Shorter Ben Shapiro

Above: Projects an image of equal parts Damien Thorn,
snot-nosed dork, and the kid who got caught fucking a sock.

‘Project President: The Hillary Clinton Image’

  • I’ve got a new book out on presidential image-making, so let me share my insights: Hillary Clinton’s campaign was floundering when she seemed like a dykey old hag, but now that she’s all soft and matronly, it’s off to the races!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 103

Bill Rutherford, Princeton Admissions

Did Marie Jon’ ever make good on her promise to deflower him?


To be fair, one would expect the Virgin Ben to have some paranoia about Teh Scary Vagina™.


It’s like I said in the song I wrote this new Hillary song I just penned this morning:

If at first you don’t Succeed
(Cry, Cry Again)
Dr BLT copyright 2008 Right-wing Records


It’s from my forthcoming CD, Right-wingers Need Love Too 2.
I dropped the tune here first, because I love liberals!

US Hosiery Producers Council

Socks need love too!


She wears those ubiquitous pantsuits with an off-putting masculinity. She is so intent on proving she can play with the boys that she loses her strongest advantage over the boys: her status as a woman.

If she REALLY wanted to be president, she would wear a slinky red number and stilettos on the trail.

And so she sent her husband out to attack Obama rather than attacking him herself.

And John Edwards was too shy to go to the homo parties so he sent his wife instead, and Dennis Kucinich made his wife get a tongue ring so he wouldn’t have to… its called politics, spouse = foil. You would think that a guy who just wrote a book on the subject would know that this isn’t exactly unprecedented.


Now, who is this repulsive child, and why should we care what he scribbles about?


That picture screams, “VIRGIN!”


I’ve just started my first cup of coffee, so when I read this:

“It’s like I said in the song I wrote this new Hillary song I just penned this morning:”

from Dr.BLT it hit my brain like this:

“It’s like I said in the song I wrote this new Hillary song I just penned this morning:”

Now, while I’m drinking coffee and reading trolls while I’m sipping coffee in the morning while I’m having a cup of coffee, it just weirds me out while I’m drinking my freshly brewed coffee in the morning.

And now I found out Hillary is a female…fuck!! Just stop. Stop now.


I urge everyone to listen to BLT’s latest masterpiece. I did and I have achieved enlightenment.


Shapiro does not strike me as a guy who has any advice to offer about how to cultivate a presidential image. Maybe if he’d ever worked in marketing or publicity, or for an actual presidential campaign. But the only job he’s ever held is a position writing wingnut-welfare columns.

What does he know about presidential image marketing? Nothing. What does he know about working a cash register, frying an egg, talking to a girl? Nothing. The kid’s empty of life and soul.


what Scott wrote, in spades. WTF does this kid know about anything?


Let me second Scott’s point. The mystifying thing about the wingnut welfare gravy train is that the recipients of its largesse are notably unqualified to do anything. Jonah, the Virgin Ben, even old Max Boot–minimal education (a bachelor’s degree, even one from a Prestigious Institution, is a poor substitute for advanced studies in the area in which one mouths off), no real-life experience–not even an interesting schtick to fall back on; these guys roll into a battle of wits not merely unarmed, but unaware of being unarmed.

Then again, maybe there’s something to putting up a tabula rasa as a spokesman–it’s worked wonders for Dick Cheney…


okay, thirdScott’s point…


But the only job he’s ever held is a position writing wingnut-welfare columns.

IOW he’s the perfect successor to Jonah Goldberg.


Just give me ten minutes with Gentle Ben, a pair of tweezers, and a little hot wax. I’ll even do the nose hairs.

Hell, give me five minutes…


Is Ben a Manchurian Candidate? Was he brainwashed and indoctrinated by UCLA? What is his mission? Did UCLA use him to divert attention from their brainwashing and indoctrination of liberals? Was he immune to UCLA’s brainwashing? Was he able to thwart UCLA’s brainwashing and indoctrination with his conservative Reaganesque super powers? Would anyone but a republican write a column about image making with that ‘do?

I need answers.


The mystifying thing about the wingnut welfare gravy train is that the recipients of its largesse are notably unqualified to do anything.

Well, they could always go join the Army, they’ll give you all the training you need to make something of yourself…

why are you laughing hysterically?


Okay, so Ben Shapiro’s still alive, apparently. Is he still sixteen years old?


Jennifer said,

January 10, 2008 at 18:13

To be fair, one would expect the Virgin Ben to have some paranoia about Teh Scary Vagina™.

I’ve only got two words for that: bacon and Play-doh.


Now, who is this repulsive child, and why should we care what he scribbles about?

Ben Shapiro is:

• a regular guest on dozens of radio shows around the United States and Canada

• a professional virgin

• an old favorite of Sadly, No!, World O’ Crap, and TBogg

I have no answer to the second half of your question, which is central to my point.



Historically Hillary experiences her highest popularity when she is least masculine. She translated her victimhood status during the Lewinsky affair into sky-high approval ratings. During the 2000 New York Senate race, she successfully played victim when opponent Rick Lazio approached her podium during a debate.

Cue Chris Matthews.


The mystifying thing about the wingnut welfare gravy train is that the recipients of its largesse are notably unqualified to do anything

The easiest explanation for this fact is that once a person is suitably qualified to write on a subject, they no longer believe the stupid shite the wingnut welfare benefactors want them to believe.


Well, considering the only tit this kid will ever suck is mommy’s, no wonder he approves of Hillary’s softer image.


“I urge everyone to listen to BLT’s latest masterpiece. I did and I have achieved enlightenment.”

With comments like that, I may be able to give up the self-promotion soon. Many assume it’s “shameless,” but assure you, it’s not. And the shame is intense. The shame is not worth the fame.

“Socks need love too.”

Precisely, that’s why every Christmas, we hang them by the chimney with care. Seriously, it’s great to meet another Red Sox fan.


its called politics, spouse = foil. You would think that a guy who just wrote a book on the subject would know that this isn’t exactly unprecedented.

As in, Barbara “I can’t say it, but it rhymes with witch” Bush?


I urge everyone to listen to BLT’s latest masterpiece. I did and I have achieved enlightenment.

Dr. BLT has found his own voice!


OK, completely off-topic, but this is hysterical: Fox News reported that Paul Begala was joining the Clinton campaign, and continued to run with the story despite Begala’s absolute denial. The exchange of emails between Begala and reporter Major Garrett — with the subtext of “Yes, I hear your denial, but I don’t believe a word you say” — is not to be believed.


Could somebody show me the video where she cries? I saw this one video over and over again, but I guess the Liberal Media didn’t want her to look weak, so they cut that part out or something.

So, could somebody, like maybe one of out trolls, provide the video so we could all be sure that that whole incident isn’t one more conservative delusion?

Thank you.


Not a problem:

It’s about as hard to get a tear out of Hillary as it is to get blood from a stone, but if I’m not mistaken, she managed to produce at least one here.

“Dr BLT has found his own voice.”

J, I think you’ve found your sense of humor. I must admit, that’s one of the funniest lines I’ve come across in a long time 🙂


MzNicky said,

January 10, 2008 at 18:36

Now, who is this repulsive child, and why should we care what he scribbles about?

The answer to the 2nd part is:

It’s fun to point and laugh at him.


I would just like to say that after the troll run we’ve been having of late, Dr. BLT is like a breath of fresh air.

Ben Shapiro is never gonna get laid, is he? Unless Ann Coulter gives him a mercy turn, of course.


Yeah, wow, really bawling there. Couldn’t recognize her what with all the drippy mascara and the snot running out of her nose as she blubbered like a baby. Wow, how could we ever have expected a woman — this woman — to be a decent leader, with the emotions and the constant crying?

I love the wingnut multiple standards: She cried, so that means she’s unsuitable to be president… but she didn’t really cry, she just faked it to get votes, so that means she’s unsuitable to be president.


Ben could get shorter?

Seriously, is this kid old enough for me to hate him yet? I remember when he first came on the scene and I felt bad that nobody in his life took him aside and said, listen, dude, write for the school paper or whatever, but maybe you don’t want to get locked in with this movement before you’re old enough to think straight.

I’ve thought the same thing about Yglesias and guys like that, but with the celibacy angle out of the way there’s just no comparable urgency.


Do you know who wants to cry and is searching for a way to let it out? Young Jonah, after he spent so much time alone, in his basement (literally!).


Candy: After the trolls we’ve seen here lately, my emo nephew’s equally nonexistent musical abilities would be a breath of fresh air. Karl Rove after a garlic-laden lunch would be a breath of fresh air. What is central to my point is that BLT is a troll, as far as I can tell. Or am I misspeaking myself?


BLT is not only a Troll of the first order, he takes that smarmy, sweaty-palmed, faux-friendly passive aggressive ted bundy kind of approach that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up…



Apparently there’s a chemical or two in Cheetos that makes your eyebrows grow like fuckin tree branches out of your skull.


“Recovering Troll,” MzNicky, “recovering troll.” There’s a BIG difference. At the very least, I’ve gotten beyond the denial.

And I bet your emo nephew will make at least as big a comeback, with his emo, as Hillary did with her tears (or shall I say, “tear”?)

“I would just like to say that after the troll run we’ve been having of late, Dr. BLT is like a breath of fresh air.”

There’s nothing sweeter than Candy. I’m unworthy, but I’ll take the compliment. It may be the only one I receive all year 🙂


You’ve been watching too many scary movies, Mikey.


I think Mark Foley and Larry Craig has this same picture on their walls.


J— OMG. Doughy didn’t really write that, did he? That’s a fake, a parody Liebral Fascism blog, right?


Dan Someone said, OK, completely off-topic, but this is hysterical: Fox News reported that Paul Begala was joining the Clinton campaign…

Faux News said the same thing about James Carville. He came back with an absolutely classic quote:
“Fox was, is and will continue to be an asinine and ignorant network.”

More can be found here.


Well, there’s trolls and trolls. After BB, Saul, et al., even Jose Chung would be a welcome (mouth) breather. And I loathe Jose Chung.


This is completely off topic, but terrific news for us Iowegians. Ed Fallon, a great guy and a true progressive, is planning a primary run challenging Blue Dog Democrat Leonard Boswell. See article here if you’re interested. Once he’s up and running, anyone who could spare a few bucks to float his way would be appreciated. He doesn’t take PAC money, and has stayed very pure financially throughout his Iowa career. Boswell has been a real Iraq war hawk and won’t take a progressive stand on anything. It’s long been my hope that Ed Fallon would do this very thing.


One problem with saul and the others is its hard to point and laugh. Its like pointing and laughing at conktoaches. I mean cockroaches. Wellm you know what I mean.


“that smarmy, sweaty-palmed, faux-friendly passive aggressive ted bundy kind of approach that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up…”

Now, look, that’s just not fair. My hands are as dry as a bone.

Really. Feel them.




I think we broke the Saul-bot.


What is central to my point is that BLT is a troll, as far as I can tell. Or am I misspeaking myself?

For a while Dr. BLT was the Resident Troll at Sadly, No! This was before my time here, so you’d have to ask the folks who have been around longer what happened for him to abandon this roll, which he did, but I seem to remember Brad or Gavin saying around the time of Annie Angel All Around that some of the commenters scared him away.


No, that wasn’t saul. He isn’t clever enough to make a joke, spell correctly, use the english grammar, say something that isn’t a cliché conservative talking point, or demonstrate a basic level of self-awareness.

You would have a harder time recognizing Bugs Bunny in his lady bunny disguise than kevin/saul as one of his puppets.


She wears those ubiquitous pantsuits with an off-putting masculinity. She is so intent on proving she can play with the boys that she loses her strongest advantage over the boys: her status as a woman.

Virgin Ben spent his undergrad years at UCLA, where, as I can attest there are many women in staff and administrative positions who wear “ubiquitous pantsuits with an off-putting masculinity.” I could name names. I’m sure there are equally as many pantsuits being worn at Harvard (or Yale, or wherever the fuck Ivy League joint he landed).

What the fuck is with the pantsuit thing? Business women – and I would count government officials as such – wear “ubiquitous pantsuits with an off-putting masculinity” as a uniform. It’s like copy-machine salesmen wearing Dockers. It’s like businessmen wearing SUITS with an off-putting masculinity.

What the fuck is a candidate for office supposed to do, sartorially, other than wear the Standard Uniform in the Standard Manner? She’s supposed to be, instead, wearing it with a hint of sluttishness or dominatrix-chic or maybe pink girl-girl frilly with lacey camisoles and embroidery? I’m sure that would be a great political strategy, huh, Benjy?

This is such horseshit. No one blogs about the male candidates’ tie choices and why can’t they show their more feminine side by wearing turtlenecks or double-breasted suits or woven huarache-style loafers instead of oxfords. No one pulls this shit over the Democratic male candidates…..

oh, wait


Um thanks, Dr. BLT, but, uh, that’s the exact same video that I’m talking about, the one I have already seen, the one where she isn’t crying.

So I guess I was right about this being just

… one more conservative delusion …


I say we pitch in a buy VBen a ticket to “Teeth”.


No one pulls this shit over the Democratic male candidates…..


Best caption ever for this ‘unfortunate looking individual.’

In a few years he’ll look like a crocodile.


g— re: Hillary’s pantsuits. My understanding is that Hillary Clinton has lymphodema in her legs. Lymphodema is a condition that makes limbs and other parts of the body swell with lymph fluid. Other things can cause it, but it’s usually related to surgery that involves lymph-node removal. Thus the “off-putting” pantsuits. Although now that young Ben whatzis has registered his disapproval, I’m sure she’ll totally reassess her wardrobe choices.


Isn’t “Ben Shapiro” just an anagram for “Banish Rope”?


We judge politicians the same way we judge other people: based on the image they project. Scientists say we judge whether a person is likeable, competent, attractive, trustworthy and aggressive within less than one-tenth of a second.

That means we judge our politicians by looking at their hair, their height, their age, their sense of humor, their rustic or urban feel. We judge them based on their vibe, their attitude. That first glance means everything — and it always has.

Ben may not be aware that there are multiple seconds in which to assess the careers of politicians, and that how they look may be somewhat mitigated by things they say and do, like invading countries or funding education. It’s understood that Ben has a thing about first times.


“listen to BLT’s latest masterpiece. I did and I have achieved enlightenment.”

Oh. ‘Enlightenment’. Is THAT what they’re calling it, these days?


Re Carville: Every 5 years or so he comes up with a zinger worth keeping. That’s a good one.


Jerkstore: Yes. So are

Sop in Rehab
Rips Bean-Oh
Pro-Bias Hen


e: Hillary’s pantsuits. My understanding is that Hillary Clinton has lymphodema in her legs.

I can understand this, but of course, pants are a not uncommon uniform for business women of all ages. Especially in the winter.

Laura Bush

or Laura Bush on Leno

showing her feminine side

Denim casual!


Re: Lady Bush’s pantsuits and spiky heels.

I bet George likes them best stuck in his nutsack.

The lady looks like she’s had plenty o’ practice.


As RB points out, Ben sez:

That means we judge our politicians by looking at their hair, their height, their age, their sense of humor, their rustic or urban feel. We judge them based on their vibe, their attitude.

But in fact, I disagree, to some point. In fact, we frequently make a judgement about politicians, and then it doesn’t matter what they look like, what they do or say, what their “vibe” is, we filter it through the prism of our initial judgement and it skews our judgment.

You don’t think so?

Here’s Hilary in one of those “ubiquitous pantsuits” Ben finds so offputtingly masculine

(yes, its a horrible color for her. But, surely, it contradicts Ben’s assertion, doesn’t it?)


Commenter Elliot Weiner at HuffPost says about Conservative Commenters:

What is it like, the current state of rightist discourse and “conservative” commentary? I’ll tell you what it’s like. It’s like The Road Warrior, with us inside the fort and the others — the Jonah Goldbergs and the David Frums, the Kathryn Jean Lopezes and the Peggy Noonans, the Mark Steyns and the Michelle Malkins and the Michael Medveds and others whose names begin with “M,” raving and marauding out in the sands, biting the heads off wombats and flinging rusty old exhaust pipes like spears over our walls and sticking out their tongues at our women and children and roaring up and down the dunes and braying about “character.” Meanwhile, back at base camp, The Humongous (Rush Limbaugh) and his catamite (Ann Coulter) drive each other into a sexual frenzy with fantasies of waterboarding Ruth Bader Ginsberg.


Hillary Clinton should totally wear Mom jeans. Oh, and sweatshirts with Tweetybird, Betty Boop, or perhaps cats — hand-drawn in puffy fabric paint.

Actually come to think of it, all Presidential candidates should dress like that. By law. Until inauguration, at which they will wear clown suits, and then they can dress however they like after that.

Arky - Fascitanata

Professional Virgin is a title incurable schmucks the world over can wear with pride.

Also, it doesn’t count if the guy gives you head or you’re both really drunk.


For those who loved Dr. BLT’s latest, this page contains the 1998-99 winners of the rap contest for tradesmen in Munich. Alas, the second place link doesn’t work, so you’ll have to settle for the in-your-face first-place finisher or the lazy third.


Does Condi wear a lot of fancy dresses?

As for Ben, I believe his argument goes a little something like this:

a) Candidates with authentic images win elections.
b) Hillary just won in New Hampshire.
c) Hence, Hillary’s image is authentic.
d) This also means that Hillary’s image is more authentic than Obama’s — if it weren’t, Obama would have won.

Er, I think this is largely due to the number of votes cast.


Princess Sparkle Pony analyzes Madam Secretary of State’s fashion style in depth.


Condoleeza Rice’s policies are horrible and she is not a very good diplomat, analyst or public speaker. But, damn, she’s hot. And photogenic.


She sure can work the tall boots look, yeah.


Ben’s obsession with Hillary’s dress and overall style reminds me of the many twink/queens-in-the-making on my homo travels throughout the gay community here in Chicago. They can speak for hours on the subject of how awful someone is dressed making Project Runway’s Nina Garcia seem kind by comparison.

Ben is that kind of twink. Conservatiwnk, maybe. I don’t like goading “straight” guys into admitting they’re gay, but hanging on to your virginity like Ben is doing is usually a good sign he’s petrified of the Va-jay jay.

Just saying.


Hot and photogenic?

You got interesting tastes.


“For a while Dr. BLT was the Resident Troll at Sadly, No! This was before my time here, so you’d have to ask the folks who have been around longer what happened for him to abandon this roll, which he did, but I seem to remember Brad or Gavin saying around the time of Annie Angel All Around that some of the commenters scared him away.”

I understand there are lots of rumors going around about that, so I’ll give you the facts, straight from the horses mouth. I want to accomplish that without straying from the intended topic, so I’ll put it this way. I found myself experiencing too many “Hillary moments.”

Gavin and Brad and the those who run this blog community are good people, if a little misguided in their views. Most who visit and comment here are, good people, just sold on an ideology that works, in principle, but not in practice.

There are a few Blue Meanies, for lack of a better term. If I were thick-skinned, it wouldn’t bother me, but, for being a macho male moderate conservative from mid-Western Canada, I’m a little on the sensitive side (but only in a totally masculine, heterosexual way).

So being authentic here meant speaking my mind, being punished but the vocal minority with churlish insults, and then having to retreat and lick my wounds until I was strong enough to return. If I complained about it, I was “playing the victim,” so there was no way of winning.

This continues to be a risk, and the reason is this: This is a great community for free speech, but the cost of that is that it is not safe to really have opposing views here unless a person has really thick skin, like Hillary Clinton (to bring us back on topic).

Today was a good day for me, knock on wood, but memories of the past will force me to retreat again, as a preventative measure. Most of you, who viewed my comments today and commented were extraordinarily kind, and for that, I am greatly appreciative.

Good-bye for now, until we meet again. I must go before I find myself in another Hillary moment.


You got interesting tastes.

Maybe, g, and thank you for saying that in a polite way, but I don’t think my opinion of her looks is particularly unique. I’ve heard more than a couple non-right-wing males saying the same thing.


When you imagined that you saw Hillary crying, was that a Hillary moment?

Or was that more of a “Mainstream Conservative Media Saying It Over And Over Moment” that made you see something that didn’t happen?


The festering pustule of woman hating has popped!


By the way, doesn’t a shorter VBen imply negative height?


Maybe, g, and thank you for saying that in a polite way, but I don’t think my opinion of her looks is particularly unique.

There is much that is admirable about Condi’s persona and personal style, I have to admit. She is a woman in her 50’s who’s maintained her figure and physique, she has a very nice, if conservative, classical taste and style in clothing.

But as to photogenic – why are there so many photos of her that show her with a glowering, snarling,angry, brooding, severe, unhappy, forbidding facial expression.?

Does she go around all day with a mug like this? What does that say about her outlook on life and inner person?

Either that or she is the victim of a world-wide photographers’ conspiracy, or just really really unlucky.


“When you imagined that you saw Hillary crying, was that a Hillary moment?

Or was that more of a “Mainstream Conservative Media Saying It Over And Over Moment” that made you see something that didn’t happen?”

For lack of a better term, yes, it was a “Hillary moment.”

I can’t read her mind. I don’t know if she was being genuine, I can’t tell if actual tears were shed. I’m just drawing from the experience as fodder for the mill of the mind.

It appeared to me that she was in a state of conflict. Those who project a certain tough exterior are often afraid to open up and be vulnerable. Yet she knew that this is what it would take for her to keep a competitive edge.

So her response was measured, reflecting a phenomenon we know is psychology as approach-avoidance. She came close to being open and vulnerable, even to the point of welling up, but she did not feel safe enough to simply let it flow. It was guarded vulnerability, in my humble opinion.
And in my opinion, it was, paradoxically, both a calculated plan and a moment of authenticity.

She made a conscious decision that the next time she felt emotional and vulnerable, she would not do what came most natural—to put on that familiar suit of armor, because the amor, while protecting her, had also become her Achilles heel.


The festering pustule of woman hating has popped!

For now…

Our media class is such a bunch of useless, clownish sycophants.


Re: Lady Bush’s pantsuits and spiky heels.

Am I the only one who think that, in more than one photo, Laura looks like The Joker from Batman?


She came close to being open and vulnerable, even to the point of welling up, but she did not feel safe enough to simply let it flow.

Only a idiot would feel safe being vulnerable and open on national TV, while running for president. Our pundit class is a bunch of useless vultures who look for the slightest weakness in order to attack it. Our populace is misosynist and shallow. It is absurd to attack Hillary Clinton for not being vulnerable. If she acted vulnerable, our media class would attack her, and conservatives would take it as evidence that she is unfit to lead the nation.


Laura pics where she reminds me of The Joker can be seen here, here, and here.


It’s just uncanny to me that someone would walk around all day looking like this or this and not be deeply troubled and conflicted about what is taking place in her name and at her initiative. I guess I’d look like that, too if I had all that guilt to carry.


I thought the suit part of the pants suit was just to cover her giant ass. thankfuly I might add.


“Only a idiot would feel safe being vulnerable and open on national TV, while running for president. Our pundit class is a bunch of useless vultures who look for the slightest weakness in order to attack it. Our populace is misosynist and shallow. It is absurd to attack Hillary Clinton for not being vulnerable. If she acted vulnerable, our media class would attack her, and conservatives would take it as evidence that she is unfit to lead the nation.”

For the most part I agree, though I’m not about to cast my vote for Hillary.

That’s where the sense of being conflicted comes in. If she’s vulnerable, regular folks can relate to her, and like her—thus, come out in droves to the polls and vote for her. But then those who hate her use her will use her vulnerability as an excuse to move in for the kill.

But vultures are vultures and aggression is aggression. These are the sad characteristics of certain human beings, be they conservative or liberal.

Just watch what happens to liberals on conservative sites and what happens to conservatives on liberal blog sites. I’m not going to raise myself up as an example, or, I’ll be accused of playing the victim.

The merciless attackers a few, most folks have limits on how far they will go to attack and humiliate someone with vastly different views. But when they attack, they go for the jugular.

That’s why I believe in built-in measures to protect the unsuspecting troll, and to protect the others from trolls on the attack. Without those built-in mechanisms, and rules that are followed up with protective enforcement, free speech ceases to become free.

You pay for what you say. If you speak your mind, but do so politely, you are considered passive-aggressive. If you are ruthlessly attacked, you are said to be playing the vicitm.

Like I said, there is no way of winning in such a contest, be it as a politician like Hillary, or as an ordinary blogger and/or blog visitor.



Her facial expressions are rather strange, aren’t they? I don’t quite understand if she is very conflicted and unhappy as you suggest, or just naturally angry, or what exactly is the deal. But yes, she often seems to be in the grip of some kind of unpleasant emotion.

So, you think it is guilt that she is expressing?


You pay for what you say. If you speak your mind, but do so politely, you are considered passive-aggressive. If you are ruthlessly attacked, you are said to be playing the vicitm.

Like I said, there is no way of winning in such a contest, be it as a politician like Hillary, or as an ordinary blogger and/or blog visitor.

Yes, that’s true. In a situation like what you describe, I generally try to figure out what different premises we are talking from, that are causing the argument. It probably won’t convince anyone, but at least that way I know why there is an argument.


It sounds like your approach to an argument is to apply logic. If only more would do that, instead of simply automatically going into attack mode when confronted by someone with a drastically different point of view.

It’s highly uncommon for a believer to commend an atheist, or visa versa, but I hereby commend you on your respect for reasonable approaches to resolving differences and disputes.


Well, thank you, Dr. BLT.


I’d blow the Virgin Ben, he’s cute in that dorky way I like. Plus, being Jewish, I know he’s circumcised, which I prefer.

No, really, I would with one proviso: that he not talk beyond “Faster”, “more spit”, “play with my balls” or something similar.



You’re welcome. It’s been a pleasant visit, everyone. Thanks for making it pleasant. I must be on my way now.


Either that or she is the victim of a world-wide photographers’ conspiracy, or just really really unlucky.

Although I disagree with everything Secretary Rice has ever said or stood for, I feel weirdly obligated to defend her on this because she looks like my mother – my very nearsighted mother who often appears to be frowning when she’s just trying to focus.

Mind you, my mother probably laughs a lot more often than Rice.


“Am I the only one who think that, in more than one photo, Laura looks like The Joker from Batman?”

Well, if you’re looking for female Joker lookalikes…


Just give me ten minutes with Gentle Ben, a pair of tweezers, and a little hot wax…

I get the Virgin Ben in proximity with tweezers and hot wax, and it’s not his eyebrows I’d be focused on. Although my fantasy preferences would involve an implement heavy enough to ensure his fingers would never touch-type again.

As for Secretary Rice, G, I’ve known lots of short women in male-dominated fields who scowled all the time because they believed it projected more dominance. I’ve also read African-American women writers (including, I believe, Alice Walker) say that if they look too “pleasant” or “open” people assume they’re “the help”. You’d scowl too, if every Virgin Ben strutting his lardy arse around the West Wing kept telling you to bring him another coffee and incidentally the men’s room is out of hand towels again.


and incidentally the men’s room is out of hand towels again.

Hahahahaha. You’ve got more zingers than a drunken Paul Lynde, Anne Laurie. Hanx for the laffs.


As for Secretary Rice, G, I’ve known lots of short women in male-dominated fields who scowled all the time because they believed it projected more dominance. I’ve also read African-American women writers (including, I believe, Alice Walker) say that if they look too “pleasant” or “open” people assume they’re “the help”. You’d scowl too, if every Virgin Ben strutting his lardy arse around the West Wing kept telling you to bring him another coffee and incidentally the men’s room is out of hand towels again.

Dear Anne,

Yes, that could be another excellent reason for Rice to express herself the way she does. Frankly, it’s hard to understand someone’s personality from a few photographs. I don’t know what’s on Rice’s mind. Actually, from her comments in the press, I often suspect that she’s somewhat in her own little world, rather oblivious to the actual world outside of Washington DC & environs, or at least observing them only through heavy filters.


did anyone notice that he looks like Daniel Radcliffe’s evil twin?


I’d blow the Virgin Ben, he’s cute in that dorky way I like. Plus, being Jewish, I know he’s circumcised, which I prefer.

If you can make your mouth that tight, I could use some help with this splinter in my toe.


“Above: Projects an image of equal parts Damien Thorn,
snot-nosed dork, and the kid who got caught fucking a sock.”

I thought THIS (above), was the, “Shorter” for Snotty McPimple’s post about Hil…

But that’s the beauty of S,N… Both sentences work equally well describing Shapiro so in this particular case no harm done. I guess.

Oh! P.S… It was a microwaved grapefruit, not a sock, he got caught fucking.


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