Shorter Jim Kouri

Islamic charity and former congressman indicted for terrorist financing

Kouri: “If I were Columbo, I’d Peter Falk you”

  • Here is fact-filled report on the indictment returned by a federal grand jury in Missouri against a Muslim charity and several of its former officers, and also against a former congressman of. . .um, [cough] a political party whose identity. . .um, [nibbling a carrot] yes, a former congressman.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 33


Hey, Gavin. Sorry to make the first comment be about housekeeping, but would you mind checking the comments to the previous post. Someone’s name-stealing in a bad manner.


Oh, criminy [going to check]


Think it’s taken care of now.


“I’m part of the silent majority that was heard Nov. 4 [when President Reagan was elected],” says Siljander. “My support comes from morally concerned citizens who are sick of the situation in this country.” Siljander pledges to battle the Equal Rights Amendment, pornography, abortion, school busing and “big spending.” He will champion the neutron bomb, the MX missile and prayer in public schools.[5

Obviously, he was a secret liberal fascist all along.


Hey Gavin that last comment you erased was really me.

I actually do wanna start a Ho Chi Minh fan club.

Its been a plan of mine ever since I got back from nam.



Please take a break, Mr. Troll. Too much name-stealing, too many low-quality comments. Aim for elegance! Make every comment shine!


God, that guy tried to sell me a ’89 Corolla once. What a creep.


Make every comment shine!

Gavin! Here I was, rockin’ to Rock Lobster, and you had to post that.




that’s awesum.


‘Siljander pledges to battle the Equal Rights Amendment, pornography, abortion, school busing and “big spending.” He will champion the neutron bomb, the MX missile and prayer in public schools’

What? Nothing about teh great ghey/brown/islamo menance? Ah, simpler times.


“…I was just 16, but more than an intern.”



The truth is, you liberals are a bunch of godless heathens who want to destroy Traditional American Culture through your promotion of multi-culturalism and secularism. We will not allow you scum to prevail however! The Conservative Movement the Great Coalition formed by the Reagan Realignment, the three legs of the stool the Economic Conservatives, Foreign Policy Conservatives and Social Conservatives will fight you liberals tooth and nail and we shall emerge triumphant! You liberals shall pay for your lack of Patriotism, you shall pay for your corruption of Moral Values, you shall pay for your destruction of Federalism, you shall pay for your treason! As Almighty God as my witness I vow that you shall rue the day you betrayed God! You shall rue the day you betrayed America! You shall rue the day you betrayed the Heartland! Glory to God! Glory to America! Glory to the Heartland!


The truth is, you liberals are a bunch of godly studs who want to destroy Traditional American Culture through your promotion of multi-culturalism and secularism. We will allow you studs to prevail however! The Conservative Movement the Great Coagulation formed by the Reagan Realignment, the three peanuts in the stool the Economic Conservatives, Foreign Policy Conservatives and Social Conservatives will fight you liberals douche and bag and you shall emerge tumescent! You liberals shall pay for your total Priapism, you shall pay for your consummation of Moral Values, you shall pay for your destruction of Frottagism, you shall pay for your teasin’! As Almighty God as my witness I vow that I shall rue the day you became good! I shall rue the day you ruled America! I shall rue the day you saved the Hardon! Glory to Good! Glory to America! Glory to the Hardon!

– fixed for you.


Not that I should actually be working or anything.


“Make every [stolen identity] tell!”

(Apologies to S & W)


frottagism works on multiple levels. seriously. pronounce it slow.

i’ve always been worried about what happens when you constantly rub up against people in a japanese subway, day after day, without changing your jeans: i believe the resultant build-up is called frottage cheese.

but i may be wrong.


Jim writes for many police and crime magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer, Campus Law Enforcement Journal, and others.

“The Narc Officer” magazine does not publish snitches.


Three peanuts in the stool
Through the ripples how they shine
Just one wish will be granted
One heart will wear a valentine

Make it mine, make it mine, make it mine.



As an Orthodox Frottagist, I’m a bit concerned that Mr. Booger is suggesting that a goal of Liberal Fascism™ is the destruction of Frottagism! Should I be worried?


Worried (but not sure if I should be.)


f I were Columbo, I’d Peter Falk you

If I’m the only other one who gets this joke, I’ll either be delighted or depressed.


Is this guy trying to look all serious and angry with a Kenner Easy Bake Oven in a rig under his left arm?

‘Cause I’m thinking it probably doesn’t have the tactical support of the iPod.

He needs to rethink….



Well, I guess this pretty much conclusively proves that the Republican Party is in fact the vanguard of the MexiIslamoFascistGay jihad in America. There really isn’t much getting around the very simple fact that the only US Congressman – former or current – to be charged in a terrorist investigation is in fact a proud Reagan Republican.


C & L has a video of debbie schlussel expressing her deep disappointment about all this. And John Cole noticed something funny about that old ID she posted.

The things that interests me though is “was she working for him at the time?” Maybe that is why she was hired, she is stupid enough that this would sailed right by her. She’d never notice a thing.


Leonard, I got your reference. Let me ask you: creepy stalker or performance artist?


Er, “the” reference, not “your” reference.


Little Debbie Schlussel wrote:

What makes the allegations in the indictment so shocking, is that Siljander is a Born-Again Evangelical Christian.

A born-again Christian doing something sleazy? Sweet bleeding Jesus, the end days are upon us!


What makes the allegations in the indictment so shocking, is that Siljander is a Born-Again Evangelical Christian.

The only thing shocking is that he didn’t have a dildo crammed up his ass. That we know of.

Incontinentia Buttocks

I’m just shocked–SHOCKED—that Lil’ Debbie isn’t a natural blonde!


At first I thought Debs was trying to hint that um … you know … Congressmen, interns. Interns, congressmen …

But then I realized she’s just angling for a few interviews, maybe a book deal, and it would be extremely irresponsible to even think for a moment, even though it sounds like they spent a lot of time together, that there was more to their relationship.


Very little mention of this Siljander scandal in the MSM, where the races in SC and Nevada overshadow everything except maybe Britney Spears…now if he were a Dem!

And when it is mentioned his REPUBLICAN party affiliation usually isn’t.

And Beasty Booger…if that’s snark you’re posting it’s entirely believable…the right-wing really believes this down to its rotton, evil core…


I’m one of the one who gets the Columbo/American Idol joke.

That guy made every moment that I’ve been forced to watch American Idol by my wife and daughter worth it.


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