Life always imitates Seinfeld

TBOGG brings us this Rush Limbaugh interview with Michelle Malkin:

MALKIN: […] As soon as I left the room he dispatched one of his staffers to go and try to find the book Unfit for Command, and of course they went to an office where I had left my copy and snatched my copy up — copy of it and were desperately flipping through it to see if what he said was true. […]

RUSH: They had to go get your copy.

MALKIN: Yes. They didn’t ask you for it? They just took it?

MALKIN: They just took it. It was quite flabbergasting but I guess this is how they operate.

The Pilot:

GEORGE: What happened to the raisins?

JAY: Yeah, there was a box of raisins there!

GEORGE: Did he just steal the raisins?

STU: You think he stole them?

We expect that Malkin will soon be complaining that Matthews took it out.


Comments: 16


Malkin is so sexy and so not racist that I don’t even know what to do.


Andrew: You got a lot of nerve showing your face around here. 😉


We expect that Malkin will soon be complaining that Matthews took it out.
I think she did. At one point in the interview she said that Chris Matthews tried to “stuff his warped interpretation down my throat “. I wonder if his “interpretation” was damaged in an accident or whether it just grew that way naturally.


When, oh when, will Bill Clinton finally do the right thing and take full responsibility for the failures of Michelle Malkin?!


In defense of Malkin’s anticipated charge against Matthews,

Maybe uh, it needed some air. You know sometimes they need air, they can’t breathe in there. It’s inhuman.


At one point in the interview she said that Chris Matthews tried to “stuff his warped interpretation down my throat “. I wonder if his “interpretation” was damaged in an accident or whether it just grew that way naturally.

Paula Jones likewise alleged that Clinton’s interpretation was warped, and she wanted some doc to examine his interpretation to confirm that. Maybe Matthews (as the tabloids speculated about Clinton) has Peyronie?s


Seen on the Civfanatics forums:

A English, German and Dutch explorer are captured by a native tribe in the jungle of Africa. They are brought before the chieftain of the tribe. After some deliberation it is decided that they will be thrown out of the tribe’s territory after a punishment for trespassing of 50 strokes with a wooden stick on the back. But, before the punishment 1 request will be awarded.

The Englishman is the first to go. When the tribe asks him about his request he answers that he wants to have a pillow tied to his back during the punishment. So it is done and after 50 strokes the Englishman is clearly in a lot of pain.
The German is next. He requests for a matress to be tied to his back during the punishment. So it is done and after 50 strokes he is still in a lot of pain but considerably less than the Englishman.

The Dutchman is the last to be punished. He says: Before making my request I want to ask for a double punishment. The chieftain looks amused and aswers that he than shall have 100 strokes with the stick. When asked about his request the Dutchman answers: “Please tie the german to my back”


It looks like Michelle has crafted a lame The Real Scandal Pronouncement!? entry.


Why is Andrew McManama putting a “sic” after “ostracised”? It’s the British spelling of the word we Americans would write as “ostracized.”


Hmm, what did I expect from Andrew? I see that on his blog he refers to the phrase “Sic Semper Tyrannius” [sic] and links to a site that correctly spells the last word “Tyrannis.”

My own blog is almost devoid of original content, but does feature perfect spelling — so if the Wampum people ever offer a Koufax Award for that, I’m ready!


Frederick : Earlier on this blog, Andrew explained that he had recently arrived from England and was not 12 years of age.
Not sure if this helps. 😉


I’m guesisng that after her interview with Rush, Malkin was no longer queen of the castle…


I did hear that Rush is recently single… but would Malkin consider him spongeworthy?

Or would he need to slip her some of those hillbilly foreplay-substitute pills?


man, that alison woman has it in for me, for what reason I haven’t the slightest clue…


I think everyone seems to have it in for poor Andrew 😉


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