Time To Hoist The Black Flag
Oh, sweet Mother of God on a grilled cheese sandwich, but Time Magazine, which a few years ago canonized the Three Stooges of Powerline as Bloggers of the Year has put up its first annual Blog Index. And who should appear on it but the Ace of Spades, who achieves this mention as a result of this “sample” post:
So long as Obama’s having that “open, candid” discussion about race we’ve all so long wanted to have, perhaps we can finally begin to address the virulent anti-Semitism infecting large segments of the black population while we’re at it, huh? Or wait—are we not having that “open, candid” a discussion?
That is, of course, an important matter for candid discussion because there are whole legions of Jews who work in menial jobs and get refused service at Cracker Barrel1 because of oppression by their African-American overlords. Not to mention that Ace gets his familiarity with the opinions of “large segments of the black population” not by actually spending any time with any non-imaginary black people but instead by sitting home during the day watching Fox News while large segments of the black population are working at actual jobs.
Worse, Ace has the highest score of all the blogs in the Index based on readers’ votes. So you know what to do, Sadlynauts. Spit on your hands and go do the pirate thing (figuratively, of course) by voting for Indexed, currently in second place.2
[Thanks, josephdietrich, for the alert]
1 Gavin adds: There’s a joke somewhere in here about other ‘Barrel’ restaurants with cuisine inspired by American ethnic groups besides the rural-Caucasian. Prototype: “Michelle Malkin was refused service at Cholo Barrel.” Needs work, please give suggestions.
2 Gavin also adds, as per suggestion: Or, more to the occasion, to vote Ace’s numbers down.
This is about the only way you could get me to read/go to Time’s site. Well, that and the time they named me person of the year.
This is the lamest proxy war ever.
Why just this week, the diseased colored section in town held a running of the Jews. And no one was brave enough to talk about it. No one, but Ace.
Am I the only one who is learning just now that the black done hate on the jews? Seriously, has anyone ever seen or heard this in person? I’ve known my fair share of black folks, I can’t recall any of them having any particular opinion on jews, either way.
Surely you have heard of Louis Farrakhan and how he hates the Jews. And he represents all black people and their opinions as much as anyone except Al Sharpton or Willie Horton.
Liberals. Hmf.
Some Guy–
I’m guessing Ace–being a man with the times–is referring to Jessie Jackson’s “Hymietown” comment, and the contretemps involving Public Enemy and Professor Griff’s anti-semitism. In the late 1980s.
Don’t you mean African-American overlords? Not overloads?
I think we’ve become so accustomed to discussing the doughy pantload that we accidentally throw the word “load” in our sentences every so often…
[Yes. I fixed the typo. Thanks. I was just in too much of a hurry to get this up late last night and, you’re right, perhaps had “pantload” in mind. -Clif]
I for one welcome our overloaded overlords. I’d like to
remind them that as a trusted doctorb, I can be helpful
in rounding up others to toil in their underground iced tea
Rich vs Poor Ace, who would win?
Remembering; of course, the Poor won’t have to abide by the rules the Rich have imposed…
you asshole, Ace!*
Or wait—are we not having that “open, candid” a discussion?
*Running Scared (1986)
It’s the “gangsta” “rap,” folks. Which Barack Bokassa Mugabe Amin Banda Bashar Houphoet-Bouigny Arap Moi Obama should denounce right away, if he were actually honest about opening a true dialog and not merely throwing Whiteys (including his own grandmother) under buses all the time.
Clipse’s “Wamp Wamp” pretty much sums of the contaminating virulence with which this epidemic anti-semitic sickly pestilence has overrun and infected and blighted the contagious and disorderly “African-American” “community”:
“I got the wamp, wamp, when I move it, it’s still damp. Mildewish, I heat it, it turns glueish, cools to a tight wad, the pyrex is Jewish!”
Yep, clearly Ace is right, the number one topic on black people’s minds isn’t being fucked over on employment opportunity, substandard schooling, law enforcement profiling, Katrina, housing discrimination, crime, drug and alcohol abuse or the disintegration of the family, it’s that VIRULENT hatred of the Jew!
Of course we ARE talking about Time magazine here, who have a long history of supporting idiots from Joe Klein currently back to Wendell Willkie of all people. Oof!
Ace will never live down his playdoh and bacon 15 seconds of fame no matter how many votes from lameasses he gets.
I for one welcome any Talking Head songs.
Spit on your hands and go do the pirate thing
Mencken was of course writing before the advent of Astroglide, which has made his advice obsolescent.
Umm, ‘obsolete’.
how in the h…e…double toothpicks do you vote?
Click on the right side of the thermometer to get to 10 then hit submit.
That indexed joint is pretty lame.
“are whole legions of Jews who work in menial jobs and get refused service”
Nice bit of antisemitism you express there. Not only do you slip in an implication that Jews are rich and don’t work menial jobs, you drag along with it the idea that it is OK to be racist against someone if they are “rich”.
Aside from that, Ace’s statement was pretty bad. But you can do much better to counter it than the stereotype that Jews are rich, and the idea that racism against rich people is OK.;
Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands and make something out of playdoh and bacon.
Number one: There is no racism against rich people. Mostly because despite the best efforts of countless people, “rich” isn’t a race.
Now, bigotry, yeah. Fuck those guys.
Number two: I am a Jew, and I have worked countless menial jobs. Never been denied service at Cracker Barrel, but that’s cause I’m passing.
Aside from which, I thought the real racism amongst black people was targeting the neighboring Italians, Puerto Ricans and Korean shop-owners. That’s what I learned from Spike Lee at least.
Umm, lessee. In a democracy, everybody gets to vote for their individual and special interests as they see fit, and, sometimes, the extreme minorities don’t prevail because of that. But, they aren’t supposed to be oppressed by the majority, also because of that status.
So. 13% of the population is black. 2% of the population is Jewish (and 70% of them are Democrats). Are the blacks really persecuting the Jews when 48% of the population is white-bread white?
Maybe I’m confused, or sumthin’, but I have to wonder about this oppression business, given the statistics…. I don’t recall any history saying blacks lynched Jews, or vice versa. So, maybe, it’s a red herring. Yeah, that’s it, it’s a red herring. Umm, tell me more about that Republican big tent, okay?
Indexed is now No. 1. It has fewer votes than Ace but a higher average rating. Oh dear, is this gonna be another Weblog Awards?
He’s just working up to his big finalé, the frank & open discussion of prejudice against fuzz faced ofays with oddly shaped heads.
Full disclosure: I can be filed under that rubric and I love the pancakes at Cracker Barrel, so…don’t believe the hype.
Er… hasn’t Barack Obama already addressed the issue of black anti-Semitism in a forthright, candid and unprompted way quite a lot? For instance:
“For most of this country’s history, we in the African-American community have been at the receiving end of man’s inhumanity to man. And all of us understand intimately the insidious role that race still sometimes plays – on the job, in the schools, in our health care system, and in our criminal justice system.
‘And yet, if we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that none of our hands are entirely clean. If we’re honest with ourselves, we’ll acknowledge that our own community has not always been true to King’s vision of a beloved community.
‘We have scorned our gay brothers and sisters instead of embracing them. The scourge of anti-Semitism has, at times, revealed itself in our community. For too long, some of us have seen immigrants as competitors for jobs instead of companions in the fight for opportunity.”
That was from a speech made in January before all the Farrakhan/Wright BS.
“Or wait—are we not having that “open, candid” a discussion?”
Or wait – we’ve already had it. Just we didn’t have that many contributions from spiteful, prejudiced white guys, but by all means join in now, Ace. I’m sure you have loads to offer that open, candid conversation.
Shorter Ace of Spade:
“Is Obama candid enough to want a national conversation about race which allows me to go on about awful blacks are? Lol. Snark.”
On the other hand, I am sick to death of Jews as a group. The truth. That is part of the conversation Glenn is asking for, isn’t it? I live in Brooklyn. Every day I see young Jewish males wearing bright colored Yarmulkes and long brimmed hats — and long black coats. I’m an old guy. I want to smack them. All of them. They are egregious stereotypes. It’s impossible not to think the unthinkable H-Word when they roll up beside you at a stoplight in their brand new BMW’s with black bumpers and Yiddish rock recordings that shake the foundations of the buildings. It’s like a broadcast dare: Go ahead! Call me a kike! And then I’ll money lend your ass!
I grew up in a very Jewish suburb of NYC and they were some seriously black-hating folks. I think most of this “black anti-semitism” jive is projection by people like them. When I would bring it up to my friends and/or their parents in high school I would get sputtering denials, then they would talk about those nice jewish boys who took part in the civil rights marches, and how those dirty schvartzes never appreciated them. Blacks are the only group who can lay claim to equal or even greater suffering than the jews (especially in this country) and it drives a lot of them crazy.
Maybe this is proof that Time magazine has exactly the bunch of idiot readers that they want.
“Racist against the rich” ??
Sorry None, I was trying to have an “open and candid” discussion about the virulent anti-humanity being displayed by many of the the wealthiest people.
I don’t know much about racial politics. In Canada, while we do have problems in the area (what country doesn’t), I would say it is a far less lightening rod of an issue. Of course, we never had segregation, though we did do some mighty terrible things to our aboriginal community. Even so, forgive me for my ignorance.
However, I guess the thing that bothers me about Ace’s sample paragraph is this: He seems to believe that if certain segments of the African-American population exhibit antisemitism then that somehow negates any criticism about racism toward African-Americans in general or something.
I was going to suggest that Time replace that sample post with something more appropriately Ace, such as the classic playdoh and bacon incident, but this argument is pretty stupid in of itself.
If we’re having an open, honest discussion, can we talk about the beard?
Ace is down to number two, in a tie with PostSecret and a couple others. Vote, just to make him cry.
The fact is, the black community should shut up about racism when they are racist themselves. They should shut up about opression when we give them affirmative action and welfare, ands they still fail. They should work harder and stop whining.
That whole list at Time is laughably bad. They call Ars Technica overrated because it is too technical for them.
Who cares what a shitty propaganda rag like Times has to say? Only Aceholes care.
Any one who takes this poll seriously probably isn’t reading S, N! anyway.
You’re missing the second rhetorical trick here. The first is to make an inflammatory claim (wide-spread bigotry in a small population). The second is to answer his own question in the negative because he doesn’t want the conversation to happen. But he couldn’t very well write:
“I’ve heard a handful black guys make anti-Semitics comments and I know they all think alike. But no one will ever call them on it because they’ll just scream about slavery and anyway everyone hates teh joos. But … er … antisemitism by African-Americans is far worse because … um … Did you know Obama’s middle name is Hussein?? Anyway, Jewish people should avoid black people. They hate you. Virulently. Go hang out with that nice Ann Coulter instead.”
Personally, I think it would be much easier if everyone acknowledged that every sub-section of our population contains some obnoxious dick heads who direct their dickishness at certain other sub-sections of the population, but people like Ace of Spades (hmmm) would have to find another reason to wet his pants.
“Jewish” isn’t a race.
And Instapunk, nice satire! My first laugh of the day.
It seems the wingnut argument is always simply “two wrongs make a right and ten wrongs make everything perfect!”
Exactly. If it were, then that means I can convert to Swedish or Mongolian or Bantu whenever I want.
What’s really ironic is that the first people who perpetuated the Jews-as-a-race myth were anti-Semites from several decades ago who used it as an excuse for eugenically killing off Jews (*cough* *cough* Hitler), and now neocons and their pro-Israeli ilk like to use Judaism as a race card.
Maybe I’m confused, or sumthin’, but I have to wonder about this oppression business, given the statistics…. I don’t recall any history saying blacks lynched Jews, or vice versa.
Well, blacks were enslaved by whites, and Jews were persecuted by Gentiles in pogroms, but Jesse Jackson said “Hymietown” and that’s the worst kind of bigotry.
Take a poll of blacks. Take a poll of white Southern Baptists. Which one would have the greater percentage of anti-Semites? I’m going for Option #2.
Time sucks
Back in March, Stengel went on the Chris Matthews Show and sat around cackling with Norah O’Donnell and Gloria Borger about what they all agreed were the silly, stupid attempts by Democrats to investigate Karl Rove’s role in the U.S. attorneys scandal. Stengel issued a flat-out false statement in support of his scorn: “I am so uninterested in the Democrats wanting Karl Rove, because it is so bad for them. . . . That’s not what voters want to see.”
They really, really suck, even considering the realm of suckitude (MSM weekly “news” magazines) in which they operate.
I gave The Reverse Cowgirl a 10 because she published one of my letters.
The Fact is, that B. O. Xerxes Hussein will be defeated by us Freedom Patriots because he doesn’t enjoy a nice working class sandwich, and true Heartland Americans love Cheez-Whiz and bowling. McCain probably loves those things to, which proves he is a Patriot, not an elitist.
The Fact is, Afro-Americans, who are, along with Liberals the Real Racists (except for Patriots like Alan Keyes) don’t like Cheez-Whiz, NASCAR, or bowling, and that is why we in the Heartland distrust them. The Fact is, Hussein must Denounce and Reject Rev. Wright as well as Al Sharpton, O. J. Simpson, Robert Mugabe, Idi Amin, Willie Horton, Papa Doc Duvalier, 50 cent, Cynthia McKinney and Richard Pryor (but not Thomas Sowell) and embrace a true Friend of The Judeo-Christians like Pastor Hagee or he is the real racist.
All that white imaginary MLK ever said was that race does not matter. It DOES NOT MATTER. See, no guilt, no history, no ongoing inequality, race DOES NOT MATTER. DOESN’T MATTER! Lalalalalalalala…. DOESN’T MATTER!!! Even mentioning racial issues in America today makes you the real racist, and that is what makes the baby MLK cry.
In fact, I think that white imaginary MLK speaks for all white people when he says, “Stop whining about how much you hate whitey and get a job, you lazy racist!” That is what he would say to black people today, and white people should know.
Take a poll of blacks. Take a poll of white Southern Baptists. Which one would have the greater percentage of anti-Semites? I’m going for Option #2.
No matter what you say about theJews, it’s not anti-semitism if you at the same time support Israel.
Which by the way Obama does. To the nth degree
Considering the Ace, why don’t you guys simply vote for him with rating of 1? That would bring down his average, and possibly make him fall far away from the top. Sure, he gets more votes, but most of them say “you’re an asshole”.
Besides, with his rating being high now, you should be able to lower it with less voters. I think about 500 votes as rating 1 would lower it to 7, maybe another 800 to get it down another notch
“Considering the Ace, why don’t you guys simply vote for him with rating of 1? That would bring down his average, and possibly make him fall far away from the top. Sure, he gets more votes, but most of them say “you’re an asshole”.
Awesome! I hadn’t thought of that, but it’s a lot more honest than voting for some site I’ve never heard of/don’t care about. I think that’s the way to do it (if you want to bother with this at all).
I’m not sure what harm comes from promoting Ace. At some point you have to trust that the vast majority of people are sane and rational and upon reading Ace would conclude that if that is the best the conservative movement can do, said movement is screwed.
That said, I gave him a 1. Twice.
Take a poll of blacks. Take a poll of white Southern Baptists. Which one would have the greater percentage of anti-Semites? I’m going for Option #2.
White Southern Baptists have a really creepy attitude toward Jewish people, actually. They LOVE them. I mean they loooooooove them. They have this weird fetish where they re-interpret themselves as sort of pseudo-Jews who get to claim thousands of years of persecution for themselves. They are deeply Zionist, I mean disturbingly so. They carefully insert “Judeo” into “Christian values” and think that it makes them inclusive. The absolute best thing you can be in the whole wide world according the Southern Baptists is a “Messianic Jew” which is what Ann Coulter meant when she said “Perfected Jew”. I mean, they want to convert everyone, but they REALLY want to convert the Jews.
The deeper theological reason is that a certain number have to convert (and the rest of them slaughtered) before Jesus comes back. But on a more practical level, they just assume that they speak for “true” Judaism, whether the Jews themselves realize it or not.
Even mentioning racial issues in America today makes you the real racist,
Yup, pedestrian. The wingers even have a word for it: “racialism.” It’s doubleplus ungood.
At some point you have to trust that the vast majority of people are sane and rational
Wouldn’t that be awesome?
Blacks are the only group who can lay claim to equal or even greater suffering than the jews?
Slightly OT little anecdote:
So I’m visiting the in-laws for Christmas ’06. During this time I was working at a newspaper, and it was my job that night to check the first papers to come off the press. I brought one with me to their house. My mother-in-law was reading through it, and started this conversation:
Her: I bet your newspaper is run by Jews.
Me: Excuse me?
Her: You’ve got a lot of Jewish people at your newspaper. I can tell.
Me: Excuse me?
Her: I’m noticing you’ve got a lot of Jewish news here.
Me: What are you talking about?
Her: Well, there’s this story about Israel, and then another one about the Middle East. Jewish news.
I love how the preposterously racist/anti-Semitic mind works.
Indeed, pedestrian — it depends on how you define anti-Semitism: I for one think that wanting all Jews to convert or get killed counts as anti-Semitism, but altogether many Jews figure if one “supports” Israel, one is not anti-Semitic and inversely. Anyway, fundamentalist and evangelical Christians have largely sublimated their anti-Semitism along time ago: instead of complaining about the Jews killing Jesus and Jewish conspiracies, they complain about “the secular, Hollywood elite’s war on Christmas” and “the gay agenda”.
They are still functionally anti-Semitic, but they’ve replaced “the Jew” with “the gay” and “the secularist” in their thinking. In fact, in Anglo-Christianity, there is a long tradition of this substitution: the Jews did not exist in England since we were expelled in the 13 century (?) … but when England went Protestant, the English were finally able to invent a new category of Jews: the Catholics. Thus, Anglo-American Protestantism largely proves Sartre’s point: “if Jews did not exist, anti-Semitism would have to invent them”.
Anyway (speaking as the loving husband of an African-American and seeing some of the comments she puts up with at her synagogue), we can have that dialog on African-American anti-Semitism as soon as we have a dialog on racism in the Jewish community.
Tell me about it.
They carefully insert “Judeo” into “Christian values” and think that it makes them inclusive. – pedestrian
To me this is more insulting than creepy. Whenever the “Judeo-Christian” values of which they speak are actually common to both us and them, those values also are held by Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Taoists, etc., and even atheists! So why pretend that only part of the Abrahamic tradition has those values? OTOH, much of the time they refer to “Judeo-Christian” values when talking about values that are rather alien to Judaism (and, for that matter, to Jesus as the synoptics present him). I wish they’d at least try to have a clue what Jewish values are (they could read Pirke Avoth maybe?) before they try to pretend that they share Jewish values.
Blacks are the only group who can lay claim to equal or even greater suffering than the jews?
Sirs and ladies –
Here is the link to the page for Ace, so that you may vote 1 for him if you wish, without having to scroll through Time’s slow fucking “next” and “previous” buttons.
There’s also the belief that in order for the Rapture to happen, Jews need to be in Israel and in conflict with other locals in the region (ie: Palestinians and Arabs). This and oil pretty much explains neo-cons’ disasterous policy in the Middle East.
Vote early and vote often!
Clearly, I’m the greatest sufferer of all. I haven’t been fed in years.
As a regular S,N! reader, but one who only visits the comments occasionally (why? shut up, that’s why) I’m confused about something: Is Gary Ruppert a spoof? Cuz there really isn’t anyone who is seriously that dumb, is there? Is there? My faith in humanity hinges on the answer.
The fact is, there’s a real Gary Ruppert who rarely posts here these days. He’s not a spoof.
And then there’s about 10 people who pretend to be Gary Ruppert who post here all the time. There’s at least two Matt McMahons. Multiple Sauls. I’m pretty sure there’s only one Jason Ambrose.
There are a lot of similarities between Taoism, Confucianism and Menciusism… so much so that it’s common for Chinese to be any combination of those simultaneously. It’s gotten to the point that census takers just lump them all under the demographic “Traditional Chinese Religions”.
Yet, you’ll never hear the labels “Tao-Confucianist” or “Lao-Confucian tradition” thrown around.
There’s also the belief that in order for the Rapture to happen, Jews need to be in Israel and in conflict with other locals in the region
Yeah my fundie Christian private school taught us that the Third Temple would be rebuilt any day so that Jesus could come back. We got news bulletins about how modern genetics allowed scientists to identify pure-blooded members of the tribe of Levi and to breed red heifers for sacrifice. They got so excited they forgot to mention the Dome of the Rock.
Svensker – Gary is our resident sock/butt puppet troll. He’s not very good, and we’re all sorta ashamed of it.
It’s quite possible that my snark-o-meter is on the fritz, but it kills me when presumably intelligent people here in the comments reproduce the “support Israel” meme. The Israeli/neocon right has been incredibly successful at promoting the notion that supporting Israel means toeing the right wing Likudnik line and by doing so they’ve managed to paint all criticism of that faction as anti-Israel and, on a good day with the wind at their backs, as anti-semitic. It’s the same as the supposed Republican monopoly on patriotism int he U.S. only more successful. Stop aiding them by writing the silly things you’re writing in the comments here. Most southern Baptist, neo-cons, and assorted Republicans don’t support Israel, they support a particular political faction within Israel and when you don’t make that distinction you’re doing their intellectual dirty work for them.
The century-old concept of “Judeo-Christian values” itself reeks of anti-Semitism. The pretend inclusiveness that pedestrian brought up tries to paper over centuries of attempts to prove an irreconcilable difference between the two cults, and as DAS suggests, serves mainly to carve off the third Abrahamic cult (which is articulated in the Semitic language of Arabic) from the tradition.
Not to mention that Ace gets his familiarity with the opinions of “large segments of the black population” not by actually spending any time with any non-imaginary black people but instead by sitting home during the day watching Fox News while large segments of the black population are working at actual jobs.
I can’t get youtube at work, but someone please post the Eddie Murphy as Jesse Jackson SNL sketch where he sings “Hymietown.”
The fact is, galllant American are turning out in droves to vote for brave Ace and against that commie lesbian dykes Arianna Hufffington and those horrrible children over at that daily Kos thing. Its about time you anti-American liberals learn from your bettters.
The fact is, Treehugger is doing poorly as well. Hows that global warming scare tactics working for you now, commie?
Let’s all go vote against Treehugger, then global warming will be finished for good! Then after that we can go burn down the observatory!!
A Google search turned up Gary Ruppert’s Hand.
Lots of Southern Baptists have never met any jews in person, so I’m not sure why they’d hate them.
Weirdly enough, I don’t count Christians who think that unconverted Jewish people are going to hell as anti-semitic. This is because those same people think that everyone who isn’t a Real True Christian is going to hell. This makes them misanthropist.
Most southern Baptist, neo-cons, and assorted Republicans don’t support Israel, they support a particular political faction within Israel and when you don’t make that distinction you’re doing their intellectual dirty work for them.
Ma hu amar! (What he said.) As an Israeli friend put it, “I am in favour of policies conducive to my continued survival,” which pretty much excludes anything the neocons are pushing.
I’d ask anyone who doesn’t “support Israel” in the broadest sense when we’re going to start cancelling countries that were created by colonial fiat, like, say, Israel. And Jordan. And Lebanon. And India, Pakistan, and half the countries of SE Asia. And Canada.
And how about the biggest, gaudiest example of colonialism gone bad, the United States…
And what’s the deal with Jewish people driving German cars? It’s like the opposite of FUBU.
Sorry, I am not cute enough to make that work.
Prototype: “Michelle Malkin was refused service at Cholo Barrel.” Needs work, please give suggestions
How about “BillO can’t get iced tea at Barrel of Monkeys”.
The other thing about Gary is that he’s usually fake. For some reason, it’s hilarious to parody him. You should try it.
Just be sure to start every post with “The fact is,”
Sorry all, I didn’t read Gary’s answer to Svensker’s question. I’m pretty sure there were more than two fake Matt McMahons during the complaint generator thread.
Fake Gary may be right about Jason, but that is bound to change.
Ace is a waste of space, like so many right wing bloggers. At least Pat Buchanan and Morton Kondracke are good for a chuckle every now and then.
“Not to mention that Ace gets his familiarity with the opinions of “large segments of the black population” not by actually spending any time with any non-imaginary black people but instead by sitting home during the day watching Fox News while large segments of the black population are working at actual jobs.”
YES! And it counts! 😉
How is it we’re 77 comments in to this discussion, and no one has quoted Chris Rock?
“Black people don’t hate Jews. Black people hate white people. We don’t have time to dice white people up into little groups. I hate everybody.”
Weirdly enough, I don’t count Christians who think that unconverted Jewish people are going to hell as anti-semitic. This is because those same people think that everyone who isn’t a Real True Christian is going to hell. This makes them misanthropist. – Hysterical Woman
“Dick wasn’t anti-Semitic.. he hated all minorities” – Madeline Kahn as Pat Nixon in the SNL sketch, Final Days.
Not to mention that Ace gets his familiarity with the opinions of “large segments of the black population” not by actually spending any time with any non-imaginary black people but instead by sitting home during the day watching Fox News while large segments of the black population are working at actual jobs.
Plus I bet he watches The Wire.
You may want to advise everyone who votes Indexed up to vote Ass of Spades down. Indexed has something like twice as many votes as Ass, but is in second place.
Umm, I mean, since you’re adding stuff to Clif’s article. *whistles innocently*
Time dissed both Slashdot and LOLCats. Just shows what complete tossers they are.
without having to scroll through Time’s slow fucking “next” and “previous” buttons.
What’s wrong with slow fucking?
Interrobang said:
I’d ask anyone who doesn’t “support Israel” in the broadest sense when we’re going to start cancelling countries that were created by colonial fiat, like, say, Israel. And Jordan. And Lebanon. And India, Pakistan, and half the countries of SE Asia. And Canada.
And how about the biggest, gaudiest example of colonialism gone bad, the United States…
What do you say about peoples who claim territory just because some of their ancestors may quite possibly have lived there 2000 years ago? Shall we restore Britain and France to the Italians? Maybe we should give Iran half of the Middle East (oh, wait, we’re working on that)?
That’s my problem with Zionism. Jews are not special. They are people. People do land grabs. Happens all the time.
Fucking Time has a nerve calling anything or anybody else overrated. But I Can Has Cheezburger?!!!11! It’s just wrong.
Maybe we should give Iran half of the Middle East (oh, wait, we’re working on that)?
Xerxes, in the most important historical utterance of all time: “Firsties!”
What do you say about peoples who claim territory just because some of their ancestors may quite possibly have lived there 2000 years ago? … That’s my problem with Zionism. Jews are not special. They are people.
You seem to have forgotten the Lost Tribe of Israel. You know, “native” Americans. So Jews should have America, right?
Rick Santorum was refused service at Barebacker Barrel.
George W. Bush was refused service at Whiskey Barrel.
duros – i hope you were not dissing The Wire.
If you come at the king, you best not miss…
And how about the biggest, gaudiest example of colonialism gone bad, the United States…
Hey! We ‘bought’ most of our land!! Or stole it, as the case may be…
Time Magazine: one of the dinosaurs of journalism that will soon be extinct, replaced by blogs which are NOT the barely-read Ace Of Spades.
Who the fuck is Beppe Grillo?
What do you say about peoples who claim territory just because some of their ancestors may quite possibly have lived there 2000 years ago? Shall we restore Britain and France to the Italians? Maybe we should give Iran half of the Middle East (oh, wait, we’re working on that)?
That’s my problem with Zionism. Jews are not special. They are people. People do land grabs. Happens all the time.
Well, let’s not forget that a big reason Teh Joos were out looking for a homeland is because the Civilized World(TM) had spent a couple thousand years doing its level best to make them feel fatally unwanted. As for “land grab,” well, Teh Joos were mostly just buying land until the British stepped in with their big hammy hands and decided to partition the Middle East to punish the Ottomans. Suddenly, it’s all “Jewish homeland” this and “Trans-Jordan that.”
Then of course, the ultra-Zionists saw their chance and really did start heavily grabbing land.
I just posted that link at every blog I read.
I would hope that everyone here would do the same.
Nothing should stand in the way of driving Ace’s numbers down as far as we can get them.
Blatant idiocy so often goes without punishment.
This is your chance to strike back, and strike back hard.
When I voted, his rating was 8 out of twenty.
If we all work together we should be able to get that down around 5.
That’s actually 8 out of 10.
It’s now 7 out of 10.
70% of respondents voted positively for Ace.
I will now throw up.
To underline what Alex Higgins said: Yes, Obama opened that discussion in fucking JANUARY. Only Time would consider someone that out-of-touch and behind the times a blog star. Or hell, maybe Time’s so clueless they didn’t know either. BLARGH!
Then of course, the ultra-Zionists saw their chance and really did start heavily grabbing land.
Too bad the oblast never really took off.
I really wish the Flash would stop updating his Player and get back to crimefighting…
Too bad the oblast never really took off. – Pedestrian
Nu? If it did, there would be a bunch of Daur refugees in China and Russia demanding a right of return, the Oblast would be under constant attack (with the plight of said refugees being used as the excuse for attack) and when the Oblast responded, thoughtful “liberals” would fret about its “disproportionate response”, etc., etc. And someone would state on a board like this “too bad the State of Israel never really took off”.
Beppe Grillo!! È l’uomo!!
Italian comedian who’s become a big anti-corruption crusader through his blog, which is supposed to be Italy’s bastion of a free press.
The New Yorker did a big story on him two months ago. Well, a big Letter from Italy.
duros – i hope you were not dissing The Wire.
Abso fucking lutely not.
Chris Hitchens was refused service at Pickle Barrel.
And how about the biggest, gaudiest example of colonialism gone bad, the United States…
Hey! We ‘bought’ most of our land!! Or stole it, as the case may be…
Nuh Uh. Found it. Nobody else was using it. Well,…nobody white anyway.
Larry Craig was refused service at Bottom-of-the-Barrel.
Ted Stevens was refused service at Pork Barrel.
Thanks for underlining, tigrismus!
It may as well be pointed out that TIME magazine has selected an Ace of Spades post that is demonstrably wrong about its central statement of factishness.
Apparently, that’s “the conservative answer to the Daily Kos”. (TM)
Not that right-wing wrongness and MSM laziness/complicity should come as a surprise or revelation to anyone at all, anywhere. But you know, for the record, Obama did address the precise issue Ace of Spades moans about some time ago.
Mark Noonan was refused service at Fish-in-a-Barrel.
AoS is full of snarling, flat-out funny commentary, videos, cartoons, pictures, and gratuitous insults
Christ, they must have been reading some other blog called “Aces of Spades”, ’cause the one we’re familiar with is snarling indeed but unfunny, a merely flat-period morass of straw men, halfassed philosophy, and something not quite resembling somehting totally unlike you-know-what.
Charlton Heston was refused service at the End of a Gun Barrel
Ace Hole’s average rating is now down to 5. HAW haw! What a lame-ass load of horse hockey. I’ve voted like 100 times. They suck.
When the phrase ‘Judeo-Christian’ is used, it usually strikes me as saying; “… look, we Xtains and Jooos are mates, not like those muslim types, kill, kill, kill….”,
Fridge note:
Clif, AG hearts and misses you!
UC and AG want to know if you know the dude who laid it down from G-Town about the FDA being scientists, not cops when it comes to J and J being wankers.
Totally love him!!!!
I suggest Ace be put in the box with Bunk Moreland and Lester Freamon.
The pretend inclusiveness that pedestrian brought up tries to paper over centuries of attempts to prove an irreconcilable difference between the two cults, and as DAS suggests, serves mainly to carve off the third Abrahamic cult (which is articulated in the Semitic language of Arabic) from the tradition.
And let’s not even get into the examination of the three faiths, in which case “Judeo-Islam” would be much much closer as an inclusive organization than anything the quasi-polytheistic avatar-worshiping Christians could hope for.
jews are not a fucking race, people fall for anything
jews fits in that categorie
native american
do muslim, christian, jews fit in the group above fuck no