The Tuskegee Syphilis Study: Not As Bad As You Thought

untreated syphilis
If anyone could imagine that the Tuskegee syphilis study has been given a bad rap, who better than noted history scholar Jonah Goldberg? And what better place for such a fond reminiscence of the bright side of the Tuskegee study than National Review, which once speculated that the 1963 Birmingham church bombing was possibly the work of a “crazed Negro”?
The infamous Tuskegee experiment is the Medusa’s head of black left-wing paranoia. … [Jeremiah] Wright says the U.S. government “purposely infected African-American men with syphilis.” … In March, CNN commentator Roland Martin defended Wright, saying, “That actually did, indeed, happen.” …
And what the U.S. did at Tuskegee was indeed bad, very bad. But it didn’t do what these people say it did.
You should put on your hip boots before proceeding further because you are about to wade into an ocean of bullshit of truly Jonah-esque proportions.
So what did happen? In 1932, public health researchers set out to study syphilis, particularly among African Americans, who had higher infection rates than whites. They recruited 399 black men who already had syphilis. The doctors infected no one. In fact, the patients were selected in the first place because they were tertiary-stage syphilitics who were no longer contagious.
If you ever suspected that, rather than engaging in actual research, the Pantload prefers to make up stuff that supports his views, that last paragraph is all the proof you would ever need. According to the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee convened by the U.S. Government to report on the Tuskegee study in 1972, at the time the study was started it was believed that “transmission of the disease in latent and late syphilis was … possible.” So, there’s nothing to support Jonah’s claim that the patients were selected on the basis that they were not contagious.
Worse yet, the Ad Hoc Committee found evidence that uninfected control group members who developed syphilis were transmitted without treatment to the study group, which meant that individuals with transmittable syphilis were denied treatment and could have infected others. By the time the study was ended in 1972, 40 of the subjects’ wives had been infected, and 19 of their children had been born with congenital syphilis.
Back to Jonah’s alternate universe:
Prior to the availability of penicillin in the 1940s and 1950s, the researchers couldn’t have treated the men even if they wanted to.
Wrong again. The Ad Hoc Committee noted that a 1932 study demonstrated the efficacy of then-available treatments for latent syphilis. Specifically a satisfactory clinical outcome was reported “in 85% of patients with latent syphilis that were treated in contrast to 35% if no treatment is given.”
Even after standardized penicillin treatments were available, it wasn’t clear that the patients could have been helped. Some of the doctors believed that treating the decades-long infections would kill the men.
Wrong yet again. The Ad Hoc Committee notes that the clinical benefits of penicillin for latent and late-stage syphilis had been “clinically documented by the early 1950s.” If there were a three-strikes law for pundits, Jonah would be in the Big House right now, pacing around the yard because it hurt too much to sit down.
Why bother researching hard stuff when you can spend your time watching Simpsons reruns and covering your ass with lies and blather instead? Research is boring, and Jonah didn’t get to the lofty heights he is today by doing anything useful with his time.
teh doughbob sez:
“Prior to the availability of penicillin in the 1940s and 1950s, the researchers couldn’t have treated the men even if they wanted to.”
Well, Penicillin was developed in 1928 and had been a viable treatment option since at least the mid-30s.
Not to mention the fact that doctors had been treating Syphillis for centuries with mercury (which IS at least partially effective), as well as Salvaran (sp?) in the early 1900s.
I direct the gentle reader back to my series of posts regarding things that are smarter than Jonah Goldberg.
Seriously though, how is it that people take anything he says seriously He consistently gets facts wrong and when he has the facts correct his interpretation of them is so wildly off-kilter that no sane person could reasonably come to the same conclusion.
How.. How …
It’s a shame that Lucianne didn’t seek treatment for syphilis; otherwise Jonah’s congenital infection might not have destroyed his brain.
Seriously. If I argue that the Nazi doctors’ actions weren’t so bad because their test subjects would have “all ended up getting gassed anyway” and that the research helped save lives, I wonder how fast that would yank loadbob from the funnel cake stand to issue a staunch condemnation of my antisemitism.
Clif appears to be a victim of the Gary Ruppert mind-control rays.
Congratulations to the LA Times, they fired Robert Scheer and hired this nobody.
I’m not entirely sure what the point of Jojo McPantload’s article is. It’s like he spent a column to tell us that he only eats two bags of Cheetos a day instead of three. The only motivation I see for this is that he’s just injecting revisionist history whenever he can, arguing every point possible in order cover up the fact that conservatives are dicks.
Well, he *is* right that the doctors didn’t actively inject anyone with syphilis. As usual, he’s wrong on the details, probably because he knows he’ll still get paid if he screws ’em up, and thus there’s no point in spending too much time doing that whole boring research thing. There are, after all, Doritos to be eaten.
Anyway, if someone believes–albeit falsely–that black people WERE injected with syphilis, then it’s pretty easy to understand why they’d be a bit paranoid about AIDS. The paranoia is grounded in an erroneous belief, but that doesn’t make it ridiculous or mendacious.
Jonah should be holding a handful of cow manure in your pic, Clif.
Because that is what he is selling.
No, god help us, he has a reason for this–more Obama slamming. Wright said something about the Tuskagee experiment, so now Jonah tells us that it really wasn’t that bad.
Elliot this “argument” is fairly typical amongst right wingers. Admit something was bad, don’t really discuss why that was so, but argue that it wasn’t really as bad as we thought, so no revisiting of the policy is needed. They do it with Iraq on a daily basis.
Trilateral Chairman, that’s his method. Find one problem with an argument–some poeple think the subjects were injected–and blow it up with verbiage to try to cancel out the entire episode. Verbal vomit to excuse any attack on liberals or any conservative sin.
I’d like to add that the subjects of the Tuskegee study were told they did not have syphilis so that they would not seek treatment elsewhere.
Elliot–his point in his mind appears to be that Jeremiah Wright is a delusion blowhard. His point got lost when he went to type it up because he is incredibly disingenuous. It is tempting for me to say that Goldberg is delusion, but that seems extreme. He is self-deceptive, that I am sure of.
Coming from the man who argues that the “only” reason Mussolini was called a fascist is because he wore silly hats, I’m surprised he didn’t tell us that Reagan was able to build a time machine using nothing but tax cuts and his own aura, and go back in time and heal those men of their syphilis simply by telling the infection to tear down this wall.
Now we need to get Johan to tell us why it WASN’T a act of eternal dishonor and shame when US airmen strafed Japanese survivors in the water after sinking the Yamato.
Oooh! Oooh! I know the answer!
“The sharks would have eaten them anyway; it was an act of mercy.”
Insisting that Jonah familiarize himself with facts is the Gleichschaltung of liberal fascism.
The government doing nasty things to Teh Ne-Groes? It’d never happen.
So what did happen? In 1932, public health researchers set out to study syphilis, particularly among African Americans, who had higher infection rates than whites.
You see that? Syphilis is a black thing. Negroes should thank those nice white scientists for trying to help them. In fact, they were so busy trying to discover a cure for their unfortunate brothers that they plumb forgot to test untreated syphilis on any white people! “Particularly” = exclusively. Keep the change.
If you make it down to the end of his screed, you get:
W00T!!11!! “It was all the Democrats’ fault” HA!
This isn’t funny. Jonah, fuck you.
I was going to mention the use of mercury salts as a common treatment to kill off the syphilis bacteria during the “Wild West” days of the mid to late 19th century, when whorehouses sprouted like weeds across the
heartlandfrontierlands.Jonah just forgets to mention treatments. He has to do a correction (the first of many, no doubt).
There, Jonah was right after all. Salvarsan was exaggerated and later cures like penicillin are ignored. And the spouses and children infected are also ignored. No doubt there will more more corrections and more excuses. Or he’ll just say his critics made a “bad” critique.
But Tuskegee was in fact the poisoned fruit of progressive government.
How was it progressive again? Because it was meant to benefit society in some way? The entire article defends Tuskegee as good science, then he concludes by essentially saying that the government shouldn’t be involved in medical research. Smooth.
Note to honest, decent intelligent conservatives (if such exist):
Please denounce this stupid man and his many dishonest brethren. He takes up space that could be used for honest and sensible expressions of conservative ideology (if there be such).
To many people in this country, conservatism looks like nothing more than dishonest opportunism geared for formulating transparent sophistries for fooling the delusional.
If there is more to it than that, it is way past time to bring out your intellectual big guns and demonstrate that there is more to conservatism than textbook logical fallacies.
(And by intellectual big guns, I don’t mean Ben Stein and George Will and Thomas Sowell.)
Otherwise, you will continue to look like whiners when you get all upset and politically correct when you say the mean liberals are ridiculing you and being uncivil.
And in the process he’s demonstrating that conservatives are not just dicks – they’re lying dicks.
Jonah looks to be of military age. Why isn’t he over in Iraq fighting the Islamofascistnazibadguys?
OT, but can anyone make sense of this article on
So… the feds only target latinos these days, therefore the white yuppie cokehead stereotype is unfair? I guess when President Obama orders the FBI to only prosecute white people, only white people will be criminals.
Funny, Goldberg has got nothing to say about the Tuskegee Institute itself or about the Tuskegee Airmen, but he’s totally willing to set fat–er, foot– on Tuskegee to disabuse black people of the assumption that we should ever expect any redress for wrongs done by our government. Which were not, you know, wrongs. So much as they were, possibly, progressive, and therefore, inarguably wrong– but not in a congenital disease way, just in a “see, liberals are the real racists” way.
I’m so glad you asked. Jonah?
Wait, what? Jonah doesn’t have a baby daughter, I hope.
I find the “lost income” excuse the most hilarious.
Anyway, if someone believes–albeit falsely–that black people WERE injected with syphilis, then it’s pretty easy to understand why they’d be a bit paranoid about AIDS. The paranoia is grounded in an erroneous belief, but that doesn’t make it ridiculous or mendacious.
The idea that people were inadvertently infected with HIV was prominent enough in the early 90s that it showed up in a lot of mainstream publications. The theory was that polio vaccine, cultured in monkey tissue cultures, carried the SIV (monkey equivalent of HIV) virus and it got injected into a lot of people in polio vaccine. The vaccine was widely used in Africa up to and perhaps following introduction of the oral polio vaccine. In any case, the theory has pretty much been disproven since genetic sequencing came into being and showed that HIV made the species barrier jump about 100 years ago. It’s still possible that a few people may have been infected with SIV/HIV through tainted vaccine, though there hasn’t been any real evidence to prove it. In any case, if it happened, it was on account of the limited medical knowledge of the day and not an intentional effort to infect a bunch of people with something that will take 15 years or more to kill them – that would not be a very effective biological weapon for genocide.
But if you’re someone who only heard the parts of the story about the vaccine and not what later investigation showed, you might be inclined to believe it. I’ve heard other crazy rumors locally, one that claimed that Church’s was putting an ingredient in their chicken that makes black men sterile. Now, what this ingredient is that would make only black men sterile, I don’t know. And why a corporation would seek to lower the birthrate among their customer base, I also don’t know. But the supposed “proof” of the plot was that Church’s restaurants were all located in black neighborhoods. Then there was the one about how Snapple, I think it was, had a picture of a slave ship on the label on their iced tea. Never mind that there were no black people on the label and all the men were wearing colonial era garb and throwing boxes overboard, or that a picture depicting the Boston Tea Party would obviously make more sense on a bottle of iced tea than a slave ship would…..the further “proof” cited was that there was a K in a circle kosher logo, which in this rumor, was standing in for “KKK”.
Now I can look at those rumors and see them as entirely silly…but then again I’m not a member of a group that has been generally abused, ripped off and held back by the larger society and its various sectors. So when it comes to the stuff about AIDS, if you were a member of that community, knew even a little about Tuskeegee, and were the equivalent of a “low information voter” in terms of general news…the AIDS thing would be entirely plausible to you. And let’s face it, it’s actually more plausible than the homophobic idea preached from a lot of pulpits that homosexuals are trying to “convert” people and “recruit” children.
Now I know the system is broken. Jonah, by virtue of his girth, would be an ideal decoy to draw insurgent fire away from his fellow soldiers. Any one of the people currently serving in uniform, by virtue of not being Jonah, would be a better professional writer. There is no justice in the world.
The experiment continued through to 1972. The final 20+ years of the experiment were conducted with penicillin available yet not administered to infected test subjects.
Yes, she’s around 5 now, I think. Jonah’s married to a shopping mall and “beverage store” heiress.
I am surprised you missed this gem from Jonah’s masterpiece:
Someone, please, please, please point me to a scholar who has studied Tuskegee who wants to deny that racism was involved.
Clif, Clif, Clif, Jonah’s specialty is being wrong about everything.
And yet, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard guilt-ridden white liberals say exactly that. “Considering what we did at Tuskegee,” they opine, “who can blame them for being distrustful of government?”
If I had a nickel for every time a guilt-ridden liberal brought up Tuskegee, I’d be …um…I’d have ten cents.
The guy Jonah got his info from, for one.
Behind every bit of Jonah’s work are the authors who actuallly did the work.
The thought of a child under Jonah’s care/supervision = !!!!!!
Since Jonah travels a lot and his wife works, I assume they have a housekeeper care for the kid while they are busy. That would be unremarkable except that conservatives never seem to mention their own servants when talking about the liberal elite.
This is teh punchline.
Jennifer gets much Win for this thread, both for her prime snark and for her very cogent explanation of why some people would believe our government does not have their best interests at the forefront of its endeavors. I would add that as the truth of the Tuskegee Experiment emerged, a lot of Sensible People insisted that it must be a “plot” by the DFHs — err, Commies — either a pure invention, or a vile misappropriation of Amurkin medical Gee-Nyus to stir up the lower socioeconomic depths in rebellion against their “betters”. There are still plenty of Reichtards who insist the Tuskegee Experiment was fiction; Jonah no doubt considers himself a bold crusader for truth in that he is willing to admit the whole shameful exercise happened, even as he dresses the disgusting truth in rags of obfuscation and further lies.
Now we need to get Johan to tell us why it WASN’T a act of eternal dishonor and shame when US airmen strafed Japanese survivors in the water after sinking the Yamato.
On of the airmen who admitted to such strafing runs would later become the VP to St. Ronnie Reagan, a one-term president himself, and the father of our current Oval Office Occupant. Condemning the airmen who broke the Geneva Conventions by strafing Japanese survivors is therefore treason against at least one-and-three-quarters Preznidents, according to the Reichtard standards where “If the President does it, that is not a crime.” (to quote another Reichtard icon).
Now I can look at those rumors and see them as entirely silly
The problem is when people like Jonah try to pretend believing silly stuff is a black thing… “Medusa’s head of black left-wing paranoia” my ass, try Googling Proctor Gamble satan or urban legend “in god we trust”, or reading any Chick tract…
Great post, Clif, but I hate that last sentence. Otherwise right on target.
Not attempting to treat these guys for syphilis wasn’t so bad, but if people have to wait in line for Canadian health care it’s worse than 4000 Dachaus.
The guy Jonah got his info from, for one.
I have much respect for Richard Shweder — his essay on magical thinking is a classic — but that Spiked essay is full of 7 kinds of wrong. He writes as if medical ethics and the symptoms of syphilis are as pliable as ‘a plausible counter-narrative’.
Here’s Shweder:
So what does an actual doctor / ethicist have to say, when he thinks in terms of facts rather than competing narratives? Here’s Restak writing in 1975:
Jonah Goldberg is the syphilis of Liberal Fascism.
Re: The Cocaine article. Using FEDERAL prosecution numbers to describe the current state of what is inherently a LOCAL crime will always result in skewed numbers.
Why would you get lots of hispanics at the federal level of prosecution? I don’t suppose it might have anything to do with the fact that the vast majority of cocaine is smuggled into the US from latin american nations, particularly mexico, and smuggling, being as how it crosses international borders by definition, tends to fall under federal purview? Nah, that would be crazy. Must mean there are thousands of brown mexican drug pushers moving into YOUR neighborhood to get YOUR nice white suburban kids hooked!
Re: Strafing japanese sailors. True though it might be, this offends me a little bit. War is inherently ugly, evil, criminal, full to the brim with horror and inhuman acts. Do americans commit war crimes, small and large? You bet they do. No nation state has ever sent it’s people into combat and not had some of them guilty of the most heinous acts. It is more a commentary on the very thin veneer of “humanity” we all wear when there are rules in place, peace, prosperity and safety. Take away all that, make people scared and sick and angry and armed and take all the controls off and that’s what you get. So it’s good to remember that our guys do it (I’m guilty myself), but it’s of questionable value just to bang on our guys as if they own the franchise.
I can assure you that japanese pilots strafed american sailors in the water, that for every no gun ri there was a NoKor bloodletting, for every my lai there was an ugly atrocity committed by the VC or NVA. I’m not saying that justifies anything, and hell, I’m often accused of being part of the blame-america-first contingent, but this just sounded a little pointlessly one-sided to me.
The fact is, this is an example of how the blame white people first crowd gets the facts wrong, as usual, lost in a haze of PC and classwar hater rhetoric. People should get over Tuskegee.
We have!
Where righteous confusion can exist between agitation and stupid , Stupid Wins
Bringing a stupid to a smart fight Stupid Wins Every Time .
Narrative is readily accepted and easier than observation
Observation is clumsy and its content argues with satisfying stories
If you wish to irritate a liberal laugh at the grace of God , or gravity as just a “Theory”
If you wish to irritate a neocon threaten their walled sinecure
It is easier to dance with the pinhead angels than to comprehend people whose cheese bills would pay for a college education
Don’t make me insensible with , grrrr , stupid provocations
I’m working on a photoshop of dooboy and his brethren in thought & appearance, AceO and such. I’ll have it up in a couple of days.
The infamous Tuskegee experiment is the Medusa’s head of black left-wing paranoia.
It turns people to stone?!
Johan has confused the head of Medusa with those of the Hydra.
Another example of the conservative trend of justifying atrocities caused the the government while simultaneously saying that *if* they did happen, then it was just the fault of creeping socialism – ’cause if there’s one place where racism has been non-existent it’s in the private sector.
Susan of Texas said,
Since Jonah travels a lot and his wife works, I assume they have a housekeeper care for the kid while they are busy.
If they do have a housekeeper or nanny, I’m just grateful their poor kid has a normal human being seeing to her daily needs. Imagine relying on Jonah for your upbringing — or even for your lunch.
Gary Ruppert said,
… this is an example of how the blame white people first crowd gets the facts wrong, as usual …. People should get over Tuskegee.
Uh, Gary? If we’re all wrong about Tuskegee … why should we “get over” it? If we’re wrong, there’s nothing to get over. Usually, your blame-everybody-except-yourselves crowd tells us to “get over” stuff that you admit actually happened. Look in the mirror much? no, I thought not.
God Daaaaammmmn Pantloadica.
I will throw Goldberg into a cask studded with nails and drive him through the streets until he is dead.
Then, we feast.
Next up by J-Gold,
Tall Tales About Slavery
Black left-wing paranoia.
Johan LœdedHösen’s writing is a slithering hydra of fRightWing paranoia and bad cliches.
I’m pretty sure it’s a law that if you get into a debate with a person and they try to rebut you by citing Goldburp, you have to punch them in the face and knock out no less than three teeth.
a slithering hydra of fRightWing paranoia and bad cliches
We do not slither.
The fact is, we move around mainly by a kind of somersaulting.
Look in the mirror much? no, I thought not.
Possibly for good reasons.
an ocean of bullshit of truly Jonah-esque proportions.
Among the 12 Labours of Hercules, he was required to slay the Hydra of Jonahprose and clean out the Pantloadean Stables.
Hydras swing both ways.
Admit something was bad, don’t really discuss why that was so, but argue that it wasn’t really as bad as we thought, so no revisiting of the policy is needed.
Ooh! Jonah goes for the double-reverse strawman with a one-and-a-half begging-the-question twist. Will he stick the landing?
But when ordered to steal the girdle of Lucianne, queen of the WingNutzons, he quit.
Before I died, the researchers told me that all this time I actually had syphilis! I can’t believe I didn’t catch on earlier to the joke! We all had a good laugh over that one.
I opened the mail. It was just another tuesday. There was a plane ticket to denmark and a cryptic note: “We will contact you”. Along with ten grand. So I went. I met with a couple of very shady characters in Odense. Young men with close cropped hair and sunglasses, dark suits with white shirts, broad shoulders and hard, tight waists. They got right down to cases. They offered me a contract to, well, recover or liberate a particular item. They had funding, and some matériel support. I signed the contract. It’s what I do.
A few months later I found myself in Vienna, Virginia, leading a small unit strike team on a shoot n loot to get Lucianne’s Girdle. We set off six small pyrotechnics to keep the local cops busy and hit the compound fast and hard. With crossbows and suppressed handguns we attritted the security forces and made entry. Upstairs, we breached the door to the safe room and confronted the target.
Oh sweet mother of gawd, I wish I hadn’t been there. I’m the only one left to tell the tale. That girdle was HUGE, and it seemed to be alive, crawling with the kind of creatures from hell you civilians will never have to see. We had a couple of satchel charges, and we pulled the trigger and tossed ’em and started back. But the Girdle was just too much. The retreat was chaotic, run and shoot, dive and shoot, grenades, screams, smoke, explosions, always that horrible girdle hot on our trail like montomery wards hellhounds with lycra and smegma in equal volumes. Somehow, spent, my last mag empty, I found myself on the oddly peaceful suburban street outside the Goldberg compound. I hotwired a nearby Mercedes and headed out of town.
Now? Now I have to cope with the horror of the memories. And the fact that we failed. And of course, I’ll ultimately have to explain to my “employers”, and try to make them understand that the girdle is just not a simple target, and a small unit smash and grab isn’t appropriate to the goal. A company of Rangers, perhaps, or maybe suitcase nukes. But goddam it, I stood up against that evil horror, and all I want now is to grow old peacefully, and never have to remember…
I should have been more clear and I regret giving the impression that there were no other options. But I think even this reader (and Wikipedia) exaggerate the effectiveness and desirability of salvarsan, at least from what I’ve read on the subject.
See the beauty of this? The less Jonah studies a subject, the stronger his argument is. It’s like, a strawman made of bricks so the Big Bad World can’t blow it down…
And why doesn’t Jonah enlist to fight the Islamofascists? Shut up, that’s why.
But I think even this reader (and Wikipedia) exaggerate the effectiveness and desirability of salvarsan, at least from what I’ve read on the subject.
Someone remind him that there was a treated group in the experiment.
How effective was the treatment? “By 1942, when the study was 10 years old, the death rate for the untreated was 24.6 per cent, compared to 13.9 per cent among the treated” — that is, 99 had died, compared to the 56 that would be expected from a similar group of treated cases.
“By 1952, 40 per cent of those who had received no treatment were dead, compared to 20 per cent among the treated” — 161 deaths rather than 81.
I see you spill more ink to try to be on the right side of that racist blowhard Wright. Do you really think it is going to help your man Obama?
Face it, liberals: 45 state defeat is coming in November. And it will be delightful to read this site then!
“By 1942, when the study was 10 years old, the death rate for the untreated was 24.6 per cent, compared to 13.9 per cent among the treated” — that is, 99 had died, compared to the 56 that would be expected from a similar group of treated cases.
“By 1952, 40 per cent of those who had received no treatment were dead, compared to 20 per cent among the treated” — 161 deaths rather than 81.
I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here.
May I remind you?
They were Negroes!
Gawd DAMN, Mikey! After you write your memoirs (you are doing that, aren’t you?), you gotta write a novel!
Smut Clyde said,
May 4, 2008 at 0:52
The infamous Tuskegee experiment is the Medusa’s head of black left-wing paranoia.
It turns people to stone?!
Johan has confused the head of Medusa with those of the Hydra.
No, he just means that it gives us really, really, bad hair days.
I love you in a totally brotherly and platonic no reach arounds or other assorted hanky panky jiggery pokery at all sort of way.
As wingnuttery goes, this is jam-packed with fail.
Doughboy actually admits the event he’s, um, re-inventing, actually occurred roughly as depicted. He should’ve been as “brave” as O’Reilly was when he turned Malmedy into an AMERICAN war-crime against poor defenseless Waffen-SS soldiers – saying Tuskegee was really a sinister Negro Conspiracy to infect unsuspsecting white women with syphilis! You gotta admit, THAT angle would be vastly superior both as wingnuttery & as entertaining gibberish.
Someone needs to keep a running tally on how many subscribers the LA Times loses by hiring this schmuck before they cut him loose. Someone commented that the last time a McPundit started turning up all over the place all at once like this, it was Tucker Carlson … could this be Jonah’s Last Hurrah? Maybe Michelle Malkin can give him her onion-ring recipe. It ain’t over until the fat man shuts up.
The mikey-epic made me weep. It’s like an Iliad of Crusty Girl-Gonch. Wow … I didn’t think so, but … there really ARE still real American heroes after all. Better you than me, dude!
The infamous Tuskegee experiment is the Medusa’s head of black left-wing paranoia.
It turns people to stone?!
Johan has confused the head of Medusa with those of the Hydra.
Wright is the Aegis of Obama’s campaign! Chelsea is the Helen of Troy of the Clinton Campaign! McCain wrassled Romulus and Magog in his Vietnam cell and refused to come home like Jason of the Odyssey because of the Charybdis of political favoritism and the Cerberus of Hippy perfidy!
“Wright is the Aegis of Obama’s campaign! Chelsea is the Helen of Troy of the Clinton Campaign! McCain wrassled Romulus and Magog in his Vietnam cell and refused to come home like Jason of the Odyssey because of the Charybdis of political favoritism and the Cerberus of Hippy perfidy!”
Victor Davis Hanson lives!!!
The fact is, Obama is going down, and so are teh leftists. Enjoy your fantasy well it lasts, for the Heartland rules USA again like it should be!
I want Barack Obama to go down on me.
Son. Of. A. Bitch. How could he?
Shorter Pantload: I’m going to use a bunch of dead n—–rs to smear two live ones.
The human radiation experiments of the 1950s and 60s weren’t exactly a model of decent treatment of blacks either (although blacks weren’t the only subjects of experimentation). Wright has mentioned those in defense of his AIDS theory too. Perhaps Jonah and the other righties, always eager to show what America haters we all are, will write an apologia for those too.
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if in the end it turned out that AIDS actually was invented by the US government, tested on black people, and deliberately released into the gay male population of San Francisco by the Reagan Administration?
So. Fucking. Funny, all of it.
It makes no difference which one of them you vote for!
Either way your planet is doomed! DOOMED!
–Well, I believe I’ll vote for a third-party candidate.
Go ahead! Throw your vote away! HAhahahahaha!
–Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos!
Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!
Wright is the Aegis of Obama’s campaign! Chelsea is the Helen of Troy of the Clinton Campaign! McCain wrassled Romulus and Magog in his Vietnam cell and refused to come home like Jason of the Odyssey because of the Charybdis of political favoritism and the Cerberus of Hippy perfidy!
Avant Gardé peotry…
Wright is the Aegis of Obama’s campaign!
But who is Pegasus? And where does the Chimæra fit in? This analogy still needs work.
The wingèd sandals or talaria were last seen in Condaleeza Rice’s shoe collection.
Beautiful smackdown.
But I have a question: I would like to inquire about the nature of the mechanism employed amongst you, Tbogg, the Editors, Roy at Alicublog and all the many others that helps you maintain an orderly sequence. I assume that there must be such mechanism because, other than those delerious first few days after “Liberal Fascism” was released, we haven’t seen the comical, Three-Stooges-all-going-through-the-door-at-the-same-moment type moment when you all hit ‘post’ simultaneously after Jonah releases the latest mostest stupidest thing ever written (which will remain so until Goldberg writes something else).
I’m really curious because you all seem so nice about it for a bunch of dirty effing hippies, and I’m hoping I might be able to adapt something for next year’s PTA meetings.
You know, not to Godwin the guy who wrote Liberal Fascism or anything, but this style of argument is totally cribbed from Holocaust denialism:
(a.) some people believe the Nazis skinned Jews to make lampshades,
(b.) this didn’t actually happen (or if it did, it was only a few, and they were already dead anyway), ergo:
(c.) the Holocaust is a lie.
Of course, it’s not like the US ever did anything bad to black people before Tuskeege. I mean, obviously leaving aside the poll tax and Jim Crow laws. Oh, and slavery too, I guess. But really, you’d think they’d have gotten over that by now.
But really, you’d think they’d have gotten over that by now.
Yeah, but obviously some of them haven’t, so white people have to keep a close eye on all of them. Who knows what they might do out of revenge if they ever got the chance.
I think the problem is that a lot of white people have never quite gotten over Nat Turner’s Rebellion.
Clif, nice, nice post.
Nat Turner’s Rebellion caused slavery to last thirty years more than it otherwise would have.
The South was on the verge of ending slavery. But Nat Turner’s Rebellion made white people realize that the Negro could not handle freedom. So slavery lasted another thirty years as the southerners trained the black man in the discipline necessary for freedom.
And just when the South was just about to free the black man, round about 1860, the Northerners and the Jews started a making a big fuss about abolition and they elected the Black miscegenationist Republican Abraham Lincoln. Well, the southerner is a proud man, and even though he was about to free the Negro, he didn’t want it to look like he gave in to the Northerners and the Jews.
So five years of Civil War was all the fault of the Northerners and the Jews.
(Do I get an A, Prof. Goldeberg? Huh? Do I? Do I? Do I?)
B+ Typical Republican.
You’ve got the logic down cold, but your style could use work. First, your line of argument is too clear. You should throw in a lot of weasel phrases, such as “some say”, “there is an ongoing debate”, and “x is more/less significant than many people realize.” At the end of a paragraph, a reader should have a strong emotional reaction without being able to pin down exactly what it is you are trying to say.
Also, try to use more of the unfamiliar words in your thesaurus. Don’t worry about using them correctly, nobody really knows what they mean anyway, and most readers are too lazy to look things up. The important thing is that you sound intellectual to them and that they feel intellectual for reading it.
Finally, you need to use obscure, rambling, stream-of-conscious connections to alter the very definition of commonly used words. For example, you could have pointed out that “slave” comes from “slav” and postited that the first slaves were, by definition white people, and that anyway it already existed in Africa, so liberals are to blame because they are the ones who are cultural relativists.
Overall, very good work. I expect great things from you.
(Sorry Prof Goldberg couldn’t grade any of your papers himself this semester, he was detained by an all-you-can-eat waffle buffet and the university refused to grant him another extension so that he could read all of your work and submit your final grade.)
I’ve always thought it was pretty funny that a self-professed Jewish guy would hand Holocaust deniers so much material. And the cherry on top is that he has no idea what he’s doing. Hey, Hitler didn’t scapegoat Jews as a cynical ploy to get away with world domination. He just loved animals and vegetable, and got too carried away trying to progressivly transform the world.
World-class wanker.
See the beauty of this? The less Jonah studies a subject, the stronger his argument is. It’s like, a strawman made of bricks so the Big Bad World can’t blow it down…
Oh, it’s breathtaking. When pressed, Jonah will often retreat by arguing that his claim, no matter how inaccurate or stupid it may be in reality, was nonetheless correct and reasonable based on what he happened to know about the subject at hand.
Rhetorically, it’s almost a subtle difference: He’s not *really* asserting that, say, salvarsan was ineffective; he’s asserting that *the sources he’s read* claim that salvarsan was ineffective. The latter assertion is easy to prove, even for Jonah–“See! This is the book I read, and it says right here that salvarsan didn’t work! Liberals are dumb!”–and it allows him to convey a vague impression of wounded honesty, which is all that the faithful need to keep believing in him.
The convenient part of this strategy, at least if you’re an indolent piece of shit like Jonah Goldberg, is that it’s actually a *disincentive* to do research. The more you read, the more likely you’ll end up finding counterarguments and contradictory evidence, and that takes time and weakens your argument. Better to find a couple sources that say what you want, hedge your argument appropriately, and go back to your Cheetos and Miller Lite.
I truly think that Jonah doesn’t realize that a lazy imbecile’s description of a biased selection of sources is actually quite useless, even if it’s totally accurate.
And meanwhile, Jonah and his buddies rack up money and phony awards VDH was given a medal by the president and quarter of a million dollars for his “scholarship.”
NRO’s own Victor Davis Hanson will receive one of this year’s Bradley Prizes, worth $250,000. Here’s the press release from Hillsdale College, where Hanson holds a professorship.
HIllsdale is notorious.
The middle paragraph is a quote from the Corner.
They recruited 399 black men who already had syphilis.
That’s the first bit of dishonesty straightaway. The 400-odd subjects in the study were conscripted. If you’re going to say they were ‘recruited’, you might as well re-define the slave trade as ‘labour recruitment’.
Yes., I spell ‘labour’ with a ‘u’. And I’m proud of it! Ha ha!
fucking syphilitic pelicans.
fuck you guys.
prison rape “jokes” are never ever funny. even if they are about jonah goldberg.
seriously. never.
Actually, I’d guess Pantload and Friends, if they ever brought themselves to think about it at all, would consider it “shopping for agricultural machinery”. Labor, with or without the “u”, implies some level of humanity.
The fact that a Schiavo-like mentality of a Jonah Goldberg can score a regular column in a major municipal “newspaper”, the LA Times, speaks volumes of the mental midgetry of our citizenry. Why an enraged populace does not rise up en masse to stone the Times’ editorial offices for firing Bob Scheer and hiring this wetbrain, I will never know. But what makes me so ineffably joyous is the realization that since the Right has virtually nobody who is even remotely smart anymore (WFB bein’ dead an’ all), it is incontrovertible proof that the Left is correct about everything.
Oh, it’s breathtaking. When pressed, Jonah will often retreat by arguing that his claim, no matter how inaccurate or stupid it may be in reality, was nonetheless correct and reasonable based on what he happened to know about the subject at hand.
Indeed, let’s not forget one of the greatest all-time hits of this brand of Wingnut Weasel Wordistry!
“British intelligence has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa…”
See— Bush never actually said that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa!!!
He simply cited what “British Intelligence” learned.
The fact that “British Intelligence” never actually said this, and that Sadam Hussein never actually sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa has nothing to do with anything! Stupid liberals!
This may seem kind of harsh, and in no way broaches the topic, but that picture of Jonah puts me in mind of a cat’s puckered behind.
Goldberg better watch it. A little more of that stuff and before he knows it, he’ll be in Joseph Sobran territory.
The problem with the experiment is that it’s unethical research experiment that violates the Helsinki and Belmont standards that dictate ethical lines of conduct when choosing human subjects for research. It’s racist because it’s just a little strange that a bunch of African Americans were chosen and all of the people working for the medical profession were white. In addition doctors have an obligation to treat patients, and they withheld it from the subjects. Goldberg should do some homework before talking out of his ass. Milgram’s obedience experiments were beneficial to show how far people would go in hurting another when an authority figure pressured them to do so, but the it had serious psychological effects on the subjects.
You are an idiot. It’s too bad that the internet enables people like you to spew nonsense, or that it lets your fellow bigots engage in it as well.