The Unbearable Nearness Of Drinking Sadlyly

Via bear-guided messenger bear-puma comes a final reminder from Doodle Bean:

Where: People’s Republik, 876 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA, 02139, (617) 492-8632

When: Sunday, April 27, 2008, 5 pm to whenever

Above: Take the Red Line to Carnal Request


Comments: 149

Gavin's Fiancée

Hooray! I’ll finally be able to reveal my secret identity!



Gavin’s Fiancée,

I can’t make it, but if you’re Gary Ruppert, we’re going to need pictures.


I like the revised subway map. Now if only MBTA would change the names of the stations, it might make riding the T a little more interesting.


I’m bitter because I can’t be there and it sounds fun.

Was just reading some of the responses to my comment in the last Drinking Sadlyly thread. Damn, I hit a few nerves. No offense to any of you, I promise. I can assure you, I’m still friendly with many of my former coworkers.

Hope everyone who attends has fun. Even the sourpusses who take shit too personally.

Gavin's Fiancée

I can’t make it, but if you’re Gary Ruppert, we’re going to need pictures.

Oh noes! I’ve been outed!


I kept reading the handicapped symbols as ampersands. Am I bad person, or is it just the vicodin and beer talking?

Gavin's Fiancée

Am I bad person, or is it just the vicodin and beer talking?

Does it have to be either/or?


Y’know, the last time I saw this public transit map, I was frustrated ’cause I didn’t get any of the jokes/allusions.

But tonight I don’t care.

Oh. And the fact that I know your secret identity already, young lady, doesn’t make it any less frustrating to have to miss the drunken Sadlython that includes the Sadly OGs.

One has to assume it would be good for a few belly laughs.

And I have the belly for it.

Just sayin…



Gavin’s Fiancée said,

April 27, 2008 at 5:24

I can’t make it, but if you’re Gary Ruppert, we’re going to need pictures.

Oh noes! I’ve been outed!

I can hz prize?

Gavin's Fiancée

I can hz prize?

The fact is, probably not.


Y’know, the last time I saw this public transit map, I was frustrated ’cause I didn’t get any of the jokes/allusions.

I don’t get it now but Sewer Villainy made me snicker.

Yeah, I’m easily mamused.


Shorter Sadly, No!: This one’s for you, Me!

Shorter Me: People who call me on my crabbiness are touchy.


The fact is, this raises more kweschuns.

For example, there has been more than one Gary R. on these threads (or so I have been led to believe).

Are you original Gary, from way back when?

Gavin's Fiancée

Are you original Gary, from way back when?

Is that what Mikey meant by Sadly OGs?

The fact is, I have never been a Gary Ruppert.

The fact is, I am Ann Althouse.

But then, aren’t we all?


The fact is, I am Ann Althouse.

But then, aren’t we all?

The fact is, I’m going to have to take a fifth. *hic*. I mean plead, that’s the ticket!

Gavin's Fiancée

Does the People’s Republik sell wine by the glass, or do you have to buy the whole box?


I’m going to have go to sleep, this is too much news for me.

Somebody tell Molly that Thers is marrying Gavin, OK?


I put apples and walnuts in my salad.

Along with hard cooked eggs and sunflower nuts and diced ham.

And three different kinds of garlic.

Does that make me cosmopolitan?


Homosexuals are aids monkeys

It looks like the far left is in trouble this November. Democratic threats to carry traditionally Republican states such as Nevada, Colorado and Virginia are dumbfounded and are doomed to failure. In Nevada for example McCain has a double digit lead over both Obama and Clinton. Nevada’s traditional role as a right leaning swing state and its close proximity to McCain’s homestate of Arizona will gurantee a comftorble margin of victory for the GOP this November.


Will you be live-blogging the event?

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

The polling I got for Nevada comes from another link, I’ll try to find it for you.


Will you be live-blogging the event?

I actually hadn’t thought of that, but if there’s wi-fi there, I might post a drunken dispatch.


Homosexuals are aids monkeys is an aids monkey, pass it on.


Ya know that’s the thing about relying on gerrymandered counties to ‘win’ elections. Just when you get all the judges bribed and the laws passed everyone has done up and moved on your ass…


Anagrams. Got it.


The fact is, what the fuck are those train stop names? Were they picked from the answers to a crossword puzzle or something? “Queer Parrots”, “Snack Recipe”, “Putrid Lane”, “Soy Nymph”?

The fact is, I have not yet been to Boston. But I did meet a “Soy Nymph” in Osaka once.


Anagrams. Got it.

The fact is, got it now. I will have to decipher them.

The fact is, this even will be visited by the Heartland.


Simon Patterson is your only man.

Rugged in Montana

Be right careful……..from what I hear, Boston is teeming with pelicans (bloodthirsty beasties).


If I stop by it can only be for about an hour and only a couple of drinks. (After hyping this up for a year, great planning self!) It looks like my dream of drinking way too much then falling asleep in a ditch is coming crashing down.


Well all you Sadlynauts have fun out there and I’m sure I speak for others in saying hope we get at least a dispatch of how it went down if not liveblogging per se.

Kind of ironic in a double sense that it’s supposed to be at a “Russian” or perhaps “Soviet” theme place on what is Easter in Russia but that fake pseudo-Cyrillic of the name drives me nuts, a “backwards R” is a “ya” sound etc so the name to me looks like “Yayerublik” or something.

Have fun 😉


I’m bringing my laptop and mobile broadband card, so there’ll be some sort of live check-ins. Someone else bring a camera, tho, mine sucks.
I’m also bringing… party favors. Dunno if they’ll get a chance to be enjoyed, but it never hurts to be prepared.
Ok, time to get a few z’s before gettin on the bus and sleepin more.


For some unknown reason, I’m totally psyched that the nearest Red Line stop to Drinking Sadlyly-thon-festapalooza is ‘Carnal Request’! Maybe because Random Observer claims he is devastatingly handsome…

And thanks for outing my genetic engineering project, Gavin. My competitors are going to be pissed!


Oh, those of you from outta town can go here for the real transit map.


Somebody told me there was a “silver line” the other day.

The Silver Line?! When did that happen?


Will you be live-blogging the event?

Lesley, don’t count on it. The live-blogging of the SF event consisted of one message wondering where all the girls were:

richardofmystery on April 19, 2008 at 5:19: “It’s a sausage fest down here at the castle. Women readers – I command you to join us!”


Yeah. What a mystery that his command didn’t work. I’ve invited Ace; maybe he can give richardofmystery a few pointers on how to deal with women!


The Silver Line?! When did that happen?

Couple of years back. Don’t get too perturbed, though, it’s just a bus line which goes underground onto the Big Dig near South Station to go to Logan.

Well, come to think of it, maybe you should get all excited; the buses have silver on them instead of the familiar T yellow.


Je support les troops said,

April 27, 2008 at 16:10

Somebody told me there was a “silver line” the other day.

The Silver Line?! When did that happen?

They dropped that in a few years ago when the Big Dig was (somewhat) completed. But don’t believe it… it’s actually an express bus.

I am more a donkey's sexual SS ho

I can anagram too

Gavin's Fiancée

I like the new name better, SS ho.

And the Silver Line is a beautiful, beautiful thing. It makes taking public transportation to the airport something other than a terrifying nightmare.

Gavin's Fiancée

It’s sure quiet in here. Is everyone on the Fung Wah or something?


Fung Wah: “Our buses have caught on fire only twice in the past ten years!”

Gavin's Fiancée

Fung Wah: “Now with 20% fewer rollovers!”


It’s sure quiet in here.

When there’s no new posts for a day and a half, everyone realizes it’s spring and runs outside. Good for everybody. I’m gonna run away as soon as the laundry is dry. Heck, it’s almost 45 degrees here in St Paul now and yesterday’s snow is all gone. sigh


The fact is, you liberals are going to lose in November, big time.


I’ve been reading this site for a while, and it’s worth noting that whenever the going gets tough, you far leftists drop the issues and talk about partying. It’s very telling. Obama got *crushed* in Pennsylvania, and it’s obvious that the American people have rejected his blend of radical Marxism and fake piety. He is unable to connect with voters, and you are unable to connect with the facts, so you keep bringing up irrelevant pundits or talk about parties. Keep up the Nero act, fellas, everyone sees through this.

John McCain’s tour of forgotten America was a huge success, as he helped the poor people understand that only less government will help them get better. Meanwhile, all you care about is raising taxes. Typical leftist solutions. The Bush revolution worked in 2001, and it can work again. And it will. McCain is bringing together Americans of all kinds, unlike Obama, who is too far left for anyone.


The fact is, I’m a moron.

Gavin's Fiancée

How dare everyone talk about partying right before… a party‽

What is wrong with you people?


The fact is, your desire to raise taxes on the wealthy is pure class warfare and will bankrupt our nation. Let people who make their money keep it, and not hand it over to some socialist engineer to feed welfare queens. The fact is, the poster above is correct — you are just full of rage and spite that Bush’s presidency has been awesome and America has never been better. But you are bitte because you do not share in the wealth because you were too busy moaning and whining to work hard and rape the beneifts. You always run on classwar and always lose, try something different, like freedom and support for America, not hate?


That other Jason Ambrose wasn’t me. Nice try, guys. Ha ha ha, ho ho ho.


The fact is, you are all just pathetic and should be recycled.

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

Obama is going to lose vital swing states such as New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan and this is going to be his downfall along with that of the far-left Democratic party. The Midwest swing states of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan have alot of Conservative Reagan Democrats who are going to vote for McCain and bring those states in the Republican camp come November.


Keep up the Nero act, fellas, everyone sees through this.

Oh NOES! Does this mean that most of Boston is going to burn this afternoon?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Damn! Where is my fiddle?


That one wasn’t either. You lose, troll.


Actually, you are the one namestealing me, liberal. You probably are a homosexual.


Stupid reality prevents me from hitting up the spot tonight, although I met some of you all during the World Series in the North End and enjoyed the Cheeto Cocktail. Have fun tonight!

And the fact is, the Silver Line rocks out for commuting to the WTC. I haven’t taken the Crack Taxi extension downtown, but who knows.

Gavin's Fiancée

work hard and rape the beneifts

FakeGary is threatening to rape someone. Should we report this to the authorities?


The fact is, I wet the bed.

Socialist Engineer

Toot toot! All aboard the Welfare Queen Express!

The real Jason Ambrose

Knock it off, guys. Why don’t you try addressing the problems your far leftism has with winning votes? Or would you rather just mock the messenger.

Too bad, so sad.


Also, soon enough the Green Line will be updated to include my ‘hood, Unique Arson in Somerville.


Isn’t it obvious we would rather mock you?

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

Obama with his far-left socialist agenda will not make inroads into traditionally Republican states such as Nevada, Colorado and Virginia which he will need to do in order to win the Presidency. His far-left socialist agenda will not appeal to Middle America and they will show this at the ballot box. In order for a Democrat to win the Presidency he will have to carry some traditionally Republican states because Red States outnumber Blue States and Obama with his leftism and Anti-Ameicanism will not be able to do so. Only a moderate Democrat could do such things and they are in such short supply nowadays thanks to the far-left George Soros crowd.

The really truly actual Jason Ambrose

The fact is, I made a doody.

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

The rightwing here in Canada fully supports the Presidential ambitions of Senator John McCain and we will give him our full moral support and encouragement.


Keep up the Nero act, fellas, everyone sees through this.

Oh NOES! Does this mean that most of Boston is going to burn this afternoon?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Damn! Where is my fiddle?
The fact is, Nero didn’t play a fiddle, since they didn’t exist until ~1,500 years after he died. He played a lyre as Rome burned.


Or would you rather just mock the messenger.


The real Jason Ambrose

Obama is toast, but you’d rather just giggle and giggle. What will you do once McCain wins the presidency in November? And again in 2012? Will you laugh at me then?

Too bad, so sad. I’m glad you people keep supporting why I left the Democrat party years ago.


Latte, limosine far-left liberals like billionaire Soros want to start a class war by calling for increasing taxes on the wealthy! PERFIDY!

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

George Soros is an anti-American scumbag who should never have immigrated to America if he hates it so much. He should be extradited to Russia where he would probably face execution. I say good riddence.

Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot 2.0

Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Read the whole thing.


The real Jason Ambrose said,

April 27, 2008 at 20:17

Obama is toast, but you’d rather just giggle and giggle. What will you do once McCain wins the presidency in November? And again in 2012? Will you laugh at me then?

Too bad, so sad. I’m glad you people keep supporting why I left the Democrat party years ago.

No, I’m going to laugh and giggle when McCain drops dead in 2010 from old age, and his VP, Joe Lieberman, becomes president.

As for 2012, the world is going to end anyway, according to a bad interpretation of the Mayan calendar.


donkey’s sexual SS ho + other trolls:

Obama’s going to kick troll butt in MN in the general election just like he kicked butt in the primary that happened months ago.

The reason that we gaily play while the trolls and conservatives forcast our doom is because the trolls and conservatives are full of shit and we don’t wallow in fear like you need to. Christ, why don’t you just go jump off a bridge and end your pain.


Unfortunately for you, the Constitution you hold in such bitter contempt still applies and forbids that sort of rank injustice. So sorry, if you hate America so much you’d better move.

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

Minnesota has been slowly but surely trending Republican since the 1990s do to the Democratic party’s far-left turn. In addition there are alot of Reagan Democrats in Minnesota who tend to support Republican candidates especially ones as pragmatic as McCain. So Obama is toast in Minnesota I’m afraid my far-left friend.


The fact is, Jay C. isn’t making enough noise for anyone to hear him.


Homosexuals are aids monkeys said,

April 27, 2008 at 20:20

George Soros is an anti-American scumbag who should never have immigrated to America if he hates it so much. He should be extradited to Russia where he would probably face execution. I say good riddence.

Warren Buffet is an anti-American scumbag who thinks the wealthy spend way too little on taxes, and need to be taxed more. He needs his ass extradited back to ummm… Omaha, where he ummm… will face execution for some reason…? Yeah! Good riddance I say!


MN has gotten burned by it’s flirtation with Republicanism. The brute took MN for everything she had and literally knocked down the bridge when he left. That affair is SO over.


Concern trolls are like vampires, they are the undead.

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

The affair is not over not by along shot. In fact its only just begun which is why McCain currently leads Obama in the Polls in Minnesota. Now its only by low single digits but it will pick up steam I assure you when word of Obama’s leftism and rabid anti-Americanism spreads. In addition to his racism.


Concern trolls are like vampires, they are the undead.

But entirely minus the debonair sex appeal.

Gavin's Fiancée

The affair is not over not by along shot. In fact its only just begun which is why McCain currently leads Obama in the Polls in Minnesota.

Wait a minute… McCain is having another affair?


You Liberals just sit there and giggle when tomorrow the sky is going to turn purple.

You Liberals just sit there and giggle when next week alien spaceships will land on the white house lawn.

You Liberals just sit there and giggle when fantastically powerful beings in the sky get irritated by people poking the wrong body part with their genitalia and wipe out entire cities.

You Liberals just sit there and giggle when by november john McCain will be fifty feet tall and made of a glistening zinc alloy.

You Liberals just sit there and giggle while all along, the “polls” you are reading are all radically wrong, the american people love the iraq occupation and over 90% of them would like to see bush serve a third, nay a FOURTH term.

I’ve got this construct down. You make a straw accusation that “liberals” are doing something that in most cases they are not, and then you just make up an outcome, no matter how silly or ridiculous or fantastically unlikely it is, and state it as absolute fact.

See, that way you can’t really argue with them, because the only course of action is to dispute their already assumed outcome.

They’re the worst kind of idiots. They’re evil, complicit idiots.

Fuck ’em…



I am not the real Jason Ambrose
nor am I not the real Jason Ambrose
I am not both Jason Ambrose and not Jason Ambrose
I am not neither the real Jason Ambrose nor not Jason Ambrose


See, that way you can’t really argue with them, because the only course of action is to dispute their already assumed outcome.

They’re the worst kind of idiots. They’re evil, complicit idiots.

Fuck ‘em…


This is the kind of unserious behaviour that typifies the left. Whenever we consult our fictitious midwestern barber, he assures that the only thing he regrets about America (totally Awesome™eleventy-eleven!!!), is that we tax the tycoon class (e.g. Donald Graham) too much, and we aren’t making war on enough countries (e.g. Iran and Syria…let’s invade now).

Back to you, Tim Russert.


The fact is, Jay C. isn’t making enough noise for anyone to hear him.

Hey, it’s hard out here for a fake troll! I mean, the fact is… oh bother.


OMG! George Soros is evil. Now he is trying to take over Italian soccer!!!

Does that man’s perfidy know any bounds?!?!?!


The far left Anti-American set of Obama as priest cannot win, McCain is awesome all the way. The perfidy, classwarring and unserious way you far-far-hard-leftists brook discussion and balance is beyond the pale. Who’s laughing when McCain is God on his throne for EVAH and you are nothing but soylent green in service of your precious downtrodden welfare blacks?

I didn’t leave my party, my party left me. You should be concerned about the far far far far left anti-USA tilt of your party, so far it should be outlawed. And you’ve got no facts, the polls say I am right.


Who’s laughing when McCain is God on his throne for EVAH and you are nothing but soylent green in service of your precious downtrodden welfare blacks?

I don’t know if I’ll be laughing if this bit of insanity ever comes true, but I sure am laughing now!

Thanks, Jason/fake Jason!


Concern trolls are like vampires, they are the undead.

No way g. In any 24 hour period vampires have 108% more physical contact with the living than any concern troll you care to name. Plus vampires are 200% more socially and physically acceptable.

Even those creepy Nosferatu bastards.

Put it this way, what would rather see coming through your window at 2 a.m.?



Obama is racist, McCain is not. Obama is black, McCain is not. Guess who wins?


Eating cheap prepared crap like Soylent Green is why poor people get fat.


The perfidy, classwarring and unserious way you far-far-hard-leftists brook discussion

That’s us! Perfidious unseriousness!


I didn’t leave my party, my party left me. You should be concerned about the far far far far left anti-USA tilt of your party, so far it should be outlawed. And you’ve got no facts, the polls say I am right.

How’s the weather in Bangalore right now?


The seething bitterness of the Left™ is very disturbing.

Why, we were just talking to George F. Marie Antoinette Will the other day, and he was Very Concerned about the pain that that elitist Muslim Harvard negro terrorist feller was inflicting upon all those losers schmucks upstanding blue collar, salt of the earth, citizens of teh Heartland that we here at the Washington Post care so much about.


Jason Ambrose said,

April 27, 2008 at 20:54

I am not the real Jason Ambrose
nor am I not the real Jason Ambrose
I am not both Jason Ambrose and not Jason Ambrose
I am not neither the real Jason Ambrose nor not Jason Ambrose

I’m Jason Ambrose, yes I’m the real Ambrose
All you other Jason Ambroses are just imitatin’
So won’t the real Jason Ambrose please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?


Shalom, gentlemen.




You Liberals just sit there and giggle…

Mikey, I’m tired of sitting and giggling. Can I go outside and play now?


I’m James Ambrose, and I approve this message.


I’m on my way from Queer Parrots.

And I may be Jason Ambrose.


I am now in Boston, Fung Wah neither rolled over nor caught fire.
So there.


The fact is, Gary always says he’ll call, but he never does.

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

Obama cannot prevail, the left will fail. Even states like New Jersey will be in play this election cycle. New Jersey believe it or not has been trending Republican lately and is no longer solidly blue. John McCain’s pragmatism will serve him well this November.


I hate you all for doing this the week *after* I was in Boston.


You all have fun tonight.


Hell, Zito’s given up 8 through three.

I might as well start drinkin along with you guys…



HAAM: OK you win. We all accept your obviously correct opinion. You need do nothing more to convince us. Your work is done here. Go find something else to do. After you’ve gone we’ll talk about how wise you are.

And trust me, this is how people are dealing with you in real life too. It’s always like that for people who are just always right. You’ve got a hard job.

Have a good night wherever you go that’s not here.

Wetsuit Manufacturers of America

The fact is, HAAM is our best customer. Sometimes wonder how many wetsuits does one guy need, then we decide we don’t want to know.


O.K., which one of you guys came into PR, looked around, looked at us and then left.

Rugged in Montana

Obama is racist, McCain is not. Obama is black, McCain is not.

Oh poop! McCain ISN’T a racist?? But I was all set to vote for him!! Oh dingleberries, what am I supposed to do now?

the convinced of Sadly No

Damn that HAMM. He is so fucking wise.

Homosexuals are aids monkeys

California is also in play this November. McCain has a decent chance to win there thanks to his wide appeal and the support of California’s popular Republican Governor Arnold Schwartzenagger.

Rugged in Montana

California is also in play this November. McCain has a decent chance to win there thanks to his wide appeal and the support of California’s popular Republican Governor Arnold Schwartzenagger.

I’ve never heard anything like this before, so it’s probably true, right?


O.K., which one of you guys came into PR, looked around, looked at us and then left.

Probably that elitest fucker Bradrocket.

Y’shoulda asked him if he had any spare arugala…



I just wanted to state for the record that Mr. and Mrs. Tigrismus do NOT believe PR smells like mop water.

In fact, it smells like Sharpies and beer!


The fact is, the commenter is correct about California. You liberals with your fancy eleite degrees and such, still cannot win at logic and fact based reasoning. McCain HAS wide support, and so does the Republican Governor, plus it is next to Arizona and to Nevada, which is also looking good. These are facts. Deny them if you want, but liberals you are gonna loose, big time and America will move on, indeed — back towards a freedom based religious politican economy that is white, Chrisitan and straight. Whine all you want, gnash your teeth, we will win.


The fact is, indeed that liberals are doomed. Hiltery or Osama are enemies of freedom. McCain is a patriot who will keep America strong and safe, not sell us out to The Enemy.


The fact is, Washington, D.C. is also in play this November. Because….


McCain is a patriot who will keep America strong and safe, not sell us out to The Enemy.

Actually Gary, he’s gone out of his way to associate himself with Bush, so what you’re saying doesn’t really work.


[…] on The Unbearable Nearness Of Drinking Sadlyly by Wetsuit … April 27, 2008 – 5:21 pm | unknown Escribio un articulo buenisimo hoyAqui hay un pedazo del articuloThe fact is, HAAM is our best […]


All the cool people are at the other end. Doodle Bean is, like, passe.


Oh no!

The Sadly, No! contingent is forming cliques?

Is there gonna be a rumble?

Damn, that didn’t take long…


dim-witted badger

fucking pelicans.


The fact is, the commenter is correct about California…blablablaliberalliberalliberal… Whine all you want, gnash your teeth, we will win.

Uhh, guys? I know we’re well past the point of arguing who’s a real Gary, who’s a fake Gary, and who’s a real “Gary”; however, when “Gary” can’t even be bothered to include a “dustbin of history” in his routine “you’re gonna loose (sic)” post, I think it’s just sad. C’mon Gare-bear, where’s that old spunk we used to know? You know you were sooooo right about the outcome of the ’06 elections. How about telling us like it’s gonna be in 2008? Give us some of that “Heartland wisdom”.


OK, I wimped out.

This time.


Meanwhile, here at PR, the food has arrived! The kitchen was closed here, so Bradrocket and Gavin’s Fiancee went to Picante.

Good for me! When I worked here at Carnal Request, I used to eat there all the time and I miss their Taco Salad.

So, now I have a Picante Taco Salad without tomatoes and gauc. Better than you might think!

Thanks Brad and Marita!


I, Chairman Meow, have arrived in People’s Republik by Fung Wah Bus.

pedestrian: where are you to see this momentous occasion? 😀


Yeah! Where is Pedestrian?!?!?!?


Could he be on his way, um, ON FOOT?

Just a thought…



Just tryin to help from way out here…



Holy shit, that was TODAY?!! Sorry guys, I’ll be along shortly, if anyone is still around. Fortunately, I am in walking distance.


So are you guys turning the bar into one of those places where no one talks to each other and everyone’s face is stuck in their laptop? I hope you’re sharing one computer.

Oh and are we having fun back here in St. Paul. It’s raining now instead of snowing and the cat just threw up. Nothing but fun in the heartland. I hope your jealous.


gbear, I go around with this AMAZING little tiny laptop computer (ASUS eee PC) and it’s totally cool just to hand it around (it only weighs a couple pounds) and let people say what they want.

THAT’S the way to do this…



We are being amazingly social and mostly kinda sorta using my wonderful Tablet Latptop, which has garnered many ooh’s and ahh’s!!

So there.

But where the hell is Pedestrian?!?!?!?!?!

The guy in the Cubs hat who was shy

OK, so I was there at 5, and didn’t hang cuz the Sox already lost and the Spurs were sucking wind.

But thanx for havin’ me and sorry I was too shy to say hi.

And yeah, for those tuning in from far away, they really were all around this little table and were all too cool for school and stuff.


Mikey called it! Pedestrian just arrived and he… [drum roll]…

Walked here!!!!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,

April 27, 2008 at 5:13

Gavin’s Fiancée,

I can’t make it, but if you’re Gary Ruppert, we’re going to need pictures.

Camera phone would be fine, kthxbai!


Just got home from PR. Thank you DoodleBean and Gavin’s Fiancee!

Spent three hours monopolizing Brad, diffBrad, Miguel, Wyatt, and sometimes Frederick. Didn’t get to talk much with the Amazing Women of Sadly, No! who were all at the *other* end of the table (too intimidated). Picante makes an excellent steak burrito, and I want to do this again! Maybe once a month, same station, not necessarily same time?


Ditto, Anne Laurie.

Although I’m totally going to beat up that different brad after school for saying I was passe!


Shy Guy in the Cubs Hat,

We’re a friendly bunch, so work up the courage next time, K?


Big talk for someone who doesn’t have


Diff Brad,

Just you wait until May 28th, dude! And don’t you snatch it up from me and hold it ransom for $10k, neither!


Oh, ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©,

I have photos of Gavin’s Fiancee and for $10,000 they are yours!!


The fact is, that WAS fun: the ritual sacrifice of a virgin to Satan(we had to sacrifice a photo of Ben Shapiro, it was Cambridge, after all), the discussion of days spent eating bonbons and ordering servants about and nights spent fomenting revolution among the proletariat, the toast to the upcoming nuptials(which will form part of a slender minority in Mass by not being gay), the party games(the Race Card Game and charades of our favorite moments in the lives of leftist dictators), and the massive drinking. The Abortie Mary was good, but the Whiskey Sour Grapes, dusted as it was with the broken dreams of overtaxed wealthy white men, was divine. Everyone is, as you surely expected, stunningly attractive, with the one universally shared flaw of noticeably overlarge cranial capacity, a sure sign of genius. I think after I left they were going to change the sign from “Sadly, No” to “Models of Mensa” because, really, no one was being fooled.


America is too far right for the planet. Obama is far from left in my book.

Ironically I live in the Boston area and would almost consider meeting you folk. But – sadly, no.


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