

ABOVE: Conservatives imagine a new dialogue on race


Will you please add me to your “niggers list?” I’m significantly whiter than most of the dudes you’ve listed, but I swear I can be just as “dirty, violent, and stupid” as Mike Tyson (although I’ve never bitten off someone’s ear or purchased a tiger for a pet).

Also, this is just classic shit:

We can have this conversation now — should have this conversation now — because African-Americans are on the verge of the greatest setback they’ve experienced since the election of Rutherford B. Hayes. You see, you’ve just given life to the suspicion that black people in America are, and have long been, a fifth column — unanimously hating the very country that has afforded the highest standard of living ever achieved by black people in human history. We’re teetering at the edge of believing that you’re a secret society, a massive collection of sleeper cells just waiting for your chance to do serious harm to the rest of us. You’ve made it possible for us to believe that. Because you’re never outraged by what the worst black people do.

OJ’s non-guilty verdict was only the first step in our glorious War Against Whitey. Wait until Obama gets into power and puts y’all honky asses into Reparations Camps. Then you’ll learn the value of a good day’s work, ya jive-ass cracka! AAAAAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAAAA!!!!

(Via Glennzilla.)

UPDATE: This comment says it all:

I’m continually amazed at the sheer number of White folks who are either unable or unwilling to, er, call a spade a spade. Blacks hate Whites. Everything about the way they hold themselves to the movies they make to the way they live their lives, etc, screams it. The Thomas Sowells are the exception.

End racism? Will never happen. It had a faint chance, what with discrimination all but obliterated. But day after day after week after month after year after decade and decade of seeing with our own eyes behavior so primitive and destructive and flat out stupid, has ensured that dream is dead and buried.

I also, do not hate blacks.

Sure you don’t.

Sentiments such as these remind me why I staunchly oppose hate-speech laws. Can you imagine a world where the government prevented us from laughing at these assholes?


Comments: 147


You’ve made it possible for us to believe that. Because you’re never outraged by what the worst black people do.

Oddly enough, Instapunk is doing what the worst white people do right now. I assume that he doesn’t realize that, and instead spends all his free time from blogging flailing on the ground in despair over the actions of Richard Speck, Charles Manson, the KKK, Nixon… My, the list just goes on and on, doesn’t it?


“You see, you’ve just given life to the suspicion that black people in America are, and have long been, a fifth column — unanimously hating the very country that has afforded the highest standard of living ever achieved by black people in human history. We’re teetering at the edge of believing that you’re a secret society, a massive collection of sleeper cells just waiting for your chance to do serious harm to the rest of us.”

Err, O.K. who the fuck has ever thought THAT? Seriously, maybe I just don’t travel in the right circles or something, but I’ve never heard that one before. Also, if all black people in America are part of some illuminatie/elders of zion/Cobra type evil organization bent on destroying this country, you’d think they’d be doing a lot more damage.


Make Instapunk’s head explode this November. Vote for Obama.


In his next article Instapunk discovers that women have been laughing at him and decided that they are also a fifth column.


I thought that this was charming:

There are a few areas where, by virtue of age and experience, I think I can speak for the overwhelming majority of Americans.

As long as they are white Americans, I suppose. Because everyone knows that’s who the real Americans are.

And that comment – to the movies they make – oh noes! White people were once mocked in a movie made by a black person! Teh Horror! I love how there is no real example of an actual movie, or the name of a director or anything. It’s just “those black people movies”.

I also, do not hate blacks.

That may or may not be true, but they certainly show a massive amount of contempt for black people.


“Now, let the abuse descend. I’m ready.”

The classic martyr complex so common among racist assholes who tell anyone who’ll listen that the abuse they’re getting is because they’re not afraid to tell the truth. The fact is, the abuse they’re getting is because they are, in fact, assholes.


“You’ve made it possible for us to believe that. Because you’re never outraged by what the worst black people do.”

That is because we (and I am certified hillbilly white) are far too busy being outraged by what the worst (and even the not so worst) white people people do, which has far greater and more widespread impact. If all white people were judged by assholes like Instawanker, we would all be rotting in a lake of fire. When black people actually have the power to kill off millions of people in the name of “Manifest Destiny” and civilization, enslave millions of others in the name of “progress”, start needless and illegal wars that kill hundreds of thousands of innocents in the name of “freedom”, and allow millions of their fellow citizens to live in abject poverty in the name of “democracy”, then I will be concerned. Until then, I will save my outrage for those who actually have power.


But Obama has invited us to talk about race.

Okay. I’m accepting the invitation. He can regret it at his leisure.

I will be laughing at this one all day. Yes, because Obama’s gonna read your worthless drivel and then go, “Hmmm…maybe I should have said something else.” Bwahahaha. Good god, I’ve got tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

Something also tells me that that Instapunk will even “talk” about race when he’s not invited to.


Something also tells me that that Instapunk will even “talk” about race when he’s not invited to.

Well, not so much “talk” as “yell out of his car window as he speeds by”.


Oh Christ. The comments there make me weep.

“White males” already ARE a minority. They HAVE been. Think about it.

Every single immigrant group that ever came to America — including the Chinese who came as railroad slaves — has risen out of poverty and want to prosperity and respect. The Irish, the Italians, the Polish, the Jews, the Koreans, the Vietnamese. And including modern-day Africans. That should clue you in to quite a few things.

I also, do not hate blacks. I’d love to meet Sowell, and many others, in person.

OK, that last one maybe made me laugh a little, too.

Chris St. James

Happy Ressurection Sunday liberals! This very day almost 2000 years ago Jesus Christ the Holy Son of God rose from the dead thereby making it possible for all men to recieve eternal life when Christ is recieved as Savior.

To recieve eternal life you must.

1. Know that God loves you.
2. Believe that you are a sinner and eternaly separated from God.
3. Believe that neither you nor your works can save you.
4. Believe that Jesus Christ’s death on the cross was the sacrifice for your sin so that your sins can be forgiven.
5. Believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God rose from the dead.
6. Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

If you believe these Bible truths with all your heart simply pray and recieve Jesus as Lord.

Romans 10:13 “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Pray a simple prayer such as this.

Dear Lord Jesus I know I am a sinner. I believe that you are the Son of God who died for me on a cross so my sins can be forgiven. I believe that you rose from the dead. I now accept as recieve you as my Lord and Savior. I thank you for giving me eternal life. In Jesus name Amen.

My friends, If you prayed this prayer and sincerly meant it you now are a child of God.

Arky The Islahomobamaist

Really? Wow. Well, ya’ll excuse me. I have to beat the shit out of my co-habitant and then find a way to kick 1/4 of my own ass.



Did censorship come from the right or the race-obsessed left?

In regards to depictions of race in popular culture, I can see how one can blame some censorship on Teh Left, but in regards to nearly every other facet of the history of censorship, well, he obviously didn’t think that question through, did he?


well, we knew Obama’s candidacy was going to bring out all the assholes and their smugly rationalized bigotry. This is the start.


I do not hate women. But I am sick to death of women as a group. Every day I hear women talking about “their families” and “what they want do with their lives,” as if two such plainly opposed concepts are reconcilable. I’m an old guy. I want to smack them. All of them. They are egregious stereotypes. It’s impossible not to think the unthinkable C-word when they walk right next to you on elevators or sidewalks in their short dresses and tight shirts and their steadfast refusal to have sex with you on demand.

Here’s the dirty secret all of us know and no one will admit to. There ARE cunts. Women know it. Men know it. And only women are allowed to notice and pronounce the truth of it. This is the single biggest obstacle to healing the gender divide in this country.

I’m not proposing the generalized use of the term, just trying to be clear for once. However much they may scream and protest, women will know what I mean when I demand they concede that the following people are cunts:

– Lucrecia Borgia

– Lizzie Borden

– Bella Abzug

– Heidi Fleiss

– Hillary Clinton

– Marion Jones . . .

Chris St. James

If any of you got saved you should now find a Bible believing Church near you and attend regularly, so you can be grounded in sound Bible doctrine.


Fuck you, Chris, and your little god, too.


Hey Saul, I thought you were Jewish?


I do not hate flowers. But I am sick to death of flowers as a botanical grouping. Every day I see flowers wearing ostentatious colors and smell their occasionally discordant scents. I’m an old guy. I want to cut them. All of them. They are egregious stereotypes. It’s impossible not to think the unthinkable W-word when they grow in overly fussy gardens or unplanned, in cracks in the street.

Here’s the dirty secret all of us know and no one will admit to. There ARE weeds. Flowers know it. People know it. Even some cows. And only gardeners are allowed to notice and pronounce the truth of it. This is the single biggest obstacle to breaking down the garden wall dividing this country.

I’m not proposing the generalized use of the term, just trying to be clear for once. However much they may scream and protest, flowers will know what I mean when I demand they concede that the following plants are weeds:

– Carnations

– Bougainvilleas

– Wilted Begonias

– Mallows. . .


Jim, are you offering Instapunk’s next post? C’mon, make him work for it a little. (Yes, I know it was intended as parody.)

The sad thing is, a significant portion of his You Kids Get Off My Lawning applies to white teenagers, too. And white twentysomethings. And Asians. And Latinos. In fact, if I had to put a label on people with jeans around their knees and loud annoying car stereos, the only one I can really think of that doesn’t leave people out would be, um, males.

Just a thought.


Wow. I guess I hoping that I would not need to be reminded that such hate and racism was alive and well in land this Easter morning.

I suppose this is the place where I should make a weak joke about home schooling, or inbreeding, or the tragedy that happens when schools are not adequately funded or staffed by qualified teachers. Somehow, that would fall far short. .

Mostly, I am profoundly saddened. The stupidity and idiocy is just so ginormous that there’s really no place to latch hold and start to demolish the concatenation of error, lying, willful blindness, deception and cravenness relayed to us here.

I’m not very religious, but I think I’ll go now and pray for Instapunk’s eternal soul. These sins against God and your fellow man can benefit no one.


I am going to start telling people that I am voting for Obama simply to drive racists nuts.



I dunno Chris, I mean Satan will through in super-powers! And have you seen how many Gods you get at no extra charge from the Hindus and Shintos? Scientology has that summer block buster scifi thing going on. Frankly, you’ll have to try a lot harder to sell it to me. Your God seems awfully bare bones.


In fact, if I had to put a label on people with jeans around their knees and loud annoying car stereos, the only one I can really think of that doesn’t leave people out would be, um, males.

Ooh! Do one for males Jim!


Instapunk’s post is all the more reason we need to get behind Obama and his United States of Shaft. Because really, there’s nothing funnier than a bunch of whiny white males, is there?


I think Jim’s mostly just bitter about the dicots and trying to hide it by tarring all flowers with the same brush.

Hell, you can get Saved by reading spam? Why didn’t anyone ever think of this before? Or is it just reading spam on Easter? Which makes it suspiciously close to a magic spell, which is, actually, almost appropriate for the whole Easter thing.

Arky The Islahomobamaist

“Now, let the abuse descend. I’m ready.”

That’s fRighty speak for “Spank me! I’ve been a baaaad boy.”

$10 says instapunkdick wanks off to pics of Condi Rice in her dominatrix boots.


Taking lemonade and turning it into lemons — it’s what Republicans do best.

Chris St. James

Their is only one way to Heaven my friends. Christ Himself said “wide is that path that leads to destruction and many will enter it, but narrow is the path that leads to life and only a few will find it.” All other religions are false and are the wide path that leads to destruction. The Apostle Paul said of Christ “There is no other Name given under heaven by which we must be saved.” Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven, all other “religions” and “gods” are false and are the antichrist and all lead to hell. Only Jesus saves the souls of men and reconciles them back to God.


David – actually, I think that would be “taking lemonade and turning it into stinky urine”.


Chris – God doesn’t exist. Which makes you a moron for giving your life over to superstitious claptrap. And also, makes you boring to other people.


Chris, you’re going straight to Hades for blaspheming against Zeus.


Obama is mastermind. This is exactly the sort of bike he was hoping would bubble up, because that makes the sane among us feel ashamed of whatever lingering racial baggage we might be carrying.

He’s messing with us, man.

I also like the idea that discrimination was almost dead until black people resurrected by engaging in primitive, destructive and stupid behavior “day after day after week after month after year after decade and decade.” So when was discrimination almost dead, I wonder. Decades ago? I am trying to get a handle on the time frame.


Easter troll; you’re boring me.


bile, not bike

Arky The Islahomobamaist

Their is only one way to Heaven my friends.

Oh yeah, I know how this goes. One minute you’re talking about the way to Heaven and the next thing I know you’re showing me the tattoo of the Pearly Gates on your ass. Go buy a wetsuit and a dildo you cheap bastard.


Chris- The path to Jesus is crowded and blocked by a lot of pompous disrespectful arrogant overly pontificating self-centered jackasses that make heaven appear closer to an eternity of hell.

For a deity that created such a complex universe, planet and millions upon millions species that the human race has barely even begun discover, I’d say you making God out to be such a limited mentally and emotionally stunted petty insecure asshole is quite disrespectful.

As to old man instapunk, he’s definitely not the go to guy for fashion, vehicle nor outrage tips. Thankfully he did not in all his white brilliance address such menial topics as economic, educational, employment and health imbalances. Why that would require actual thought and we can not by any means over tax the old man with such complex topics. He might stroke out and bitch slap himself in his outrage.


Oh. My. God. Times like this make me SO glad that I live in Canada. I’d be interested to see how the US has provided a higher standard of living for black people than any other country, including my own. I call bullshit. Could someone remind Mr Instapundit that his country had segregation policies in place WELL into the lifetimes of the baby boomers? Please? Then take his computer away so he can never, ever write again?


From the article in question:
” I admire Thomas Sowell, Duke Ellington, Roberto Clemente, Muhammed Ali, Alexandre Dumas, Sidney Poitier, Denzel Washington, Count Basie, Tiger Woods, and Bill Cosby. ”

First off, I think that the Clemente family, and the people of Puerto Rico would be suprised to learn that the Island’s secular saint is a black dude. Secondly, um Dumas, wtf I dont even get how one could stretch and list him as Black, I mean maybe you can squint with Clemente but Dumas is this satire? Third, its nice how (once remove French Author and noted cracker Dumas from the list) every Black man he admire barring Sowell is an entertainer. Finally, just going out on a limb here, but Ali, this guy is either forgetful, wasn’t alive in 60s and 70s or is simply lying, I mean Ali wasn’t a milquetoast guy, he was fiery, he said stuff that make the Wright sermons look pedestrian (though generally true, as were Ali’s statements).


Chris, shouldn’t you be in church instead of wasting your Easter morning on the computer visiting a liberal site?


One of the things I like about Obama is how he interacts with the public, but if he becomes President he’s going to need a motherfucking Panzer division surrounding him at all times.


I don’t want to go to any Heaven that would take Chris St. James.



you mean Black Panther division.


you’re never outraged by what the worst black people do.

Let’s not forget that what Insty’s got his knickers in a twist over, the key indicator of virulent black hatred, the smoke-signal that makes him fear the torch-bearing mobs on his gated community’s doorstep – is that an old man said “God damn America.”


I just noticed he didn’t even add MLK to his list of Good Black people, I mean come on that’s a freebie now a days I think Trent Lott even said he admired MLK. Also missing Thomas, Powell, and Rice so its possible that even his admiration of conservative Black people only applies to those with theoretical rather than actual power.


don’t want to go to any Heaven that would take Chris St. James.

It’s FAR too warm where he’s going. I prefer more temperate climates.


Allen (or in his world Alan) Iverson, seriously?! Ok, that inclusion pretty much nails the racism thing, I mean Iverson may look and may have in the past off-the-court acted “ghetto” (which growing in the ghetto and coming from a poor single mother may have had something to do with. But on the court, the man’s been the single best embodiment of sport that we’ve had in a while: think about he’s tiny and throws himself against bigger stronger people with abandon, plays hurt and was the heart and soul of a city for the majority of his career, hell if he was white he’d be this dick’s hero.


Random fun thoughts for the Christian troll:

1.) Jesus loves you more than any one else ever could or would.
2.) Jesus died on the crucifix for your sins.
3.) As an adult, you must learn to take responsibility for your actions and their consequences.

Therefore, you are responsible for killing the one person who loved you more than anyone else will.

Happy zombie-Jesus day!


“If you’re offended when Republicans defend Richard Nixon or when Democrats defend Chuck Schumer” um I’ve never been a Chuck fan (too DLC for me) but how in any way are he and Nixon analoguous?


Hey, Putz. How’d the “fifth column” get here, please tell? Oh? Something about some 500 years of slave trade? Something about only being considered full persons sometimes around 1964-1998, depending on when their town decided to start acting right? Think that might give them a bad attitude?

I say goddamn, white people.


“White males” already ARE a minority. They HAVE been. Think about it.

Every single immigrant group that ever came to America — including the Chinese who came as railroad slaves — has risen out of poverty and want to prosperity and respect. The Irish, the Italians, the Polish, the Jews, the Koreans, the Vietnamese. And including modern-day Africans. That should clue you in to quite a few things.

Well, if I’m unpacking this correctly (grammar helps, it really does), it clues me in that you’re not real familiar with your history. When the irish, the italians, the polish and the jews (the polish?) came in, they weren’t considered to be, in the sense you’re talking about, White – the klan certainly didn’t think so, ’cause the irish and the italians and the poles tended to be catholic, while the jews tended, not to put too fine a point on it, to be jewish – and your ideological ancestors treated them much the way you treat african americans today.

Thing about folks who aren’t Real White People who happen to be, you know, white, is clean their kids up and send them to public schools which mean to educate them to become productive functioning members of society (we used to have those) and teach ’em to talk WASP and you can’t tell them from some random kid at Choate unless you interrogate them on the minor arcana of Lilly Pulitzer and what People Like Us call a napkin, and don’t worry, their kids will know that.

Hell, give them a GI Bill and mortgage assistance and pretty soon you got suburbs full of Those People and you can’t tell them from, you know, real White People.

“Chinese railroad slaves” were discriminated against every bit as fiercely, and they (like immigrants in general) were generally the best educated, most successful people in their society seeking opportunity while they escaped poverty in their own lands (which didn’t stop us from declaring that they were just like indians, black folks, women and the insane in terms of their legal rights wrt white men). Later on we had this war, though, and China was fighting against the folks who attacked us, and damned if Fu Manchu and the white-woman-raping yellow peril didn’t make way for popular white actresses playing Pearl S. Buck’s noble peasants struggling with the evil japanese.

Now can you think of something the waves of korean and vietnamese immigration had in common? I’ll wait.

Not all men are white, or even “white,” so yeah, you’re in a minority, and there’s an outside limit to your ability to expand the definition of “white men” to grow your numbers (something which, parenthetically, “you” did very reluctantly and not without a great deal of prodding by events). Men are a minority, doofus, because there are more women.

Other, minor, differences:

the political structure of this country wasn’t explicitly built on a presumption of their second-class status

one or another of the dominant political parties in this country hasn’t kept power for the last hundred and fifty years or so on an explicit platform of keeping them disempowered

it’s way harder for Jersey state troopers to pick their children out when they drive by at 65 mph

In closing, you’re a racist tool.


How about this, Mr. St. James: You can convert me to Christianity if I can convert you to Islam.

So, how many virgins would you like when you die? I can spot you up to 72 before Allah starts asking for a little more credit up front. On the other hand, we’re forbidden to charge any interest, so at least you can pay back your loans without too much hidden in the fine print. Just drop me a line and I can give you some translated Koranic goodness.


My memory is a little shaky (I was only 12 at the time) can someone please remind which Black Power group was it that blew up the MUrrah building in Oklahoma City? Was it the Panthers or the Nation of Islam?


Insta punk says:

Every day I see young black males wearing tee shirts down to their knees — and jeans belted just above their knees. I’m an old guy. I want to smack them. All of them. They are egregious stereotypes. It’s impossible not to think the unthinkable N-Word when they roll up beside you at a stoplight in their trashed old Hondas with 19-inch spinner wheels and rap recordings that shake the foundations of the buildings.

See for him its all about The Other – their funny clothes, old cars and music he doesn’t like! That’s what makes them scarey to him. That and the fact that they might be talking about him behind their backs.


I only feel bad that all those born-again evangelicals will never be admitted into the Halls of Valhalla. renounce your evil monotheistic ways now, before it’s too late! Obin loves you all… well… okay, maybe not, but he’ll totally not smite your ass if you tilt a pint back in his name, every once in a while.


Sorry, St. Clair, I was at church and I missed your message. What were you saying?

(I’m not a Christian, but I sometimes attend my childhood Lutheran church with my family.)


That’s what makes them scarey to him.

That’s part of it. These racist cobags live in abject fear that “minorities” will get power because then that power will be used, as power inevitably must in the tiny mind of a cobag, to treat the powerless like shit. That’s why they want to hold onto their privileged status until their last fingernail tears off.

In a weird way, it’s an application or acknowledgement of the Golden Rule, or the flip side of Liberal Guilt.


Shorter Instapunk: I’m not racist. THEY are!


I think the irrational fear of folks like Instapunk is actually linked to something a little more primal and craven than fear that Blacks will use power to treat Whites like shit.

I think it’s like ” Ew… those other people dress weird and eat strange stuff and talk too loud – they scare me.”

The power talk is just rationalization for a piddly-ass fear of The Other.



Old man instapunk would spend the rest of his miserable life trying to slap all of my nephews and their friends. The 13 year old wears his pants so big that when he shimmies his pants drop to his ankles. He has done that a family events, him being 13 and all. Thankfully the underwear industry has become a lot more fashionable over the years. LOL! Plenty of colors and designs.

Last week he was raving about how cool the new hoodies, that come down to his knees and 5 inches past his hands, have openings for thumbs.

I’m not even going to get into the sub-woofers of the oldest nephews and all of his buddies. Let alone the dreams of the two 17 years old and what they want their cars to be like.

Old man punk does not get out much. LOL!


Meanwhile, who would have thought that shaking Thomas Sowell’s hand is the New Hajj for mouth-breathing crackers?


The power talk is just rationalization for a piddly-ass fear of The Other.

You make a good point. I was thinking that the piddly-ass discussion of pants belted around the knees was rationalization for the power stuff, but your use of the term “primal” is convincing. I’m giving the cobags way too much credit for thinking things out, even subconsciously.

Lemuel Gulliver

Wait, is that site for real or what?


hey, Silver Owl.

Us punks from the seventies and eighties are old now too.

your use of ‘Old Man Punk’ to describe this racist fuckwit saddens me.

I’m the Old Man Punk on my block.


to the movies they make

snort. Yes, Paramount, Warner Brothers, Disney, FOX, Universal… thats who I think of when I think of an angry black 5th Column


Meanwhile, who would have thought that shaking Thomas Sowell’s hand is the New Hajj for mouth-breathing crackers?

You have to wonder how long it will be before Thomas Sowell realizes he is being trotted out for display as “the good Negro” by every rightard in the country. Seriously, ever since this whole Pastor Wright thing started being the gotcha-of-the-week for Obama haters, every asshat in the world of right-wing bloggery has pointed to Sowell and said something that ultimately equates to “See? Now there’s a black dude who knows his place!”


You have to wonder how long it will be before Thomas Sowell realizes he is being trotted out for display as “the good Negro” by every rightard in the country.

Well, it’s sort of the cornerstone of his career. If he doesn’t realize it, I doubt he’s going to.


Billy Pilgrim,

He called himself an old man, signed his post oldpunk.

Do you go around wanting to smack young people for not dressing for you or for having cars that you disapprove of?

At 45 years of age, the whole smacking kids around due to fashion and cars is aged, trite and worn out in my opinion.

Oldpunk’s mindset is from an era that is outdated and antiquated. The idea that kids indulging in the fashion of their times should be met with a good hard smacking and spanking because they do not specifically emulate and mimic their elders is much the same as when it was scorned for women to show their ankles or *gasp* wear pants. Not to mention the hyperventilation that occurred when jeans were first worn to school.

It’s not his “chronological” age that is the problem if that is what you are saddened about. It’s his outdated, antiquated, primitive mindset that is the problem. He’s the first to take refuge in “old” as his excuse. I don’t buy it.


Oh, I completely agree, Silver.

Just trying to take the name ‘punk’ back for us who were there.

Sorry if I offended. I’m not so good at teh funny.

Now you kids get offa my lawn. And stop dressing funny.


Although having seen the nazi punks, I guess he could have been there too.

which also saddens me.


LOL! Billy, sometimes the internet tubie thingys are hard to understand. I’m hoping my new reading glasses come with proper emoticons for proper translation.


Believe that neither you nor your works can save you.

Woo-hoo! See–it doesn’t matter how much of an evil, selfish asshole I am as long as I know the Jesus-club-secret-handshake!

Meanwhile, all those non-Christian do-gooders are going to BURN IN HELL! Bwahahaha!



I was never that impressed with the Jesus story until I started thinking about how it possibly might have gone down if you subtract all that tedious black magic and supernatural twaddle.

You know, just consider his teachings.

And consider his torture and death as something that happened to a normal man who stood up to the abuse of a frightened, arrogant authority. He so believed in his teachings and his worldview and his followers, that he endured torture and death. Without any divine assurance that he would be resurrected by “God his father.”

The whole story becomes much more inspiring and meaningful. But, consequently, much less useful to any organized hierarchy looking to exploit the gullible and weak-minded.


Do you go around wanting to smack young people for not dressing for you or for having cars that you disapprove of?

I kinda want to smack people who wear too much cologne and who play their car stereos so loud the bass shakes my home as they idle at the red light, but those are more “cranky chronic migraine” things than “cranky old white broad” things.


“trashed old Hondas with 19-inch spinner wheels”

Not to be correcting racists on their racist stereotypes, but aren’t the Hondas a Hispanic thing?


Additionally: As a somewhat lecherous bisexual with extraordinarily broad tastes, I refuse to be appalled by how anyone dresses. Though, if you all could show a little more ankle, that’d be great, thanks.


aren’t the Hondas a Hispanic thing?

here in LA it’s the Cambodian and Vietnamese kids who drive the souped-up rice rockets.


And consider his torture and death as something that happened to a normal man who stood up to the abuse of a frightened, arrogant authority. He so believed in his teachings and his worldview and his followers, that he endured torture and death. Without any divine assurance that he would be resurrected by “God his father.”

It was the whole torture and death thing that finally turned my tolerance for Xtianity into contempt. Basing their mythology on human sacrifice took them, in my opinion, beyond the pale.


Didn’t Denzel Washington star in several Spike Lee movies, including Malcom X?


Just trying to take the name ‘punk’ back for us who were there.

Speaking of, I went and let Exense Cervenka, John Doe, Billy Zoom and D.J. Bonebrake damage my eardrums at Metro the other night in Chicago. That was excellent!


Exene, that is.


I think I can speak for the overwhelming majority of Americans. We want to get past racial problems. I don’t hate black people.

…On the other hand, I am sick to death of black people as a group. Here’s the dirty secret all of us know and no one will admit to. There ARE niggers. Black people know it. White people know it. And only black people are allowed to notice and pronounce the truth of it.

Wow, just wow. By getting “past racial problems” he means suppress “black people as a group.” Incredible. Really.


Just to further diminish everyone’s faith in the human species, it turns out that’s one of Instapunk’s more thoughtful posts.

To wit: The latest bin Laden tape reminds Instapunk of the Democrats’ failure to capture the al-Qaeda leader.


To wit: The latest bin Laden tape reminds Instapunk of the Democrats’ failure to capture the al-Qaeda leader.

Think about it. They’ve turned us all gay so why can’t they do that?


I also, do not hate blacks.

But I, loves me some commas.


We want to get past racial problems.

Which, to instapunk mean, that black people should eat, speak, dress, and act like white Republican old men.


An egregious stereotype speaks:

Every day I see young black males wearing tee shirts down to their knees — and jeans belted just above their knees. I’m an old guy. I want to smack them. All of them. They are egregious stereotypes.

His plumber’s crack on the other hand…perfectly acceptable.


Eggs, I love eggs.
From my head down to my legs
I love eggs.

Eggs are a yolky treat
Beyond my legs, and into my feet
I love eggs.

Like a yellow and white friend
Descended from the hen
I love eggs.

Oval shaped and tasty
I think it would not be hasty
to Say: I love eggs.

Next time we meet
Let’s share a chicken treat
Lovely eggs.



Y’know, this actually makes me very happy. I was getting worried by the lack of baldfaced racist outbursts against Obama from the right.
Just think of it this way, for every 10 times a right winger says “nigger” Obama gains roughly one vote.


I was never that impressed with the Jesus story until I started thinking about how it possibly might have gone down if you subtract all that tedious black magic and supernatural twaddle.

Funny, there’s a Founding Father who felt much the same way: The Jefferson Bible


Only white dude posers would roll on measly little 19s.


[added a new graphic above]


Gavin, are you TRYING to scare white people?


I hear Obama dedicated his speech to the memory of Eazy-E. It doesn’t show up in the official transcript, but I distinctly heard him say at the end “Don’t quote me, boy, ’cause I ain’t said shit.”


I highly recommend a book by Jack Miles called God: A Biography.

Short version: God’s a bit of an asshole. He has no self-esteem at all, so he’s constantly begging for affirmation that He’s The Bestest, Like, EVAR; He wipes out whole peoples just because He can; He’s a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to that “Love all creatures” thing; He gets pwnked by Job, who’s all “WTF, God? What did I do to deserve the shit you’re bringing down on me? Nothing, you’re just doing it because you have a small penis? M’kay, thanx”.

Reading the Bible from front to back when I was in high school only confirmed my atheism. If God was a fellow classmate, I’d avoid him like crazy, because, well, He’s an asshole.

Kinda like Instapunk and all his whiners about too much bass on a dude’s car stereo.


J –

So, if I’m understanding you correctly, Obama’s said that the new campaign song will be this:



Thomas Jefferson: Founding father, paleontologist, inventor, statesman. thinker, author, president, slave fucker, religious philosopher.

Is there anything he can’t do?


Damn, that cracker crumbled.


Patkin: In the words of the political guru himself, that’ll work.


well we certainly won’t get past racism until crotechy old white men whose penii are permanently flaccid can lawfully shout “n*****r!” on the streets and sidewalks of America at men who wear baggy trousers.


J- raises some crucial questions. How does Obama feel about bitchez?
Tha police?
Is Obama the dopeman?

Pimps up, ho’s down?

I also, don’t hate black people.


I do, however, mangle easy references.

Andrew A. Gill, SLS

We can have this conversation now — should have this conversation now — because African-Americans are on the verge of the greatest setback they’ve experienced since the election of Rutherford B. Hayes. You see, you’ve just given life to the suspicion that black people in America are, and have long been, a fifth column — unanimously hating the very country that has afforded the highest standard of living ever achieved by black people in human history. We’re teetering at the edge of believing that you’re a secret society, a massive collection of sleeper cells just waiting for your chance to do serious harm to the rest of us. You’ve made it possible for us to believe that. Because you’re never outraged by what the worst black people do.

Uh… he did go on to say

“…And that’s what racists think, but it’s not true”




By the time the convention hits, the Republicans will be dropping the N-word during the keynote speech.


As someone who came to age in the late 1970s I am forbidden by law from ever making fun of another generation’s clothing or sense of style. I mean, I had a salmon-colored leasure suit and a (fake) gold chain with an ankh on it!


Yes, I am also not a racist.


Gee, when I wrote “Barack Obama as Nat Turner,” I didn’t imagine the raving Klansmen of the Right would so wonderfully and perfectly back up everything I said with crazy rants like Instapunk’s.


I lied.

Actually, I did.

You can take the redneck moron out of being the Grand Dragon Wizard Dungeon Master, I guess, but you can’t take the Grand Dragon Wizard Dungeon Master out of the redneck moron.



Chris St. James: Who is this Zombie Jesus of whom you speak? I offered to let him into my brain, but he has so far refused to eat. Please advise.



Good URL now.


Hey Gavin.

Why the P38 hate?

No love for the old autos?


Chocolate Jeezus

Happy Easter everyone!


I fucking knew Michael Jordan hated America! And all those black troops serving in the military too. Frankly, Instapunk confirms all my theories and I can’t wait until he writes about Jews, Catholics, Mormons, Hispanics and the biggest haters of all, Native Americans, in the many columns to come.


Plenty of black folks in the States think Mugabe is a righteous dude. Mugabe drove white folks out of his country, stole their property, encouraged black dudes to kill and harass whites.

Y’all crazy you think racism aint a mile deep in black folks.

And I aint even started on what Asians think. Oy vey!

Man you people stupid.


I also, know how to use commas.


Plenty of black folks in the States think Mugabe is a righteous dude.

If you were to bother to prove it, it says nothing about black folks as a whole, or are Nazis representative of white folks as a whole?


If you were to bother to prove it, it says nothing about black folks as a whole, or are Nazis representative of white folks as a whole?

Don’t you know? All non-white people are personally responsible for the behavior of all other non-white people. White people, however, are an island unto themselves.

Andrew A. Gill, SLS

I also, know how to use commas.

I, too, sing America.

Though apparently I don’t sing it enough, because racist fucks like this guy are still around.


The American Nazi Party is advertising its wares in instapunk’s comment thread. They’re happy to show up where they are welcome.


Excuse my belated returns, but a leg of lamb called my name today, and I answered.

I do not hate men. But I am sick to death of men as a group. Every day I see men swaggering about like they’re the only ones who’ve ever been elected president for the last 230 years. I’m an old guy. I want to smack them. All of them. They are egregious stereotypes. It’s impossible not to think the unthinkable P-word when they walk around with a leer on their face and their eyes on a pair of breasts, telling jokes about women and Polish people.

Here’s the dirty secret all of us know and no one will admit to. There ARE Royal Pricks. Men know it. Women know it. And only men are allowed to notice and pronounce the truth of it. This is the single biggest obstacle to healing the gender divide in this country.

I’m not proposing the generalized use of the term, just trying to be clear for once. However much they may scream and protest, men will know what I mean when I demand they concede that the following people are Royal Pricks:

– Glenn Reynolds

– Warner Todd Huston

– Bud Selig

– Gary Bettman

– Rahm Emmanuel

– Mike Adams

– Charles Krauthammer . . .

The list could go on.

Oh oh oh oh oh

– Ace of Spades …


Obama says we should talk about homosexuality. He thinks that will help him. It won’t. Most of us have spent a lifetime absorbing the lesson that seeing what we see automatically makes us queer-haters. Do you want to talk about it? Do you? Really?

There are a few areas where, by virtue of age and experience, I think I can speak for the overwhelming majority of Americans. We want to get past sexual problems. We recognize that sodomy is not a sin and that we have a moral obligation to see to it that our institutions and our own behavior are fair to everyone. We share a yearning so fierce that it amounts to an ache for a sex-blind society in which all may prosper on the basis of abilities, not sexual orientation. It is this intense emotion which facilitated the honeymoon period of Obama’s campaign for the presidency.

But the sex-blind society has not been achieved. What’s more, we are constantly told — lectured, hectored, propagandized — that this state of affairs is our fault. We tend to accept the charge because the truth is we don’t spend all our time thinking about homosexuality, and so we defer to those who think about nothing else because, well, we almost never get up in the morning thinking about how privileged we are to be straight, which we’ve come to accept as yet another of our endless insensitivities about homosexuality.

We’ve come to accept a lot of things, in fact. Although no one alive in America has ever burned homosexuals at the stake, we accept that we are all somehow guilty for gay discrimination in the American past. We accept that in our lifetimes sexual discrimination has become a routine official practice against those of us whose remote ancestors were not queer. We accept that there are doctors and lawyers and police officers and firefighters whose credentials may not be completely up to snuff because of the top-secret compromises associated with gay affirmative action. We accept the popular — and tiresomely repeated stereotypes — that queer people are more gifted at acting and dancing and music and sexuality, although there is no other arena in which it is fair to say that straight or yellow people are better than queer people. We accept the premise that there exists some kind of super queer man who is a naturally better lover, friend, empirical philosopher, and leader of men than 5,000 years of civilization has produced in other cultures through education, discipline, and morality. We accept that any fear we feel of young queer men on the sidewalk is more a reflection of our own prejudice than the cold statistics of buttrape. We accept that it’s improper for us to object to obscene Gay Club recordings, flamboyant stars, flagrantly naughty politicians, and hypocritical Republicans if any of these happen to be queer people. We accept that the first major inroads against the hallowed First Amendment began with a political correctness about matters of homosexuality that have since ballooned to a distortion of all human interactions. We accept that everything we disapprove of in queer behavior is derived from our own lack of understanding about what they’ve been through.

But Obama has invited us to talk about homosexuality.

Okay. I’m accepting the invitation. He can regret it at his leisure.

I don’t hate queer people. I can’t pretend to be sex-blind because absolutely nothing in my culture will allow me to be. I admire Cary Grant, Billie Jean King, Rupert Everett, Ian McKellen, Freddy Mercury, Peter Allen, Boy George, Gore Vidal, and Pete Townshend. There are many others but that’s a sampling of the famous folks whose courage, genius, character, and achievements I would be proud if I could get anywhere in the vicinity of. The bald truth of the matter is that they’re better than I am, and it doesn’t arouse a flicker of sexual feeling in me to acknowledge it. They have enriched and elevated my own experience of life.

On the other hand, I am sick to death of queer people as a group. The truth. That is part of the conversation Obama is asking for, isn’t it? I live in an eastern state almost exactly on the fabled Sondheim-Weber line. Every day I see young queer males wearing tee shirts down to their belly button — and jean shorts cut off at the thigh. I’m an old guy. I want to smack them. All of them. They are egregious stereotypes. It’s impossible not to think the unthinkable F-Word when they roll up beside you at a stoplight in their bright shining new Hondas with 19-inch tastefully colored spinner wheels and Broadway recordings that shake the foundations of the buildings. It’s like a broadcast dare: Go ahead! Call me a faggot! And then I’ll cap your ass (in more ways than one).

Here’s the dirty secret all of us know and no one will admit to. There ARE faggots. Queer people know it. Straight people know it. And only queer people are allowed to notice and pronounce the truth of it. Which would be fine. Except that queer people are not a community but a political party. They can squabble with each other in caucus but they absolutely refuse to speak the truth in public. And this is the single biggest obstacle to healing the sexual divide in this country. The dammed-up flood of good will in this nation for queer people who want to work for their own American Dream is absolutely enormous. The biggest impediment is the doubt created in each and every non-queer American by the clannish, tribalist, irrational defense of every low act committed by any queer person. If you’re offended when Republicans defend Richard Nixon or when Democrats defend Chuck Schumer, imagine what it’s like when queer people swarm the streets to defend Judy Garland.

I’m not proposing the generalized use of the term, just trying to be clear for once, in the wake of Obama’s call for us to have a dialogue about homosexuality. However much they may scream and protest, queer people will know what I mean when I demand they concede that the following people are faggots:

– Andrew Sullivan
– Gleen Greenwald
– Gerry Studds
– Tanya Domi
– Bishop Gene Robinson
– David Bowie
– Morrissey

You know what I mean. They hold you back. They’re effeminate, waspish, and will cut you down with a dry quip if you look wrong at them. They make you look bad, and you foul yourselves by defending them, by reelecting them to office, by admiring them in spite of all their awful behavior.

We can have this conversation now — should have this conversation now — because Gay Americans are on the verge of the greatest setback they’ve experienced since the election of William Clinton. You see, you’ve just given life to the suspicion that queer people in America are, and have long been, a fifth column — unanimously hating the very country that has afforded the highest standard of living ever achieved by queer people in human history. We’re teetering at the edge of believing that you’re a secret society, a massive collection of sleeper cells just waiting for your chance to do serious harm to the rest of us. You’ve made it possible for us to believe that. Because you’re never outraged by what the worst queer people do. Because you continue to make excuses for what should be inexcusable to everyone.

The path to equality is counter-intuitive. Admit and decry the failings of your community. Concede that a generation of not having children for your mothers has been a disaster. Let go of the fantasy that Judy Garland is some kind of infallible force of nature. Demand that your children spend more time reading and doing sums than farting around on the stage. Only about twenty thousand people in the whole country make a living by playacting. The rest have to get real jobs. Do whatever it takes to make your preachers emphasize the value of being a good son instead of ranting from the pulpit about how all of life’s woes are the fault of your abusive father. Tip your straight waitress. Have a beer and watch sports with the guys now and then. Allow your kids to find somebody to admire and emulate who isn’t queer. (My two best friends in high school — straight guys — fought like dogs about their conflicting candidates for the most handsome man on Broadway: Matthew Broderick or Hugh Jackman.) Would it kill you if your kid fixated on Sandy Koufax, Mozart, or Shakespeare rather than Oscar Wilde, Noel Coward, and Smithers from The Simpsons? Does being queer really have to be a full-time job?

Here’s the biggest thing we “gay haters” notice. Every single immigrant group that ever came to America — including the queer French actors who came to Hollywood — has risen out of poverty and want to prosperity and respect. The Irish, the Italians, the Polish, the Jews, the Koreans, the Vietnamese. Every group but you. And you’re the only group for which we created an entire culture of camp.

Sorry to break it to you, but Obama won’t be elected president. We were ready, but you clearly aren’t. Time to think about getting ready.

Now, let the abuse descend. I’m ready.

UPDATE 3/23. Well, well, well. First things first. Glenn Reynolds did not link to this post, so leave him alone. Second, all you Nazis and queer supremacists can go straight to hell; you can’t read any better than Glenn Greenwald. Third, Althouse was right (I won’t sully her rep by linking her) when she speculated that I’m too old to care what people think of me. As for the rest of the pious bloggerites of the left and right who have been so quick to label this a “anti-queer rant,” my only retort to you is laughter. You are determined to build for yourselves a nonsense world made out of delusions that will continually frustrate and defeat you because you are incapable of being honest about matters which are truly complex and in which no one on any of the innumerable “sides” is free of guilt, wrongdoing, and responsibility. Your feverish individual attempts to prove that you are personally blameless in whatever directions blame is presently flying are ridiculous. This post is ugly, is it? Not half so ugly as all the witless, self-serving comments, posts, and buffoonish non-links ostentatiously steering a wide berth around it.

Behold the fatuous sexual circus of Post-Sexual America. I’m an old man who dared use a word known to all to refer to what all know it means. Most of the rest of you who have made any reference to this post have proven you never read the post in the first place. Defeating anti-homosexuality is more compliicated than banning the F-Word. And eliminating the doubts and suspicions of those who have watched the gay rights movement spinning its wheels in a backward slide for a quarter century is more complicated than damning as anti-queer all who dare mention those doubts and suspicions. I know we live in an age that is losing the ability to comprehend content more ambiguous than a bumper sticker or longer than a cellular text message, but that is why I don’t fear you. I’ll be dead soon enough, but you’ll have to struggle on and on with a problem you won’t be able to chew to a resolution with a single tooth. Sooner or later you’ll snap the tooth off or bury it in your own empty opposing gum. The blood you shed will ultimately be your own.

All the distance you’ve been working so hard to put between the honest statements above and yourselves is the measure of just how far away you are from having the courage to — how do you put it? — “have an honest discussion about homosexuality in America.” Whatever names you choose to call me, you — all of you — are a joke. Enlightened? Liberal? Progressive? Multicultural? Politically correct? Merely tactful in an Old-World sort of way (you otherwise foul-mouthed buggers)? You’re cowards. Not because you fear and condemn a single word. But because you feel that condemnation, all by itself, constitutes some kind of winning argument. Every one of you who plants his standard in that well-worn posthole is nothing but a homosexuality whore of the 21st century kind.

I pity you. Because you’re the ones who will have to live with the consequences of your own deep personal dishonesty, your transparent projections, and your fearful sycophancy. Not me. So leave me out of it too, and see if you can have that discussion you think you want among yourselves. Good luck with that.

(Surprisingly, this took very little effort. Well, not really.)


best comment of the day in instapunk’s thread, outside of his update where he condemns the nazi commenters “straight to hell” and snuggles up to ann althouse for what appears to be her sympathy (? I’m almost afraid to look).

white conservative single mom (enough labels?) 2008-03-23 07:33:00

Please, PLEASE–if you do nothing else, PLEASE remove the links the Nazis/neo-Nazis left in the comments. For the love of God, please.

If not for the basic immorality of allowing links to such filth, then at least delete that shit because you don’t want their Google-fu attached to this site. Or at least I hope you don’t. Maybe you do. Your comments in the update say otherwise, though.


To others: please do not make the mistake of thinking Old Punk is somehow speaking the unspeakable truth of what white people or white conservatives are “really thinking.” He isn’t. He speaks for himself, and probably is speaking what some think. But what he’s written can no more be considered what “white conservatives” think, than one can say Jeremiah White represents what all blacks think. It’s obviously false.

Chris St. James

When I get to heaven, Jesus is going to suck my dick!

Because GOP dicks taste GREAT!


Excuse my belated returns, but a leg of lamb called my name today, and I answered.

Worth the wait!


As far as the “christian troll” is concerned, I think we’re dealing with a bot.

As far as this post is concerned, when did we start paying attention to white supremacists? The internet is littered with them, and they aren’t worth the slightest bit of attention.


I’m not a racist, but


I’m sorry to have to say this, but Ann Althouse, who I am not, decided this issue is actually about her, and chimed in, and it’s worse than you’d think. She approvingly cites Jonah Goldberg, and brings up Bill Clinton.
She might as well just wait for Eschaton 08 and wander around it with a lynched effigy of Obama for the obviousness of her desire to troll lefty blogs for attention.
What a sad, sad old alcoholic woman.


Hey baby, black people hate whitey – they are racist as it gets.

Well, except for Asians. But y’all are too smart too listen, cause you know what’s what already.



Hey baby, black people hate whitey – they are racist as it gets.

Fortunately your logical device of “if one does it they all do it” yields “black people will buy my cookies for me if I get to the till and find I’m short on cash”.


For a “punk” OldPunk is sure crotchety.

Someone needs to write a parody post about old people.


Hey baby, black people hate whitey

That’s sort of a stretch, as you don’t sound like a guy who knows all that many black people all that well, much less well enough to know what they all like. My advice to you is to get to know some black folks, give them a concise version of your obviously well-thought-out and original ideas inre: race and racism, and then ask them what they think of whitey. Keep good notes, too, for this is all for science.

I think you’re wrong, though. Same thing about Asian people. I know several of both that love me, and I’m a big ol’ cracker. Poor as a church mouse, too, so I don’t know why they’d go through all that effort. Maybe it’s something you’re doing that gives black folks such a negative impression of whitey. Something to think about.


To be fair, Dumas was pretty much as black as Obama, and suffered somewhat for it in his time.

He famously said to someone who insulted him about his blackness:

“It is true. My father was a mulatto, my grandmother was a negress, and my great-grandparents were monkeys. In short, sir, my pedigree begins where yours ends.”

One doubts Dumas would have received Mr. Punk’s affections too warmly.


The Thomas Sowells?

Worst name for a rock band ever.


Thomas Sowell is indeed a bad name for a rock band.

However, it is also a very bad name for an economist.


Remember Jena.


Ah, Instapunk, 19-inch rims were soooooooo 1998.

Its 24 and 26 inches baby and I’m not talking Lexington Steele.


You know, possibly, for consumption of people of all races, black people may want to emphasize that there is something positive for young people to achieve instead of being “outraged by what the worst black people do”. This blogger needs to get out more.


And it is not as if ordinary black people are not disgusted by the nihilism in their community.



Why are “blacks” only 25% of the population of Columbus,OH- and commit 65%-70% of the murders?

Every frickin’ year for the last 20!

It must be our “black” Mayor. Or our “black” Police Chief. Perhaps our “black” majority (and 7-0 Dem) City Council? Or, possibly our “black” majority School Board is depriving all the little “black” chilluns their rightful education?

Then again, we could just blame all those ‘typical white people’ (65% of the populace) who elected the above politicians…

BTW, why does “black” on “white” rape occur at over 20 times the opposite? I’ve always heard that “rape isn’t about ‘sex'”, but that it’s really about ‘power’ and ‘dominance’…

I guess “white privilege’ does have a price.


I figger all those questions are rhetorical and delivered from beneath a white hood.


Trailertrash: You pull those numbers from deep in the crack of your sweaty, cheeto-encrusted asscrack then ask us to explain them? That is pretty good.


Lisa said,

March 25, 2008 at 15:25

Trailertrash: You pull those numbers from deep in the crack of your sweaty, cheeto-encrusted asscrack then ask us to explain them? That is pretty good.

I could not have said it better.

Maybe Trailer here is from Simi Valley. And he probably agreed with that juror from Rodney King’s trial who said (after the very quick acquittal of all four policemen) King was “orchestrating the beating” in 1992.


Let’s start a conversation about conversations about race. Join my Redneck Roundtable discussion here:


[…] Ole Perfesser recommends this fine piece of nonsense that defends Old Punk’s noxious rant by saying that it was really no different than… wait for it… a Chris Rock comedy […]


Brad –

In his defense, Tyson has been working for years to perfect his crazy.

You don’t even come close. Not even within the bounds of a liberal interpretation of artisitic license.

You gotta give the devil his due.

Shortest possible Instapunk

No u


I demand they concede that the following people are niggers:


(comments are closed)