Shorter Pat Boone
Posted on January 26th, 2008 by Tintin
Global Warming: Fact or Fable?
- Global warming is caused by the sun and not by human activity. We know this because centuries ago Aztec priests predicted the increased solar activity that is currently occurring.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
And of course, he has to start with Chicken Little.
So Aztec myths and American fairy tales. Ladies and gents, I give you right wing science.
I became fascinated with George Noory’s late night radio interview with a solar physicist
The upcoming fascinating schedule:
Somebody should ask any of these anti-science idiots just exactly how greenhouses work…
Looks like Pat’s been using Doughbob’s dictionary again.
No, the sun itself is the culprit – and we’re studying again the ancient Aztec prediction that the year we call 2012 will see cataclysmic changes on our Earth, and throughout the solar system.”
Well yeah, but that’s only if we elect Hillary.
classic: The sky is falling!
modern: The islamofascilibrulhomomexicanocommies are going to kill us all, even if we hide under our beds!
Of course, as usual it always leaves the basic question unanswered:
(1) If the amount of energy from the Sun reaching the Earth is measured and controlled for — and it is…
(2) If the only way in which heat energy can leave the Earth is by the escape of infrared longwave radiation (IR photons) into space via the atmosphere — and it is…
(3) If it is the case that additional gases such as CO2 or methane slow the rate at which infrared longwave photons leave the atmosphere — and it is the case
(4) If it is the case that industrial use of fossil fuels increases the amount of IR release-slowing gases in the atmosphere — and it is the case…
…then, excuse me, kind sire, how then can the Earth, being a closed system except for the inputs and outputs mentioned above, NOT GET WARMER?
Unless the rate of energy coming in from the Sun somehow reduces below the rate of energy release outward from the Earth via the atmosphere into space, the net energy must increase.
That’s how things work. If you have a closed box system, and it releases heat at a certain rate, then it will get hotter if you either (a) increase the incoming energy rate while maintaining release steady or (b) drop the rate of energy release while maintaining incoming energy rate constant.
We can pretty much know how much is coming in from the Sun, given that for 50 years now we’ve measured it directly with orbital instruments.
Again, if you slow the rate of heat energy from the Earth, and the rate of energy coming in from the Sun remains sufficiently steady, is someone suggesting some new and undiscovered way in which the Earth will vent heat into space?
Remember when they said there wasn’t any warming? Now they’re saying, “Sure, there is warming, but it’s not our fault!”
Men’s actions can and do affect his local environment, but neither man nor machine is powerful enough to seriously disturb our global ecology or our weather patterns.
So true, Pat. People blame man for overfishing but we all know the sun has a healthy appetite for seafood, and if the world’s forests are burning out of control it’s not the logging companies and plantation owners, but that pesky sun having its way again.
“mikey said,
January 26, 2008 at 22:04
Somebody should ask any of these anti-science idiots just exactly how greenhouses work…
Spluhhh. The greenhouse traps in God’s spirit, and He makes the plants grow. Dumb liberal.
“Men’s actions can and do affect his local environment, but neither man nor machine is powerful enough to seriously disturb our global ecology or our weather patterns.”
Just ask Japan!
For a good time, ask a conservative, “which weighs more; a pound of feathers, or a pound of lead?”
I’ve always wondered what would happen if the anti-immigrant croud met the Art Bell croud. I think it might look like this.
So is he a Christian or a Nanauatlian?
However, please allow me to compliment the right wing global warming “deniers” for acting like they are the first people on Urf to notice that the Sun has an influence on the Urf’s environment.
Apparently the entire U.S. scientific establishment and even NASA as it sent men into orbit were unaware that the Sun was responsible for heating the Urf, and all them pointy-headed latte drinking Prius-driving uptight nerds had floundered around for theories — that is, until Al Gore came along and said it was us somehow and our evil capitalist businesses which did it.
And then all the puny scientists fell into line and agreed with Al Gore that it was CO2 that heats the Urf.
But wait — the brave conservatiffs say, “Stop it you!!! Why you not like Sun? Why you no think Sun shine in sky and make air hot?”
And scientists worldwide who had never, ever, ever noticed that the Sun was big and hot and somewhat near the Urf all of a sudden were crying and gnashing their teethes because what should have been so obvious to them was instead discovered by right wing bloggers.
The end.
Men’s actions can and do affect his local environment, but neither man nor machine is powerful enough to seriously disturb our global ecology or our weather patterns.
See, when used in this sense, he doesn’t mean “men as oppposed to other ecological variables” or “men as opposed to women” he means “men as opposed to God”. “Sun” in this case is just a cipher for “God”.
If scientists actually did find that solar fluctuations were making the earth uninhabitable, I personally would not find it very comforting. My next question would be, how the fuck are we going to protect ourselves from dying? Space mirrors? Solar reflectors in the deserts? Anything! Scientists aren’t trying to control industrial waste emmissions because they hate people – exactly the opposite.
But to Pat Boone and his set, trying to limit what people do means that you must hate people. That’s ok, because they hate people too, people are sinful. But if people aren’t the problem, if it is some neutral agent like the sun, we are all fine. God wouldn’t let the sun kill us, he’s not like that.
…is someone suggesting some new and undiscovered way in which the Earth will vent heat into space?
Well, for years I’ve been advocating that we take those solar powered roof fan vents and attach them to satellites designed to orbit in the upper atmosphere. Sure, the fans won’t run when they’re on the opposite side of Earth away from the sun but for at least half the day they’ll be blowing all that excess heat back out into space!
Here is a very interesting article titled “Solar engine whips waste heat into power”
Although impossible, another problem with this idea is that if somehow the fans were powerful enough to blow the atmosphere out at escape velocities to leave the Earth, then to do it enough to matter, our atmosphere would keep getting thinner and thinner.
If ambient heat energy could be used to power any sort of coherent beam like lasers or masers fired upwards with energy that actually would leave the atmosphere, then given some comic-book level of bigness, maybe that could increase heat venting.
Or there’s always the really risk “shading of the entire Earth from space” idea, thus tackling the energy input side of the equation.
I’ve GOT it!
We could put the heat on the space elevator!!!
I found a conservative textbook on meteorology that explains everything about the weather.
re: the picture
Is it Carnival already? I guess in this case the question is moot, as every day is Carnival for a self-respecting wingnut like Boone.
Mayan priests predicted the world would end in 5 years, Pat. Looks like ol’ God there isn’t infallible…
We could put the heat on the space elevator!!!
Wouldn’t it be more cost effective to just send Limbaugh, O’Reilly, and Hannity to Mars?
f scientists actually did find that solar fluctuations were making the earth uninhabitable, I personally would not find it very comforting.
Pat Boone finds it comforting because he believes in Revelations and the end times and Christians being scooped up in the arms of Jesus and taken to heaven as the earth starts to burn and go all wobbly on its axis. As a devoted Christian he can’t afford to believe humankind is responsible for global warming. It’s not old Pat in his SUV throwing garbage out the window that is the problem, but God snapping his fingers at the sun to make it do shit so that Christians can eventually be saved. Besides being saved and going to heaven’s mansions, he’s looking forward to seeing the expression on your face when Jesus picks him up and leaves you behind to be deep fried.
Pat Boone? Holy crap. I thought he was dead.
I sure hope nobody goes to You-Tube and hunts up any of that heavy metal stuff he recorded a while back. That would be awful.
I propose the death penalty for anyone who links to a heavy metal recording by Pat Boone. Also for homos.
MzNicky is right.
Also, Do Not Click This Link!
Batman is a liberal fascist.
I won’t be decided on this subject until hearing from the likes of Barry Manilow, Perry Como and Paul Anka.
I’m gonna live forever…
The fact is, liberal media and “science establishment” dominance does not allow the other side to be heard. We need equal time, liberals say when they are anti-war, but no equal time for those who have facts and logic to proove that global warming is hooey? That would be too balanced, and liberals can’t stand to have their secular religion challenged.
Remember when they said we’d be standing room only on Earth by by now. They are always wrong.
Since no one else has posted it that I’ve noticed.
well, sonohvah….
Okay, that vid link isn’t the full version. Bastards.
The earth will always be here until it isn’t.
Gary Ruppert’s projecting again; while neocons are the ones who believe it’s unfair for variant opinions to be allowed to exist, what he’s calling for is for complete junk non-science to be given a free pass to “compete” with the real thing.
“They are always wrong.” Really? I think they were pretty spot-on about fluorocarbons and smoking and countless other topics. Someone should really explain the phrase “if things continue as they are” to you, Gary, you seem unable to grasp the simple concept.
It’s pathetic that the same yokels who reject carbon-dating as A Tool Of Satan cling to “But It’s Hot On Mars Too!!!1” and Grand Cowfart Theory as solid scientific evidence that what they’re prejudiced to believe is correct…
God wanted Pat Boone’s hair piece to fall off on national television.
There is no global warming.
(Checks e-mail.)
There is a little global warming but it would be unfair to poor countries to do anything about it.
(Checks e-mail again.)
There is global warming, but it is not caused by man.
(Checks e-mail again.)
The liberal media has cut off all debate on global warming.
(Checks e-mail again.)
Global warming is a conspiracy by liberal scientists who hate American business and just want the grant money. (Unlike the good conservative scientists who know that the only real global warming studies are those funded by oil companies and pulled out of the Hoover Institute’s butt.)
(Checks e-mail again.)
Oliver North warned us about Osama bin Laden in 1987 and Al Gore (or John Kerry) ignored him.
Liberals. Hmf.
God is a liberal fascist.
Pat’s right. All that stuff about what to eat, how to eat, when to walk, when to not walk, how to marry your sister-in-law. It’s the Nannny State, and God’s Mary Poppins.
I assume you mean P.L. Travers Mary Poppins, who was a dour, vindictive bitch, and not Disney’s Mary Poppins, who was a beaming acid trip.
Ah, yes, he’s quoting S. Fred Singer, the same guy who once said that Mars’s moon Phobos was actually a Martian-built space station. Good stuff.
Seriously MzNicky. I had to check to see if Clif meant that Pat Boone.
Maybe after the Great Liberal Fascist Takeover we can get together and pass laws that forbid washed up has beens and current wannabes from offering their opinions on shit about which they have no fucking clue. It’s almost bad as Brittney Spears telling us we should just trust the pResident.
Except if Spears got done up in leather and released a collection of Metal covers it wouldn’t be quite so … hilarious? Alarming? Likely to cause me to toss out parts of my record collection?
“Somebody should ask any of these anti-science idiots just exactly how greenhouses work…”
That’s easy! It’s all done by the invisible hand of the free market. Which is possible because of the zoonts gazoorts fizzitle.
pedestrian, the Travers nanny is the Old Testament Mary Poppins, the Disney one is the New Testament Mary Poppins. They are many and one, yin and yang, up and down, slap and tickle.
New Testament Mary Poppins is TEH HAWT!
(Checks e-mail again.)
Oliver North warned us about Osama bin Laden in 1987 and Hillary Clinton ignored him.
Liberals. Hmf.
I drank a lot of beer last night and ate half a sausage, garlic and onion pizza. I went to bed in a 12 by 12 room with all of the windows and doors closed and the heat in my house set to a constant temperature. In the morning, however, the room was considerably warmer and the cat was dead. I am confused. Is this what El Cid was talking about above or did the sun make the temperature go up in the room go up? Bear in mind it was nighttime. Someone (not Gary) please explain what happened.
Pat Boone, first to put his dick in a box.
Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake, you plagarists!
Pat puts his junk in a box before Samberg and Timberlake
Not as good as Pat flipping his wig but I owe you for that.
Samberg and Timberlake do Pat Boone
Man, Pat sure has a little dick.
That’s a “conservative” six inches.
And Dick had a little Pat.
Your Liberal Fascism Blog Update, or Heat Not Light From Either End:
Megan McArdle & Liberal Fascism
If that guy on the show was Bob Bast, and I think it was, he’s no solar physicist. He has a website about some doomsday predicted by the Myans that will occur in 2012. It’s strictly ancient astronaut style nuttiness.
I once had white bucks, though, back in ’59. I was 12.
Damn, damn, damn.
I can’t unsee that, can I?
Heh. McArdle b**ch-slaps Jonah and he tries to respond, mainly by saying more crazy c***p.
“The early New Deal was in many respects more militaristic than Hitler’s Germany in the early 1930s.”
” Even today, “nationalist” and “socialist” are pretty much interchangeable terms. Nationalize an industry and you socialize it — and vice versa.”
And he calls Kennedy a (fascist) strongman, presumably because of the Peace Corps or something.
It’s like “The Blob.” The stupid keeps getting larger and larger and larger…
Hmmm…if only there were some way to combine the Pat Boone toupe-off thing with the Pat Boone wienie-in-the-box thing …hmmmm….yeah, you know what I mean.
I’ve been driven mad by Pat Boone overload! Yaargghh!
In a way Goldberg and McArdle go quite well together. I believe this only strengthens my point.
Here he comes, here he comes, swingin’ a tune.
is someone suggesting some new and undiscovered way in which the Earth will vent heat into space?
Perhaps this is accomplished by the velocity of the hot air coming straight outta Boone’s ass is enough to escape the gravitational pull.
From the department of “oh no he DIN’T!!” this from Der Loadenhosen’s “defense” to McArdle’s critique:
And even so, the progressives were decidedly militaristic in many ways, as I explain at length in the book. The early New Deal was in many respects more militaristic than Hitler’s Germany in the early 1930s.
Yes, because organizing youth into militaristic-patterned units such as the CCC is more militaristic than building lots of tanks, planes, subs, destroyers and training youth to be killing machines. It’s the structure of the unit that’s important in militarism, not the fact that it’s intended to be used for aggression.
So, as I’ve said countless times, I’m fine with calling national-socialism “right-wing socialism.” But it’s still socialism, which in my book is quite incandescently a phenomenon of the left.
Got that? It’s leftist even when it’s being controlled by rightists for what are typically rightiest goals and ends, because it includes the word “socialism”. Because that’s how I like to think about it.
Oh, and even Stalin ultimately abandoned international socialism for “socialism in one state.” Did he suddenly become a rightwinger?
Totalitarianism has always been more closely associated with the right…just like fascism. Except for when it gets in the way of me calling liberals fascists.
Co-opting conservative institutions for political ends is decidedly un-conservative in my book, literally and figuratively. That’s what radicals did in 1930s Germany and that’s what radicals started doing in 1960s America. That doesn’t make them identical radicals. But it by no means makes them opposites either.
In my book, I say that co-opting conservative institutions for political ends is decidely un-conservative, so it is. Germany had radicals in the 1930s and America had them in the 1960s, and since even though they were very different in their means and goals, we could call them both radicals so that means they’re the same. And you know what that means: hippies are fascists.
Teh stupid, it burns, it burns.
Pat Boone. Huh. Say, what you reckon Fabian thinks about the evolution-intelligent design debate? Maybe Tommy Roe has some insights into the Israeli-Palestinian problem.
Man, go figure.
hippies are fascists
Proof: Volkswagen.
Susan of Texas–
Well, we all have our favorites. Here’s mine:
“And even today, liberals define traditional notions of individualism as simply greedy and selfish.”
This is the sort of thing you’d overhear at a table of 8-year-olds at a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, if they discussed such things. Which
is to say, Coulter couldn’t have put it any better.
Pantlodenhosen… But again, what cannot be disputed is that the progressives were nationalists. FDR was a nationalist. JFK was a nationalist. Wilson was a nationalist. TR was a nationalist. Were they all right-wingers?
Anyway, I’m sorry this ran on so long. I’m still not sure it’s worth trying to respond to all this stuff. But once I get started, it’s hard to stop.
And for that we are so gratetful.
JFK was a Nazi. He went to Berlin and declared himself to be a jelly donut… Not!
You can’t prove that the TVA/NRA wasn’t an elaborate scheme to put a Death Laser on the moon, Jennifer.
We have always been at war with the sun.
I’m not sure what Pat is saying here. Is he saying that we need to perform more human sacrifices to appease the Aztec gods?
Goldberg’s penultimate paragraph is such a beautiful expression of the Paranoid Style, Richard Hofstadter just popped up in his grave and said, “Now that’s what I’m talking about!”
And then Goldberg ponders:
It’s because The Left is is this close to rendering our precious bodily fluids impure! Why can’t people see this?
You know, physically shading the earth from the sun is actually possible, even with today’s level of technology.
Look up at the sun.. How big is it? Well, you can cover it with your thumb. A shade close to the earth won’t do much. But a shade nearer the sun would do much more.
Sure, it takes a long time for something moving through space to do the 7 light minute trip. But if it is timed right, that means the shading effect increases over time, as it gets closer. If we need to lower the shading? Simply rotate it!
Its a bodge job solution, but we need a temporary solution anyway. Even if we stopped emitting all greenhouse gasses today, the earths temperature would still carry on rising, for hundreds of years even. There are just too many feedback mechanisms magnifying the effects of global warming.
It is a more practical solution, since it is easier to get people to support it. It would be hugely expensive, but not involve any personal sacrifice or re-thinking of our consumerism, our relationship with nature, or our capitalism. The couple of trillion it would cost is nothing in comparison to the cost of challenging our status quo.
Penultimate’s a big word, you libby fascist, you.
It’s like when my high school history teacher flunked me with his pen ultimate.
When you gave this the title of “Shorter Pat Boone” did you already know Mat Bastardson was going to post that photo link?
Shorter LdedHösen: Boy Scouts are fascists! They kicked me out just because I made wee-wees in my sleeping bag!
Well, that would certainly be prudent.
You know, physically shading the earth from the sun is actually possible, even with today’s level of technology.>
Can we use Jonah?
Jonah’s next book will postulate that black people come from Canada.
Don’t forget the little pickles!
It’s surprising that Mr. Boone would champion anything the Aztecs had to say. After all, they worshipped and sacrificed their people to “false gods.”
Susan of Texas said,
“Can we use Jonah?”
No, I wouldn’t want to launch Jonah into space. Imagine what would happen if he went off course, and was picked up by some extra terrestrials! They would decide we needed to be exterminated for the good of the galaxy, and nuke us from orbit!
Susan of Texas said,
They would decide we needed to be exterminated for the good of the galaxy, and nuke us from orbit!
Well it would be the only way to be sure.
The man has a point. I mean, I always turn to the Aztecs when I want observations on polar history…
He’ll do anything to revive his career.
Hide the virgins!
The Mayan calendar predicted the world would end in 2012.
Those Mayans! Always such frickin’ optimists!
Mediocre minds meet again. This can only lead to one thing—a Bloggingheads TV episode.
Who’s stupider? More inane? More deeply, deeply, ridiculously fucktarded? Jonah or Megan? Discuss.
I’d have to award all three of these categories to Jonah.
Sorry, Megan.
Pat Boone has contributed to global warming and has kept the receipts.
All the sound produced when his songs are played translate into sound energy, and energy heats the earth.
And since heaven is above the eath, it must be closer to the sun, so it must be pretty bloomin’ hot.
Remember when they said there wasn’t any warming? Now they’re saying, “Sure, there is warming, but it’s not our fault!”
And then they’ll say that they always said there was a human cause to global warming but they disagreed with the Liberals’ whiney solutions.
And then they’ll declare war on the Sun.
Given hoe much the winguts love them some Star Trek, I’m kind of surprised that none of them have tried to solve global warming by “reversing the polarity”. Geordi could fix anything that way, and he was even one of the coloreds!
“More deeply, deeply, ridiculously fucktarded?”
Probably me. All this time I thought you guys were talking about Andrea McArdle! And I’m thinking, “Wow! She sure has come a long way from stomach turning, eardrum-shattering mophead to . . . . something.”
Well, anyway, it all makes so much more sense now.
After reading more of her response to Jonah, it seems to me that Megan may be exhibiting intelligence approaching the region commonly referred to as average.
(Which makes me question her conservative credentials.)
I think you might be confusing Star Trek with Doctor Who, Dagoril, though it’s equally possible that technique was used in both series to great success.
…. What would happen if you nuked the Sun? I’m guessing, “not much”.
Goldberg and McArdle are like Sandy Cheeks when she takes on the Alaskan Bull Worm.
Up until that last line, of course. Unlike Sandy, they would declare themselves winner and present their flight as a victory march.
“Is he saying that we need to perform more human sacrifices to appease the Aztec gods?”
an excellent idea! I thing the Aztecs or was it Mayans sacrificed their best athletes, didn’t they? It would be a good way to end the World Series and Super Bowl. Make way for new athletic heros, AND solve the drug problem. Plus, except for the hearts, there would be lots of organs for sick people. Heck, if they were careful maybe even the hearts could be reused.
Heres a guy whose whole career was built on racism. And now this. Boone is uniquely qualified to tell folks how much being stupid hurts.
I am watching you liberal fascist girly men.
Up until that last line, of course. Unlike Sandy, they would declare themselves winner and present their flight as a victory march.
Nah ah ahh!
They would declare that the flight was the result of Der liebrul Dolchstoß, snatching defeat from teh Jaws of Victory.
It’s what they do. They’re neither smart or desperate enough to think up another play.
Davis: I had white bucks too, back in 1966, when I was in the junior high marching band. Man, I was such a nerd. White bucks are total nerd shoes, even, or perhaps especially, in the ’60s.
Matt T.: I heard Frankie Avalon and Bobby Rydell were coauthoring a paper to be published in the summer issue of Global Science and Technology Quarterly.
As always, facts are our friends. We’d do well to gather as many as possible from the most reliable sources. If we substitute fables in their place, we will forever deserve our children’s scorn.
Huh. Looks like Pat has decided to give up on the Bible and turn atheist.
I have the hots for Sandy Cheeks.
“Singer is also a scientist – an atmospheric physicist to be exact-……”
Wow, that was rich. What do these people care anyways whether or not global warming is actually happening since they have free license already to trash our entire habitat? Not that they’d see the connection, it’s just odd to see them cluelessly reveling in it.
He’s here. I feel it. And he wants to touch you.
…. What would happen if you nuked the Sun? I’m guessing, “not much”.
Ahh, but what would happen if we manage to explode the solarinite? The explosion would travel back to the sun and the resulting explosion would spread out into the entire universe. You stupid, stupid headstrong earthlings!
Oops. forgot to close the italics.
Pat Boone said,
I am watching you liberal fascist girly men.
What makes that picture even more funny is knowing he’s wearing a toupée.
A little Saturday night entertainment.
Pat Boone is the Bolshevic of Conservative Communism
Space mirrors! Finally a way to spot the alien vampires while they’re still in orbit!
(Yes, I’m late with that. I’ve spent the day adjusting my medications. I suspect it didn’t work out.)
An excerpt from “On Bullshit” by Prof. Harry Frankfurter (Princeton Philosophy Dept.):
Pat puts his junk in a box before Samberg and Timberlake
Hey, I tried that decades ago. Turned out that the cat was still alive, and not happy about having her quantum state collapsed. Ouch.
Righteous Bubba said,
January 26, 2008 at 21:53
I became fascinated with George Noory’s late night radio interview with a solar physicist
The upcoming fascinating schedule:
Hmmm, wonder what this could be…
Saturday, January 26
Historian Michael D’Antonio will discuss his new book A Ball, a Dog and a Monkey, chronicling the rollicking start of the space race. In the first hour, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts will provide an economic update.
Wait a minute, that’s got to be a parody, right? That couldn’t possibly be a real…
Monday, January 28
Prophecy scholar John Hogue will discuss what the future has in store, including the economy, elections, climate change and terrorism.
Oh, come on. This is The Onion, right? Nobody in their right mind…
Wednesday, January 30
Scientific truth seeker Jim Elvidge will discuss evidence for a programmed reality of the universe & other dimensions.
All right, that’s it. I’m calling bullshit on this.
Can someone tell me why the right is so invested in global warming denial?
I am really at pains to be able to figure it out. Is it because they have an antipathy to Al Gore, so whatever he says they oppose?
Or is it some kind of weird Human Dominion thing?
All of the above plus they think it’s going to be expensive to solve, or at least going to cost the folks who are currently rolling in it and who therefore have an interest in refusing to change how they do things or admit there’s any need to change.
It’s seen as a Trojan horse for global government, the ruse The Left will use to subordinate the U.S. to the U.N.
J— said,
January 27, 2008 at 0:17
Your Liberal Fascism Blog Update, or Heat Not Light From Either End:
Megan McArdle & Liberal Fascism
When dipshits collide.
Hmm. I wonder what Pat makes of the X-Files interpretation of the fact that the Mayan calendar ends on Dec. 23, 2012? Mulder said it meant that aliens were going to invade and colonize earth on Dec. 22, 2012. Then we wouldn’t be bothered with worrying about global warning or calendars, because we’d all be dead or acting as short-lived incubators for hybrid aliens.
I wonder what it means that Dec. 23 is my wedding anniversary? Something, I’m sure. But thankfully nothing to do with Pat Boone.
“Can someone tell me why the right is so invested in global warming denial?”
This is one of the many things that completely baffle me about the right. I don’t see how this is in any way a partisan thing. Especially considering that there are heaping huge piles of cash that could be made by industry propelled by attempting to find a solution or at least a mitigation.
Their hatred of all things Clinton is equally mystifying to me. The funny thing is that when you ask them to explain, they start babbling bizarre nonsense.
I’ve long ago stopped trying to make any sense out of the right. I think there is none to be had there. They are, simply, insane.
12 November, 2001
“In short, as science becomes more advanced it seems that the one thing is clear: While ice caps may be growing, and coral reefs are remaining resilient, the one thing that is dwindling for sure is the case for global warming.”
Source: Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Website 5/03
Just the facts, m’am. That’s all I’m looking for, the facts.
My theory? Global warming is caused by piles of records by good black artists burned in the fifties by soulless white suburbanites, now that they had Pat Boone to get the only version of “Tutti Frutti” they needed.
Why the ‘denial’ is a good question.
My opinion it comes in 3 flavors:
1. Threatens the primacy of God.
2. The guy who saves millions of dollars by secretly dumping his toxic waste into the sewers is a hero not a villain. (This also explains the “Hollywood hates Conservatives” squeal.)
3. The vengefully stupidity.
Because it provides another much needed enemy who will do something to the poor fRighties unless they vigorously whine about it 24/7.
The tarrists want to cut their heads off and make them worship Mecca. The secular humanist atheist want to burn their Bibles. The feminists will cut off their balls, the gays will grab their balls, the brown people will take their jobs and the environmentalists will take away their light bulbs.
Your average fRighty has made a fetish of paranoia: The patient derives orgasmic satisfaction from believing he’s important enough to be persecuted.
Can someone tell me why the right is so invested in global warming denial?
Good question. I spend my life doing conservation work. Basically, it’s the same impulse as hating black people.
Also, remember that today’s Republicans are basically a Funhouse mirror of projection at the Skowhegan Fair. Guys hating gays being just one example. White guys hating black guys for being ‘sexually adept and ready’ … etc. The list goes on. In the case of global warming and pollution in general, the projection is they want a free lunch — the right to spend and waste without consequence or backlash. Basically they are a mix of Calvinist and Cavalier that cannot make it to the bathroom and doesn’t know if it needs to shit or puke.
Regarding global warming denial and the right in general:
Check out “The Authoritarians.”
It’s available online.
Short answer: There is no understanding them except as sufferers of a mental disorder.
The rains descend on Southern California.
Stay dry, all.
Sigh. On Channel 7 they have a reporter in Malibu showing us footage of raindrops falling into a puddle.
They have another reporter, live, from Studio City, wearing raingear with a hood, telling us how she’s getting wet. Get a fucking umbrella, idiot!
They’re interviewing employees of a pizzeria, who tell us, gravely, that with the rain and all, it’s tough to send their delivery people out on the roads.And – surprisingly – when it rains on a Saturday night, people seem to want to order pizza! Who knew?
Top Story in Los Angeles – It’s Raining!!!!!!!!!
Interestingly, I was reading a RedState liveblog of the Repub. debate when a question about global warming was asked and the debate turned to carbon trading. The Neanderthals at RedState pretty much accepted it and only discussed whose response was less “free market” than the others. In other words, the Global Warming disbeliever wing of the Republican party is vastly overstated and overestimated. Most Republicans basically accept it, to the extent that they think about it, but would wish it did not have to be aggressively dealt with. Hey, neither do I. But it does.
I know this thread’s dead, but that diagnosis is perfect and I felt the need to say so.
Yeah, what is it about California anyway? In the decade or so I’ve been here, it rains — pours — about one day out of three during the winter. And every single year everyone is caught off guard by it. Water pools in the streets because there’s no storm sewers, or the storm sewers are only designed to handle mild humidity rather than a downpour. The drivers slow down to like 30 mph on the highway and still can’t control their cars and people complain incessantly about how OMG there’s so much rain.
The girl in that ad on Pat’s website is missing a mustache on her T-shirt. And as for Pat himself, we know that Larry Flynt has some classic pictures of Pat caught in the act that really cry out for more internet circulation.
Can you explain me what is Pat Boone.