Confederate Yankee Tests Out His Dog-Whistle

Shorter Confederate Yankee:


Barack Obama and the Politics of Personal Distraction

  • Fellow non-racist conservatives, I strongly believe that factors of personal origin, ethnicity, and wardrobe should be overlooked in weighing Barack Blacky-black Magumba-Ogopogo McTerror Obooga-booga-bama, the Rev. Farrakhan’s own personal Indonesian-Hawaiian towelhead, against the presumptive Republican nominee, John McCain. However, his close personal ties to the terrorist Weather Underground are unsettling.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 53


It’s not nice to poke fun at the retarded.


Special ed kids!

I meant to say.

Retarded is offensive.


Seriously, what other than mental retardation could convince a grown man to sport that hair “style?”


Nah, comparing developmentally handicapped people to TIDOS Yankee is offensive. I mean, would you want someone comparing you to someone that pitiful? What’d they ever do to you?


For a few — and thankfully, it seems to be only a few — it may be a simple matter of unadulterated bigotry. But for many, if not most, Americans, it is perhaps a more subtle fear that Obama may not share the same values, mores, and cultural norms with which they grew up.

From Random House:

(1) stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one’s own. (2) actions, beliefs, prejudices, of a bigot. (3) to be so emotionally or subjectively attached to one’s own beliefs as to be unthinkably hostile to all others who disagree.


Someone get this fucking hillbilly a grill that cooks with chlorine. I beg you.


Obama may not share the same values, mores, and cultural norms with which they grew up.

William F Buckley’s Legacy, Ladies and Germs! Step right up.

Wotta Maroon!


Check out this comment from over there:

Perhaps if Sen. Obama would make his political views known publicly, instead of talking in vague terms like “change”and “mediating differences,” people would have an opportunity to judge him by another standard.

Google is hard!

Are people really this stupid, or is the wide proliferation of this bullshit part of a Clinton turfing campaign?


Obama may not share the same values, mores, and cultural norms with which they grew up.

I suspect that to many people, that Obama doesn’t share the same values, mores and cultural norms with which I grew up would be a very good thing.

But perhaps it is not someone like me to whom TIDOS-boy is speaking…



Those of European-American descent in the continental United States do not know if they have a shared cultural history with a man…

Yup, there’s the Obooga-booga-bama shot. Big scary Barack man.

I repudiate it!


He looks like a happier Lee Harvey Oswald.


He looks like Woody Woodpecker to me.


Obama may not share the same values, mores, and cultural norms with which they grew up

Why, who knows whether he can use the knives and forks when he eats at Sylvia’s Restaurant?


Woody Peckerwood?


Yay wacky packages!


This is pretty fucking funny, because even Pajamas Media is unclear as to where this thimbledick blogs … to whit ….

Bob Owens blogs at Conservative Yankee.

Found at the tail end of Bob’s screed.


…with a man who spent at least part of his childhood in more exotic cultures such as Hawaii…

As exhibitied by the tiki that almost killed the Brady Bunch.


No, that’s definitely an older Rick Astley and he’s “Never Going To Give It Up.


Many Americans of Eurpoean stock are unsure if Obama yells for more F-ing iced tea when he goes out to restaurants. Perhaps if he would address this concern instead of meeting with Louis Farakan, Americans of Eurpoean stock would be more assured of Mr. Hussein’s motives.


Inbred bastard.

That’s all you need to say about him.


CY is so stupid that everytime he appears here for ritual mocking I think, “Well, that’s it, he’s too dumb to continue blogging. Time for him to go back to his grill and his gun store.”

But then he shows up again.

And again.

Someone make the stupid man stop!


Even shorter Confederate Yankee: Some have said…


Conservative Yankee = MIDOS (Mendacity-In-Defense-Of-Stupidity) Yankee


Wow. He said nothing except to bring up a few silly things, and disavow some of them. It’s the Seinfeld of Columns, about nothing, except the laughter I emit isn’t as fun.

Also the comments are amusing. Apparently people aren’t able to go to Obama’s website and read his positions, and thus assume he’s shallow and running on generalities.


Hypocritical Left, your champion has arrived on his shining steed. He just got off work at the gun counter.


The Weather Underground was entirely jewish, and their ranks today compose pro-Israel Iraq-war hawks. All those who weren’t caught and served trivial sentences a goy involved in the same crime would never get, fled to Israel. Gee, do they have a “progressive” opinion of the Jewish Iraq war, are they “progessively” for Palestinian rights?

Weather Underground = a bunch of American Baruch Goldsteins.

Post 2001, the Weather Underground is a patriotic organization. Bush worships. Obama worships. As all respected and media pledged candidates are expected.


Man, somedays this place is nothing but a Weird Convention…



Rene Descartes walks into a bar.

The bartender asks, “Would you like a beer?”

Descartes replies, “I think not”, then disappears.


As an American descended from your b-flat basic Anglo-Saxon Eurostock, I just have to say… I’m voting for Obama whether he’s the actual democratic candidate or not! So there! Bwahahaha! *ahem*


My God, he grew up in Hawaii?!

Why, if Obama is allowed to run for President, soon they’ll think they’re actually an American state instead of just an annexed and oppressed nation under the heel of American satraps.

Does he fucking bother recalling that Hawaii, is, y’know, the U.S.? They have a star on the flag, man. What next, doubt as to whether Alaskans are really Americans, and not just Russian spies fighting moose & squirrel?

(I kid, I know these assholes already think that.)


By the way, why do all the zogheads come here? Can’t you go to Stormfront with the rest of your dumbass friends?


Rene Descartes walks into a bar…

I think I like that joke, therefore I copy.

Smiling Mortician

Stormfront scares them, Patkin.


And has nobody noticed that the Republican candidate is a McCain?

That makes him Scottish by default, thus implicating him in the Glencoe Massacre, the execution of Queen Mary, the highland clearances, the banning of the bagpipes and sundry other crimes that can be tenuously pinned on his geriatric arse.

That’s before we note that he’s obviously responsible for Britain’s best-selling brand of oven chips (freedom fries, Yanks) thus contributing to our terrible rate of heart disease.

Is there no level to which this man will not sink? I’m stunned you haven’t executed him already. For shame.

Arky "I just get these headaches" The Blasphemer

Shorter Totally Inbred Dog-bothering Obnoxious Shit Yankee: No siree, no bigots here – OMG A BLACK MAN RUN FOR YER LIVES!!


Confederate Yankee: Google Mocks Christ on Christmas Eve

Crooks and Liars on the above posting:

Crooks and Liars » Worst Post of the Year: 2005
There are so many to choose from, but the winner goes to the “Confederate Yankee,” for the incredibly lame, “Google Mocks Christ on Christmas Eve. …

And, on top of it all, he’s a chickenhawk. What a guy!

An honor he richly deserves, looks like.


the banning of the bagpipes
I don’t know if that can fairly be described as a crime.


Do the Scots have bag-pipe politics instead of dog-whistle?


Patkin said,

March 1, 2008 at 2:48

My God, he grew up in Hawaii?!

Why, if Obama is allowed to run for President, soon they’ll think they’re actually an American state instead of just an annexed and oppressed nation under the heel of American satraps.

Does he fucking bother recalling that Hawaii, is, y’know, the U.S.? They have a star on the flag, man. What next, doubt as to whether Alaskans are really Americans, and not just Russian spies fighting moose & squirrel?

Some people refuse to believe that New Mexico is a state. It’s called Mexico, ain’t it? I’m pretty sure it’s the same set of inbred cretins….


The sad part is he’s a mainstream “non-racist conservative”. He’s respectable and has a mainstream forum.

Being off the wall crazy is OK, as long as you’re not a “racist”.

Looking at Confederate Yankee’s site and comments, I no longer believe these war-party Shabbos Goyim have just been duped by the American Lukid, they are delusional psychotic, and this was their nature before the Podhoretzim came to power. America is doomed.

People with saner and thought out ideologies, Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, and Lew Rockwell, people who fight for the rights of American gentiles, all of whom are hated by mainstream conservatives and the zionist media, of which anything besides complete and immediate obediance to the command of the “Chosen” race is uncouth, should call their ideology something else besides “conservatism”.

Jobber for the neocons, David Petraeus called it “ethnosectarianism”. The war in Iraq is a surrogate war on American “racists”. Brown, White, Yellow, and Mexican can all feel united in slaughtering the Arab, a race content with it’s own kind.

Giving a forum to psycotics yet banning Ron Paul is tyranny.

Innocent Bystander

This is gonna be tough election for the status quo people. Do we cast our vote for an older version of George Bush, or do we we go for Big Change? I suspect Gomer or the Moronati will vote for a slow, but steady destruction of the USA. Poor sap is clueless about how his vote will kill this country.


Making funny people is despicable
Having fun at the expense of defenseless …
Fenceable …
Defense is despicable
Funny defense is people
Making fun is Business
The WSJ is fun
Fence the business of despicable people
See !
Its all clear in a nutshell


Goodness, so much effort! There’s a single word, it’s only two syllables, begins with an N…


teh comeez stold me chin


…with a man who spent at least part of his childhood in more exotic cultures such as Hawaii…

Ya mean like John McCain ?

For the first ten years of his life, “Johnny” McCain (as he was often known) was frequently uprooted as his family … followed his father to New London, Connecticut, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and various other stations in the Pacific Ocean Wiki bio


antizog said:

Giving a forum to psycotics…

Yeah, um, don’tcha hate it when that happens…?

*Backs away slowly, avoiding eye contact*


Good old wacky packies!


Maybe during his State of the Union address he’ll demand some “motherfu**in’ Iced Tea!”

. . . or maybe he’ll give the SOTU in “that Rap music”

True story: A woman friend of mine (African American), was the officiating pastor at my wedding. My Uncle asked her if she was going to do the service in Rap. She was so nice! I wanted to melt into the floor. Sheesh. (Hi Bessie! if you’re reading this)

general galteri

Am I the only one that is slightly perturbed that CY is a gun shop owner. I thought there was regulations in owning a gunshop, like not being a total fucken moron?

guitarist manqué

Of course, McCain was born in the farking Panama Canal Zone of Amurican Colonialism. Can he be president? Inquiring minds want to know.

Shorter Panama Canal joke: Every canal has it’s Colón.


Galteri: Being a total moron IS in the regulations for owning a gun shop!


LOL digitusmedius


general galteri said,

Am I the only one that is slightly perturbed that CY is a gun shop owner. I thought there was regulations in owning a gunshop, like not being a total fucken moron?

Actually, IIRC, Teh Chinless Wonder works the gun counter at a Wal-Mart. I could be wrong of course (nah!), probably about the W-M but I don’t think so about the gun counter.


Barack Blacky-black

Magumba-Ogopogo McTerror

Fee, Fi Yo’ Mama!

I can hardly wait for the music video to be available on YouTube.


(comments are closed)