The Devil In Miss Jon’
Marie, Marie, love of my life, fire of my loins, I haven’t heard from you lately. How’s tricks? Are you being a good little Christianist? I assume you — what the hell?:
If Huckabee just so happens to be your candidate, you might like to investigate where he stands before you give him your endorsement. The fact that he feels comfortable invoking the name of God should not give him a fast track to the White House either as President or Vice president. Under scrutiny, the man is no saint.
Above: Wishes Jesus would Huck off — or off-Huck
That’s what I get for assuming, Marie. And you know what they say about that: it makes a (fine, firm, clad in a People Political g-string) ass out of u and (a not so fine) me both. But what’s with the hating on Huck? Isn’t he a good Talibangelical? I demand an eksplanashun!
Michael Huckabee thinks so highly of himself, that no one ought be surprised when he sets up another gifts registry as he did when he was governor of Arkansas. He and the Mrs. will be more than happy to receive your gifts. It’s kind of their Clintonish tradition.
He’s corrupt and from Barfansas, so he’s automatically like the Klintons, huh? You can do better than that, Marie. Making a big deal over chickenfeed corruption like the wedding registry thing, the haughty-tawty reference to Arkansas — if it weren’t for the Clinton reference I’d say you sound like a liberal elitist!
While governor of Arkansas, Huckabee used his office to exchange paid state positions for gifts. It leaves one to question why all of his past documents were destroyed. As it turns out, Huckabee had ethics troubles.
Oh come off it, Marie. What’s this sudden concern with Good Government? Bush’s whole ‘faith-based’ program was an exercise in graft, a means to wed corrupt politicians with corrupt evangelists; and I don’t remember you ever being upset about that. What’s your real agenda here?
There are those who are willingly giving this presidential candidate their blind allegiance because he is a Christian who holds up the big letter E (for “Evangelical”). Political pundits compare Huckabee with another southern Baptist liberal minister, Jimmy Carter — the worst president America ever had to endure. Somehow this particular pastor wandered into the GOP camp. When it came to foreign policy, President Carter was spineless and totally incompetent. Is Huckabee cut from the same cloth?
Whoa. Okay, so you’re saying Huckabee’s a stealth Liberal? Because you fear he will not follow Jesus’ famous injunction to kill thy neighbor?
Are Evangelicals ready to sacrifice conservatism because Huckabee is correct on certain social issues but dead wrong, or even derelict, on other issues such as defense? He lacks the wisdom needed to fight the War on Terror. If you want liberal foreign policy, he’s your man.
So on the plus side Huck hates teh homos and would ban abortion, but on the minus side he might not bomb the shit out of Muslims. What a dilemma!
Unfortunately, there seem to be too many Evangelical voters who are swayed by pastors — who need to stay out of the business of tickling the ears of their congregation. Ministers are there to feed their lambs, not tell people how they should cast their votes. Some Evangelical churches are becoming more like the religious left who attend churches where they are besieged with sermons intermingled with politics.
ZOMG!!!! Ok, my mind is now officially blown. Marie’s fear and loathing of Huckabee is so strong that she’s beginning to sound Liberal!! It’s time to party, people, because Satan has finally possessed Marie and converted her to Liberalism! Cats and dogs, living together; it’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel awesome! All that remains is Marie experimenting with drugs and bisexuality and my fantasies will have all come true!
I want to read more!
Like a Democrat, Huckabee wants to raise your taxes. Also, he will give us Babylon for foreign policy. As he rides the media wave, he feels right at home appearing on every evening venue. Progressives, such as comedian host David Letterman, view him as a laugh and a half, and probably think he is a slick flim-flam orator.
If you want a Democrat, vote for one. Why bother with an imitation? The Democrat Party embraces all the social moral issues that Evangelicals refute.
Huckabee is not a true conservative; he stands for big government along with all the trappings of a nanny state. The smiling preacher is nothing more than a tax-and-big-spender.
Shit. Just when she gets my hopes up, it all comes crashing down. Her problem with the Huckster, then, is two-fold. He won’t slaughter enough Muslims, and he actually believes in that Jesus stuff when it comes to helping the poor.
It is astounding that Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project, endorsed Huckabee to manage and correct the problems of our southern border, a man who is in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens.
And the Huckster has even fooled the full-time haters of Mexicans!
Listen to Hillary Clinton who has just now “found her voice.” At least progressives are honest when it comes to telling us what they want for America. Liberals will only be content when they live in the world envisioned by socialist billionaire George Soros. They are hell-bent on changing the United States into another Sweden.
By giving presidential candidate Huckabee your vote, you’ll be joining those who find it convenient to blame America first. His words sound just like any other liberal suffering from Bush derangement syndrome. He did not blink an eye as he bashed President Bush. His remarks were out of line, insulting as well as disrespectful.
This is the worst of Huck’s Sinns, isn’t it Marie? He’s blasphemed the One True Jesus Bush, so he might as well be a Liebruhl, huh?
Want some good advice? Stop voting for those who come in sheep’s clothing bearing the name conservative and Christian. Do your homework before giving them your personal endorsement. Mike Huckabee was caught lying about the reason he raised taxes when he was governor. What else does he fib about?
Do not to stay at home come Election Day. Vote for the candidate that the Republican Party chooses. If you were to meet Michael Huckabee, you would find him attractive, engaging and persuasive — but the same might be said about Barack Obama. Please pay attention and you’ll not be misguided. Use your own discernment in the voting booth, not that of your church affiliation.
To be serious for once, this is the worst post you’ve ever done, Marie. Christianity has its good and bad points, but I have some respect for people who try to be consistent and live within its teachings. What you are doing, however, I can’t respect: you’re joining with the Wingnut Establishment — a group so demented that even an atheistic socialist like me is compelled to call it truly Satanic — which cynically exploits Christian beliefs with the aim of amplifying its destructive aspects while ignoring or contradicting its positive ones. I’m disappointed. Shame on you. I would weep but your post is so bad that I now realize…
Liberals want to make US like Sweden?
What mind of hell spawned image that is? Imagine US with polite citizen, beautiful women, prosperous and stable society, low(ish) taxes, good (free) healthcare, respected leaders and a reputation of respect internationally?
(and to be accurate model, loads of drunken Finns in the capital.)
Is there no shame for this liberal treason? How can theyplan to ruin the country like that, when the current model of ruining the country is so much more effective?
Oh, LD, that sort of thing is a wingnut tradition. See here.
Oh Dear,we can’t become anything like SWEDEN!!! I can’t imagine anything more horrifying.
Seriously,what is she smoking? So I can avoid it entirely. Ick.
the Wingnut Establishment — a group so demented that even an atheistic liberal like me is compelled to call it truly Satanic — which cynically exploits Christian beliefs with the aim of amplifying its destructive aspects while ignoring or contradicting its positive ones.
Yeah, it’s been truly astounding to see how many Kool-Aid slurpers have turned on Huck with the viciousness they usually reserve for Clinton or whichever ethnic group they’ve been dog-whistled into hating this week (Arabs, Illegal Meskins, uppity blacks who demand FEMA do its job, etc.). It really does seem to chafe them somewhere real deep down that Huck actually takes the New Testament seriously (at least in some places) when it comes to the admonitions about greed, avarice, cruelty to the downtrodden, etc. Y’know, all those things that the winguttia ignore in their rush to pick&choose the bits from the Old Testament that justify their xenophobia & irrational hatred.
As much as Huckabee freaks me out with his read-between-the-lines desire to turn the clock back to the 1600s, at least the man believes in something. He’s not a sociopath … which, it would seem, is the real problem wingnuts have with him. He actually believes in something other than wielding the knout on the backs of the middle & working class. I’d wonder if the desire to be abused and dominated that so clearly forms the psychological underpinnings of wingnut political philosophy was at work here – but I’m afraid that bringing up those kind of images in connection with Ms. Jon might get you so hot&bothered that you wouldn’t be able to type coherenly for a couple of days.
Here’s a question, though: does Marie back Romney? He’s the one guy left standing that seems to have the requisite lack of sanity coupled with the angry nihilism that the wingnuts seem to crave. Behind that plastic mask (and BTW – didja catch Taibbi on the Maher show a coupla weeks back, basically saying that Romney seen up close has no pores, that is face is basically a Ken doll?) lurks something that slithers and hisses in the dark. Romney believes in power for power’s sake alone; he has no agenda other than getting into the Big High Chair so he can smite those who cross him.
Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah.
Neocons hate the hick apocalytians.
After the hicks found out that TurdBlossom thought of them for what they were: dumb hicks.
“Want some good advice? Stop voting for those who come in sheep’s clothing bearing the name conservative and Christian.”
Ya finally said something intelligent, Jon’. To bad it’s for all the wrong reasons.
“Stop voting for those who come in sheep’s clothing bearing the name conservative and Christian”
Hell, that’s what they have been doing for sixteen years – why stop now?
Huck is blowing their cover, big-time. Quite delightful to watch.
Liberals will only be content when they live in the world envisioned by socialist billionaire George Soros.
“Socialist billionaire”? Time to update my business card.
George Soros want to makes the US like Sweden? I may have to postpone my plans to emigrate. Minnesota is pretty much like Little Sweden anyway.
“…the words of conservative candidate Fred Thompson, who, finally, with fire in the belly,…” That has to be the only time in history “fire” and “Fred Thompson” are in the same essay.
Sweet Jesus, she’s hot. That’s about as far as I got with the post.
So this is the 2nd time in as many weeks that you guys have found someone willing to call Jimmy Carter “the worst President in American history”. Is this a common right wing view now? It’s just so strange. You would think they’d pick a more formidable boogey man, like Wilson, or FDR, or, well, you know… him. But Carter? That’s like saying Gerald Ford was worse than Hitler.
Got any HOT pics of this girl?
OMG you’re so right. If the US becomes Swedish, why… we might wind up like this!
Stop voting for those who come in sheep’s clothing bearing the name conservative and Christian.
Take that, all you Vitters!
Stop voting for those who come in sheep’s clothing bearing the name conservative and Christian.
So what do you suggest, Marie? That we peel off that “sheep’s clothing” so we can check their conservative and Christian “credentials”?
You first
What is the Christianist’s antipathy for Huck all about? Is it just that he doesn’t hate Mexicans enough?
And, oh, I enjoyed this: Also, he will give us Babylon for foreign policy.
Bablyon, imagine that! How dreadful if our foreign policy would have anything to compare with the mythological confusion and decadence and failure that was Bablyon…..hmm, where was Bablyon, anyway?
I see that I can’t spell Babylon properly this early in the morning.
I think her real problem with Huckabee is the fact that he plays bass. Marie definitely looks like more of a lead-singer groupie.
There was a flurry of letters to the editor in the LA times this weekend about a column that posed the theory that Huck would be a bad president because he’s a bass player.
They want someone for president who will pretend to be Christian but hate the real Christian message, and advocate perpetual war, elimination of enemies, real or imagined, economic policies that serve the corporate state, and someone with fire in his belly that’ll whip up the little folk.
I have the perfect guy for them. The fact that he is, like Thompson, thoroughly dead will make no difference.
The fact is, Huckabee would actually be a socialist and he would be like a left-wing preacher in a liberal church, like liberaltion theology nutbars who promoted communism in Central America. He would do the same thing and loose the war on terror and not stop immigration.
The Babylonian empire was mostly in present day Iraq. I think some parts were in Iran and Syria. From this, I can only conclude that Bush gave us a “Babylon policy”.
HTML, did you see this?
I dunno… sounds like a violent threat to me. You know, the fact is that under the infinite wisdom of Our Lord and Saviour, George W. Bush, the Patriot Act allows uppity people like that to land a cozy spot on the No Flight List, and maybe even have their communications tapped.
Ask your attorney how!
A study by two nonprofit journalism organizations found that President Bush and top administration officials issued hundreds of false statements about the national security threat from Iraq in the two years following the 2001 terrorist attacks.
It’s almost like they already wanted to go to war beforehand.
You mean bring the gift of Freedom™ to the Iraqi people, Cangrejero?
OK, what the hell is “Babylon for foreign policy”? In the Bible Babylon was a monstrous band of imperialists bent on smashing Judah, exiling its leadership, forcing its people to follow the Babylonian state religion, and tossing anyone who protested in firey furnances or lions’ dens (also the “Mother of Whores” in Revelations because of the long-standing connection in Judaism of calling idol worshippers “whores”). Isn’t a Babylonian foreign policy the neocon foreign policy, or at least Ann Coulter’s?
What you are doing, however, I can’t respect: you’re joining with the Wingnut Establishment — a group so demented that even an atheistic socialist like me is compelled to call it truly Satanic — which cynically exploits Christian beliefs with the aim of amplifying its destructive aspects while ignoring or contradicting its positive ones. I’m disappointed. Shame on you.
Thank you, HTML, for making this distinction.
Often is the time I have to mumble that I identify as a Christian and a liberal.
It’s tough enough when I have to mumble “liberal” around church-goers, but to have to mumble “Christian” around liberals makes me ill.
Liberal Christians were the backbone of the civil rights movement. Liberal Christians were the backbone of the anti-war movement. And Liberal Christians still have a seat at the table. Why else would both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton go out of their way to seek endorsements of churches?
The type of Christianity that the Religious Right espouses, called “dispensationalism” is not my Jesus. Or Sky Fairy. Or Ceiling Cat. Or plate of Flying Spaghetti.
You mean bring the gift of Freedom™ to the Iraqi people, Cangrejero?
Err, ahh, of course! What that article doesn’t mention is the overwhelming desire that the Iraqi people had for Freedom™!
To be fair, the American people had no idea how cool toppling statues would be until they saw it happen on TV. The Bush administration had to act as it did.
And Liberal Christians still have a seat at the table.
Of course they do! Everyone has a seat at the table as long as they realize that when your religion conflicts with the law of the land, the law of the land wins in our political discourse. Liberal Christians seem to get this, it’s teh Ghey-hating evangelicals who don’t seem to understand this.
loose the war on terror
Gary, you’d better get your tight little ass over to Iraq right away just to make sure we don’t loose the war on terror.
…those who come in sheep’s clothing…
What is that, like using a wool sock to clean up?
Sweeden, bollocks, I want to turn the UN into Norway.
Or is it a Furry thing?
So, I was wondering. When is Amy Sullivan going to start writing handwringing articles saying that Republicans have give more respect to religious candidates and voters?
Incidentally, has MJ been taking lessons? Apart from that “Do not to stay at home come Election Day” bit, her spelling and grammar is suspiciously not appalling.
Wait a minute! I know what she’d doing! After reading her drivel, now I want to vote for Huckabee!
Or plate of Flying Spaghetti.
Ah, a ‘plate’ heretic are you?
There is a reason why HE is called “Flying” boyo!
Incidentally, has MJ been taking lessons? Apart from that “Do not to stay at home come Election Day” bit, her spelling and grammar is suspiciously not appalling.
I thought the same thing, GY. It’s just not as fun without all the superfluous punctuation and misplaced modifiers. Methinks Marie has gotten herself an editor.
I have to admit, though, that I’d listen to her idiocies all night is there were even a small chance of… Well, you get the picture.
Davis said,
January 23, 2008 at 18:31
I have to admit, though, that I’d listen to her idiocies all night is there were even a small chance of… Well, you get the picture.
Sorry, man, I’d chew my arm off to get away from her if I was chained to her bed, if she was going to spew like this.
owlbear1 said,
January 23, 2008 at 17:43
Or plate of Flying Spaghetti.
Ah, a ‘plate’ heretic are you?
I’m sorry, if that’s not a plate, then that’s a fucking dish, and you Noplatists better see God and get “perfected”, capisci?
i call bullshit on “liberal christian churches”.
look, it’s just as much of a bullshit fallacy to claim jesus for “our” side as it is for them to claim jesus for “their” side. since it’s all made up, who cares? liberalism comes first, progressivism comes first, not your latter-day interpretation of a book that contains the “wisdom” of some guys who lived around 100-300 BCE and had agendas of their own.
but Paul was really a liberal!
Jesus was really a socialist!!!
blah blah fucking blah. no they weren’t. they are apparently empty vessels for every tom dick and harry to fill with our “confirmation biases”. what a non-surprise. religion has no politics, and while some in the civil rights movement were religious, some were not, and god didn’t seem to give a shit.
I think Mike and Marie would make a lovely couple: Huckabee and Apostrophe!
Anyone know what the young lady’s real name might be?
You now realise that this video is no longer available?
Wow, that trollop has a set of DSLs to die for.
I think more than half of all Americans would like to have a Sweedish lifestyle, if they only knew about it!
I could not find a link to an actual rock band called “socialist billionaire” . . . but I did find a band called Oxymoron.
Nahh, i’d just do a lot of acid beforehand, make the foolish rantings entertaining and the whole experience that much more surreal.
That’s fun. In the same article where she harps on Huck for wanting to enlargen the Federal government, she also attacks him for dissing Bush, who’s legacy shall the monstrous inflation of the Federal government to neigh unprecedented levels.
That’s some might fine brainwashing there, Lou.
C’mon fascists, go make John McCain limericks at
The John McCain Straight Talk Express
Left the bathhouse a terrible mess
McCain on the floor
Was moaning “No more!”
But we all know McCain’s no means yes.
but Paul was really a liberal!
Jesus was really a socialist!!!
This would be Jonah’s second book.
Like a David Brock kind of thing?
Nahh, i’d just do a lot of acid beforehand, make the foolish rantings entertaining and the whole experience that much more surreal.
They don’t make tabs that big.
Tax and spend. . .
Blame America first. . .
Bush derangement syndrome. . .
Did she use a checklist when she wrote that tripe? Jesus.
“Sweet Jesus, she’s hot.”
…and dumber than a bag of hammers…
Wow! I look into her eyes and just know that if she hadn’t found her “muse” she’d have become a serial killler.
But then, I often feel the same looking at Garth Brooks’ eyes. David Brooks, too.
Say, maybe her real name is something like Clytemnestra Brooks?
actor212: you can eat more than one at a time, you know.
If that’s really Marie in the photo, could you describer her as “Huckable”? Or a MILH (Marie I’d like to Huck)?
Seriously, her knowledge of theology is equivalent to Miss South Carolina’s knowledge of cartography.
…or Chlamydia Brooks
I’ll take Sweden.
o/~ Chlamydia, ‘mydia, darling Chlamydia,
Chlamydia the taboo lady…o/~
She has eyes that folks adore so…
Christianity’s a bitch, ain’t Marie. How many times have you argued that the First Amendment doesn’t contain the phrase “seperation of church and state?” How many times have you argued that Christians make up the majority of the US, that the country was founded on Christian principles? How many times have you argued that Christians could only vote Republican or be morally wrong? (or at least tried to argue in your own cute grammar and syntax deficient way) As soon as someone comes along that can point out that Jesus really only taught that Christians had two obligations, proclaim the gospel and help the poor, your whole political ideology is threatened. Jesus didn’t teach that the greatest among us were the leaders or soldiers fighting for American glory. No, it’s the poor people dressed in horrible Wal-Mart clothes doing all of our shit work for us. Stop me if I’m wrong, but it seems your karma just ate your dogma. Whatever it is that you think is “conservatism” just beat out Christianity.I don’t know why I’m talking to Marie here, it just seems more fun this way.
Jonah misquotes his own line: WHITE MALE you ass.
I went to read that.
I need a shower.
You know, the more I read of Fudgie’s weak-kneed defense of his book (“Ohshit…they’re taking me seriously!”), the more his blatant anti-Semitism boils out.
He speaks of “The Jew” as if it was some concept removed from him. Now I know he’s not jewish (his father was, but Judaism runs down the maternal side, and I don’t think shellfish is ever jewish), but he should perhaps respect his colleagues in PNAC a little more.
wtf, doughbob?
I don’t argue anywhere that liberals want to put the Pale Penis People in Prison.
The Pale Penis is the play doh and bacon of Liberal Fascism
It’s times like this when I’m really really really glad to be queer. The thought that I’d get bonerrific over some twat-brained swamp scum christian supremacist is really…just icky! Pheh.
The fact that there are no attractive male MJ counterparts (especially you) is proof of something or other. Indeed, it is my central point.
She can’t be the author of that screed. This has to be some alien in a she suit. Like a nightmare from MIB. All wingut bloggers must look like Fats or Althouse.
that chick puts the “hot” in “apostrophe.”
And let’s see if I remember my history classes. The main bad things done to the Jews by real fascism, as I recall, were being dispossessed of their belongings, rounded up into ghettos, sent to prisons and work camps, and exterminated in ovens, by firing squads, by starvation and by disease.
Um, then what are you arguing, Jonah? That the bad thing about the Nazis was that they criticized the Jews for perpetuating social and financial inequality? That the Nazis were zealous haters of freedom because Jewish authors were criticized and ridiculed for writing drivel?
Speak in plain language, Jonah, and then maybe people won’t “misunderstand” you so frequently.
And, by the way, Jonah, when are you going to appear on the same stage with George Carlin so he can tear you yet another asshole, for the way in which you have mangled his quote about fascism?
Shorter Marie Jon’:
The time has come for Evangelicals who support Huckabee to make a choice. It’s either Jesus or the GOP. No more dirtying up our wonderful conservatism with your nasty religion.
Liberal Christians were the backbone of the civil rights movement.
I’d humbly recommend MLK’s Letter From A Birmingham Jail and a quick screening of the documentary A Time For Burning before getting too far out there on that “backbone” claim. Both underscore the reality that “liberal” white Christian churches generally served as impediments to the movement by agreeing in principle but rejecting and denouncing anything that disrupted the status quo. It seems every age has its Sensible Liberals™.
Which one is nuttier, Jonah or Jon’?
Jonah: [paraphrase] Nazis killed Jews, liberals criticize white males, therfore liberals are Nazis.
Jon’: “Also, he will give us Babylon for foreign policy”
Hmmm, both heavy with unintentional Irony. But Jonah gets 1/2 point for attempting to use logic.
Jonah: “Fascism is bad in all the ways socialism can be bad. Why? Because fascism is a kind of socialism.”
Jon’: “Liberals will only be content when they live in the world envisioned by socialist billionaire George Soros.”
Both convoluted and wrong, wrong, wrong. Call it a tie.
Jonah: “The National Socialist “campaign against tobacco and the ‘whole-grain bread operation’ are, in some sense, as fascist as the yellow stars and the death camps.” [It is not clear who much of this sentence is quoting, thanks to the mad editing skillz of the website’s owner.]
Contest is over. Jonah is truely the stupidest git on the planet.
HTML Mencken said,
January 23, 2008 at 12:22
Oh, LD, that sort of thing is a wingnut tradition. See here.
Wow, Hitchens sounds like he actually knows what he’s talking about in that excerpt. What the hell happened to him (I know, 9eleven changed everything, blah blah blah…)?
I especially liked this part:
Further insults were directed at Stockholm because of tis opinion about a nuclear-free Europe, and because of its scepticism about the great American anti-‘terrorist’ crusade. You might think a country that had lost Bernadotte, Hammarskjold, Palme and now Carlsson to violent death would require no lectures on how the world is a dangerous place, least of all from the forces who have done so much to make it so.
But then the Islamofascists declared war on Civilization and out went any “scepticism” he had about anything to do with the fucking neocon assholes who told Bushie what to do and when to do it.
The truth is, there is no such thing as a liberal Christian. Anyone who is a liberal and claims to be a Christian is a liar. Jesus was a reactionary, he wanted to return to the purity of the law, not the legalistic law esposed by the liberal pharisees. Read the Bible my liberal friends you might learn something.
So this is the 2nd time in as many weeks that you guys have found someone willing to call Jimmy Carter “the worst President in American history”. Is this a common right wing view now?
Usually they call him History’s Greatest Monster, so I guess this is somewhat of a scale-back of the rhetoric.
And yes, Jimmy Carter was worse than Hitler, Mussolini and Hillary Clinton combined.
The truth is, there is no such thing as a Bastion Booger. And the fact is, there is no such thing as a Gary Ruppert. And shalom, gentlemen, but there is no such thing as a Saul. There is, however, some dumb schmuck in his mom’s basement with too much time on his hands and too little to add to the discourse.
Idle hands are the devil’s playground.
Jesus was a reactionary
Yea, that’s why the conservatives nailed him to a tree so he’d hug it.
Of course there’s no such thing as a Bastion Booger. It’s just something parents make up to scare us into being good. Personally, I was always told “Eat your vegetables, or a pathetic douchewaffle who thinks starting sentences with ‘the truth is’ makes him less so will get you.” (These were, of course, my gay homosexual Darwin-humping abortionist parents; they said this in one of the rare times they weren’t fucking in front of me and forcing me to approve.)
Liberal Christians were the backbone of the civil rights movement.
I’d humbly recommend MLK’s Letter From A Birmingham Jail…before getting too far out there on that “backbone” claim.
Um, that’s DOCTOR Martin Luther King, Jr.
You know the REVEREND Dr MLK, Jr?
A Liberal Christian?
Lucianne was Jewish, but converted to Episcopalian.
I also wonder about the hidden anti-Semitism thing with him… and I also wonder about his father. Was he ever involved in politics in any way? I’m beginning to think that pop had liberal leanings, and Lucianne and Jonah didn’t like this. Jonah’s subtle anti-Semitism is most likely a lashing out at his late father.
Peter picked a peck of pickled pale penis people peppers in prison…
…now say that five times fast!
I personally don’t think this crazy woman is all that hot. Redd Fox said it, beauty may be skin deep but ugly goes clear to the bone, and this is one ugly excuse for a human being.
I doubt it. Sid was a contributor to the NRO
He died in 2005.
Oh well. There goes that theory.
I’d humbly recommend MLK’s Letter From A Birmingham Jail…before getting too far out there on that “backbone” claim.
Um, that’s DOCTOR Martin Luther King, Jr.
You know the REVEREND Dr MLK, Jr?
A Liberal Christian?
Name five more. Hell, name just one more. Name one white one. Name a white male that was involved in the Civil Rights movement that wasn’t a atheist Jewish yankee. Without Googling. Now, you might could, I don’t know, but I bet you most folks, Christian or not, couldn’t.
That’s kingubu’s point, I think. For every Dr. King, there were hundreds if not thousands of good Christian Americans who either actively participated in the social inequities of the time or they just flat sat on their hands while kids were getting blasted with waterhoses. I’m old enough to remember hearing sermons on how the ’60s in general and the Civil Rights movement in particular ruined things for “real Americans”. Most Christians were like most white Americans, either actively rooting for George Wallace or too chickenshit to actually try to shake things up. The churches were a focal point for organization because the white power structure would basically blow up any other place where those uppity negros gathered. The Klan considered itself a good Christian organization and, best I can tell, still does.
Dr. King was the exception and not the rule. There’s plenty of Christians who are good, big-hearted human beings, but that’s because they’re good, big-hearted human beings that happen to be Christian.
Jesus was a reactionary, he wanted to return to the purity of the law, not the legalistic law esposed by the liberal pharisees.
Let me guess. The “pure” law allows George Bush to illegally wiretap phones and torture prisoners, even if the “legalistic law” expressly forbids it.
Read the Bible my liberal friends you might learn something.
Cover to cover, many times. Jesus would horsewhip you if he saw what you do in his name.
Name a white male that was involved in the Civil Rights movement that wasn’t a atheist Jewish yankee.
Umm, George Romney.
Marched (really!) early and often for Civil Rights way before the Mormon Church said, “Oh fucking hell! oKAY, then! Blacks can be Mormons, too! Are you satisfied now!” As a moderate Republican (even for his times), he was a pretty decent and honest guy and his politics were such that he’d be considered a Liberal Fascist these days.
Apparently all the Mittenmeister inherited from Dad is the hair, the jawline and the uncanny ability to utter something stoopid at precisely the wrong moment. At least in Dad’s case, it was usually honest and well-intentioned.
I have read the bible. The whole thing.
I know a lot of people who need to read the bible with open minds, without people from the church hierarchy telling them what they want it to mean.
YOU might learn something, my brain-washed, conservative “Christian” friend.
All that remains is Marie experimenting with drugs and bisexuality and my fantasies will have all come true!
I have somewhat higher standards.
If she did this + starred in the remake of this post’s movie title, then my fantasies will have been slaked!
Jim Gilchrist has NO SUPPORTERS, and has NO OTHER MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS for his own new sham “PROJECT”.
Jim Gilchrist did the Huckabee endorsement for his own glory. Huckabee was fooled by the Jim Gilchrist Fraud, all other candidates knew to stay away from the criminal fraud of Jim Gilchrist. Huckabee Clueless on immigration was the only one who responded to Jim Gilchrist pleas for himself to work with a Presidential Candidate because all the others knew that Jim Gilchrist is headed to jail for criminal fraud.
Jim Gilchrist is being sued for Fraud and embezzlement by the Minuteman Project Board of Directors.
See the Orange County Court System listing.
Case No. Case Title Case Type Filing Date Category
Type Assoc Start Date End Date
MAILLY LAW GROUP ATTORNEY 07/20/2007 07/20/2007
Bueler? BueLER!!??
Because, y’know, someone HAD to.
Carter wasn’t a minister. Nuclear submarine officer, peanut farmer, state senator, governor, president, author, humanitarian, carpenter – but not a minister.
Meanjink, he was a Sunday School teacher, hell he may still be for all I know. But no, not a preacher.
Gawd that girl is dumber than fermented mung bean paste.
I especially liked her bit of, don’t vote for the Christian wolf, vote for who the party decides you should vote for. I’m paraphrasing, but it was that bad. Methinks she has some serious daddy issues.
Name five more. Hell, name just one more. Name one white one. Name a white male that was involved in the Civil Rights movement that wasn’t a atheist Jewish yankee. Without Googling. Now, you might could, I don’t know, but I bet you most folks, Christian or not, couldn’t.
Uh, Billy Graham (Supported, anyway, and spoke out for equality). On the black side, the Southern Christian Leadership Council. Let’s face it, a whole lot of the black people involved in the Civil Rights Movement were ministers, and I’d say the majority of African Americans involved were Christian. Most of the meetings during the Montgomery Bus strike took place at King’s church, and subsequent strategies were planned and carried out from churches across the south. And there were some white ministers who actively participated, though their names escape me now. Read Taylor Branch’s trilogy for a good narrative of the movement and King’s life.
PS: I’m an atheist and it pisses me off that jeebus had so much to do with this.
When it came to foreign policy, President Carter was spineless and totally incompetent.
Which of course explains how he was able to make peace between Israel and Egypt (the Camp David accords). In Marie’s world, peacemaking is sneered at by the spiny and effective. Or maybe that’s the spiny echidnas. Whatever.
What can one say when Matt T. says,
“The churches were a focal point for organization because the white power structure would basically blow up any other place where those uppity negros gathered”?
I guess one could say: Before you further enlighten us on the truth of the civil rights movement, you might do a little research into the immunity of churches from being bombed by people who didn’t like uppity negros, including, of course, young girls with the audacity to go to church on Sunday.
Oh, and: In case, as I suspect, the research will be too difficult for you,
Brilliant work, your theories. Were you separated at birth from Jonah Goldberg?
You know the REVEREND Dr MLK, Jr?
A Liberal Christian?
Certainly Dr. King was a Christian, as were the other members of the SCLC.
My point was to recommend a couple of sources from within the Civil Rights movement that show that the role of liberal Christians was much more nuanced than “liberal Christians good, bigotted reactionary Christians bad”. That, often, white liberal Christians were a major impediment to the movement by rightly agreeing that Jim Crow apartheid was bad then excoriating MLK and others for disrupting the status quo, or by offering up great sermons about how segregation was evil then resisting the integration of their own churches.
I only bring it up because there seems to be a popular meme growing up within contemporary liberal Christianity that we liberal atheists, agnostics, and why-do-you-have-to-stick-a-name-on-itists better STFU because if it weren’t for liberal Christians we wouldn’t have had the Civil Rights movement when the reality was much more complicated.
Me? I go with (ZOMG ARCHBISHOP!!!!) Desmond Tutu: religion is like a knife: if you use it to cut bread its good; if you use it to cut off your brother’s arm its bad.
Porlock Junior,
That was pretty uncalled for. Seriously. You want to engage me, fine, but that’s a pretty low insult, especially in light of the drubbing Jonah’s pantload has been given here and around the liberal blogosphere. Why not go whole hog and compare me to David Duke?
And are you supposed to be defending the idea that Christians are somehow “better” in some way, with regards to the Civil Rights movement, by being such a fucking douchebag to compare someone to Jonah Goldberg? I’m just curious, is all. I mean, if you’re speaking for the Christian side, you might want to check your tactics, as it really doesn’t speak much for, well, anything.
Anyhow, to you “point”. Sure, some racist white cracker assholes blew up a church. Racist white cracker assholes are wont to do that, and plenty of cowardly assholes in and around the South just let them. Lots of the folks were Christians, too, ya know. Good Christians who went to church every Sunday. Thing is, they had other places they could congregate and discuss the ways of the world. Black folks didn’t have that. Oh, sure, legally they did, but all over the South, well, it was “just the way things had always been”. A lot of these good white Christian Americans still don’t think they did anything wrong by being silent as their brethren blew up little girls.
But, as I said, black folks in the pre-Civil Rights Era South couldn’t get together at the pool hall or the VFW. So they went to church. That’s the only place they had that they didn’t have to watch what they said. And, eventually, some rotten Klan assholes blew up a church. The funny part, the part you apparently don’t get, is that the Klan considers what it does “Christian”.
So, yeah, whatever you were trying to do, you failed miserably. kingubu’s point still stands, and you’ve really done nothing to counter the argument that American Christianity has just as many skeletons in its closet as it has angels on the cupboard when it comes to the Civil Rights movement. That’s how people are, see. Good people are good people, and they’ll be good people whether they believe in some deity or whether they don’t.
You can’t change that by being an asshole or by making specious arguments. So what was your point, anyway? Piss me off? Well, ya did, but I feel better now, so blah blah blah from now on.
All of this inside baseball is probably rip-roaringly funny, but I don’t know who or what the fuck you are talking about in 70% of your posts. Does this mean I don’t read enough of the wingnutosphere? Or is this a company web site where you rag on that bitch in the marketing department who plays computer solitaire all day while eating a box of Cheez-its? I don’t know what the fuck is up with this site. Who am I supposed to laugh at? Am I laughing now?
And why is there a giant black tadpole next to that chick’s head with the botox lips (the chick, not the tadpole)?
Your site feels like an annoying acid trip. If that was your goal, sucess, my friends.
Lurk more, jim.
Wow! She is awesome!
I did not see her for a long time, it she looks so much better without that turtleneck!
Would it be possible to organize beach volleyball competition for female right wing bloggers?
Your site feels like an annoying acid trip. If that was your goal, sucess, my friends.
There are certainly a lot of in-jokes, and in-jokes within in-jokes, ad inifinitum. We like this kind of thing. If you lurk around for a bit, I think you’ll start to understand and appreciate them too.
Where in my post did I denigrate atheists? I was addressing the Christian movements, right and left.
If a reverend like MLK, assisted by a reverend like Jesse Jackson and Ralph Abernathy, and to some degree, a preacher like Malcom X, isn’t the backbone of the civil rights movement, then I’m not too sure where you think the backbone lies (lays?).
I have nothing against atheists. I often accept the teachings of atheists because they help me think about my faith and learn about how God works. I do have a problem with dogmas on either side, the dogma of religion and the dogma of the atheistic.
I don’t beleive there is “one true way” either thru science or faith. I believe there is one way for each of us. Mine includes God. Yours does not.
I’m cool with that.
Name five more. Hell, name just one more.
Jesse Jackson.
What do I win?
And please tell me you remembered Jesse. Please. Because you know, I’d hate to accuse a fellow liberal of being doctrinnaire.
Name one white one. Name a white male that was involved in the Civil Rights movement that wasn’t a atheist Jewish yankee
William Sloane Coffin leaps to mind. Father Bill Ayres. Fuck Google.
But hey, what do I know? I’m just a fucking Chrisitan minister who actually lived in the Sixties….
Name one white one. Name a white male that was involved in the Civil Rights movement that wasn’t a atheist Jewish yankee
I dunno, RFK sort of comes to mind, just as one o them famous types, if Catholics count as Christians rather than atheist Jews, and Kennedys count as white males…
And please tell me you remembered Jesse. Please. Because you know, I’d hate to accuse a fellow liberal of being doctrinnaire.
I doubt I could stop you, frankly. You seem to be looking forward to doing just that thing, so why should I prevent something that’d obviously bring you a little joy? Knock yourself out, son, have a good time. Hell, go nuts and call me a racist or a right-winger. Don’t let my political affiliation hold you back or, you know, what I actually said.
And, yes, I remember Rev. Jackson and Rev. Sharpton, and hell, I remember some of the rest of them, though I’m not a Christian preacher who lived through the Sixties. However, I maintain that for all the Christians who were actively involved in making America live up to the promise that all were created equal, despite race, sex, creed or religion, just as many, if not more, were either sitting on their hands afraid to shake the boat or they were actively using Christianity to reinforce the idea that no one but the Whtie Man should have a fair shake in America. Do you deny this at all?
Look, I’ll say it again, but this is it. Christians had a very visible prescence in the Civil Rights movement mostly because the church was the only place African-American could gather, organize and gain respectability in the pre-Civil Rights era South. Most of your white Christians and liberals either didn’t do shit or, like kingubu said, played the “don’t be an uppity negro” card. Quite a few actively fought the Civil Rights movement. Why? Well, some man wiser than me said that getting someone to change to their mind when their prosperity hinges on them not is damn near impossible.
You know, this whole convorsation reminds me of the old saw that since Southern Democrats were, basically, responsible for the power structure that made the Civil Rights movement so neccessary – indeed, those same Democrats fought hard to keep the racist society in place – modern Democrats and liberals are the real racists. Not only is it a myopic view of history and reality and not only is it used as merely a cudgel to batter those who don’t agree, but it’s got fuck-all to do with the things going on today.
Many Christians may’ve marched proudly and fought for everyone’s rights back in the day and God bless ’em, but where are all those people now? Why is it the loudest Christian voices we hear are the ones full of the most hatred? And why do most liberal Christians seem spend more time complaining that liberal not-Christians don’t hold their religion in the holiest esteem instead of, you know, confronting those voices that convince not-Christians that all Christians, liberal or conservative, aren’t screaming assholes.
Answer me that, preacherman. Am I really your biggest problem or is it the Focus on the Family and Liberty University crowd?
Stop me if I’m wrong, but it seems your karma just ate your dogma.
Her dogma got hit by her karma.
I dunno, RFK sort of comes to mind,
But he was a yankee!
since Southern Democrats were, basically, responsible for the power structure that made the Civil Rights movement so neccessary – indeed, those same Democrats fought hard to keep the racist society in place – modern Democrats and liberals are the real racists.
Would it be unreasonable to make the assumption that a large number of southern Democrats were so because Lincoln was a Republican and thus never really embraced Democratic principles at all?
Where in my post did I denigrate atheists? I was addressing the Christian movements, right and left.
You didn’t and I never suggested that you did. I did, however, point out that many contemporary liberal Christians are engaging in a fair bit of revisionism by putting all Civil Rights-era liberal Christianity firmly in the MLK/SCLC camp. There was a large and vocal contingent of liberal Christians who, despite their opposition to segregation in the abstract, nevertheless served as an impediment to the movement by, for example, saying that MLK’s methods were too radical. Again. please read Dr. King’s Letter From A Birmingham Jail; I’m not saying anything that he himself didn’t say.
Let me give another example from a different issue that might better illuminate the point I’m after here: in 2003 there were a number of liberal columnists who expressed some doubt about the justification behind Bush’s intention to invade Iraq. However, at the same time they were expressing such doubts, they were also excoriating as “unserious”, “weak” and “radical” anyone who actually tried to do anything to stop the invasion. Around here we call those people Sensible Liberals™– people who support the liberal position, but whose commitment to the status quo, and willingness to throw their more pungent allies under the bus, makes them an impediment to real change.
So, if, in 2002, I said that Bush’s plan to invade Iraq was a bad idea but I then set about to call those who protested the war a bunch of dirty fucking hippies, what was my role, exactly? Should I now be able to point the my expressed doubts as a way to suggest that I was always against the war, or should I be judged for acting as a agent of the status quo for slapping down those wanted to do something more disruptive to stop the invasion before it started?
Similarly, how should we judge the role of many white liberal Christian churches during the Civil Rights era? Do we focus solely on their righteous condemnation of the Jim Crow apartheid system, or do we point to the role they played in enabling that system by saying that MLK’s methods were too disruptive and that he himself was a dangerous radical.
My point– indeed my only point throughout this discussion– has been that saying “liberal Christianity was the backbone of the Civil Rights movement” is an oversimplification that ignores the more ambiguous role that liberal churches played during that period. That’s all.
I’m cool with that.
Me too. What matters to me is a person’s commitment to human rights and I don’t really care what intellectual, emotional, or spiritual means you use to get there.
Would it be unreasonable to make the assumption that a large number of southern Democrats were so because Lincoln was a Republican and thus never really embraced Democratic principles at all?
Isn’t that basically the main stroke? Hell, I remember the old men in my community not wanting to vote for Regan for that very reason, and I know one old man who steadfastly refuses to vote Republican to this day, though he’s kind of loopy about the whole Neo-Confederate thing. ‘Course, “loopy Neo-Confederate” is redundent, innit. Anyhow, from the 1880s (Hayes’ compromise that ended Reconstruction) until the Southern Strategy, the Solid South’s Democratic stance had less to do with modern politics than them still being hacked off Lee surrendered. Doesn’t make sense, but racists are rarely logical about being a racist.
But, that’s why I brought it up. What some racist jackasses in Mississippi in 1930 were doing as Democrats qua Democrats has fuck all to do with anything the Democratic Party does in 2008. It’s merely a rhetorical trick designed to derail the debate into quibbling about what dead people did that you can’t change because, and let’s be honest here, if the user could argue his/her points on merit, s/he’d be doing that instead. I get the same vibe from this whole quarrell on how much credit self-identifying American Christians and/or American Christianity should get for the successes of the Civil Rights Movement whenever anyone gets shitty about modern American Christians and/or American Christianity and current progressive causes.
Some Christians and some not-Christians did good stuff 40 years ago while others did bad stuff. The good stuff is something to be proud of and the bad stuff maybe not so much. Great, hopefully everyone feels good about him or herself and his or her philosophical choices. Now, let’s worry about dealing with the stuff going on right now. That’s all.
Thank you Duros62, that is what the bumper sticker says and what I should have written. Thanks to the fact that I attend a Unitarian Church, walking through the parking lot means I never have to forget all the great liberal bumper stickers of my ’80’s college days. Vizualize Whirrled Peas and the like. Still until Ms. Jon’ managed to actually do it with her own insane ideas of religion and government I always thought it was just a half bad pun.
Say, what would the possesive of Jon’ be? “Jon”s” or if her family owned something would that be the “Jon’s’ something?”
She’s too hot to be that crazy, and that stupid.
We are not fooled by the Martian Manhunter’s unsubtle alias.
peacemaking is sneered at by the spiny and effective.
This is where someone gets to mention Spiny Norman.
So, how exactly did Mike Huckabee’s son David kill that dog, back in the day when he was a Boy Scout?
Huckabee’s Son Arrested With Gun at Little Rock Airport,2933,268762,00.html
[…] If you want sheer wingnut batshit insanity, you usually have to head over to Red State or Atlas Juggs. If you need more, Sadly, No! is an excellent way to keep up with such bright lights as John Derbyshire, Jonah Goldberg, and the World’s Hottest Wingnut – Marie Jon. […]
Huckabee’s son killed animals, so Huckabee shouldn’t be elected? Did Bush’s history of blowing up frogs with firecrackers keep you from voting for him twice?
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