People who lose their homes are the stormtroopers of liberal fascism
Y’know, there are days when I wish the Republicans would heed Michelle Malkin’s advice, if only to ensure a resounding and humiliating defeat in the 2008 elections. Michelle seems to think the GOP can take back Congress and hold onto the White House by telling voters to go eff themselves. Sure, waving a giant middle finger at your own citizens is a rather novel and untested way of getting them to vote for you, but Michelle really seems to think there’s a large constituency of Americans out there who like it when their government tells them to go screw. Check this out:
Who says bipartisanship is dead? From President Bush to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards, to Mitt Romney and John McCain, virtually everyone in Washington agrees: The government must Do Something to stop home foreclosures across the country. These leaders agree on the total presumption of homeowner innocence. The borrower-as-victim and lender-as-predator storylines are etched in stone. Can’t let reality get in the way of election-year pander-monium.
Special guests at the State of the Union address are usually extraordinary heroes, entrepreneurs or citizens who’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty. On Monday night, one of those guests was an Indiana woman whose claim to fame is that she called a 1-800 number and was assisted by the “Hope Now Alliance,” a group Bush convened, which, according to him, “is helping many struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure.”
Subprime victims are the new heroes. Welcome to the politics of foreclosure.
This is terrific stuff, Republicans. I encourage you to base your entire 2008 campaign on lustily attacking people who have lost their homes. And heck, if you guys started publicly condemning the families of 12-year-old car-crash victims, you’d have the election wrapped up by May! Go, GOP! Follow Michelle’s playbook!
Well, it’s worked like a charm for Dubya, that’s for sure – the more he tells us to go to hell, the more he gets what he wants.
Michelle Malkin is a true great American patriot conservative for insisting that capitalism be allowed to function and that poor people bear the brunt of their bad decision-making.
Thankfully good American patriot conservatives like Malkin also understand that the rich are the geese who lay golden eggs for somebody somewhere and we have to help cushion them like all the good stockholders and speculative investors when the market goes bad by taxpayer loans and subsidies and tax forgiveness and proper interest rate policies and also by keeping slashing the oppressive liberal fascist Stalinist & Jimmy Carter-ite regulations that bind them and the evil interventionist regulators’ staffs who need to keep getting cut so that they will be there in the future to encourage bad decision-making by the poor who must be made to bear the brunt of their bad decision-making.
Yes, yes! I too am sick of this coddling the less fortunate, and especially the fiction of some big bad wolf called “predatory lending”. I mean, who ever heard of such a thing!
(By the way, that pic still remains a S,N! classic.)
I’m curious to know if Michelle owns her own home,and what her annual household income is.
If there is any justice at all,she’ll be among the unemployed soon. Hopefully one of the first things she’ll have to sell off is her computer and servers. After she applies for unemployment and SCHIP for her kids.
That pic of her never fails to crack me the hell up,especially the crawl underneath…
What, we’re giving advice to the GOP now? Sadly, No! is clearly the Unity ’08 of liberal fascism.
Letting banks foreclose on homeowners worked so well for Hoover, the Republicans have just got to go with it again. C’mon, NY Times, hire Michelle for your op ed page! You, too, LA Times! Get the word out: Republicans to mortgaged families, drop dead!
And then you could follow that up with Megan McArdle telling the voters about food stamps:
“The economy doesn’t need a food sector more distorted by daft government programs than it already is. If you want to give money to the poor, give it to them. Even if they spend it all on drugs, it will hardly be much worse than spending it all on increasing their already astronomical obesity rates.”
What a winning combination!
If Malkin fell into a port-a-potty, would anyone fish her out or would we just let her fester in the filth for a loooooooooooong while?
Michael- you’re the liberal fascism of Unity ’08. Neener, neener.
The foreclosed homeowner is the Reuben Kincaid of subprime fascism.
Brad, I believe that point is central to his argument and indeed, only makes it stronger.
Unity ’08 Malkin-McArdle!
Want to see our shoes?
Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck, Edwards just dropped out. Oh, well, I guess it was too much to hope for. Obama it is, then . . .
“The borrower-as-victim and lender-as-predator storylines are etched in stone.”
Actually, I always thought it was the borrowers contacting the lender and asking, “hey, do you have any loans I can’t possibly afford?”
Is she on drugs?
Well, in a very broad sense, she has a point that the bar for being considered a “hero” in our culture has been getting lower and lower for a long time.
Of course, that’s not really the point she’s trying to make, nor would she apply that concept consistently in any case. She’s just a hater with inexplicable access to the mass media megaphone.
What a country . . .
“These leaders agree on the total presumption of homeowner innocence.”
Presuming innocence is so pre-9/11 thinking. Foreclosing homeowners are a threat to national security and thus should be rounded up in a concentration camp. If there’s one thing we know, there’s no foreclosing on any torture camps under Mr. Bush.
I’m always glad to see GOP operatives show the true face of Republicanism/right-wing-ism.
Guess Michelle must have missed the WSJ headlines yesterday. The FBI is launching a fraud investigation into 14 of the lending institutions that are heavily involved in the subprime mess. Apparently, they aren’t as willing as Missy Poo to think the best about the lenders who dug this hole. There’s lots of “lender-as-predator storyline” yet to be played out here…
I heard that too Candy. Depressing, as he was my fave in the front-runners. Oh well.
The sub-prime lending scheme reminds me of those “rent-to-own” appliance stores of old where poor folks with massively shitty credit paid $5000 in interest for a crappy, off-brand, $200 TV set that blew up before all payments were made on it. When I was a young soldier at Fort Benning these kind of ripoff places preyed on young, poor GIs and their families with impunity. Caveat emptor, yes, but still…
Drugs? No.
She wasn’t hugged enough as a child.
What a hateful loon.
Candy, that ruined my morning too; fuckity fuck is right.
I thought “Unhinged” was about liberals. One look at the above photo tells me otherwise.
Michelle really seems to think there’s a large constituency of Americans out there who like it when their government tells them to go screw.
Damned government, always in our bedrooms…
What mat said makes me furious. I am sick and tired of all these people on and off military bases taking such advantage of rent-to-own stores and of check cashing locations.
They are providing valuable services and yet these losers line up to lose some hundreds of percents of their investments on pure profits, yet somehow it is the service provider who gets the bad reputation.
It is time for all great American patriot conservatives to crack down on all the profligacirationizing by the lower classes.
What really burns my buttons about Malagangadingdong’s screed is that she’s probably four-square behind the banks in terms of “hey, it’s a free country, with a free market and caveat emptor! If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it!” while she struggles to refinance her own mortgages.
This reminds me of my grandfather’s worldview, which is that the rich white male in any situation is always correct. It’s not a philosophy with any sort of intellectual basis–it just comes from growing up in a conservative small town where the Rotary/Elks/whoever run the show and command respect.
I suspect that for the vast majority of people with these kinds of views, this sort of built-in bias is the real basis, rather than any economic understanding. It’s just a sense of Daddy Knows Best and a default feeling of trust towards “authority,” broadly defined.
I think was really motivates Malkin is that she likes to kick people when they’re already down. She’s a bully, plain and simple. And like a bully, when someone turns on her she whimpers, “it’s not fair!”
The only thing that holds down Michelle’s ‘fuck the poor’ regime is that a fair number of voters are, well, poor.
The next step after driving lower class families into poverty is to take away their rights to vote.
THEN we’ve got a winning strategy! And the masses will be in their fated position; under the bootheel, as consumers of tainted, dangerous goods or cogs in dangerous, demeaning and life-threatening service jobs.
Truly an America that a Right Wing corporate Nutjob could love.
This fits perfectly with the Official Republican Motto — “I Got Mine, Fuck You” — so I suspect it’ll get a lot of traction.
She wasn’t hugged enough as a child.
Of course not. Her parents weren’t liberal fascists.
Driving by to write that the “Bo Peep” drag always makes me smile.
Somebody needs to do more about all these ‘poor’ little Lucky Duckies!!!
The FBI is launching a fraud investigation into 14 of the lending institutions that are heavily involved in the subprime mess.
The Fascist Bureau of Intolerance only persecutes rich white men, not Muslims as the Founding Penis-Possessors intended.
Hey, long time lurker, only very occasional poster here — sorry to go OT here, but how exactly do you set up the greasemonkey script to screen out trolls? Thanks in advance.
“Well, in a very broad sense, she has a point that the bar for being considered a “hero” in our culture has been getting lower and lower for a long time.”
I think you could argue that it’s not that the bar has been lowered, it’s that the entire structure has been inverted.
The fascist homeowner is the Unity ’08 of liberal foreclosure.
The ‘thuglicans will lose the social conservatives if they keep this up. I’m hoping for a McCain presidential bid where every single one of the Huckabee voters stays home. I’ll laugh and laugh and laugh.
Malkin is not only hateful, she’s stoopid. A losing combination, and, hopefully, the future of the Republican party.
That is a great pic of Malkin. There are so many pics of the woman in which she looks completely bonkers, though, that it’s hard to choose a favorite.
Yeah, he was my hope too, since I knew that Kucinich had a snowball’s chance in hell. Well, you know what they say… ABC:
anything but Chardonnayanybody but Clinton.Exactly. It’s not that there are too many heroes, it’s that the malevolent are rewarded as heroes and the benevolent are cursed as criminals.
Obama/Edwards ticket, anyone?
in that pic, the crawl says she “is also suspected of killing the baby girl’s mother.” you can’t disagree with someone like that.
Did Jesee quit work to be a house-husband or is she keeping him locked up in th basement? Has he been seen lately?
The ‘thuglicans will lose the social conservatives if they keep this up. I’m hoping for a McCain presidential bid where every single one of the Huckabee voters stays home.
I was of the opinion, back in the heady days when Mayor 9-11 was still alive, that if he did win the primary he would guarantee a third party anti-choice candidacy. I just didn’t see how the single-issue whackjobs would simply sit out the election.
I’m beginning to wonder if the same thing might happen with a McCain candidacy, but focused on nativism. After all the xenophobic neo-fascist hoopla of the last couple years, is it really possible that we get a 2008 election between two pro-immigration candidates? I don’t know, but it doesn’t SEEM likely.
Somebody needs to switch their blast fax machine back on. Do you suppose that predatory lenders want the borrowers to go in to default in record numbers? The problem is its out of the lenders hands. They have to convinve people to get help before the banks that own the mortgage get stuck with these previously overvalued properties. The best they can do is get as much money from the borrowers as they can and let them stay in the house and keep it up. Get a clue Michelle, why would Bush suddenly give a shit about someone stuggling to pay for their house. Then there is the whole concept that home ownership is the American dream. “No man who owns his own house and lot can be a communist, he has too much to do.” Aren’t the people who work hard for a piece of the American Dream supposed to be the Republican base?
That picture is hall of fame material.
jjcomet won’t say it, so I will: shame on the homeowners forcing those companies to commit fraud!
Obama/Edwards ticket, anyone?
My dream team so far:
President: Barack Obama
VP: Kathy Sebelius
AG: John Edwards
Sec of State: Bill Richardson
Sec of Defense: Wes Clark
Sec of H&HS (if she would take it): Hillary Clinton
First Supreme Court Nominee: Bill Clinton
And while I am having fun…
Energy Czar: Al Gore
Drug Czar: Vacant
I think Ms. Malkin just likes to shout SUCK IT UP!
Makes you wonder about poor Mr. Malkin.
Malkin’s views are equivalent to Richard Belzer’s encapsulation of Ronald Reagan, “I”m a millionaire. Fuck you. Unwed mother? Suck dick next time!”
Drug Czar:
Timothy Leary (deceased)Tommy ChongIs it too much to ask of the universe that this anak ng puta get the karmic ass whipping she’s got coming?
Mrs. Magalongabonga needs to extend her argument just a little bit further. Not only are home owners who default on their mortgage not innocent, they are guilty. Guilty people belong in jail or in this case, internment camps!
Is this better than Clintonris? (he straightlined).
Kumain ka ng tae at mamatay homeless fuckers!
Michelle ‘Misanthropy’ Maglalang knows we can’t set up internment camps for the homeless because then we would be giving them a home, such as it were. Plus, it could only lead to Miscegenation.
The fact is, the loosers who made bad business decisions should Suck It Up. Don’t blame the banks or the rest of us.
Jillian–I think that is definitely your book pic. Has to be.
Wow, I am SOO glad that Malkin wasn’t around to mock all of those non-victims of the Great Depression. I think she would have shot FDR. Not that they’d have let her non-white ass comment on ANYTHING back then (seriously), but still.
It’s in scripture: As you treat the least of these, so too can you has tax cuts. That would make a pretty good LOLChrist no?
Michelle seems to think the GOP can take back Congress and hold onto the White House by telling voters to go eff themselves.
The voters are ineffable.
Good point. It would be fascinating to see the average right winger choose between the temptation to get rid of the homeless by locking them up in internment camps and the knowledge that then they would be subsidizing ‘homes’ for the same people.
Unless… unless we can somehow make the interned people pay for their own internment… and more than that, to somehow repay us for the sacrifice of time and effort we expended in locking them up.
It’s quite a tempting conundrumithisement for the average conservatirulance.
Greasemonkey add-on for Firefox can be found here. The Sadly, No killfile is right here.
Use the “Install This” link on the right-hand sidebar of the page. Then, in Firefox, select the Tools menu, followed by Greasemonkey and then Manage User Scripts. In the dialog that pops up, select “AntiTroll for SadlyNo” from the list on the left (it may be the only item), and then click the “Edit” button near the lower left-hand corner.
A text editor window should pop up. In the line beginning with “GM_setvalue”, you list the trolls you want to block. Mine looks like this:
GM_setValue(‘trolls’, ‘bastion booger,Bastian Booger,Bastion Booger,Chris St.James,
Concerned,Gavin smells like,Kevin,Mikey smells like,,Shoelimpy,saul,Saul’);
(Sorry if the instructions are pitched too low for your level of computer literacy, but I used to work tech help, and the habits stick with you.)
Michelle ‘Misanthropy’ Maglalang knows we can’t set up internment camps for the homeless because then we would be giving them a home, such as it were. Plus, it could only lead to Miscegenation.
Exactly. That’s just what those lucky duckies got after Katrina, and they are obviously trying to pull the same ploy again. Not this time freeloaders! The only help that you will be getting from Michelle and her bunch is Christian charity in the form of private donations.*
*Private donations may be indistinguishable from a muddy boot to the face, and are 100% tax deductible.
The fact is, deciding the rate, terms, and amount of a loan is what being an underwriter is all about. I should know, seeing as I am one.
And that is what a bank is paid for. If some grocery store went broke selling vegatables below cost, would you blame the consumers who bought them?
Obviously, some right wing idiots would. Which just goes to show how serious the Kool-Aid™ addiction has gotten.
Rich right wing billionaires, most of whom inherited their wealth (I’m looking at you, Richard Mellon-Scaife) are destroying this country.
Well, Gare bear, who do you blame when banks, builders, mortgage servicers, and investors make bad business decisions? I’d say “suck it up, mofos” to them, too, but somehow those folks’ fat, wrinkly white assets always get bailed out. Privatized profit, socialized risk, as per usual. Anyhoo, as long as you don’t get kicked out of your single-wide, what do you care, right?
First Supreme Court Nominee: Bill Clinton
Oft have we talked in the past of the Wingnut Splodey Head. This may be the first time I have seen a proposal that absolutely guarantees it or your money back.
Unless… unless we can somehow make the interned people pay for their own internment… and more than that, to somehow repay us for the sacrifice of time and effort we expended in locking them up.
Well, oil is getting pricey and the homeless are flammable. Maybe they could construct some sort of oven at these camps… just for the ones who had already dropped dead under the exhaustion of forced labor, of course.
Unless… unless we can somehow make the interned people pay for their own internment…
Work camps, El Cid, work camps.
Hell, they’re already turning prisons into work camps, and not just for manual labor. It seems some prisons are doing outsourced customer service for corporations.
Brave new world, indeedy.
First Supreme Court Nominee: Bill Clinton
Payback is a bitch, they say.
F*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f***. Just took a swig of coffee. Monitor & keyboard now less happy, more caffeinated.
I’m not trying to stir shit up, but there’s honestly a few things I’m unclear on. I saw a report last night on ABC News about a family, household income 80k a year, who couldn’t afford a 2k per month mortgage payment. Okay, I get that they have three kids, and that fuel and health care are through the roof, duh. But are things really so bad that 80k can’t make ends meet? Even while carrying an ARM?
Honestly, I’m asking this in good faith. If things really are that bad, it’s time to be scared.
Well, oil is getting pricey and the homeless are flammable. Maybe they could construct some sort of oven at these camps… just for the ones who had already dropped dead under the exhaustion of forced labor, of course.
Bob Vila: First, we add gas…
Unless… unless we can somehow make the interned people pay for their own internment… and more than that, to somehow repay us for the sacrifice of time and effort we expended in locking them up.
Like this?
‘Thanks to prison labor, the United States is once again an attractive location for investment in work that was designed for Third World labor markets. A company that operated a maquiladora (assembly plant in Mexico near the border) closed down its operations there and relocated to San Quentin State Prison in California. In Texas, a factory fired its 150 workers and contracted the services of prisoner-workers from the private Lockhart Texas prison, where circuit boards are assembled for companies like IBM and Compaq.
Oregon State Representative Kevin Mannix recently urged Nike to cut its production in Indonesia and bring it to his state, telling the shoe manufacturer that “there won’t be any transportation costs; we’re offering you competitive prison labor (here).’
Yes. They can be. Where did this family live, for one thing. If they’re paying for private school, that’s another cost. Property taxes is another. They probably have two cars, maybe a few hundred a month in commuting costs. After-school activities because it’s a two-income family.
Yea, sure. It can add up quickly. That’s not to say they couldn’t have behaved more responsibly, but it worked for them for a while, so it’s a little hard to blame them.
A coworker recently proposed Hillary Clinton as the justice to replace Scalia, should Obama come out ahead. I laughed out loud at the sheer deliciousness of the concept.
Susan, it’s not only manual labor the “prison industries” are getting into, it’s customer service as well.
a previous comment with this link got eated up by the spam filter monster. We’ll see if this one goes.
Hell, Obama for president, and BOTH Clintons on the Supreme Court.
Half measures aren’t going to get the job done.
my last two comments with a link in them – same link, to an NPR story about prisoners doing customer svc – were gobbled by the spam filter. Is there an issue?
My household income is more than that, and I have no kids, and I have to say that if my housing payment was 2k a month, things would be pretty tight. If that’s 80k gross, figure that after taxes they’re taking in not much over 1k a week. So almost half your average monthly income is going to housing, leaving 2k for car payments, utilities, food – which has gone up by like 75% in the last 5 years – and gas which, even with my 5 mi commute and 30mpg is over $100 a month now, plus another $150 for the hubby… leaves not much left for medical bills, clothes, retirement savings (first thing to go), paying off school loans… yeah, I can see how people can be feeling pinched even as they’re well into high five figures.
I’m not sure that Obama is going to be wanting to nominate the Clintons for so much as dog catcher. There’s been a lot of bad blood between the two camps on the ol’ campaign trail.
It is a lovely thought, though, from a Wingnut Splodey Head standpoint, but my nominee to the Supreme Court would be Nadine Strossen.
I must disagree. Screw the homeowners who lied on their mortgage applications. Those loans are called “liars loans”.
Screw the ones who assumed that rising house prices would bail them out. They are gamblers.
There are no guarantees in life. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
It makes me respect Malkin to realize that she is not simply a partisan tool who is willing to parrot a sociopathic party line, but is a true and genuine sociopath who has found a spiritual home in the Republican party.
Granted, it’s the same sort of “respect” I would have for a rabid badger, but it’s respect all the same.
Clearly, any homeowners that ask to be helped by federal programs should submit to inspections by MalkinCo to make sure that they really qualify.
I hear that the “countertop” part of the inspection is especially rigorous.
I’m depressed about Edwards, because the media decided that he never had a chance. But I really like the way peddy’s thinkin’.
People make bad decisions sometimes. Let’s say you are lower lower middle income earner whose dreams of owning a house have been thwarted by both circumstance and your own bad habits. Then a guy comes along and says sure you can own a house, here’s what you need to do. The guy has a tie, he works with money, you believe him. Couple of years later you “get what you deserve”. You don’t deserve a house, that’s how you feel, that’s what people like Michelle say and you agree with that sentiment. And you feel your opportunity to ever have that pride of ownership again slip away. Yeah, let’s villify those folks. Are there no workhouses?
The Los Angeles Times runs Jonah Goldberg. I believe is their house ninny and the addition of Michelle Malkin would make their opinion page even more irrelevant than it already is.
The New York Times is already chock-a-block with ninnies. None of them alone – Thomas Frieman, David Brooks, Maureen Dowd – is as bad as Malkin, but together they form a stormfront of stunningly stupendous stupidness that migh hit critical mass if Malkin were added.
(The newspaper I work for runs Thomas Sowell, William Rusher and Cal Thomas ON THE SAME DAY. I call it the minefield. Quiz time: Who’s older, Rusher or Sowell?)
I’d be for giving back all the money Michelle has ever paid in taxes and then telling her to shut up already.
I hear Michelle’s next crusade is against wounded soldiers living off the government teat with their expensive prosthetic legs and arms. I hear it’s going to be called “A Gathering of Crutch Kicking Eagles.”
Get off your ass and get on your own two places where there used to be feet.
I liked Edwards, but never really got over the 2004 VP debate in which he let Cheney prison rape him as if they were on OZ.
I am sticking with Hillary. Bitch knows how to handle a shiv.
In fact, before being allowed to carve their own prosthetic limbs from found wood, these damn scroungy vets ought to be made to pay back the U.S. government for all the lost months of service they promised since throwing their limbs away so carelessly.
God damn right on Oh Lady of the Camps. Those (literally) poor scheming conniving homebuyers forced the Heroes of the Unfettered Free and Fair Market to loan them that money, money which they KNEW they couldn’t afford to pay back.
And now, just like every previous time the low life scumbags force our most honored financiers to do what they certainly would never have done on their own, we’ll have to do something to save them, our glorious patriotic Heroes.
PS – It’s not welfare.
Robert M., thanks for the Greasemonkey instructions and links. Now I can indulge in more pie.
yeah too bad about edwards.
personally I will vote for whoever says ” in the first minute of my presidency I will resend every executive order of the last 8 years. Second I will resend every signing statement to every piece of legislation of the last 8 years. and finally every single appointee, every single employee hired by the bush administration throughout the entire government you’re fired.”
Drug Czar – office dissolved – replaced by teh Office of teh Secretary of Gettin’ Down.
I’d like to see James Murphy of LCD Soundsystem fame in that post.
Hmm, did something wrong. Second try…
… every previous time
to save them, our glorious patriotic Heroes.
PS – It’s not welfare.
previous time
Check it out!
Ben Domenech: Still Ripping off Others.
Goya’s “Michelle Malkin and Her Readers.”
Sorry bklyn, that would be “rescind.”
Definitely don’t want to “resend” them. *said in a nice, friendly, non-grammar flame way*
Which reminds me, last night some talking head explaining the late returns from the panhandle said : “They call it the armpit of Florida because it is, literally, the armpit of Florida.”
Red wine allll over the coffee table.
i rescind that resend, twice.
Why do you think I recommended Tommy Chong for Drug Czar post? 😉
Pardon me for stealing this line from someone on HousigPanic, but I would like to drive BMW. I can’t afford it. When the company comes to take the car back, which of you will cry for me?
Jeebus, what a mishmash of spelling errors. Forget the point I was trying to make. I can’t type, so the point is not valid.
Hon, if you’ve been living in it, I for one will feel sorry for you when they take it back.
They call it the armpit of Florida because it is, literally, the armpit of Florida.
Yeah, but if Florida is the nation’s dick, it would be more like that sweaty spot between the dick and the balls, just north of the taint.
I don’t know if we have a term for that yet. Are there any hypocritical Republicans who could lend their patronym?
The Foley, Ped.
When the company comes to take the car back, which of you will cry for me?
Only if they drive it over my foot…
I hear that the “countertop” part of the inspection is especially rigorous.
Isn’t “countertop” another word for “waterboard”?
must disagree. Screw the homeowners who lied on their mortgage applications. Those loans are called “liars loans”.
And I must respectfully disagree with this crap.
Banks have a fiduciary duty to their stakeholders, including depositors whose money they are lending out.
It’s called “due dilligence”. You could look it up. Banks were handing out NINJA money. Don’t blame people for lining up at the trough. I bet you don’t refuse your VA benefits, do you?
Michelle really seems to think there’s a large constituency of Americans out there who like it when their government tells them to go screw.
I was thinking this last night. If all the republican candidates are too wussy for her, who does she want? The current crop aren’t asshole-ish enough for her? What we need is a Mr. Potter from Wonderful Life!
Michelle obviously still has a soft spot for the bad boys in high school who treated her like dirt and never called, but she’d still keep going back.
The guy has a tie, he works with money, you believe him.
This is an important point. In any relationship between a layperson and a professional, the professional carries the greater burden of responsibility. That’s why we pay them for their services.
It’s all very well to blame irresponsible borrowers, but someone led them down that path, and that someone was a so-called professional whom the customer had every right to trust.
Hey give Michelle some credit, at least we have more proof from her rhetoric that we really DONT live in a Christian nation!!!
Thanks for solidifying that for us Michelle!!!! Cause the Bible I spent 12 years studying seems to note otherwise regarding these homeowners!!! You know, helping the poor and all that stuff.
“It’s called “due dilligence”. You could look it up. Banks were handing out NINJA money. Don’t blame people for lining up at the trough. I bet you don’t refuse your VA benefits, do you?”
Believe it or not, people will lie when it comes to making a living. Blame Jesus or blame the government. Who cares? When you lie on your loan papers, you are a criminal.
No one must take responsibility for anything!
It’s all the fault of the Big Money Boys!
And just for the record, I never took a cent from the VA, even when I was entitled to, moron.
I like America. We are relatively free here. I put my life up for you.
LibVet, the vast majority of people who got fucked on their mortgages didn’t lie or do anything criminal. What are you on about?
I worked in mortgage for four years. Before I did, I knew absolutely nothing about it. Zilch. Zip. I got screwed on a mortgage back in 96. Seemed like a great idea at the time, from what my loan officer said to me. If I’d known then what I know now, it never would have happened, but I didn’t, and I signed the papers, cheerfully trusting my realtor and my banker. Why the hell wouldn’t I? Probably my loan officer thought it was a good idea. Working in corporate America teaches you that most of the people in charge of handling your money and your health insurance are underpaid flunkies who don’t know anything beyond the parameters of their jobs. (I’ve also worked for major health insurers and 401K management.)
Most people don’t know jack shit about financial matters. That needs to change, as in mandatory classes in schools from junior high on.
I like America. We are relatively free here. I put my life up for you.
Nothing like trying to guilt-trip people into buying into your ideology!
LibVet said,
I put my life up for you.
Thanks loads. In return, I’m sending you my dog.
What’s that you say? You didn’t ask me to? There is in fact no practical need for me to send you my dog?
Fucking ingrate. I guess you just hate America.
Yeah, LibVet. And I hate all of those fucking homeless bums getting food at the mission by pretending to be a Christian. When you lie to get by, you’re a bad person and deserve everything you get.
Also, those goddamn liars who tell their significant others that those pants don’t make their ass look fat. They all make me sick.
And just for the record, I never took a cent from the VA, even when I was entitled to, moron.
Does this mean military people who get treated at the VA are government leaches? Because that would be another super-awesome campaign theme for the GOP.
Jeez, you guys are harsh. And I don’t care.
I will continue being an MLK Liberal despite your juvenile attacks.
I realize you kids are chicken down to the bone. That’s OK.
Real men stand guard over you every day.
The irony is killing me. $10 this is the Kevinplex.
Believe it or not, people will lie when it comes to making a living. Blame Jesus or blame the government. Who cares? When you lie on your loan papers, you are a criminal.
Yea, and don’t you think that, you know, maybe it’s up to the banks to reeeeeeeeeeeeeally check hard to make sure they’re getting the right info?
After all, it’s THEIR money. Or rather, their stakeholder’s money.
Brad, can you say “straw man”. Sure you can.
And just for the record, I never took a cent from the VA, even when I was entitled to, moron.
I like America. We are relatively free here. I put my life up for you.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd you know that I wasn’t putting up my life for you when you were in diapers…how, precisely?
Boys, boys! Enough with the yelling and the fighting! Take it outside, you’re going to break the lamps and stuff. Better yet, shake hands and simmer down.
LibVet, I’m not sure about other people’s loan applications, but when I write income, credit card balances, etc., information down on a mortgage application, the mortgage guy checks it out to make sure I am who I sway I am and am qualified to borrow the money. Or am I so old that I don’t know how these whippersnapper hot-shots do it these days?
Candy said,
Most people don’t know jack shit about financial matters. That needs to change, as in mandatory classes in schools from junior high on.
That would spoil everything. It’s far more likely our beloved leaders will elect to address this issue by requiring us to watch at least fourteen hours of American Idol per week.
Real men stand guard over you every day.
LibVet- WTF, man. Let me make this sparkling clear:
1.) I appreciate what folks in the military do to protect this country. So for your service to this country, I thank you.
2.) Your service to this country is completely irrelevant as to whether I buy into your arguments about this or other issues. Apples, meet oranges.
MzNicky, come on. He’s claiming to be an “MLK Liberal” in the midst of a chromatic scale of hooahs. That’s not even the right catchphrase — it’s “Kennedy liberal” if you want to claim that the Party Left You due to insufficient enthusiasm for the manly task of glassifying wogs.
Well. kids, I don’t know how to respond to such as this,
“Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd you know that I wasn’t putting up my life for you when you were in diapers…how, precisely?”
I don’t even know what that means.
“Kevinplex”? What does that have to do with the issue at hand? Never heard of it.
The issue here is whether the borrower’s word is good or not. Debate it if you like. I know what my word is worth
Maybe in his world “MLK” stands for “More Lunatic Killers.”
Maybe in his world “MLK” stands for “More Lunatic Killers.”
Yeah, that’s right. Ignore the “liars loans” and those who were so stupid that they bought more than they could afford. That’s the ticket. Make aspersions.
Really, kids, I don’t care what you think. Who does?
I won’t be doing business with you and thank God for that.
I’m tallying this up here — “kids”, “real men”, “stand[ing] guard”, “I put my life up for you”, &c. And I’ve realized something.
Sadly, No: you’ve all achieved a watershed in blogging history — the first time a presidential candidate has posted a comment on a blog.
Welcome to S,N!, Senator McCain.
Bartender: Sorry sir, we don’t serve Republicans.
Repub: That’s okay, we don’t serve you either
MzNicky, do you think I just made up the term “liars loans”?
Let’s Google.
Yep. It’s true.
LibVet: I’m not questioning whether people lie on loan applications. I’m wondering why the lender doesn’t check the information out.
I realize you kids are chicken down to the bone. That’s OK.
Real men stand guard over you every day.
THAT’S ad hominem.
The issue here is whether the borrower’s word is good or not. Debate it if you like. I know what my word is worth
And that’s a red herring. Your word is worth what it proves to be worth, not what you say it’s worth. The same is true of your opinion. Painting yourself as brave or those who disagree with you as cowards doesn’t lend your opinion or your character any weight. If you want to debate that “the borrower” is the bad guy(Sometimes? No one disagrees. Always? Prove it.) do so. Use evidence. Or don’t. As you’ve said you don’t care what we think, why not just reel in your dick and call it a day?
Djur, buddy, you are Sadly Wrong.
No one has come here to tell me how buying more than you can afford is better than breakfast.
No one has had the nerve to tell me how lying on a mortgage application is a good thing.
There are folks you never met who are standing guard over you, whether you like it or not. Mostly, they are just guys who needed a job. But they will die for you.
Screw you. Those guys matter in this world. And you?
Done with this. See you next time you need a Liberal voice. Like, tomorrow.
Trust me, MzNicky, they do. That was my job. They check it out. And they ask questions about every little discrepancy. It’s very hard to get a mortgage – at least from a reputable lender – without having them practically sniffing through your underwear drawer. And you’d better hope everything smells like lavender.
To borrow a phrase from good ol’ Alan, there was a perfect storm of irrational exuberance in the mortgage industry the last few years. The problem was that the lenders themselves seemed to believe it would go on forever. Much like a lot of people who should have known better thought the Iraq invasion would be a good idea.
LibVet sounds like Kevin, without the whacky sense of humor. Next he’ll be saying that hippies never bathe.
do you think I just made up the term “liars loans”?
Yeah, and the term ‘predatory lending’ was something just bandied about here on Sadly, No, too.
Go ahead; Google THAT.
a.) No one should lie on their home loan apps. That said, you’ve provided no evidence that even a sizable minority of people who are now experiencing trouble with their ARMs are now lying.
b.) The lenders absolutely bear tremendous responsibility for this mess. They are supposed to give people sound advice on the correct decisions to make. They should have bloody well known that ARMs were not good plans for the majority of people they were lent to. This isn’t hindsight, either: lots of people (including Atrios) have been saying it for years.
In many cases, people taking out mortgages were given shit advice from the lenders. Hell, even Alan Greenspan, wanker that he is, was still pimping ARMs as an alternative to fixed rates not two years ago.
Actually, it looks to me like the term ‘liar’s loans’ comes from the mortgage industry itself, in response to the collapse of the housing bubble, in a self defensive move.
It doesn’t seem like there’s much besides anecdotal evidence that much of the lending acitvity was actually comprised of these ‘liar’s loans’
which makes me wonder which end of the loan is the liar?
Brad, I’ve got to go. No kidding.
Even though you did not refute my previous point (which I will now call proven, you had your chance) I didn’t claim that “a sizable minority of people who are now experiencing trouble with their ARMs are now lying”.
Are you stupid?
Look up “straw man” again.
Frankly, I don’t care about you, buddy. Never heard of you. Don’t care. Just vote Democratic in the Fall election. Everyone doesn’t have to agree with me. Even those who don’t understand logic.
LibVet- your “I’m taking my toys and going home” approach to this discussion is fascinating, especially since you don’t seem to be leaving
Your point was “No one has had the nerve to tell me how lying on a mortgage application is a good thing” as though it was one of the primary reasons why lenders made a bunch of irresponsible investments. It wasn’t.
Well. kids, I don’t know how to respond to such as this,
“Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd you know that I wasn’t putting up my life for you when you were in diapers…how, precisely?”
I don’t even know what that means.
Let me put this simply, so your grunt head can wrap itself around it:
History DIDN’T start ten minutes before you were born, and SOME people in here were vets when you were jerking off your GI Joe dolls.
Get it? Got it? Good. BOOYAH!
LibVet: So go already. A point unrefuted is not a point “proven.” “Everybody” doesn’t agree with you. We’ll probably all vote “Democratic” in spite of you. Bye now.
Trust me, MzNicky, they do. That was my job. They check it out.
Boring correction: They’re supposed to.
That they don’t is not the fault of the borrower. After all, he’s not the one who’s got skin in the game until he gets the money, and hey, its not like people don’t cheat on their taxes.
That these folks get away with it, while reprehensible, reflects a lot worse on the lender than on the borrower. That was the point I was trying to get across to gLibVet.
Where are the Liberals of good humor?
You guys take any disagreement as if it were an affront.
The other day I as in the Denver Airport. My feet were sweating in my Crocs and a guy said to me, “One of yours in squeaking.”
That’s funny. That’s human.
Direct me, please. If Sadly No is not the place for friendly debate, I’ll go elsewhere. My points remain unbroken. And I have other things to do.
Correct me or re-direct me.
[Looks into the thread]
Good Lord, ya’lll have a major IUI* violation going here.
*Internoning Under the Influence.
Where are the Liberals of good humor?
You guys take any disagreement as if it were an affront.
“you kids are chicken down to the bone”
Ha ha.
So what are your points? That some people lied, and you have no sympathy for them? No shit. That doesn’t makes folk pointing out that not every borrower lied or that it’s the lender’s duty to check wrong, no matter how many times you declare victory.
P.S. what you call “liar loans” the industry called NINAs, or “no income, no asset verification”, when THEY CAME UP WITH THE IDEA. Of course fraudsters should be punished, but businessmen who say “just tell me how much money to give you, I don’t need verification” are not victims except of their own greed and stupidity.
Thanks Robert M for the greasemonkey script URL. LibVet has just made the grade. I suspect he is trolling for fence-sitters, hoping to annoy them into voting Rethuglicon. But I guess I’ll never know, because ……PLONK …..
Also consider that according to MARI, which tracks mortgage fraud(and tries to sell associated services), those arrested include “mortgage brokers, bank officers, closing attorneys, paralegals, real estate agents, appraisers and straw borrowers involved with multiple properties. One closing attorney received a 30-year federal sentence, and jail time was handed down for others involved with her—paralegals, mortgage brokers, real estate agents, appraisers and a money launderer.” According to one MARI report, a mortgage officer in Florida submitted the same form twice with two different incomes, and when called on it said, “I thought that on stated income loans you could claim an income as high as necessary,” something he most likely told the borrower as well. How common is this attitude in those who should know better, and how many borrowers have been affected by it?
OK, then, tigrismus.
“So what are your points?”
I made them in black and white. If that’s your question how can I take you seriously?
Is that the best you can do?
Don’t be a lightweight. If you have it, bring it.
Look back in the thread.
Quote me.
It’s simple.
It will be entertaining. Hang me by my own words.
I’m a big man. I can admit it when I am wrong. Are you?
“That doesn’t makes folk pointing out that not every borrower lied or that it’s the lender’s duty to check wrong, no matter how many times you declare victory.”
I never said any such thing, straw man.
You owe me an apology.
Quote me. Show where I said that.
You can’t? Apolgise!
So then what you said is that you have no sympathy for the unknown — but definitely small — proportion of people screwed by their ARMs because they misrepresented their financial situation? Hey, that’s great, but it’s not really worth talking about.
Wow I guess somebody got their Cheerios pissed on this morning…
You say “you kids are chicken down to the bone” and have the nerve to demand an apology? Jesus Fucking Christ.
If it’s not your implication that other people are wrong, tell me what is; don’t make me try to read your mind, its signals are none too clear. IF your point is merely “When you lie on your loan papers, you are a criminal,” show where ANYONE here has disagreed with that. As I said before, “no shit.” Those people should be punished, as should all fraudsters, whether borrower or not. As NO ONE has disagreed with that, what further debate would you like to have?
“Don’t be a lightweight … bring it … I’m a big man.”
Hooah, sir. Hoo-ah.
Avoid the fact of the matter and launch insults. Fine.
When you can’t back up your arguments, Go Republican!
I asked you to quote me and refute. What did you do?
Where are the quotes? Where is the refutation? Am I
wasting my time again here?
LOL. Just vote the Democratic ticket. I don’t care if you are
honest. I don’t care if you are smart.
Was calling folks here “kids” and “chickens”, or implying that we are less manly, logical, or intelligent than you not meant to insult? And what backing have you offered besides your opinion? Refute you on what? That some people lied, and should be punished, as your direct quote said? Who disagrees?
Here’s what needs to happen if you want to be taken seriously: YOU state your assertions clearly and provide evidence for them. Anyone who feels your assertions are unclear will ask you to clarify, often by restating them, until you and that person agree that your meaning has been understood. Then anyone who disagrees will say so, giving their reasons and evidence. Rinse, repeat.
Am I
wasting my time again here?
Survey sez…
Wait, LibVet, are you perchance under the hilarious misconception that you’re debating a crowd full of right-wingers? Please tell me you are, because I’ve been having a crappy day and I really need a good laugh.
You lose. Sorry, sucker.
Quote. Refute.
It’s that simple.
You can’t do it? You lose.
All the rest is lies, right?
Funny you’d say that, Djur. How many people are ganging up on me here?
That’s not a rhetorical question.
OK, quote and refute, go for it!
You forgot to add, “Thou shalt be trampled by a herd of stampeding pigs, O ye lying Girgashite!”
link. Come back when you’re done. Or don’t.
Holy fuck. Okay, guys, sorry I tried to be nice to this jerkwad way back upthread. I take it all back. LibVet is clearly deranged. I hope the library from which he is undoubtedly posting these abusive comments will call the authorities soon.
Quote and refute.
And that is crazy here at Sadly No?
Make me laugh. Go on.
OK, I’ll make it easy for you.
What is your point on this subject?
Quote and refute.
You didn’t write “I’m an asshole” yet you are clearly an asshole. This argumentation thing is complicated.
Shorter LibVet: “How come you pussy fag shitheads won’t have an honest debate with a true liberal like me?”
Or: “You girly-men won’t stick to the argument about loans, regardless of the fact that I am a soldier and therefore morally superior to you in every way.”
The “pearl-clutching liberal macho super-marine” shtick is original, I’ll give you that.
What exactly is there to be refuted? You’ve made exactly one implied factual assertion — that a meaningful number of defaults are based on so-called “liar’s loans.” E.g.:
There’s no actual factual assertion here, so there’s nothing explicit to refute. However, you are suggesting here that “liars” and “gamblers” comprise a significant proportion of defaulting homeowners. My basis for this inference is your first statement, “I must disagree,” when the consensus was that defaulting homeowners deserve sympathy. By way of argument, you state that homeowners who lied on their applications and those who gambled on their house prices are undeserving of sympathy. That is:
Assertion: Defaulting homeowners are deserving of sympathy.
Your Counter-Assertion: Defaulting homeowners are not deserving of sympathy. (“I disagree.”)
Your Arguments:
1) Homeowners who lied on their mortgage applications are not deserving of sympathy. (“Screw [them.]”)
2) Homeowners who gambled on the price of their homes are not deserving of sympathy. (“Screw [them.]”)
3) Life’s not fair.
However, your counter-assertion does not follow from arguments 1 and 2 unless you additionally assert and prove that the unsympathetic homeowners in those arguments comprise a significant portion or even the entirety of defaulting homeowners. You have not done so, and your argument remains the logical equivalent of shrugging off the deaths of football players who were shot on the field by suggesting NASCAR drivers and alligator wrestlers know what they are doing is dangerous.
Libvet is lavishing Sadly No with his rhetoric.
Holy shit! An effective troll, for a change!
Everybody here has been lulled into complacency by Gary/Saul/Booger — they of the hackneyed “The fact is…” and other dumb tells. LibVet comes in, yanks chains, pushes buttons, has everybody dancing.
But I see the same old macho belligerence, along with the implicit support-the-troops-or-you-hate-America and the entirely empty “argument” which somehow disagrees with everyone else in the discussion.
Killfile time
All right, LibVet, I’ll engage you. (I apologize to the other SadlyNauts for this extremely long-winded fisking, but it’s relatively late and I am unfortunately both sober and bored.)
Fair enough. Living beyond your means is a bad strategy, and I don’t think anyone here would seriously argue the point. Tigrismus’ response, though, points up the flaw in your analogy: you’re not planning on living in that BMW.
That’s true, but fraud is not a significant fraction of the current problem. Far more significant are the loans made to people who were honest about their credit and income and later became unable to meet their payments, as well as “no-doc” loans made to people who didn’t have to lie–because the questions never got asked.
No one said or implied this. The current crisis is not solely the fault of the Big Money Boys, but they were certainly complicit.
Thanks for your service, but neither of these sentences is related to the argument you seem to be trying to make.
One juvenile attack deserves another, I always say. On the other hand, if you want to be taken seriously, maybe a little less of the “fuck you, girlie man-chickens!” and a little more of the argumentation.
“Kevinplex” is one way to indicate an infestation of troll we’ve been having lately. It’s the same guy, with a minimum of four different handles.
If that’s the issue you believe is at stake, you’re oversimplifying drastically. You’ve assumed that everyone being foreclosed on is a liar who deserves what he gets, and if you google “foreclosure” or “credit crunch” or “mortgage crisis” you’ll quickly discover that’s not the case.
I’m ignoring them because they’re not significant. Fraud is not the problem; picture yourself in the position of a homeowner who bought at the height of the real estate bubble, and as a result now has an increasing mortgage payment and a decreasing property value (and therefore less money, in very real terms, than you had when you bought the house). Those folks make up the majority of those affected by the wave of foreclosures.
No one has come to explain those things because they’re straw men. Buying more than you can afford is a mistake, and an easy one to make when your financial adviser (i.e., bank or mortgage lender) is telling you you can afford it. Breakfast, on the other hand, is a delicious meal often involving pancakes, and sometimes pie. And speaking of pie, borrowers who lied on their loan applications are STILL a tiny slice of the recession pie, just like they were a few paragraphs ago.
Also, this is the first time of four where you threaten to leave and then, inexplicably, fail to do so. I’ll omit the rest.
You never actually typed those words, no. On the other hand, you did type “lie”, “lying”, and “liars” five different times. If you include “whether the borrower’s word is good or not”, that’s six times. The only claim you’ve made is that those affected by the foreclosure epidemic are either fradulent or stupid; you provide no evidence and no argument other than asserting your point again and again.
Here’s the best part, though: even if I accept your claim, which is absurd, it still doesn’t preclude a bail-out. See, lenders are nervous, which means the supply of money is drying up. Combined the shrinking money supply with rising inflation and falling real wages, and you get consumers with less money to spend (and more trepidation about doing so). The US economy is driven–for better or for worse–by consumer spending, so when the spending slows, the economy slows.
Whether you’re facing foreclosure or not, and even whether you’re a homeowner or not, you need something done about this economic crisis. I found out this week that I’m losing my job in April; fortunately, I have several weeks to find a new job, savings to make up for potential shortfalls, and no car payments. Not everyone is as lucky as I am, and I’m smart enough to realize it. Care to join me, or would you rather hurl insults?
I am so bummed. Edwards was the only candidate worth voting for. At this point, the only thing that will get me to the polls is an Obama/Edwards ticket. Anything else is simply Republican lite.
I am sad that we are still a small and poor country who cannot afford to hire some sort of regulators or inspectors to make sure that branches of our financial industry don’t just burn up.
If we were a large and modern country we could care about such things, but since we yeoman farmers cannot afford to hire people with eyeglasses then we will just have to live with parts of our financial systems teetering close to collapse.
Also, some people might think it unmanly to do all this inspecting and regulating and stuff, and we have to listen to them, otherwise they will call us unmanly.
Robert M.
When you can prove this is true,
“fraud is not a significant fraction of the current problem”
call me.
Until then, you are just a bullshit artist.
Are we still doing Goya jokes?
The sleep of monsters brings forth “Reason”.
Jesus Christ. That’s what I am up against here? A wounded bird. Some guy losing his job?
For Christ’s sake. Is this the best you guys can do?
You can’t argue the facts of the matter so the last guy in is a wounded bird?
You want to sacrifice this guy? For what? Tell me why you are letting him
stand up for you.
Tell me why you are letting him stand up for you.
Let me explain how this whole internet thing works.
I never asked anybody to stand guard for me.
Certainly not some whiny little chickenshit who has nothing to do except gripe and moan when somebody actually exercises the rights he was ostensibly fighting for.
Thing is, I never heard a real veteran ever say anything more than that he was just doing his job. This whiny “They were fighting for you” bullshit always comes from people who are presuming to speak for the veterans.
Was that harsh?
I know how politically correct everybody is these days.
From now on, I shall restrict my comments about veterans to the pre-approved vomit-inducing pablum because I know how upset conservatives get when you depart from the script.
Oh, how cute. LibVet wants me to provide sources, despite the fact that he’s provided none for his claim that borrowers in the subprime market committed fraud en masse. Then he calls me some more names.
Seems like maybe if millions of borrowers had broken the law, the FBI would be investigating said borrowers, right? Sadly, no!
Name-calling? Check.
Goalpost-shifting? Check.
Demands for proof against an extraordinary claim? Check.
Now that leaves me with just one question: do you like pie? Well, do ya… punk?
Speaking of which, why do we even have bank inspectors? What sort of whiny, pussy ass, non-veteran asshole coward needs some god-damned faggot with a pocket protector fretting about whether or not every bank is following every gay-ass rule thrown up to try and fix the market?
The free market is for men. Not fraidy-cat pusses who get all goose-bumped just ’cause some bank or 2 or 3 might go belly-up.
Cowardly assholes. People like you make me sick with your “hospital safety compliance” and your silly ass “mine inspections”. If it were up to you all our damned cars would look like giant god-damned faggot-ass pillows and whatnot.
She is aware that if the foreclosure rate gets too high the entire American economy will go under. Oh wait, in Malkinland be concerned about the economy makes me a stability fetishist.
Republicans, please, please, please demand that your eventual Presidential nominee select Michelle as their Vice Presidential running mate.
[…] a threat to their Goodness; they are surrounded by soul-less Enemies who wish to do them harm. Nobody deserves the slightest sympathy — nobody’s plight merits the slightest concern — […]
I am a bit simple so please don’t burn me but many people I know have either lost their jobs or have that possibility looming in the near future. The cost of houses plus the local taxes plus the increase in the cost of utilities and food means that a lot of people in this area are already strained by the economy and will have to give it all up if their jobs go away. I know this is stupid but why can’t the banks or the mortgage holders come to some agreement with the people who are about to give up their homes, so they can stay in their homes without charge. I guess some proof of their situation would be needed to generate the agreement. There is an increasing problem right now with the number of homes that are left abandoned that will fall into disrepair, be vandalized or become places where undesirables will break into and take up residence. The banks can’t sell the homes at this time, they can’t even rent the majority of them. To allow the original home owner to stay there would at least provide the banks with someone to care for the home and help keep the value of that property up and help keep the value of the community up.
Depending on what the Government decides to do in the near future, there is a possibility that the original home owner could work out a new deal with the bank or mortgage holder and keep their homes. I know this is just too simple (like me) to work.
I am a independent filmmaker in San Diego and who is in pre-production of a documentary concerning the foreclosure situation. I’m interested in interviewing individuals who have a personal experience in the foreclosure problem that we are facing as a nation. Contact me if you would like to be interviewed with your story. This is a non-biased film that will persue the truth of the problem. I can travel anywhere in the U.S. and hope to come up with solutions to this problem.
Brian Hulbert
Executive Producer
Mantis Pictures
[…] a threat to their Goodness; they are surrounded by soul-less Enemies who wish to do them harm. Nobody deserves the slightest sympathy — nobody’s plight merits the slightest concern — […]