Hot, Sticky, Marie Jon’ Threesome Action!
Posted on May 4th, 2008 by HTML Mencken
Three shorters of the sexiest wingnut of all time, Marie Jon’:
Above: Marie & teh apostrophe; plus me makes three!
‘Only love can drive out hate: just words?’
- In Barack Obama, Democrats thought they had a post-racial, messianic candidate; but what they got is a communistic, satanic racist who is black y’all, he’s black y’all, he’s blackety-blackety black y’all.
‘In the name of rationality and reason’
- As the example of Voltaire’s responsibility for the Jacobins demonstrates, rationality and reason inexorably lead to terror and genocide.
- Heaven isn’t too far away/Closer to it everyday/(Ah – Ah)/No matter what Muslims might say/We’ll find our way
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
My favorite part is when she conflates rationality with rationalization. Yes, Marie, wanting to use reason and knowledge to guide behavior is exactly what leads alcoholics to feel ok about having another drink.
Does she even have the slightest inkling that she isn’t terribly bright?
Unfortunately, irrationality and unreason also seem to lead to terror and genocide.
Fortunately, between the two extremes of rationality and irrationality we still have the sensible moderate middle-ground of
christianityconsumerismalcoholic stuporbuggered if I know.She’s out there where the buses don’t run.
OK, in the other thread we’ve got angry non-domestic vagaygays. But I’ve got a question: How can anyone read the shit she drools out and still find her sexually attractive?
Is the thought that you could screw her and run away before she started talking? What if she got really turned on by discussing her political views? I guess you could wear earplugs and just nod.
Truly, I am baffled. Maybe if there were some hot fRightWing guys out there.
I daresay, HTML Mencken, you have found the most ignorant, most clueless wingnut on the Internets still in possession of professional level writing skills. What? Those columns were technically well written. And that’s about it. My favorite part was when she claimed that Voltaire actually planned the violent overthrow of Christian Europe. Yeeeeeah no. Where do they get this stuff.
They better get their dirty hands off Voltaire. Yes, he was deeply flawed, but I still like his work.
I’d like to show her MY apostrophe.
“I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s [white] race.”
– Barack Obama, Dreams of my Father
Face it, liberals, you are going to lose in November. Ah, it is sweet to read your desperate words trying to cheer yourselves up.
This tells you all you need to know about the Renew America website: Alan Keyes has his own button on the navigation bar.
So, Mr. Goodbar’s got wood?
Last sentence, end of book, that’s all folks! Now we know how Obama feels about the white–
What’s that? That quote is cherry-picked from the middle of the book? It only describes a point on the arc of Obama’s personal growth and transformation, now how he feels today? Whoops.
Is the thought that you could screw her and run away before she started talking? What if she got really turned on by discussing her political views?
I’m discussing her views now, aren’t I?
And it’s not like women are beating a path to my door now. Who am I to be choosey?
People who label themselves as “all-knowing” are SO COOL!!
And their smarts? Wow, truly stunning…
Courage? Dripping in it…
I’m not sure which it is:
Beauty on the Beast, or Beast in the Beauty?
Notorious PAT, you may be successful in fooling yourself and a few other dupes around here, but in your heart you know Obama’s campaign is dead in the water.
It is sweet.
That’s President Obama, liar.
Dead as a Doornail. That Guam loss put the nail in the coffin, fer sure dudes.
Tell me “The Tuth” are you working on your Liburty U. Doctoral thesis or just getting a nickel a post?
The Truth,
You know, your very existence makes me begin to doubt Darwin.
Troll on down the hill, son….
Yeah, Obama’s such an anchor around our necks that the Democrats just won Louisiana’s 6th district against a Repbliturd opponent who did everything he could do to tie the Democrat to Obama.
Did I mention that Louisiana’s 6th hasn’t voted for a Democrat in 40 years?
And speaking of which, her piece is one big rationalization. Talking about a lack of self awareness.
Wow. Who knew the the Reign of Terror was so bad for property values. Now if everyone would just accept her Jesus, this whole sub-prime mess would be over. Thanks, Our Lady of Perpetual Amortization.
Will I still get cable?
Voltaire and a small band of plotting schemers etc.
And it would have worked, too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids.
Those columns were technically well written.
Flying Fox, I think you’ve been reading too many wingnuts. She’s no J. Grant Swank, I’ll, uh, grant you, but c’mon:
Americans are not so naive as to fail to notice that certain cast members in the Obama drama life were Wright’s doing.
That’s setting the bar pretty low for well written . . .
Hey, it’s okay to post a single sentence from Obama’s book without context, but not okay to point out entire pages of fail from Liberal Fascism.
‘A glimpse of heaven’! I was hoping this would involve her angry/hungry parts. My white penis is disappointed.
LOL @ the CB4 reference
The Full Series —Obama
A Kiss……WINK!
“I may laugh at what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to sound like a decerebrated baboon by saying it.”
Blah blah Obama Marxist-Socialist blah blah blah blah America, better not bitter, blah blah freakin’ blah blah specious racial divide blah blah blah de blah –
Whoa whoa WHOA now!
Don’t you DARE fuck with Voltaire!
Take that back, or I open a JUMBO sabot-full of whoopass all over your pretty coif, you neo-barbarian apostrophe-hootch!
NOBODY messes with the V-Man – period.
That second article is one of the dumbest things I have ever read. Does Marie Jon’ know anything about French history? Hint: Voltaire died in 1778.
Yes, that second article made my head hurt. And how is it even competently written?? Check this out, from the middle (about as far as I got):
How do you think Voltaire’s insane folly played out? It wasn’t too long before the French were murdering each other in the streets. The violence became known as “The Terror.” No one was safe. The Reign of Terror began September 5, 1793, and ended July 28, 1794. People were lawless and godless. Many of the revolutionary leaders themselves were beheaded.
That’s not an argument – that’s a 10th grade history paper, brought to you by Wikipedia and the WordPerfect spell-check function.
Those columns were technically well written.
Meaning she has learned several words of three or more syllables ending in “-ology” or “-ism” and spells them correctly.
I meant technically as in the technical aspects. Good grammar, clear organization of her wrong argument. And what bitter scribe said. And yes, as wing nuts and the internet go, my bare is lower than the last round of a championship limbo game.
That makes The Terror sound like a massive upsurge in methamphetamine use.
It wasn’t too long before the French were murdering each other in the streets… No one was safe.. People were lawless and godless. Many of the revolutionary leaders themselves were beheaded.
And if we elect that rat bastard Jefferson, IT COULD HAPPEN HERE!!!1!!
Is the thought that you could screw her and run away before she started talking? What if she got really turned on by discussing her political views? I guess you could wear earplugs and just nod.
She’s the kind of partner ball gags were made for.
This from someone who claims to know Obama’s life story.
The reason that none of his white aunts or uncles or cousins have appeared with him is that he doesn’t have any. Hint: his mother was an only child.
I’m concerned about Marie. She really needs to get out of that paranoid bubble she lives in.
But France is part of Old Europe, meaning that it is silly and irrelevant.
This culture of criminality is a natural gateway to other forms of crime.
Well, of course it is…
Huh? Other forms of crime? Other than criminality? Or the “culture of criminality” is a misdemeanor? Um, but if it’s a culture isn’t everyone in the culture guilty? So the “other kinds of crime” are, well, criminality. So. Criminality is a gateway to criminality. Got it. That’s a perfectly reasonable statement, if you are a platypus. For a human, it’s pretty sad…
In my world, the Gateway to Criminality is a giant neo-classical construction like the Brandenburg Gate, adorned with marble bas-relief scenes of pillaging Goths and Vandals. It is surmounted by a colossal bronze statue of Cheney Victorious atop the prone figure of subservient Justice, and supported by smaller figures of Al Capone and Boss Tweed.
…a giant neo-classical construction like the Brandenburg Gate, adorned with marble bas-relief scenes of pillaging Goths and Vandals. You can see it decorating the medicine cabinet in the guest bath at chez clyde…
You’re always welcome here at Maison d’Etre, Mikey. Just prepared for
(1) There is a clothes-on policy in the house, on account of the cats, who like to play with dangly things; and
(2) We have a giant poster of pissing stallions in the toilet [a poster from the 1989 Einstuerzende Neubauten tour]
We have a giant poster of pissing stallions in the toilet [a poster from the 1989 Einstuerzende Neubauten tour]
I never knew that horses are such social creatures. One is holding down the hindquarters of his urinating friend, while another offers a generous whiff of his ass musk. Why can’t my buddies be more like that?
Also, I’ve heard the expression, “hung like a horse”, but I never realized that the shape was so… painful.
Does she even have the slightest inkling that she isn’t terribly bright?
Part of Talibangelical God’s Mighty Plan(tm) is that his loyalest followers are too stupid to be made unhappy by any inkling of how stupid they are.
And, Pedestrian, if the Chez Clyde poster is… educational, you may wish to avoid any explication of the phrase “teaser horse at the collection facility”…
Stalin will end up in the lake of fire, as so will most likely Lenin, Mao, and Pol Pot, and, for that matter, Voltaire, Danton, and Robespierre. But the devils who possessed the dark hearts of these soulless human monsters have taken up residence in the bodies of the radial far Leftist secular progressives of today.
Voltaire died before the reign of “The Terror, however he fueled it with his word and his writings. Please do not tell me what you do not want to understand. You are of the very same spirit. I will pray that you will wise up before you pass away in unrepented sin. Without Jesus Christ you are LOST. That is God’s word, not that of a new media writer.
Blue Buddha said,
May 4, 2008 at 22:16
Hysterical Woman said,
May 4, 2008 at 19:49
That second article is one of the dumbest things I have ever read. Does Marie Jon’ know anything about French history? Hint: Voltaire died in 1778.
But France is part of Old Europe, meaning that it is silly and irrelevant.
But we have a connundrum, Marie, you and me.
You see, god told you one thing.
He told me something completely different. He told me he didn’t understand where all this “worship me or suffer eternal torment” shit came from. He said he is so great and so powerful he created people using physical laws of the universe (which he set in motion) and gave them free will and frankly doesn’t give a shit what we do. We’re PEOPLE, you see, not a god. He told me there are races in other galaxies that are MUCH more interesting to watch than our supersticious, primitive asses.
And he said the one thing that could save us, if we could figure out how to love one another in time, was a secular, scientific worldview.
I told him that people like Marie Jon’ just say that’s actually the devil talking, and he laughed. Cracked right up. “The DEVIL” he asked incredulously. Don’t tell me you people are still on about that a thousand years after it should have become obvious that was a human construct used by people to oppress and control the masses and thus gather wealth and power. “Are you still scared of WITCHES too?”, he asked me.
Frankly? I was too embarrassed to tell him…
My central processor throws a Data Integrity Violation exception when I read that “soulless human monsters” are going to end up in the eternal Lake of Fire. I can only assume that God in his infinite bounty will create them a new soul, so it can undergo eternal torture.
You’ll have to excuse me now, since a devil seems to have taken up residence in my groinal area, and I need to drive it out.
I’m sorry Marie Jon, but you’re being way too negative about us radial far Leftists. You’re forgetting that our radial construction gives us longer tire life, greater resistance to punctures, excellent traction, improved handling, and a smooth ride, thereby ensuring an all-around superior political driving experience.
“Does she even have the slightest inkling that she isn’t terribly bright?”
No, she does not. Thus in comment #1 Marita explains the Silent Majority, the Reagan Revolution, Red State America, and forty years of violent stupidity from Vietnam to Iraq.
I’ve been told God was just, but eternal, infinite punishment for the finite sins committed in one short lifetime is not just. I’ve also been told God is love, and that love is patient and kind, doesn’t insist on its own way, doesn’t hold grudges, bears all things, and never ends, etc.
Sadly No: Revelation 22:10-12 -Deal with a very loving but just God;&version=9;
Here’s what I’ve heard.
Plus, Michelin provides us Leftists with a road hazard warranty for the lifetime of the tread.
Do we still get to strangle the last republican with the guts of the last Baptist preacher?
But Marie! That’s the word of Satan fooling you.
Can you PROVE that’s God’s word?
‘Cause I’m CERTAIN that god spoke to me.
I’m afraid you’re doing the devil’s work here.
But hey. I suppose I COULD be wrong.
So prove to me that what god said to you is more god than what god said to me. Or what god said to Mohammed. Or what god said to Emperor Kammu. C’mon, there’s a LOT of stories out there. Your’s ain’t so special. Tell me why I should believe it. Other than the fact YOU do, and you’re hot. Which is, I suppose, a point in your favor. But alas, not enough. I know a pagan AND a Buddhist at least as hot as you…
A radial far Leftist. Note the resemblance to Jean-Paul Sartre.
Faultline USA
A traditionalist wonders if this nation is on the verge of transition or a devastating seismic split. The Culture Wars are the struggles we Americans face daily to define the heart, soul, and identity of America. Our nation has become polarized by differing moral and ethical understandings of what it means to be an American. We’ve lost our center: Conservative vs. Liberal, Left vs. Right, traditional vs. progressive, religion vs. humanism, assimilation vs. balkanization. Who are we?
There is a loving but just God Mikey. Ask Him into your heart.
G’ night Sadly No
PS. Retardo…. You and me. The contest is over.WINK!
For what it’s worth: where does that say punishment will be eternal? “give every man according as his work shall be” doesn’t mean 70 odd years of sins justly or lovingly deserve an eternity of torture. You should research the translation issues with the Greek words “aeon/aeonian”, which should usually be translated “age/age-long” NOT eternity/eternal. Many, if not most, of the early church fathers who spoke Greek didn’t believe in eternal torment because they could understand the texts. Only after Jerome mistranslated the Greek “aeon” into Latin “aeternum” instead of “seculum” did the doctrine of eternal torment take complete hold.
“Who among us can live with the consuming fire? Who among us can live with continual burning?” What is the source of this continual fire? “He is like a refiner’s fire and like launderer’s soap” The fire is eternal because it is the refining fire of God’s holiness, which will last as long as he will, but the torments are not eternal(though they are “age-long”) because his refining, cleaning work will eventually be finished. “I am the Lord, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed.” But you will be purified after a period of time, shorter for some, longer for others(as is just), and once made holy you will be able to stand in God’s presence without being consumed (as Isaiah was able to after God purified him) and God will have complete victory over sin and death. Your doctrine makes sin and death the victor, for all eternity.
Also see: “if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” and “at the name of Jesus
every knee shall bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord“. Would you call God a liar? The early church fathers would call you a blasphemer and a heretic, for your god is neither loving nor just.
I think he bears an even more striking resemblance to this guy. Coincidence? I think not.
I asked my heart and it said that you are an idiot who hates the Enlightenment. Who are you going to hate on next, Thomas Paine?
What is the Truth About Hell Fire?
To Tigrismus
There is a loving but just God Mikey. Ask Him into your heart.
Thanks, babe. But no, thanks.
I really prefer reality to fairy tales. I really prefer science to speculation. I really prefer the empirically observable to silly superstition.
You can believe in fairies and angels and superheroes if it gets you through the night. But the world is pretty fucked up right now, and some kind of serious (sorry, html) understanding of problems and solutions is needed at this point.
If superheroes were gonna save us, dontcha think they mighta done so already?
Thanks, Phil.
Now here’s one for you. If you can’t trust William Howard Taft, who can you trust?
Phil, annihilationism was one of the two most common beliefs about the afterlife amongst the Greek-speaking early church fathers, far easier to reconcile to the actual text than Marie’s views. The other belief you can read about here.
Ah, Snorghagen, truly you have found the original mustache of understanding.
It is the book that introduces the new truth discovered by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a man who has gone through all manner of hardship and privation. When I examine my own achievements as America’s twenty-second and twenty-fourth president, I feel nothing but remorse and shame, respectively.
Speaking of hardship and privation…
The Devil himself will quote Scripture to serve his ends, as some smartass once said – & so will Fundamentalists.
For God so loves us that He happily threatens us with endless torture & misery if we refuse to obey Him & become His servants. Oh, & He willingly had His only son die a horrendous death for our sins, when He could just as easily have created us incapable of sin in the first place – but He’s infallible & omniscient, don’t you know.
You can believe in talking snakes, guys living in whale’s tummies & scorpions with wings & breasts if you like, Marie – just don’t expect members of the Reality-Based Community not to giggle at you.
To reiterate: don’t EVER diss on Monsieur Arouet. Ragging on your betters is the leitmotif of a dipstick. He’s a large part of the reason you even know how to read & write, have the legal staus of a human being, or get to vote.
You spell nice, but that doesn’t cover well for being dumb as a box of hair.
I think it says a lot about the wingnut mind that her idea of Heaven is “no social welfare programs”.
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
Except in Marie Jon’/Dick Cheney heaven, where “suffer the little children” is transformed into “suffer, little children!”
Wow. Who knew the the Reign of Terror was so bad for property values. Now if everyone would just accept her Jesus, this whole sub-prime mess would be over. Thanks, Our Lady of Perpetual Amortization.
That struck me too, I have read a lot about the French Revolution, and never did I think about the declining property prices!
But seriously, I’m sick and tired of tossers like M-J and pantload talking shit about the French revolution. Yes there was a lot of terror, murder and death and it wasn’t the quite the flowers and kisses revolution that you would prefer. However, based on the previous 350 years of bullshit the French had to put up with, its not that surprising some heads got loped off. One visit to Versailles’s would make that point, even to the most boned headed commentator.
But secondly, and more importantly, don’t these dufooses realize the connections between the American and French revolutions, in that they sprung from the same roots, although the rational was different. Why do they see the American Revolution as being good and benign, but the French one as being ikky and horrible?
The last question was, off course, rhetorical, American exceptionalism, blah, blah, blah………….
Well see, there you go with that limited imagination, Marie Jon’ (what’s the deal with the apostrophe, may I ask?).
If God is absolute, then God is absolute love. And absolute justice. One cannot qualify the other, as in “loving but just.”
And if God is everywhere, there can be no place God isn’t. Including my heart.
It isn’t so much your beliefs, hon. It’s your inability to make a coherent argument for them. Not to mention the sheer laziness of your research.
Well actually, your beliefs are pretty nutty too.
Well see, there you go with that limited imagination, Marie Jon’ (what’s the deal with the apostrophe, may I ask?).
“It’s French.”
Aw Marie, you so kray-zeh!
There is a loving but just God
Who will, according to people like Marie, throw you into a pit of fire where you can suffer until the end of time if you do bad things.
Infinite suffering for finite transgressions.
Sounds neither loving nor just to me. Include me out, please.
PS. Retardo…. You and me. The contest is over.WINK!
You and me, sweetheart! As long as we raise our children as moonbats, it’s a deal. Muah!
“Why do they see the American Revolution as being good and benign, but the French one as being ikky and horrible?”
I’ve always wondered that myself. We seem to think “Our revolution was great, but no more after that one.”
“Why do they see the American Revolution as being good and benign, but the French one as being ikky and horrible?”
Well, for one, the American Revolution didn’t have such a negative impact on property values.
Incidentally, Grady McWhiney? Best professor name EVAR.
We seem to think “Our revolution was great, but no more after that one.”
Not meaning to diss the US and its people in general, but…
That’s what totalitarians always think.
The fact is, what Marie calls “Scripture” is really the bits and pieces of letters, post-it notes, grocery lists, first drafts of sermons, post-cards from travel trips, unfinished screenplays and ghost-written novels that managed to survive the destruction of war and zealous housecleaning. They were written by people who were exhausted from travelling, hallucinating religious visions, senile with age, and trying to advance their political agendae. The bits and pieces were then selected to purge whatever differed with the predominant political/theological school of through, and presented to Christians as the Word of God.
The Scriptures were so important to Christians that most people didn’t bother to read them until after the church had been established for over 1400 years – all those generations of Christians managed to live out their lives without devoting a single moment of thought to a Bible verse.
The Scriptures are akin to miss-filed papers that slip out of their hanging folders and end up on the bottom of the file cabinet.
I wonder if Marie has one of those fundamentalist Bibles that stop at Leviticus and pick up again at Revelation.
I wonder if Marie has one of those fundamentalist Bibles that stop at Leviticus and pick up again at Revelation.
Now, now, they aren’t that selective. Most of them also include several excerpts from the Pauline Epistles – you know, from the period after he stopped calling for the blood of Christians and started calling for the blood of non-Christians? They sure as hell skip right over Song of Solomon/Songs though, I can promise you that!
How sad is it that my first masturbatory material came from the naughty bits of the Bible? Pretty sad, I know.
Wingnut logic in action:
Amazing! Someone this scary, and yet Obama claims not to be close personal friends with him!
Oh, darn. I missed Marie.
Maybe scriptural debate is Marie’s version of foreplay – you are totally in, dude!!
If she can talk with what I’d have in her mouth, that’s a talent worthy of the record books…
wow, b-psycho. I’m sure we’re all real real impressed. Haven’t seen sexist macho schlong-waggling like that on this blog in quite some time. Now tuck yer teeny wienie back in yer britches and STFU. Dickhead.
We have a giant poster of pissing stallions in the toilet [a poster from the 1989 Einstuerzende Neubauten tour]
Please, how to be pronouncing last name of this woman?
“If she can talk with what I’d have in her mouth, that’s a talent worthy of the record books…”
Really? You mean you’d put your copy of Liberal Fascism in her mouth?
“She’s way out there where the buses don’t run.”
Can we send the rest of them out there too?
The only contact she appears to have had with a history book is when it fell on her head.
[…] than a speeding Internet meme, less insipid than a Marie Jon’ column (Sorry, HTML Mencken!), I humbly present my contribution to Internet Traditions Awareness […]
[…] so sexy, you make me feel like Rich Lowry Girl, you’re ev’ry wingnut in the world to me You’re ev’rything I need, you and your apostrophe, […]