll never, ever mention again after reading this shit.

Mo's Bike Shop

And you may ask yourself, well…How did I get here?

Somehow I doubt that Tommy is asking himself that one, Mo.



Also, everyone knows how much leftists hate Eastern Europeans.
Personally, I do not hate Eastern Europeans. I am merely saddened by their inability to make decent beer. Your chance of finding a decent pint basically ends after Prague.
For present purposes, “Eastern Europe” does not include the Baltic region… or St. Petersburg, which is also part of the Baltic region, otherwise the Baltika brewery would contradict my claim.


The fact is, that is a fake Gary. I am real. I am also to inform all of you that liberals hate the USA and pray to the God of Darwin to make Christians die and wish sexual perversions on us all. These are no the moral values of the Heartland we grew up with, and very biased toward the left.


Personally, I do not hate Eastern Europeans. I am merely saddened by their inability to make decent beer.

True of Ukraine.


The fact is, Eastern Europe is not the decadant Old Europe of France that the left worships but is bein g taken over by dirty immigrants and muslims. The post-wall thriving capitalism of the former Eastern Bloc should inspire all of us to work much harder, and they also support our war on terror, unlike Old Europe.

Johnny Coelacanth

Leftists are supposed to hate Eastern Europeans? But I thought they were our brothers who had been lucky enough to live within Communism’s warm embrace, until that traitor Gorbachev came along. Did I miss a memo?


The fact is, they do. They hate them for giving up on communism.


The fact is, they also hate them for being in a truly free market, being successful and the reintroduction of traditional values and religion in their lives. They wish that Stalin had just killed them all so nobody could speak truth to the lie that is Communism, the lie that has killed 500 million people.


Hey!! Righteous Bubba’s back!


Ok. Unpack your shit. Sit down. Have a cocktail.

‘Kay, that’s enough. Bring the funny.

Oh, and a garland of brussels sprouts wouldn’t actually scare me off. I don’t mind them. I just don’t think they’re food. I think you can throw them at people, and use them as ballast, and they’d probably make pretty good compost. Mixed with bat guano, you could likely grow some righteous weed. Or, uh, tomatoes…



Where is the Funny in biskvit sponge-cake?


Umm, does that actually say….

Nah, couldn’t be.

Looks delish, though. As much as any 6 URR item can…



pedestrian said, May 5, 2008 at 1:39

El Cid, I think she is angry that they were offering a black visitor from out of town a ride when her car wasn’t even very good. If they didn’t hate slovenians so much they would all pool together and buy her a new one… or something.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. So & So, yes, I know you’re the new graduate student here, and you’re at the airport and have no money and no one who knows you who will give you a ride to the University. But we have a firm policy here that until all of our Slovenian-American students have good, reliable, peer-group-approved vehicles, no one gets a free ride. Yes, yes, I know, it does seem odd, but we never realized the effect our elitist ‘free ride for new students from the airport’ policies were until our doctoral student Ms. Grabar pointed it out. Nevertheless, if you start walking now and bring water with you, you should be able to reach the University’s 34th street Annex in two day’s time. See you then!”


is that slovenian “fuckbum” pastry? if so, how apropos!


I’m sure it’s good, but is it buttfucking good? I will not be convinced until I’ve had a free sample.


is that slovenian “fuckbum” pastry?

Jesus no, the Slovenians are too stupid for a good fuckbum. This is Ukrainian fuckbum, a far superior fuckbum in every way.

Ukrainian Grandmother

Excuse me, you sell fuckbum here? Where I can buy fuckbum?


Jesus no, the Slovenians are too stupid for a good fuckbum.

Righteous Bubba is an elitist!


With a name like “Fuckbum,” it has to be good.


A good fuckbum should be nice and firm with lots of sweet cream filling so that… what? Why is everyone laughing at me?


This may well explain why there is no Ukrainian baseball.

“Fuckbum! Getcher red hot Fuckbum. Fuckbum!”

They’d have to redesign the stadium seating…



They should totally market that here. They would have to use a different name, of course… maybe “Sodomy.”

Johnny Coelacanth

Soon they’ll be selling fuckbum near you, which means you won’t have to go all the way to bumfuck for your fuckbum.


I’m curious as to what “fuckbum” can possibly mean in the Ukraine.

Doctorb Science

The fact is, post-wall thriving in a row organized entrepreneur new division economy expands unstoppingly. If you can force your heart, your nerve, your sinew, to serve you long after they are gone! And so hold on although there is nothing left within you except that voice that says to them “if absolute-unselfish I am not for me, I’m nothing but classless, raceless, starving masses, never free nor brave!”

Worldwide as a Frankenstein slave, usually at night, you go to the nearby hospital or camouflaged miniature-hospital van trucks. You strip naked, lay on the operating table, which slides into the sealed Computer God Robot Operating Cabinet. Intravenous tubes are connected. The slimy, vicious
Jew doctor simply pushes the starting button. Based upon your Computer
God brain-on-the-moon, which records progress in your systematic butchery,
your butchery is continued. Exactly. Systematically. The Computer God Operating Cabinet has many robot arms, with electrical and laser beam knife robot arms.
With fly-eye TV cameras watching your whole body, every part of you is
monitored – even through your Frankenstein Controls! Synthetic blood;
synthetic instant-sealing flesh and skin, even synthetic electrical heartbeat to
keep you alive are some of the unbelievable Computer God Instant
Plastic Surgery Secrets™. You are the highest, most intelligent electrical
MACHINE in the Universe!

In conclusion, Steven King kidnapped my identical twin because of the Jews.


I’m curious as to what “fuckbum” can possibly mean in the Ukraine.

Well Mary, I think it might mean asspoundcake.


Damn. Thread finally gets going just when I gotta do laundry and get ready for another 🙁 week at teh borg.

Johnny Coelacanth

Oh god. Righteous Bubba just fucking killed me.


Oh god. Righteous Bubba just fucking killed me.

For raising the dead I recommend item three.


[…] Horowitz gives a stage for an inflammatory demagogue.The Chronicle –|||Comment on Postati Krajši Mary Grabar by MaritaIt makes me want to recruit the student to file a complaint with David Horowitz’s Academic Freedom […]


Yesterday, while campaigning in Bumfuck, IN, Barack Obama refused to indulge in a sweet, sticky fuckbum, a local tradition. Analysts question whether this will raise new doubts about his elitism among white working-class fuckbum-loving rural voters.

When reached for comment, Hillary said that she had not had a good fuckbum yet, but was eager to try it whenever she makes a brief campaign stop on Monday.


Well Mary, I think it might mean asspoundcake.

God I’ve missed you, RB


bwahaha. Wouldn’t it be great to be in the import/export business and import buckfum cake to all the States where fuckbumming is illegal?


Are those … nuts … splashing in … cream?

I don’t care what country that is, someone knew damn well what they were doing, they’re laughing real hard right now and I salute them.


[…] Horowitz gives a stage for an inflammatory demagogue.The Chronicle –|||Comment on Postati Krajši Mary Grabar by MaritaIt makes me want to recruit the student to file a complaint with David Horowitz’s Academic Freedom […]


the two fraternity brothers found their way to the bank parking lot with Trey’s red open air fuckbum with the omnipresent snarling fuckbum on the spare fuckbum cover. They sped past barrack-like cream collons whose fuckbums helped to support such creme collons by their purchases with change from fuckbums. These who trustingly listened to the state-sponsored fuckbums believed they had a good chance for the daily fuckbum known as the cream collon. Proceeds benefited those like Adam and Trey, these two lurching fuckbums from the ex-urbs of Atlanta who were able to enhance their cream collons with the purchase of over-sized fuckbums, luxurious fuckbums, gourmet fuckbums, and fuckbums and illegal cream collons by which to relieve themselves of the pressure of their academic fuckbums.


[…] Horowitz gives a stage for an inflammatory demagogue.The Chronicle –|||Comment on Postati Krajši Mary Grabar by MaritaIt makes me want to recruit the student to file a complaint with David Horowitz’s Academic Freedom […]

Mike, in teh H.....Shoulderland

I’m watching some blacks(shirts) oppress an eastern European (E. Nabokov) right now .. (Stars 1 , Sharks 0 , end 2). 🙂

The spoiled,clueless rich kids ridiculed you then, so you join with the side of the clueless rich adults now?

“One of the American “ladies” had heard about the cleaning abilities of a Slovenian immigrant woman who was laid off from her job in a factory. So this lady picked my mother and me up and drove us out to her big house in the suburbs. The drive was a special treat for me, for I rarely got car rides; my family would not own a car until I was twelve.

As my mother cleaned upstairs,..”

Similar background as a certain poor Austrian awhile ago. Those kids that tormented her, better watch out. 🙂

“I think the most segregated church is the church of the liberal. His dogma is that racial bigotry exists. But it exists only in those outside of his club..”

Yeah , everybody in a typical church , of any sort, has the same political positions . Not even in the hardcore wingnut churches . Assuming “the church of the liberal” could be found and identified, how would you know what goes on there , if you never go there? Those godless atheists liberals sure can be racist when it comes to their churches.

From the comments:
..”exceeds Sturgeon’s Law (“90% of everything is crap”) by an order of magnitude.”

Of which, the writing on Clown Hall is a prime example .

Sturgeon’s Law ? It was John W. Campbell, btw , and he probably borrowed it from others before him.

I feel much more stupid just for having read all that dreck.

Mike, in teh H.....Shoulderland

Apparently, polar bears are the source of much of our troubles .


As a Ukrainian Canadian I endorse fuckbum


I’d just like to be able to stand there at a cocktail party and make the statement in a loud, booming voice that I’ve had a pretty damn good Fuckbum.

Without, actually, uh, well, you know, HAVING a Fuckbum.




One of the American “ladies” had heard about the cleaning abilities of a Slovenian immigrant woman who was laid off from her job in a factory.

Yeah, that bit baffled me. Why the scare quotes? She was actually a man in drag? She was a boorish slut? I don’t get it. That and she makes it seem like this was her mother’s first cleaning job after getting laid off. Were her mother’s floors so legendary that word leaked out to the suburbs?



I’ll raise your Ukrainian fuckbum a Tanzanian kitimoto.


what is the difference between a Tanzanian kitimoto and an Oscar Meyer weinie?


In Eastern Europe as in few other places on the Earth, ‘hardline conservative’ connotes a position to the right of what it does here. Poland’s equivalent of Rush Limbaugh (Radio Maryja) regularly maunders on about the government being controlled by Zionists, as is clearly revealed in the Protocols. South Slavic right-wing parties pretty routinely launch anti-Semitic government programs on the justification of the Jews having oppressed (insert ethnicity here) under Stalinism.

In most countries, the conservative ideology will be defined by a sort of ages-old hate. In Eastern Europe, that hate not only includes the terrible, genetically threatening, sexually uncontainable Negro (they’re undistinguishable from Germany or Russia on that one) and the standard-issue Mussulman bogeyman, but also the Russians, the Jews, Christians from the Middle East, every last one of their neighbors, and any American or Briton who isn’t a hardline Republican/Tory.

Few political movements understand America’s left like the progressive and leftist wings of Slavic countries; to be electable you have to openly pander to people who think Hitler was a doughty fighter for civilization against Judeo-Bolshevism. It’s intensely frustrating.

Grabar clearly appreciates her roots. I mean, yeah, Fascists killed hundreds of thousands of Slovenians in cold blood in the name of aryan Christ, but it could be worse – they could have been Jeeeeeeews.

Mike, in teh H.....Shoulderland

The Shorter Swedish Chef has a similar story

” In my ignurunce-a, I oonce-a held hupes ooff geeening intrunce-a intu a cloob mure-a ixclooseefe-a thun uny cuoontry cloob oor neeghtcloob. Hefeeng beee idooceted in poobleec schuuls und zeereffure-a ixpused tu oonly oone-a furm ooff thuooght, I thuooght thees cloob represented intellectooeleesm.
My furst ixpusoore-a tu intellectooel thuooght ves a shelff feelled veet deeme-a sture-a Guldee Buuks. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Oone-a ooff zee Emereecun “ledeees” hed heerd ebuoot zee cleuneeng ebeelities ooff a Slufeneeun immeegrunt vumun vhu ves leeed ooffff frum her jub in a fectury. Bork bork bork! Su thees ledy peecked my muzeer und me-a up und drufe-a us oooot tu her beeg huoose-a in zee sooboorbs. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Zee dreefe-a ves a speceeel treet fur me-a, fur I rerely gut cer reedes; my femeely vuoold nut oovn a cer unteel I ves tvelfe-a. Es my muzeer cleuned upsteurs, my iyes cooght seeght ooff a shelff, feurly glooeeng guld in zee soonsheene-a streemeeng thruoogh zee lerge-a peectoore-a veendoo.
Zeere-a vere-a duzens ooff deeme-a sture-a Guldee Buuks leened up! Zee cheeldree thet leefed here-a moost trooly be-a reech, I thuooght. Um de hur de hur de hur. My seester und I hed oone-a Guldee Buuk betveee us, Heeevetha und Leettle-a Beer, thet my fezeer strooggled tu suoond zee vurds frum. In leter yeers I reeleezed thet he-a ves prubebly fooncshunelly illeeterete-a in hees neteefe-a Slufeneeun, hefeeng oonly a fuoort-grede-a idooceshun. Oone-a ooff neene-a cheeldree, he-a slept veet hees bruzeers in zee heylufft becoose-a zeere-a vesn’t inuoogh bed spece-a in zee tvu-ruum strev-thetched huoose-a. Nu teeme-a cuoold be-a spent oon schuul vhee ell hunds vere-a needed in zee feeelds. Um gesh dee bork, bork! I skeepped keendergertee su my muzeer cuoold vurk in zee fectury und lunged fur zee vreettee vurd. Bork bork bork! Effter sume-a cetcheeng up, I beceme-a a ster reeder in zee furst grede-a. I elsu begun nuteecing “cless deestincshuns. Um gesh dee bork, bork!” Zee cheeldree vhuse-a huooses my muzeer cleuned oofftee mede-a foon ooff oooor veys. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Zeey mucked oooor lungooege-a, my Slufeneeun-style-a breeeds. Um gesh dee bork, bork! “


I mean how could she be a bigot when she’s a Slovenian who everybody knows are historically the most downtrodden of all the nationalities including any ….. bla blah blah

I know you are being ironic Gary, but sorry, wrong again, in the old (and much missed) Yugoslavia, the slovenes were the stuck up, semi Austrian tossers, who looked down on the faultless Serbs and Croats!


In Soviet Russia, fuckbum eat you!


Ukrainians like to fuck their cake and eat it too.


Lord, that she were a Croat. Then she’d be open about hating every mud-man outside of the glorious Hrvat chosen.


alec said,

May 5, 2008 at 10:43

Lord, that she were a Croat. Then she’d be open about hating every mud-man outside of the glorious Hrvat chosen.

I’ve known Serbs & Croats who weren’t racist, at least as far as I could tell. Are you sure you’re not exaggerating?

Susan of Texas

Somebody buy this woman a cashmere sweater. Her self-pity is off the charts.


Jerry: And how was it?. George: The sex was OK, but I threw up from the Hennigan’s. Jerry: Good thing the cleaning lady was there.

Ha! I don’t think I ever saw that one, Susan.


The place of my birth. Where my heartstrings pull.

It buuuurrrrrrnnnnnnssssss!!!!!!!!!!


Also, come on, can’t she find a picture of herself that doesn’t look like she’s coming down from a week long acid binge? Just one?


Personally, I do not hate Eastern Europeans. I am merely saddened by their inability to make decent beer. Your chance of finding a decent pint basically ends after Prague.

Silva (Romanian) is pretty good, especially the dark variety.


Incidentally, I was once engaged to a Slavic woman.


By Grabar’s Hammer, what a ravings.


Boo frickin’ hoo, Mary. I worked my way through school twice and the first time I didn’t even have a car. I had a bicycle.

And the people who held me back once I finally got my Physics degree weren’t the liberals, let me tell you!

It sounds to me that you just couldn’t articulate any effective arguments for your ideas and expected your peers to just accept any old thing you said as if they were golden drops of wisdom falling from a gifted pen.

That kind of ineffectiveness doesn’t gain you admission into any sort of intellectual club.


Boo frickin’ hoo, Mary. I worked my way through school twice and the first time I didn’t even have a car. I had a bicycle.

And the people who held me back once I finally got my Physics degree weren’t the liberals, let me tell you!

Your drive is admirable, Doodle Bean. I’m impressed that you have enough discipline and toughness to have gotten through school twice while working.

I wonder if Ms. Grabar could ever understand that someone like me, I would have nothing against her whatsoever if she straighforwardly talked about her problems. It’s that she’s so damn whiny, and that she insists, against all evidence, that I, and my kind are the ones who have made her situation difficult.


Hell, almost half my family are slavs of one kind or another. I can see those countries being socially conseravtive, even racist. But I still think they are not that different from Americans.


I thought Lincoln freed the Slavs.


It’s that she’s so damn whiny, and that she insists, against all evidence, that I, and my kind are the ones who have made her situation difficult.

Yeah, if anything her poorly constructed little tirade only convinced me that getting a PhD is too easy.


Personally, I do not hate Eastern Europeans. I am merely saddened by their inability to make decent beer. Your chance of finding a decent pint basically ends after Prague.
You, sir, insult me and the entire Slovak nation. Get your ass over to Bratislava and I will personally treat you to a half-litre of Zlatý bažant, Šariš, Topvar and, should you feel adventurous, even Corgo? and Kelt.


The fact is, all liberal universities should be shut down or turned into oil refineries.


The fact is, all liberal universities should be shut down or turned into oil refineries.

Heh, remember that episode of Saved By The Bell where they discover oil on school property and plan out a luxurious new school, but the kids decide they don’t want it because they would miss the trees? That was soooo cute. Letting the kids decide, I mean. Gary, why is your fantasy world so dark and ugly?


remember that episode of Saved By The Bell



So I went to that rate-your-teacher website and apparently she wrote the only good review herself .

“I likes her. She is a good teacher. She puts a lot of effort teaching the class.”


remember that episode of Saved By The Bell


umm… neither do I.


SomeNYGuy said,

May 5, 2008 at 17:28

I thought Lincoln freed the Slavs.

Funny you should mention that. The word “slave” indeed comes from “Slav”. In the medieval times, western Europeans routinely captured Slavic people and sold them to the Muslim slave market.


thefax said, “I’m off to finish my syllabus for next semester, “Polygamy, Deviant Sex, and Hating Jesus in the Works of Swarthy Writers You’ve Never Heard Of.”” I would totally take that class.


The fact is, all liberal universities should be shut down or turned into oil refineries.

Or? So, if you turned them into oil refineries the faculty and students would stay on?


I accidentally went to a fuckbum conference once. Oh wait…I forgot. It was no accident.


Meanwhile, in bumfuck:

‘Gay is OK’ in Afghanistan

When American and British marines started returning from the war in Afghanistan in early 2002, they brought along with them curious stories about Afghanistan’s peasants who put on make-up and consistently followed them around or even sexually abused them. This was a very shocking experience for the soldiers.

– They were more terrifying than the al-Qaeda. One bloke who had painted toenails was offering topaint ours. They go about hand in hand, mincing around the village – a terrified marine, James Fletcher, told the Scotsman upon returning from Afghanistan.


I thought that sign from the other day said “My Immigrant Vagina is HU-ngry”


She makes serious accusations here. Yes, she exaggerates. But the point she makes is clear enough to me. Like her, I’m not good enough to be invited to the Obama party. But there are other parties in town.


But the point she makes is clear enough to me. Like her, I’m not good enough to be invited to the Obama party.

OK, who has told you that you are not good enough to be invited to the Obama party, or why do you believe that?


Like her, I’m not good enough to be invited to the Obama party.

It’s a voting booth, not a clique.


Hattie, elections aren’t invitation only affairs: if you’d like to vote for Obama, you can! Some nice lady will probably thank you for coming and maybe even give you a sticker, it’ll be awesome!


uh, mary grabar lives in georgia. wealthy georgia suburbanites aren’t exactly known for their liberalism.


Ms Grabar’s Problem 1: PhD from the University of Georgia. Wonderful school for many things; English Lit is not one of them.

Uh, no?

Unless your choice of discipline is Southern Nationalist Historical Revisionism, UGa holds precious, precious little in the way of scholarship.

We’re talking about a ‘university’ (sic) who gave an honorary doctorate to a fucking groundhog.

A fucking groundhog.

We’re talking about a ‘school’ (sic) whose fight-song is the same tune as the Battle Hym of the Republic. Not sure if anyone is familiar with that tune, but 1) it was a Union (i.e. not Confederate) patriotic tune written during the Civil War and 2) it was sung by Union soldiers as they burned the state of Georgia to the ground.

They’re that bright in Athens.

This ‘school’ known as UGa offers bachelor degrees in wearing your hat backwards while wearing a braided belt, with a minor in flipping your collar up like a douche.

Please, the word ‘school’ does not belong in the same sentance as ‘UGa.’


Help us out Hattie. You say the point she makes is clear enough to you. Please to explain to the rest of us who haven’t got a friggin clue as to what her point may be.

Also, everyone is inivited to the Obama party – that’s essential to the campaign. Hell, even WordPress is invited!

The Obama Club

Dear Hattie,

We cordially invite you to join us at the Obama party this November, 2008, at your local voting booth.

Informal attire
Bring voter registration card



If WordPress is coming, I’m totally going to skip the Obama party. How awkward would that be?


Hi, *.

I’m sorry Georgia’s beaten your school 7 times in a row in football.

But there are so many beautiful things in the world. Flowers. Babies. And so on. Focus on the good stuff. The rage in your heart is most unfortunate.


They were more terrifying than the al-Qaeda. One bloke who had painted toenails was offering topaint ours.

Seriously? We are fighting a global war and setting fire to the Constitution over people who are less terrifying than your kid sister?


Hattie, I have now read the post that you linked to on your blog. If I understand you, I think you feel that Obama will not truly represent you. You say that he will make only cosmetic changes, that he will be “a black face on Global Capitalism”. You are frustrated that he denounced Wright.

You are probably correct about the global capitalism. I don’t doubt but that he will probably be a very disappointing president- he could hardly be other than that, given the situation he will inherit, in the event of an Obama win. I can understand why you feel alienated.

The only thing I tend to focus on, is that Obama seems considerably better than McCain, and, in my personal opinion, significantly better than Clinton. This is as he pertains to my personal values of peace, economic justice, the environment, and civil rights. I do not claim that he will be great, or even that good, on these, but it does seem to me that he would be the best choice we currently have. McCain often seems as if he is eager to begin a new war. Obama does not, and says that he would be willing to have personal talks with Iran’s president, Ahmadinejad. (Clinton has said that she would not be willing to meet with Ahmadinejad.) McCain praises Bush’s tax cuts, while Obama and Clinton criticize them and have stated that they would end them. Obama is the most ‘outside’ of neoconservative circles of the candidates left running.

I realize that doesn’t sound like much, but to me it’s significant. If you feel differently, I can unerstand that.


I’d just like to be able to stand there at a cocktail party and make the statement in a loud, booming voice that I’ve had a pretty damn good Fuckbum.

Without, actually, uh, well, you know, HAVING a Fuckbum.


Somehow, I imagine you will find a way to do so, mikey. I wish I could be there to see it.

RB totally broke this thread. Fuckbummery indeed.


I’m voting for Cythia McKinney.


Oops. Cynthia.


I’m voting for Cythia McKinney.

Fair enough. The drive for a third party is important too.


1. I remember that episode of Saved by teh Bell. It was … as good as any other episode of Saved by teh Bell.

2. I got my invitation to the Obama party a couple of months ago. It has the address of a really big school and my precinct number on it and everything. The elitists at the DMV hooked me up!


The DMV iz so 1337


The DMV iz so 1337

I heard they gave a driver’s license to Bill Ayers. BILL AYERS.


I love Urban Dictionary:

“n. 1. Nestled between 1336 and 1338, 1337 is commonly known as a number, or for the more advanced; an “integer”
2. Often misused to satisfy a lamen’s ego, the self-proclaimed 1337 will misuse the title, pretending to hold Xtr3m H4x0r capabilties while in fact masturbating to preteen beastiality at 2:00 AM with baggy eyes; anonymously hassling n00b’s with better things to do than kill their babies over mindrot such as Everquest and Warcraft. See also “colon debris” and “queefstain”

“i t0tally pnwed u. u r so a n00b and i am so 1337″”

Yes, I had to look up what “1337” meant.


Please, the word ’school’ does not belong in the same sentance as ‘UGa.’

And now we have yet another bit of evidence supporting the hypothesis that every time you write a comment in which you call someone else stupid, you are guaranteed to make at least one error in either grammar or spelling.

Thanks for contributing to the continued advancement of the bloggy sciences.


Didn’t we discover that this lady had a verifiable mental condition?

Wasn’t that her voice we heard in that slightly touched southern drawl?


I do believe you’re thinking of Kaye! “Grogan”, Toby.

Doctorb Science

I’m not sure if it’s more disturbing that Grabar writes like a crazy person while being a (temporary assistant) English prof or that she writes like that in a syndicated column. I mean, doesn’t Clown Hall have editors? Or have they just given up? Are they paying these contributors? Because really, they could save a lot of money by using EMACS’ dissociated press feature or MegaHAL or some other kind of Markov chain store, which would produce text akin to someone with that particular sort of psychological make-up some story the wife’ll believe and hence the very meaning of life itselfish bastard, I’ll kick him in the balls Pond Road.


Yep, Marita, you are right. I stand corrected.

Wait a second, there’s a difference?


Wait a second, there’s a difference?

Grogan’s face has a more sour expression and an extra half-inch of makeup. But give it time.


Also, I think Kaye is more likely to wear animal prints. But again, give it time.


I’m voting for Cythia McKinney.

Congrats. You’re voting for a do-nothing panderer who lionizes the very worst of faux-leftist authoritarians.


You’re voting for a do-nothing panderer who lionizes the very worst of faux-leftist authoritarians.

When did she lionize a faux-leftist authoritarian?


Also, I think Kaye is more likely to wear animal prints.

Actually I kinda like animal prints.


Perhaps she simonized a faux-lion print?


The fact is, we need a new thread please.


Uh oh… unless the faux-leftist is Mugabe, I feel another “true definition of leftism” flame war coming on.


Faux-leftist = Hitches their authoritarian wagon to a sexy concept if only to promote authoritarian wagon. You could replace “leftism” with “Scientology” or “Denver Broncos football fandom” or “Branch Davidianism,” etc.

As for lionization, see her concession speech in 2006.


Also, Hattie, who did you vote for in 2000 and 2004?


Courtesy of Flying Rodent, here is a faux-leftist authoritarian who has been lionised. Quite frankly, she can stalk me at the waterhole and drag me to the ground any time.

Apologies to Bulbul for my unwarranted slur against Slovaks and Bratislavan beer. I could say something about the Slovaks being included by my praise for Czech beer, but that would make it worse, wouldn’t it?


Apologies to Bulbul for my unwarranted slur against Slovaks and Bratislavan beer.
Gladly accepted.

I could say something about the Slovaks being included by my praise for Czech beer, but that would make it worse, wouldn’t it?
You, sir, show more knowledge of the world affairs, not to mention tact and diplomacy, than the entire State Department under Dubya. Now I insist you take me up on my offer.


spencer said,

May 5, 2008 at 20:50

Please, the word ’school’ does not belong in the same sentance as ‘UGa.’

And now we have yet another bit of evidence supporting the hypothesis that every time you write a comment in which you call someone else stupid, you are guaranteed to make at least one error in either grammar or spelling.

Thanks for contributing to the continued advancement of the bloggy sciences.

The Tedstevens Study of Untreated Stupid in the Blogcommenter, also known as the Tedstevens Stupid Study…was a clinical study, conducted between 1997 and 2015 across the Intertubes, in which 399 poor — and mostly illiterate — American Blog commenters, who already suffered from stupid, were studied to observe the natural progression of the disease if left untreated.

This study was criticized because it was conducted without due care to its subjects, and led to major changes in how patients are protected in clinical studies…[from AlterWikipedia]

So what did happen? In 1997, public health researchers set out to study stupid, particularly among Americans Blogcommenters, who had higher infection rates than readers. They recruited 399 men with screen names who already had stupid. The doctors infected no one. In fact, the patients were selected in the first place because they were tertiary-stage dumbasses who were so obvious they could persuade no one.

I’m out of breath. You fill in the rest.


Lots of teh funny here, but I can’t believe that nobody has jumped on the first paragraph, where she claims that her introduction to “intellectual thought” was via a shelf of Little Golden Books.

Hey, I love the Pokey Puppy as much as anybody, but it’s no more an introduction to intellectualism than one of those toddler steering wheels is an introduction to the fabulous world of Formula 1 racing.

As a bonus, I’d like to point out that intellectualism is probably the term that she is looking for, not “intellectual thought.” Technically speaking, all thought is intellectual, since it—you know—originates in the brain and all.


*I* had to clean rich people’s houses *when* I was in college. And babysit while I was at it. One woman wanted her shag carpet raked. Another (really) insisted I scrub her shower tile grout with a toothbrush- not electric either! But all in all it wasnt too bad. That’s when I learned about nice linens, and that I really like berber rugs.


One woman wanted her shag carpet raked.

That’s a pretty good image… but didn’t it lose a bit of fuzz each time?

I guess you had to be gentle with it.


where she claims that her introduction to “intellectual thought” was via a shelf of Little Golden Books.

That, in addition to the comments of her students on the professor rating website, leads me to believe that she Ms. Grabar might simply be happier, and perhaps more productive, as an elementary-grades teacher? Generally people care a bit less what your political values are at that level.


You should have raked it with her son. That is gentler on the fibers.


See, if she’d just shaved her carpet it wouldn’t have needed raking.


One woman wanted her shag carpet raked.

aaaannnnnnd…. we’re back at pubic hair grooming!!


I’m staying out of this one.


In the freshman composition classes I taught, I was ordered to use “texts” that celebrated such things as polygamy, child sacrifice, ancestor worship, and ritual suicide

Um…they used the Bible?


Yet, when a potential black graduate student was to visit the school, a request was sent over

What, the student was deciding whether to be black?


Please, I beg you, put up a new post. Anything, just get that hideous picture of Mary Grabar off of there.


Damn I had no idea this thread would endure so long. I just bought a box of ASSICAKE but threw it away before taking a photograph. Sad face!


This is too rich. I was searching Teh Great Gazoogle for images pertaining to sugarmommas (don’t ask) and whose pic do I find on the third page but the Lesser Professor’s?

Too funny.


Flummery, mummery and fuckbummery — the central elements of politics.


2000 Nader. I was a Green Party member then but would have voted for Gore had he been in trouble in my state.
2004 Kerry, grudgingly.


That is so very, very fascinating. I’d ask who you voted for in the primary but I’m too busy.


I heard they gave a driver’s license to Bill Ayers. BILL AYERS.

This is still cracking me up


Fuckbummery’s siren is Mary Grabar
Whose anus will hold an entire pickle jar.
The blockage in place foils gas headed south
So it changes direction and comes out her mouth.


Will somebody please feed the fucking hamsters?!?!?!?!


If you need entertainment, the foreskin wars rage on two threads down.



Jennifer: I wouln’t call a handful of comments within the last day “raging.” Especially when talking about penes, which is a subject near and dear to my heart and near to … well some of my other things. The term ‘rage’ should be used very carefully when the context is penes.

Consider pedestrian’s comment: […] it was a major bone of contention leading up to the First Jewish-Roman War.

I would have thought he’d know better. Or maybe he did in which case bravo!


Mary Grabar lives in Atlanta today
In a nice little house, you know
In a neighborhood where children play
And negroes aren’t allowed to go

Mary Grabar’s neighborhood is clean
It certainly is no slum
It’s filled with lawns heart-achingly green
And boxes of Fuckbum…



PeeJ – now why you got to go and ruin a perfectly good chance to ignite a full-scale foreskin war? Damn, I do, and I do, and I do for you kids, and this is the thanks I get!!!!


Fuckbum? FUCKBUM? My heart it soars!
So spongy and squishy and creamy: bring more!


I would have thought he’d know better. Or maybe he did in which case bravo!



So spongy and squishy

Ur not doin it rite.


It’s all that aftskin that bugs me, how it hangs down into the toilet water and brushes against the poop. You know what I’m talking about, right guys? Ha, sure you do.


t4oby- Rule 34 warning on that Google image search business.

While trying to make a punchline for a joke about Mickey Kaus, I learned that you should never, under no circumstances, ever, not at any time, do not search Teh Great Gazoogle images with Safe Search off for any term like ‘goat porn’ or ‘blowing goats.’

Things will be seen which cannot be unseen, is all I’m sayin’.


Oh woe is me.

A long day at teh borg, and still the gray bar.


justbrent said,

May 5, 2008 at 23:29

Technically speaking, all thought is intellectual, since it—you know—originates in the brain and all.

As a counterpoint, I mention the names of several prominent Rethuglican Senators:

John Cornyn (R-TX)
Tom Coburn (R-OK)
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
James M. Inhofe (R-OK)
Kit Bond (R-MO)

Now I’m not sure WHERE these gentlemen do their thinking, but I bet I can guess where they’re thinking from.


Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.


That right-wing culture-war claim, that the modern world is declining into a Culture of Grievance? It seems implausible… until someone comes along complaining that foreskin-snatching doctors ruined his life.
Of course they all say that they were just following orders, but the Circumcision Tribunals will not accept that defense.


I can only channel Ignatius J. Reilly dream-channeling St. James the Less:

“Jesus will come to the fore, skins or not.”


I knew that if a new post wasn’t put up soon I’d have to actually click through the link and READ Grabar!

I thought the title to this post was a joke, I didn’t realize it was her actual title for the column!

There are some real delectable nuggets of dreck in there! How about

I skipped kindergarten so my mother could work in the factory and longed for the written word.

Um, her mother longed for the written word? I don’t think that’s what she meant.

And does she set a record for the number of paragraphs that start with “Yet,” ??

Poor thing! Her peers are snotty, her professors are snotty, her employers are snotty and her students are snotty! The whole world is snotty!

[These students] lounged around when visiting as I struggled to maintain my house and yard.

So students came to visit her and had the audacity to sit down instead of mowing her yard for her?

I remember walking home one evening to be greeted by her raking the grass in the front yard with my son.

Hmm, I wonder if her neighbor held her son rightside up or upside down?


Does this help, Stryx?


Error 403 – Forbidden
You tried to access a document for which you don’t have privileges.

God bless Error 403 for protecting me from myself.


OK, try this.


Actually, never mind. I just went back and read that post two back and I realized I have forgotten who I’m dealing with.

I’ll bet someone here has an ascii goatse saved on their computer.


Fuck that fickle Error 403.


From her Bio:

“She is a Pushcart Prize-nominated poet and published fiction writer.”

According to Wikipedia the Pushcart prize is nominated by editors of small literary magazines for poetry, fiction and “literary what-nots” (their words, not mine).

Why do I get the feeling that her published work most frequently shows up in those books that you have to pay $200 for 10 copies and no one every reads but the other people that also paid $200 to have their ramblings immortalized in?


Still Smut, I think that’s too flattering an image for Kaus.

Top or bottom.


Her reviews on “rate my professor” are kind of sad. It’s clear she’s not meant to teach.


But, with all this whining defense of the erstwhile foreskin, who will speak for the large, throbbing purple helmet. I’ve been polishing it for decades just waiting for the right parade to take it out. Shiny, glistening, my purple helmet needs no covering. It stands proud, and many have been fascinated by it’s presence….



Mikey, is this the part where you tell us about your (former) propensity to take your pants off?


mikey, you shouldn’t expect anyone to go near that one. Not in any sense.


Um, did I cross a line here? You can talk about your foreskin, but not what’s underneath? We can’t, as it were, go deeper?

And I cannot be counted upon to keep my pants on in any case…



We can’t, as it were, go deeper?

Veins is veins.


Mary Grabar is reportedly looking for a club that will accept her.


One, two, three, four
I declare a FORESKIN WAR!!!


The main trouble with a foreskin war is that it is sure to expand with even the slightest provocation. I urge you to think twice before initiating, because it’ll be hard on everyone involved.


When the second comment is
Like emo kids Heracles, we keep cutting and cutting
it’s inevitable that circumcision would come up eventually.

Doctorb Science

Because I could not join their club
I could not play lacrosse;
I could not order sandwiches
Served with spicy club sauce.


One, two, three, four
I declare a FORESKIN WAR!!!

Known in some circles as a “food fight”.

Doctorb Science said,
May 5, 2008 at 21:23
Because really, they could save a lot of money by using EMACS’ dissociated press feature or MegaHAL

Or they could just go straight to the bucket, and give up any pretense of reality. Then again, perhaps they already have.

Small sample…

You: hi there bucket
Bucket: Me me me talking nice person bucket nice person nice person nice person nice person ash is nice person bucket nice person arent i u are a bucket!
You: they won’t let me in their club
Bucket: Has you retard you is me and i pranced and i sang with them. All had death in their club.

Sounds about the same to me.



Georgia Tech man, I take it? (I feel that way about Reno – both the school and the city – both oughta be burned to the ground. Their mascot is the Wolf Pack. I mean, genius! Why use one mascot when a whole BUNCH can do!?)

re: the comment on the Slavs and race: I’m not saying they’re all that way, but rather that (a) racism seems to be more unfortunately acceptable in open society and (b) where it exists, it exists worse than the European norm. So think the Ozarks: there are decent people, but you will be hard-pressed to find more depraved human beings if you look. The decent people should move.

And Grabar, if she had been born in a Slavic country and remained there (not so much Slovenia, they’re about as good as it comes in that regard – although they can still be pretty nasty), she’d probably be a shrieking, openly and proudly white-supremact freeper.

In general, there is a distinct succession of shittiness among tribal rivalries. Sometimes I have trouble because two groups are both basically great – the Greeks and Turks, for instance – but the converse, while theoretically possible, is almost never true. It is always possible to get shittier.


The main trouble with a foreskin war is that it is sure to expand with even the slightest provocation. I urge you to think twice before initiating, because it’ll be hard on everyone involved.

Well it’s nothing to get worked up over, but I think we could touch on it briefly. If it gets out of hand, we can always throw cold water on it, so to speak, by moving the conversation back to Mary Grabar.


Filthbot alert!

Also, I’m sorry, but my HUNGRY Immigrant vagina joke was quality.

Word press survey says!


Word Press makes it a lot of work to eventually get to an uneaten hungry immigrant vagina crack.


2000 Nader.

Exactly what I thought.

Enjoy the bed you’ve made with Halliburton.


Okay, this is someone who is looking for a chip to put on her shoulder. People were staring at her when she mentioned various elements of Mass in a Literature Class? It wasn’t that they didn’t believe her, it was that they didn’t know what she was talking about (if there was one advantage to growing up Christian, it’s that I have a decent grasp of Christian influences in literature).


Wow, yeah, I mispelled something. I guess if I mis-type again, I’ll be eligible for a doctorate in English from some shitty white-supremecist-coddling SEC school.

How do you spell your mascot again?


Wow, yeah, I mispelled something.



Nice catch, so when does UGa send me my doctorate? I’d like to join the pantheon of scholars that has produced notables such as Dr. Grabar and Dr. General Beauregard Lee.

In the mean time, will you diagram me a sentence, Bubba?


Nice catch

Thank you.


So when can I start bitching about being declined for tenure at Kennesaw State because of liberal bias within the faculty?


Sigh… SIGH! Honestly, how do you combine a sigh and a scream, cause I feel like doing both right now.

Earth to crazy kook, Slovenians for the most part love Obama. The real ones, the ones that either speak the language or at least know that the national garb on that picture is about as wrong as McCain dressing up in a Cherokee costume.

Secondly, Slovenians who moved to and lived in the US were generally well accepted, as most people in Cleveland must have noticed.

If you grew up poor, you had it tough. If your family was ignorant, you had it tough. If you grow up into an ignorant adult, well… people around you have it tough. None of it is in your genes.

Bottom line, Slovenians eagerly await her being hit by a bus.


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