How much do Democrats hate freedom and America?
According to an email we received from NewsMax, the answer seems to be a lot. Indeed, they hate America so much that Democrats are spending large sums of money doing something that can only be described as treasonous:
But the same 527s, backed by Bush-hating billionaires like George Soros, have spent more than triple that amount – some $85 million — on registering new (read Democratic) voters.
These voter registration drives are below the radar screen, but may prove decisive for the Democrats on Election Day.
Registering voters! Now that’s outrageous!
PS: How many Bush-hating billionaires are there anyway?
PPS: Edited the title — thanks to Eric.
How many Bush-hating billionaires are there anyway?
Not nearly enough.
I seem to recall something about Republicans in Florida planting themselves outside of places where immigrants become new citizens and handing the new citizens pre-filled voter registration forms. That’s not on Newsmax, is it?
Oddly enough, in Oregon they have Republican voter drives in order to register Republican voters. Oh, but they promise to hand in the registration cards of Democrats, too. *snicker*
Wing Nut, I don’t get that. Where I live, you don’t register as a Republican or a Democrat. You just register to vote as a voter. When you go to the polls on primary day, you can declare a party affiliation, allowing you to vote in one or the other primary. But registration is non-partisan. So are people confusing their terminology or does it work differently, as far as reigistration is concerned, elsewhere?
It depends on the locality. In most states you register as a member of a party or as an independent. THis becomes a matter of public record.
Being forced to declare a party allegience when you register to vote? That’s ridiculous!
It kind of diminishes the power of the Australian, or secret, ballot system
Being forced to declare a party allegience when you register to vote? That’s ridiculous!
It kind of diminishes the power of the Australian, or secret, ballot system
No, because in most elections you can still vote for whoever you want. There are limits in some if not most states that you can’t vote in the other party’s primary unless say you’re a registered Independent, and you can’t switch parties close to the primary, so that people will be less able to sabotage each other’s primary elections.
But if you’re registered Republican you could go into the booth and mark off all Democratic names, if you wanted. (Or write in Cat in the Hat for president, too.)
I think the heading you want is How Much Do Democrats Hate Freedom, not “Why”, because your answer is a “lot”.
Sorry to be picky…
bel’s got it right. In NC you register for whichever party you want to, vote in that party’s primary, and in the general vote for whoever you want to.
These voter registration drives are below the radar screen, but may prove decisive…
If they’re below the radar and oh so secretive, how are they reaching the public? Do the wingnuts have any idea how often they contradict THEMSELVES?
Billionaires in US: 269
Billionaires who hate Bush: Soros, Warren Buffett.
Thats probably it. Also, Forbes has an article entitled the “ten most powerful billionaires.” Are there non-powerful billionaries?
Don’t know if Trump is a billionaire still, and I don’t think it amounts to hate with him, but he is a Democrat and supports Kerry.
I’m surprised that Soros wasn’t referred to as an “international financier”; newsmax is slipping a bit.
Right whinger logic.
Registering voters in America is bad.
Registering voters in Afghanistan is proof that Afghanistan is a democracy and Bush rocks.
no, no, no, it’s demonrats. can’t you get your republican vitriol right?
newmax is better than ipecac. if you ever accidentally drink poison kool-aid, it makes it come right up.
Barak wasn’t born on US soil, so his presidency is illegitimate.