Freedom’s just another word for threatening to kill women who don’t wear veils

Fr33d0m is sooooooo keeeeewwwwl:

The Americans imposed order a few months ago by recruiting and paying local men to turn in the names of suspected jihadists. Similar armed groups have popped up all around the city. Each has its own bizarre rules; some threaten to kill women who don’t wear veils in public. The shop assistant is in mourning for her brother, who was killed last May, but she’s asking for trouble if she wears black more than three days running. According to the new enforcers in her neighborhood, anyone who dresses in mourning is committing blasphemy by questioning the will of God. […]

America’s efforts to disengage from Iraq have led to some messy compromises. After years of trying without success to wrest Sunni areas from Qaeda control, U.S. ground commanders appear to have done it at last—but only by granting sweeping powers to sheiks and local leaders who can keep the peace. Now Iraq’s Sunni areas have been chopped into fragments, each one run by a different tribal ruler with different views on law and society. In some parts of Baghdad the situation changes visibly from block to block. No one can say how many of these leaders abuse their powers, or if their little sectors can ever be put back under the purview of a centrally controlled government. “We are becoming like Afghanistan was in the ’80s,” says Zainab Salbi, the Iraq-born founder and CEO of the activist group Women for Women International.

I could point out again that this war has been the single biggest and most destructive frack-up in American history. But really, it’s just getting redundant at this point.

At least the bears and pumas wouldn’t force women to wear veils, that’s all I’ma say…


Comments: 50


According to the new enforcers in her neighborhood, anyone who dresses in mourning is committing blasphemy by questioning the will of God.

Now look, no one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle. Even…and I want to make this asolutely clear…even if they do say “Jehovah”!


I dunno… Are bears and pumas really better than religious nuts?

They eat people! For the love of Pete, they’re big, angry bears. They eat people. Not that I say we go out and kill all of them, but I mean, it doesn’t seem to be a problem here. Senator, I can’t take the — I can’t take the lies anymore.


In much the same way that we’re not allowed to see images of dead soldiers because that would be “unpatriotic.” Monsters.


At least bears have clear rules. Generally, the slowest hiker.


Glenn Beck interviews James Inhofe.

How many total IQ points are involved?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,

April 6, 2008 at 18:16

Glenn Beck interviews James Inhofe.

How many total IQ points are involved?

Pi… because it’s an irrational number.


WereBear said,

April 6, 2008 at 18:13

At least bears have clear rules. Generally, the slowest hiker.

It doesn’t matter if I run faster than the bear… I just have to run faster than the slowest person. 😉


i looked angily at pi and said icily, “you’re irrational.” “Get real” pi shot back.


It doesn’t matter if I run faster than the bear… I just have to run faster than the slowest person..

…and hope she doesn’t trip ya!


“In some parts of Baghdad the situation changes visibly from block to block. “

I can certainly sympathize. Do you know how many checkpoints I had to go through just to buy some hemorrhoid cream at CVS?

Johnny Coelacanth

This prejudicial preference for pumas and bears disturbs me. Where are the swarms of bees? The packs of angry wild boars? We must make accommodation for great white sharks and Portuguese Men of War.


If everything is god’s will than isn’t the widow’s choice to wear mourning clothes longer than 3 days also god’s will? In which case getting all huffy about it would, in fact, be the blasphemy of challenging god’s will? … unless the huffy part is god’s will too.


the square root of negative one said,

April 6, 2008 at 18:47

i never get any respect!

Well, that’s because you’re imaginary, doof!


Since you brought up bears, I have to mention that the bear who ate the Grizzly Man was, ironically, the one he had named “Jeffrey Dahmer”.


Bees are the enemy. See the Reconquista discussion two posts down. The men o’ war can’t be trusted ’cause they don’t speak English. I don’t know about the other animals.


Blue Buddha said, April 6, 2008 at 19:11

Well, that’s because you’re imaginary, doof!

Come on, people…Let’s be rational!


OT but highly amusing. Donald Wildmon sez: According to McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner, McDonald’s will aggressively promote the homosexual agenda.

Didn’t he know that McD’s is our very own network of recruitment stations.


“If everything is god’s will than isn’t the widow’s choice to wear mourning clothes longer than 3 days also god’s will? In which case getting all huffy about it would, in fact, be the blasphemy of challenging god’s will? … unless the huffy part is god’s will too.”

Good point. Fuckin’ God, man. Can’t He make up His mind?


Don’t forget the sharks with the lasers attached to their heads!


Isn’t that sort of like using the Shii’a militias to control some areas, to save troops?

Worked fine on paper, except that when then wanted those guys to give up the power they had, all the trouble started.

But seriously, I think I figured what the strategy in Iraq is: the us administration is working as a scapegoat, it is getting all the factions to hate it. I guess the idea is that eventually the hate for US will outgrow the hate of religious differences and tribal matters, and Iraq will unite against US. They will likely dispice US so much that they make their goverment opposeite of US model; they will create a multiparty goverment system, where the president actually listens to the peoples demands.
Democracy on the roll, people, let’s not interfere with W:s great plan.


Hows about sending a few of those hungry bears and pumas into the Whitehouse.


Come on, people…Let’s be rational!

Yeah! Let’s throw someone overboard over math!!


Doodle Bean: are you referring to what I think you are? Only math geeks know that story.


Don’t forget that we’ll get to watch the great debate “The SURGE™, a great leap towards peace in our time or a bandaid on a sucking chest wound?” starring General Betray Us and Ambassador Cockbreath this week. I’m certain we’ll get this whole Iraq thing cleared up in no time.

So pull on your waders, not the short ones, you’re gonna need the hip boots for this, as the presidential candidates pose and preen without risking their standing with ANY constituency and general mouthpiece gives us the latest in administration propaganda.

Oh, and no, you may not read the NIE.

But don’t worry. You can count on the american press to give you a clear, honest and unbiased view of the prospects for the great american endeavor in iraq.

Yay USA!


Doctorb Science

ZOMG that was Glenn Beck — I thought it was from the Colbert Report.

Doctorb Science

Don’t you think it’s time for the US to Release the Dogs? or the Bees? or the Dogs with Bees in Their Mouths so When They Bark They Shoot Bees at You?


Goddammit, we’ve already debated the various alternatives to bears and pumas and concluded that few were suitable. Great whites? My God, man, it’s a freakin’ desert out there! I don’t see the insurgents running in terror from man o’ wars in wheelbarrows, okay? Unless maybe the bears are pushing them.


The Taliban is dead! Long live the Taliban!


The Taliban IS dead. They have been replaced by an organization called the Tabilan.

How could anyone have known it would take so long to create a democratic paradise in central Asia?


Bears don’t eat men. Men eat men. ugh.. .

Viva la Ministry of Vice and Virtue.



Yes. Although don’t hate me because my background is Physics.

You may take some comfort in the fact that I am now working in healthcare finance.

Sigh, it’s a living.


What are we doing for the Fifth Anniversary of Codpiece Day? Ignoring dead American soldiers and gushing about how teh Splurge is working will be high on my list.


America’s efforts to disengage from Iraq
Statements like this are why we need a blink tag.


Pah! You Liberals, so obsessed with trivialities! This I-rock stuff is history, old news. Finished!

The real story is Obama’s bowling score!


The death of irony — pictorial update.


“At least the bears and pumas wouldn’t force women to wear veils, that’s all I’ma say…”



I say we “RELEASE THE RABBITS” and all run like mofo’s while they’re distracted.


Does anyone else wonder occasionally about the interior decoration theme and motif at chez herr smut clyde?

I’m thinking that it’s probably not most accurately described as “bright and cheerful”….



Moose don’t get the respect they deserve.


Does anyone else wonder occasionally about the interior decoration theme and motif at chez herr smut clyde?
The Frau Doktorin won’t let me re-decorate ever since the time I painted the stairs in dazzle-ship patterns in preparation for a party.
We had three twisted ankles and a cracked rib that night, from guests going downstairs to the toilet. Good times.


I’ve got more respect for moose than for the square root of negative one.

Cause when the square root shits on my head, it’s on the inside.

Plus, Utah Philips sings a song about moose turd pie, so it can’t be all bad.


“the single biggest and most destructive frack-up in American history”

You sure that wasn’t the Philippine-American War?


Moose don’t get the respect they deserve.

You wanna block a road, get a Moose.

Boris Badenough

That is – Get the Moose and Squirrel.

Boris Badenough

BTW There is a potential joke in here about Iraq being the land for Malkin honey (for bears) But I am too slow to put it together.


Having bad people get devoured by hungry bears is part of God’s plan–see 2 Kings 2: 23-24:

From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. “Go on up, you baldhead!” they said. “Go on up, you baldhead!” He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.

Not so sure about pumas, though–there aren’t any pumas in the Bible.


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