Shorter Jonah Goldberg
Posted on January 20th, 2008 by Gavin M.
Cloudy Fortunes for Conservatism
- There they are! That’s them—the Running-Dog Liberals! They shot Cyrus!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
* Cf.
Can you dig it?!?
Real tough chick, ah?
Quick! I want to write “camel” again but I can’t because I’ve already used “camel” and they told me I shouldn’t say the same thing in the same sentence too often unless it’s either “liberal” or “fascist”.
Quick! Can some of my readers tell me another word for camel? Oh, that’s good! Hee hee hee hee.
I do agree that the Republican Party is much like a huge, dangerous animal which people should be very careful in investing with political power.
The last 7 years in which the right wing mobs screeched as the fermented-fruit crazed beast rampaged throughout the world, smashing and stomping on both locations (Iraq) and programs must somehow have once again escaped Goldbutt the Lesser’s attention.
However, the administration’s reactions to the screaming fire-headed warnings of terrorist planning pre-9/11, to Katrina, and to the sub-prime mortgage crisis clearly indicates that the Republicans are fully capable of “doing nothing” when “doing something” suggests “helping regular or brown people”.
The cozy world view of the cozy j goldberg in the cozy rooms of the cozy conservative sinecures provided by the cozy nepotists ….
Dromedary classes are suspended until further notice
Now play nice , cooperate and share my little humps for November we die
he he he
The man who got into college through affirmative action wants to eliminate any government help. The reich-wing welfare-sucking WATB thinks helping others is wrong. The man whose entire career has been designed and implimented by his Mommy says that the Mommy-state is bad.
How many more idiotic crayon scribbles must we endure because Lucianne smothered her baby Jonah?
Jonah Goldberg, Soviet- or mob-style turf marker.
The quest for a reincarnated St. Ronald is rather pathetic.
It’s because liberals stole all the fascism and racism. I guess Repubs will have no choice but to become progressive. But progressives are fascist and racist as well. Surely a tough time to be Republican.
Right–reforming the Republican party would be progressive. (And only freaky Huckabee voters want reform.) Real Republicans want someone like Fred, a true conservative, unlike all those other guys actually trying to get elected. (Fred thinks he’s auditioning for the role of president and doesn’t understand why they keep making him redo his audition tape.)
Therefore, conservatives want a real conservative like Fred, which they demonstrate by voting for McCain.
Jonah Goldberg is the hump of the Republican camel.
I think they really missed the opportunity Fred Thompson provided.
Fred Thompson should not have been recruited to run as “Fred Thompson”. Instead he should have been hired to play the role of Strong McManly, Authentic Southern Re-Incarnation of Ronald Reagan.
The Republican base would have flocked to him like geese on berries.
[updated pic, btw]
Exactly, El CId, although I would have named the character “Ronald Raygun.”
Conservatism, quite simply, is a mess these days. Conservative attitudes are changing. Or, more accurately, the attitudes of people who call themselves conservatives are changing.
Translation: People who have called themselves conservatives, won over by our appeals to bigotry, have finally figured out that we don’t give a shit about them unless they make tens of millions per year.
[updated pic, btw]
Good one. Caught in the act of false accusation.
Exactly!! And while Goldberg, D’Souza, et al., have been going berserk, alienating moderates, entire ethnic groups, and reasonable people of all descriptions from ‘conservatism,’ now he’s turning around and blaming them for the death of the dream.
This might in fact be the best metaphorical Shorter in the history of Shorters — except, alas, only a few people will really appreciate the reference…
That would be sacrilege to His name. The sacred name of “Ronald Reagan” may only be invoked to praise the name of the One True Profit, He Who Single-Handedly Defeated the Soviet Union and the Even More Dangerous Cadillac-Driving Welfare Queen Grenadian Sandinistan Mayan Guatemalan Mozambican Angolans.
Is the Jonah Goldberg Rule the one about how you can prove any argument if you’re allowed to define your own words? ‘Cause I keep catching nitwits at that and it obviously needs a good name.
I know it’s from the Warriors, but that image conjours one thought only:
Jonah Gooooolldbeeeeerggggg come out and plaaaaaAAAAYYYyyyyyy
On another note, is Dennis Miller now ghostwriting for Jonah?
His win in his home-state Michigan primary notwithstanding, Mitt Romney has been hacked apart like the Black Knight in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.” John McCain’s fortunes – which had been bouncing up and down like a printout of Dick Cheney’s EKG
The truth is, the Republican Party must be purged of all rinos just like the Great Ronaldus Maximus purged it of the hated Rockefeller “Republicans in the 1980s. Then once the rinos have effectively been purged the Republican party can go back to its Conservative roots and principles and rally the Grass Roots Conservatives, then once a True Leader in the Image and Authority of Ronald Reagan emerges will shall be led to victory and True Conservatives will once again dominate American Politics!
…He says unironically as the level of debt in the U.S. reaches staggering highs, and not because of any “entitlement” outside of “It’s my army and I’ll do what I want with it so *ppppbbbtttt* to you!
Reagan, of course, initiated the idea of deficit spending without care with his idiotic “supply-side” economic policies and turning the military into National Workfare. But that shall remain unmentioned. Shhh.
The chorus = Lucianne’s little pantyload’s brain.
But that is central to my point.
Reagan, of course, initiated the idea of deficit spending without care with his idiotic “supply-side” economic policies and turning the military into National Workfare. But that shall remain unmentioned. Shhh.
And let’s not even mention that St. Reagan, who campaigned on the promise to whittle the federal beast down to size, actually doubled it in size in a mere 8 years in office. Does…not…compute….
* clangs three beer bottles together *
Li-buruls… come out and play-ay-ay-ay!
Just back from commenting on the above article, we’ll see how long they leave this comment up over there!
Speaking of elephants just lying there..
… there’s one elephant which you mysteriously forgot to mention!
Don’t just ignore it and pretend like nobody can see it under the GOP’s livingroom carpet!
Why, it’s the crowning achievement of 21st century conservatism to date!
the Iraq War!
Remember, the war that inspired you to say THIS, Jonah?
“Well, I’ve long been an admirer of, if not a full-fledged subscriber to, what I call the “Ledeen Doctrine.” I’m not sure my friend Michael Ledeen will thank me for ascribing authorship to him and he may have only been semi-serious when he crafted it, but here is the bedrock tenet of the Ledeen Doctrine in more or less his own words: “Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.”
Now, Jonah, if you wanted to really inspire the younger generation to a deeper appreciation of the authenticity of your conservative beliefs, why don’t you do something to show those young people that when you say that “we mean business”, you include yourself in the “we” that will actually go over to Iraq and do the fighting?
Even more inspiring to the nation’s youth: if you got some other leading young conservatives to go over there with you!
Perhaps young conservatives like these:
Military Service Eligible Children of George W. Bush
Jenna Bush
Barbara Bush
Military Service Eligible Children of Jeb Bush
George P. Bush
Noelle Bush
John Ellis Bush Jr.
Military Service Eligible Children of Neil Bush
Lauren Bush
Pierce Bush
Military Service Eligible Children of Marvin Bush
Marshall Bush
Military Service Eligible Children of Dorothy Bush Koch
Samuel LeBlond
Ellie LeBlond
Gavin –
I’m reminded of when Irshad Manji was talking about liberalizing Islam at one school, when some students there tried to intimidate her by lining the walls holding signs declaring her a betrayer of the faith and all that. Definitely a Canadian version of protest. Anyway:
When she asked one protester why he considered her views of Islam to be invalid, he told her she wasn’t a “real” Muslim because she wasn’t an Arab.
That got the attention of a whole lot of the other protesters, and that little coalition faltered and died before it could leave the room.
(She’s great, btw – check her out: )
BB –
Beer bottles don’t “clang”: they “clink” And when you get hit by one, they don’t break dramatically, they go “thud” and hurt like a bastard.
And since you seem stupid enough to try, do NOT break one over the bar to get a jagged edge – you’ll end up with a hand full of glass.
Wanna see how I know these things? 😉
Is the Jonah Goldberg Rule the one about how you can prove any argument if you’re allowed to define your own words? ‘Cause I keep catching nitwits at that and it obviously needs a good name.
John Cole publicly announced the Goldberg Principle “You can prove any thesis to be true if you make up your own definitions of words.” Blue Buddha, here at Sadly, No!, added a corollary as to these definitions’ uncertainty.
GUP — the Goldberg Uncertainty Principle, battling against its chief rival, Distracted By Playing With String Theory.
GUP — the Goldberg Uncertainty Principle, battling against its chief rival, Distracted By Playing With String Theory.
Hypnotizing Chickens Theory
SJB: “We’re fucked.”
Like the Oozlum Bird, the Party of Jonah is about to fly up its own ass and disappear. I’d exult, but we’re the ones that have to clean up the mess.
Two questions:
Do you think Jonah sees the irony described himself as an editor “at-large?”
Anyone have the number of the woman in the ATF shirt?
“Translation: People who have called themselves conservatives, won over by our appeals to bigotry, have finally figured out that we don’t give a shit about them unless they make tens of millions per year.”
You’re so wrong! We’re the bigots. Jonah’s books says so.
The fact is, the woman in the T-shirt ads is a slut, I’ve had her on many occassions.
After so many glorious adjectives in his new book, I am sad to see that Pantload doesn’t have the ballsack to suggest what new adjective he recommends should be used to precede the “new” conservative movement.
Despite Jonah’s claims of indeterminacy, from the text it seems clear he hopes for a miraculous Thompson resurgence but is ashamed of the teasing that would ensue from the rest of the corner.
The fact is, also, that this sentiment is Class War, and is highly inappropriate, and the previous “Gary Ruppert” is a namestealer.
The fact is, also, that this sentiment is Class War, and is highly inappropriate,
I can appreciate your bad feelings regarding Class War, since you lost the war with class so very long ago.
Little Jonah wrote:
When in doubt, go comatose. No wonder he likes Fred Thompson.
Class War… is highly inappropriate?
Remind me again, Gary, which class is it that’s over in Iraq fighting the war?
It sure as hell ain’t Bush’s class, or Cheney’s class, or Goldberg’s class, or Romney’s class, or Giuliani’s class, or Huckabee’s class, or Rove’s class.
No, fighting real wars is not for the high-class gentlemen of the GOP. That’s for the plebes.
Suckers like you and saul/goober.
Come to think of it, why ain’t all you low-class suckers over there right now?
As usual the response to Jonah is “He who smelled it dealt it.”
Is there a record for the number of cheap-ass popular culture metaphors per word? Cause I think Jonah just broke it.
The sacred name of “Ronald Reagan” may only be invoked to praise the name of the One True Profit, He Who Single-Handedly Defeated the Soviet Union and the Even More Dangerous Cadillac-Driving Welfare Queen Grenadian Sandinistan Mayan Guatemalan Mozambican Angolans.
Don’t forget the killer trees. He saved us from them, too.
The most revealing development of the campaign so far is Huckabee’s success at displacing Thompson as the candidate of the socially conservative South. Thompson’s failure to translate the excitement about his pre-candidacy into anything better than also-ran status is largely attributable to a lackluster campaign.
On the other hand, it could be that even willing voters looking for a religious, southern populist, could tell the difference between Huckabee, who actually is the real deal, and Fred Thompson, who is an obvious phony.
The fact is, also, that this sentiment is Class War, and is highly inappropriate,
Translation: while we’re busy building an entrenched oligarchy of wealth comprised of 1% of the population, we wish the rest of you would shut the hell up about it.
Well in fairness, when mainstream conservatism has demonstrably failed, and you are too much of a whiny ass titty baby to change your views in reaction to reality biting you in the ass, there’s only one way to go. And that’s into bat-shit-crazy-land. Which they for the most part have. If one tax cut failed, try 30! If abstinence-only education failed, try altering the Constitution to stone people instead!
Oh, and for the Warriors…
Re-pub-li-taaaaaaaaards…come out and plaaaaaaay-eeeeee-aaaaaay!
Today’s dose o’ pedantry outsourced to a medievalist.
[is changed!]
Hey! Fred Thompson may be a phony, but he’s an authentic phony.
An honorable, authentic phony.
“St. Ronnie was an asshole.”
Hey, I didn’t say it. Bondad did.
I love Bondad.
K-Lo at NRO, writing about Fred Thompson (from J’s link):
Honorable and conservative? Now there’s a fucking magnificent contradiction in terms.
I sincerely hope Thompson doesn’t drop out. He’s my fave – the most laughable of the bunch.
You Liberals are good. Real good.
I’m stuck on the picture of that poor elephant laying in the middle of a crowd of babbling right wing loons, not understanding what they’re on about.
Lift all the boats!
Steal all the votes!
Blow all the goats!
Hide all the bloated disfigured corpses created by the illegal war started by Team Psycho that is making us look like free spending nation building baby killers who don’t have any ideas except to smash our opponents with real and metaphorical cudgels until we have created a world where words are meaningless and our so-called philosophy is no more than finery on the putrid corpse of intellectual honesty!
Poor pachyderm.
This note in history….27 years ago, Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush take the oath of office, then the Iranians freed the hostages. Good to know the foundation of our modern conservative Republicans required that a deal to have Iran hold American hostages until after they took office. And we’ve been held hostage ever since………
Honorable and conservative? I’m going to try that at work. “How dare you rebuke me for napping at my desk and picking my ass? I’m being honorable and conservative!”
You know, it occurs to me that Goldberg may have made a mistake when he called liberals fascists. It does not seem to be working well for him. I mean, for his credibility. Is his book selling, I wonder?
Muse, muse.
Did you know that trees cause more pollution than automobiles do?
Well, Ronald Reagan said it, so it must be true.
Especially if use the Goldberg definition and use your own definitions. Like defining the oxygen that trees produce as pollution. See how easy that is!
(Please, please, please, I hope one of the trolls tries to explain what Reagan meant. I’ve seen a number of really stupid Reagan blowers try to explain this one away, and it is always very entertaining.)
I want me one of them ATF Shirts they advertize on that intertube sight.
Teh best.
What to do with the GOP elephant? Send it to Bangkok, where it’s sure to find work in the really free black market.
Fred Thompson ran a brilliant “testing the waters” campaign from his front porch, but when he tried to walk on the water, he sank like a basset hound trying to swim.
That’s cute. I mean, except for the brilliant preliminary campaign, which consisted of announcing the date on which he would announce, only to sleep right through it – seriously like five or six times.
Still, drowning basset hound, it’s cute. Beached whales should probably watch the animal metaphors, though.
Well, it’s currently at #2 at Amazon…
Doughy forgets that what the goopers lack in platform and candidate quality, they more than make up for in criminality and audacity. With voter suppression and machine fraud, plus a few well placed Blackwater thugs they should be competitive.
One of the purest ways to understand a person’s true beliefs and motivations is desperation. In the panicked flop-sweat, when you can actually feel it all slipping away, when you begin to realize that literally or figuratively you are not going to survive the fight, that’s when the mask slips off. That’s when the animal comes out, and all the social conventions and verbal niceties get tossed aside, when the code-words and dogwhistles are replaced by bare-knuckles language, a kind of brutal, obscene honesty.
As the republican party increasingly comes to terms with it’s divisive options, the northeastern phony, the arizona apostate and the theocratic populist, they will begin to say the words they have only vaguely hinted at in the past. In an effort to capture the doubting two thirds of the base, they will make what can only be described as base appeals.
Hate someone? I hate them more.
Racist? Hell, let’s do camps.
Camps? Fuck that. Genocide.
Deport them. Incarcerate them. Kill them. They’re taking your jobs. They’re taking your money. They’re in your NEIGHBORHOOD!
Oddly, I have a sense that if the republican party was more unified around a single candidate, there might actually be more hope for us.
But now, like vultures shrieking over scraps of carrion, they can only throw out bits of hatred, intolerance, brutality, tribalism, death and horror on an industrial scale.
And our society will only be the worse for it…
Did you put up a J-Load post right after a Sawnk post just to make J-Load look perceptive?
That’s sweet. J-Load needs a little ego boost.
Style points for The Warriors.
The basset hound simile is good, but it’s not original with Jonah. Back in June at Crooked Timber, Belle Waring wrote …doesn’t Fred Thompson pretty much look like a basset hound who’s just taken a really satisfying shit in your hall closet?
Jonah will be able to lead a life of nose-picking leisure with ample time to research his next book, Amish Militarism.
More Fred Fun, this time from Lisa Schiffren.
Fred D. Thompson, liked but not supported. Yet:
This makes him an honorable, universally conservative, authentic phony.
Fred D. Thompson the Unicon, the perfect choice for VP.
This Corner shit is addictive.
That’s certainly true, since VPs normally don’t do anything. Perfect for someone with the temperament of a sedated box turtle.
Unicon? Well, we already have the Unitard, so why not?
Not too long ago they were all screaming for the Unitard Executrix. How is this different?
Well, (Liberal Fascism is) currently at #2 at Amazon…
Yeah…having all of those wingut bookclubs, Focus on the Family, Heritage Foundation, etc. placing bulk orders for a few hundred thousand copies will tend to do that. Doesn’t mean it’s popular, just that there have been a lot of copies sold.
The real question is if you subtract out the bulk purchases, how many purchases are left? We know there was at least one legit sale, because Neiwert reviewed it hehe.
It’s because liberals stole all the fascism and racism. I guess Repubs will have no choice but to become progressive. But progressives are fascist and racist as well. Surely a tough time to be Republican.
Better yet, Jonah himself has played a key role in making liberals fascists and racists, therefore he has no one to blame for the fate of modern conservatism except himself. If you remove the bigotry and groupthink from conservatism, what’s left?
Jonah really should have thought out the ramifications of ceding bigotry and fascism to those of us oon the Left.
What?? Did you guys miss today’s excrement in the LA Times?,0,3367747.column?coll=la-opinion-center
Herr Pantload has now transposed “The Left” into “Progressives” in his Nazi equation.
Hey, if Jo’berg Goldbutt wants to stop fronting Stalinist arguments about New Dealers being social fascists and join us anarcho-libertarian radical democratic socialists in organizing a truly democratic society based on voluntary coordinated cooperation, I’d be all for it.
After all, we’ve been the ones opposing concentrated imperial power the whole time, at the national, international, AND local levels.
But then, pin-heads like Jo-butt are perfectly okay with locally-based, private, and cellular authoritarianism by prejudiced right wing freaks.
“The progressives believed that people needed to be saved from themselves. Journalist and commentator Walter Lippmann dubbed average citizens “mentally children and barbarians.” “Organized social control” via a “socialized economy” was the only means to create meaningful freedom, argued Lippman, Dewey and others. And by free, the progressives meant free to live the “right” way.
A similar dynamic defined much of Nazi Germany. Nazi Youth manuals proclaimed that “nutrition is not a private matter!” “Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz” — essentially, all for one, one for all — was the rallying slogan of the Nazi crackdown on smoking, the first serious anti-tobacco campaign of the 20th century.”
Amish Militarism: from Churning Butter to Raising Barns
Just out of curiosity — in the late 19th and early 20th century, exactly which political and social movements WERE NOT demanding that the common American abide by a set of moral and health standards (typically modeled on a fantasy of the yeoman farmer’s life)?
For example, are we to assume that right wing fundamentalist religious types were encouraging sloth and physical waste among their uptight flocks?
Nooooooooooo. It was them. It wasn’t us. It was them- the Warriors!
Thing is, Jonah wouldn’t play us Joe Walsh at the end when he admitted to harrying us rhetorically across three boroughs and wrongly so.
All these neo-cons standing around the elephant screaming “Do Something!” had better think about Tatania, the Serbian Tiger (or maybe Siberian Tiger…I kind of like Serbian). And that elephant doesn’t have to jump a 25′ pit either! I don’t think D’oh! can run very fast.
Is the liberal version of the ATF shirt “Affermative Action, Tokes and Fonicating”?
We’re gonna march right through this Lame Fuck Territory.
White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism, it’s funny you mention Jenna and Lauren Bush. Lauren was voted “World’s Sexiest Vegetarian” by PETA in ’03, and Jenna is apparently in the running for the same title this year. Animal-loving liberal fascists!!!11!!11!
In a somewhat related note, this morning’s local rag featured a letter to the editor from someone denouncing the “intellectual fascism” of a local HS principal. How dare he remove a student’s display of “Southern pride” from campus? The kid’s probably been disappeared to a re-education center by now. This wingnut meme is going places.
And, for the record, I would totally stain Lauren’s blue dress. Or Jenna’s. Or that ATF girl’s T-shirt.
Brb. Must visit this fine site. (Note: fapping optional.)
Poor Pantyload, as he wades ever deeper into the DMZ of stoopid he has to tread carefully to avoid the land mines.
Attempts to control what we eat = bad. But will he say that attempts to control who we screw also = bad? Nope, he can’t because that will affect sales and he’s already said the ghey gave “oxygen” to the Nazi movement and he doesn’t want anyone to think he’s one. Neither can he really get into attempts to control what children learn in school because that will get the Creationists all riled up. I’d suggest he avoid comments about the “pro-life” movement because those suckers are crazy.
How about porn? What do you think about the government’s renewed drive to eliminate porn Mr. Porkrind?
I’d say JLoad is stepping on his own dick but his legs aren’t that short.
What an awful column. Someone needs to lay off the Dennis Miller schtick.
Poor Pantyload, as he wades ever deeper into the DMZ of stoopid he has to tread carefully to avoid the land mines.
Waist deep in the Big Muddy!
And the big fool says to push on!
Just out of curiosity — in the late 19th and early 20th century, exactly which political and social movements WERE NOT demanding that the common American abide by a set of moral and health standards (typically modeled on a fantasy of the yeoman farmer’s life)?
William Graham Sumner comes to mind.
Was he a movement?
No, but I picked him as representative of Social Darwinism.
Many Social Darwinists may have supported or opposed State policies regarding nutrition, but there is no conflict whatsoever with one’s personal advocacy of or obsession with health and nutrition, which is, of course, liberal fascist. Sumner’s philosophy of individually helping one’s fellow man as an obligation could easily cover that.
Breakfast cereals like Corn Flakes started out as Health Food, so breakfast cereals must be NAZI!
Gah! I hate Social Darwinists! Darwin’s theory was Survival of those Best Able to ADAPT, **** NOT*** the strongest or even smartest. Of course, that explains Goldough, doesn’t it?
No, not even the best able to adapt. Darwin didn’t even coin the phrase “survival of the fittest” himself, but it means exactly what it says. “fittest” as in most appropriate.
The observation that variation between individuals in a population produces individuals which are more or less likely to survive to successfully breed, is not the entirety of Darwins theory either.
Social Darwinists should take notice of the recent theories which postulate that ideas spread and mutate in society in an evolutionary fashion, gaining popularity as mutations are found which are more suitable to the current social conditions.
If this is so, then by their own rules.. the social darwinists themselves are obsolete, and are the next target for extinction, and should face oblivion of their stupid ideas happily.
Breakfast cereals like Corn Flakes started out as Health Food, so breakfast cereals must be NAZI!
I don’t mind corn flakes so much, but I feel perfectly confident in guessing that whoever determined that Grape Nuts was suitable for human consumption was indeed a sadistic Nazi.
Many Social Darwinists may have supported or opposed State policies regarding nutrition, but there is no conflict whatsoever with one’s personal advocacy of or obsession with health and nutrition, which is, of course, liberal fascist. Sumner’s philosophy of individually helping one’s fellow man as an obligation could easily cover that.
Yes, I see what you mean. I was assuming an implicit advocacy of some state involvement, which you are not. So no, I can’t think of any political or social movement during this period that did not operate under some assumption of proper, preferred behavior. A very moralizing time.
Survival of the Fittest sounds a lot like Survival of the Fascists!
Ha! Marvel at my central point librals!
“It’s not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” — Charles Darwin
Wolverines Rally!
[plaintive howl of coyote]
Jonah scratches head and quietly returns to the bunker.
Whenever he leaves the field, he is still in the running to be the vice president — which is not a small thing, and which is a position he is very well suited for, by temperament and talent.
Isn’t this just a nice way to say “Loser”?
““It’s not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” — Charles Darwin”
You see, that’s the issue right there and why PantLoad is in such a tizzy; responsiveness to change is not a neocon strong suit. Thus we get such ideas from Chimpy that the economic stimulus needed NOW is to make permanent tax cuts that are set to expire IN THE FUTURE, but are actually CURRENTLY in operation. So how does making them permanent in the future change anything now? It doesn’t, but it gave da chimp something to try to hang that goal on, even if it has nothing to do with the problem the policy is supposedly trying to address. Most responsive to change my ass, and that’s where they are sliding into their well-deserved irrelevence (please, oh please be true).
Jonah scratches head and quietly returns to the bunker.
Jonah’s bunker, it should be noted, is a cardboard box and a blanket stretched from the back of the sofa. But he’s got one of those lame purple toy machine guns they make boys play with now-a-days. And he’s holding his perimeter against those evil islamo-somethings.
Like the kid in “A Christmas Story” with his red rider bee bee gun…
Except Jonah’s not allowed to play with bee bee guns….
Did you guys miss today’s excrement excitement in the LA Times?
Umm, well, my spouse got a letter to the editor published.
Invite the Fucking Fucker to your next angry party.
Jonah’s bunker, it should be noted, is a cardboard box and a blanket stretched from the back of the sofa.
His wife made him stop building it out of the couch cushions.
Sez here the LAT is having financial problems. I know most papers are having financial problems. And I’m not saying that the people of LA would rather sit on a bed of nails and then soak in rubbing alcohol than read JLoad’s spewings.
But that is central to my point.
And he’s holding his perimeter against those evil islamo-somethings.
Yeah, Lucianne never was able to break him of “holding his perimeter” in public, and up against unsuspecting passersby.
297 milligrams of LSD.
Some assembly required.
The man who got into college through affirmative action wants to eliminate any government help. The reich-wing welfare-sucking WATB thinks helping others is wrong. The man whose entire career has been designed and implimented by his Mommy says that the Mommy-state is bad.
Susan of Texas, with the “Shorter Everything Jonah Golderberg Will Ever Say or Do”.
Breakfast cereals like Corn Flakes started out as Health Food, so breakfast cereals must be NAZI!
Or, applying the Goldberg Method: Hitler said some stuff about health food and vegetarianism, W.K Kellogg (who also founded a child welfare foundation) invented Corn Flakes as a vegetarian health food, ergo, Tony The Tiger is a fucking Nazi.
Oh, and they give away free toys in cereal boxes which is totally Socialist and only further proves that Sugar Bear is just like Stalin and therefore indistinguishable from Mussolini.
hi, guys, nice discussion, I am Sue. A hot white girl with perfect sexy stature. I’m seeking for a good man, especial who loves sports. All can view my hot photos and videos at by searching “peggysue”. No matter who you are and where you come from…
Shame. If you were “Sue who is Billy”, I’m sure some Republicans could hook you up.
“…War—RIORS , ( K-K-K-lik , K-K-K-lik, K-K-K-lik )
War—RIORS , ( d-d-Dik , d-d-Dik , d-d-DICK ! ) …”
‘ KeyBoard War-RIOR ‘ Jo-Nuh Gee , , , I mean .