Shut Up And Take Your Chemo Like A Man!

John McCain tells the ‘Leukemia Lifestylers’ where to stick it:

John McCain Believes in Personal Responsibility

We must do more to take care of ourselves to prevent chronic diseases when possible, and do more to adhere to treatment after we are diagnosed with an illness.

And hey, health care moochers? If you can’t stick to your radiation treatment, do us all a favor and die quietly and out of sight. You’re bothering the able-bodied workforce … and the depleted uranium ain’t gonna put itself into our anti-personnel missiles.


Comments: 40


Clearly, any statement beginning with “John McCain believes” is on poor footing from square one. Being a zipper-front shell for the lobbying industry leaves no room for actual beliefs.

Smiling Mortician

Support innovative delivery systems, such as clinics in retail outlets and other ways that provide greater market flexibility

HELP WANTED: Greeter/Triage Specialist. Duties include corralling carts from the parking lot and dressing sucking chest wounds. Up to 35 hrs/wk. To apply, visit Wal-Mart is a proud Right-to-Work employer.


How nice it must be, to be a whore, and be called a maverick.


Mort wins.


Controlling health care costs will take fundamental change – nothing short of a complete reform of the culture of our health system and the way we pay for it will suffice.

…so long as my friends in the health insurance industry are not pushed away from the trough forced out of business by socialized medicine.


Promote competition throughout the health care system – between providers and among alternative treatments.

“Well, your HMO won’t pay for a liver transplant, but Granny Simpkins here has whomped up something she likes to call ‘Swamp Root Surprise’…”

“Cat scan? Costs too much. Rosa the Psychic will be doing your brain scan using her crystal pendulum.”

“Insurance won’t pay for more than 1 capsule of Nexium a year, but we did get you a free ticket to Dr. Larry’s Holy Healing Crusade, and they tell us he’s very good with stomach problems…”


God, I fucking hate that man. I think it’s possible I could even hate him more than Bush after a couple of years of him in the White House.

You think he was born without humanity, or did it happen later?


You think he was born without humanity, or did it happen later?

happened later, it was purchased a piece at a time,

if we could be stamp on him all the lobbys and special interests that own a piece of him, he would look like a NASCAR driver.


As a kid, John McCain loved playing in the sun. Like his fair-haired, fair-skinned friends, he’d roast himself red, hoping a rich tan would follow the blisters. Years later, in the early ’90s, he paid the price: skin cancer.

Whoopsies! Unfortunately John McCain had the American taxpayer to overmedicate his pasty white ass, so now he’ll never learn his lesson.


I’m kind of okay with assuming it got torn out of him in the ‘Nam. Just left him a hollow fucking shell fit to be filled with whatever bullshit his masters want from him.


As a kid, John McCain loved playing in the sun. Like his fair-haired, fair-skinned friends, he’d roast himself red, hoping a rich tan would follow the blisters. Years later, in the early ’90s, he paid the price: skin cancer.

Wimp. He can’t take his own advice that he gave us- “Walk it off”


What good would depleted uranium do in an anti-personnel missile? Other than make it heavier and shorter ranged that is?


Holy shit, from that same article:

“As unpleasant as it may be in these, my declining years, I must spend an inordinate amount of time inspecting my aging face in the mirror.”

And now he’s got to go and run for president so that we have to look at his ugly mug every day on the morning news?


Depleted uranium mainly goes into armor piercing ammo.

The anti-personnel happens later, to friends, foes, and civilians alike.


Goddamit, bago caught me not knowing my ordinance. I fucking hate myself now. FUUUCCCKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!


What good would depleted uranium do in an anti-personnel missile? Other than make it heavier and shorter ranged that is?

bunker busting? Because General Dynamics stuck us with a plan to make one for $5 Billion? Because like peanut butter and chocolate they are two great tastes that go great together? Why the hell NOT?

If we don’t make it, Osama, or Iran will. There must not be a depleted uranium anti-personal missile gap!!!


Medicare should not pay for preventable medical errors or mismanagement.

Meaning what, exactly? If you’re the victim of medical errors or mismanagement, you’re shit out of luck?


It means you should have been on the free healthcare plan that is given to all members of Congress. It’s great, it covers everything!


John McCain Believes in Personal Responsibility
Public health initiatives must be undertaken with all our citizens to stem the growing epidemic of obesity and diabetes, and to deter smoking.

aren’t “public health initiatives” the opposite of Personal Responsibility?


Dedicate federal research on the basis of sound science resulting in greater focus on care and cure of chronic disease

As opposed to our current efforts to synthesize a plague capable of destroying Martian invaders?

Seeing that pile of contradictory platitudes under the heading “Straight Talk” just made me that much more annoyed.


Sears is advertising a sale on colostomies this Sunday, Noon to Five.


I had a sudden mental image of a Viagra advertisement where John “depleted-personality” McCain goes on about his bunker-buster missile. I need to go and lie down now.


Oh great. Thanks, Smut. Thanks a lot. bastard


Hey babe. How’yew?


Whaddayasay I Iaunch my bunker buster missile into your hardened silo, eh babe?


Um, where ya goin?



Real Americans play hurt. Just rub some dirt on it, pussies.


I think it’s possible I could even hate him more than Bush after a couple of years of him in the White House.

I was just thinking his campaign slogan should be McCain: More Evil Than Bush, Dumber Than Cheney!


Medicare should not pay for preventable medical errors or mismanagement.

Meaning what, exactly? If you’re the victim of medical errors or mismanagement, you’re shit out of luck?

Well, in a world not controlled by the GOP style of Government By Lobby, one might assume this means the persons responsible for medical errors or mismanagement (doctors and hospitals and pharmacies, for example) should pay to correct them, not some random third party. But then you remember the whole tort reform thing and you realize that, no, they pretty much mean you’re SOL. Keep your eye on the ball, kids.


aren’t “public health initiatives” the opposite of Personal Responsibility?

Only if they help. If your Public Health Initiative to stem the growing obesity epidemic is a series of PSAs where McCain calls fat kids names, a bloody-minded refusal to stop subsidizing corn syrup so we can make Castro cry, and doctors turning diabetes patients away because it’s their own fault, you’re good.


Herakles who had the good sense to be born into a powerful family was a military man . He was tortured by his Auntie after whom he was named . Herakles was manipulated like a voo doo doll but had a strong appetite which was how he out lusted his agonies .
John McCain was born into an ancient military family , without the good sense to follow his own drum or , if you will , his own advice .
John was tortured and broken , and thankfully , he is now willing to demonstrate the fine properties to be gained in that . As his logic twists before the shifty market value of truth we learn all about the fine product of yet another , excruciating , classic gentleman’s c .
God said to Noah , Kill ’em all and let what his name sort ’em out .
Sometimes I hear voices , they tell me we are so messed up in a nice orderly way . One for us two for him , just as his god intended .


I’m kind of okay with assuming [McCain’s humanity] got torn out of him in the ‘Nam. Just left him a hollow fucking shell fit to be filled with whatever bullshit his masters want from him.

You make him sound a little like Col. Willis Corto.


Hokay, two things.

The experience of the crucible of war does tend to focus the mind, and it does make you examine the choices you make in different, more stark relief. But it does not define character. To think that McCain, or MacArthur, or me should come out of our experience as great statesmen or honest players is to both overestimate the value of the experience and to misunderstand it’s most profound effects.

McCain has to deal with his demons, as do we all. But we have to decide if we want the leader of our political system to be someone WITH those demons.

I’d say no.

It isn’t the experience of war that shaped McCain that we have to be concerned about. Oh no.

It’s the impact of the brutality of war on a deeply ambitious man. He wants all the marbles. And his own marbles are in question. He wants to have the power. The question for the rest of us is, does it make sense to vest that power in his hands.

I’m going to say a big, loud, frightened NO!



Well, when you come down to it, McCain really *isn’t* that different from George Bush, as a personality study. So I’m thinking the whole war thing may not be the deciding factor. But mikey’s right about the end result.


[A]ren’t “public health initiatives” the opposite of Personal Responsibility?

No, ‘Public Health Initiatives’ means paying Repub-friendly PR firms to make PSAs announcing that sick people without money are helping the terrorists. Because if God had wanted you to live forever, or at least long enough to be a drain on Social Security, He would have graciously permitted you to be born into a family that could buy its medical care on the GloriousFreeMarket(tm). Personal Responsibility,on the other hand, means having enough money (or power, the two being pretty well interchangeable in the GFM) to buy all the medical care you want.

After all, once Jawn McPain was no longer healthy enough to continue his life-long coverage on the Federal military teat, he was smart enough to dump crippled-&-no-longer-cost-effective Wife #1 for a younger model with a rich daddy who could buy him a Senate seat, thus guaranteeing McPain continued access to the Best Medical Care! Why can’t the rest of learn from Old Jawn’s crafty ways, rather than whining about sick infants and needless suffering and similar depressing topics?


McCane continues to hawk pork tartare during a trichinosis epidemic. Cthcheney must have promised that dumbfuck the codes to the DieVote machines in exchange for continual catapulting of the propaganda.


Good ol’ John McCain, the NVAs best aviator.


Yeah, DA, depleted uranium goes in armor-piercing rounds. If it hit some personnel it would just bounce right off. Everybody knows that.


Don’t mean to rub it in, DA, but it’s “ordnance,” not “ordinance.” Also, I’ve had some fun reading up on McCain and his participation as one of the “Keating Five,” which is not like the Dave Clark Five or the Chicago Eight. McCain’s participation in the S&L debacle really needs to be aired again.

Duros Hussein 62

John McCain Believes in Personal Responsibility

Not his, of course. You know. Somebody else’s.


“If you can’t stick to your radiation treatment, do us all a favor and die quietly and out of sight. ”

I hate McCain too, but i would’ve used a different example to show what a douchebag he is on this issue. You see i work in a radiation oncology clinic that accepts all patients regardless of their ability to pay. We have a lot of non-compliant patients who show up for their treatments only when they feel like it. This not only negates the effectiveness of the treatments, but extends the number of days that we have to keep them on the schedule. They are occupying time slots needed by other patients, who must now wait to start their treatment. So yes, if you can’t stick to your radiation treatments then tell your doctor that you are refusing treatment and then go away.


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