I’m about to lose it
Critical mass has been reached. “Bitter” and “cling” will forever be tied to Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) in the same way that “Tuzla” and “the laugh” will always evoke Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) when a political junkie thinks of the 2008 Democratic race.
Goddammit, I hate our press corps. I have never in my life seen a such a large collection of catty, shallow and gossipy pieces of garbage. Instead of, say, talking about health care, gas prices, inflation, the Iraq war or the environment, these useless gasbags waste our time finding the most idiotic and petty anecdotes to spread around, all while dutifully handing John Effing McCain boxes of donuts. Do I really give a rat’s ass about how Hillary Clinton laughs? Are you serious?
UPDATE: Normally, people who flip on their CAPS-lock key and flail away at their keyboards have very little of worth to say. This WaPo commentor, however, is making complete sense:
Pretty much. The Washington Post basically needs to fire itself.
Is there any way we can protest these hacks? Storm the gates as it were?
You have a pretty good soapbox going here. When do we get active?
There has to be a way to push back against this crap. No one else seems willing…
Cillizza’s such a tool. In both senses of the word.
There’s another thing for Obama to address, now that we’re talking war crimes’n’stuff…the rehabilitation of the media, starting with re-regulation re: corporate ownership. The rest might even take care of itself.
My post in comments over there:
Personally, I’d settle for them firing Richard Cohen.
the sound of your own voices echoing off the walls of your own colons
Vivid and accurate. I give it a 10.
[dramatic sigh — “Will the WordPress never be repaired?” — another dramatic sigh]
Let’s face it – the MSM has had wood for Poopdeck Pappy for YEARS, and they’re overjoyed to have an opportunity to trivialize him into the Oval Office. Bittergate, whatever-the-fuck….they ain’t gonna let no stinkin’ policy discussions derail the Straight Talk Express
I don’t know what is more pathetic; the blog post itself or the news story in the same damn paper that basically invalidates the post and validates Obama’s original point.
James McMurtry explains what it actually means to be bitter.
How can I tell whether I’m bitter or sour about 30 years of Reaganite / New Right domination of our entire political system?
The fact is, you’re willfully boring the electorate by focusing on war, healthcare, and the economy, which is akin to the disinfranchisement experienced by African-Americans during Jim Crow. That is to say, super journalists like me and Howie Kurtz and Joe Klein and this guy here are like the freedom riders. I have a dream, that one day the average American can see what he or she wants on the front page and nothing more, that Bittergate will hold hands with Cacklegate and stupid news that nobody cares about will be pushed away by the calls for freedom.
What do you think?
I’ve got some for you, WaPo:
Remember all the wailing and rending of garments in the media after 9/11? How Shark Attack!!!! was the ignominious gestalt of their negligence and superficiality during the summer of ’01?
Expect another bout of pretentious self-recrimination by the media once this recession really gets underway.
Ahh, Shark Attack!!!!!!!! 2001, which actually had less shark attacks than the average summer (or something like that).
I also forgot to mention Gary Condit’s Cock1!111!!! as another mass-media oxygen waster that summer.
I for one welcome our new McCainan overlord
I deeply appreciate the amount of coal-raking the Post blogger (didn’t even bother to learn his name) got in the comments. It is reassuring to me that about 3 out of 4 comments were to the effect of, “What the fuck is wrong with you? Why don’t you cover the frigging news?”
Maybe Americans are smarter than I think. But then, I’m looking at the subset of Americans who read & post to the WP political blog…hardly representative.
Not to mention, the polls don’t reflect that this “bitter” bs is having any effect. This makes me happy b/c the blowhard half-wits in the corporate media are becoming irrelevant, or at least less-relevant.
Oops, forgot to be funny. I just farted!
You mean NOT AT ALL except among drooling imbeciles and the very thick?
Clean and articulate, bitter, and uppity will lose to senile and confused, angry, and warmongering every time to the Village Idiots.
We deserve McSame, the coming war with Iran, and the international community declaring us Public Enemy #1.
Enjoy, beltway media and wingnuts: http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/04/gallup_obama_has_his_biggest_l.php
Finished? Well, enjoy some more: http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/04/pennsylvania_polls_dont_show_a.php
Shorter America w/r/t “Bittergate”:
If this country ends up with an election between John McCain and Hillary Clinton, they deserve it. Since 9/11, Americans have shown mostly arrogance, cowardice and ignorance. We can argue which of those two candidates can take us to rock bottom faster, while they let corporations loot the treasury, but maybe the faster the country bottoms out, the better. Thus, I’ll vote for McCain rather than abstain, just to help speed up the process.
I think the WaPo should be fired… out of something.
Thus, I’ll vote for McCain rather than abstain, just to help speed up the process.
Presidents are temporary, but the justices they put on the Supreme Court are forever (assuming they get one of those robot bodies, which they will with their federal judge riches).
Can I start telling people to go to hell now? (Other than here, that is?)
I guess I no longer really care. I mean, if it’s Clinton/McCain, I’ll no longer care. Put in the craziest judges you can find. Ban Books, burn witches, close the sewers, legalize revenge killings. I’m just not going to care. At a certain point, a society has to pay the piper for its own stupidity.
I’m sorry, but that shit doesn’t fly with me. Tens of thousands of dead Iraqis, millions of displaced ones. They didn’t ask for it, didn’t vote for it, but they’re paying for it too. I have no love for Hills but I don’t think she actively wishes to keep our country in a state of perpetual war like a certain Crazy Old Man.
At times like this, when snark fails me, I go back again to that eminent prophet?
They are truly assclowns. They are truly our worst problem, because the prevent any rational discussion/solution of real problems.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled snark.
Furious George,
You base that on what? You think she is going to pull the troops? What about Afghanistan? What about the next “war of choice”? The big picture is that these cretins will continue to do the same shit until America is left in rubble. And we will continue to hear about who ordered orange juice at the diner from the Nero-fiddling media.
Steve – Obviously you don’t have children.
I have two little girls that will have to live with the consequences of a McCain SCOTUS for the rest of their lives.
I don’t know about you, but I’m just not that into Sharia Light.
It seem like you really like instant gratification. Have you ever see a cargo ship turn? Do you know how long it takes to go 180 degrees?
We’re on a big motherfuckin’ ship here, Steve. It ain’t gonna turn on a dime.
Yes, there’s a reason I don’t have children. The big ship is called the Titanic, by the way. Pick your deck chair.
Nihilism is not a philosophy. Say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.
El Cid, I have a metric you may find useful, or not.
Rocks and salt = bitter
Rocks, no salt = sour.
I’m bitter, myself.
If you blend the ice, it’s a margarita-flavored Slushie, not a margarita.
Furious George,
Not sure of your point. Are you saying that fascism is better than nihilism? That’s kind of a tough call, but my point is that fascism’s (or whatever you want to call what is going on in America – maybe Orwellianism) endpoint is nihilism. You can’t just keep having wars looting the treasury. Eventually, it leads to a wasteland. Whether Clinton or McCain will take us to that endpoint sooner isn’t really all that relevant. Maybe the faster the better, so we can start over. Phoenix rising from the ashes… First we need the ashes.
I actually think I’m being optimistic. Maybe no Phoenix will rise from the ashes if you’re a real nihilist.
With an attitude like yours, I’m sure there’s a reason.
Yes, and my girls happen to be on it with me, so if you’d move out of the way, I have a lifeboat to get them in.
Seriously. What does your outlook do for the world, other than make you borderline suicidal?
BTW, steve, that’s a Big Lebowski quote.
What kind of anarchist nonsense is that? You know how much human suffering you’re condoning by simply throwing up your hands and saying, “let’s burn this motherfucker to the ground, it’s time to start over”? You obviously haven’t thought this all the way through (or seen The Big Lebowski, which might be a greater crime).
Whose the nihilist here?
Do you know how much human suffering we are causing right now? Is it supposed to matter more when it’s our own? I actually said that I will only be at that point if it’s Clinton/McCain. Whether people realize it or not, I think that is actually the point of no return. I already was at the give it one more chance phase when I decided to vote for Kerry. Clinton as the nominee is too much for me to take seriously. It is such a slap in the face. She voted to kill hundreds of thousands of people and I am supposed to vote for her?
The only lifeboat is to get out of the country. I mean that sincerely. Of course, where to go…
sorry, ‘t4toby”
She voted to kill hundreds of thousands of people and I am supposed to vote for her?
1) This is hyperbole.
2) What she did in the past is infinitely less important than what she will do in the future.
3) When faced with a seemingly insurmountable problem, cowards run. Me, I’ll stay here and fight against this bullshit, with my vote and my activism, until the day I draw my last breath. You want to move to Greenland, be my guest, but I still think this country is worth saving.
Furious George,
Number 2 is a bit hard to take seriously. Nothing is a better predictor of future actions than actions of the past. You seem to be saying that you will vote for Clinton because you have a belief that she will somehow join the human race and suddenly act in a different way. You could say that about anyone. Why not McCain? He could change, too.
Man, fuck a WordPress. It shows images in preview and then won’t let you actually post them.
Anyway, some advice for steve.
I wished I lived in an existence where I had the money and will to leave behind all of my family and move somewhere else instead of trying to affect change where it is really needed the most, here at home. Wait, no I don’t.
However, there is the tricky little part where THIS IS MY HOME!
Take it or leave it if you will, but I have a sense of family and place that no politician will ever change.
I can understanding sitting out of the elections if Clinton wins the nomination, but why then vote for McCain? If you hate having to vote for the lesser evil, why vote for the greater evil?
She voted to kill hundreds of thousands of people and I am supposed to vote for her?
No, you’re supposed to vote for McCain, which will be a vote to kill hundreds of thousands of people and then you implode.
It’s just advice. My grandfather came here from Italy without any family or money. Now Italy might be a good destination (except for Berlusconi). We can’t change everything. Mussolini wasn’t brought down by Democracy. He drove the country to ruin. Then it built itself up again.
So I should vote for someone who voted to kill hundreds of thousands of people instead of another guy who voted to kill hundreds of thousands of people, but seems meaner? Sorry, it just doesn’t interest me. It’s a joke to me.
If you’re going to use Italy as your model, why not Germany? Then perhaps you can see how ridiculous this idea is.
Bingo, Furious.
It worked so well for the Germans, I mean, look at Germany today!
Whats a few million Jews, Gypsys, Homosexuals, etc? Well worth the price, I’d say!
In fact, why don’t we pick a handful of minorities to exterminate. Then, in 50 years after the world destroys our entire country, we’ll be the bee’s knees!
Its all in the name of progress…
I would use Germany, but then everyone jumps on the Godwin’s Law thing. I would suggest you check out the book “They Thought They Were Free” by Mayer.
Someone needs to hand steve a big box of donuts.
Unless my candidate gets elected, that is.
If Obama gets the election, he’s promised to tell us where all the Iraq War Ponies are stored. He’s also promised to rid the world of evil, and to disinfect the entire bathroom (as a bonus if you sign up now!)
Do you care that we are kiling hundreds of thousands of people right now, torturing many others? The point is simple. It seems that there is no way to stop fascism until it runs its course. The proof of that to me will be a Clinton/McCain “election”.
that might help
I get it, you support Clinton. Ha ha. Good luck.
Add to that, if we don’t do something, who the fuck is gonna?
Who will be left to try to rein in the “Kill ’em all …” types?
More nuclear weapons and armed forces than the rest of the world combined, and you want to bail out and leave the lunatics in charge?
Don’t get me wrong, I understand the desire to bail, but I can’t accept it as a viable option. If for no other reason, I would be partly responsible for leaving Ace, Pammy, CY, and the like in charge.
How about some trollhouse cookies instead?
Whatevs, Steve. You obviously don’t spend much time in Sadly’s comment section.
Here’s the thing. I like Obama more and more as Hill and McCain have moved farther and farther from the center. But Obama talks a big game, but he is a career politician. I believe that his heart is in the right place, but if you think the POTUS is anywhere near as influential in Geo-Politics as the Oil, Pharma, and Military War Complex Corporations, you are sadly deluded.
For me, its Obama first, Democrat second.
The fact is, this isn’t Nam, It’s the Heartland. There are rules.
I’m so embarrassed. I’ve been outed as a Clinton supporter.(?)
Confession time. In 1991 she visited Topeka High School, and I thought she was Teh Hawt then.
There, I’ve said it. At one point in my life I had a crush on the Clenis Catcher. Spread it far and wide, steve, my credentials are shot!
Did I just call Hill the Clenis Catcher?
So I should vote for someone who voted to kill hundreds of thousands of people instead of another guy who voted to kill hundreds of thousands of people, but seems meaner?
You could, you know, not vote or write in the Groovy Peace Candidate or more to the point not panic at the nomination that the math says will not happen.
I know the math says it can’t happen, which means it would be further proof of the fact that we have no real say if it does, indeed, happen.
I drop in on Sadly No, once in awhile, but usually just comment and leave. I thought it would be fun to stick around this time. Plus, people usually just ignore my rants, anyway.
And for the record I did all that fight the good fight stuff. I was one of the main organizers of the peace movement in my town from after 9/11 to the time of the Iraq War. I’ve had some things printed on online sites. It just doesn’t do any good. We didn’t convince a single soul during our peace marches. Everyone just hated us and looked at us like we were the scum of the earth. That’s my point. You can’t seem to stop these people. I don’t see where more protests are going to do anything.
So you know, steve, I have absolutely no ill will towards you. I do have a great amount of ill will towards the idea that my girls would live in the kind of country that McCain and company envision.
I do not like Hillary, but absent Obama, I think she would be the best at ensuring not all of my girls’ rights are taken away.
I know how you feel.
I recognize the frustration. But please reconsider any idea of voting for McCain. Please.
Need a hug Steve?
I think anyone who gets comments up on this thread should get an award.
Teh WordPress iz Hongry!
If it means that much to you t4toby, I’ll stay home and watch an old Fellini movie on election day. But you’ll never convince me to vote for Clinton.
There was a time when I could have used a hug and I suppose we could all use a hug now and then, but it won’t do much to change the direction of the country (maybe some would disagree).
Aw, hell, steve: you’re acting like McCain and Clinton may be your only choices. There’s LOTS of candidates out there – it’s just that most of them don’t stand much of a chance of getting elected. You can probably find one to your taste.
Unless you’re an anarchist, of course, in which case it shouldn’t matter to you if there even is an election.
Watch out, Steve: RB may have a Greek nose, but he’s got Roman hands.
Last thing, steve-
Do you think Obama will be able to make a huge or incremental difference if he gets elected?
I’m into him as a choice, but harbor no illusions of an overnight transformation.
I can understanding sitting out of the elections if Clinton wins the nomination, but why then vote for McCain? If you hate having to vote for the lesser evil, why vote for the greater evil?
If Hillary “wins” the nomination, I won’t be sitting it out or voting for her or McCain. Instead, I’ll write in my candidate of choice.
I mean, why settle for the lesser of two evils?
That “Groovy Peace Candidate” crack was pretty disgusting, Bubba. It really hurts to watch all you smart, snarky cynics go all earnest on steve evfuture’s ass.
We’re in deep shit. Obama might or might not bring a hope of change; it certainly looks like every trick, every smear, every string will be pulled to guarantee he will not win — and if he does, I’m sure the designated assassin is already in training.
I’m tired of my votes not counting. I’m tired of going to marches and signing petitions and writing to my representatives (HA! HILLARY IS MY FUCKING SENATOR! I VOTED FOR HER TWICE! FUCK ME!) and getting crickets and tumbleweeds as a response. I’m tired of the media conspiring with the right wing to keep the Turd Reich’s crimes (and McCain’s dementia) off the radar. I’m looking for the exit too.
I guess steve evfuture has found the outer limits of your seemingly boundless sense of humor and I’m really disappointed and even more depressed. It’s no fun to face your own helplessness, but at least crack a joke about it instead of shooting the messenger.
Watch out, Steve: RB may have a Greek nose, but he’s got Roman hands.
They have been programmed to deliver maximum huggification in accordance with International Standards Organization guidelines.
Jennifer, isn’t it obvious? Cthulhu is already in charge.
I’m voting for Elvis and Bat Boy – the straight National Enquirer ticket.
That “Groovy Peace Candidate” crack was pretty disgusting, Bubba.
I am sure you explain why somewhere in your post.
I am sure you explain why somewhere in your post.
I thought it was self-evident. It made you sound like David Broder. Or maybe Glenn Reynolds.
I have no idea whether Obama can make any real change, but I think he is at least capable of unifying a large group of people to a political idea that is not dictated by the MSM. I guess the real question is whether America is hitting bottom or has farther to go before anyone tries to do anything real about the situation. I can’t say that I”m optimistic about things, but I could at least harbor a flame of hope if Obama was in there.
LA confidential,
I can’t say I’m an anarchist, but if you are talking about the Anarchists of the Spanish Civil War times, I have a lot of respect for them.
And the funny thing is, steve, I feel the exact same way. But I’m going to do everything I can to beat McCain.
No can do, babe … their eight years are up in January.
It made you sound like David Broder. Or maybe Glenn Reynolds.
Heh. I do have an awful illness right now. Also, “groovy” is an inherently funny word, or that’s what I’ve heard from Richard Cohen.
Steve, think about it this way: A president doesn’t destroy a country by himself (or herself). It takes a village’s worth of idiots to do that. C’mon, would Bush have been nearly as destructive without his Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz and the rest of that corpo-satano-fascistic cabal? I think not.
I can’t imagine that a President Clinton would or could surround herself with an advisory network nearly as bad as a President McCain’s. So Clinton may be as evil as McCain, but I don’t figure there’s any way a Clinton Administration can be as evil as a McCain Administration.
I can’t say I’m an anarchist, but if you are talking about the Anarchists of the Spanish Civil War times, I have a lot of respect for them.
Hopefully, you’ll notice that they stuck around to fight the fascists.
Let’s start with two simple words: Burson Marsteller. The rest of the story just sort of writes itself.
I blame the fundamentalist anarcho-syndicalist nihilist Methodists.
Fucking splitters.
Just to clarify, if Clinton is the nominee I will vote for her.
McCain is a guarantee of evil and bad times ahead. Hillary merely shows major potential in those areas.
fucking wordpress comment eater…
Seriously, though…
Disabling the MCA, or American Enabling Act, would go a long way toward halting this precipitous decline toward fascism.
Reestablishing the authority of Congress is the only thing that can brake this train–only they can save themselves from what they’ve already done.
Relying on the the new president or Johnny and the Supremes to end our pain seems ridiculous.
Remember that Hitler could never have acquired the powers he did without the consent of the judiciary, most notably Roland Freisler and Wilhelm Stuckart.
It’s way easier to corrupt 10 people than 535.
Make sure to copy your comment before you post.
Fucking WordPress is a black hole today.
Whose the nihilist here?
It really hurts to watch all you smart, snarky cynics go all earnest on steve evfuture’s ass.
Are you sure you know what it means to be a cynic? That word gets misused around here quite a bit. Jake Tapper is a cynic. So is Maureen Dowd. Shoot me if I ever become one. I’d characterize most of the commenters here as frustrated as fuck and and skeptical as shit but still idealistic. There’s no such thing as an idealistic cynic. Steve E. is sounding pretty cynical here but hopefully he doesn’t really mean all that he’s saying and he’s going to get the hugs he needs to snap out of it.
Or maybe just some attention will do the trick. If you haven’t noticed, Steve most comments here go unremarked upon. Even a lot of really funny ones so don’t take it personally.
Greek nose, eh? Hmm…..I have a Greek nose and Azagthoth hands….
Greek nose, eh? Hmm…
Look, if I had anything to crow about I’d be Osmondmandias or Scott Baiowulf.
That was, uh, WordPress …
I forgot about that. Timely reminder – thanks.
Wow, I could not disagree with you more Lawnguylander. I have always considered myself a cynic, and don’t consider it to be a negative thing.
As far as I am concerned, being a cynic means that you realize:
-The world doesn’t care about you.
-Civilizations, moralities, and belief structures can all fail.
-“Good Will” is just “Bad Will”- with a better agent and nicer clothes.
-There’s an unavoidable madness permeating human culture.
That’s being a cynic, as far as I am concerned. People who have this sensibility can do positive or negative things. We aren’t all toadies or shysters or tools.
Not that I’m mad, you should just realize that some people define ‘cynic’ differently.
Critical mass has been reached. “Bitter” and “cling” will forever be tied to Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) in the same way that “Tuzla” and “the laugh” will always evoke Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.)
Credit where credit’s due. Anyone could write a blog-post that over-rated the influence of media commentators and assumed that the collective opinions of the pundits would automatically become the opinions of the ignorant masses, slipping into their simple impressionable minds through a process of osmosis. And again, anyone could write in a tone of smug self-congratulation about how successfully they managed to slap negative labels onto the candidates of one side in an election.
But doing both at once is more difficult. You try, if you think it’s so easy.
But doing both at once is more difficult.
Fermat’s Lastest Theorem!
Atheist, yes we’re just disagreeing on what the word means. For me the word carries no positive connotations. By my definition if you’re a cynic you’re pretty much contemptuous of human motives period so why have any concern for the less fortunate? Might as well be a libertarian and adopt an I got mine attitude and fuck the poor because if the situation were reversed they’d just want to fuck me over too so fuck them, let them rot. Or just tune out politics period and watch and talk about American Idol all the time. But anyone who comes here and wants to make fun of people for that kind of thing must have some idealism inside him/her. Otherwise why would you care?
I’ll tell you what I am fucking cynical about. WordPress. It ated the end of my comment where I asked for a ruling on this disagreement from one our other resident insufferable pedants.
Atheist and Lawnguylander:
cyn·i·cal adj.
1. Believing or showing the belief that people are motivated chiefly by base or selfish concerns; skeptical of the motives of others.
2. Selfishly or callously calculating.
3. Negative or pessimistic, as from world-weariness: a cynical view of the average voter’s intelligence.
4. Expressing jaded or scornful skepticism or negativity.
American Heritage Dictionary
My guess? Lawnguylander’s thinking more about definition #2 while Atheist is into #1 and #3. We all, of course, engage in #4 as often as possible.
But anyone who comes here and wants to make fun of people for that kind of thing must have some idealism inside him/her. Otherwise why would you care?
And thank you, Smiling Mortician!
you need to get out more (as in check out the media in other people’s countries… people are really really worried).
millions of people are much more cynical than steve
how cynical do you think people in Baghdad are?
we’re in big trouble
tut tutting at steve or at our sold out press as we still passivly consume it like nursing home fair won’t help
when i was england there were SEVERAL reality shows on making your home and way of life more ecological, it was on the news constantly, people would walk into pubs talking about their carbon footprint
seriously — the levels of denial here are astounding
tut tutting at steve is part of that denial
there are millions of people who are much, much more cynical than steve… they just can’t stand hanging out at blogs like this during the holocene extinction
i’d have posted 4 links but can’t with this interface
please, please……. do something to educate, inform, or share resources with your community and SOOON pondering the usefulness of cynicism won’t make our media (and what is media anyway?) any less SOLD OUT
make what ever mediums you have at your disposal not SOLD OUT
this whole post is about how the major media is SOLD OUT
that’s at least a 5 year old story
but any way it’s not about how we’re totally victim to that while the world holds it’s breath for us all important American voters to arrive at a decision to vote for the less sold out candidate or not vote at all… there’s a lot more we can do
even if we have kids, jobs, and even serious technological addictions
Atheist, yes we’re just disagreeing on what the word means. For me the word carries no positive connotations. By my definition if you’re a cynic you’re pretty much contemptuous of human motives period so why have any concern for the less fortunate?
Are you sure you don’t mean something like “nihilist”… I mean, this blog is pretty cynical most of the time, but not contemptuous of everything that is human.
Eh, I just didn’t know which comment WordPress would take and that turned out to be it.
Say it with me now:
Violent Revolution Is The Only Way